- //
- // two_phase_pull.hh : Two-Phase Pull/One-Phase Push Include File
- // author : Fabio Silva and Chalermek Intanagonwiwat
- //
- // Copyright (C) 2000-2002 by the University of Southern California
- // $Id: two_phase_pull.hh,v 1.4 2005/09/13 04:53:47 tomh Exp $
- //
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
- // version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- //
- // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- // GNU General Public License for more details.
- //
- // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- // 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- //
- // Linking this file statically or dynamically with other modules is making
- // a combined work based on this file. Thus, the terms and conditions of
- // the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
- //
- // In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this file
- // give you permission to combine this file with free software programs or
- // libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL and with code included in
- // the standard release of ns-2 under the Apache 2.0 license or under
- // otherwise-compatible licenses with advertising requirements (or modified
- // versions of such code, with unchanged license). You may copy and
- // distribute such a system following the terms of the GNU GPL for this
- // file and the licenses of the other code concerned, provided that you
- // include the source code of that other code when and as the GNU GPL
- // requires distribution of source code.
- //
- // Note that people who make modified versions of this file are not
- // obligated to grant this special exception for their modified versions;
- // it is their choice whether to do so. The GNU General Public License
- // gives permission to release a modified version without this exception;
- // this exception also makes it possible to release a modified version
- // which carries forward this exception.
- #ifndef _GRADIENT_HH_
- #define _GRADIENT_HH_
- #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
- #include "config.h"
- #endif // HAVE_CONFIG_H
- #include <algorithm>
- #include "diffapp.hh"
- #include <tcl.h>
- #include "diffagent.h"
- #else
- #include "main/hashutils.hh"
- #endif // NS_DIFFUSION
- #define OLD_MESSAGE -1
- #define NEW_MESSAGE 1
- typedef list<Tcl_HashEntry *> HashList;
- class ReinforcementBlob {
- public:
- ReinforcementBlob(int32_t rdm_id, int32_t pkt_num) :
- rdm_id_(rdm_id), pkt_num_(pkt_num) {};
- int32_t rdm_id_;
- int32_t pkt_num_;
- };
- class HashEntry {
- public:
- HashEntry(int32_t last_hop) : last_hop_(last_hop) {};
- int32_t last_hop_;
- };
- class GradientEntry {
- public:
- GradientEntry(int32_t node_addr) : node_addr_(node_addr)
- {
- GetTime(&tv_);
- reinforced_ = false;
- };
- int32_t node_addr_;
- struct timeval tv_;
- bool reinforced_;
- };
- class AgentEntry {
- public:
- AgentEntry(u_int16_t port) : port_(port)
- {
- GetTime(&tv_);
- };
- u_int16_t port_;
- struct timeval tv_;
- };
- class DataNeighborEntry {
- public:
- DataNeighborEntry(int32_t neighbor_id, int data_flag) :
- neighbor_id_(neighbor_id), data_flag_(data_flag)
- {
- GetTime(&tv_);
- };
- int32_t neighbor_id_;
- struct timeval tv_;
- int data_flag_;
- };
- class AttributeEntry {
- public:
- AttributeEntry(NRAttrVec *attrs) : attrs_(attrs) {
- GetTime(&tv_);
- };
- ~AttributeEntry() {
- ClearAttrs(attrs_);
- delete attrs_;
- };
- struct timeval tv_;
- NRAttrVec *attrs_;
- };
- typedef list<AttributeEntry *> AttributeList;
- typedef list<AgentEntry *> AgentList;
- typedef list<GradientEntry *> GradientList;
- typedef list<DataNeighborEntry *> DataNeighborList;
- class TppRoutingEntry {
- public:
- TppRoutingEntry() {
- GetTime(&tv_);
- };
- ~TppRoutingEntry() {
- DataNeighborList::iterator data_neighbor_itr;
- AttributeList::iterator attr_itr;
- GradientList::iterator grad_itr;
- AgentList::iterator agents_itr;
- // Clear Attributes
- ClearAttrs(attrs_);
- delete attrs_;
- // Clear the attribute list
- for (attr_itr = attr_list_.begin(); attr_itr != attr_list_.end(); attr_itr++){
- delete (*attr_itr);
- }
- attr_list_.clear();
- // Clear the gradient list
- for (grad_itr = gradients_.begin(); grad_itr != gradients_.end(); grad_itr++){
- delete (*grad_itr);
- }
- gradients_.clear();
- // Clear the local agent's list
- for (agents_itr = agents_.begin(); agents_itr != agents_.end(); agents_itr++){
- delete (*agents_itr);
- }
- agents_.clear();
- // Clear the data neighbor's list
- for (data_neighbor_itr = data_neighbors_.begin(); data_neighbor_itr != data_neighbors_.end(); data_neighbor_itr++){
- delete (*data_neighbor_itr);
- }
- data_neighbors_.clear();
- };
- struct timeval tv_;
- NRAttrVec *attrs_;
- AgentList agents_;
- GradientList gradients_;
- AttributeList attr_list_;
- DataNeighborList data_neighbors_;
- };
- typedef list<TppRoutingEntry *> RoutingTable;
- class GradientFilter;
- class GradientFilterReceive : public FilterCallback {
- public:
- GradientFilterReceive(GradientFilter *app) : app_(app) {};
- void recv(Message *msg, handle h);
- GradientFilter *app_;
- };
- class DataForwardingHistory {
- public:
- DataForwardingHistory()
- {
- data_reinforced_ = false;
- };
- ~DataForwardingHistory()
- {
- node_list_.clear();
- agent_list_.clear();
- };
- bool alreadyForwardedToNetwork(int32_t node_id)
- {
- list<int32_t>::iterator list_itr;
- list_itr = find(node_list_.begin(), node_list_.end(), node_id);
- if (list_itr == node_list_.end())
- return false;
- return true;
- };
- bool alreadyForwardedToLibrary(u_int16_t agent_id)
- {
- list<u_int16_t>::iterator list_itr;
- list_itr = find(agent_list_.begin(), agent_list_.end(), agent_id);
- if (list_itr == agent_list_.end())
- return false;
- return true;
- };
- bool alreadyReinforced()
- {
- return data_reinforced_;
- };
- void sendingReinforcement()
- {
- data_reinforced_ = true;
- };
- void forwardingToNetwork(int32_t node_id)
- {
- node_list_.push_back(node_id);
- };
- void forwardingToLibrary(u_int16_t agent_id)
- {
- agent_list_.push_back(agent_id);
- };
- private:
- list<int32_t> node_list_;
- list<u_int16_t> agent_list_;
- bool data_reinforced_;
- };
- class GradientFilter : public DiffApp {
- public:
- GradientFilter(const char *dr);
- int command(int argc, const char*const* argv);
- void run() {}
- #else
- GradientFilter(int argc, char **argv);
- void run();
- #endif // NS_DIFFUSION
- virtual ~GradientFilter()
- {
- // Nothing to do
- };
- void recv(Message *msg, handle h);
- // Timers
- void messageTimeout(Message *msg);
- void interestTimeout(Message *msg);
- void gradientTimeout();
- void reinforcementTimeout();
- int subscriptionTimeout(NRAttrVec *attrs);
- protected:
- // General Variables
- handle filter_handle_;
- int pkt_count_;
- int random_id_;
- // Hashing structures
- HashList hash_list_;
- Tcl_HashTable htable_;
- // Receive Callback for the filter
- GradientFilterReceive *filter_callback_;
- // List of all known datatypes
- RoutingTable routing_list_;
- // Setup the filter
- handle setupFilter();
- // Matching functions
- TppRoutingEntry * findRoutingEntry(NRAttrVec *attrs);
- void deleteRoutingEntry(TppRoutingEntry *routing_entry);
- TppRoutingEntry * matchRoutingEntry(NRAttrVec *attrs, RoutingTable::iterator start, RoutingTable::iterator *place);
- AttributeEntry * findMatchingSubscription(TppRoutingEntry *routing_entry, NRAttrVec *attrs);
- // Data structure management
- void updateGradient(TppRoutingEntry *routing_entry, int32_t last_hop, bool reinforced);
- void updateAgent(TppRoutingEntry *routing_entry, u_int16_t source_port);
- GradientEntry * findReinforcedGradients(GradientList *agents, GradientList::iterator start, GradientList::iterator *place);
- GradientEntry * findReinforcedGradient(int32_t node_addr, TppRoutingEntry *routing_entry);
- void deleteGradient(TppRoutingEntry *routing_entry, GradientEntry *gradient_entry);
- void setReinforcementFlags(TppRoutingEntry *routing_entry, int32_t last_hop, int new_message);
- // Message forwarding functions
- void sendInterest(NRAttrVec *attrs, TppRoutingEntry *routing_entry);
- void sendDisinterest(NRAttrVec *attrs, TppRoutingEntry *routing_entry);
- void sendPositiveReinforcement(NRAttrVec *reinf_attrs, int32_t data_rdm_id,
- int32_t data_pkt_num, int32_t destination);
- void forwardData(Message *msg, TppRoutingEntry *routing_entry,
- DataForwardingHistory *forwarding_history);
- void forwardExploratoryData(Message *msg, TppRoutingEntry *routing_entry,
- DataForwardingHistory *forwarding_history);
- void forwardPushExploratoryData(Message *msg,
- DataForwardingHistory *forwarding_history);
- // Message Processing functions
- void processOldMessage(Message *msg);
- void processNewMessage(Message *msg);
- // Hashing functions
- HashEntry * getHash(unsigned int pkt_num, unsigned int rdm_id);
- void putHash(HashEntry *new_hash_entry, unsigned int pkt_num, unsigned int rdm_id);
- };
- class TppGradientExpirationCheckTimer : public TimerCallback {
- public:
- TppGradientExpirationCheckTimer(GradientFilter *agent) : agent_(agent) {};
- ~TppGradientExpirationCheckTimer() {};
- int expire();
- GradientFilter *agent_;
- };
- class TppReinforcementCheckTimer : public TimerCallback {
- public:
- TppReinforcementCheckTimer(GradientFilter *agent) : agent_(agent) {};
- ~TppReinforcementCheckTimer() {};
- int expire();
- GradientFilter *agent_;
- };
- class TppMessageSendTimer : public TimerCallback {
- public:
- TppMessageSendTimer(GradientFilter *agent, Message *msg) :
- agent_(agent), msg_(msg) {};
- ~TppMessageSendTimer()
- {
- delete msg_;
- };
- int expire();
- GradientFilter *agent_;
- Message *msg_;
- };
- class TppInterestForwardTimer : public TimerCallback {
- public:
- TppInterestForwardTimer(GradientFilter *agent, Message *msg) :
- agent_(agent), msg_(msg) {};
- ~TppInterestForwardTimer()
- {
- delete msg_;
- };
- int expire();
- GradientFilter *agent_;
- Message *msg_;
- };
- class TppSubscriptionExpirationTimer : public TimerCallback {
- public:
- TppSubscriptionExpirationTimer(GradientFilter *agent, NRAttrVec *attrs) :
- agent_(agent), attrs_(attrs) {};
- ~TppSubscriptionExpirationTimer()
- {
- ClearAttrs(attrs_);
- delete attrs_;
- };
- int expire();
- GradientFilter *agent_;
- NRAttrVec *attrs_;
- };
- #endif // !_GRADIENT_HH_