- /*
- * Copyright (c) 2000 Nortel Networks
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
- * must display the following acknowledgement:
- * This product includes software developed by Nortel Networks.
- * 4. The name of the Nortel Networks may not be used
- * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
- * specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Developed by: Farhan Shallwani, Jeremy Ethridge
- * Peter Pieda, and Mandeep Baines
- * Maintainer: Peter Pieda <ppieda@nortelnetworks.com>
- */
- /*
- * Integrated into ns main distribution and reorganized by
- * Xuan Chen (xuanc@isi.edu). The main changes are:
- *
- * 1. Defined two seperated classes, PolicyClassifier and Policy, to handle
- * the work done by class Policy before.
- * Class PolicyClassifier now only keeps states for each flow and pointers
- * to certain policies.
- * The policies perform the diffserv related jobs as described
- * below. (eg, traffic metering and packet marking.)
- * class Policy functions like the class Classifer.
- *
- * 2. Created a general supper class Policy so that new policy can be added
- * by just creating a subclass of Policy. Examples are given (eg,
- * DumbPolicy) to help people trying to add their own new policies.
- *
- * TODO:
- * 1. implement the multiple policy support by applying the idea of
- * multi-policy.
- *
- */
- #include "dsPolicy.h"
- #include "ew.h"
- #include "dewp.h"
- #include "packet.h"
- #include "tcp.h"
- #include "random.h"
- // The definition of class PolicyClassifier.
- //Constructor.
- PolicyClassifier::PolicyClassifier() {
- int i;
- policyTableSize = 0;
- policerTableSize = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_POLICIES; i++)
- policy_pool[i] = NULL;
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void addPolicyEntry()
- Adds an entry to policyTable according to the arguments in argv. A source
- and destination node ID must be specified in argv, followed by a policy type
- and policy-specific parameters. Supported policies and their parameters
- are:
- Null InitialCodePoint
- TSW2CM InitialCodePoint CIR
- TSW3CM InitialCodePoint CIR PIR
- TokenBucket InitialCodePoint CIR CBS
- srTCM InitialCodePoint CIR CBS EBS
- trTCM InitialCodePoint CIR CBS PIR PBS
- No error-checking is performed on the parameters. CIR and PIR should be
- specified in bits per second; CBS, EBS, and PBS should be specified in bytes.
- If the Policy Table is full, this method prints an error message.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void PolicyClassifier::addPolicyEntry(int argc, const char*const* argv) {
- if (policyTableSize == MAX_POLICIES)
- printf("ERROR: Policy Table size limit exceeded.n");
- else {
- policyTable[policyTableSize].sourceNode = atoi(argv[2]);
- policyTable[policyTableSize].destNode = atoi(argv[3]);
- policyTable[policyTableSize].codePt = atoi(argv[5]);
- policyTable[policyTableSize].arrivalTime = 0;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].winLen = 1.0;
- if ((strcmp(argv[4], "Dumb") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[4],"Null") == 0)) {
- if(!policy_pool[Null])
- policy_pool[Null] = new NullPolicy;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].policy_index = Null;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].policer = nullPolicer;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].meter = nullMeter;
- } else if (strcmp(argv[4], "TSW2CM") == 0) {
- if(!policy_pool[TSW2CM])
- policy_pool[TSW2CM] = new TSW2CMPolicy;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].policy_index = TSW2CM;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].policer = TSW2CMPolicer;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].meter = tswTagger;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].cir =
- policyTable[policyTableSize].avgRate = (double) atof(argv[6]) / 8.0;
- if (argc == 8) policyTable[policyTableSize].winLen = (double) atof(argv[7]);/* mb */
- } else if (strcmp(argv[4], "TSW3CM") == 0) {
- if(!policy_pool[TSW3CM])
- policy_pool[TSW3CM] = new TSW3CMPolicy;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].policy_index = TSW3CM;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].policer = TSW3CMPolicer;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].meter = tswTagger;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].cir =
- policyTable[policyTableSize].avgRate = (double) atof(argv[6]) / 8.0;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].pir = (double) atof(argv[7]) / 8.0;
- } else if (strcmp(argv[4], "TokenBucket") == 0) {
- if(!policy_pool[TB])
- policy_pool[TB] = (Policy *) new TBPolicy;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].policy_index = TB;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].policer = tokenBucketPolicer;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].meter = tokenBucketMeter;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].cir =
- policyTable[policyTableSize].avgRate = (double) atof(argv[6]) / 8.0;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].cbs =
- policyTable[policyTableSize].cBucket = (double) atof(argv[7]);
- } else if (strcmp(argv[4], "srTCM") == 0) {
- if(!policy_pool[SRTCM])
- policy_pool[SRTCM] = new SRTCMPolicy;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].policy_index = SRTCM;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].policer = srTCMPolicer;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].meter = srTCMMeter;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].cir =
- policyTable[policyTableSize].avgRate = (double) atof(argv[6]) / 8.0;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].cbs =
- policyTable[policyTableSize].cBucket = (double) atof(argv[7]);
- policyTable[policyTableSize].ebs =
- policyTable[policyTableSize].eBucket = (double) atof(argv[8]);
- } else if (strcmp(argv[4], "trTCM") == 0) {
- if(!policy_pool[TRTCM])
- policy_pool[TRTCM] = new TRTCMPolicy;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].policy_index = TRTCM;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].policer = trTCMPolicer;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].meter = trTCMMeter;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].cir =
- policyTable[policyTableSize].avgRate = (double) atof(argv[6]) / 8.0;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].cbs =
- policyTable[policyTableSize].cBucket = (double) atof(argv[7]);
- policyTable[policyTableSize].pir = (double) atof(argv[8]) / 8.0;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].pbs =
- policyTable[policyTableSize].pBucket = (double) atof(argv[9]);
- } else if (strcmp(argv[4], "SFD") == 0) {
- if(!policy_pool[SFD])
- policy_pool[SFD] = new SFDPolicy;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].policy_index = SFD;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].policer = SFDPolicer;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].meter = sfdTagger;
- // Use cir as the transmission size threshold for the moment.
- policyTable[policyTableSize].cir = atoi(argv[6]);
- } else if (strcmp(argv[4], "EW") == 0) {
- if(!policy_pool[EW])
- policy_pool[EW] = new EWPolicy();
- ((EWPolicy *)policy_pool[EW])->
- init(atoi(argv[6]), atoi(argv[7]), atoi(argv[8]));
- policyTable[policyTableSize].policy_index = EW;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].policer = EWPolicer;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].meter = ewTagger;
- } else if (strcmp(argv[4], "DEWP") == 0) {
- if(!policy_pool[DEWP])
- policy_pool[DEWP] = new DEWPPolicy;
- ((DEWPPolicy *)policy_pool[DEWP])->
- init(atof(argv[6]));
- policyTable[policyTableSize].policy_index = DEWP;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].policer = DEWPPolicer;
- policyTable[policyTableSize].meter = dewpTagger;
- } else {
- printf("No applicable policy specified, exit!!!n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- policyTableSize++;
- }
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- policyTableEntry* PolicyClassifier::getPolicyTableEntry(long source, long dest)
- Pre: policyTable holds exactly one entry for the specified source-dest pair.
- Post: Finds the policyTable array that matches the specified source-dest pair.
- Returns: On success, returns a pointer to the corresponding policyTableEntry;
- on failure, returns NULL.
- Note: the source-destination pair could be one-any or any-any (xuanc)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- policyTableEntry* PolicyClassifier::getPolicyTableEntry(nsaddr_t source, nsaddr_t dest) {
- for (int i = 0; i <= policyTableSize; i++) {
- if ((policyTable[i].sourceNode == source) || (policyTable[i].sourceNode == ANY_HOST)) {
- if ((policyTable[i].destNode == dest) || (policyTable[i].destNode == ANY_HOST))
- return(&policyTable[i]);
- }
- }
- // !!! Could make a default code point for undefined flows:
- printf("ERROR: No Policy Table entry found for Source %d-Destination %d.n", source, dest);
- printPolicyTable();
- return(NULL);
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void addPolicerEntry(int argc, const char*const* argv)
- Pre: argv contains a valid command line for adding a policer entry.
- Post: Adds an entry to policerTable according to the arguments in argv. No
- error-checking is done on the arguments. A policer type should be specified,
- consisting of one of the names {Null, TSW2CM, TSW3CM, TokenBucket,
- srTCM, trTCM}, followed by an initial code point. Next should be an
- out-of-profile code point for policers with two-rate markers; or a yellow and
- a red code point for policers with three drop precedences.
- If policerTable is full, an error message is printed.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void PolicyClassifier::addPolicerEntry(int argc, const char*const* argv) {
- //int cur_policy;
- if (policerTableSize == MAX_CP)
- printf("ERROR: Policer Table size limit exceeded.n");
- else {
- if ((strcmp(argv[2], "Dumb") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[2],"Null") == 0)) {
- if(!policy_pool[Null])
- policy_pool[Null] = new NullPolicy;
- policerTable[policerTableSize].policer = nullPolicer;
- policerTable[policerTableSize].policy_index = Null;
- } else if (strcmp(argv[2], "TSW2CM") == 0) {
- if(!policy_pool[TSW2CM])
- policy_pool[TSW2CM] = new TSW2CMPolicy;
- policerTable[policerTableSize].policer = TSW2CMPolicer;
- policerTable[policerTableSize].policy_index = TSW2CM;
- } else if (strcmp(argv[2], "TSW3CM") == 0) {
- if(!policy_pool[TSW3CM])
- policy_pool[TSW3CM] = new TSW3CMPolicy;
- policerTable[policerTableSize].policer = TSW3CMPolicer;
- policerTable[policerTableSize].policy_index = TSW3CM;
- } else if (strcmp(argv[2], "TokenBucket") == 0) {
- if(!policy_pool[TB])
- policy_pool[TB] = new TBPolicy;
- policerTable[policerTableSize].policer = tokenBucketPolicer;
- policerTable[policerTableSize].policy_index = TB;
- } else if (strcmp(argv[2], "srTCM") == 0) {
- if(!policy_pool[SRTCM])
- policy_pool[SRTCM] = new SRTCMPolicy;
- policerTable[policerTableSize].policer = srTCMPolicer;
- policerTable[policerTableSize].policy_index = SRTCM;
- } else if (strcmp(argv[2], "trTCM") == 0){
- if(!policy_pool[TRTCM])
- policy_pool[TRTCM] = new TRTCMPolicy;
- policerTable[policerTableSize].policer = trTCMPolicer;
- policerTable[policerTableSize].policy_index = TRTCM;
- } else if (strcmp(argv[2], "SFD") == 0) {
- if(!policy_pool[SFD])
- policy_pool[SFD] = new SFDPolicy;
- policerTable[policerTableSize].policer = SFDPolicer;
- policerTable[policerTableSize].policy_index = SFD;
- } else if (strcmp(argv[2], "EW") == 0) {
- if(!policy_pool[EW])
- policy_pool[EW] = new EWPolicy;
- policerTable[policerTableSize].policer = EWPolicer;
- policerTable[policerTableSize].policy_index = EW;
- } else if (strcmp(argv[2], "DEWP") == 0) {
- if(!policy_pool[DEWP])
- policy_pool[DEWP] = new DEWPPolicy;
- policerTable[policerTableSize].policer = DEWPPolicer;
- policerTable[policerTableSize].policy_index = DEWP;
- } else {
- printf("No applicable policer specified, exit!!!n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- };
- policerTable[policerTableSize].initialCodePt = atoi(argv[3]);
- if (policerTable[policerTableSize].policer == nullPolicer)
- policerTable[policerTableSize].downgrade1 = atoi(argv[3]);
- else
- policerTable[policerTableSize].downgrade1 = atoi(argv[4]);
- if (argc == 6)
- policerTable[policerTableSize].downgrade2 = atoi(argv[5]);
- policerTableSize++;
- }
- // Return the entry of Policer table with policerType and initCodePoint matched
- policerTableEntry* PolicyClassifier::getPolicerTableEntry(int policy_index, int oldCodePt) {
- for (int i = 0; i < policerTableSize; i++)
- if ((policerTable[i].policy_index == policy_index) &&
- (policerTable[i].initialCodePt == oldCodePt))
- return(&policerTable[i]);
- printf("ERROR: No Policer Table entry found for initial code point %d.n", oldCodePt);
- //printPolicerTable();
- return(NULL);
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int mark(Packet *pkt, double minRTT)
- Pre: The source-destination pair taken from pkt matches a valid entry in
- policyTable.
- Post: pkt is marked with an appropriate code point.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int PolicyClassifier::mark(Packet *pkt) {
- policyTableEntry *policy;
- policerTableEntry *policer;
- int policy_index;
- int codePt;
- hdr_ip* iph;
- int fid;
- iph = hdr_ip::access(pkt);
- fid = iph->flowid();
- policy = getPolicyTableEntry(iph->saddr(), iph->daddr());
- if (policy) {
- codePt = policy->codePt;
- policy_index = policy->policy_index;
- policer = getPolicerTableEntry(policy_index, codePt);
- // bug pointed by Jason Kenney <jason@linear.engmath.dal.ca>
- if (policy_pool[policy_index]) {
- policy_pool[policy_index]->applyMeter(policy, pkt);
- codePt = policy_pool[policy_index]->applyPolicer(policy, policer, pkt);
- }
- } else {
- printf("The policy object doesn't exist, ERROR!!!n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- iph->prio_ = codePt;
- return(codePt);
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pre: The command line specifies a source and destination node for which an
- RTT-Aware policy exists and a current RTT value for that policy.
- Post: The aggRTT field of the appropriate policy is updated to a weighted
- average of the previous value and the new RTT value specified in the command
- line. If no matching policy is found, an error message is printed.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void PolicyClassifier::updatePolicyRTT(int argc, const char*const* argv) {
- policyTableEntry *policy;
- policy = getPolicyTableEntry(atoi(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]));
- if (policy == NULL)
- printf("ERROR: cannot update RTT; no existing policy found for Source %d-Desination %d.n",
- atoi(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]));
- else {
- policy->winLen = (double) atof(argv[4]);
- }
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pre: The command line specifies a source and destination node for which a
- policy exists that uses a cBucket value. That policy's cBucket parameter is
- currently valid.
- Post: The policy's cBucket value is found and returned.
- Returns: The value cBucket on success; or -1 on an error.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- double PolicyClassifier::getCBucket(const char*const* argv) {
- policyTableEntry *policy;
- policy = getPolicyTableEntry(atoi(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]));
- if (policy == NULL) {
- printf("ERROR: cannot get bucket size; no existing policy found for Source %d-Desination %d.n",
- atoi(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]));
- return(-1);
- }
- else {
- if ((policy->policer == tokenBucketPolicer) || (policy->policer == srTCMPolicer) || (policy->policer == trTCMPolicer))
- return(policy->cBucket);
- else {
- printf("ERROR: cannot get bucket size; the Source %d-Desination %d Policy does not include a Committed Bucket.n", atoi(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]));
- return(-1);
- }
- }
- }
- // Prints the policyTable, one entry per line.
- void PolicyClassifier::printPolicyTable() {
- printf("Policy Table(%d):n",policyTableSize);
- for (int i = 0; i < policyTableSize; i++)
- {
- switch (policyTable[i].policer) {
- case nullPolicer:
- printf("Flow (%d to %d): Null policer, ",
- policyTable[i].sourceNode,policyTable[i].destNode);
- printf("initial code point %dn", policyTable[i].codePt);
- break;
- case TSW2CMPolicer:
- printf("Flow (%d to %d): TSW2CM policer, ",
- policyTable[i].sourceNode,policyTable[i].destNode);
- printf("initial code point %d, CIR %.1f bps.n",
- policyTable[i].codePt, policyTable[i].cir * 8);
- break;
- case TSW3CMPolicer:
- printf("Flow (%d to %d): TSW3CM policer, initial code ",
- policyTable[i].sourceNode, policyTable[i].destNode);
- printf("point %d, CIR %.1f bps, PIR %.1f bytes.n",
- policyTable[i].codePt, policyTable[i].cir * 8,
- policyTable[i].pir * 8);
- break;
- case tokenBucketPolicer:
- printf("Flow (%d to %d): Token Bucket policer, ",
- policyTable[i].sourceNode,policyTable[i].destNode);
- printf("initial code point %d, CIR %.1f bps, CBS %.1f bytes.n",
- policyTable[i].codePt, policyTable[i].cir * 8,
- policyTable[i].cbs);
- break;
- case srTCMPolicer:
- printf("Flow (%d to %d): srTCM policer, initial code ",
- policyTable[i].sourceNode, policyTable[i].destNode);
- printf("point %d, CIR %.1f bps, CBS %.1f bytes, EBS %.1f bytes.n",
- policyTable[i].codePt, policyTable[i].cir * 8,
- policyTable[i].cbs, policyTable[i].ebs);
- break;
- case trTCMPolicer:
- printf("Flow (%d to %d): trTCM policer, initial code ",
- policyTable[i].destNode, policyTable[i].sourceNode);
- printf("point %d, CIR %.1f bps, CBS %.1f bytes, PIR %.1f bps, ",
- policyTable[i].codePt, policyTable[i].cir * 8,
- policyTable[i].cbs, policyTable[i].pir * 8);
- printf("PBS %.1f bytes.n", policyTable[i].pbs);
- break;
- case SFDPolicer:
- printf("Flow (%d to %d): SFD policer, ",
- policyTable[i].sourceNode,policyTable[i].destNode);
- printf("initial code point %d, TH %d bytes.n",
- policyTable[i].codePt, (int)policyTable[i].cir);
- break;
- case EWPolicer:
- printf("Flow (%d to %d): EW policer, ",
- policyTable[i].sourceNode,policyTable[i].destNode);
- printf("initial code point %d.n", policyTable[i].codePt);
- break;
- case DEWPPolicer:
- printf("Flow (%d to %d): DEWP policer, ",
- policyTable[i].sourceNode,policyTable[i].destNode);
- printf("initial code point %d.n", policyTable[i].codePt);
- break;
- default:
- printf("ERROR: Unknown policer type in Policy Table.n");
- }
- }
- printf("n");
- }
- // Prints the policerTable, one entry per line.
- void PolicyClassifier::printPolicerTable() {
- bool threeColor;
- printf("Policer Table:n");
- for (int i = 0; i < policerTableSize; i++) {
- threeColor = false;
- switch (policerTable[i].policer) {
- case nullPolicer:
- printf("Null ");
- break;
- case TSW2CMPolicer:
- printf("TSW2CM ");
- break;
- case TSW3CMPolicer:
- printf("TSW3CM ");
- threeColor = true;
- break;
- case tokenBucketPolicer:
- printf("Token Bucket ");
- break;
- case srTCMPolicer:
- printf("srTCM ");
- threeColor = true;
- break;
- case trTCMPolicer:
- printf("trTCM ");
- threeColor = true;
- break;
- case SFDPolicer:
- printf("SFD ");
- //printFlowTable();
- break;
- case EWPolicer:
- printf("EW ");
- break;
- case DEWPPolicer:
- printf("DEWP ");
- break;
- default:
- printf("ERROR: Unknown policer type in Policer Table.");
- }
- if (threeColor) {
- printf("policer code point %d is policed to yellow ",
- policerTable[i].initialCodePt);
- printf("code point %d and red code point %d.n",
- policerTable[i].downgrade1,
- policerTable[i].downgrade2);
- } else
- printf("policer code point %d is policed to code point %d.n",
- policerTable[i].initialCodePt,
- policerTable[i].downgrade1);
- }
- printf("n");
- }
- // The beginning of the definition of the NullPolicy
- // NullPolicy will do nothing, but is also a good example to show how to add
- // new policy.
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void NullPolicy::applyMeter(policyTableEntry *policy, Packet *pkt)
- Do nothing
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void NullPolicy::applyMeter(policyTableEntry *policy, Packet *pkt) {
- policy->arrivalTime = Scheduler::instance().clock();
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int DumbPolicy::applyPolicer(policyTableEntry *policy, int initialCodePt, Packet *pkt)
- Always return the initial codepoint.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int NullPolicy::applyPolicer(policyTableEntry *policy, policerTableEntry *policer, Packet *pkt) {
- return(policer->initialCodePt);
- }
- // The end of NullPolicy
- // The beginning of the definition of TSW2CM
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void TSW2CMPolicy::applyMeter(policyTableEntry *policy, Packet *pkt)
- Pre: policy's variables avgRate, arrivalTime, and winLen hold valid values; and
- pkt points to a newly-arrived packet.
- Post: Adjusts policy's TSW state variables avgRate and arrivalTime (also called
- tFront) according to the specified packet.
- Note: See the paper "Explicit Allocation of Best effor Delivery Service" (David
- Clark and Wenjia Fang), Section 3.3, for a description of the TSW Tagger.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void TSW2CMPolicy::applyMeter(policyTableEntry *policy, Packet *pkt) {
- double now, bytesInTSW, newBytes;
- hdr_cmn* hdr = hdr_cmn::access(pkt);
- bytesInTSW = policy->avgRate * policy->winLen;
- newBytes = bytesInTSW + (double) hdr->size();
- now = Scheduler::instance().clock();
- policy->avgRate = newBytes / (now - policy->arrivalTime + policy->winLen);
- policy->arrivalTime = now;
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int TSW2CMPolicy::applyPolicer(policyTableEntry *policy, int initialCodePt, Packet *pkt)
- Pre: policy points to a policytableEntry that is using the TSW2CM policer and
- whose state variables (avgRate and cir) are up to date.
- Post: If policy's avgRate exceeds its CIR, this method returns an out-of-profile
- code point with a probability of ((rate - CIR) / rate). If it does not
- downgrade the code point, this method simply returns the initial code point.
- Returns: A code point to apply to the current packet.
- Uses: Method downgradeOne().
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int TSW2CMPolicy::applyPolicer(policyTableEntry *policy, policerTableEntry *policer, Packet *pkt) {
- if ((policy->avgRate > policy->cir)
- && (Random::uniform(0.0, 1.0) <= (1-(policy->cir/policy->avgRate)))) {
- return(policer->downgrade1);
- }
- else {
- return(policer->initialCodePt);
- }
- }
- // The end of TSW2CM
- // The Beginning of TSW3CM
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void TSW3CMPolicy::applyMeter(policyTableEntry *policy, Packet *pkt)
- Pre: policy's variables avgRate, arrivalTime, and winLen hold valid values; and
- pkt points to a newly-arrived packet.
- Post: Adjusts policy's TSW state variables avgRate and arrivalTime (also called
- tFront) according to the specified packet.
- Note: See the paper "Explicit Allocation of Best effor Delivery Service" (David
- Clark and Wenjia Fang), Section 3.3, for a description of the TSW Tagger.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void TSW3CMPolicy::applyMeter(policyTableEntry *policy, Packet *pkt) {
- double now, bytesInTSW, newBytes;
- hdr_cmn* hdr = hdr_cmn::access(pkt);
- bytesInTSW = policy->avgRate * policy->winLen;
- newBytes = bytesInTSW + (double) hdr->size();
- now = Scheduler::instance().clock();
- policy->avgRate = newBytes / (now - policy->arrivalTime + policy->winLen);
- policy->arrivalTime = now;
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int TSW3CMPolicy::applyPolicer(policyTableEntry *policy, int initialCodePt, Packet *pkt)
- Pre: policy points to a policytableEntry that is using the TSW3CM policer and
- whose state variables (avgRate, cir, and pir) are up to date.
- Post: Sets code points with the following probabilities when rate > PIR:
- red: (rate - PIR) / rate
- yellow: (PIR - CIR) / rate
- green: CIR / rate
- and with the following code points when CIR < rate <= PIR:
- red: 0
- yellow: (rate - CIR) / rate
- green: CIR / rate
- When rate is under CIR, a packet is always marked green.
- Returns: A code point to apply to the current packet.
- Uses: Methods downgradeOne() and downgradeTwo().
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int TSW3CMPolicy::applyPolicer(policyTableEntry *policy, policerTableEntry *policer, Packet *pkt) {
- double rand = policy->avgRate * (1.0 - Random::uniform(0.0, 1.0));
- if (rand > policy->pir)
- return (policer->downgrade2);
- else if (rand > policy->cir)
- return(policer->downgrade1);
- else
- return(policer->initialCodePt);
- }
- // End of TSW3CM
- // Begin of Token Bucket.
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void TBPolicy::applyMeter(policyTableEntry *policy, Packet *pkt)
- Pre: policy's variables cBucket, cir, cbs, and arrivalTime hold valid values.
- Post: Increments policy's Token Bucket state variable cBucket according to the
- elapsed time since the last packet arrival. cBucket is filled at a rate equal to CIR, capped at an upper bound of CBS.
- This method also sets arrivalTime equal to the current simulator time.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void TBPolicy::applyMeter(policyTableEntry *policy, Packet *pkt) {
- double now = Scheduler::instance().clock();
- double tokenBytes;
- tokenBytes = (double) policy->cir * (now - policy->arrivalTime);
- if (policy->cBucket + tokenBytes <= policy->cbs)
- policy->cBucket += tokenBytes;
- else
- policy->cBucket = policy->cbs;
- policy->arrivalTime = now;
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int TBPolicy::applyPolicer(policyTableEntry *policy, int initialCodePt,
- Packet* pkt)
- Pre: policy points to a policytableEntry that is using the Token Bucket policer
- and whose state variable (cBucket) is up to date. pkt points to a
- newly-arrived packet.
- Post: If policy's cBucket is at least as large as pkt's size, cBucket is
- decremented by that size and the initial code point is retained. Otherwise,
- the code point is downgraded.
- Returns: A code point to apply to the current packet.
- Uses: Method downgradeOne().
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int TBPolicy::applyPolicer(policyTableEntry *policy, policerTableEntry *policer, Packet* pkt) {
- hdr_cmn* hdr = hdr_cmn::access(pkt);
- double size = (double) hdr->size();
- if ((policy->cBucket - size) >= 0) {
- policy->cBucket -= size;
- return(policer->initialCodePt);
- } else{
- return(policer->downgrade1);
- }
- }
- // End of Tocken Bucket.
- // Begining of SRTCM
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SRTCMPolicy::applyMeter(policyTableEntry *policy)
- Pre: policy's variables cBucket, eBucket, cir, cbs, ebs, and arrivalTime hold
- valid values.
- Post: Increments policy's srTCM state variables cBucket and eBucket according
- to the elapsed time since the last packet arrival. cBucket is filled at a
- rate equal to CIR, capped at an upper bound of CBS. When cBucket is full
- (equal to CBS), eBucket is filled at a rate equal to CIR, capped at an upper
- bound of EBS.
- This method also sets arrivalTime equal to the current
- simulator time.
- Note: See the Internet Draft, "A Single Rate Three Color Marker" (Heinanen et
- al; May, 1999) for a description of the srTCM.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void SRTCMPolicy::applyMeter(policyTableEntry *policy, Packet *pkt) {
- double now = Scheduler::instance().clock();
- double tokenBytes;
- tokenBytes = (double) policy->cir * (now - policy->arrivalTime);
- if (policy->cBucket + tokenBytes <= policy->cbs)
- policy->cBucket += tokenBytes;
- else {
- tokenBytes = tokenBytes - (policy->cbs - policy->cBucket);
- policy->cBucket = policy->cbs;
- if (policy->eBucket + tokenBytes <= policy->ebs)
- policy->eBucket += tokenBytes;
- else
- policy->eBucket = policy->ebs;
- }
- policy->arrivalTime = now;
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int SRTCMPolicy::applyPolicer(policyTableEntry *policy, int initialCodePt, Packet* pkt)
- Pre: policy points to a policyTableEntry that is using the srTCM policer and
- whose state variables (cBucket and eBucket) are up to date. pkt points to a
- newly-arrived packet.
- Post: If policy's cBucket is at least as large as pkt's size, cBucket is
- decremented by that size and the initial code point is retained. Otherwise,
- if eBucket is at least as large as the packet, eBucket is decremented and the
- yellow code point is returned. Otherwise, the red code point is returned.
- Returns: A code point to apply to the current packet.
- Uses: Method downgradeOne() and downgradeTwo().
- Note: See the Internet Draft, "A Single Rate Three Color Marker" (Heinanen et
- al; May, 1999) for a description of the srTCM.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int SRTCMPolicy::applyPolicer(policyTableEntry *policy, policerTableEntry *policer, Packet* pkt) {
- hdr_cmn* hdr = hdr_cmn::access(pkt);
- double size = (double) hdr->size();
- if ((policy->cBucket - size) >= 0) {
- policy->cBucket -= size;
- return(policer->initialCodePt);
- } else {
- if ((policy->eBucket - size) >= 0) {
- policy->eBucket -= size;
- return(policer->downgrade1);
- } else
- return(policer->downgrade2);
- }
- }
- // End of SRTCM
- // Beginning of TRTCM
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void TRTCMPolicy::applyMeter(policyTableEntry *policy, Packet *pkt)
- Pre: policy's variables cBucket, pBucket, cir, pir, cbs, pbs, and arrivalTime
- hold valid values.
- Post: Increments policy's trTCM state variables cBucket and pBucket according
- to the elapsed time since the last packet arrival. cBucket is filled at a
- rate equal to CIR, capped at an upper bound of CBS. pBucket is filled at a
- rate equal to PIR, capped at an upper bound of PBS.
- This method also sets arrivalTime equal to the current simulator time.
- Note: See the Internet Draft, "A Two Rate Three Color Marker" (Heinanen et al;
- May, 1999) for a description of the srTCM.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void TRTCMPolicy::applyMeter(policyTableEntry *policy, Packet *pkt) {
- double now = Scheduler::instance().clock();
- double tokenBytes;
- tokenBytes = (double) policy->cir * (now - policy->arrivalTime);
- if (policy->cBucket + tokenBytes <= policy->cbs)
- policy->cBucket += tokenBytes;
- else
- policy->cBucket = policy->cbs;
- tokenBytes = (double) policy->pir * (now - policy->arrivalTime);
- if (policy->pBucket + tokenBytes <= policy->pbs)
- policy->pBucket += tokenBytes;
- else
- policy->pBucket = policy->pbs;
- policy->arrivalTime = now;
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int TRTCMPolicy::applyPolicer(policyTableEntry *policy, int initialCodePt, Packet* pkt)
- Pre: policy points to a policyTableEntry that is using the trTCM policer and
- whose state variables (cBucket and pBucket) are up to date. pkt points to a
- newly-arrived packet.
- Post: If policy's pBucket is smaller than pkt's size, the red code point is
- retained. Otherwise, if cBucket is smaller than the packet size, the yellow
- code point is returned and pBucket is decremented. Otherwise, the packet
- remains green and both buckets are decremented.
- Returns: A code point to apply to the current packet.
- Uses: Method downgradeOne() and downgradeTwo().
- Note: See the Internet Draft, "A Two Rate Three Color Marker" (Heinanen et al;
- May, 1999) for a description of the srTCM.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int TRTCMPolicy::applyPolicer(policyTableEntry *policy, policerTableEntry *policer, Packet* pkt) {
- hdr_cmn* hdr = hdr_cmn::access(pkt);
- double size = (double) hdr->size();
- if ((policy->pBucket - size) < 0)
- return(policer->downgrade2);
- else {
- if ((policy->cBucket - size) < 0) {
- policy->pBucket -= size;
- return(policer->downgrade1);
- } else {
- policy->cBucket -= size;
- policy->pBucket -= size;
- return(policer->initialCodePt);
- }
- }
- }
- // End of TRTCM
- // Beginning of SFD
- //Constructor.
- SFDPolicy::SFDPolicy() : Policy() {
- flow_table.head = NULL;
- flow_table.tail = NULL;
- }
- //Deconstructor.
- SFDPolicy::~SFDPolicy(){
- struct flow_entry *p, *q;
- p = q = flow_table.head;
- while (p) {
- printf("free flow: %dn", p->fid);
- q = p;
- p = p->next;
- free(q);
- }
- p = q = NULL;
- flow_table.head = flow_table.tail = NULL;
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SFDPolicy::applyMeter(policyTableEntry *policy, Packet *pkt)
- Flow states are kept in a linked list.
- Record how many bytes has been sent per flow and check if there is any flow
- timeout.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void SFDPolicy::applyMeter(policyTableEntry *policy, Packet *pkt) {
- int fid, src_id, dst_id;
- struct flow_entry *p, *q, *new_entry;
- double now = Scheduler::instance().clock();
- hdr_cmn* hdr = hdr_cmn::access(pkt);
- hdr_ip* iph = hdr_ip::access(pkt);
- fid = iph->flowid();
- dst_id = iph->daddr();
- src_id = iph->saddr();
- // printf("enter applyMetern");
- // printFlowTable();
- p = q = flow_table.head;
- while (p) {
- // Check if the flow has been recorded before.
- if (p->fid == fid) {
- //if (p->src_id == src_id && p->dst_id == dst_id ) {
- p->last_update = now;
- p->bytes_sent += hdr->size();
- return;
- } else if (p->last_update + FLOW_TIME_OUT < now){
- // The coresponding flow is expired.
- if (p == flow_table.head){
- if (p == flow_table.tail) {
- flow_table.head = flow_table.tail = NULL;
- free(p);
- p = q = NULL;
- } else {
- flow_table.head = p->next;
- free(p);
- p = q = flow_table.head;
- }
- } else {
- q->next = p->next;
- if (p == flow_table.tail)
- flow_table.tail = q;
- free(p);
- p = q->next;
- }
- } else {
- q = p;
- p = q->next;
- }
- }
- // This is the firt time the flow shown up
- if (!p) {
- new_entry = new flow_entry;
- new_entry->fid = fid;
- new_entry->src_id = src_id;
- new_entry->dst_id = dst_id;
- new_entry->last_update = now;
- new_entry->bytes_sent = hdr->size();
- new_entry->count = 0;
- new_entry->next = NULL;
- // always insert the new entry to the tail.
- if (flow_table.tail)
- flow_table.tail->next = new_entry;
- else
- flow_table.head = new_entry;
- flow_table.tail = new_entry;
- }
- // printf("leave applyMetern");
- return;
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SFDPolicy::applyPolicer(policyTableEntry *policy, int initialCodePt, Packet *pkt)
- Prints the policyTable, one entry per line.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int SFDPolicy::applyPolicer(policyTableEntry *policy, policerTableEntry *policer, Packet *pkt) {
- int fid, src_id, dst_id;
- struct flow_entry *p;
- hdr_ip* iph = hdr_ip::access(pkt);
- fid = iph->flowid();
- dst_id = iph->daddr();
- src_id = iph->saddr();
- // printf("enter applyPolicern");
- //printFlowTable();
- p = flow_table.head;
- while (p) {
- // Check if the flow has been recorded before.
- if (p->fid == iph->flowid()) {
- //if (p->src_id == src_id && p->dst_id == dst_id) {
- if (p->bytes_sent > policy->cir) {
- // Use downgrade2 code to judge how to penalize out-profile packets.
- if (policer->downgrade2 == 0) {
- // Penalize every packet beyond th.
- //printf("leave applyPolicer %d, every downgraden", p->fid);
- return(policer->downgrade1);
- } else if (policer->downgrade2 == 1) {
- // Randomized penalization.
- if (Random::uniform(0.0, 1.0) > (1 - (policy->cir/p->bytes_sent))) {
- //printf("leave applyPolicer %d, random initial.n", p->fid);
- return(policer->initialCodePt);
- } else {
- //printf("leave applyPolicer %d, random, downgraden", p->fid);
- return(policer->downgrade1);
- }
- } else {
- // Simple scheduling on penalization.
- if (p->count == 5) {
- // Penalize 4 out of every 5 packets.
- p->count = 0;
- //printf("leave applyPolicer %d, initial, %dn", p->fid, p->count);
- return(policer->initialCodePt);
- } else {
- p->count++;
- //printf("leave applyPolicer %d, downgrade, %dn", p->fid, p->count);
- return(policer->downgrade1);
- }
- }
- } else {
- // printf("leave applyPolicer, initialn");
- return(policer->initialCodePt);
- }
- }
- p = p->next;
- }
- // Can't find the record for this flow.
- if (!p) {
- printf ("MISS: no flow %d (%d, %d) in the tablen", fid, src_id, dst_id);
- printFlowTable();
- };
- // printf("leave applyPolicer, init but problem...n");
- return(policer->initialCodePt);
- }
- // Prints the flowTable, one entry per line.
- void SFDPolicy::printFlowTable() {
- struct flow_entry *p;
- printf("Flow table:n");
- p = flow_table.head;
- while (p) {
- printf("flow id: %d [%d %d], bytesSent: %d, last_update: %fn",
- p->fid, p->src_id, p->dst_id, p->bytes_sent, p->last_update);
- p = p-> next;
- }
- p = NULL;
- printf("n");
- }
- // End of SFD