- /*
- * Copyright (c) 1999 International Computer Science Institute
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
- * must display the following acknowledgement:
- * This product includes software developed by ACIRI, the AT&T
- * Center for Internet Research at ICSI (the International Computer
- * Science Institute).
- * 4. Neither the name of ACIRI nor of ICSI may be used
- * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
- * specific prior written permission.
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "tfrc-sink.h"
- #include "formula-with-inverse.h"
- #include "flags.h"
- static class TfrcSinkClass : public TclClass {
- public:
- TfrcSinkClass() : TclClass("Agent/TFRCSink") {}
- TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {
- return (new TfrcSinkAgent());
- }
- } class_tfrcSink;
- TfrcSinkAgent::TfrcSinkAgent() : Agent(PT_TFRC_ACK), nack_timer_(this)
- {
- bind("packetSize_", &size_);
- bind("InitHistorySize_", &hsz);
- bind("NumFeedback_", &NumFeedback_);
- bind ("AdjustHistoryAfterSS_", &adjust_history_after_ss);
- bind ("printLoss_", &printLoss_);
- bind ("algo_", &algo); // algo for loss estimation
- bind ("PreciseLoss_", &PreciseLoss_);
- bind ("numPkts_", &numPkts_);
- bind("minDiscountRatio_", &minDiscountRatio_);
- // for WALI ONLY
- bind ("NumSamples_", &numsamples);
- bind ("discount_", &discount);
- bind ("smooth_", &smooth_);
- bind ("ShortIntervals_", &ShortIntervals_);
- bind ("ShortRtts_", &ShortRtts_);
- // EWMA use only
- bind ("history_", &history); // EWMA history
- // for RBPH use only
- bind("minlc_", &minlc);
- bind("bytes_", &bytes_);
- rtt_ = 0;
- tzero_ = 0;
- last_timestamp_ = 0;
- last_arrival_ = 0;
- last_report_sent=0;
- total_received_ = 0;
- total_losses_ = 0;
- total_dropped_ = 0;
- maxseq = -1;
- maxseqList = -1;
- rcvd_since_last_report = 0;
- losses_since_last_report = 0;
- loss_seen_yet = 0;
- lastloss = 0;
- lastloss_round_id = -1 ;
- numPktsSoFar_ = 0;
- rtvec_ = NULL;
- tsvec_ = NULL;
- lossvec_ = NULL;
- // used by WALI and EWMA
- last_sample = 0;
- // used only for WALI
- false_sample = 0;
- sample = NULL ;
- weights = NULL ;
- mult = NULL ;
- losses = NULL ;
- count_losses = NULL ;
- num_rtts = NULL ;
- sample_count = 1 ;
- mult_factor_ = 1.0;
- init_WALI_flag = 0;
- // used only for EWMA
- avg_loss_int = -1 ;
- loss_int = 0 ;
- // used only bu RBPH
- sendrate = 0 ; // current send rate
- }
- /*
- * This is a new loss event if it is at least an RTT after the beginning
- * of the last one.
- * If PreciseLoss_ is set, the new_loss also checks that there is a
- * new round_id.
- * The sender updates the round_id when it receives a new report from
- * the receiver, and when it reduces its rate after no feedback.
- * Sometimes the rtt estimates can be less than the actual RTT, and
- * the round_id will catch this. This can be useful if the actual
- * RTT increases dramatically.
- */
- int TfrcSinkAgent::new_loss(int i, double tstamp)
- {
- double time_since_last_loss_interval = tsvec_[i%hsz]-lastloss;
- if ((time_since_last_loss_interval > rtt_)
- && (PreciseLoss_ == 0 || (round_id > lastloss_round_id))) {
- lastloss = tstamp;
- lastloss_round_id = round_id ;
- if (time_since_last_loss_interval < ShortRtts_ * rtt_ &&
- algo == WALI) {
- count_losses[0] = 1;
- }
- if (rtt_ > 0 && algo == WALI) {
- num_rtts[0] = (int) ceil(time_since_last_loss_interval / rtt_);
- if (num_rtts[0] < 1) num_rtts[0] = 1;
- }
- return TRUE;
- } else return FALSE;
- }
- double TfrcSinkAgent::estimate_tstamp(int before, int after, int i)
- {
- double delta = (tsvec_[after%hsz]-tsvec_[before%hsz])/(after-before) ;
- double tstamp = tsvec_[before%hsz]+(i-before)*delta ;
- return tstamp;
- }
- /*
- * Receive new data packet. If appropriate, generate a new report.
- */
- void TfrcSinkAgent::recv(Packet *pkt, Handler *)
- {
- hdr_tfrc *tfrch = hdr_tfrc::access(pkt);
- hdr_flags* hf = hdr_flags::access(pkt);
- double now = Scheduler::instance().clock();
- double p = -1;
- int ecnEvent = 0;
- int congestionEvent = 0;
- int UrgentFlag = 0; // send loss report immediately
- int newdata = 0; // a new data packet received
- if (algo == WALI && !init_WALI_flag) {
- init_WALI () ;
- }
- rcvd_since_last_report ++;
- total_received_ ++;
- // bytes_ was added by Tom Phelan, for reporting bytes received.
- bytes_ += hdr_cmn::access(pkt)->size();
- if (maxseq < 0) {
- // This is the first data packet.
- newdata = 1;
- maxseq = tfrch->seqno - 1 ;
- maxseqList = tfrch->seqno;
- rtvec_=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*hsz);
- tsvec_=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*hsz);
- lossvec_=(char *)malloc(sizeof(double)*hsz);
- if (rtvec_ && lossvec_) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < hsz ; i ++) {
- lossvec_[i] = UNKNOWN;
- rtvec_[i] = -1;
- tsvec_[i] = -1;
- }
- }
- else {
- printf ("error allocating memory for packet buffersn");
- abort ();
- }
- }
- /* for the time being, we will ignore out of order and duplicate
- packets etc. */
- int seqno = tfrch->seqno ;
- fsize_ = tfrch->fsize;
- int oldmaxseq = maxseq;
- // if this is the highest packet yet, or an unknown packet
- // between maxseqList and maxseq
- if ((seqno > maxseq) ||
- (seqno > maxseqList && lossvec_[seqno%hsz] == UNKNOWN )) {
- if (seqno > maxseqList + 1)
- ++ numPktsSoFar_;
- UrgentFlag = tfrch->UrgentFlag;
- round_id = tfrch->round_id ;
- rtt_=tfrch->rtt;
- tzero_=tfrch->tzero;
- psize_=tfrch->psize;
- sendrate = tfrch->rate;
- last_arrival_=now;
- last_timestamp_=tfrch->timestamp;
- rtvec_[seqno%hsz]=now;
- tsvec_[seqno%hsz]=last_timestamp_;
- if (hf->ect() == 1 && hf->ce() == 1) {
- // ECN action
- lossvec_[seqno%hsz] = ECN_RCVD;
- ++ total_losses_;
- losses_since_last_report++;
- if (new_loss(seqno, tsvec_[seqno%hsz])) {
- ecnEvent = 1;
- lossvec_[seqno%hsz] = ECNLOST;
- }
- if (algo == WALI) {
- ++ losses[0];
- }
- } else lossvec_[seqno%hsz] = RCVD;
- }
- if (seqno > maxseq) {
- int i = maxseq + 1;
- while (i < seqno) {
- // Added 3/1/05 in case we have wrapped around
- // in packet sequence space.
- lossvec_[i%hsz] = UNKNOWN;
- ++ i;
- ++ total_losses_;
- ++ total_dropped_;
- }
- }
- if (seqno > maxseqList &&
- (ecnEvent || numPktsSoFar_ >= numPkts_ ||
- tsvec_[seqno%hsz] - tsvec_[maxseqList%hsz] > rtt_)) {
- // numPktsSoFar_ >= numPkts_:
- // Number of pkts since we last entered this procedure
- // at least equal numPkts_, the number of non-sequential
- // packets that must be seen before inferring loss.
- // maxseqList: max seq number checked for dropped packets
- // Decide which losses begin new loss events.
- int i = maxseqList ;
- while(i < seqno) {
- if (lossvec_[i%hsz] == UNKNOWN) {
- rtvec_[i%hsz]=now;
- tsvec_[i%hsz]=estimate_tstamp(oldmaxseq, seqno, i);
- if (new_loss(i, tsvec_[i%hsz])) {
- congestionEvent = 1;
- lossvec_[i%hsz] = LOST;
- } else {
- // This lost packet is marked "NOT_RCVD"
- // as it does not begin a loss event.
- lossvec_[i%hsz] = NOT_RCVD;
- }
- if (algo == WALI) {
- ++ losses[0];
- }
- losses_since_last_report++;
- }
- i++;
- }
- maxseqList = seqno;
- numPktsSoFar_ = 0;
- } else if (seqno == maxseqList + 1) {
- maxseqList = seqno;
- numPktsSoFar_ = 0;
- }
- if (seqno > maxseq) {
- maxseq = tfrch->seqno ;
- // if we are in slow start (i.e. (loss_seen_yet ==0)),
- // and if we saw a loss, report it immediately
- if ((algo == WALI) && (loss_seen_yet ==0) &&
- (tfrch->seqno - oldmaxseq > 1 || ecnEvent )) {
- UrgentFlag = 1 ;
- loss_seen_yet = 1;
- if (adjust_history_after_ss) {
- p = adjust_history(tfrch->timestamp);
- }
- }
- if ((rtt_ > SMALLFLOAT) &&
- (now - last_report_sent >= rtt_/NumFeedback_)) {
- UrgentFlag = 1 ;
- }
- }
- if (UrgentFlag || ecnEvent || congestionEvent) {
- nextpkt(p);
- }
- Packet::free(pkt);
- }
- double TfrcSinkAgent::est_loss ()
- {
- double p = 0 ;
- switch (algo) {
- case WALI:
- p = est_loss_WALI () ;
- break;
- case EWMA:
- p = est_loss_EWMA () ;
- break;
- case RBPH:
- p = est_loss_RBPH () ;
- break;
- case EBPH:
- p = est_loss_EBPH () ;
- break;
- default:
- printf ("invalid algo specifiedn");
- abort();
- break ;
- }
- return p;
- }
- /*
- * compute estimated throughput in packets per RTT for report.
- */
- double TfrcSinkAgent::est_thput ()
- {
- double time_for_rcv_rate;
- double now = Scheduler::instance().clock();
- double thput = 1 ;
- if ((rtt_ > 0) && ((now - last_report_sent) >= rtt_)) {
- // more than an RTT since the last report
- time_for_rcv_rate = (now - last_report_sent);
- if (rcvd_since_last_report > 0) {
- thput = rcvd_since_last_report/time_for_rcv_rate;
- }
- }
- else {
- // count number of packets received in the last RTT
- if (rtt_ > 0){
- double last = rtvec_[maxseq%hsz];
- int rcvd = 0;
- int i = maxseq;
- while (i > 0) {
- if (lossvec_[i%hsz] == RCVD) {
- if ((rtvec_[i%hsz] + rtt_) > last)
- rcvd++;
- else
- break ;
- }
- i--;
- }
- if (rcvd > 0)
- thput = rcvd/rtt_;
- }
- }
- return thput ;
- }
- /*
- * Schedule sending this report, and set timer for the next one.
- */
- void TfrcSinkAgent::nextpkt(double p) {
- sendpkt(p);
- /* schedule next report rtt/NumFeedback_ later */
- /* note from Sally: why is this 1.5 instead of 1.0? */
- if (rtt_ > 0.0 && NumFeedback_ > 0)
- nack_timer_.resched(1.5*rtt_/NumFeedback_);
- }
- /*
- * Create report message, and send it.
- */
- void TfrcSinkAgent::sendpkt(double p)
- {
- double now = Scheduler::instance().clock();
- /*don't send an ACK unless we've received new data*/
- /*if we're sending slower than one packet per RTT, don't need*/
- /*multiple responses per data packet.*/
- /*
- * Do we want to send a report even if we have not received
- * any new data?
- */
- if (last_arrival_ >= last_report_sent) {
- Packet* pkt = allocpkt();
- if (pkt == NULL) {
- printf ("error allocating packetn");
- abort();
- }
- hdr_tfrc_ack *tfrc_ackh = hdr_tfrc_ack::access(pkt);
- tfrc_ackh->seqno=maxseq;
- tfrc_ackh->timestamp_echo=last_timestamp_;
- tfrc_ackh->timestamp_offset=now-last_arrival_;
- tfrc_ackh->timestamp=now;
- tfrc_ackh->NumFeedback_ = NumFeedback_;
- if (p < 0)
- tfrc_ackh->flost = est_loss ();
- else
- tfrc_ackh->flost = p;
- tfrc_ackh->rate_since_last_report = est_thput ();
- tfrc_ackh->losses = losses_since_last_report;
- if (total_received_ <= 0)
- tfrc_ackh->true_loss = 0.0;
- else
- tfrc_ackh->true_loss = 1.0 *
- total_losses_/(total_received_+total_dropped_);
- last_report_sent = now;
- rcvd_since_last_report = 0;
- losses_since_last_report = 0;
- send(pkt, 0);
- }
- }
- int TfrcSinkAgent::command(int argc, const char*const* argv)
- {
- if (argc == 3) {
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "weights") == 0) {
- /*
- * weights is a string of numbers, seperated by + signs
- * the firs number is the total number of weights.
- * the rest of them are the actual weights
- * this overrides the defaults
- */
- char *w ;
- w = (char *)calloc(strlen(argv[2])+1, sizeof(char)) ;
- if (w == NULL) {
- printf ("error allocating wn");
- abort();
- }
- strcpy(w, (char *)argv[2]);
- numsamples = atoi(strtok(w,"+"));
- sample = (int *)malloc((numsamples+1)*sizeof(int));
- losses = (int *)malloc((numsamples+1)*sizeof(int));
- count_losses = (int *)malloc((numsamples+1)*sizeof(int));
- num_rtts = (int *)malloc((numsamples+1)*sizeof(int));
- weights = (double *)malloc((numsamples+1)*sizeof(double));
- mult = (double *)malloc((numsamples+1)*sizeof(double));
- fflush(stdout);
- if (sample && weights) {
- int count = 0 ;
- while (count < numsamples) {
- sample[count] = 0;
- losses[count] = 1;
- count_losses[count] = 0;
- num_rtts[count] = 0;
- mult[count] = 1;
- char *w;
- w = strtok(NULL, "+");
- if (w == NULL)
- break ;
- else {
- weights[count++] = atof(w);
- }
- }
- if (count < numsamples) {
- printf ("error in weights string %sn", argv[2]);
- abort();
- }
- sample[count] = 0;
- losses[count] = 1;
- count_losses[count] = 0;
- num_rtts[count] = 0;
- weights[count] = 0;
- mult[count] = 1;
- free(w);
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- else {
- printf ("error allocating memory for smaple and weights:2n");
- abort();
- }
- }
- }
- return (Agent::command(argc, argv));
- }
- void TfrcNackTimer::expire(Event *) {
- a_->nextpkt(-1);
- }
- void TfrcSinkAgent::print_loss(int sample, double ave_interval)
- {
- double now = Scheduler::instance().clock();
- double drops = 1/ave_interval;
- // This is ugly to include this twice, but the first one is
- // for backward compatibility with earlier scripts.
- printf ("time: %7.5f loss_rate: %7.5f n", now, drops);
- printf ("time: %7.5f sample 0: %5d loss_rate: %7.5f n",
- now, sample, drops);
- //printf ("time: %7.5f send_rate: %7.5fn", now, sendrate);
- //printf ("time: %7.5f maxseq: %dn", now, maxseq);
- }
- void TfrcSinkAgent::print_loss_all(int *sample)
- {
- double now = Scheduler::instance().clock();
- printf ("%f: sample 0: %5d 1: %5d 2: %5d 3: %5d 4: %5dn",
- now, sample[0], sample[1], sample[2], sample[3], sample[4]);
- }
- void TfrcSinkAgent::print_losses_all(int *losses)
- {
- double now = Scheduler::instance().clock();
- printf ("%f: losses 0: %5d 1: %5d 2: %5d 3: %5d 4: %5dn",
- now, losses[0], losses[1], losses[2], losses[3], losses[4]);
- }
- void TfrcSinkAgent::print_count_losses_all(int *count_losses)
- {
- double now = Scheduler::instance().clock();
- printf ("%f: count? 0: %5d 1: %5d 2: %5d 3: %5d 4: %5dn",
- now, count_losses[0], count_losses[1], count_losses[2], count_losses[3], count_losses[4]);
- }
- void TfrcSinkAgent::print_num_rtts_all(int *count_losses)
- {
- double now = Scheduler::instance().clock();
- printf ("%f: rtts 0: %5d 1: %5d 2: %5d 3: %5d 4: %5dn",
- now, num_rtts[0], num_rtts[1], num_rtts[2], num_rtts[3], num_rtts[4]);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- // algo specific code /////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- ////
- /// WALI Code
- ////
- double TfrcSinkAgent::est_loss_WALI ()
- {
- int i;
- double ave_interval1, ave_interval2;
- int ds ;
- if (!init_WALI_flag) {
- init_WALI () ;
- }
- // sample[i] counts the number of packets in the i-th loss interval
- // sample[0] contains the most recent sample.
- // losses[i] contains the number of losses in the i-th loss interval
- // count_losses[i] is 1 if the i-th loss interval is short.
- // num_rtts[i] contains the number of rtts in the i-th loss interval
- for (i = last_sample; i <= maxseq ; i ++) {
- sample[0]++;
- if (lossvec_[i%hsz] == LOST || lossvec_[i%hsz] == ECNLOST) {
- // new loss event
- sample_count ++;
- shift_array (sample, numsamples+1, 0);
- shift_array (losses, numsamples+1, 1);
- shift_array (count_losses, numsamples+1, 1);
- shift_array (num_rtts, numsamples+1, 0);
- multiply_array(mult, numsamples+1, mult_factor_);
- shift_array (mult, numsamples+1, 1.0);
- mult_factor_ = 1.0;
- }
- }
- last_sample = maxseq+1 ;
- double now = Scheduler::instance().clock();
- //if (ShortIntervals_ > 0 && printLoss_ > 0) {
- // printf ("now: %5.2f lastloss: %5.2f ShortRtts_: %d rtt_: %5.2fn",
- // now, lastloss, ShortRtts_, rtt_);
- //}
- if (ShortIntervals_ > 0 &&
- now - lastloss > ShortRtts_ * rtt_) {
- // Check if the current loss interval is short.
- count_losses[0] = 0;
- }
- if (ShortIntervals_ > 0 && rtt_ > 0) {
- // Count number of rtts in current loss interval.
- num_rtts[0] = (int) ceil((now - lastloss) / rtt_);
- if (num_rtts[0] < 1) num_rtts[0] = 1;
- }
- if (sample_count>numsamples+1)
- // The array of loss intervals is full.
- ds=numsamples+1;
- else
- ds=sample_count;
- if (sample_count == 1 && false_sample == 0)
- // no losses yet
- return 0;
- /* do we need to discount weights? */
- if (sample_count > 1 && discount && sample[0] > 0) {
- double ave = weighted_average1(1, ds, 1.0, mult, weights, sample, ShortIntervals_, losses, count_losses, num_rtts);
- int factor = 2;
- double ratio = (factor*ave)/sample[0];
- if ( ratio < 1.0) {
- // the most recent loss interval is very large
- mult_factor_ = ratio;
- double min_ratio = minDiscountRatio_;
- if (mult_factor_ < min_ratio)
- mult_factor_ = min_ratio;
- }
- }
- // Calculations including the most recent loss interval.
- ave_interval1 = weighted_average1(0, ds, mult_factor_, mult, weights, sample, ShortIntervals_, losses, count_losses, num_rtts);
- // Calculations not including the most recent loss interval.
- ave_interval2 = weighted_average1(1, ds, mult_factor_, mult, weights, sample, ShortIntervals_, losses, count_losses, num_rtts);
- // The most recent loss interval does not end in a loss
- // event. Include the most recent interval in the
- // calculations only if this increases the estimated loss
- // interval.
- // If ShortIntervals is less than 10, do not count the most
- // recent interval if it is a short interval.
- // Values of ShortIntervals greater than 10 are only for
- // validation purposes, and for backwards compatibility.
- //
- if (ave_interval2 > ave_interval1 ||
- (ShortIntervals_ > 1 && ShortIntervals_ < 10
- && count_losses[0] == 1))
- // The second condition is to check if the first interval
- // is a short interval. If so, we must use ave_interval2.
- ave_interval1 = ave_interval2;
- if (ave_interval1 > 0) {
- if (printLoss_ > 0) {
- print_loss(sample[0], ave_interval1);
- print_loss_all(sample);
- if (ShortIntervals_ > 0) {
- print_losses_all(losses);
- print_count_losses_all(count_losses);
- print_num_rtts_all(num_rtts);
- }
- }
- return 1/ave_interval1;
- } else return 999;
- }
- // Calculate the weighted average.
- double TfrcSinkAgent::weighted_average(int start, int end, double factor, double *m, double *w, int *sample)
- {
- int i;
- double wsum = 0;
- double answer = 0;
- if (smooth_ == 1 && start == 0) {
- if (end == numsamples+1) {
- // the array is full, but we don't want to uses
- // the last loss interval in the array
- end = end-1;
- }
- // effectively shift the weight arrays
- for (i = start ; i < end; i++)
- if (i==0)
- wsum += m[i]*w[i+1];
- else
- wsum += factor*m[i]*w[i+1];
- for (i = start ; i < end; i++)
- if (i==0)
- answer += m[i]*w[i+1]*sample[i]/wsum;
- else
- answer += factor*m[i]*w[i+1]*sample[i]/wsum;
- return answer;
- } else {
- for (i = start ; i < end; i++)
- if (i==0)
- wsum += m[i]*w[i];
- else
- wsum += factor*m[i]*w[i];
- for (i = start ; i < end; i++)
- if (i==0)
- answer += m[i]*w[i]*sample[i]/wsum;
- else
- answer += factor*m[i]*w[i]*sample[i]/wsum;
- return answer;
- }
- }
- int TfrcSinkAgent::get_sample(int oldSample, int numLosses)
- {
- int newSample;
- if (numLosses == 0) {
- newSample = oldSample;
- } else {
- newSample = oldSample / numLosses;
- }
- return newSample;
- }
- int TfrcSinkAgent::get_sample_rtts(int oldSample, int numLosses, int rtts)
- {
- int newSample;
- if (numLosses == 0) {
- newSample = oldSample;
- //printf ("sample: %d numLosses: %dn", oldSample, numLosses);
- } else {
- double fraction;
- if (ShortRtts_ != 0)
- fraction = (ShortRtts_ + 1.0 - rtts) / ShortRtts_;
- else fraction = 1.0;
- int numLoss = (int) (floor(fraction * numLosses ));
- if (numLoss != 0)
- newSample = oldSample / numLoss;
- else newSample = oldSample;
- //printf ("sample: %d rtts: %d numLosses: %d newSample: %d fraction: %5.2f numLoss %dn",
- // oldSample, rtts, numLosses, newSample, fraction, numLoss);
- }
- return newSample;
- }
- // Calculate the weighted average, factor*m[i]*w[i]*sample[i]/wsum.
- // "factor" is "mult_factor_", for weighting the most recent interval
- // when it is very large
- // "m[i]" is "mult[]", for old values of "mult_factor_".
- //
- // When ShortIntervals_%10 is 1, the length of a loss interval is
- // "sample[i]/losses[i]" for short intervals, not just "sample[i]".
- // This is equivalent to a loss event rate of "losses[i]/sample[i]",
- // instead of "1/sample[i]".
- //
- // When ShortIntervals_%10 is 2, it is like ShortIntervals_ of 1,
- // except that the number of losses per loss interval is at
- // most 1460/byte-size-of-small-packets.
- //
- // When ShortIntervals_%10 is 3, short intervals are up to three RTTs,
- // and the number of losses counted is a function of the interval size.
- //
- double TfrcSinkAgent::weighted_average1(int start, int end, double factor, double *m, double *w, int *sample, int ShortIntervals, int *losses, int *count_losses, int *num_rtts)
- {
- int i;
- int ThisSample;
- double wsum = 0;
- double answer = 0;
- if (smooth_ == 1 && start == 0) {
- if (end == numsamples+1) {
- // the array is full, but we don't want to use
- // the last loss interval in the array
- end = end-1;
- }
- // effectively shift the weight arrays
- for (i = start ; i < end; i++)
- if (i==0)
- wsum += m[i]*w[i+1];
- else
- wsum += factor*m[i]*w[i+1];
- for (i = start ; i < end; i++) {
- ThisSample = sample[i];
- if (ShortIntervals%10 == 1 && count_losses[i] == 1) {
- ThisSample = get_sample(sample[i], losses[i]);
- }
- if (ShortIntervals%10 == 2 && count_losses[i] == 1) {
- int adjusted_losses = int(fsize_/size_);
- if (losses[i] < adjusted_losses) {
- adjusted_losses = losses[i];
- }
- ThisSample = get_sample(sample[i], adjusted_losses);
- }
- if (ShortIntervals%10 == 3 && count_losses[i] == 1) {
- ThisSample = get_sample_rtts(sample[i], losses[i], num_rtts[i]);
- }
- if (i==0)
- answer += m[i]*w[i+1]*ThisSample/wsum;
- //answer += m[i]*w[i+1]*sample[i]/wsum;
- else
- answer += factor*m[i]*w[i+1]*ThisSample/wsum;
- //answer += factor*m[i]*w[i+1]*sample[i]/wsum;
- }
- return answer;
- } else {
- for (i = start ; i < end; i++)
- if (i==0)
- wsum += m[i]*w[i];
- else
- wsum += factor*m[i]*w[i];
- for (i = start ; i < end; i++) {
- ThisSample = sample[i];
- if (ShortIntervals%10 == 1 && count_losses[i] == 1) {
- ThisSample = get_sample(sample[i], losses[i]);
- }
- if (ShortIntervals%10 == 2 && count_losses[i] == 1) {
- ThisSample = get_sample(sample[i], 7);
- // Replace 7 by 1460/packet size.
- }
- if (ShortIntervals%10 == 3 && count_losses[i] == 1) {
- ThisSample = get_sample_rtts(sample[i], losses[i], (int) num_rtts[i]);
- }
- if (i==0)
- answer += m[i]*w[i]*ThisSample/wsum;
- //answer += m[i]*w[i]*sample[i]/wsum;
- else
- answer += factor*m[i]*w[i]*ThisSample/wsum;
- //answer += factor*m[i]*w[i]*sample[i]/wsum;
- }
- return answer;
- }
- }
- // Shift array a[] up, starting with a[sz-2] -> a[sz-1].
- void TfrcSinkAgent::shift_array(int *a, int sz, int defval)
- {
- int i ;
- for (i = sz-2 ; i >= 0 ; i--) {
- a[i+1] = a[i] ;
- }
- a[0] = defval;
- }
- void TfrcSinkAgent::shift_array(double *a, int sz, double defval) {
- int i ;
- for (i = sz-2 ; i >= 0 ; i--) {
- a[i+1] = a[i] ;
- }
- a[0] = defval;
- }
- // Multiply array by value, starting with array index 1.
- // Array index 0 of the unshifted array contains the most recent interval.
- void TfrcSinkAgent::multiply_array(double *a, int sz, double multiplier) {
- int i ;
- for (i = 1; i <= sz-1; i++) {
- double old = a[i];
- a[i] = old * multiplier ;
- }
- }
- /*
- * We just received our first loss, and need to adjust our history.
- */
- double TfrcSinkAgent::adjust_history (double ts)
- {
- int i;
- double p;
- for (i = maxseq; i >= 0 ; i --) {
- if (lossvec_[i%hsz] == LOST || lossvec_[i%hsz] == ECNLOST ) {
- lossvec_[i%hsz] = NOT_RCVD;
- }
- }
- lastloss = ts;
- lastloss_round_id = round_id ;
- p=b_to_p(est_thput()*psize_, rtt_, tzero_, fsize_, 1);
- false_sample = (int)(1.0/p);
- sample[1] = false_sample;
- sample[0] = 0;
- losses[1] = 0;
- losses[0] = 1;
- count_losses[1] = 0;
- count_losses[0] = 0;
- num_rtts[0]=0;
- num_rtts[1]=0;
- sample_count++;
- if (printLoss_) {
- print_loss_all (sample);
- if (ShortIntervals_ > 0) {
- print_losses_all(losses);
- print_count_losses_all(count_losses);
- print_num_rtts_all(num_rtts);
- }
- }
- false_sample = -1 ;
- return p;
- }
- /*
- * Initialize data structures for weights.
- */
- void TfrcSinkAgent::init_WALI () {
- int i;
- if (numsamples < 0)
- numsamples = DEFAULT_NUMSAMPLES ;
- if (smooth_ == 1) {
- numsamples = numsamples + 1;
- }
- sample = (int *)malloc((numsamples+1)*sizeof(int));
- losses = (int *)malloc((numsamples+1)*sizeof(int));
- count_losses = (int *)malloc((numsamples+1)*sizeof(int));
- num_rtts = (int *)malloc((numsamples+1)*sizeof(int));
- weights = (double *)malloc((numsamples+1)*sizeof(double));
- mult = (double *)malloc((numsamples+1)*sizeof(double));
- for (i = 0 ; i < numsamples+1 ; i ++) {
- sample[i] = 0 ;
- }
- if (smooth_ == 1) {
- int mid = int(numsamples/2);
- for (i = 0; i < mid; i ++) {
- weights[i] = 1.0;
- }
- for (i = mid; i <= numsamples; i ++){
- weights[i] = 1.0 - (i-mid)/(mid + 1.0);
- }
- } else {
- int mid = int(numsamples/2);
- for (i = 0; i < mid; i ++) {
- weights[i] = 1.0;
- }
- for (i = mid; i <= numsamples; i ++){
- weights[i] = 1.0 - (i+1-mid)/(mid + 1.0);
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < numsamples+1; i ++) {
- mult[i] = 1.0 ;
- }
- init_WALI_flag = 1; /* initialization done */
- }
- ///////////////////////////
- // EWMA //////////////////
- //////////////////////////
- double TfrcSinkAgent::est_loss_EWMA () {
- double p1, p2 ;
- for (int i = last_sample; i <= maxseq ; i ++) {
- loss_int++;
- if (lossvec_[i%hsz] == LOST || lossvec_[i%hsz] == ECNLOST ) {
- if (avg_loss_int < 0) {
- avg_loss_int = loss_int ;
- } else {
- avg_loss_int = history*avg_loss_int + (1-history)*loss_int ;
- }
- loss_int = 0 ;
- }
- }
- last_sample = maxseq+1 ;
- if (avg_loss_int < 0) {
- p1 = 0;
- } else {
- p1 = 1.0/avg_loss_int ;
- }
- if (loss_int == 0
- || avg_loss_int < 0){ //XXX this last check was added by a
- //person who knows nothing of this
- //code just to stop FP div by zero.
- //Values were history=.75,
- //avg_loss_int=-1, loss_int=3. If
- //you know what should be here,
- //please cleanup and remove this
- //comment.
- p2 = p1 ;
- } else {
- p2 = 1.0/(history*avg_loss_int + (1-history)*loss_int) ;
- }
- if (p2 < p1) {
- p1 = p2 ;
- }
- if (printLoss_ > 0) {
- if (p1 > 0)
- print_loss(loss_int, 1.0/p1);
- else
- print_loss(loss_int, 0.00001);
- print_loss_all(sample);
- }
- return p1 ;
- }
- ///////////////////////////
- // RBPH //////////////////
- //////////////////////////
- double TfrcSinkAgent::est_loss_RBPH () {
- double numpkts = hsz ;
- double p ;
- // how many pkts we should go back?
- if (sendrate > 0 && rtt_ > 0) {
- double x = b_to_p(sendrate, rtt_, tzero_, psize_, 1);
- if (x > 0)
- numpkts = minlc/x ;
- else
- numpkts = hsz ;
- }
- // that number must be below maxseq and hsz
- if (numpkts > maxseq)
- numpkts = maxseq ;
- if (numpkts > hsz)
- numpkts = hsz ;
- int lc = 0;
- int pc = 0;
- int i = maxseq ;
- // first see if how many lc's we find in numpkts
- while (pc < numpkts) {
- pc ++ ;
- if (lossvec_[i%hsz] == LOST || lossvec_[i%hsz] == ECNLOST )
- lc ++ ;
- i -- ;
- }
- // if not enough lsos events, keep going back ...
- if (lc < minlc) {
- // but only as far as the history allows ...
- numpkts = maxseq ;
- if (numpkts > hsz)
- numpkts = hsz ;
- while ((lc < minlc) && (pc < numpkts)) {
- pc ++ ;
- if (lossvec_[i%hsz] == LOST || lossvec_[i%hsz] == ECNLOST )
- lc ++ ;
- i -- ;
- }
- }
- if (pc == 0)
- p = 0;
- else
- p = (double)lc/(double)pc ;
- if (printLoss_ > 0) {
- if (p > 0)
- print_loss(0, 1.0/p);
- else
- print_loss(0, 0.00001);
- print_loss_all(sample);
- }
- return p ;
- }
- ///////////////////////////
- // EBPH //////////////////
- //////////////////////////
- double TfrcSinkAgent::est_loss_EBPH () {
- double numpkts = hsz ;
- double p ;
- int lc = 0;
- int pc = 0;
- int i = maxseq ;
- numpkts = maxseq ;
- if (numpkts > hsz)
- numpkts = hsz ;
- while ((lc < minlc) && (pc < numpkts)) {
- pc ++ ;
- if (lossvec_[i%hsz] == LOST || lossvec_[i%hsz] == ECNLOST)
- lc ++ ;
- i -- ;
- }
- if (pc == 0)
- p = 0;
- else
- p = (double)lc/(double)pc ;
- if (printLoss_ > 0) {
- if (p > 0)
- print_loss(0, 1.0/p);
- else
- print_loss(0, 0.00001);
- print_loss_all(sample);
- }
- return p ;
- }