- //
- // rmst_filter.cc : RmstFilter Class Methods
- // authors : Fred Stann
- //
- // Copyright (C) 2003 by the University of Southern California
- // $Id: rmst_filter.cc,v 1.3 2005/09/13 04:53:48 tomh Exp $
- //
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
- // version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- //
- // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- // GNU General Public License for more details.
- //
- // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- // 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- //
- // Linking this file statically or dynamically with other modules is making
- // a combined work based on this file. Thus, the terms and conditions of
- // the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
- //
- // In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this file
- // give you permission to combine this file with free software programs or
- // libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL and with code included in
- // the standard release of ns-2 under the Apache 2.0 license or under
- // otherwise-compatible licenses with advertising requirements (or modified
- // versions of such code, with unchanged license). You may copy and
- // distribute such a system following the terms of the GNU GPL for this
- // file and the licenses of the other code concerned, provided that you
- // include the source code of that other code when and as the GNU GPL
- // requires distribution of source code.
- //
- // Note that people who make modified versions of this file are not
- // obligated to grant this special exception for their modified versions;
- // it is their choice whether to do so. The GNU General Public License
- // gives permission to release a modified version without this exception;
- // this exception also makes it possible to release a modified version
- // which carries forward this exception.
- #include "rmst_filter.hh"
- char *rmstmsg_types[] = {"INTEREST", "POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT",
- class DiffAppAgent;
- #endif // NS_DIFFUSION
- static class RmstFilterClass : public TclClass {
- public:
- RmstFilterClass() : TclClass("Application/DiffApp/RmstFilter") {}
- TclObject* create(int argc, const char*const* argv) {
- return(new RmstFilter());
- }
- } class_rmst_filter;
- int RmstFilter::command(int argc, const char*const* argv) {
- //Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance();
- if (argc == 2) {
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "start") == 0) {
- run();
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- }
- return (DiffApp::command(argc, argv));
- }
- #endif // NS_DIFFUSION
- class ReinfMessage {
- public:
- int32_t rdm_id_;
- int32_t pkt_num_;
- };
- // RmstFilterCallback::recv
- // Called by diffusion core when a message is available for this filter.
- // RmstFilterCallback is derived from the abstract class FilterCallback.
- // A pointer to the FilterCallback class is required in the API method "addFilter."
- void RmstFilterCallback::recv(Message *msg, handle h)
- {
- app_->recv(msg, h);
- }
- // RmstFilter::recv
- //
- // Called by the Callback::recv method.
- void RmstFilter::recv(Message *msg, handle h)
- {
- // Process the message handed to us by the core.
- // If true is returned we forward the message. Otherwise it dies here.
- if(processMessage(msg))
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->sendMessage(msg, h);
- }
- // RmstFilter::processMessage
- //
- // Called by the RmstFilter::recv method when this filter gets a message.
- bool RmstFilter::processMessage(Message *msg)
- {
- NRSimpleAttribute<int> *rmst_id_attr = NULL;
- NRSimpleAttribute<int> *frag_attr = NULL;
- NRSimpleAttribute<int> *pkts_sent_attr = NULL;
- NRSimpleAttribute<int> *tsprt_ctl_attr = NULL;
- NRSimpleAttribute<void *> *reinf_attr = NULL;
- NRSimpleAttribute<int> *nrscope = NULL;
- NRSimpleAttribute<int> *nr_class = NULL;
- NRAttrVec *data;
- Key2ExpLog::iterator exp_iterator;
- Int2Rmst::iterator rmst_iterator;
- int rmst_no;
- int frag_no;
- int class_type;
- int rmst_ctl_type;
- union LlToInt key;
- Rmst *rmst_ptr;
- // If this is a message that uses the transport layer, we process it.
- // Otherwise we send it back to the core (by returning true).
- tsprt_ctl_attr = RmstTsprtCtlAttr.find(msg->msg_attr_vec_);
- if (!tsprt_ctl_attr){
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, "RmstFilter got non-transport messagen");
- return true;
- }
- rmst_ctl_type = tsprt_ctl_attr->getVal();
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, "RmstFilter::processMessage got a");
- if (msg->new_message_)
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " new (%d) ", msg->msg_type_);
- else
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, "n old (%d) ", msg->msg_type_);
- if (msg->last_hop_ != LOCALHOST_ADDR)
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, "%s message from %d to %dn",
- rmstmsg_types[msg->msg_type_],
- msg->last_hop_, msg->next_hop_);
- else
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, "%s message from local agentn",
- rmstmsg_types[msg->msg_type_]);
- // We only care about messages we haven't seen before,
- // but we generally let other filters get them (because they may need them).
- // However, if this is an old DATA message arriving at a sink, the sink may
- // negatively reinforce a reinforced path. This is because we withold the
- // new messages until we get the entire blob. The old message is the result
- // of a lost ACK when using SMAC with ARQ.
- if (!msg->new_message_ && msg->msg_type_ == DATA
- && rmst_ctl_type == RMST_RESP){
- " Sink got an old DATA message from node %dn", msg->last_hop_);
- data = msg->msg_attr_vec_;
- rmst_id_attr = RmstIdAttr.find(data);
- if (!rmst_id_attr){
- " Filter received a bad transport packet!n");
- return false;
- }
- rmst_no = rmst_id_attr->getVal();
- // Find the rmst.
- rmst_iterator = rmst_map_.find(rmst_no);
- if(rmst_iterator == rmst_map_.end()){
- " couldn't find DB entry for Rmst %dn", rmst_no);
- return false;
- }
- else{
- rmst_ptr = (*rmst_iterator).second;
- if ( (local_sink_) && (msg->last_hop_ == rmst_ptr->last_hop_) ){
- // This is the case where SMAC sent the same DATA message twice to a sink.
- // We suppress this message so we don't kill our reinforced path.
- " We suppress old DATA message from smac retransmission!n");
- return false;
- }
- else
- return true;
- }
- }
- else if (!msg->new_message_)
- return true;
- // When we get Rmst Fragments we must sync the local cache!
- if ( (rmst_ctl_type == RMST_RESP) &&
- ((msg->msg_type_ == DATA) || (msg->msg_type_ == EXPLORATORY_DATA)) ){
- rmst_ptr = syncLocalCache(msg);
- // syncLocalCache will return NULL if the
- // attribute set doesn't make sense.
- if (rmst_ptr == NULL)
- return false;
- rmst_no = rmst_ptr->rmst_no_;
- // Mark the time we got some kind of data.
- GetTime (&last_data_rec_);
- }
- // New exploratory messages are entered into the exp_map_,
- // so that we can find the last hop if it gets reinforced.
- // Positive reinforcement messages are used to find the
- // corresponding message in the exp_map_, so we know the
- // current reinforced path to the source of an rmst.
- switch (msg->msg_type_){
- ExpLog exp_msg;
- " Exploratory_Msg: ptk_num = %x, rdm_id_ = %x, last_hop = %dn",
- msg->pkt_num_, msg->rdm_id_, msg->last_hop_);
- // Put the ID for this Exploratory message, along with its last hop,
- // into the exp_map_. If this message gets reinforced, we will be
- // able to identify the next hop in the back channel.
- " Exploratory message for Reliable transport Id = %dn", rmst_no);
- key.int_val_[0] = msg->pkt_num_;
- key.int_val_[1] = msg->rdm_id_;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_LOTS_DETAILS, " Key = %llxn", key.ll_val_);
- exp_msg.rmst_no_ = rmst_no;
- exp_msg.last_hop_ = msg->last_hop_;
- exp_map_.insert(Key2ExpLog::value_type(key.ll_val_, exp_msg));
- // If this is a new exploratory message arriving at a sink,
- // we assume that this path will get reinforced by the
- // gradient filter. Sinks don't get positive reinforcement
- // messages, so we must record last_hop_ now.
- if (local_sink_){
- rmst_ptr->last_hop_ = msg->last_hop_;
- if (rmst_ptr->reinf_){
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " got a new path exploratory msg at sink.n");
- rmst_ptr->wait_for_new_path_ = true;
- }
- else{
- rmst_ptr->reinf_ = true;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " got an initial exploratory msg at sink.n");
- }
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " set last_hop for rmst %d to %dn",
- rmst_no, rmst_ptr->last_hop_);
- rmst_ptr->pkts_rec_ = 0;
- rmst_ptr->last_hop_pkts_sent_ = 0;
- }
- else{
- // If this is not a sink we reset the base fragment that
- // we look for holes from.
- " intermediate node resets sync_base_ and reinf_.n");
- frag_attr = RmstFragAttr.find(msg->msg_attr_vec_);
- frag_no = frag_attr->getVal();
- rmst_ptr->sync_base_ = frag_no;
- if(rmst_ptr->reinf_)
- rmst_ptr->reinf_ = false;
- rmst_ptr->last_hop_ = 0;
- rmst_ptr->pkts_sent_ = 0;
- rmst_ptr->pkts_rec_ = 0;
- rmst_ptr->last_hop_pkts_sent_ = 0;
- rmst_ptr->naks_rec_ = 0;
- }
- // If this is not a sink and a watchdog timer is active, we cancel
- // it because we may not end up on the new reinforced path. We
- // don't want to look for fragments that will never arrive.
- if ((rmst_ptr->watchdog_active_) && (!local_sink_)
- && (!rmst_ptr->local_source_)){
- rmst_ptr->cancel_watchdog_ = true;
- rmst_ptr->cleanHoleMap();
- }
- // We always forward exploratory data.
- return(true);
- break;
- case(DATA):
- if (rmst_ctl_type != RMST_RESP){
- processCtrlMessage(msg);
- // We don't let Rmst control messages go to the gradient or other filters.
- return false;
- }
- // We have a normal DATA packet.
- rmst_ptr->pkts_rec_++;
- // If we got the upstream send count - update it in Rmst.
- pkts_sent_attr = RmstPktsSentAttr.find(msg->msg_attr_vec_);
- if (pkts_sent_attr){
- rmst_ptr->last_hop_pkts_sent_ = pkts_sent_attr->getVal();
- "processMessage:: got last_hop_pkts_sent_ = %d packetsn",
- rmst_ptr->last_hop_pkts_sent_);
- if ( (rmst_ptr->last_hop_pkts_sent_ > 20) &&
- (rmst_ptr->pkts_rec_ < (rmst_ptr->last_hop_pkts_sent_ * BLACKLIST_THRESHOLD)) ){
- Blacklist::iterator black_list_iterator;
- black_list_iterator = black_list_.begin();
- while(black_list_iterator != black_list_.end()){
- if(*black_list_iterator == rmst_ptr->last_hop_)
- break;
- black_list_iterator++;
- }
- if(black_list_iterator == black_list_.end()){
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, "Adding node %d to black_list_ !!n",
- rmst_ptr->last_hop_);
- black_list_.push_front(rmst_ptr->last_hop_);
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->addToBlacklist(rmst_ptr->last_hop_);
- // Now send an EXP_REQ!
- sendExpReqUpstream(rmst_ptr);
- rmst_ptr->sent_exp_req_ = true;
- GetTime(&rmst_ptr->exp_req_time_);
- // We need to send a negative reinforcement on blacklisted link!
- Message *neg_reinf_msg;
- 0, 0, interest_attrs_->size(), pkt_count_, rdm_id_,
- rmst_ptr->last_hop_, LOCALHOST_ADDR);
- neg_reinf_msg->msg_attr_vec_ = CopyAttrs(interest_attrs_);
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->sendMessage(neg_reinf_msg, filter_handle_, 1);
- pkt_count_++;
- delete neg_reinf_msg;
- }
- }
- }
- // We suppress new DATA messages that don't arrive on the
- // reinforced path.
- if ( msg->last_hop_ != rmst_ptr->last_hop_ ){
- " We suppress new DATA message on non-backchannel path!; backchannel = %dn",
- rmst_ptr->last_hop_);
- msg->new_message_ = 0;
- return true;
- }
- if (rmst_ptr->wait_for_new_path_){
- rmst_ptr->wait_for_new_path_ = false;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " node resets wait_for_new_path_.n");
- }
- if (local_sink_ && rmst_ptr->sent_exp_req_){
- " source got a new path, set sent_exp_req_ false.n");
- rmst_ptr->sent_exp_req_ = false;
- }
- // We forward DATA if we aren't a source or a sink.
- // Sources collect all fragments and send them from a timer.
- // Sinks collect all fragments and send them to the app when they
- // have all arrived.
- if(rmst_ptr->local_source_ || local_sink_)
- return false;
- else{
- rmst_ptr->pkts_sent_++;
- // We need to alter the RmstPktsSentAttr to reflect this node!
- if(pkts_sent_attr)
- pkts_sent_attr->setVal(rmst_ptr->pkts_sent_);
- return true;
- }
- break;
- case(INTEREST):
- data = msg->msg_attr_vec_;
- nr_class = NRClassAttr.find(data);
- if (nr_class){
- class_type = nr_class->getVal();
- if (class_type == NRAttribute::DISINTEREST_CLASS)
- }
- nrscope = NRScopeAttr.find(msg->msg_attr_vec_);
- if(nrscope->getVal() == NRAttribute::NODE_LOCAL_SCOPE)
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " rmst LOCAL_SCOPE Interest Messagen");
- else if (msg->last_hop_ == LOCALHOST_ADDR){
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " rmst Interest Message from local SINKn");
- local_sink_ = true;
- local_sink_port_ = msg->source_port_;
- GetTime (&last_sink_time_);
- if (interest_attrs_ == NULL)
- interest_attrs_ = CopyAttrs(msg->msg_attr_vec_);
- }
- else{
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " rmst Interest Message from non-local noden");
- if (interest_attrs_ == NULL)
- interest_attrs_ = CopyAttrs(msg->msg_attr_vec_);
- }
- break;
- ReinfMessage *reinf_msg;
- ExpLog exp_log;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " Positive Reinf arrivedn");
- reinf_attr = ReinforcementAttr.find(msg->msg_attr_vec_);
- reinf_msg = (ReinfMessage*)reinf_attr->getVal();
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_LOTS_DETAILS, " Pos_Reinf: ptk_num = %x, rdm_id_ = %xn",
- reinf_msg->pkt_num_, reinf_msg->rdm_id_);
- key.int_val_[0] = reinf_msg->pkt_num_;
- key.int_val_[1] = reinf_msg->rdm_id_;
- exp_iterator = exp_map_.find(key.ll_val_);
- if(exp_iterator != exp_map_.end()){
- exp_log = (*exp_iterator).second;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " Reinforcement for rmst_no = %d, last_hop_ = %dn",
- exp_log.rmst_no_, exp_log.last_hop_);
- // Here is where we must update the rmst with back-channel
- // last hop.
- rmst_no = exp_log.rmst_no_;
- rmst_iterator = rmst_map_.find(rmst_no);
- if(rmst_iterator != rmst_map_.end()){
- rmst_ptr = (*rmst_iterator).second;
- rmst_ptr->last_hop_ = exp_log.last_hop_;
- rmst_ptr->fwd_hop_ = msg->last_hop_;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " Setting rmst_no %d last_hop_ = %d, fwd_hop_ = %dn",
- rmst_no, rmst_ptr->last_hop_, rmst_ptr->fwd_hop_);
- if(!rmst_ptr->reinf_){
- rmst_ptr->reinf_ = true;
- if(rmst_ptr->local_source_)
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_LOTS_DETAILS, " Local source got a Reinfn");
- }
- }
- else{
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " Reinforcement cant't find rmst_non");
- break;
- }
- // We are on the reinforced path, so we must start a timer
- // if one hasn't already been started. Sinks don't get
- // reinforced, so they start a WATCHDOG in syncLocalCache.
- if( (rmst_ptr->watchdog_active_ == false) && (caching_mode_) ){
- TimerCallback *rmst_timer;
- " Set a WATCHDOG_TIMER at caching node for reinforced rmst_no %dn",
- rmst_no);
- rmst_timer = new RmstTimeout(this, rmst_no, WATCHDOG_TIMER);
- // We check on things every 10 seconds.
- rmst_ptr->watchdog_handle_ =
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->addTimer(WATCHDOG_INTERVAL, rmst_timer);
- rmst_ptr->watchdog_active_ = true;
- }
- if (rmst_ptr->wait_for_new_path_){
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " Resetting wait_for_new_path_ for rmst_no %dn", rmst_no);
- rmst_ptr->wait_for_new_path_ = false;
- }
- if (rmst_ptr->sent_exp_req_){
- " intermediate node got a new path, set sent_exp_req_ false.n");
- rmst_ptr->sent_exp_req_ = false;
- }
- }
- else{
- if(!rmst_ptr->local_source_)
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " Reinforcement matches no Exploratory msgn");
- }
- break;
- bool ret_val;
- if (tsprt_ctl_attr){
- " NEGATIVE_REINFORCEMENT, last_hop_ = %d, rmst_ctl_type = %dn",
- msg->last_hop_, rmst_ctl_type);
- }
- // We need to check if we got a NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT from a node that is the
- // next node in the forward direction (downstream). If so, and we are the source
- // we must send a new EXPLORATORY message; else if we are not the source,
- // we must send and exp request upstream.
- ret_val = true;
- rmst_iterator = rmst_map_.begin();
- while(rmst_iterator != rmst_map_.end()){
- rmst_ptr = (*rmst_iterator).second;
- " searching rmsts - rmst_no_ %d: fwd_hop_ = %d, reinf_ = %d, acked = %dn",
- rmst_ptr->rmst_no_, rmst_ptr->fwd_hop_, rmst_ptr->reinf_, rmst_ptr->acked_);
- if (rmst_ptr->local_source_ && rmst_ptr->reinf_
- && (rmst_ptr->fwd_hop_ == msg->last_hop_)
- && !rmst_ptr->acked_){
- // If we are reinforced then we never got and EXP_REQ!!
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " local source sees NEG_REINFn");
- processExpReq(rmst_ptr, rmst_ptr->max_frag_sent_);
- }
- else if (!rmst_ptr->local_source_ && (rmst_ptr->fwd_hop_ == msg->last_hop_)
- && rmst_ptr->reinf_ && !rmst_ptr->acked_){
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " intermediate node sees NEG_REINF from reinforced noden");
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " send Exp Request upstream!n");
- ret_val = false;
- sendExpReqUpstream(rmst_ptr);
- }
- else{
- " node sees NEG_REINF from non-reinforced node - let routing layer see itn");
- ret_val = true;
- }
- rmst_iterator++;
- }
- if (!ret_val)
- return false;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- } // switch msg->type
- return true;
- }
- // RmstFilter::syncLocalCache
- //
- // This routine adds new transport data messages to the local data base.
- Rmst* RmstFilter::syncLocalCache (Message *msg)
- {
- NRSimpleAttribute<int> *rmst_id_attr = NULL;
- NRSimpleAttribute<int> *frag_attr = NULL;
- NRSimpleAttribute<int> *max_frag_attr = NULL;
- NRSimpleAttribute<void *> *data_buf_attr = NULL;
- NRAttrVec *data = msg->msg_attr_vec_;
- Int2Rmst::iterator rmst_iterator;
- int rmst_no;
- int frag_no;
- int max_frag_no;
- void *blob_ptr;
- int blob_len;
- void *tmp_frag_ptr;
- Rmst *rmst_ptr;
- rmst_id_attr = RmstIdAttr.find(data);
- frag_attr = RmstFragAttr.find(data);
- max_frag_attr = RmstMaxFragAttr.find(data);
- data_buf_attr = RmstDataAttr.find(data);
- if (! (rmst_id_attr && frag_attr && data_buf_attr) ){
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " Filter received a BAD transport packet!n");
- return NULL;
- }
- rmst_no = rmst_id_attr->getVal();
- frag_no = frag_attr->getVal();
- if(max_frag_attr)
- max_frag_no = max_frag_attr->getVal();
- else
- max_frag_no = 0;
- blob_ptr = data_buf_attr->getVal();
- blob_len = data_buf_attr->getLen();
- // Here is where I consuslt the Data Base and possibly add a new map,
- // or add to an existing map.
- rmst_iterator = rmst_map_.find(rmst_no);
- if(rmst_iterator == rmst_map_.end()){
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " creating a new DB entry for Rmst %dn", rmst_no);
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " Max Fragment number = %dn", max_frag_no);
- rmst_ptr = new Rmst(rmst_no);
- rmst_ptr->max_frag_ = max_frag_no;
- rmst_map_.insert(Int2Rmst::value_type(rmst_no, rmst_ptr));
- // Artificially initialize last_nak_time_ so it's older
- // than any Naks we may get.
- GetTime(&rmst_ptr->last_nak_time_);
- // Several decisions in this routine relate to messages that emanated
- // from a local source.
- if (msg->last_hop_ == LOCALHOST_ADDR) {
- rmst_ptr->local_source_ = true;
- rmst_ptr->local_source_port_ = msg->source_port_;
- // This is the first fragment of an rmst from a local source.
- // The message will be marked exploratory by this filter.
- // We need to mark the last hop as LOCALHOST_ADDR.
- rmst_ptr->last_hop_ = LOCALHOST_ADDR;
- }
- // We need to capture the RmstTargetAttr for concantenation on sendMessage.
- if((rmst_ptr->local_source_)||(local_sink_)||(caching_mode_)){
- NRSimpleAttribute<char *> *rmst_tgt_attr = NULL;
- rmst_tgt_attr = RmstTargetAttr.find(msg->msg_attr_vec_);
- if (rmst_tgt_attr){
- char *tmp_str = rmst_tgt_attr->getVal();
- rmst_ptr->target_str_ = new char[strlen(tmp_str)+1];
- strcpy (rmst_ptr->target_str_, tmp_str);
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " RmstTargetAttr = %sn", rmst_ptr->target_str_);
- }
- else
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " no RmstTargetAttr Rmst %d !n", rmst_no);
- }
- }
- else
- rmst_ptr = (*rmst_iterator).second;
- if(!rmst_ptr->local_source_)
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " Got a blob, rmstId = %d, frag_no = %dn", rmst_no, frag_no);
- // Update the time we last saw data for this Rmst.
- GetTime(&rmst_ptr->last_data_time_);
- // We cache the fragment at the sink and source,
- // or in caching mode at each node that receives it.
- if((rmst_ptr->local_source_)||(local_sink_)||(caching_mode_)){
- tmp_frag_ptr = rmst_ptr->getFrag(frag_no);
- if (tmp_frag_ptr == NULL){
- if(!rmst_ptr->local_source_)
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " creating a new frag %d entry for Rmst %dn",
- frag_no, rmst_no);
- if (frag_no == rmst_ptr->max_frag_)
- rmst_ptr->max_frag_len_ = blob_len;
- tmp_frag_ptr = new char[blob_len];
- memcpy(tmp_frag_ptr, blob_ptr, blob_len);
- rmst_ptr->putFrag(frag_no, tmp_frag_ptr);
- // Check to see if this fragment was NAKed.
- // If so, delete from the hole map.
- if(!rmst_ptr->local_source_){
- if ( rmst_ptr->inHoleMap(frag_no) ){
- // We need to see if we sent a NAK for this frag.
- NakData *nak_ptr = rmst_ptr->getHole(frag_no);
- if(nak_ptr->nak_sent_)
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " We sent a NAK_REQ for this fragment.n");
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " filter removing hole %d from hole_map_n",frag_no);
- rmst_ptr->delHole(frag_no);
- }
- }
- // We start a WATCHDOG for an rmst here if: this is a local sink,
- // we haven't started a timer, and this is not the initial fragment.
- // Intermediate nodes (in caching mode) start a timer if they are on the
- // reinforced path, which is checked in processMessage.
- if((!rmst_ptr->local_source_)&&(local_sink_)&&(rmst_ptr->watchdog_active_ == false)
- && (frag_no>0)){
- TimerCallback *rmst_timer;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " Set a WATCHDOG_TIMER at sink for rmst_no %dn", rmst_no);
- rmst_timer = new RmstTimeout(this, rmst_no, WATCHDOG_TIMER);
- // We check on things every 10 seconds.
- rmst_ptr->watchdog_handle_ = ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->addTimer(WATCHDOG_INTERVAL,
- rmst_timer);
- rmst_ptr->watchdog_active_ = true;
- }
- }
- else
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " got a duplicate frag %d for blob %dn",
- frag_no, rmst_no);
- // If we have still have a hole in the fragment map, update the hole map.
- if ((!rmst_ptr->local_source_) && (rmst_ptr->holeInFragMap()))
- rmst_ptr->syncHoleMap();
- // If the Rmst is complete, cancell timer, stop timer,
- // send Ack, give to local sinks.
- if(rmst_ptr->rmstComplete()){
- if ((rmst_ptr->watchdog_active_) && (!rmst_ptr->local_source_)){
- " Rmst #%d is complete set cancel_watchdog_ to stop WATCHDOGn",
- rmst_no);
- rmst_ptr->cancel_watchdog_ = true;
- }
- // Send this Rmst to any local sink
- if(local_sink_ && !(rmst_ptr->acked_)){
- sendRmstToSink(rmst_ptr);
- // We mark the rmst acked at the sink so it will clean up.
- rmst_ptr->acked_ = true;
- }
- // If this is a source, we only send out the fragments when we've got
- // them all from the application. If the Rmst is complete we add the
- // Rmst to the send_list_, and if there is no send timer we start one.
- if(rmst_ptr->local_source_){
- SendMsgData new_send_msg;
- // The Rmst is complete and this is a source - put in send list.
- new_send_msg.rmst_no_ = rmst_no;
- new_send_msg.last_frag_sent_ = -1;
- new_send_msg.exp_base_ = 0;
- send_list_.push_back(new_send_msg);
- if(!send_timer_active_){
- TimerCallback *send_timer;
- // Now add a timer to send this and any NAKS.
- " Rmst %d ready to send - Set a SEND_TIMERn", rmst_no);
- send_timer = new RmstTimeout(this, -1, SEND_TIMER);
- // We check on things every second.
- send_timer_handle_ =
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->addTimer(SEND_INTERVAL, send_timer);
- send_timer_active_ = true;
- }
- }
- else
- // We must let upstream nodes know that we got the whole blob.
- sendAckToSource(rmst_ptr);
- }
- }
- else{
- rmst_ptr->max_frag_rec_ = frag_no;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_LOTS_DETAILS, " Not caching frag %d entry for Rmst %dn", frag_no, rmst_no);
- }
- return rmst_ptr;
- }
- void RmstFilter::processCtrlMessage(Message *msg)
- {
- NRSimpleAttribute<int> *tsprt_ctl_attr = NULL;
- NRSimpleAttribute<int> *rmst_id_attr = NULL;
- NRSimpleAttribute<int> *frag_attr = NULL;
- NRAttrVec *data;
- NRAttrVec attrs;
- Int2Rmst::iterator rmst_iterator;
- int rmst_no;
- int frag_no;
- int rmst_ctl_type;
- Rmst *rmst_ptr;
- void *frag_ptr;
- Message *nak_msg;
- NRAttrVec::iterator place;
- bool forwarding_nak = false;
- data = msg->msg_attr_vec_;
- tsprt_ctl_attr = RmstTsprtCtlAttr.find(data);
- rmst_ctl_type = tsprt_ctl_attr->getVal();
- rmst_id_attr = RmstIdAttr.find(data);
- if(!rmst_id_attr) {
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " Node got a bad Rmst control msg - no RmstIdAttr!n");
- return;
- }
- rmst_no = rmst_id_attr->getVal();
- // Let's make sure we have this rmst
- rmst_iterator = rmst_map_.begin();
- rmst_iterator = rmst_map_.find(rmst_no);
- if(rmst_iterator != rmst_map_.end())
- rmst_ptr = (*rmst_iterator).second;
- else{
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " Filter can't find Rmst %d for Rmst control msgn", rmst_no);
- return;
- }
- switch (rmst_ctl_type){
- case(ACK_RESP):
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " Got an ACK_RESPn");
- // For now we automatically forward ACKs if we're not the source.
- rmst_ptr->acked_ = true;
- if(!rmst_ptr->local_source_){
- Message *ack_msg;
- // If we got an ACK and we aren't the source, we must be an
- // intermediate node (Sinks don't get ACKs, they send them).
- // We need to forward ACK toward source if possible.
- if (rmst_ptr->reinf_) {
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " forwarding ACK to %dn", rmst_ptr->last_hop_);
- attrs.push_back(RmstTsprtCtlAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, ACK_RESP));
- attrs.push_back(RmstIdAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, rmst_no));
- ack_msg = new Message(DIFFUSION_VERSION, DATA, 0, 0, attrs.size(),
- pkt_count_, rdm_id_, rmst_ptr->last_hop_, LOCALHOST_ADDR);
- ack_msg->msg_attr_vec_ = CopyAttrs(&attrs);
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->sendMessage(ack_msg, filter_handle_, 1);
- pkt_count_++;
- delete ack_msg;
- ClearAttrs(&attrs);
- }
- else
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " intermediate node can't forward ACK for Rmst %dn", rmst_no);
- }
- else{
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " Source got ACK for Rmst %dn", rmst_no);
- sendContToSource(rmst_ptr);
- }
- break;
- case(NAK_REQ):
- // Mark the time we got this NAK for cleanup timer.
- GetTime(&rmst_ptr->last_nak_time_);
- rmst_ptr->naks_rec_++;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " Got a NAK_REQ; number = %dn", rmst_ptr->naks_rec_);
- if ((rmst_ptr->naks_rec_ > 10) && (rmst_ptr->naks_rec_ > (.30 * rmst_ptr->max_frag_)) &&
- rmst_ptr->local_source_){
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " Too many NAKs - send an EXPLORATORY msg!n");
- processExpReq(rmst_ptr, rmst_ptr->max_frag_sent_);
- return;
- }
- // If we sent an exp request more than 30 seconds ago,
- // we send it again.
- if (rmst_ptr->sent_exp_req_){
- int exp_time = rmst_ptr->last_nak_time_.tv_sec - rmst_ptr->exp_req_time_.tv_sec;
- " Node that sent an EXP_REQ got a NAK: time since last exp = %dn", exp_time);
- if( (rmst_ptr->last_nak_time_.tv_sec - rmst_ptr->exp_req_time_.tv_sec) > 30){
- // Resend an EXP_REQ!!!
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " Node resends EXP_REQ up blacklisted stream!n");
- sendExpReqUpstream(rmst_ptr);
- GetTime(&rmst_ptr->exp_req_time_);
- // Send another negative reinforcement on blacklisted link!
- Message *neg_reinf_msg;
- 0, 0, interest_attrs_->size(), pkt_count_, rdm_id_,
- rmst_ptr->last_hop_, LOCALHOST_ADDR);
- neg_reinf_msg->msg_attr_vec_ = CopyAttrs(interest_attrs_);
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->sendMessage(neg_reinf_msg, filter_handle_, 1);
- pkt_count_++;
- delete neg_reinf_msg;
- }
- return;
- }
- // We need to send the naked fragments if we are the source,
- // or a caching node.
- place = data->begin();
- for(;;){
- frag_attr = RmstFragAttr.find_from(data, place, &place);
- if (!frag_attr)
- break;
- frag_no = frag_attr->getVal();
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " Filter received a NAK_REQ for Rmst %d, frag %dn",
- rmst_no, frag_no);
- // Check if we have this fragment.
- // If not forward NAK toward source if possible.
- frag_ptr = rmst_ptr->getFrag(frag_no);
- if (frag_ptr == NULL){
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " Filter can't find frag %d of Rmst %d for NAKn",
- frag_no, rmst_no);
- // We need to forward NAK toward source if possible.
- if ( (rmst_ptr->reinf_) && (rmst_ptr->last_hop_ != LOCALHOST_ADDR) ){
- forwarding_nak = true;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " forwarding NAK to %dn", rmst_ptr->last_hop_);
- attrs.push_back(RmstFragAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, frag_no));
- if(caching_mode_){
- // We need to add this fragment to our hole map!
- rmst_ptr->putHole(frag_no);
- NakData *nak_ptr = rmst_ptr->getHole(frag_no);
- // Artificially age this hole so it gets
- // naked immediately.
- nak_ptr->tmv.tv_sec -= 1;
- }
- }
- else
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " not forwarding NAK! - no place to send it!n");
- }
- else{
- // We have this fragment so add it to the NakList for sending.
- NakMsgData nak_msg_data;
- NakList::iterator nak_list_iterator;
- nak_list_iterator = nak_list_.begin();
- while(nak_list_iterator != nak_list_.end()){
- if((nak_list_iterator->rmst_no_ == rmst_no) &&
- (nak_list_iterator->frag_no_ == frag_no))
- break;
- nak_list_iterator++;
- }
- if(nak_list_iterator == nak_list_.end()){
- " adding NAK for rmst %d frag %d to nak_list_n", rmst_no, frag_no);
- nak_msg_data.rmst_no_ = rmst_no;
- nak_msg_data.frag_no_ = frag_no;
- nak_list_.push_back(nak_msg_data);
- if(!send_timer_active_){
- TimerCallback *send_timer;
- // Now add a timer to send this and any NAKS.
- " Set a SEND_TIMER for reinforced rmst_no %dn", rmst_no);
- send_timer = new RmstTimeout(this, rmst_no, SEND_TIMER);
- // We check on things every second.
- send_timer_handle_ =
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->addTimer(SEND_INTERVAL, send_timer);
- send_timer_active_ = true;
- }
- }
- }
- place++;
- }
- if (forwarding_nak){
- attrs.push_back(RmstTsprtCtlAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, NAK_REQ));
- attrs.push_back(RmstIdAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, rmst_no));
- nak_msg = new Message(DIFFUSION_VERSION, DATA, 0, 0,
- attrs.size(), pkt_count_, rdm_id_, rmst_ptr->last_hop_,
- nak_msg->msg_attr_vec_ = CopyAttrs(&attrs);
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->sendMessage(nak_msg, filter_handle_, 1);
- pkt_count_++;
- delete nak_msg;
- ClearAttrs(&attrs);
- }
- break;
- case(EXP_REQ):
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " Got an EXP_REQn");
- if(!rmst_ptr->local_source_){
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " Filter forwarding EXP_REQ for Rmst %dn", rmst_no);
- // We need to forward EXP_REQ toward source if possible.
- if (rmst_ptr->reinf_)
- sendExpReqUpstream(rmst_ptr);
- }
- else{
- // We need to call a routine that will clean the NAK list of
- // outstanding NAK responses for this Rmst, put a new expBase
- // in the send list (lowest of nak or send Lists), and set this
- // rmst as not reinforced.
- frag_attr = RmstFragAttr.find(msg->msg_attr_vec_);
- frag_no = frag_attr->getVal();
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " Source got EXP request for Rmst %dn", rmst_no);
- if (rmst_ptr->reinf_)
- processExpReq(rmst_ptr, frag_no);
- else
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " EXP request for non-reinforced Rmst %dn", rmst_no);
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- } // switch (rmst_ctl_type)
- return;
- }
- void RmstFilter::setupNak(int rmst_id)
- {
- NRAttrVec attrs;
- int frag_id;
- NakData *nak_ptr;
- Rmst *rmst_ptr;
- int nak_count = 0;
- Int2Rmst::iterator rmst_iterator = rmst_map_.find(rmst_id);
- if(rmst_iterator != rmst_map_.end())
- rmst_ptr = (*rmst_iterator).second;
- else{
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, "setupNak - can't find Rmst %dn", rmst_id);
- return;
- }
- Int2Nak::iterator hole_iter = rmst_ptr->hole_map_.begin();
- bool send_new_nak = false;
- timeval cur_time;
- // We now have an iterator to look at each hole (hole_iter),
- // a Rmst Id (rmst_id), a fragment Id ((*hole_iter).first),
- // a NakData pointer ((*hole_iter).second), and an Rmst
- // pointer (rmst_ptr).
- GetTime (&cur_time);
- // The first pass finds holes that haven't been NAKed and should be.
- while(hole_iter != rmst_ptr->hole_map_.end()){
- frag_id = (*hole_iter).first;
- nak_ptr = (*hole_iter).second;
- " setupNak - found hole rmst_id %d, frag %dn", rmst_id, frag_id);
- // If we never NAKed this fragment and it's past due,
- // mark it so it gets NAKed.
- if (!nak_ptr->nak_sent_){
- if ( (cur_time.tv_sec - nak_ptr->tmv.tv_sec) > 3 ){
- nak_ptr->nak_sent_ = true;
- nak_ptr->send_nak_ = true;
- send_new_nak = true;
- }
- else
- " setupNak - hole %d not old enough to NAKn", frag_id);
- }
- // If we NAKed this fragment and the NAK response is past due,
- // NAK it again.
- else if ( (cur_time.tv_sec - nak_ptr->tmv.tv_sec) > NAK_RESPONSE_WAIT ){
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " setupNak - hole %d has an overdue NAKn", frag_id);
- nak_ptr->send_nak_ = true;
- send_new_nak = true;
- }
- hole_iter++;
- }
- if (send_new_nak){
- Message *nak_msg;
- if ( rmst_ptr->last_hop_ == LOCALHOST_ADDR ){
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " can't send NAK, no last_hop_!n");
- return;
- }
- // The second pass adds all holes that should be NAKed to vector.
- hole_iter = rmst_ptr->hole_map_.begin();
- while( (hole_iter != rmst_ptr->hole_map_.end()) && (nak_count <= 10) ){
- frag_id = (*hole_iter).first;
- nak_ptr = (*hole_iter).second;
- if ( nak_ptr->send_nak_ ){
- nak_ptr->send_nak_ = false;
- " setupNak - adding a NAK for frag_id %d to attrsn", frag_id);
- attrs.push_back(RmstFragAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, frag_id));
- GetTime(&(nak_ptr->tmv));
- nak_count++;
- }
- hole_iter++;
- }
- attrs.push_back(RmstTsprtCtlAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, NAK_REQ));
- attrs.push_back(RmstIdAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, rmst_id));
- // Code to send a message to last_hop_
- nak_msg = new Message(DIFFUSION_VERSION, DATA, 0, 0, attrs.size(),
- pkt_count_, rdm_id_, rmst_ptr->last_hop_, LOCALHOST_ADDR);
- pkt_count_++;
- nak_msg->msg_attr_vec_ = CopyAttrs(&attrs);
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " Sending NAK_REQ to node %dn", rmst_ptr->last_hop_);
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->sendMessage(nak_msg, filter_handle_, 1);
- delete nak_msg;
- ClearAttrs(&attrs);
- // Mark the time we sent this NAK for cleanup timer.
- GetTime(&rmst_ptr->last_nak_time_);
- }
- else
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " setupNak - no need for a new NAK for rmst_id %dn", rmst_id);
- return;
- }
- void RmstFilter::processExpReq(Rmst *rmst_ptr, int frag_no)
- {
- NakList::iterator nak_list_iterator;
- SendList::iterator send_list_iterator;
- int rmst_no = rmst_ptr->rmst_no_;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " processExpReq called for rmstId %d, frag_no %dn", rmst_no, frag_no);
- // Indicate that Rmst is not reinforced.
- rmst_ptr->reinf_ = false;
- rmst_ptr->pkts_sent_ = 0;
- // If we have an ACK_TIMER active cancel it. We want to resend some packets.
- if(rmst_ptr->ack_timer_active_){
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->removeTimer(rmst_ptr->ack_timer_handle_);
- rmst_ptr->ack_timer_active_ = false;
- }
- // Erase any NAKs. We are about to establish a new path.
- nak_list_iterator = nak_list_.begin();
- while (nak_list_iterator != nak_list_.end()){
- if (nak_list_iterator->rmst_no_ == rmst_no){
- " processExpReq erasing frag_no %d from nak_list_n", nak_list_iterator->frag_no_);
- nak_list_iterator = nak_list_.erase(nak_list_iterator);
- }
- else
- nak_list_iterator++;
- }
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_LOTS_DETAILS, " processExpReq done with nak_list_ for rmstId %dn", rmst_no);
- // If we are being told to start by resending the last packet, back up by one.
- // When a sink gets an exploratory message, they don't start re-NAKing until they
- // know they are reinforced. Sinks only know they are reinforced when they get DATA.
- if ( (frag_no == rmst_ptr->max_frag_) && (rmst_ptr->max_frag_ > 0) ){
- frag_no--;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " processExpReq decrements frag_no to %dn", frag_no);
- }
- // Update send_list_ entry or add one.
- send_list_iterator = send_list_.begin();
- while (send_list_iterator != send_list_.end()){
- if (send_list_iterator->rmst_no_ == rmst_no)
- break;
- send_list_iterator++;
- }
- if (send_list_iterator != send_list_.end()){
- send_list_iterator->exp_base_ = frag_no;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " processExpReq sets send_list_ expBase to %dn", frag_no);
- send_list_iterator->last_frag_sent_ = frag_no-1;
- }
- else{
- SendMsgData new_send_msg;
- " processExpReq creating new send_list_ entry for rmstId %dn", rmst_no);
- " processExpReq sets send_list_ expBase to %dn", frag_no);
- new_send_msg.rmst_no_ = rmst_no;
- new_send_msg.exp_base_ = frag_no;
- new_send_msg.last_frag_sent_ = frag_no-1;
- send_list_.push_front(new_send_msg);
- if(!send_timer_active_){
- TimerCallback *send_timer;
- // Now add a timer to send this and any NAKS.
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " Set a SEND_TIMER for reinforced rmst_no %dn", rmst_no);
- send_timer = new RmstTimeout(this, rmst_no, SEND_TIMER);
- // We check on things every second.
- send_timer_handle_ = ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->addTimer(SEND_INTERVAL, send_timer);
- send_timer_active_ = true;
- }
- }
- }
- handle RmstFilter::setupFilter()
- {
- NRAttrVec attrs;
- handle h;
- // This is a dummy attribute for filtering that matches everything
- attrs.push_back(NRClassAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS,
- NRAttribute::INTEREST_CLASS));
- h = ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->addFilter(&attrs, RMST_FILTER_PRIORITY, fcb_);
- ClearAttrs(&attrs);
- return h;
- }
- void RmstFilter::run()
- {
- TimerCallback *stat_timer;
- filter_handle_ = setupFilter();
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_LOTS_DETAILS, "RmstFilter:: subscribed to all, received handle %dn",
- (int)filter_handle_);
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_LOTS_DETAILS, "RmstFilter constructor: start cleanup timern");
- stat_timer = new RmstTimeout(this, -1, CLEANUP_TIMER);
- stat_timer_handle_ = ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->addTimer(CLEANUP_INTERVAL, stat_timer);
- #else
- // Doesn't do anything
- while(1){
- sleep(1000);
- }
- #endif // NS_DIFFUSION
- }
- RmstTimeout::RmstTimeout(RmstFilter *rmst_flt, int no, int type)
- {
- filter_ = rmst_flt;
- rmst_no_ = no;
- timer_type_ = type;
- }
- int RmstTimeout::expire()
- {
- int retval;
- retval = filter_->processTimer(rmst_no_, timer_type_);
- if(retval == -1)
- delete this;
- return retval;
- }
- int RmstFilter::processTimer(int rmst_no, int timer_type)
- {
- Rmst *rmst_ptr;
- void *frag_ptr;
- int frag_no;
- Int2Rmst::iterator rmst_iterator;
- timeval cur_time;
- GetTime (&cur_time);
- switch (timer_type){
- case SEND_TIMER:
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, "RmstFilter::processTimer SEND_TIMER");
- PrintTime(&cur_time);
- // If we haven't got any NAKs pending, send the next fragment of the Rmst
- // in progress. If we've sent all fragments of the current Rmst, we cancel
- // ourself. When we get a NAK, if this timer is active we send NAK responses
- // here. Otherwise we can send them directly from the NAK response routine.
- if (!nak_list_.empty()){
- Message *nak_resp;
- NRAttrVec nak_data_attrs;
- NakMsgData nak_msg_data = nak_list_.front();
- rmst_no = nak_msg_data.rmst_no_;
- frag_no = nak_msg_data.frag_no_;
- rmst_iterator = rmst_map_.find(rmst_no);
- if(rmst_iterator != rmst_map_.end()){
- rmst_ptr = (*rmst_iterator).second;
- // We have the fragment, set the last_data_time_ so that we defer
- // the cleanup of this Rmst, then we send the fragment to last hop.
- if (rmst_ptr->reinf_){
- GetTime(&rmst_ptr->last_data_time_);
- rmst_ptr->pkts_sent_++;
- nak_data_attrs.push_back(RmstTargetAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS,
- rmst_ptr->target_str_));
- nak_data_attrs.push_back(RmstTsprtCtlAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS,
- nak_data_attrs.push_back(RmstFragAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, frag_no));
- // We routinely send the packet sent count on NAKs.
- nak_data_attrs.push_back(RmstPktsSentAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS,
- rmst_ptr->pkts_sent_));
- nak_data_attrs.push_back(RmstIdAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, rmst_no));
- // Add the actual data; the length depends on if it's the last
- // fragment or not.
- frag_ptr = rmst_ptr->getFrag(frag_no);
- if (frag_no == rmst_ptr->max_frag_)
- nak_data_attrs.push_back(RmstDataAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS,
- frag_ptr, rmst_ptr->max_frag_len_));
- else
- nak_data_attrs.push_back(RmstDataAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS,
- frag_ptr, MAX_FRAG_SIZE));
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " Filter sending Data for NAKed frag %d of Rmst %dn",
- frag_no, rmst_no);
- nak_resp = new Message(DIFFUSION_VERSION, DATA, 0, 0,
- nak_data_attrs.size(), pkt_count_, rdm_id_,
- nak_resp->msg_attr_vec_ = CopyAttrs(&nak_data_attrs);
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->sendMessage(nak_resp, filter_handle_);
- pkt_count_++;
- delete nak_resp;
- ClearAttrs(&nak_data_attrs);
- }
- else
- "RmstFilter::processTimer sees non-reinforced path for NAK on rmst %d!n",
- rmst_no);
- }
- else
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, "RmstFilter::processTimer can't find Rmst %d for NAK!n",
- rmst_no);
- nak_list_.pop_front();
- }
- else if (!send_list_.empty()){
- int8_t msg_type;
- int action = DO_NOTHING;
- // Get the rmst and frag_no that is in progress.
- NRAttrVec data_attrs;
- SendMsgData send_data = send_list_.front();
- rmst_no = send_data.rmst_no_;
- rmst_iterator = rmst_map_.find(rmst_no);
- if(rmst_iterator == rmst_map_.end())
- else{
- rmst_ptr = (*rmst_iterator).second;
- if ((send_data.last_frag_sent_ == rmst_ptr->max_frag_) && rmst_ptr->reinf_)
- else if ( (send_data.last_frag_sent_ == send_data.exp_base_) &&
- (!rmst_ptr->reinf_) && (exp_gap_ < 10) ){
- action = DO_NOTHING;
- exp_gap_++;
- }
- else
- action = SEND_NEXT_FRAG;
- }
- switch (action){
- // Delete message data from front.
- send_list_.pop_front();
- break;
- send_list_.pop_front();
- if (rmst_ptr->reinf_){
- send_data.last_frag_sent_++;
- frag_no = send_data.last_frag_sent_;
- }
- else{
- frag_no = send_data.exp_base_;
- send_data.last_frag_sent_ = frag_no;
- }
- send_list_.push_front(send_data);
- rmst_ptr->max_frag_sent_ = frag_no;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " Source Filter sending frag %d of Rmst %dn",
- frag_no, rmst_no);
- // Now make a message.
- data_attrs.push_back(RmstTargetAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, rmst_ptr->target_str_));
- data_attrs.push_back(RmstTsprtCtlAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, RMST_RESP));
- data_attrs.push_back(RmstFragAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, frag_no));
- // We send the MaxFragAttr on the first Exploratory packet,
- // and the PktsSentAttr on the last packet.
- if(frag_no == 0)
- data_attrs.push_back(RmstMaxFragAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS,
- rmst_ptr->max_frag_));
- else if (frag_no == rmst_ptr->max_frag_){
- rmst_ptr->pkts_sent_++;
- data_attrs.push_back(RmstPktsSentAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS,
- rmst_ptr->pkts_sent_));
- }
- else
- rmst_ptr->pkts_sent_++;
- data_attrs.push_back(RmstIdAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, rmst_no));
- // Add the actual data; the length depends on if it's the last
- // fragment or not.
- frag_ptr = rmst_ptr->getFrag(frag_no);
- if (rmst_ptr->max_frag_ == frag_no)
- data_attrs.push_back(RmstDataAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS,
- frag_ptr, rmst_ptr->max_frag_len_));
- else
- data_attrs.push_back(RmstDataAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS,
- frag_ptr, MAX_FRAG_SIZE));
- if (frag_no == send_data.exp_base_){
- ExpLog exp_msg;
- union LlToInt key;
- // Insert this Exploratory message in exp_map_.
- // When we get a reinforcement we'll know what rmst it's for.
- key.int_val_[0] = pkt_count_;
- key.int_val_[1] = rdm_id_;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_LOTS_DETAILS, " Key = %llxn", key.ll_val_);
- exp_msg.rmst_no_ = rmst_no;
- exp_msg.last_hop_ = LOCALHOST_ADDR;
- exp_map_.insert(Key2ExpLog::value_type(key.ll_val_, exp_msg));
- msg_type = EXPLORATORY_DATA;
- rmst_ptr->reinf_ = false;
- rmst_ptr->pkts_sent_ = 0;
- rmst_ptr->naks_rec_ = 0;
- exp_gap_ = 0;
- " Source Filter sending EXPLORATORY frag %d of Rmst %dn",
- frag_no, rmst_no);
- }
- else
- msg_type = DATA;
- Message *new_frag;
- new_frag = new Message(DIFFUSION_VERSION, msg_type, 0, 0,
- data_attrs.size(), pkt_count_, rdm_id_,
- new_frag->msg_attr_vec_ = CopyAttrs(&data_attrs);
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->sendMessage(new_frag, filter_handle_);
- pkt_count_++;
- delete new_frag;
- ClearAttrs(&data_attrs);
- // We sent a fragment, set the last_data_time_ for the cleanup timer.
- GetTime(&rmst_ptr->last_data_time_);
- // If this is the last frag, we start an ACK_TIMER.
- if ( (rmst_ptr->max_frag_ == frag_no) &&
- (rmst_ptr->ack_timer_active_ == false) && (rmst_ptr->local_source_) ){
- TimerCallback *rmst_timer;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " Set an ACK_TIMER at source for rmst_no %dn",
- rmst_no);
- rmst_timer = new RmstTimeout(this, rmst_no, ACK_TIMER);
- // We check on things every 20 seconds.
- rmst_ptr->ack_timer_handle_ =
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->addTimer(ACK_INTERVAL, rmst_timer);
- rmst_ptr->ack_timer_active_ = true;
- }
- break;
- case(DO_NOTHING):
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_LOTS_DETAILS, " Nothing to don");
- break;
- } // Switch on Action
- }
- if (nak_list_.empty() && send_list_.empty()){
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_LOTS_DETAILS, " Cancelling SEND_TIMER, no NAKS or data to sendn");
- send_timer_active_ = false;
- return -1;
- }
- else
- return 0;
- break;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, "RmstFilter::processTimer WATCHDOG_TIMER for Rmst %d", rmst_no);
- PrintTime(&cur_time);
- rmst_iterator = rmst_map_.find(rmst_no);
- if(rmst_iterator != rmst_map_.end())
- rmst_ptr = (*rmst_iterator).second;
- else{
- "RmstFilter::processTimer can't find Rmst %d for WATCHDOG, cancell timer!n",
- rmst_no);
- return -1;
- }
- if(rmst_ptr->cancel_watchdog_){
- " processTimer cancelling WATCHDOG_TIMER for Rmst %dn", rmst_no);
- rmst_ptr->watchdog_active_ = false;
- rmst_ptr->cancel_watchdog_ = false;
- return -1;
- }
- if (rmst_ptr->wait_for_new_path_){
- DiffPrint (DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " WATCHDOG_TIMER sees wait_for_new_path_ - suspend NAKsn");
- return 0;
- }
- // If we sent an exp request more than 20 seconds ago,
- // we send it again.
- if (rmst_ptr->sent_exp_req_){
- int exp_time;
- exp_time = cur_time.tv_sec - rmst_ptr->exp_req_time_.tv_sec;
- " Node sent an EXP_REQ: time since last exp = %dn", exp_time);
- if( exp_time > 20){
- // Resend an EXP_REQ!!!
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " Node resends EXP_REQ up blacklisted stream!n");
- sendExpReqUpstream(rmst_ptr);
- GetTime(&rmst_ptr->exp_req_time_);
- }
- else
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_LOTS_DETAILS, " Node waits to send another EXP_REQn");
- return 0;
- }
- if (rmst_ptr->local_source_){
- if(rmst_ptr->acked_){
- " WATCHDOG_TIMER Local Source sees acked state - cancel timern");
- return -1;
- }
- else{
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_LOTS_DETAILS, " WATCHDOG_TIMER Local Source sees rmst not ackedn");
- return 0;
- }
- }
- // Check if we have waited too long for next fragment.
- if( ((cur_time.tv_sec - rmst_ptr->last_data_time_.tv_sec) > NEXT_FRAG_WAIT) &&
- (!rmst_ptr->rmstComplete()) ){
- int newHole = (rmst_ptr->max_frag_rec_)+1;
- if ( (newHole <= rmst_ptr->max_frag_) && (!rmst_ptr->inHoleMap(newHole)) ){
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " WATCHDOG_TIMER adds new hole, frag %dn",
- newHole);
- rmst_ptr->putHole(newHole);
- NakData *nak_ptr = rmst_ptr->getHole(newHole);
- // Artificially age this hole so it gets naked immediately
- nak_ptr->tmv.tv_sec -= 4;
- }
- }
- if(rmst_ptr->holeMapEmpty()){
- // There aren't any holes!
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " WATCHDOG_TIMER sees No holesn");
- return 0;
- }
- else{
- // The WATCHDOG_TIMER expired and we have a hole,
- // so we may need to construct a NAK from the hole map
- // If we've fallen off the reinforced path, we must
- // stop adding NAKs to the NakList.
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, " WATCHDOG_TIMER sees holes - check times.n");
- if (rmst_ptr->reinf_)
- setupNak(rmst_no);
- // Reschedule timer with same value.
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case ACK_TIMER:
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, "RmstFilter::processTimer ACK_TIMER for Rmst %d", rmst_no);
- PrintTime(&cur_time);
- rmst_iterator = rmst_map_.find(rmst_no);
- if(rmst_iterator != rmst_map_.end())
- rmst_ptr = (*rmst_iterator).second;
- else{
- "RmstFilter::processTimer can't find Rmst %d for ACK_TIMER, cancell timer!n",
- rmst_no);
- return -1;
- }
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, "RmstFilter::processTimer ACK_TIMER, at source for rmst_no %dn",
- rmst_no);
- if (rmst_ptr->acked_){
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, "RmstFilter::processTimer cancel ACK_TIMER, Rmst %d ACKedn",
- rmst_no);
- rmst_ptr->ack_timer_active_ = false;
- return -1;
- }
- // If there has been no data sent for 30 seconds like a NAK response, we need to resend a packet.
- if( (cur_time.tv_sec - rmst_ptr->last_data_time_.tv_sec) > ACK_WAIT ){
- NRAttrVec attrs;
- int8_t msg_type;
- "RmstFilter::processTimer ACK_TIMER, waited too long for Rmst %d ACK!n", rmst_no);
- if(rmst_ptr->reinf_ && !rmst_ptr->resent_last_data_){
- // We should send the last frag again as an DATA packet.
- "RmstFilter::processTimer ACK_TIMER, resend last packet as DATAn");
- msg_type = DATA;
- rmst_ptr->resent_last_data_ = true;
- }
- else if(rmst_ptr->resent_last_data_ && !rmst_ptr->resent_last_exp_){
- ExpLog exp_msg;
- union LlToInt key;
- // We tried resending last frag as data and it didn't work, try as EXP
- "RmstFilter::processTimer ACK_TIMER, resend last packet as EXPLORATORY_DATAn");
- // Insert this Exploratory message in exp_map_.
- // When we get a reinforcement we'll know what rmst it's for.
- key.int_val_[0] = pkt_count_;
- key.int_val_[1] = rdm_id_;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_LOTS_DETAILS, " Key = %llxn", key.ll_val_);
- exp_msg.rmst_no_ = rmst_no;
- exp_msg.last_hop_ = LOCALHOST_ADDR;
- exp_map_.insert(Key2ExpLog::value_type(key.ll_val_, exp_msg));
- msg_type = EXPLORATORY_DATA;
- rmst_ptr->reinf_ = false;
- rmst_ptr->naks_rec_ = 0;
- rmst_ptr->pkts_sent_ = 0;
- rmst_ptr->resent_last_exp_ = true;
- }
- else if(rmst_ptr->resent_last_data_ && rmst_ptr->resent_last_exp_ && rmst_ptr->reinf_){
- // We should send the last frag again as an DATA packet.
- "RmstFilter::processTimer ACK_TIMER, resend last packet on new reinf path as DATAn");
- msg_type = DATA;
- rmst_ptr->resent_last_data_ = false;
- rmst_ptr->resent_last_exp_ = false;
- }
- else{
- ExpLog exp_msg;
- union LlToInt key;
- "RmstFilter::processTimer ACK_TIMER, resent last packet as EXP and no reinforced path, Try again!n");
- // Insert this Exploratory message in exp_map_.
- // When we get a reinforcement we'll know what rmst it's for.
- key.int_val_[0] = pkt_count_;
- key.int_val_[1] = rdm_id_;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_LOTS_DETAILS, " Key = %llxn", key.ll_val_);
- exp_msg.rmst_no_ = rmst_no;
- exp_msg.last_hop_ = LOCALHOST_ADDR;
- exp_map_.insert(Key2ExpLog::value_type(key.ll_val_, exp_msg));
- msg_type = EXPLORATORY_DATA;
- }
- attrs.push_back(RmstTargetAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, rmst_ptr->target_str_));
- attrs.push_back(RmstTsprtCtlAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, RMST_RESP));
- attrs.push_back(RmstFragAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, rmst_ptr->max_frag_));
- attrs.push_back(RmstIdAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, rmst_ptr->rmst_no_));
- frag_ptr = rmst_ptr->getFrag(rmst_ptr->max_frag_);
- attrs.push_back(RmstDataAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS,
- frag_ptr, rmst_ptr->max_frag_len_));
- Message *new_frag;
- new_frag = new Message(DIFFUSION_VERSION, msg_type, 0, 0, attrs.size(), pkt_count_,
- new_frag->msg_attr_vec_ = CopyAttrs(&attrs);
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->sendMessage(new_frag, filter_handle_);
- pkt_count_++;
- delete new_frag;
- ClearAttrs(&attrs);
- // We sent a fragment, set the last_data_time_ for the cleanup timer.
- GetTime(&rmst_ptr->last_data_time_);
- }
- return 0;
- break;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_SOME_DETAILS, "RmstFilter::processTimer CLEANUP_TIMER");
- PrintTime(&cur_time);
- rmst_iterator = rmst_map_.begin();
- while(rmst_iterator != rmst_map_.end()){
- rmst_ptr = (*rmst_iterator).second;
- " CLEANUP_TIMER:: rmst_no %d : pkts_sent_ = %d, pkts_rec_ = %d, last_hop_pkts_sent_ = %dn",
- rmst_ptr->rmst_no_, rmst_ptr->pkts_sent_, rmst_ptr->pkts_rec_, rmst_ptr->last_hop_pkts_sent_);
- if((!rmst_ptr->reinf_)&&(!rmst_ptr->acked_)&&(!rmst_ptr->local_source_)&&(!local_sink_)){
- if( (cur_time.tv_sec - rmst_ptr->last_data_time_.tv_sec) > LONG_CLEANUP_WAIT )
- cleanUpRmst(rmst_ptr);
- }
- else if (rmst_ptr->acked_){
- if ( ( (cur_time.tv_sec - rmst_ptr->last_data_time_.tv_sec) > SHORT_CLEANUP_WAIT ) &&
- ( (cur_time.tv_sec - rmst_ptr->last_nak_time_.tv_sec) > SHORT_CLEANUP_WAIT ) )
- cleanUpRmst(rmst_ptr);
- }
- rmst_iterator++;
- }
- // Check on the BlackList, in case network is partitioned.
- if (!black_list_.empty()){
- if ( (cur_time.tv_sec - last_data_rec_.tv_sec) > RMST_BLACKLIST_WAIT ){
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " clearing black_list_!n");
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->clearBlacklist();
- black_list_.clear();
- }
- }
- if (local_sink_){
- if ( (cur_time.tv_sec - last_sink_time_.tv_sec) > SINK_REFRESH_WAIT ){
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " local sink timed outn");
- local_sink_ = false;
- }
- else
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " local sink still alive.n");
- }
- return 0;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- void RmstFilter::sendRmstToSink(Rmst *rmst_ptr)
- {
- NRAttrVec attrs;
- Message *rmst_msg;
- NRSimpleAttribute<void *> *rmst_data_attr;
- NRSimpleAttribute<int> *frag_number_attr;
- void *frag_ptr;
- int size, i;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, "RmstFilter::sendRmstToSink - sending rmst %d to local sinkn",
- rmst_ptr->rmst_no_);
- // Prepare attribute vector
- attrs.push_back(RmstTargetAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, rmst_ptr->target_str_));
- attrs.push_back(RmstTsprtCtlAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, RMST_RESP));
- attrs.push_back(RmstIdAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, rmst_ptr->rmst_no_));
- attrs.push_back(RmstMaxFragAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, rmst_ptr->max_frag_));
- frag_number_attr = RmstFragAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, 0);
- attrs.push_back(frag_number_attr);
- // Add the blob fragment
- if (rmst_ptr->max_frag_ == 0)
- size = rmst_ptr->max_frag_len_;
- else
- size = MAX_FRAG_SIZE;
- frag_ptr = rmst_ptr->getFrag(0);
- rmst_data_attr = RmstDataAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, frag_ptr, size);
- attrs.push_back(rmst_data_attr);
- // Prepare the message
- rmst_msg = new Message(DIFFUSION_VERSION, DATA, 0, 0, attrs.size(),
- pkt_count_, rdm_id_, LOCALHOST_ADDR, LOCALHOST_ADDR);
- rmst_msg->next_hop_ = LOCALHOST_ADDR;
- rmst_msg->next_port_ = local_sink_port_;
- rmst_msg->msg_attr_vec_= CopyAttrs(&attrs);
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->sendMessage(rmst_msg, filter_handle_, 1);
- delete rmst_msg;
- pkt_count_++;
- // Send all the fragments
- for (i=1; i <= (rmst_ptr->max_frag_); i++){
- frag_number_attr->setVal(i);
- frag_ptr = rmst_ptr->getFrag(i);
- if(frag_ptr == NULL)
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, "RmstFilter::sendRmstToSink - got a null frag_ptr for frag!%dn",
- i);
- else{
- if (rmst_ptr->max_frag_ == i)
- rmst_data_attr->setVal(frag_ptr, rmst_ptr->max_frag_len_);
- else
- rmst_data_attr->setVal(frag_ptr, MAX_FRAG_SIZE);
- }
- rmst_msg = new Message(DIFFUSION_VERSION, DATA, 0, 0, attrs.size(),
- pkt_count_, rdm_id_, LOCALHOST_ADDR, LOCALHOST_ADDR);
- rmst_msg->next_hop_ = LOCALHOST_ADDR;
- rmst_msg->next_port_ = local_sink_port_;
- rmst_msg->msg_attr_vec_= CopyAttrs(&attrs);
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->sendMessage(rmst_msg, filter_handle_, 1);
- delete rmst_msg;
- pkt_count_++;
- }
- ClearAttrs(&attrs);
- }
- void RmstFilter::sendAckToSource(Rmst *rmst_ptr)
- {
- NRAttrVec attrs;
- Message *ack_msg;
- attrs.push_back(RmstTsprtCtlAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, ACK_RESP));
- attrs.push_back(RmstIdAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, rmst_ptr->rmst_no_));
- // New code to send a message to last_hop_
- ack_msg = new Message(DIFFUSION_VERSION, DATA, 0, 0,
- attrs.size(), pkt_count_, rdm_id_, rmst_ptr->last_hop_,
- ack_msg->msg_attr_vec_ = CopyAttrs(&attrs);
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " Sending ACK_RESP to node %dn", rmst_ptr->last_hop_);
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->sendMessage(ack_msg, filter_handle_, 1);
- pkt_count_++;
- delete ack_msg;
- ClearAttrs(&attrs);
- }
- void RmstFilter::sendExpReqUpstream(Rmst *rmst_ptr)
- {
- NRAttrVec attrs;
- Message *exp_msg;
- attrs.push_back(RmstTsprtCtlAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, EXP_REQ));
- attrs.push_back(RmstIdAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, rmst_ptr->rmst_no_));
- attrs.push_back(RmstFragAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS, rmst_ptr->max_frag_rec_));
- exp_msg = new Message(DIFFUSION_VERSION, DATA, 0, 0,
- attrs.size(), pkt_count_, rdm_id_, rmst_ptr->last_hop_,
- exp_msg->msg_attr_vec_ = CopyAttrs(&attrs);
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " Sending EXP_REQ to node %dn", rmst_ptr->last_hop_);
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->sendMessage(exp_msg, filter_handle_, 1);
- pkt_count_++;
- delete exp_msg;
- ClearAttrs(&attrs);
- }
- void RmstFilter::sendContToSource(Rmst *rmst_ptr)
- {
- NRAttrVec attrs;
- Message *cont_msg;
- attrs.push_back(RmstTsprtCtlAttr.make(NRAttribute::EQ, RMST_CONT));
- attrs.push_back(NRClassAttr.make(NRAttribute::IS,
- NRAttribute::INTEREST_CLASS));
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " Sending a RMST_CONT to sourcen");
- cont_msg = new Message(DIFFUSION_VERSION, DATA, 0, 0, attrs.size(),
- pkt_count_, rdm_id_, LOCALHOST_ADDR, LOCALHOST_ADDR);
- cont_msg->msg_attr_vec_ = CopyAttrs(&attrs);
- cont_msg->next_hop_ = LOCALHOST_ADDR;
- cont_msg->next_port_ = rmst_ptr->local_source_port_;
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->sendMessage(cont_msg, filter_handle_, 1);
- pkt_count_++;
- delete cont_msg;
- ClearAttrs(&attrs);
- }
- void RmstFilter::cleanUpRmst(Rmst *rmst_ptr)
- {
- int rmst_no = rmst_ptr->rmst_no_;
- Int2Rmst::iterator rmst_iterator;
- Key2ExpLog::iterator exp_iterator;
- ExpLog exp_msg;
- rmst_no = rmst_ptr->rmst_no_;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_IMPORTANT, " cleanUpRmst called to delete Rmst %dn", rmst_no);
- if(rmst_ptr->watchdog_active_)
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->removeTimer(rmst_ptr->watchdog_handle_);
- if(rmst_ptr->ack_timer_active_)
- ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->removeTimer(rmst_ptr->ack_timer_handle_);
- rmst_iterator = rmst_map_.find(rmst_no);
- if(rmst_iterator != rmst_map_.end()){
- rmst_map_.erase(rmst_iterator);
- }
- delete rmst_ptr;
- // clean up the exp_map_ of any entries base on this rmst
- exp_iterator = exp_map_.begin();
- while(exp_iterator != exp_map_.end()){
- exp_msg = (*exp_iterator).second;
- if(exp_msg.rmst_no_ == rmst_no){
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_LOTS_DETAILS, " cleanUpRmst deleting exp_map_ entry for Rmst %dn", rmst_no);
- exp_map_.erase(exp_iterator);
- }
- exp_iterator++;
- }
- }
- RmstFilter::RmstFilter()
- {
- #else
- RmstFilter::RmstFilter(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- TimerCallback *stat_timer;
- parseCommandLine(argc, argv);
- dr_ = NR::createNR(diffusion_port_);
- #endif // NS_DIFFUSION
- fcb_ = new RmstFilterCallback;
- fcb_->app_ = this;
- rdm_id_ = rand();
- pkt_count_ = rand();
- local_sink_ = false;
- caching_mode_ = false;
- send_timer_active_ = false;
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_ALWAYS, "RmstFilter constructor: rdm_id_ = %x, pkt_count_ = %xn",
- rdm_id_, pkt_count_);
- #ifndef NS_DIFFUSION
- filter_handle_ = setupFilter();
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_LOTS_DETAILS, "RmstFilter:: subscribed to all, received handle %dn",
- (int)filter_handle_);
- DiffPrint(DEBUG_LOTS_DETAILS, "RmstFilter constructor: start cleanup timern");
- stat_timer = new RmstTimeout(this, -1, CLEANUP_TIMER);
- stat_timer_handle_ = ((DiffusionRouting *)dr_)->addTimer(CLEANUP_INTERVAL, stat_timer);
- #endif // !NS_DIFFUSION
- }
- #ifndef NS_DIFFUSION
- int main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- RmstFilter *app;
- app = new RmstFilter(argc, argv);
- app->run();
- return 0;
- }
- #endif // !NS_DIFFUSION