- ###########################################################
- # README : Diffusion port into ns-2
- # author : Padma Haldar
- #
- #
- ###########################################################
- We have completed the first-cut of porting diffusion testbed code into ns.
- Being the first-cut, we shall continue to work on
- extending/debugging/improving the port.
- You can get the diffusion code from the latest snapshot from
- Please note that since we plan to work on the port,
- you'll need to download the latest snapshot to see the most recent updates.
- There is a version of diffusion already in ns which was implemented
- several years back and had become relatively old and outdated. The newer
- version, ported from SCADDS group testbed has several features not present
- in the older version. We outline the highlights of this port below:
- * Directed Diffusion has been implemented by SCADDS group at USC/ISI.
- Briefly it consists of
- (a) an application layer that generates interest (for sinks) and data (for
- sources)
- (b) a core Diffusion layer that serves as an input/output interface for
- all diffusion communications
- (c) filters that are used to manipulate data/messages that may have
- several applications (in-network aggregration, logging , debugging etc)
- (d) an elaborate data naming or attribute system.
- * Application layer APIs are defined for subscribing (unsubscribing) to
- certain types of data, publishing (unpublish) certain set of data and
- for sending and receiving data into/from the network.
- * Diffusion interests and data are represented by
- attribute-value-operation tuplet. The operation field is used to match
- attributes by means of certain operation rules.
- * The older version of diffusion already in ns has a very simple attribute
- representation (single integer); and filters were not implemented.
- * The port is under ~ns/diffusion3 dir and tcl methods for setting up
- core-diffusion and diffusion-application agents in a node can be found
- under ~ns/tcl/lib/{ns-lib,ns-diffusion}.tcl
- * tcl/ex/diffusion3/(simple-diffusion.tcl, diffusion-100.tcl,
- diffusion-500.tcl) are
- example scripts. The first scenario consists of a simple 3 node topology using ping application,
- whereas the second and third scripts use a 100 and 500 node topology
- respectively, using the the same ping app.
- tcl/test/test-suite-diffusion3.tcl is a test-suite for validating the
- port.
- * Basic ns tracing can be turned on as shown in the examples.
- * For the first-cut, we have a ping application defined as
- (Application/DiffApp/Ping{Source/Sink}). We plan to have other diffusion applications in place in the fiture.
- Also note that we still don't have tcl APIs for setting up applications,
- attributes etc. we continue to work on them.
- * Note that ns does not currently have a MAC layer that is energy-aware
- (for example, a TDMA MAC). We expect to integrate an energy-aware MAC
- developed by Wei Ye shortly, but in the meantime diffusion users
- may wish to adjust the 802.11 MAC energy parameters to approximate a
- sensor-net specific MAC.
- * This version of the port is based on diffusion3.2.0
- Any comments, bug-reports and other feedbacks are welcome as usual.