- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <strings.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <iostream.h>
- // Integration of Ashish's RED and asim
- #define _RED_ROUTER_MAIN_
- #include "asim.h"
- #define sp " "
- // Optimization
- #include<vector>
- using namespace std;
- typedef struct c{
- int no; // no of edges in the connection
- double delay; // total delay;
- double drop; // total drop prob
- double p_tput;
- double t;
- // The short flow stuff
- int is_sflow; // boolean to indicate whether there is a short flow
- double slambda; // The arrival rate of the connections
- int snopkts; // average of no of packets each short flow givies
- RedRouter * red;
- int scaled; // Whether this flow has been scaled or not
- }flow_stats;
- typedef struct n{
- int red; // flag to notify whether its a red queue or not
- double pmin, pmax, minth, maxth; // RED parameters
- double lambda; // Arrival rate - Packets per second
- double plambda; // Temp lambda value. previous lambda
- double tlambda;
- double mu; // Consumption rate - Packets per second
- double prop; // Propagation delay of the link
- double qdelay; // Store the queuing delay for each link
- int buffer; // Total buffer
- double drop; // probability of drop
- int nflows; // Number of flows through this link
- vector<int> theflows; // The flows through this link
- double scaled_lambda;
- double unscaled_lambda;
- double utput; // unscaled tput
- double uc; // unscaled capacity
- // RED
- RedRouter * redrouter;
- }link_stats;
- class asim {
- public:
- // data structures
- int nConnections; // Number of connections
- int K, MaxHops; //
- int nLinks; // Number of links
- int **Adj; // Stores the edge list of each connection
- int *nAdj; // Stores the no of edges per connection
- link_stats* links;
- flow_stats* flows;
- double min(double x, double y){
- return (x<y)?x:y;
- }
- double padhye(double rtt, double p){
- double rto = 1;
- double t=1;
- t = rtt*sqrt(2*p/3)+rto*min(1,(3*sqrt(3*p/8)))*p*(1+32*p*p);
- return min(20/rtt,1/t);
- }
- double Po(double rho, int K){
- if(rho==1)
- return 1.0/(K+1);
- double t;
- t=(1.0*(1-rho))/(1.0-pow(rho,K));
- return t;
- }
- double Pk(double rho, int K, int k){
- if(rho==1)
- return 1.0/(K+1);
- if(rho==0)
- return 0;
- double t;
- // M/M/1/K
- t=((1-rho)*pow(rho,k))/(1-pow(rho,K+1));
- return t;
- }
- double Lq(double rho, int K){
- double t1,t2;
- if(rho==1){
- return (1.0*K*(K-1))/(2.0*(K+1));
- }
- t1=rho*1.0/(1-rho);
- t2=rho*1.0/(1-pow(rho,K+1));
- t2*=K*pow(rho,K)+1;
- return (t1-t2)/2;
- }
- double get_link_drop(int x){
- assert(x<nLinks);
- return links[x].drop;
- }
- double get_link_delay(int x){
- assert(x<nLinks);
- return links[x].qdelay + links[x].prop ;
- }
- double get_link_qdelay(int x){
- assert(x<nLinks);
- return links[x].qdelay;
- }
- double get_link_pdelay(int x){
- assert(x<nLinks);
- return links[x].prop;
- }
- double get_link_tput(int x){
- assert(x<nLinks);
- return links[x].lambda;
- }
- double get_flow_delay(int x){
- assert(x<nConnections);
- return flows[x].delay;
- }
- double get_flow_tput(int x){
- assert(x<nConnections);
- return flows[x].p_tput;
- }
- double get_flow_drop(int x){
- assert(x<nConnections);
- return flows[x].drop;
- }
- void GetInputs(char *argv) {
- // Init links and connections
- nConnections = 0;
- nLinks = 0;
- // Start the reading process
- FILE *f;
- f = fopen(argv,"r");
- assert(f);
- char s[256];
- while (fgets(s, 255, f)) {
- // Read a token
- char *t;
- t = strtok(s, " tn");
- // Ignore comments
- if (!t || !t[0] || (t[0] == '#') || !strncasecmp(t, "comment", 6))
- continue;
- // Define the number of connections
- if (!strcasecmp(t,"n")) {
- t = strtok(NULL," t");
- assert(t);
- nConnections = atoi(t);
- assert(nConnections > 0);
- assert(nConnections >= 0);
- nAdj = new int[nConnections];
- Adj = new int*[nConnections];
- flows = new flow_stats[nConnections];
- for (int i=0; i<nConnections; ++i)
- nAdj[i] = -1;
- continue;
- }
- // Define the number of links
- else if (!strcasecmp(t,"m")) {
- t = strtok(NULL," t");
- assert(t);
- // #of links defined
- nLinks = atoi(t);
- assert(nLinks > 0);
- // Allocate space for sotring lambdas and mus
- links = new link_stats[nLinks];
- continue;
- }
- // Enter each route
- else if (!strcasecmp(t,"route")) {
- assert (nConnections > 0);
- assert (nLinks > 0);
- t = strtok(NULL," t");
- assert(t);
- int i = atoi(t);
- assert(i > 0 && i<= nConnections);
- i--;
- // We dunno whether this will be short flow specs
- flows[i].is_sflow = 0; // Lets assume its a normal flow
- flows[i].drop = 0; // Assume ideal case to start off
- flows[i].scaled = 0; // Not scaled as yet
- t = strtok(NULL," t");
- assert(t);
- nAdj[i] = atoi(t);
- assert(nAdj[i] > 0 && nAdj[i] <= nLinks);
- // We know how many links it will use
- Adj[i] = new int[nAdj[i]];
- for (int j=0; j<nAdj[i]; ++j) {
- t = strtok(NULL," t");
- assert(t);
- int l = atoi(t);
- assert(l > 0 && l <= nLinks);
- l--;
- Adj[i][j] = l;
- }
- if (MaxHops < nAdj[i]) MaxHops = nAdj[i];
- t = strtok(NULL," t");
- // assert(t);
- // Short flows stuff
- if (t && !strcasecmp(t,"sh")) {
- // There are short flows on this route.
- flows[i].is_sflow = 1;
- // read the slambda
- t = strtok(NULL," t");
- assert(t);
- double tmp = atof(t);
- flows[i].slambda = tmp;
- // read the snopkts
- t = strtok(NULL," t");
- assert(t);
- int tmpi = atoi(t);
- flows[i].snopkts = tmpi;
- }
- // For cbr
- // Treat almost like a short flow!
- if (t && !strcasecmp(t,"cbr")) {
- // There are short flows on this route.
- flows[i].is_sflow = 2;
- // read the rate
- t = strtok(NULL," t");
- assert(t);
- double tmp = atof(t);
- flows[i].slambda = tmp;
- flows[i].snopkts = 1;
- }
- // Now, let us put the flows in persective
- // Insert the flow id trhough all the links
- int l_;
- for(int j=0;j<nAdj[i];j++){
- l_ = Adj[i][j];
- (links[l_].theflows).push_back(i);
- links[l_].nflows++;
- if(flows[i].is_sflow){
- links[l_].lambda+=flows[i].slambda*flows[i].snopkts;
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- else if(!strcasecmp(t,"link")){
- assert (nLinks > 0);
- // Get the link number
- t = strtok(NULL," t");
- assert(t);
- int i = atoi(t);
- assert(i > 0 && i<= nLinks);
- i--;
- // Get the prop delay
- t = strtok(NULL," t");
- assert(t);
- double p = atof(t);
- assert(p>=0);
- links[i].prop = p;
- // Get the lambda for this link
- t = strtok(NULL," t");
- assert(t);
- p = atof(t);
- assert(p>=0);
- links[i].lambda = 0;
- links[i].tlambda = p;
- links[i].plambda = p;
- // Get the mu for this link
- t = strtok(NULL," t");
- assert(t);
- p = atof(t);
- assert(p>=0);
- links[i].mu = p;
- // Get the buffer for this link
- t = strtok(NULL," t");
- assert(t);
- int t1 = atoi(t);
- assert(t1>0);
- links[i].buffer = t1;
- // Check for RED Q or not
- t = strtok(NULL," t");
- if(t && !strcasecmp(t,"red")){
- // must be a red queue
- // input red parameters
- // all parameters between 0 and 1
- links[i].red=1;
- // get minth
- t = strtok(NULL," t");
- double dt = atof(t);
- //assert(dt>=0 && dt<=1);
- links[i].minth=dt;
- // get pmin
- t = strtok(NULL," t");
- dt = atof(t);
- //assert(dt>=0 && dt<=1);
- links[i].pmin=dt;
- // get maxth
- t = strtok(NULL," t");
- dt = atof(t);
- //assert(dt>=0 && dt<=1);
- links[i].maxth=dt;
- // get pmax
- t = strtok(NULL," t");
- dt = atof(t);
- //assert(dt>=0 && dt<=1);
- links[i].pmax=dt;
- // Invoke Ashish's RED module ... ignore pmin .....
- links[i].redrouter = new RedRouter((int)links[i].minth,
- (int)links[i].maxth,
- links[i].pmax);
- assert(links[i].red);
- }
- else{
- links[i].red=0;
- }
- links[i].nflows = 0; // init the num of flows
- continue;
- }
- assert(0);
- }
- // Check whether everything is all right
- assert (nConnections > 0);
- assert (nLinks > 0);
- for (int i=0; i<nConnections; ++i)
- assert(nAdj[i] > 0);
- }
- double redFn(double minth, double pmin,
- double maxth, double pmax, double qlength){
- assert(qlength>=0 && qlength<=1);
- assert(pmax>=0 && pmax<=1);
- assert(pmin>=0 && pmin<=1);
- assert(minth>=0 && minth<=1);
- assert(maxth>=0 && maxth<=1);
- assert(maxth>=minth);
- assert(pmax>pmin);
- double t;
- if(qlength<minth)
- return 0;
- if(qlength>maxth)
- return 1;
- return pmin + (qlength-minth)/(pmax-pmin);
- }
- void CalcLinkStats(int flag = 0){
- // flag = 1 means enable RED
- // Calculate Link delays ... basically queuing delays
- for(int i=0; i<nLinks; i++){
- double rho = links[i].lambda/links[i].mu;
- double qlength = Lq(rho,links[i].buffer);
- links[i].qdelay = qlength/links[i].mu;
- links[i].drop = Pk(rho,links[i].buffer,links[i].buffer);
- // cout << "Link " << i << " has drop prob = " << links[i].drop << endl;
- // Special code for RED gateways
- if(flag){
- if(links[i].red){
- double minth, maxth, pmin, pmax, delay,p;
- minth = links[i].minth;
- maxth = links[i].maxth;
- pmin = links[i].pmin;
- pmax = links[i].pmax;
- // The RED approx.
- p=(links[i].redrouter)->ComputeProbability(rho, delay);
- links[i].drop = p;
- qlength = Lq(rho*(1-p), links[i].buffer);
- links[i].qdelay = delay;
- }
- }
- // cout << i << sp << "rho = " << rho << " delay = " << links[i].qdelay << " and drop = " << links[i].drop << endl;
- }
- }
- void CalcPerFlowStats(){
- for(int i=0; i<nConnections; i++){
- double d = 0, p = 1 ;
- // Calculate drops and delays
- for(int j=0;j<nAdj[i];j++){
- d += 2*links[Adj[i][j]].prop + links[Adj[i][j]].qdelay;
- p *= 1-links[Adj[i][j]].drop;
- }
- p = 1-p;
- //cout << "Flow " << i << " has drop prob = " << p << endl;
- flows[i].no = nAdj[i];
- flows[i].delay = d;
- flows[i].drop = p;
- flows[i].t = flows[i].p_tput;
- // p is the end2end drop prob
- // If its normal flow, calculate Padhye's stuff
- // If its short flow, use our approximations
- // Nothing more
- if(flows[i].is_sflow==1){
- // If k flows come and each each flow has n packets to
- // send then
- double t = (flows[i].slambda*flows[i].snopkts);
- flows[i].p_tput = t/(1-p);
- }
- else if(flows[i].is_sflow==2){
- // For CBR, dont divide by 1-p unlike short flows.
- // If rate is x and prob is p, net goodput is x(1-p)
- flows[i].p_tput = flows[i].slambda*(1-p);
- // cout << "cbr stuff - tput = " << flows[i].p_tput << endl;
- }
- else{
- // regular bulk TCP connections, Padhye et. al.
- if(!p){
- // cout << "Oops, something wrong";
- }
- flows[i].p_tput = padhye(d,p);
- }
- // cout << "connection " << sp << i << sp << d << sp << p;
- //cout << sp << flows[i].p_tput << endl;
- }
- }
- void PrintData(){
- for(int i=0;i<nLinks;i++){
- cout << i << sp << links[i].lambda << sp << links[i].mu;
- cout << sp << links[i].buffer << endl;
- }
- }
- void PrintResults(){
- for(int i=0;i<nLinks;i++){
- printf("l %d qdel %.5lf drop %.5lf lam %.3lfn", i+1, links[i].qdelay, links[i].drop,links[i].lambda);
- }
- for(int i=0; i<nConnections; i++){
- printf("c %d gput %.5lf drop %.5lf e2edel %.5lfn", i+1,
- flows[i].p_tput,
- flows[i].drop,
- flows[i].delay);
- }
- }
- void UpdateHelper(int flag=0){
- // if flag = 1 then update only when link is unscaled as of now
- // if flag = 0 then do the usual update
- for(int i=0; i<nLinks; i++){
- links[i].tlambda=0;
- }
- for(int i=0; i<nConnections; i++){
- if(!flag || !flows[i].scaled)
- for(int j=0;j<nAdj[i];j++){
- if(flows[i].is_sflow==2){
- // cbr flow
- links[Adj[i][j]].tlambda += flows[i].slambda*(1-links[Adj[i][j]].drop);
- //cout << "cbr flow " << i << " adding " << flows[i].slambda*(1-links[Adj[i][j]].drop)
- // << " to link " << j << " tlam = " << links[Adj[i][j]].tlambda << endl;
- }
- else
- links[Adj[i][j]].tlambda += flows[i].p_tput;
- }
- // cout << flows[i].p_tput << "n";
- }
- }
- void Update(int niter){
- UpdateHelper();
- for(int i=0; i<nLinks; i++){
- links[i].plambda = links[i].lambda;
- double t;
- double tk=links[i].mu*(1.05)+5;
- if(niter){
- if(links[i].tlambda>tk)
- //t = pow((sqrt(links[i].lambda)+sqrt(links[i].mu+5))/2,2);
- t = ((links[i].lambda)+tk)/2;
- // t = exp((log(links[i].lambda)+log(links[i].mu+5))/2);
- else
- //t = pow((sqrt(links[i].tlambda)+sqrt(links[i].lambda))/2,2);
- t= ((links[i].tlambda)+(links[i].lambda))/2;
- // t = exp((log(links[i].tlambda)+log(links[i].lambda))/2);
- }
- else t = links[i].tlambda;
- links[i].lambda = t; // Update the lambda ..........
- }
- }
- int allscaled(){
- //cout << nConnections;
- for(int i=0; i<nConnections; i++)
- if(!flows[i].is_sflow && !flows[i].scaled){
- //cout << "Connection " << i << " not scaled as yetn";
- return 0;
- }
- cout << "All are scaledn";
- return 1;
- }
- void newupdate(int niter){
- // 1st init all unscaled tputs and cap
- for (int i=0;i<nLinks;i++){
- links[i].uc = links[i].mu*(1.05);
- links[i].utput = 0;
- }
- // calc all the unscaled tputs and C set all short flows
- // to be scaled already
- for(int i=0; i<nConnections; i++){
- if(flows[i].is_sflow)
- flows[i].scaled = 1;
- else
- flows[i].scaled = 0;
- for(int j=0;j<nAdj[i];j++){
- if(flows[i].is_sflow)
- links[Adj[i][j]].uc -= flows[i].p_tput;
- else
- links[Adj[i][j]].utput += flows[i].p_tput;
- }
- }
- //for(int i =0; i<nLinks; i++ ){
- //cout << i << sp << links[i].uc << sp << links[i].utput << endl;
- //}
- double maxgamma; // most congested link
- int bneck;
- double t;
- bneck = -1;
- maxgamma = 0;
- for(int i=0; i<nLinks; i++){
- if(links[i].uc){
- t=links[i].utput/links[i].uc;
- if(t > maxgamma){
- bneck = i;
- maxgamma = t;
- }
- }
- }
- while(bneck+1){
- //cout << "bneck = " << bneck << sp << links[bneck].uc << sp << links[bneck].utput << sp << maxgamma << sp << links[bneck].nflows <<endl;
- for(int i=0; i<links[bneck].nflows; i++){
- // For all the connections passing through this link
- int t = links[bneck].theflows[i]; // get a connection id
- // cout << i<< sp << t << sp ;
- // Now reduce its p_tput iff its not a short flow
- // For short flows we dont do scaling
- if(!flows[t].is_sflow && !flows[t].scaled){
- flows[t].p_tput /= maxgamma;
- //cout << "Flow " << t << " getting scaled to << " << flows[t].p_tput;
- flows[t].scaled = 1; // we have scaled this flow already
- for(int j=0;j<nAdj[t];j++){
- // subtract this scaled throughout from all teh links that
- // have this flow.
- links[Adj[t][j]].uc -= flows[t].p_tput;
- links[Adj[t][j]].utput -= flows[t].p_tput*maxgamma;
- // cout << sp << Adj[i][j];
- }
- //cout << endl;
- }
- }
- //cout << links[bneck].uc << sp << links[bneck].utput << endl;
- links[bneck].uc = 0;
- bneck = -1;
- maxgamma = 0;
- for(int i=0; i<nLinks; i++){
- if(links[i].uc){
- t=links[i].utput/links[i].uc;
- if(t > maxgamma){
- bneck = i;
- maxgamma = t;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Update(niter);
- }
- asim(){
- //cout << "Reached heren";
- }
- };
- int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- int niter = 0;
- // error if usage is wrong
- if (argc != 2) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s <InputFile>n", argv[0]);
- exit(-1);
- }
- asim sim;
- sim.GetInputs(argv[1]);
- //sim.PrintResults();
- //cout << "Read the input .... n";
- for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
- sim.CalcLinkStats(1);
- //cout << "Calculated link delays ... n";
- sim.CalcPerFlowStats();
- //cout << "Calculated per flow delays ... n";
- //cout << " ------------------------------n";
- sim.newupdate(niter);
- //sim.PrintResults();
- //cout << " ------------------------------n";
- }
- sim.PrintResults();
- }