- //
- // : One-Phase Pull Filter
- // author : Fabio Silva
- //
- // Copyright (C) 2000-2003 by the University of Southern California
- // $Id:,v 1.6 2005/09/13 04:53:47 tomh Exp $
- //
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
- // version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- //
- // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- // GNU General Public License for more details.
- //
- // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- // 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- //
- // Linking this file statically or dynamically with other modules is making
- // a combined work based on this file. Thus, the terms and conditions of
- // the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
- //
- // In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this file
- // give you permission to combine this file with free software programs or
- // libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL and with code included in
- // the standard release of ns-2 under the Apache 2.0 license or under
- // otherwise-compatible licenses with advertising requirements (or modified
- // versions of such code, with unchanged license). You may copy and
- // distribute such a system following the terms of the GNU GPL for this
- // file and the licenses of the other code concerned, provided that you
- // include the source code of that other code when and as the GNU GPL
- // requires distribution of source code.
- //
- // Note that people who make modified versions of this file are not
- // obligated to grant this special exception for their modified versions;
- // it is their choice whether to do so. The GNU General Public License
- // gives permission to release a modified version without this exception;
- // this exception also makes it possible to release a modified version
- // which carries forward this exception.
- #include "one_phase_pull.hh"
- static class OnePhasePullFilterClass : public TclClass {
- public:
- OnePhasePullFilterClass() : TclClass("Application/DiffApp/OnePhasePullFilter") {}
- TclObject* create(int argc, const char*const* argv) {
- if (argc == 5)
- return(new OnePhasePullFilter(argv[4]));
- else
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Insufficient number of args for creating OnePhasePullFilter");
- return (NULL);
- }
- } class_one_phase_pull_filter;
- int OnePhasePullFilter::command(int argc, const char*const* argv) {
- if (argc == 3) {
- if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "debug") == 0) {
- global_debug_level = atoi(argv[2]);
- if (global_debug_level < 1 || global_debug_level > 10) {
- global_debug_level = DEBUG_DEFAULT;
- printf("Error: Debug level outside range(1-10) or missing !n");
- }
- }
- }
- return DiffApp::command(argc, argv);
- }
- #endif // NS_DIFFUSION
- void OnePhasePullFilterReceive::recv(Message *msg, handle h)
- {
- filter_->recv(msg, h);
- }
- int OppMessageSendTimer::expire()
- {
- // Call timeout function
- agent_->messageTimeout(msg_);
- // Do not reschedule this timer
- delete this;
- return -1;
- }
- int OppInterestForwardTimer::expire()
- {
- // Call timeout function
- agent_->interestTimeout(msg_);
- // Do not reschedule this timer
- delete this;
- return -1;
- }
- int OppSubscriptionExpirationTimer::expire()
- {
- int retval;
- retval = agent_->subscriptionTimeout(attrs_);
- // Delete timer if we are not rescheduling it
- if (retval == -1)
- delete this;
- return retval;
- }
- int OppGradientExpirationCheckTimer::expire()
- {
- // Call the callback function
- agent_->gradientTimeout();
- // Reschedule this timer
- return 0;
- }
- int OppReinforcementCheckTimer::expire()
- {
- // Call the callback function
- agent_->reinforcementTimeout();
- // Reschedule this timer
- return 0;
- }
- RoundIdEntry * RoutingEntry::findRoundIdEntry(int32_t round_id)
- {
- RoundIdList::iterator round_id_itr;
- RoundIdEntry *round_id_entry;
- // Iterate through round ids for this routing entry
- for (round_id_itr = round_ids_.begin();
- round_id_itr != round_ids_.end(); round_id_itr++){
- round_id_entry = *round_id_itr;
- // Check if round ids match
- if (round_id_entry->round_id_ == round_id)
- return round_id_entry;
- }
- // Couldn't find a matching round id entry
- return NULL;
- }
- RoundIdEntry * RoutingEntry::addRoundIdEntry(int32_t round_id)
- {
- RoundIdEntry *round_id_entry;
- // Create a new round id entry
- round_id_entry = new RoundIdEntry(round_id);
- // Add it to the round id list
- round_ids_.push_back(round_id_entry);
- return round_id_entry;
- }
- void RoutingEntry::updateNeighborDataInfo(int32_t node_id,
- bool new_message)
- {
- DataNeighborList::iterator data_neighbor_itr;
- OPPDataNeighborEntry *data_neighbor_entry;
- for (data_neighbor_itr = data_neighbors_.begin();
- data_neighbor_itr != data_neighbors_.end(); ++data_neighbor_itr){
- data_neighbor_entry = *data_neighbor_itr;
- // Find neighbor
- if (data_neighbor_entry->node_id_ == node_id){
- // Increment message count
- data_neighbor_entry->messages_++;
- // If this is a new message, just set flag and return
- if (new_message){
- data_neighbor_entry->new_messages_ = new_message;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- // We need to add a new data neighbor
- data_neighbor_entry = new OPPDataNeighborEntry(node_id);
- data_neighbor_entry->new_messages_ = new_message;
- data_neighbors_.push_back(data_neighbor_entry);
- }
- void RoutingEntry::addGradient(int32_t last_hop,
- int32_t round_id, bool new_gradient)
- {
- RoundIdEntry *round_id_entry;
- OPPGradientEntry *gradient_entry;
- // Look for an existing routing id entry
- round_id_entry = findRoundIdEntry(round_id);
- // Create new entry if not found
- if (!round_id_entry)
- round_id_entry = addRoundIdEntry(round_id);
- if (new_gradient){
- // Marks the beginning of a new round
- round_id_entry->gradients_.clear();
- }
- else{
- // Look for a gradient to our last_hop neighbor
- gradient_entry = round_id_entry->findGradient(last_hop);
- if (gradient_entry){
- // Gradient already in the list, we just update time
- GetTime(&gradient_entry->tv_);
- return;
- }
- }
- // Gradient not yet in the list, add this neighbor to the list
- round_id_entry->addGradient(last_hop);
- }
- void RoutingEntry::updateSink(u_int16_t sink_id, int32_t round_id)
- {
- RoundIdEntry *round_id_entry;
- // Lock for an existing round id entry
- round_id_entry = findRoundIdEntry(round_id);
- // Create new entry if not found
- if (!round_id_entry)
- round_id_entry = addRoundIdEntry(round_id);
- // Add/Update this sink
- round_id_entry->updateSink(sink_id);
- }
- void RoutingEntry::deleteExpiredRoundIds()
- {
- RoundIdList::iterator round_id_itr;
- RoundIdEntry *round_id_entry;
- struct timeval tmv;
- GetTime(&tmv);
- // Go through all round ids
- for (round_id_itr = round_ids_.begin();
- round_id_itr != round_ids_.end(); round_id_itr++){
- round_id_entry = *round_id_itr;
- round_id_entry->deleteExpiredSinks();
- round_id_entry->deleteExpiredGradients();
- // Delete round id if nothing left
- if (round_id_entry->gradients_.size() == 0 &&
- round_id_entry->sinks_.size() == 0){
- // Round Id has expired, delete it from the list
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_NO_DETAILS, "Delete expired Round Id: %dn",
- round_id_entry->round_id_);
- round_id_itr = round_ids_.erase(round_id_itr);
- delete round_id_entry;
- }
- }
- }
- void RoutingEntry::getSinksFromList(FlowIdList *msg_list,
- FlowIdList *sink_list)
- {
- RoundIdList::iterator round_id_itr;
- RoundIdEntry *round_id_entry;
- FlowIdList::iterator flow_id_itr;
- for (round_id_itr = round_ids_.begin();
- round_id_itr != round_ids_.end(); round_id_itr++){
- round_id_entry = *round_id_itr;
- flow_id_itr = find(msg_list->begin(),
- msg_list->end(), round_id_entry->round_id_);
- if (flow_id_itr != msg_list->end()){
- // Flow id in the list
- if (round_id_entry->sinks_.size() > 0){
- sink_list->push_back(round_id_entry->round_id_);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void RoutingEntry::getFlowsFromList(FlowIdList *msg_list,
- FlowIdList *flow_list)
- {
- RoundIdList::iterator round_id_itr;
- RoundIdEntry *round_id_entry;
- FlowIdList::iterator flow_id_itr;
- for (round_id_itr = round_ids_.begin();
- round_id_itr != round_ids_.end(); round_id_itr++){
- round_id_entry = *round_id_itr;
- flow_id_itr = find(msg_list->begin(),
- msg_list->end(), round_id_entry->round_id_);
- if (flow_id_itr != msg_list->end()){
- // Flow id in the list
- if (round_id_entry->sinks_.size() == 0){
- // This is a flow we have no local sink for
- flow_list->push_back(round_id_entry->round_id_);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- int32_t RoutingEntry::getNeighborFromFlow(int32_t flow_id)
- {
- RoundIdList::iterator round_id_itr;
- RoundIdEntry *round_id_entry;
- OPPGradientEntry *gradient_entry;
- for (round_id_itr = round_ids_.begin();
- round_id_itr != round_ids_.end(); round_id_itr++){
- round_id_entry = *round_id_itr;
- if (round_id_entry->round_id_ == flow_id){
- // Flow matches, get 'reinforced neighbor'
- if (round_id_entry->gradients_.size() > 0){
- // Get the first gradient
- gradient_entry = *round_id_entry->gradients_.begin();
- return gradient_entry->node_id_;
- }
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_ALWAYS, "Cannot find 'reinforced neighbor !n");
- break;
- }
- }
- // Couldn't find neighbor for this flow
- }
- void RoundIdEntry::deleteExpiredSinks()
- {
- SinkList::iterator sink_itr;
- SinkEntry *sink_entry;
- struct timeval tmv;
- GetTime(&tmv);
- // Go through all sinks
- for (sink_itr = sinks_.begin(); sink_itr != sinks_.end(); sink_itr++){
- sink_entry = *sink_itr;
- // Check if expired
- if (tmv.tv_sec > (sink_entry->tv_.tv_sec + GRADIENT_TIMEOUT)){
- // Expired, delete it
- "Deleting Gradient to sink %d !n", sink_entry->port_);
- sink_itr = sinks_.erase(sink_itr);
- delete sink_entry;
- }
- }
- }
- void RoundIdEntry::deleteExpiredGradients()
- {
- GradientList::iterator gradient_itr;
- OPPGradientEntry *gradient_entry;
- struct timeval tmv;
- GetTime(&tmv);
- // Go through all gradients
- for (gradient_itr = gradients_.begin();
- gradient_itr != gradients_.end(); gradient_itr++){
- gradient_entry = *gradient_itr;
- // Check if expired
- if (tmv.tv_sec > (gradient_entry->tv_.tv_sec + GRADIENT_TIMEOUT)){
- // Expired, delete it
- "Deleting gradient to node %d !n",
- gradient_entry->node_id_);
- gradient_itr = gradients_.erase(gradient_itr);
- delete gradient_entry;
- }
- }
- }
- void RoundIdEntry::updateSink(u_int16_t sink_id)
- {
- SinkList::iterator sink_itr;
- SinkEntry *sink_entry;
- // Go through all sinks
- for (sink_itr = sinks_.begin(); sink_itr != sinks_.end(); ++sink_itr){
- sink_entry = *sink_itr;
- if (sink_entry->port_ == sink_id){
- // We already have this guy
- GetTime(&(sink_entry->tv_));
- return;
- }
- }
- // This is a new sink, so we create a new entry on the list
- sink_entry = new SinkEntry(sink_id);
- sinks_.push_back(sink_entry);
- }
- OPPGradientEntry * RoundIdEntry::findGradient(int32_t node_id)
- {
- GradientList::iterator gradient_itr;
- OPPGradientEntry *gradient_entry;
- // Go through all gradients
- for (gradient_itr = gradients_.begin();
- gradient_itr != gradients_.end(); gradient_itr++){
- gradient_entry = *gradient_itr;
- // Is this the one we are looking for ?
- if (gradient_entry->node_id_ == node_id)
- return gradient_entry;
- }
- // Did not find a match
- return NULL;
- }
- void RoundIdEntry::addGradient(int32_t node_id)
- {
- OPPGradientEntry *gradient_entry;
- // Create new gradient
- gradient_entry = new OPPGradientEntry(node_id);
- gradients_.push_back(gradient_entry);
- }
- void RoundIdEntry::deleteGradient(int32_t node_id)
- {
- GradientList::iterator gradient_itr;
- OPPGradientEntry *gradient_entry;
- // Go through all gradients
- for (gradient_itr = gradients_.begin();
- gradient_itr != gradients_.end(); gradient_itr++){
- gradient_entry = *gradient_itr;
- // Is this the one we are looking for ?
- if (gradient_entry->node_id_ == node_id){
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_NO_DETAILS, "Deleting gradient to node %d !n",
- node_id);
- // Found. Delete it from the list and return
- gradient_itr = gradients_.erase(gradient_itr);
- delete gradient_entry;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- void OnePhasePullFilter::interestTimeout(Message *msg)
- {
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_MORE_DETAILS, "Node%d: Interest Timeout !n", ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->getNodeId());
- msg->last_hop_ = LOCALHOST_ADDR;
- msg->next_hop_ = BROADCAST_ADDR;
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->sendMessage(msg, filter_handle_);
- }
- void OnePhasePullFilter::messageTimeout(Message *msg)
- {
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_MORE_DETAILS, "Node%d: Message Timeout !n", ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->getNodeId());
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->sendMessage(msg, filter_handle_);
- }
- void OnePhasePullFilter::gradientTimeout()
- {
- RoutingTable::iterator routing_itr;
- RoutingEntry *routing_entry;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_MORE_DETAILS, "Node%d: Gradient Timeout !n",((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->getNodeId());
- routing_itr = routing_list_.begin();
- // Iterate through the routing table
- for (routing_itr = routing_list_.begin();
- routing_itr != routing_list_.end(); routing_itr++){
- routing_entry = *routing_itr;
- // Step 1: Delete expired round ids
- routing_entry->deleteExpiredRoundIds();
- // Step 2: Remove the routing entry if no round ids left
- if (routing_entry->round_ids_.size() == 0){
- // Deleting Routing Entry
- "Nothing left for this data type, cleaning up !n");
- routing_itr = routing_list_.erase(routing_itr);
- delete routing_entry;
- }
- }
- }
- void OnePhasePullFilter::reinforcementTimeout()
- {
- DataNeighborList::iterator data_neighbor_itr;
- OPPDataNeighborEntry *data_neighbor_entry;
- RoutingTable::iterator routing_itr;
- RoutingEntry *routing_entry;
- Message *my_message;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_MORE_DETAILS, "Reinforcement Timeout !n");
- routing_itr = routing_list_.begin();
- while (routing_itr != routing_list_.end()){
- routing_entry = *routing_itr;
- // Step 1: Delete expired gradients
- data_neighbor_itr = routing_entry->data_neighbors_.begin();
- while (data_neighbor_itr != routing_entry->data_neighbors_.end()){
- data_neighbor_entry = *data_neighbor_itr;
- if ((!data_neighbor_entry->new_messages_) &&
- (data_neighbor_entry->messages_ > 0)){
- 0, 0, routing_entry->attrs_->size(), pkt_count_,
- random_id_, data_neighbor_entry->node_id_,
- my_message->msg_attr_vec_ = CopyAttrs(routing_entry->attrs_);
- "Node%d: Sending Negative Reinforcement to node %d !n",
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->getNodeId(), data_neighbor_entry->node_id_);
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->sendMessage(my_message, filter_handle_);
- pkt_count_++;
- delete my_message;
- // Done. Delete entry
- data_neighbor_itr = routing_entry->data_neighbors_.erase(data_neighbor_itr);
- delete data_neighbor_entry;
- }
- else{
- data_neighbor_itr++;
- }
- }
- // Step 2: Delete data neighbors with no activity, zero flags
- data_neighbor_itr = routing_entry->data_neighbors_.begin();
- while (data_neighbor_itr != routing_entry->data_neighbors_.end()){
- data_neighbor_entry = *data_neighbor_itr;
- if (data_neighbor_entry->messages_ > 0){
- data_neighbor_entry->messages_ = 0;
- data_neighbor_entry->new_messages_ = false;
- data_neighbor_itr++;
- }
- else{
- // Delete entry
- data_neighbor_itr = routing_entry->data_neighbors_.erase(data_neighbor_itr);
- delete data_neighbor_entry;
- }
- }
- // Advance to the next routing entry
- routing_itr++;
- }
- }
- int OnePhasePullFilter::subscriptionTimeout(NRAttrVec *attrs)
- {
- SubscriptionList::iterator subscription_itr;
- SubscriptionEntry *subscription_entry;
- RoutingEntry *routing_entry;
- struct timeval tmv;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_MORE_DETAILS, "Subscription Timeout !n");
- GetTime(&tmv);
- // Find the correct Routing entry
- routing_entry = findRoutingEntry(attrs);
- if (routing_entry){
- // Routing entry found
- subscription_itr = routing_entry->subscription_list_.begin();
- // Go through all attributes
- while (subscription_itr != routing_entry->subscription_list_.end()){
- subscription_entry = *subscription_itr;
- // Check timeouts
- if (tmv.tv_sec > (subscription_entry->tv_.tv_sec + SUBSCRIPTION_TIMEOUT)){
- // Time expired, send disinterest message
- sendDisinterest(subscription_entry->attrs_, routing_entry);
- subscription_itr = routing_entry->subscription_list_.erase(subscription_itr);
- delete subscription_entry;
- }
- else{
- subscription_itr++;
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_DETAILS, "Warning: Could't find subscription entry - maybe deleted by GradientTimeout ?n");
- // Cancel Timer
- return -1;
- }
- // Keep Timer
- return 0;
- }
- void OnePhasePullFilter::deleteRoutingEntry(RoutingEntry *routing_entry)
- {
- RoutingTable::iterator routing_itr;
- RoutingEntry *current_entry;
- // Go through the routing table
- for (routing_itr = routing_list_.begin(); routing_itr != routing_list_.end(); ++routing_itr){
- current_entry = *routing_itr;
- // Is this the entry we are looking for ?
- if (current_entry == routing_entry){
- routing_itr = routing_list_.erase(routing_itr);
- delete routing_entry;
- return;
- }
- }
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_ALWAYS, "Error: Could not find entry to delete !n");
- }
- RoutingEntry * OnePhasePullFilter::matchRoutingEntry(NRAttrVec *attrs, RoutingTable::iterator start, RoutingTable::iterator *place)
- {
- RoutingTable::iterator routing_itr;
- RoutingEntry *routing_entry;
- for (routing_itr = start; routing_itr != routing_list_.end(); ++routing_itr){
- routing_entry = *routing_itr;
- if (MatchAttrs(routing_entry->attrs_, attrs)){
- *place = routing_itr;
- return routing_entry;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- RoutingEntry * OnePhasePullFilter::findRoutingEntry(NRAttrVec *attrs)
- {
- RoutingTable::iterator routing_itr;
- RoutingEntry *routing_entry;
- for (routing_itr = routing_list_.begin(); routing_itr != routing_list_.end(); ++routing_itr){
- routing_entry = *routing_itr;
- if (PerfectMatch(routing_entry->attrs_, attrs))
- return routing_entry;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- SubscriptionEntry * OnePhasePullFilter::findMatchingSubscription(RoutingEntry *routing_entry,
- NRAttrVec *attrs)
- {
- SubscriptionList::iterator subscription_itr;
- SubscriptionEntry *subscription_entry;
- for (subscription_itr = routing_entry->subscription_list_.begin(); subscription_itr != routing_entry->subscription_list_.end(); ++subscription_itr){
- subscription_entry = *subscription_itr;
- if (PerfectMatch(subscription_entry->attrs_, attrs))
- return subscription_entry;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- void OnePhasePullFilter::forwardData(Message *msg,
- RoutingEntry *routing_entry,
- DataForwardingHistory *forwarding_history)
- {
- NRSimpleAttribute<void *> *nr_data_attr = NULL;
- NRAttrVec::iterator attribute_iterator;
- FlowIdList msg_flow_list, sinks_flow_list, local_flow_list;
- FlowIdList out_flow_list;
- int32_t out_neighbor;
- int *packed_flows;
- FlowIdList::iterator flow_id_itr;
- RoundIdList::iterator round_id_itr;
- SinkList::iterator sink_itr;
- RoundIdEntry *round_id_entry;
- SinkEntry *sink_entry;
- Message *sink_message, *out_message;
- // Step 0: Read flows from message
- // Find NRFlowAttr and remove from the message
- attribute_iterator = msg->msg_attr_vec_->begin();
- nr_data_attr = NRFlowAttr.find_from(msg->msg_attr_vec_,
- attribute_iterator,
- &attribute_iterator);
- if (!nr_data_attr){
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_ALWAYS, "Cannot find NRFlowAttr !n");
- return;
- }
- msg->msg_attr_vec_->erase(attribute_iterator);
- // Read flow ids from list
- readFlowsFromList(nr_data_attr->getLen() / sizeof(int),
- &msg_flow_list, nr_data_attr->getVal());
- // Fill lists of sinks and flows
- routing_entry->getSinksFromList(&msg_flow_list, &sinks_flow_list);
- routing_entry->getFlowsFromList(&msg_flow_list, &local_flow_list);
- // Step 1: Sink Processing
- if (sinks_flow_list.size() > 0){
- // Copy original message so we can change it
- sink_message = CopyMessage(msg);
- // Go through all rounds
- for (round_id_itr = routing_entry->round_ids_.begin();
- round_id_itr != routing_entry->round_ids_.end();
- round_id_itr++){
- round_id_entry = *round_id_itr;
- flow_id_itr = find(sinks_flow_list.begin(), sinks_flow_list.end(),
- round_id_entry->round_id_);
- if (flow_id_itr != sinks_flow_list.end()){
- // Flows match ! Send message to sink
- for (sink_itr = round_id_entry->sinks_.begin();
- sink_itr != round_id_entry->sinks_.end(); ++sink_itr){
- sink_entry = *sink_itr;
- if (!forwarding_history->alreadyForwardedToLibrary(sink_entry->port_)){
- // Forward DATA to local sinks
- sink_message->next_hop_ = LOCALHOST_ADDR;
- sink_message->next_port_ = sink_entry->port_;
- // Add sink to the forwarding list
- forwarding_history->forwardingToLibrary(sink_entry->port_);
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->sendMessage(sink_message, filter_handle_);
- }
- }
- // Remove sink from the flow_list
- if (!removeFlowFromList(&msg_flow_list, round_id_entry->round_id_)){
- // We should not get here
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_ALWAYS, "Cannot remove flow from msg_flow_list !n");
- }
- }
- }
- // Delete sink message
- delete sink_message;
- }
- // Step 2: Intermediate Processing
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_NO_DETAILS, "Node%d: Forwarding Datan", ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->getNodeId());
- // Set reinforcement flags
- if (msg->last_hop_ != LOCALHOST_ADDR)
- routing_entry->updateNeighborDataInfo(msg->last_hop_, true);
- // Work on local list until we finish processing all flows
- while (local_flow_list.size() > 0){
- // Initialize out_flow_list
- out_flow_list.clear();
- // Move first flow from the local flow list to out_flow_list
- out_flow_list.push_back(*(local_flow_list.begin()));
- local_flow_list.erase(local_flow_list.begin());
- // Remove flow from the flow_list
- if (!removeFlowFromList(&msg_flow_list, *(out_flow_list.begin()))){
- // We should not get here
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_ALWAYS, "Cannot remove flow from msg_flow_list !n");
- }
- // Select output_neighbor
- out_neighbor = routing_entry->getNeighborFromFlow(*(out_flow_list.begin()));
- // Must have a valid neighbor
- if (out_neighbor == BROADCAST_ADDR)
- continue;
- // Go through all other local flows
- for (flow_id_itr = local_flow_list.begin();
- flow_id_itr != local_flow_list.end(); flow_id_itr++){
- // Check if output neighbor for this flow matches current
- if (routing_entry->getNeighborFromFlow(*flow_id_itr) == out_neighbor){
- // Yes it does !
- // Remove flow from the flow_list
- if (!removeFlowFromList(&msg_flow_list, *flow_id_itr)){
- // We should not get here
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_ALWAYS, "Cannot remove flow from msg_flow_list !n");
- }
- // Aggregate both in a single message
- out_flow_list.push_back(*flow_id_itr);
- flow_id_itr = local_flow_list.erase(flow_id_itr);
- }
- }
- // out_flow_list should have a list of flow for out_neighbor
- out_message = CopyMessage(msg);
- out_message->next_hop_ = out_neighbor;
- packed_flows = writeFlowsToList(&out_flow_list);
- out_message->msg_attr_vec_->push_back(NRFlowAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS,
- (void *) packed_flows,
- sizeof(int) * out_flow_list.size()));
- // NRFlowAttr.make will copy this, so we must delete it
- delete [] packed_flows;
- // Send it out
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_NO_DETAILS, "Forwarding data to node %d !n",
- out_neighbor);
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->sendMessage(out_message, filter_handle_);
- // Delete message
- delete out_message;
- }
- // Done processing for this data type, we replace the NRFlowAttr
- // with the (possibly) shorter msg_flow_list list
- packed_flows = writeFlowsToList(&msg_flow_list);
- nr_data_attr->setVal((void *) packed_flows, sizeof(int) * msg_flow_list.size());
- msg->msg_attr_vec_->push_back(nr_data_attr);
- // setVal makes a copy of this, so we must delete it
- delete [] packed_flows;
- }
- void OnePhasePullFilter::sendInterest(NRAttrVec *attrs,
- RoutingEntry *routing_entry)
- {
- RoundIdList::iterator round_id_itr;
- RoundIdEntry *round_id_entry;
- SinkList::iterator sink_itr;
- SinkEntry *sink_entry;
- Message *msg = new Message(DIFFUSION_VERSION, INTEREST, 0, 0,
- attrs->size(), 0, 0, LOCALHOST_ADDR,
- msg->msg_attr_vec_ = CopyAttrs(attrs);
- // Go through all round ids
- for (round_id_itr = routing_entry->round_ids_.begin();
- round_id_itr != routing_entry->round_ids_.end(); round_id_itr++){
- round_id_entry = *round_id_itr;
- // Send interest message to all local sinks
- for (sink_itr = round_id_entry->sinks_.begin();
- sink_itr != round_id_entry->sinks_.end(); ++sink_itr){
- sink_entry = *sink_itr;
- msg->next_port_ = sink_entry->port_;
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->sendMessage(msg, filter_handle_);
- }
- }
- delete msg;
- }
- void OnePhasePullFilter::sendDisinterest(NRAttrVec *attrs,
- RoutingEntry *routing_entry)
- {
- NRAttrVec *new_attrs;
- NRSimpleAttribute<int> *nrclass = NULL;
- new_attrs = CopyAttrs(attrs);
- nrclass = NRClassAttr.find(new_attrs);
- if (!nrclass){
- "Error: sendDisinterest couldn't find the class attribute !n");
- ClearAttrs(new_attrs);
- delete new_attrs;
- return;
- }
- // Change the class_key value
- nrclass->setVal(NRAttribute::DISINTEREST_CLASS);
- sendInterest(new_attrs, routing_entry);
- ClearAttrs(new_attrs);
- delete new_attrs;
- }
- void OnePhasePullFilter::readFlowsFromList(int number_of_flows,
- FlowIdList *flow_list,
- void *source_blob)
- {
- int *current_flow;
- // Point to the beginning of the list
- current_flow = (int *) source_blob;
- for (int i = 0; i < number_of_flows; i++){
- flow_list->push_back(*current_flow);
- // Advance to next flow
- current_flow++;
- }
- }
- int * OnePhasePullFilter::writeFlowsToList(FlowIdList *flow_list)
- {
- FlowIdList::iterator flow_itr;
- int number_of_flows;
- int *flows, *current;;
- number_of_flows = flow_list->size();
- flows = new int[number_of_flows];
- current = flows;
- for (flow_itr = flow_list->begin();
- flow_itr != flow_list->end(); flow_itr++){
- *current = *flow_itr;
- current++;
- }
- return flows;
- }
- bool OnePhasePullFilter::removeFlowFromList(FlowIdList *flow_list,
- int32_t flow)
- {
- FlowIdList::iterator flow_itr;
- flow_itr = find(flow_list->begin(), flow_list->end(), flow);
- if (flow_itr != flow_list->end()){
- flow_itr = flow_list->erase(flow_itr);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- void OnePhasePullFilter::addLocalFlowsToMessage(Message *msg)
- {
- RoutingTable::iterator routing_itr;
- RoundIdList::iterator round_id_itr;
- RoutingEntry *routing_entry;
- RoundIdEntry *round_id_entry;
- FlowIdList local_flows;
- int *packed_flows;
- // First we loop through our routing entries
- for (routing_itr = routing_list_.begin();
- routing_itr != routing_list_.end(); routing_itr++){
- routing_entry = *routing_itr;
- // Now go through each round
- for (round_id_itr = routing_entry->round_ids_.begin();
- round_id_itr != routing_entry->round_ids_.end();
- round_id_itr++){
- round_id_entry = *round_id_itr;
- local_flows.push_back(round_id_entry->round_id_);
- }
- }
- packed_flows = writeFlowsToList(&local_flows);
- msg->msg_attr_vec_->push_back(NRFlowAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS,
- (void *) packed_flows,
- sizeof(int) * local_flows.size()));
- // NRFlowAttr.make will copy this, so we must delete it here
- delete [] packed_flows;
- local_flows.clear();
- }
- void OnePhasePullFilter::recv(Message *msg, handle h)
- {
- if (h != filter_handle_){
- "Error: received msg for handle %d, subscribed to handle %d !n",
- h, filter_handle_);
- return;
- }
- if (msg->new_message_ == 1)
- processNewMessage(msg);
- else
- processOldMessage(msg);
- }
- void OnePhasePullFilter::processOldMessage(Message *msg)
- {
- NRSimpleAttribute<int> *nrsubscription = NULL;
- NRAttrVec::iterator attribute_iterator;
- RoutingTable::iterator routing_itr;
- RoutingEntry *routing_entry;
- int32_t round_id;
- switch (msg->msg_type_){
- case INTEREST:
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_NO_DETAILS, "Node%d: Received Old Interest !n",((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->getNodeId());
- if (msg->last_hop_ == LOCALHOST_ADDR){
- // Old interest should not come from local sink
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_ALWAYS, "Warning: Old Interest from local sink !n");
- break;
- }
- // Step 0: Take out the subscription attribute
- attribute_iterator = msg->msg_attr_vec_->begin();
- nrsubscription = NRSubscriptionAttr.find_from(msg->msg_attr_vec_,
- attribute_iterator,
- &attribute_iterator);
- // Return if we cannot find a subscription attribute
- if (!nrsubscription){
- "Warning: Can't find SUBSCRIPTION attribute in the message !n");
- return;
- }
- // Delete attribute from the message
- msg->msg_attr_vec_->erase(attribute_iterator);
- // Get the routing entry for these attrs
- routing_entry = findRoutingEntry(msg->msg_attr_vec_);
- if (routing_entry){
- // Use subscription id for identifying this flow
- round_id = nrsubscription->getVal();
- // Add gradient to the current round entry
- routing_entry->addGradient(msg->last_hop_, round_id, false);
- }
- // Add the subscription attribute back to the message
- msg->msg_attr_vec_->push_back(nrsubscription);
- break;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_ALWAYS, "Received and OLD EXPLORATORY message !n");
- break;
- case DATA:
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_NO_DETAILS, "Received an old Data message !n");
- // Find the correct routing entry
- routing_itr = routing_list_.begin();
- routing_entry = matchRoutingEntry(msg->msg_attr_vec_, routing_itr,
- &routing_itr);
- while (routing_entry){
- "Set flags to %d to OLD_MESSAGE !n", msg->last_hop_);
- // Set reinforcement flags
- if (msg->last_hop_ != LOCALHOST_ADDR)
- routing_entry->updateNeighborDataInfo(msg->last_hop_, false);
- // Continue going through other data types
- routing_itr++;
- routing_entry = matchRoutingEntry(msg->msg_attr_vec_, routing_itr,
- &routing_itr);
- }
- break;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, "Received an old Negative Reinforcement !n");
- break;
- default:
- "Received an unknown message type: %dn", msg->msg_type_);
- break;
- }
- }
- void OnePhasePullFilter::processNewMessage(Message *msg)
- {
- DataForwardingHistory *forwarding_history;
- NRSimpleAttribute<int> *nrclass = NULL;
- NRSimpleAttribute<int> *nrscope = NULL;
- NRSimpleAttribute<int> *nrsubscription = NULL;
- RoundIdList::iterator round_id_itr;
- RoutingTable::iterator routing_itr;
- NRAttrVec::iterator attribute_iterator;
- RoundIdEntry *round_id_entry;
- RoutingEntry *routing_entry;
- SubscriptionEntry *subscription_entry;
- Message *my_msg;
- TimerCallback *interest_timer, *subscription_timer;
- bool new_data_type = false;
- int32_t round_id;
- switch (msg->msg_type_){
- case INTEREST:
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_NO_DETAILS, "Received Interest !n");
- nrclass = NRClassAttr.find(msg->msg_attr_vec_);
- nrscope = NRScopeAttr.find(msg->msg_attr_vec_);
- if (!nrclass || !nrscope){
- "Warning: Can't find CLASS/SCOPE attributes in the message !n");
- return;
- }
- // Step 0: Take out the subscription attribute
- attribute_iterator = msg->msg_attr_vec_->begin();
- nrsubscription = NRSubscriptionAttr.find_from(msg->msg_attr_vec_,
- attribute_iterator,
- &attribute_iterator);
- // Return if we cannot find a subscription attribute
- if (!nrsubscription){
- "Warning: Can't find SUBSCRIPTION attribute in the message !n");
- return;
- }
- // Delete attribute from the message
- msg->msg_attr_vec_->erase(attribute_iterator);
- // Step 1: Look for the same data type
- routing_entry = findRoutingEntry(msg->msg_attr_vec_);
- if (!routing_entry){
- // Create a new routing entry for this data type
- routing_entry = new RoutingEntry;
- routing_entry->attrs_ = CopyAttrs(msg->msg_attr_vec_);
- routing_list_.push_back(routing_entry);
- new_data_type = true;
- }
- // Add the subscription attribute back to the message
- msg->msg_attr_vec_->push_back(nrsubscription);
- // Use subscription id for identifying this flow
- round_id = nrsubscription->getVal();
- if (msg->last_hop_ == LOCALHOST_ADDR){
- // From local sink
- routing_entry->updateSink(msg->source_port_, round_id);
- }
- else{
- // Interest received from the network. Add gradient to our
- // last_hop neighbor
- // Add gradient to the current round entry
- routing_entry->addGradient(msg->last_hop_, round_id, true);
- }
- if ((nrclass->getVal() == NRAttribute::INTEREST_CLASS) &&
- (nrclass->getOp() == NRAttribute::IS)){
- // Global interest messages should always be forwarded
- if (nrscope->getVal() == NRAttribute::GLOBAL_SCOPE){
- interest_timer = new OppInterestForwardTimer(this, CopyMessage(msg));
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->addTimer(INTEREST_FORWARD_DELAY +
- interest_timer);
- }
- }
- else{
- if ((nrclass->getOp() != NRAttribute::IS) &&
- (nrscope->getVal() == NRAttribute::NODE_LOCAL_SCOPE) &&
- (new_data_type)){
- subscription_timer = new OppSubscriptionExpirationTimer(this,
- CopyAttrs(msg->msg_attr_vec_));
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->addTimer(SUBSCRIPTION_DELAY +
- (int) (SUBSCRIPTION_DELAY * (GetRand() * 1.0 / RAND_MAX)),
- subscription_timer);
- }
- // Subscriptions don't have to match other subscriptions
- break;
- }
- // Step 2: Match interest against other subscriptions
- routing_itr = routing_list_.begin();
- routing_entry = matchRoutingEntry(msg->msg_attr_vec_, routing_itr,
- &routing_itr);
- while (routing_entry){
- // Got a match
- subscription_entry = findMatchingSubscription(routing_entry,
- msg->msg_attr_vec_);
- // Do we already have this subscription
- if (subscription_entry){
- GetTime(&(subscription_entry->tv_));
- }
- else{
- // Create a new attribute entry, add it to the attribute list
- // and send an interest message to the local sink
- subscription_entry = new SubscriptionEntry(CopyAttrs(msg->msg_attr_vec_));
- routing_entry->subscription_list_.push_back(subscription_entry);
- sendInterest(subscription_entry->attrs_, routing_entry);
- }
- // Move to the next RoutingEntry
- routing_itr++;
- routing_entry = matchRoutingEntry(msg->msg_attr_vec_, routing_itr,
- &routing_itr);
- }
- break;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_ALWAYS, "Node%d: Received EXPLORATORY Message !n",((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->getNodeId());
- break;
- case DATA:
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_NO_DETAILS, "Node%d: Received Data !n",((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->getNodeId());
- // Create data message forwarding cache
- forwarding_history = new DataForwardingHistory;
- // If message comes from local source, we include our local flows
- if (msg->last_hop_ == LOCALHOST_ADDR){
- // From local source
- addLocalFlowsToMessage(msg);
- }
- // Find the correct routing entry
- routing_itr = routing_list_.begin();
- routing_entry = matchRoutingEntry(msg->msg_attr_vec_, routing_itr,
- &routing_itr);
- while (routing_entry){
- forwardData(msg, routing_entry, forwarding_history);
- routing_itr++;
- routing_entry = matchRoutingEntry(msg->msg_attr_vec_, routing_itr,
- &routing_itr);
- }
- delete forwarding_history;
- break;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_NO_DETAILS, "Received a Negative Reinforcement !n");
- // Find matching routing entry
- routing_entry = findRoutingEntry(msg->msg_attr_vec_);
- if (routing_entry){
- // Go through all round ids
- for (round_id_itr = routing_entry->round_ids_.begin();
- round_id_itr != routing_entry->round_ids_.end();
- round_id_itr++){
- round_id_entry = *round_id_itr;
- // Delete gradient to last hop
- round_id_entry->deleteGradient(msg->last_hop_);
- // Delete round id entry if nothing left
- if (round_id_entry->gradients_.size() == 0){
- round_id_itr = routing_entry->round_ids_.erase(round_id_itr);
- delete round_id_entry;
- }
- }
- // If there are no other gradients we need to send our own
- // negative reinforcement
- if (routing_entry->round_ids_.size() == 0){
- 0, 0, routing_entry->attrs_->size(), pkt_count_,
- my_msg->msg_attr_vec_ = CopyAttrs(routing_entry->attrs_);
- "Broadcasting Negative Reinforcement !n");
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->sendMessage(my_msg, filter_handle_);
- pkt_count_++;
- delete my_msg;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- handle OnePhasePullFilter::setupFilter()
- {
- NRAttrVec attrs;
- handle h;
- // For the One-Phase Pull filter, we set up a filter to receive
- // messages using this protocol
- attrs.push_back(NRAlgorithmAttr.make(NRAttribute::EQ,
- h = ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->addFilter(&attrs,
- filter_callback_);
- ClearAttrs(&attrs);
- return h;
- }
- #ifndef NS_DIFFUSION
- void OnePhasePullFilter::run()
- {
- // Doesn't do anything
- while (1){
- sleep(1000);
- }
- }
- #endif // !NS_DIFFUSION
- OnePhasePullFilter::OnePhasePullFilter(const char *diffrtg)
- {
- DiffAppAgent *agent;
- #else
- OnePhasePullFilter::OnePhasePullFilter(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- #endif // NS_DIFFUSION
- struct timeval tv;
- TimerCallback *reinforcement_timer, *gradient_timer;
- GetTime(&tv);
- SetSeed(&tv);
- pkt_count_ = GetRand();
- random_id_ = GetRand();
- // Create Diffusion Routing class
- agent = (DiffAppAgent *)TclObject::lookup(diffrtg);
- dr_ = agent->dr();
- #else
- parseCommandLine(argc, argv);
- dr_ = NR::createNR(diffusion_port_);
- #endif // NS_DIFFUSION
- // Create callback classes and set up pointers
- filter_callback_ = new OnePhasePullFilterReceive(this);
- // Set up the filter
- filter_handle_ = setupFilter();
- // Print filter information
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, "One-Phase Pull filter received handle %dn",
- filter_handle_);
- // Add timers for keeping state up-to-date
- gradient_timer = new OppGradientExpirationCheckTimer(this);
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->addTimer(GRADIENT_DELAY, gradient_timer);
- reinforcement_timer = new OppReinforcementCheckTimer(this);
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->addTimer(REINFORCEMENT_DELAY, reinforcement_timer);
- GetTime(&tv);
- "One-Phase Pull filter initialized at time %ld:%ld!n",
- tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec);
- }
- int main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- OnePhasePullFilter *app;
- // Initialize and run the Gradient Filter
- app = new OnePhasePullFilter(argc, argv);
- app->run();
- return 0;
- }