- We support two methods to advertise your contributed code for ns:
- First, we need the following in order to add a pointer to your
- code in the ns contributed code web page
- (
- (1) which version of ns was the code written for;
- (2) a pointer to C/C++/OTcl code as well as simulation scripts on
- your web server;
- and hopefully also:
- (3) a simple README explaining special setups needed to run the
- simulations or tests.
- (4) an example script illustrating the use of your protocol.
- Second, we're also happy to work with developers to integrate their
- code into the ns distribution. To do this, we need (in addition
- to 1-4 above):
- (5) code which works with the most recently released version of ns
- (6) a test script exercising most important points of your protocol
- (see the sample tests in tcl/test of the ns directory)
- (7) documentation comparable to the Agent/SRM chapter of ``ns notes
- and documentation''
- (We realize that 5-7 are more work than simply 1-4. Without a test
- suite we cannot insure that your code will work in future ns releases;
- without documentation your code won't be very useful to others. The
- advantage is that with these it will be much easier for other
- researchers to build on your hard work.)
- Please send your pointers to the ns-users mailing list
- ( Suggestions and
- comments are also welcome.
- - The ns Team