- /********************************************/
- /* NS2 Simulator for IEEE 802.15.4 */
- /* (per P802.15.4/D18) */
- /*------------------------------------------*/
- /* by: Jianliang Zheng */
- /* (zheng@ee.ccny.cuny.edu) */
- /* Myung J. Lee */
- /* (lee@ccny.cuny.edu) */
- /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
- /* SAIT-CUNY Joint Lab */
- /********************************************/
- // File: p802_15_4mac.cc
- // Mode: C++; c-basic-offset:8; tab-width:8; indent-tabs-mode:t
- // $Header: /cvsroot/nsnam/ns-2/wpan/p802_15_4mac.cc,v 1.4 2007/01/30 05:00:52 tom_henderson Exp $
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology and
- * The City University of New York. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
- * must display the following acknowledgement:
- * This product includes software developed by the Joint Lab of Samsung
- * Advanced Institute of Technology and The City University of New York.
- * 4. Neither the name of Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology nor of
- * The City University of New York may be used to endorse or promote
- * products derived from this software without specific prior written
- * permission.
- *
- */
- #include "p802_15_4pkt.h"
- #include "p802_15_4mac.h"
- #include "p802_15_4const.h"
- #include "p802_15_4csmaca.h"
- #include "p802_15_4sscs.h"
- #include "p802_15_4trace.h"
- #include "p802_15_4fail.h"
- #include "p802_15_4nam.h"
- bool Mac802_15_4::verbose = false;
- UINT_8 Mac802_15_4::txOption = 0x00; //0x02=GTS; 0x04=Indirect; 0x00=Direct (only for 802.15.4-unaware upper layer app. packet)
- bool Mac802_15_4::ack4data = true;
- UINT_8 Mac802_15_4::callBack = 1; //0=no call back; 1=call back for failures; 2=call back for failures and successes
- UINT_32 Mac802_15_4::DBG_UID = 0;
- static MAC_PIB MPIB =
- {
- def_macAckWaitDuration, def_macAssociationPermit,
- def_macAutoRequest, def_macBattLifeExt,
- def_macBattLifeExtPeriods, def_macBeaconPayload,
- def_macBeaconPayloadLength, def_macBeaconOrder,
- def_macBeaconTxTime, 0/*def_macBSN*/,
- def_macCoordExtendedAddress, def_macCoordShortAddress,
- 0/*def_macDSN*/, def_macGTSPermit,
- def_macMaxCSMABackoffs, def_macMinBE,
- def_macPANId, def_macPromiscuousMode,
- def_macRxOnWhenIdle, def_macShortAddress,
- def_macSuperframeOrder, def_macTransactionPersistenceTime,
- def_macACLEntryDescriptorSet, def_macACLEntryDescriptorSetSize,
- def_macDefaultSecurity, def_macACLDefaultSecurityMaterialLength,
- def_macDefaultSecurityMaterial, def_macDefaultSecuritySuite,
- def_macSecurityMode
- };
- void Mac802_15_4Handler::handle(Event* e)
- {
- nullEvent.uid_ = 0;
- if (type == macTxBcnCmdDataHType)
- mac->txBcnCmdDataHandler();
- else if (type == macIFSHType)
- mac->IFSHandler();
- else if (type == macBackoffBoundType)
- mac->backoffBoundHandler();
- else
- assert(0);
- }
- int hdr_lrwpan::offset_;
- static class LRWPANHeaderClass : public PacketHeaderClass
- {
- public:
- LRWPANHeaderClass() : PacketHeaderClass("PacketHeader/LRWPAN",
- sizeof(hdr_lrwpan))
- {
- bind_offset(&hdr_lrwpan::offset_);
- }
- } class_hdr_lrwpan;
- static class Mac802_15_4Class : public TclClass
- {
- public:
- Mac802_15_4Class() : TclClass("Mac/802_15_4") {}
- TclObject* create(int, const char*const*)
- {
- return (new Mac802_15_4(&MPIB));
- }
- virtual void bind(void);
- virtual int method(int argc, const char*const* argv);
- } class_mac802_15_4;
- void Mac802_15_4Class::bind(void)
- {
- TclClass::bind();
- add_method("wpanCmd");
- add_method("wpanNam");
- }
- int Mac802_15_4Class::method(int ac, const char*const* av)
- {
- //Available methods:
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // bool Mac802_15_4::verbose; (Tcl command: Mac/802_15_4 wpanCmd verbose [on/off]
- // UINT_8 Mac802_15_4::txOption; (Tcl command: Mac/802_15_4 wpanCmd txOption [2/4/0]
- // bool Mac802_15_4::ack4data; (Tcl command: Mac/802_15_4 wpanCmd ack4data [on/off]
- // UINT_8 Mac802_15_4::callBack; (Tcl command: Mac/802_15_4 wpanCmd callBack [0/1/2]
- // link down; (Tcl command: Mac/802_15_4 wpanCmd link-down <src> <dst>
- // link up; (Tcl command: Mac/802_15_4 wpanCmd link-up <src> <dst>
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // bool Nam802_15_4::Nam_Status; (Tcl command: Mac/802_15_4 wpanNam namStatus [on/off]
- // bool Nam802_15_4::emHandling; (Tcl command: Mac/802_15_4 wpanNam emHandling [on/off]
- // char *Nam802_15_4::def_PANCoor_clr; (Tcl command: Mac/802_15_4 wpanNam PANCoorClr [clrName]
- // char *Nam802_15_4::def_Coor_clr; (Tcl command: Mac/802_15_4 wpanNam CoorClr [clrName]
- // char *Nam802_15_4::def_Dev_clr; (Tcl command: Mac/802_15_4 wpanNam DevClr [clrName]
- // char *Nam802_15_4::def_ColFlash_clr; (Tcl command: Mac/802_15_4 wpanNam ColFlashClr [clrName]
- // char *Nam802_15_4::def_NodeFail_clr; (Tcl command: Mac/802_15_4 wpanNam NodeFailClr [clrName]
- // playback rate; (Tcl command: Mac/802_15_4 wpanNam PlaybackRate [step_in_ms]
- // flow colors; (Tcl command: Mac/802_15_4 wpanNam FlowClr [-p <packet_type_name>] [-s <src>] [-d <dst>] [-c <clrName>]
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance();
- int argc = ac - 2;
- const char*const* argv = av + 2;
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "wpanCmd") == 0)
- if (argc == 3)
- {
- if (strcmp(argv[2], "verbose") == 0)
- {
- if (!Mac802_15_4::verbose)
- tcl.result("off");
- else
- tcl.result("on");
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[2], "txOption") == 0)
- {
- if (Mac802_15_4::txOption == 0x02)
- tcl.result("GTS");
- else if (Mac802_15_4::txOption == 0x04)
- tcl.result("Indirect");
- else
- tcl.result("Direct");
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[2], "ack4data") == 0)
- {
- if (!Mac802_15_4::ack4data)
- tcl.result("off");
- else
- tcl.result("on");
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[2], "callBack") == 0)
- {
- tcl.resultf("%u",Mac802_15_4::callBack);
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- }
- else if (argc == 4)
- {
- if (strcmp(argv[2], "verbose") == 0)
- {
- if (strcmp(argv[3], "on") == 0)
- Mac802_15_4::verbose = true;
- else
- Mac802_15_4::verbose = false;
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[2], "txOption") == 0)
- {
- Mac802_15_4::txOption = atoi(argv[3]);
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[2], "ack4data") == 0)
- {
- if (strcmp(argv[3], "on") == 0)
- Mac802_15_4::ack4data = true;
- else
- Mac802_15_4::ack4data = false;
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[2], "callBack") == 0)
- {
- Mac802_15_4::callBack = atoi(argv[3]);
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- }
- else if (argc == 5)
- {
- if (strcmp(argv[2], "link-down") == 0)
- {
- chkAddLFailLink(atoi(argv[3]),atoi(argv[4]));
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[2], "link-up") == 0)
- {
- updateLFailLink(fl_oper_del,atoi(argv[3]),atoi(argv[4]));
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- }
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "wpanNam") == 0)
- if (strcmp(argv[2], "namStatus") == 0)
- {
- if (argc == 3)
- {
- if (!Nam802_15_4::Nam_Status)
- tcl.result("off");
- else
- tcl.result("on");
- }
- else if (argc == 4)
- {
- if (strcmp(argv[3], "on") == 0)
- Nam802_15_4::Nam_Status = true;
- else
- Nam802_15_4::Nam_Status = false;
- }
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[2], "emHandling") == 0)
- {
- if (argc == 3)
- {
- if (!Nam802_15_4::emHandling)
- tcl.result("off");
- else
- tcl.result("on");
- }
- else if (argc == 4)
- {
- if (strcmp(argv[3], "on") == 0)
- Nam802_15_4::emHandling = true;
- else
- Nam802_15_4::emHandling = false;
- }
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[2], "PANCoorClr") == 0)
- {
- if (argc == 3)
- tcl.result(Nam802_15_4::def_PANCoor_clr);
- else if (argc >= 4)
- {
- strncpy(Nam802_15_4::def_PANCoor_clr,argv[3],20);
- Nam802_15_4::def_PANCoor_clr[20] = 0;
- }
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[2], "CoorClr") == 0)
- {
- if (argc == 3)
- tcl.result(Nam802_15_4::def_Coor_clr);
- else if (argc >= 4)
- {
- strncpy(Nam802_15_4::def_Coor_clr,argv[3],20);
- Nam802_15_4::def_Coor_clr[20] = 0;
- }
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[2], "DevClr") == 0)
- {
- if (argc == 3)
- tcl.result(Nam802_15_4::def_Dev_clr);
- else if (argc >= 4)
- {
- strncpy(Nam802_15_4::def_Dev_clr,argv[3],20);
- Nam802_15_4::def_Dev_clr[20] = 0;
- }
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[2], "ColFlashClr") == 0)
- {
- if (argc == 3)
- tcl.result(Nam802_15_4::def_ColFlash_clr);
- else if (argc >= 4)
- {
- strncpy(Nam802_15_4::def_ColFlash_clr,argv[3],20);
- Nam802_15_4::def_ColFlash_clr[20] = 0;
- }
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[2], "NodeFailClr") == 0)
- {
- if (argc == 3)
- tcl.result(Nam802_15_4::def_NodeFail_clr);
- else if (argc >= 4)
- {
- strncpy(Nam802_15_4::def_NodeFail_clr,argv[3],20);
- Nam802_15_4::def_NodeFail_clr[20] = 0;
- }
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[2], "PlaybackRate") == 0)
- {
- if (argc == 3)
- tcl.result("??");
- else if (argc >= 4)
- Nam802_15_4::changePlaybackRate(CURRENT_TIME,argv[3]);
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[2], "FlowClr") == 0)
- {
- int i,lp,src,dst;
- char pName[21],cName[21];
- src = -2;
- dst = -2;
- strcpy(pName,packet_info.name(PT_NTYPE));
- lp = (argc - 3) / 2;
- for (i=0;i<lp;i++)
- {
- if (strcmp(argv[i*2+3],"-p") == 0)
- {
- strncpy(pName,argv[i*2+4],20);
- pName[20] = 0;
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[i*2+3],"-s") == 0)
- src = atoi(argv[i*2+4]);
- else if (strcmp(argv[i*2+3],"-d") == 0)
- dst = atoi(argv[i*2+4]);
- else if (strcmp(argv[i*2+3],"-c") == 0)
- {
- strncpy(cName,argv[i*2+4],20);
- cName[20] = 0;
- }
- }
- i = chkAddAttrLink(nam_pktName2Type(pName),cName,src,dst);
- if (i == 1) //already exist
- {
- attr = findAttrLink(nam_pktName2Type(pName),src,dst);
- if (strcmp(attr->color,cName) != 0) //color changed
- {
- strncpy(attr->color,cName,20);
- attr->color[20] = 0;
- Nam802_15_4::flowAttribute(attr->attribute,attr->color);
- }
- }
- else if (i == 0) //added into the link
- {
- attr = findAttrLink(nam_pktName2Type(pName),src,dst);
- Nam802_15_4::flowAttribute(attr->attribute,attr->color);
- }
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- return TclClass::method(ac, av);
- }
- Mac802_15_4::Mac802_15_4(MAC_PIB *mp) : Mac(),
- txCmdDataH(this,macTxBcnCmdDataHType),
- IFSH(this,macIFSHType),
- backoffBoundH(this,macBackoffBoundType)
- {
- capability.cap = 0xc1; //alterPANCoor = true
- //FFD = true
- //mainsPower = false
- //recvOnWhenIdle = false
- //secuCapable = false
- //alloShortAddr = true
- capability.parse();
- aExtendedAddress = index_;
- oneMoreBeacon = false;
- isPANCoor = false;
- inTransmission = false;
- mpib = *mp;
- mpib.macBSN = Random::random() % 0x100;
- mpib.macDSN = Random::random() % 0x100;
- macBeaconOrder2 = 15;
- macSuperframeOrder2 = def_macBeaconOrder;
- macBeaconOrder3 = 15;
- macSuperframeOrder3 = def_macBeaconOrder;
- if (mpib.macBeaconOrder == 15) //non-beacon mode
- mpib.macRxOnWhenIdle = true; //default is false, but should be true in non-beacon mode
- numLostBeacons = 0;
- phy = NULL;
- txOverT = new macTxOverTimer(this);
- assert(txOverT);
- txT = new macTxTimer(this);
- assert(txT);
- extractT = new macExtractTimer(this);
- assert(extractT);
- assoRspWaitT = new macAssoRspWaitTimer(this);
- assert(assoRspWaitT);
- dataWaitT = new macDataWaitTimer(this);
- assert(dataWaitT);
- rxEnableT = new macRxEnableTimer(this);
- assert(rxEnableT);
- scanT = new macScanTimer(this);
- assert(scanT);
- bcnTxT = new macBeaconTxTimer(this);
- assert(bcnTxT);
- bcnRxT = new macBeaconRxTimer(this);
- assert(bcnRxT);
- bcnSearchT = new macBeaconSearchTimer(this);
- assert(bcnSearchT);
- wakeupT = new macWakeupTimer(this); // 2.31 change: Wake up timer
- assert(wakeupT); // 2.31 change: Wake up timer
- sscs = new SSCS802_15_4(this);
- assert(sscs);
- nam = new Nam802_15_4((isPANCoor)?Nam802_15_4::def_PANCoor_clr:"black","black",this);
- assert(nam);
- chkAddMacLink(index_,this);
- init();
- }
- Mac802_15_4::~Mac802_15_4()
- {
- /*for some reason,this function sometimes is called with <index_> beyond the scope (ns2 bug?)
- delete txOverT;
- delete txT;
- delete extractT;
- delete assoRspWaitT;
- delete dataWaitT;
- delete rxEnableT;
- delete scanT;
- delete bcnTxT;
- delete bcnRxT;
- delete bcnSearchT;
- delete csmaca;
- delete sscs;
- delete nam;
- */
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::init(bool reset)
- {
- secuBeacon = false;
- beaconWaiting = false;
- txBeacon = 0;
- txAck = 0;
- txBcnCmd = 0;
- txBcnCmd2 = 0;
- txData = 0;
- rxData = 0;
- rxCmd = 0;
- if (reset)
- {
- emptyHListLink(&hlistBLink1,&hlistBLink2);
- emptyHListLink(&hlistDLink1,&hlistDLink2);
- emptyDeviceLink(&deviceLink1,&deviceLink2);
- emptyTransacLink(&transacLink1,&transacLink2);
- }
- else
- {
- hlistBLink1 = NULL;
- hlistBLink2 = NULL;
- hlistDLink1 = NULL;
- hlistDLink2 = NULL;
- deviceLink1 = NULL;
- deviceLink2 = NULL;
- transacLink1 = NULL;
- transacLink2 = NULL;
- }
- taskP.init();
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::PD_DATA_confirm(PHYenum status)
- {
- inTransmission = false;
- if (txOverT->busy())
- txOverT->stop();
- if (backoffStatus == 1)
- backoffStatus = 0;
- if (status == p_SUCCESS)
- {
- dispatch(status,__FUNCTION__);
- }
- else if (txPkt == txBeacon)
- {
- beaconWaiting = false;
- Packet::free(txBeacon);
- txBeacon = 0;
- }
- else if (txPkt == txAck)
- {
- Packet::free(txAck);
- txAck = 0;
- }
- else //RX_ON/TRX_OFF -- possible if the transmisstion is terminated by a FORCE_TRX_OFF or change of channel, or due to energy depletion
- {} //nothing to do -- it is the process that terminated the transmisstion to provide a way to resume the transmission
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::PLME_CCA_confirm(PHYenum status)
- {
- if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_CCA_csmaca))
- {
- taskP.taskStatus(TP_CCA_csmaca) = false;
- csmaca->CCA_confirm(status);
- }
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::PLME_ED_confirm(PHYenum status,UINT_8 EnergyLevel)
- {
- energyLevel = EnergyLevel;
- dispatch(status,__FUNCTION__);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::PLME_GET_confirm(PHYenum status,PPIBAenum PIBAttribute,PHY_PIB *PIBAttributeValue)
- {
- if (status == p_SUCCESS)
- switch(PIBAttribute)
- {
- case phyCurrentChannel:
- tmp_ppib.phyCurrentChannel = PIBAttributeValue->phyCurrentChannel;
- break;
- case phyChannelsSupported:
- tmp_ppib.phyChannelsSupported = PIBAttributeValue->phyChannelsSupported;
- break;
- case phyTransmitPower:
- tmp_ppib.phyTransmitPower = PIBAttributeValue->phyTransmitPower;
- break;
- case phyCCAMode:
- tmp_ppib.phyCCAMode = PIBAttributeValue->phyCCAMode;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::PLME_SET_TRX_STATE_confirm(PHYenum status)
- {
- //hdr_lrwpan *wph;
- //FrameCtrl frmCtrl;
- double delay;
- if (status == p_SUCCESS) status = trx_state_req;
- if (backoffStatus == 99)
- {
- if (trx_state_req == p_RX_ON)
- {
- if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_RX_ON_csmaca))
- {
- taskP.taskStatus(TP_RX_ON_csmaca) = false;
- csmaca->RX_ON_confirm(status);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- dispatch(status,__FUNCTION__,trx_state_req);
- if (status != p_TX_ON) return;
- //transmit the packet
- if (beaconWaiting)
- {
- /* to synchronize better, we don't transmit the beacon here
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[%s::%s][%f](node %d) transmit BEACON to %d: SN = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ldn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,p802_15_4macDA(txBeacon),HDR_LRWPAN(txBeacon)->MHR_BDSN,HDR_CMN(txBeacon)->uid(),HDR_LRWPAN(txBeacon)->uid);
- #endif
- if (!taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_start_request)) //not first beacon
- assert((!txAck)&&(!txCsmaca)); //all tasks should be done before next beacon
- txPkt = txBeacon;
- HDR_CMN(txBeacon)->direction() = hdr_cmn::DOWN;
- sendDown(txBeacon->refcopy(),this);
- */
- }
- else if (txAck)
- {
- //although no CSMA-CA required for the transmission of ack.,
- //but we still need to locate the backoff period boundary if beacon enabled
- //(refer to page 157, line 25-31)
- if ((mpib.macBeaconOrder == 15)&&(macBeaconOrder2 == 15)) //non-beacon enabled
- delay = 0.0;
- else //beacon enabled
- delay = locateBoundary((p802_15_4macDA(txAck) == mpib.macCoordShortAddress),0.0);
- if (delay == 0.0)
- backoffBoundHandler();
- else
- Scheduler::instance().schedule(&backoffBoundH, &(backoffBoundH.nullEvent), delay);
- }
- else
- transmitCmdData();
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::PLME_SET_confirm(PHYenum status,PPIBAenum PIBAttribute)
- {
- if ((PIBAttribute == phyCurrentChannel)&&(status == p_SUCCESS))
- dispatch(status,__FUNCTION__);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::MCPS_DATA_request(UINT_8 SrcAddrMode,UINT_16 SrcPANId,IE3ADDR SrcAddr,
- UINT_8 DstAddrMode,UINT_16 DstPANId,IE3ADDR DstAddr,
- UINT_8 msduLength,Packet *msdu,UINT_8 msduHandle,UINT_8 TxOptions)
- {
- mcps_data_request(SrcAddrMode,SrcPANId,SrcAddr,DstAddrMode,DstPANId,DstAddr,msduLength,msdu,msduHandle,TxOptions,true);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::MCPS_DATA_indication(UINT_8 SrcAddrMode,UINT_16 SrcPANId,IE3ADDR SrcAddr,
- UINT_8 DstAddrMode,UINT_16 DstPANId,IE3ADDR DstAddr,
- UINT_8 msduLength,Packet *msdu,UINT_8 mpduLinkQuality,
- bool SecurityUse,UINT_8 ACLEntry)
- {
- HDR_CMN(msdu)->num_forwards() += 1;
- if (HDR_LRWPAN(msdu)->msduHandle != 0) //from peer SSCS
- {
- log(msdu->refcopy());
- sscs->MCPS_DATA_indication(SrcAddrMode,SrcPANId,SrcAddr,DstAddrMode,DstPANId,DstAddr,msduLength,msdu,mpduLinkQuality,SecurityUse,ACLEntry);
- }
- else
- uptarget_->recv(msdu,(Handler*) 0);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::MCPS_PURGE_request(UINT_8 msduHandle)
- {
- int i;
- MACenum t_status;
- i = updateTransacLinkByPktOrHandle(tr_oper_del,&transacLink1,&transacLink2,NULL,msduHandle);
- t_status = (i == 0)?m_SUCCESS:m_INVALID_HANDLE;
- sscs->MCPS_PURGE_confirm(msduHandle,t_status);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::MLME_ASSOCIATE_request(UINT_8 LogicalChannel,UINT_8 CoordAddrMode,UINT_16 CoordPANId,IE3ADDR CoordAddress,
- UINT_8 CapabilityInformation,bool SecurityEnable)
- {
- mlme_associate_request(LogicalChannel,CoordAddrMode,CoordPANId,CoordAddress,CapabilityInformation,SecurityEnable,true);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::MLME_ASSOCIATE_response(IE3ADDR DeviceAddress,UINT_16 AssocShortAddress,MACenum status,bool SecurityEnable)
- {
- mlme_associate_response(DeviceAddress,AssocShortAddress,status,SecurityEnable,true);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::MLME_DISASSOCIATE_request(IE3ADDR DeviceAddress,UINT_8 DisassociateReason,bool SecurityEnable)
- {
- mlme_disassociate_request(DeviceAddress,DisassociateReason,SecurityEnable,true);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::MLME_DISASSOCIATE_indication(IE3ADDR DeviceAddress,UINT_8 DisassociateReason,bool SecurityUse,UINT_8 ACLEntry)
- {
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::MLME_GET_request(MPIBAenum PIBAttribute)
- {
- MACenum t_status;
- switch(PIBAttribute)
- {
- case macAckWaitDuration:
- case macAssociationPermit:
- case macAutoRequest:
- case macBattLifeExt:
- case macBattLifeExtPeriods:
- case macBeaconPayload:
- case macBeaconPayloadLength:
- case macBeaconOrder:
- case macBeaconTxTime:
- case macBSN:
- case macCoordExtendedAddress:
- case macCoordShortAddress:
- case macDSN:
- case macGTSPermit:
- case macMaxCSMABackoffs:
- case macMinBE:
- case macPANId:
- case macPromiscuousMode:
- case macRxOnWhenIdle:
- case macShortAddress:
- case macSuperframeOrder:
- case macTransactionPersistenceTime:
- case macACLEntryDescriptorSet:
- case macACLEntryDescriptorSetSize:
- case macDefaultSecurity:
- case macACLDefaultSecurityMaterialLength:
- case macDefaultSecurityMaterial:
- case macDefaultSecuritySuite:
- case macSecurityMode:
- t_status = m_SUCCESS;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- sscs->MLME_GET_confirm(t_status,PIBAttribute,&mpib);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::MLME_GTS_request(UINT_8 GTSCharacteristics,bool SecurityEnable)
- {
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::MLME_GTS_confirm(UINT_8 GTSCharacteristics,MACenum status)
- {
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::MLME_GTS_indication(UINT_16 DevAddress,UINT_8 GTSCharacteristics,
- bool SecurityUse, UINT_8 ACLEntry)
- {
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::MLME_ORPHAN_response(IE3ADDR OrphanAddress,UINT_16 ShortAddress,bool AssociatedMember,bool SecurityEnable)
- {
- mlme_orphan_response(OrphanAddress,ShortAddress,AssociatedMember,SecurityEnable,true);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::MLME_RESET_request(bool SetDefaultPIB)
- {
- mlme_reset_request(SetDefaultPIB,true);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::MLME_RX_ENABLE_request(bool DeferPermit,UINT_32 RxOnTime,UINT_32 RxOnDuration)
- {
- mlme_rx_enable_request(DeferPermit,RxOnTime,RxOnDuration,true);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::MLME_SCAN_request(UINT_8 ScanType,UINT_32 ScanChannels,UINT_8 ScanDuration)
- {
- mlme_scan_request(ScanType,ScanChannels,ScanDuration,true);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::MLME_SET_request(MPIBAenum PIBAttribute,MAC_PIB *PIBAttributeValue)
- {
- PHYenum p_state;
- MACenum t_status;
- t_status = m_SUCCESS;
- switch(PIBAttribute)
- {
- case macAckWaitDuration:
- phy->PLME_GET_request(phyCurrentChannel); //value will be returned in tmp_ppib
- if ((tmp_ppib.phyCurrentChannel <= 10)&&(PIBAttributeValue->macAckWaitDuration != 120)
- || (tmp_ppib.phyCurrentChannel > 10)&&(PIBAttributeValue->macAckWaitDuration != 54))
- t_status = m_INVALID_PARAMETER;
- else
- mpib.macAckWaitDuration = PIBAttributeValue->macAckWaitDuration;
- break;
- case macAssociationPermit:
- mpib.macAssociationPermit = PIBAttributeValue->macAssociationPermit;
- break;
- case macAutoRequest:
- mpib.macAutoRequest = PIBAttributeValue->macAutoRequest;
- break;
- case macBattLifeExt:
- mpib.macBattLifeExt = PIBAttributeValue->macBattLifeExt;
- break;
- case macBattLifeExtPeriods:
- phy->PLME_GET_request(phyCurrentChannel); //value will be returned in tmp_ppib
- if ((tmp_ppib.phyCurrentChannel <= 10)&&(PIBAttributeValue->macBattLifeExtPeriods != 8)
- || (tmp_ppib.phyCurrentChannel > 10)&&(PIBAttributeValue->macBattLifeExtPeriods != 6))
- t_status = m_INVALID_PARAMETER;
- else
- mpib.macBattLifeExtPeriods = PIBAttributeValue->macBattLifeExtPeriods;
- break;
- case macBeaconPayload:
- //<macBeaconPayloadLength> should be set first
- memcpy(mpib.macBeaconPayload,PIBAttributeValue->macBeaconPayload,mpib.macBeaconPayloadLength);
- break;
- case macBeaconPayloadLength:
- if (PIBAttributeValue->macBeaconPayloadLength > aMaxBeaconPayloadLength)
- t_status = m_INVALID_PARAMETER;
- else
- mpib.macBeaconPayloadLength = PIBAttributeValue->macBeaconPayloadLength;
- break;
- case macBeaconOrder:
- if (PIBAttributeValue->macBeaconOrder > 15)
- t_status = m_INVALID_PARAMETER;
- else
- mpib.macBeaconOrder = PIBAttributeValue->macBeaconOrder;
- break;
- case macBeaconTxTime:
- mpib.macBeaconTxTime = PIBAttributeValue->macBeaconTxTime;
- break;
- case macBSN:
- mpib.macBSN = PIBAttributeValue->macBSN;
- break;
- case macCoordExtendedAddress:
- mpib.macCoordExtendedAddress = PIBAttributeValue->macCoordExtendedAddress;
- break;
- case macCoordShortAddress:
- mpib.macCoordShortAddress = PIBAttributeValue->macCoordShortAddress;
- break;
- case macDSN:
- mpib.macDSN = PIBAttributeValue->macDSN;
- break;
- case macGTSPermit:
- mpib.macGTSPermit = PIBAttributeValue->macGTSPermit;
- break;
- case macMaxCSMABackoffs:
- if (PIBAttributeValue->macMaxCSMABackoffs > 5)
- t_status = m_INVALID_PARAMETER;
- else
- mpib.macMaxCSMABackoffs = PIBAttributeValue->macMaxCSMABackoffs;
- break;
- case macMinBE:
- if (PIBAttributeValue->macMinBE > 3)
- t_status = m_INVALID_PARAMETER;
- else
- mpib.macMinBE = PIBAttributeValue->macMinBE;
- break;
- case macPANId:
- mpib.macPANId = PIBAttributeValue->macPANId;
- break;
- case macPromiscuousMode:
- mpib.macPromiscuousMode = PIBAttributeValue->macPromiscuousMode;
- //some other operations (refer to sec.
- mpib.macRxOnWhenIdle = PIBAttributeValue->macPromiscuousMode;
- p_state = mpib.macRxOnWhenIdle?p_RX_ON:p_TRX_OFF;
- phy->PLME_SET_TRX_STATE_request(p_state);
- break;
- case macRxOnWhenIdle:
- mpib.macRxOnWhenIdle = PIBAttributeValue->macRxOnWhenIdle;
- break;
- case macShortAddress:
- mpib.macShortAddress = PIBAttributeValue->macShortAddress;
- break;
- case macSuperframeOrder:
- if (PIBAttributeValue->macSuperframeOrder > 15)
- t_status = m_INVALID_PARAMETER;
- else
- mpib.macSuperframeOrder = PIBAttributeValue->macSuperframeOrder;
- break;
- case macTransactionPersistenceTime:
- mpib.macTransactionPersistenceTime = PIBAttributeValue->macTransactionPersistenceTime;
- break;
- case macACLEntryDescriptorSet:
- case macACLEntryDescriptorSetSize:
- case macDefaultSecurity:
- case macACLDefaultSecurityMaterialLength:
- case macDefaultSecurityMaterial:
- case macDefaultSecuritySuite:
- case macSecurityMode:
- break; //currently security ignored in simulation
- default:
- break;
- }
- sscs->MLME_SET_confirm(t_status,PIBAttribute);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::MLME_START_request(UINT_16 PANId,UINT_8 LogicalChannel,UINT_8 BeaconOrder,
- UINT_8 SuperframeOrder,bool PANCoordinator,bool BatteryLifeExtension,
- bool CoordRealignment,bool SecurityEnable)
- {
- mlme_start_request(PANId,LogicalChannel,BeaconOrder,SuperframeOrder,PANCoordinator,BatteryLifeExtension,CoordRealignment,SecurityEnable,true);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::MLME_SYNC_request(UINT_8 LogicalChannel, bool TrackBeacon)
- {
- mlme_sync_request(LogicalChannel,TrackBeacon,true);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::MLME_POLL_request(UINT_8 CoordAddrMode,UINT_16 CoordPANId,IE3ADDR CoordAddress,bool SecurityEnable)
- {
- mlme_poll_request(CoordAddrMode,CoordPANId,CoordAddress,SecurityEnable,false,true);
- }
- inline int Mac802_15_4::hdr_dst(char* hdr, int dst)
- {
- return p802_15_4hdr_dst(hdr,dst);
- }
- inline int Mac802_15_4::hdr_src(char* hdr, int src)
- {
- return p802_15_4hdr_src(hdr,src);
- }
- inline int Mac802_15_4::hdr_type(char* hdr, UINT_16 type)
- {
- return p802_15_4hdr_type(hdr,type);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::recv(Packet *p, Handler *h)
- {
- hdr_lrwpan* wph = HDR_LRWPAN(p);
- hdr_cmn *ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- bool noAck;
- int i;
- UINT_8 txop;
- FrameCtrl frmCtrl;
- SuperframeSpec t_sfSpec;
- if (!Nam802_15_4::emStatus)
- Nam802_15_4::emStatus = (netif_->node()->energy_model()?true:false); //is there a better place to do this?
- if(ch->direction() == hdr_cmn::DOWN) //outgoing packet
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[%s::%s][%f](node %d) outgoing pkt: type = %s, src = %d, dst = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = ??, size = %dn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,wpan_pName(p),p802_15_4macSA(p),p802_15_4macDA(p),ch->uid(),ch->size());
- #endif
- //-- Notes for power-saving:
- // It turns out to be very difficult to apply sleeping model in 802.15.4.
- // First, a node shouldn't go to sleep if peer2peer transmission mode is
- // used. Non-peer2peer means that a node only communicates with its parent
- // and/or children, which requests that pure tree routing be used.
- // Second, even pure tree routing is used, a node can only go to sleep
- // if it satisfies both the sleeping condition as a parent (to its children)
- // and that as a child (to its parent) in a multi-hop environment. To
- // satisfy both conditions requires efficient scheduling scheme.
- // Since ns2, by default, treats the power consumption in idle mode same
- // as that in sleeping mode, it makes no difference at this moment whether
- // we set sleeping mode or not.
- //wake up the node if it is in sleep mode (only for legacy applications)
- EnergyModel *em = netif_->node()->energy_model();
- if (em)
- {
- if (em->energy() <= 0)
- {
- drop(p,"ENE");
- return;
- }
- #ifdef SHUTDOWN
- phy->wakeupNode(1);
- #endif
- }
- /* SSCS should call MCPS_DATA_request() directly
- if (from SSCS)
- {
- MCPS_DATA_request(wph->SrcAddrMode,wph->SrcPANId,wph->SrcAddr,
- wph->DstAddrMode,wph->DstPANId,wph->DstAddr,
- ch->size(),p,wph->msduHandle,wph->TxOptions);
- }
- else //802.15.4-unaware upper layer app. packet
- */
- {
- callback_ = h;
- if (p802_15_4macDA(p) == (nsaddr_t)MAC_BROADCAST)
- txop = 0;
- else
- {
- if (Mac802_15_4::ack4data)
- txop = TxOp_Acked;
- else
- txop = 0;
- txop |= Mac802_15_4::txOption;
- }
- wph->msduHandle = 0;
- MCPS_DATA_request(0,0,0,defFrmCtrl_AddrMode16,mpib.macPANId,p802_15_4macDA(p),ch->size(),p,0,txop); //direct transmission w/o security
- }
- return;
- }
- else //incoming packet
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[%s::%s][%f](node %d) incoming pkt: type = %s, src = %d, dst = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %dn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,wpan_pName(p),p802_15_4macSA(p),p802_15_4macDA(p),ch->uid(),wph->uid,ch->size());
- #endif
- resetCounter(p802_15_4macSA(p));
- //if during ED scan, discard all frames received over the PHY layer data service (sec.
- //if during Active/Passive scan, discard all frames received over the PHY layer data service that are not beacon frames (sec.
- //if during Orphan scan, discard all frames received over the PHY layer data service that are not coordinator realignment command frames (sec.
- frmCtrl.FrmCtrl = wph->MHR_FrmCtrl;
- frmCtrl.parse();
- if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_scan_request))
- if (taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanType == 0x00) //ED scan
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[D][ED][%s::%s::%d][%f](node %d) dropping pkt: type = %s, src = %d, dst = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %dn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,wpan_pName(p),p802_15_4macSA(p),p802_15_4macDA(p),ch->uid(),wph->uid,ch->size());
- #endif
- drop(p,"ED");
- return;
- }
- else if (((taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanType == 0x01) //Active scan
- ||(taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanType == 0x02)) //Passive scan
- && (frmCtrl.frmType != defFrmCtrl_Type_Beacon))
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[D][APS][%s::%s::%d][%f](node %d) dropping pkt: type = %s, src = %d, dst = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %dn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,wpan_pName(p),p802_15_4macSA(p),p802_15_4macDA(p),ch->uid(),wph->uid,ch->size());
- #endif
- drop(p,"APS");
- return;
- }
- else if ((taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanType == 0x03) //Orphan scan
- && ((frmCtrl.frmType != defFrmCtrl_Type_MacCmd)||(wph->MSDU_CmdType != 0x08)))
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[D][OPH][%s::%s::%d][%f](node %d) dropping pkt: type = %s, src = %d, dst = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %dn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,wpan_pName(p),p802_15_4macSA(p),p802_15_4macDA(p),ch->uid(),wph->uid,ch->size());
- #endif
- drop(p,"OPH");
- return;
- }
- //drop the packet if corrupted
- if (ch->error())
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[D][ERR][%s::%s::%d][%f](node %d) dropping pkt: type = %s, src = %d, dst = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %dn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,wpan_pName(p),p802_15_4macSA(p),p802_15_4macDA(p),ch->uid(),wph->uid,ch->size());
- #endif
- drop(p,"ERR");
- return;
- }
- //drop the packet if the link quality is too bad (basically, collisions)
- if ((wph->rxTotPower-p->txinfo_.RxPr) > 0.0)
- if (p->txinfo_.RxPr/(wph->rxTotPower-p->txinfo_.RxPr) < p->txinfo_.CPThresh)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[D][LQI][%s::%s::%d][%f](node %d) dropping pkt: type = %s, src = %d, dst = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %dn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,wpan_pName(p),p802_15_4macSA(p),p802_15_4macDA(p),ch->uid(),wph->uid,ch->size());
- #endif
- if (!wph->colFlag)
- nam->flashNodeColor(CURRENT_TIME);
- drop(p,"LQI");
- return;
- }
- if (frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_Beacon)
- {
- t_sfSpec.SuperSpec = wph->MSDU_SuperSpec;
- t_sfSpec.parse();
- if (t_sfSpec.BO != 15)
- {
- //update superframe specification
- sfSpec3 = t_sfSpec;
- //calculate the time when we received the first bit of the beacon
- macBcnOtherRxTime = (CURRENT_TIME - phy->trxTime(p)) * phy->getRate('s');
- //update beacon order and superframe order
- macBeaconOrder3 = sfSpec3.BO;
- macSuperframeOrder3 = sfSpec3.SO;
- }
- }
- //---perform filtering (refer to sec.
- //drop the packet if FCS is not correct (ignored in simulation)
- if (ch->ptype() == PT_MAC) //perform further filtering only if it is an 802.15.4 packet
- if (!mpib.macPromiscuousMode) //perform further filtering only if the PAN is currently not in promiscuous mode
- {
- //check packet type
- if ((frmCtrl.frmType != defFrmCtrl_Type_Beacon)
- &&(frmCtrl.frmType != defFrmCtrl_Type_Data)
- &&(frmCtrl.frmType != defFrmCtrl_Type_Ack)
- &&(frmCtrl.frmType != defFrmCtrl_Type_MacCmd))
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[D][TYPE][%s::%s::%d][%f](node %d) dropping pkt: type = %s, src = %d, dst = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %dn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,wpan_pName(p),p802_15_4macSA(p),p802_15_4macDA(p),ch->uid(),wph->uid,ch->size());
- #endif
- drop(p,"TYPE");
- return;
- }
- //check source PAN ID for beacon frame
- if ((frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_Beacon)
- &&(mpib.macPANId != 0xffff)
- &&(wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo.panID != mpib.macPANId))
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[D][PAN][%s::%s::%d][%f](node %d) dropping pkt: type = %s, src = %d, dst = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %dn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,wpan_pName(p),p802_15_4macSA(p),p802_15_4macDA(p),ch->uid(),wph->uid,ch->size());
- #endif
- drop(p,"PAN");
- return;
- }
- //check dest. PAN ID if it is included
- if ((frmCtrl.dstAddrMode == defFrmCtrl_AddrMode16)
- ||(frmCtrl.dstAddrMode == defFrmCtrl_AddrMode64))
- if ((wph->MHR_DstAddrInfo.panID != 0xffff)
- &&(wph->MHR_DstAddrInfo.panID != mpib.macPANId))
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[D][PAN][%s::%s::%d][%f](node %d) dropping pkt: type = %s, src = %d, dst = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %dn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,wpan_pName(p),p802_15_4macSA(p),p802_15_4macDA(p),ch->uid(),wph->uid,ch->size());
- #endif
- drop(p,"PAN");
- return;
- }
- //check dest. address if it is included
- if (frmCtrl.dstAddrMode == defFrmCtrl_AddrMode16)
- {
- if ((wph->MHR_DstAddrInfo.addr_16 != 0xffff)
- && (wph->MHR_DstAddrInfo.addr_16 != mpib.macShortAddress))
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[D][ADR][%s::%s::%d][%f](node %d) dropping pkt: type = %s, src = %d, dst = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %dn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,wpan_pName(p),p802_15_4macSA(p),p802_15_4macDA(p),ch->uid(),wph->uid,ch->size());
- #endif
- drop(p,"ADR");
- return;
- }
- }
- else if (frmCtrl.dstAddrMode == defFrmCtrl_AddrMode64)
- {
- if (wph->MHR_DstAddrInfo.addr_64 != aExtendedAddress)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[D][ADR][%s::%s::%d][%f](node %d) dropping pkt: type = %s, src = %d, dst = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %dn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,wpan_pName(p),p802_15_4macSA(p),p802_15_4macDA(p),ch->uid(),wph->uid,ch->size());
- #endif
- drop(p,"ADR");
- return;
- }
- }
- //check for Data/MacCmd frame only w/ source address
- if ((frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_Data)
- ||(frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_MacCmd))
- if (frmCtrl.dstAddrMode == defFrmCtrl_AddrModeNone)
- {
- if (((!capability.FFD)||(numberDeviceLink(&deviceLink1) == 0)) //I am not a coordinator
- ||(wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo.panID != mpib.macPANId))
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[D][PAN][%s::%s::%d][%f](node %d) dropping pkt: type = %s, src = %d, dst = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %dn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,wpan_pName(p),p802_15_4macSA(p),p802_15_4macDA(p),ch->uid(),wph->uid,ch->size());
- #endif
- drop(p,"PAN");
- return;
- }
- }
- //we need to add one more filter for supporting multi-hop beacon enabled mode (not in the draft)
- if (frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_Beacon)
- if (wph->MHR_DstAddrInfo.panID != 0xffff)
- if ((mpib.macCoordExtendedAddress != wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo.addr_64) //ok even for short address (in simulation)
- && (mpib.macCoordExtendedAddress != def_macCoordExtendedAddress))
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[D][COO][%s::%s::%d][%f](node %d) dropping pkt: type = %s, src = %d, dst = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %dn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,wpan_pName(p),p802_15_4macSA(p),p802_15_4macDA(p),ch->uid(),wph->uid,ch->size());
- #endif
- drop(p,"COO");
- return;
- }
- } //---filtering done---
- //perform security task if required (ignored in simulation)
- //send an acknowledgement if needed (no matter this is a duplicated packet or not)
- if ((frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_Data)
- ||(frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_MacCmd))
- if (frmCtrl.ackReq) //acknowledgement required
- {
- //association request command will be ignored under following cases
- if ((frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_MacCmd)
- && (wph->MSDU_CmdType == 0x01))
- if ((!capability.FFD) //not an FFD
- || (mpib.macShortAddress == 0xffff) //not yet joined any PAN
- || (!macAssociationPermit)) //association not permitted
- {
- Packet::free(p);
- return;
- }
- noAck = false;
- if (frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_MacCmd)
- if ((rxCmd)||(txBcnCmd))
- noAck = true;
- if (!noAck)
- {
- constructACK(p);
- //stop CSMA-CA if it is pending (it will be restored after the transmission of ACK)
- if (backoffStatus == 99)
- {
- backoffStatus = 0;
- csmaca->cancel();
- }
- plme_set_trx_state_request(p_TX_ON);
- }
- }
- else
- resetTRX();
- if (frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_MacCmd)
- if ((rxCmd)||(txBcnCmd))
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- {
- fprintf(stdout,"[D][BSY][%s::%s::%d][%f](node %d) dropping pkt: type = %s, src = %d, dst = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %dn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,wpan_pName(p),p802_15_4macSA(p),p802_15_4macDA(p),ch->uid(),wph->uid,ch->size());
- if (rxCmd)
- fprintf(stdout,"trxCmd pkt: type = %s, src = %d, dst = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %dn",wpan_pName(rxCmd),p802_15_4macSA(rxCmd),p802_15_4macDA(rxCmd),HDR_CMN(rxCmd)->uid(),HDR_LRWPAN(rxCmd)->uid,HDR_CMN(rxCmd)->size());
- if (txBcnCmd)
- fprintf(stdout,"ttxBcnCmd pkt: type = %s, src = %d, dst = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %dn",wpan_pName(txBcnCmd),p802_15_4macSA(txBcnCmd),p802_15_4macDA(txBcnCmd),HDR_CMN(txBcnCmd)->uid(),HDR_LRWPAN(txBcnCmd)->uid,HDR_CMN(txBcnCmd)->size());
- }
- #endif
- drop(p,"BSY");
- return;
- }
- if (frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_Data)
- if (rxData)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[D][BSY][%s::%s::%d][%f](node %d) dropping pkt: type = %s, src = %d, dst = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %dn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,wpan_pName(p),p802_15_4macSA(p),p802_15_4macDA(p),ch->uid(),wph->uid,ch->size());
- #endif
- drop(p,"BSY");
- return;
- }
- //check duplication -- must be performed AFTER all drop's
- if (frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_Beacon)
- i = chkAddUpdHListLink(&hlistBLink1,&hlistBLink2,p802_15_4macSA(p),wph->MHR_BDSN);
- else if (frmCtrl.frmType != defFrmCtrl_Type_Ack)
- i = chkAddUpdHListLink(&hlistDLink1,&hlistDLink2,p802_15_4macSA(p),wph->MHR_BDSN);
- else //Acknowledgement
- {
- assert(txPkt);
- if (wph->MHR_BDSN != HDR_LRWPAN(txPkt)->MHR_BDSN)
- i = 2;
- else i = 0;
- }
- if (i == 2)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[D][DUP][%s::%s][%f](node %d) dropping duplicated packet: type = %s, from = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %d, SN = %dn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,wpan_pName(p),p802_15_4macSA(p),ch->uid(),wph->uid,ch->size(),wph->MHR_BDSN);
- #endif
- drop(p,"DUP");
- return;
- }
- //handle the beacon packet
- if (frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_Beacon)
- recvBeacon(p);
- //handle the ack. packet
- else if (frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_Ack)
- recvAck(p);
- //handle the command packet
- else if (frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_MacCmd)
- recvCommand(p);
- //handle the data packet
- else if (frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_Data)
- {
- recvData(p);
- }
- }
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::recvBeacon(Packet *p)
- {
- hdr_lrwpan* wph = HDR_LRWPAN(p);
- FrameCtrl frmCtrl;
- PendAddrSpec pendSpec;
- bool pending;
- double txtime;
- UINT_8 ifs;
- int i;
- //update superframe specification
- sfSpec2.SuperSpec = wph->MSDU_SuperSpec;
- sfSpec2.parse();
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- hdr_cmn* ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- fprintf(stdout,"[%s::%s][%f](node %d) M_BEACON [BO:%d][SO:%d] received: from = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %d, SN = %dn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,sfSpec2.BO,sfSpec2.SO,p802_15_4macSA(p),ch->uid(),wph->uid,ch->size(),wph->MHR_BDSN);
- #endif
- //calculate the time when we received the first bit of the beacon
- txtime = phy->trxTime(p);
- /* Linux floating number compatibility
- macBcnRxTime = (CURRENT_TIME - txtime) * phy->getRate('s');
- */
- {
- double tmpf;
- tmpf = CURRENT_TIME - txtime;
- macBcnRxTime = tmpf * phy->getRate('s');
- }
- //calculate <beaconPeriods2>
- if (HDR_CMN(p)->size() <= aMaxSIFSFrameSize)
- ifs = aMinSIFSPeriod;
- else
- ifs = aMinLIFSPeriod;
- /* Linux floating number compatibility
- beaconPeriods2 = (UINT_8)((txtime * phy->getRate('s') + ifs) / aUnitBackoffPeriod);
- */
- double tmpf;
- tmpf = txtime * phy->getRate('s');
- tmpf += ifs;
- beaconPeriods2 = (UINT_8)(tmpf / aUnitBackoffPeriod);
- /* Linux floating number compatibility
- if (fmod((txtime * phy->getRate('s')+ ifs) ,aUnitBackoffPeriod) > 0.0)
- */
- if (fmod(tmpf ,aUnitBackoffPeriod) > 0.0)
- beaconPeriods2++;
- //update PAN descriptor
- frmCtrl.FrmCtrl = wph->MHR_FrmCtrl;
- frmCtrl.parse();
- panDes2.CoordAddrMode = frmCtrl.srcAddrMode;
- panDes2.CoordPANId = wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo.panID;
- panDes2.CoordAddress_64 = wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo.addr_64; //ok even it is a 16-bit address
- panDes2.LogicalChannel = wph->phyCurrentChannel;
- panDes2.SuperframeSpec = wph->MSDU_SuperSpec;
- gtsSpec2.fields = wph->MSDU_GTSFields;
- gtsSpec2.parse();
- panDes2.GTSPermit = gtsSpec2.permit;
- panDes2.LinkQuality = wph->ppduLinkQuality;
- panDes2.TimeStamp = (UINT_32)macBcnRxTime;
- panDes2.SecurityUse = wph->SecurityUse;
- panDes2.ACLEntry = wph->ACLEntry;
- panDes2.SecurityFailure = false; //ignored in simulation
- panDes2.clusTreeDepth = wph->clusTreeDepth;
- //handle active and passive channel scans
- if ((taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_scan_request))
- || (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_rx_enable_request)))
- {
- rxBeacon = p;
- dispatch(p_SUCCESS,__FUNCTION__);
- }
- if ((mpib.macPANId == 0xffff)
- || (mpib.macPANId != panDes2.CoordPANId)
- || (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_associate_request)))
- {
- Packet::free(p);
- return;
- }
- numLostBeacons = 0;
- nam->flashNodeMark(CURRENT_TIME);
- macBeaconOrder2 = sfSpec2.BO;
- macSuperframeOrder2 = sfSpec2.SO;
- //populate <macCoordShortAddress> if needed
- if (mpib.macCoordShortAddress == def_macCoordShortAddress)
- if (frmCtrl.srcAddrMode == defFrmCtrl_AddrMode16)
- mpib.macCoordShortAddress = wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo.addr_16;
- dispatch(p_SUCCESS,__FUNCTION__);
- //resume extraction timer if needed
- extractT->resume();
- //CSMA-CA may be waiting for the new beacon
- if (wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo.panID == mpib.macPANId)
- if (backoffStatus == 99)
- csmaca->newBeacon('r');
- //check if need to notify the upper layer
- if ((!mpib.macAutoRequest)||(wph->MSDU_PayloadLen > 0))
- sscs->MLME_BEACON_NOTIFY_indication(wph->MHR_BDSN,&panDes2,wph->MSDU_PendAddrFields.spec,wph->MSDU_PendAddrFields.addrList,wph->MSDU_PayloadLen,wph->MSDU_Payload);
- if (mpib.macAutoRequest)
- {
- //handle the pending packet
- pendSpec.fields = wph->MSDU_PendAddrFields;
- pendSpec.parse();
- pending = false;
- for (i=0;i<pendSpec.numShortAddr;i++)
- {
- if (pendSpec.fields.addrList[i] == mpib.macShortAddress)
- {
- pending = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!pending)
- for (i=0;i<pendSpec.numExtendedAddr;i++)
- {
- if (pendSpec.fields.addrList[pendSpec.numShortAddr + i] == aExtendedAddress)
- {
- pending = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (pending)
- {
- //frmCtrl.FrmCtrl = wph->MHR_FrmCtrl;
- //frmCtrl.parse();
- mlme_poll_request(frmCtrl.srcAddrMode,wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo.panID,wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo.addr_64,capability.secuCapable,true,true);
- }
- else
- {
- #ifdef SHUTDOWN
- if ((backoffStatus!=99) && ((!capability.FFD)||(numberDeviceLink(&deviceLink1) == 0)) && (NOW>phy->T_sleep_)) { //2.31 change: added this if statement to put the node to sleep after beacon reception if the node is not attempting to tx a pkt
- phy->putNodeToSleep();
- }
- #endif
- }
- log(p);
- }
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::recvAck(Packet *p)
- {
- hdr_lrwpan *wph;
- hdr_cmn *ch;
- FrameCtrl frmCtrl;
- wph = HDR_LRWPAN(p);
- ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[%s::%s][%f](node %d) M_ACK received: from = %d, SN = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ldn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,p802_15_4macSA(p),wph->MHR_BDSN,ch->uid(),wph->uid);
- #endif
- if ((!txBcnCmd)&&(!txBcnCmd2)&&(!txData))
- {
- Packet::free(p);
- return;
- }
- //check the sequence number in the ack. to see if it matches that in the <txPkt>
- if (wph->MHR_BDSN != HDR_LRWPAN(txPkt)->MHR_BDSN)
- {
- Packet::free(p);
- return;
- }
- if (txT->busy())
- txT->stop();
- else
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[%s::%s][%f](node %d) LATE ACK received: from = %d, SN = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ldn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,p802_15_4macSA(p),wph->MHR_BDSN,ch->uid(),wph->uid);
- #endif
- //only handle late ack. for data packet
- if (txPkt != txData)
- {
- Packet::free(p);
- return;
- }
- if (backoffStatus == 99)
- {
- backoffStatus = 0;
- csmaca->cancel();
- }
- }
- //set pending flag for data polling
- if (txPkt == txBcnCmd2)
- if ((taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_poll_request))
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_poll_request),__FUNCTION__) == 0))
- {
- frmCtrl.FrmCtrl = wph->MHR_FrmCtrl;
- frmCtrl.parse();
- taskP.mlme_poll_request_pending = frmCtrl.frmPending;
- }
- dispatch(p_SUCCESS,__FUNCTION__);
- log(p);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::recvCommand(Packet *p)
- {
- hdr_lrwpan* wph;
- FrameCtrl frmCtrl;
- bool ackReq;
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- wph = HDR_LRWPAN(p);
- hdr_cmn* ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- fprintf(stdout,"[%s::%s][%f](node %d) %s received: from = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %d, SN = %dn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,wpan_pName(p),p802_15_4macSA(p),ch->uid(),wph->uid,ch->size(),wph->MHR_BDSN);
- #endif
- ackReq = false;
- switch(HDR_LRWPAN(p)->MSDU_CmdType)
- {
- case 0x01: //Association request
- //recv() is in charge of sending ack.
- //MLME-ASSOCIATE.indication() will be passed to upper layer after the transmission of ack.
- assert(rxCmd == 0);
- rxCmd = p;
- ackReq = true;
- break;
- case 0x02: //Association response
- //recv() is in charge of sending ack.
- //MLME-ASSOCIATE.confirm will be passed to upper layer after the transmission of ack.
- assert(rxCmd == 0);
- rxCmd = p;
- ackReq = true;
- wph = HDR_LRWPAN(p);
- rt_myNodeID = *((UINT_16 *)wph->MSDU_Payload);
- #ifdef ZigBeeIF
- sscs->setGetClusTreePara('g',p);
- #endif
- break;
- case 0x03: //Disassociation notification
- break;
- case 0x04: //Data request
- //recv() is in charge of sending ack.
- //pending packet will be sent after the transmission of ack.
- assert(rxCmd == 0);
- rxCmd = p;
- ackReq = true;
- break;
- case 0x05: //PAN ID conflict notification
- break;
- case 0x06: //Orphan notification
- wph = HDR_LRWPAN(p);
- sscs->MLME_ORPHAN_indication(wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo.addr_64,false,0);
- break;
- case 0x07: //Beacon request
- if (capability.FFD //I am an FFD
- && (mpib.macAssociationPermit) //association permitted
- && (mpib.macShortAddress != 0xffff) //allow to send beacons
- && (mpib.macBeaconOrder == 15)) //non-beacon enabled mode
- {
- //send a beacon using unslotted CSMA-CA
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[%s::%s][%f](node %d) before alloc txBcnCmd:ntttxBeacont= %ldntttxAck t= %ldntttxBcnCmdt= %ldntttxBcnCmd2t= %ldntttxData t= %ldn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,txBeacon,txAck,txBcnCmd,txBcnCmd2,txData);
- #endif
- assert(!txBcnCmd);
- txBcnCmd = Packet::alloc();
- if (!txBcnCmd) break;
- wph = HDR_LRWPAN(txBcnCmd);
- frmCtrl.FrmCtrl = 0;
- frmCtrl.setFrmType(defFrmCtrl_Type_Beacon);
- frmCtrl.setSecu(secuBeacon);
- frmCtrl.setFrmPending(false);
- frmCtrl.setAckReq(false);
- frmCtrl.setDstAddrMode(defFrmCtrl_AddrModeNone);
- if (mpib.macShortAddress == 0xfffe)
- {
- frmCtrl.setSrcAddrMode(defFrmCtrl_AddrMode64);
- wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo.panID = mpib.macPANId;
- wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo.addr_64 = aExtendedAddress;
- }
- else
- {
- frmCtrl.setSrcAddrMode(defFrmCtrl_AddrMode16);
- wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo.panID = mpib.macPANId;
- wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo.addr_16 = mpib.macShortAddress;
- }
- sfSpec.SuperSpec = 0;
- sfSpec.setBO(15);
- sfSpec.setBLE(mpib.macBattLifeExt);
- sfSpec.setPANCoor(isPANCoor);
- sfSpec.setAssoPmt(mpib.macAssociationPermit);
- wph->MSDU_GTSFields.spec = 0;
- wph->MSDU_PendAddrFields.spec = 0;
- wph->MSDU_PayloadLen = 0;
- #ifdef ZigBeeIF
- sscs->setGetClusTreePara('s',txBcnCmd);
- #endif
- constructMPDU(4,txBcnCmd,frmCtrl.FrmCtrl,mpib.macBSN++,wph->MHR_DstAddrInfo,wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo,sfSpec.SuperSpec,0,0);
- hdr_dst((char *)HDR_MAC(txBcnCmd),p802_15_4macSA(p));
- hdr_src((char *)HDR_MAC(txBcnCmd),index_);
- HDR_CMN(txBcnCmd)->ptype() = PT_MAC;
- //for trace
- HDR_CMN(txBcnCmd)->next_hop_ = p802_15_4macDA(txBcnCmd); //nam needs the nex_hop information
- p802_15_4hdrBeacon(txBcnCmd);
- csmacaBegin('c');
- }
- break;
- case 0x08: //Coordinator realignment
- wph = HDR_LRWPAN(p);
- frmCtrl.FrmCtrl = wph->MHR_FrmCtrl;
- frmCtrl.parse();
- if (frmCtrl.dstAddrMode == defFrmCtrl_AddrMode64) //directed to an orphan device
- {
- //recv() is in charge of sending ack.
- //further handling continues after the transmission of ack.
- assert(rxCmd == 0);
- rxCmd = p;
- ackReq = true;
- }
- else //broadcasted realignment command
- if ((wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo.addr_64 == macCoordExtendedAddress)
- && (wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo.panID == mpib.macPANId))
- {
- //no specification in the draft as how to handle this packet, so use our discretion
- mpib.macPANId = *((UINT_16 *)wph->MSDU_Payload);
- mpib.macCoordShortAddress = *((UINT_16 *)(wph->MSDU_Payload + 2));
- tmp_ppib.phyCurrentChannel = wph->MSDU_Payload[4];
- phy->PLME_SET_request(phyCurrentChannel,&tmp_ppib);
- }
- break;
- case 0x09: //GTS request
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- break;
- }
- if (!ackReq)
- log(p);
- else
- log(p->refcopy());
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::recvData(Packet *p)
- {
- hdr_lrwpan* wph;
- hdr_cmn* ch;
- FrameCtrl frmCtrl;
- UINT_8 ifs;
- //pass the data packet to upper layer
- //(we need some time to process the packet -- so delay SIFS/LIFS symbols from now or after finishing sending the ack.)
- //(refer to Figure 60 for details of SIFS/LIFS)
- assert(rxData == 0);
- rxData = p;
- wph = HDR_LRWPAN(p);
- ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[%s::%s][%f](node %d) DATA (%s) received: from = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %d, SN = %dn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,wpan_pName(p),p802_15_4macSA(p),ch->uid(),wph->uid,ch->size(),wph->MHR_BDSN);
- #endif
- frmCtrl.FrmCtrl = wph->MHR_FrmCtrl;
- frmCtrl.parse();
- rxDataTime = CURRENT_TIME;
- if (!frmCtrl.ackReq)
- {
- if (ch->size() <= aMaxSIFSFrameSize)
- ifs = aMinSIFSPeriod;
- else
- ifs = aMinLIFSPeriod;
- Scheduler::instance().schedule(&IFSH, &(IFSH.nullEvent), ifs/phy->getRate('s'));
- }
- //else //schedule and dispatch after finishing ack. transmission
- }
- bool Mac802_15_4::toParent(Packet *p)
- {
- hdr_lrwpan* wph = HDR_LRWPAN(p);
- FrameCtrl frmCtrl;
- frmCtrl.FrmCtrl = wph->MHR_FrmCtrl;
- frmCtrl.parse();
- if (((frmCtrl.dstAddrMode == defFrmCtrl_AddrMode16)&&(wph->MHR_DstAddrInfo.addr_16 == mpib.macCoordShortAddress))
- || ((frmCtrl.dstAddrMode == defFrmCtrl_AddrMode64)&&(wph->MHR_DstAddrInfo.addr_64 == mpib.macCoordExtendedAddress)))
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- double Mac802_15_4::locateBoundary(bool parent,double wtime)
- {
- //In the case that a node acts as both a coordinator and a device,
- //transmission of beacons is preferablly to be aligned with reception
- //of beacons to achieve the best results -- but we cannot control this.
- //For example, the parent may originally work in non-beacon enabled mode
- //and later on begin to work in beacon enabled mode; the parent will
- //not align with the child since it is not supposed to handle the beacons
- //from the child.
- //So the alignment is specifically w.r.t. either transmission of beacons
- //(as a coordinator) or reception of beacons (as a device), but there is
- //no guarantee to satisfy both.
- int align;
- double bcnTxRxTime,bPeriod;
- double newtime;
- if ((mpib.macBeaconOrder == 15)&&(macBeaconOrder2 == 15))
- return wtime;
- if (parent)
- align = (macBeaconOrder2 == 15)?1:2;
- else
- align = (mpib.macBeaconOrder == 15)?2:1;
- bcnTxRxTime = (align == 1)?(macBcnTxTime / phy->getRate('s')):(macBcnRxTime / phy->getRate('s'));
- bPeriod = aUnitBackoffPeriod / phy->getRate('s');
- /* Linux floating number compatibility
- newtime = fmod(CURRENT_TIME + wtime - bcnTxRxTime, bPeriod);
- */
- {
- double tmpf;
- tmpf = CURRENT_TIME + wtime;
- tmpf -= bcnTxRxTime;
- newtime = fmod(tmpf, bPeriod);
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- //fprintf(stdout,"[%s::%s][%f](node %d) delay = bPeriod - fmod = %f - %f = %fn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,bPeriod,newtime,bPeriod - newtime);
- #endif
- if(newtime > 0.000001) // 2.31 change
- {
- /* Linux floating number compatibility
- newtime = wtime + (bPeriod - newtime);
- */
- {
- double tmpf;
- tmpf = bPeriod - newtime;
- newtime = wtime + tmpf;
- }
- }
- else
- newtime = wtime;
- return newtime;
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::txOverHandler(void)
- {
- assert(txPkt);
- PD_DATA_confirm(p_UNDEFINED);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::txHandler(void)
- {
- assert(txBcnCmd||txBcnCmd2||txData);
- Packet *p;
- hdr_lrwpan* wph;
- hdr_cmn* ch;
- UINT_8 t_numRetry;
- if (txBcnCmd) p = txBcnCmd;
- else if (txBcnCmd2) p = txBcnCmd2;
- else p = txData;
- wph = HDR_LRWPAN(p);
- ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- if (txBcnCmd) t_numRetry = numBcnCmdRetry;
- else if (txBcnCmd2) t_numRetry = numBcnCmdRetry2;
- else t_numRetry = numDataRetry;
- t_numRetry++;
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- if (t_numRetry <= aMaxFrameRetries)
- fprintf(stdout,"[%s::%s][%f](node %d) No ACK - retransmitting: type = %s, src = %d, dst = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %dn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,wpan_pName(p),p802_15_4macSA(p),p802_15_4macDA(p),ch->uid(),wph->uid,ch->size());
- else
- fprintf(stdout,"[%s::%s][%f](node %d) No ACK - giving up: type = %s, src = %d, dst = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %dn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,wpan_pName(p),p802_15_4macSA(p),p802_15_4macDA(p),ch->uid(),wph->uid,ch->size());
- #endif
- if (t_numRetry > aMaxFrameRetries)
- nam->flashLinkFail(CURRENT_TIME,p802_15_4macDA(p));
- dispatch(p_BUSY,__FUNCTION__); //the status p_BUSY will be ignore
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::extractHandler(void)
- {
- if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_associate_request))
- strcpy(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_associate_request),__FUNCTION__);
- dispatch(p_BUSY,__FUNCTION__);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::assoRspWaitHandler(void)
- {
- dispatch(p_BUSY,__FUNCTION__);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::dataWaitHandler(void)
- {
- dispatch(p_BUSY,__FUNCTION__);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::rxEnableHandler(void)
- {
- dispatch(p_SUCCESS,__FUNCTION__);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::scanHandler(void)
- {
- if (taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanType == 0x01)
- taskP.taskStep(TP_mlme_scan_request)++;
- dispatch(p_SUCCESS,__FUNCTION__);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::beaconTxHandler(bool forTX)
- {
- hdr_lrwpan* wph;
- FrameCtrl frmCtrl;
- int i;
- if ((mpib.macBeaconOrder != 15) //beacon enabled
- || (oneMoreBeacon))
- if (forTX)
- {
- if (capability.FFD/*&&(numberDeviceLink(&deviceLink1) > 0)*/)
- {
- //enable the transmitter
- beaconWaiting = true;
- plme_set_trx_state_request(p_FORCE_TRX_OFF); //finish your job before this!
- //assert(txAck == 0); //It's not true, for the reason that packets can arrive
- //at any time if the source is in non-beacon mode.
- //This could also happen if a device loses synchronization
- //with its coordinator, or if a coordinator changes beacon
- //order in the middle.
- if (txAck)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- if (!updateDeviceLink(tr_oper_est, &deviceLink1, &deviceLink2, p802_15_4macDA(txAck))) //this ACK is for my child
- fprintf(stdout,"[%f](node %d) outgoing ACK truncated by beacon: src = %d, dst = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ld, size = %dn", CURRENT_TIME,index_,p802_15_4macSA(txAck),p802_15_4macDA(txAck),HDR_CMN(txAck)->uid(),HDR_LRWPAN(txAck)->uid,HDR_CMN(txAck)->size());
- #endif
- Packet::free(txAck);
- txAck = 0;
- }
- plme_set_trx_state_request(p_TX_ON);
- }
- else
- assert(0);
- }
- else
- {
- if (capability.FFD/*&&(numberDeviceLink(&deviceLink1) > 0)*/) //send a beacon here
- {
- //beaconWaiting = false;
- if ((taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_start_request))
- && (mpib.macBeaconOrder != 15))
- {
- if (txAck||backoffStatus == 1)
- {
- beaconWaiting = false;
- bcnTxT->start();
- return;
- }
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[%s::%s][%f](node %d) before alloc txBeacon:ntttxBeacont= %ldntttxAck t= %ldntttxBcnCmdt= %ldntttxBcnCmd2t= %ldntttxData t= %ldn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,txBeacon,txAck,txBcnCmd,txBcnCmd2,txData);
- #endif
- if (updateNFailLink(fl_oper_est,index_) == 0)
- {
- if (txBeacon)
- {
- Packet::free(txBeacon);
- txBeacon = 0;
- }
- beaconWaiting = false;
- bcnTxT->start();
- return;
- }
- assert(!txBeacon);
- txBeacon = Packet::alloc();
- if (!txBeacon)
- {
- bcnTxT->start(); //try to restore the transmission of beacons next time
- return;
- }
- wph = HDR_LRWPAN(txBeacon);
- frmCtrl.FrmCtrl = 0;
- frmCtrl.setFrmType(defFrmCtrl_Type_Beacon);
- frmCtrl.setSecu(secuBeacon);
- frmCtrl.setAckReq(false);
- frmCtrl.setDstAddrMode(defFrmCtrl_AddrModeNone);
- if (mpib.macShortAddress == 0xfffe)
- {
- frmCtrl.setSrcAddrMode(defFrmCtrl_AddrMode64);
- wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo.panID = mpib.macPANId;
- wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo.addr_64 = aExtendedAddress;
- }
- else
- {
- frmCtrl.setSrcAddrMode(defFrmCtrl_AddrMode16);
- wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo.panID = mpib.macPANId;
- wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo.addr_16 = mpib.macShortAddress;
- }
- sfSpec.SuperSpec = 0;
- sfSpec.setBO(mpib.macBeaconOrder);
- sfSpec.setSO(mpib.macSuperframeOrder);
- sfSpec.setFinCAP(aNumSuperframeSlots - 1); //TBD: may be less than <aNumSuperframeSlots> when considering GTS
- sfSpec.setBLE(mpib.macBattLifeExt);
- sfSpec.setPANCoor(isPANCoor);
- sfSpec.setAssoPmt(mpib.macAssociationPermit);
- //populate the GTS fields -- more TBD when considering GTS
- gtsSpec.fields.spec = 0;
- gtsSpec.setPermit(mpib.macGTSPermit);
- wph->MSDU_GTSFields = gtsSpec.fields;
- //--- populate the pending address list ---
- pendAddrSpec.numShortAddr = 0;
- pendAddrSpec.numExtendedAddr = 0;
- purgeTransacLink(&transacLink1,&transacLink2);
- tmp = transacLink1;
- i = 0;
- while (tmp != NULL)
- {
- if (tmp->pendAddrMode == defFrmCtrl_AddrMode16)
- {
- if (updateDeviceLink(tr_oper_est,&deviceLink1,&deviceLink2,tmp->pendAddr64) == 0)
- i = pendAddrSpec.addShortAddr(tmp->pendAddr16); //duplicated address filtered out
- }
- else
- {
- if (updateDeviceLink(tr_oper_est,&deviceLink1,&deviceLink2,tmp->pendAddr64) == 0)
- i = pendAddrSpec.addExtendedAddr(tmp->pendAddr64); //duplicated address filtered out
- }
- if (i >= 7) break;
- tmp = tmp->next;
- }
- pendAddrSpec.format();
- wph->MSDU_PendAddrFields = pendAddrSpec.fields;
- frmCtrl.setFrmPending(i>0);
- //To populate the beacon payload field, <macBeaconPayloadLength> and <macBeaconPayload>
- //should be set first, in that order (use primitive MLME_SET_request).
- wph->MSDU_PayloadLen = mpib.macBeaconPayloadLength;
- memcpy(wph->MSDU_Payload,mpib.macBeaconPayload,mpib.macBeaconPayloadLength);
- //-----------------------------------------
- #ifdef ZigBeeIF
- sscs->setGetClusTreePara('s',txBeacon);
- #endif
- constructMPDU(2 + gtsSpec.size() + pendAddrSpec.size() + mpib.macBeaconPayloadLength,txBeacon,frmCtrl.FrmCtrl,mpib.macBSN++,wph->MHR_DstAddrInfo,wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo,sfSpec.SuperSpec,0,0);
- hdr_src((char *)HDR_MAC(txBeacon),index_);
- hdr_dst((char *)HDR_MAC(txBeacon),MAC_BROADCAST);
- HDR_CMN(txBeacon)->ptype() = PT_MAC;
- HDR_CMN(txBeacon)->next_hop_ = p802_15_4macDA(txBeacon); //nam needs the nex_hop information
- p802_15_4hdrBeacon(txBeacon);
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[%s::%s][%f](node %d) transmit BEACON to %d: SN = %d, uid = %d, mac_uid = %ldn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,p802_15_4macDA(txBeacon),HDR_LRWPAN(txBeacon)->MHR_BDSN,HDR_CMN(txBeacon)->uid(),HDR_LRWPAN(txBeacon)->uid);
- #endif
- txPkt = txBeacon;
- HDR_CMN(txBeacon)->direction() = hdr_cmn::DOWN;
- //nam->flashNodeMark(CURRENT_TIME);
- sendDown(txBeacon->refcopy(), this);
- mpib.macBeaconTxTime = (UINT_32)(CURRENT_TIME * phy->getRate('s'));
- macBcnTxTime = CURRENT_TIME * phy->getRate('s'); //double used for accuracy
- oneMoreBeacon = false;
- }
- else
- assert(0);
- }
- bcnTxT->start(); //don't disable this even beacon not enabled (beacon may be temporarily disabled like in channel scan, but it will be enabled again)
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::beaconRxHandler(void)
- {
- if (macBeaconOrder2 != 15) //beacon enabled (do nothing if beacon not enabled)
- {
- if (txAck)
- {
- Packet::free(txAck);
- txAck = 0;
- }
- //enable the receiver
- plme_set_trx_state_request(p_RX_ON);
- if (taskP.mlme_sync_request_tracking)
- {
- //a better way is using another timer to detect <numLostBeacons> right after the header of superframe
- if (numLostBeacons > aMaxLostBeacons)
- {
- char label[11];
- //label[0] = 0;
- strcpy(label,"" "");
- #ifdef ZigBeeIF
- if (sscs->t_isCT)
- sprintf(label,""%s"",(sscs->RNType())?"+":"-");
- #endif
- nam->changeLabel(CURRENT_TIME,label);
- changeNodeColor(CURRENT_TIME,Nam802_15_4::def_Node_clr);
- sscs->MLME_SYNC_LOSS_indication(m_BEACON_LOSS);
- numLostBeacons = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- numLostBeacons++;
- bcnRxT->start();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::beaconSearchHandler(void)
- {
- dispatch(p_BUSY,__FUNCTION__);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::isPanCoor(bool isPC)
- {
- if (isPANCoor == isPC)
- return;
- if (isPC)
- changeNodeColor(CURRENT_TIME,Nam802_15_4::def_PANCoor_clr);
- else if (isPANCoor)
- changeNodeColor(CURRENT_TIME,
- (mpib.macPANId == 0xffff) ? Nam802_15_4::def_Node_clr :
- (mpib.macAssociationPermit) ? Nam802_15_4::def_Coor_clr : Nam802_15_4::def_Dev_clr);
- isPANCoor = isPC;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void Mac802_15_4::set_trx_state_request(PHYenum state,const char *frFile,const char *frFunc,int line)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG802_15_4
- fprintf(stdout,"[%s::%s][%f](node %d): %s request from [%s:%s:%d]n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,
- (state == p_RX_ON)?"RX_ON":
- (state == p_TX_ON)?"TX_ON":
- (state == p_TRX_OFF)?"TRX_OFF":
- (state == p_FORCE_TRX_OFF)?"FORCE_TRX_OFF":"???",
- frFile,frFunc,line);
- #endif
- trx_state_req = state;
- phy->PLME_SET_TRX_STATE_request(state);
- }
- char *taskName[] = {"NONE",
- "MCPS-DATA.request",
- "MLME-ASSOCIATE.request",
- "MLME-ASSOCIATE.response",
- "MLME-ORPHAN.response",
- "MLME-RESET.request",
- "MLME-RX-ENABLE.request",
- "MLME-SCAN.request",
- "MLME-START.request",
- "MLME-SYNC.request",
- "MLME-POLL.request",
- "CCA_csmaca",
- "RX_ON_csmaca"};
- void Mac802_15_4::checkTaskOverflow(UINT_8 task)
- {
- //Though we assume the upper layer should know what it is doing -- should send down requests one by one.
- //But we'd better check again (we have no control over upper layer and we don't know who is operating on the upper layer)
- if (taskP.taskStatus(task))
- {
- fprintf(stdout,"[%s::%s][%f](node %d) task overflow: %sn",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,CURRENT_TIME,index_,taskName[task]);
- exit(1);
- }
- else
- {
- taskP.taskStep(task) = 0;
- (taskP.taskFrFunc(task))[0] = 0;
- }
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::dispatch(PHYenum status,const char *frFunc,PHYenum req_state,MACenum mStatus)
- {
- hdr_lrwpan *wph;
- hdr_cmn *ch;
- FrameCtrl frmCtrl;
- UINT_8 ifs;
- //int i;
- if (strcmp(frFunc,"csmacaCallBack") == 0)
- {
- if (txCsmaca == txBcnCmd2)
- {
- if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_scan_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_scan_request),frFunc) == 0))
- {
- if ((taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanType == 0x01) //active scan
- || (taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanType == 0x03)) //orphan scan
- mlme_scan_request(taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanType,taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanChannels,taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanDuration,false,status);
- }
- else if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_start_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_start_request),frFunc) == 0))
- mlme_start_request(taskP.mlme_start_request_PANId,taskP.mlme_start_request_LogicalChannel,taskP.mlme_start_request_BeaconOrder,taskP.mlme_start_request_SuperframeOrder,taskP.mlme_start_request_PANCoordinator,taskP.mlme_start_request_BatteryLifeExtension,0,taskP.mlme_start_request_SecurityEnable,false,status);
- else if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_associate_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_associate_request),frFunc) == 0))
- mlme_associate_request(0,0,0,0,0,taskP.mlme_associate_request_SecurityEnable,false,status);
- else if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_poll_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_poll_request),frFunc) == 0))
- mlme_poll_request(taskP.mlme_poll_request_CoordAddrMode,taskP.mlme_poll_request_CoordPANId,taskP.mlme_poll_request_CoordAddress,taskP.mlme_poll_request_SecurityEnable,taskP.mlme_poll_request_autoRequest,false,status);
- else //default handling for txBcnCmd2
- {
- if (status == p_IDLE)
- plme_set_trx_state_request(p_TX_ON);
- else
- {
- freePkt(txBcnCmd2);
- txBcnCmd2 = 0;
- csmacaResume(); //other packet may be waiting
- }
- }
- }
- else if (txCsmaca == txData)
- {
- assert(taskP.taskStatus(TP_mcps_data_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mcps_data_request),frFunc) == 0));
- if (taskP.mcps_data_request_TxOptions & TxOp_GTS) //GTS transmission
- {
- ; //TBD
- }
- else if ((taskP.mcps_data_request_TxOptions & TxOp_Indirect) //indirect transmission
- && (capability.FFD&&(numberDeviceLink(&deviceLink1) > 0))) //I am a coordinator
- {
- if (status != p_IDLE)
- mcps_data_request(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,taskP.mcps_data_request_TxOptions,false,p_BUSY,m_CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE);
- else
- {
- strcpy(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mcps_data_request),"PD_DATA_confirm");
- plme_set_trx_state_request(p_TX_ON);
- }
- }
- else //direct transmission: in this case, let mcps_data_request() take care of everything
- mcps_data_request(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,taskP.mcps_data_request_TxOptions,false,status);
- }
- else if (txCsmaca == txBcnCmd) //default handling for txBcnCmd
- {
- wph = HDR_LRWPAN(txBcnCmd);
- frmCtrl.FrmCtrl = wph->MHR_FrmCtrl;
- frmCtrl.parse();
- if (status == p_IDLE)
- {
- if ((frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_MacCmd) //command packet
- && (wph->MSDU_CmdType == 0x02)) //association response packet
- strcpy(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_associate_response),"PD_DATA_confirm");
- else if ((frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_MacCmd) //command packet
- && (wph->MSDU_CmdType == 0x08)) //coordinator realignment response packet
- strcpy(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_orphan_response),"PD_DATA_confirm");
- plme_set_trx_state_request(p_TX_ON);
- }
- else
- {
- if ((frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_MacCmd) //command packet
- && (wph->MSDU_CmdType == 0x02)) //association response packet
- mlme_associate_response(taskP.mlme_associate_response_DeviceAddress,0,m_CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE,0,false,p_BUSY); //status returned in MACenum rather than in PHYenum
- else if ((frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_MacCmd) //command packet
- && (wph->MSDU_CmdType == 0x08)) //coordinator realignment response packet
- mlme_orphan_response(taskP.mlme_orphan_response_OrphanAddress,0,true,false,false,p_BUSY);
- else
- {
- freePkt(txBcnCmd);
- txBcnCmd = 0;
- csmacaResume(); //other packets may be waiting
- }
- }
- }
- //else //may be purged from pending list
- }
- else if (strcmp(frFunc,"PD_DATA_confirm") == 0)
- {
- if (txPkt == txBeacon)
- {
- if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_start_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_start_request),frFunc) == 0))
- mlme_start_request(taskP.mlme_start_request_PANId,taskP.mlme_start_request_LogicalChannel,taskP.mlme_start_request_BeaconOrder,taskP.mlme_start_request_SuperframeOrder,taskP.mlme_start_request_PANCoordinator,taskP.mlme_start_request_BatteryLifeExtension,0,taskP.mlme_start_request_SecurityEnable,false,status);
- else //default handling
- {
- resetTRX();
- taskSuccess('b');
- }
- }
- else if (txPkt == txAck)
- {
- if (rxCmd)
- {
- ch = HDR_CMN(rxCmd);
- if (ch->size() <= aMaxSIFSFrameSize)
- ifs = aMinSIFSPeriod;
- else
- ifs = aMinLIFSPeriod;
- Scheduler::instance().schedule(&IFSH, &(IFSH.nullEvent), ifs/phy->getRate('s'));
- resetTRX();
- taskSuccess('a');
- }
- else if (rxData) //default handling (virtually the only handling needed) for <rxData>
- {
- ch = HDR_CMN(rxData);
- if (ch->size() <= aMaxSIFSFrameSize)
- ifs = aMinSIFSPeriod;
- else
- ifs = aMinLIFSPeriod;
- Scheduler::instance().schedule(&IFSH, &(IFSH.nullEvent), ifs/phy->getRate('s'));
- resetTRX();
- taskSuccess('a');
- }
- else //ack. for duplicated packet
- {
- resetTRX();
- taskSuccess('a');
- }
- }
- else if (txPkt == txBcnCmd)
- {
- //default handling -- should be replaced once a specific task will handle this
- wph = HDR_LRWPAN(txBcnCmd);
- ch = HDR_CMN(txBcnCmd);
- frmCtrl.FrmCtrl = wph->MHR_FrmCtrl;
- frmCtrl.parse();
- if (frmCtrl.ackReq) //ack. required
- {
- //enable the receiver
- plme_set_trx_state_request(p_RX_ON);
- txT->start(mpib.macAckWaitDuration/phy->getRate('s'));
- waitBcnCmdAck = true;
- }
- else //assume success if ack. not required
- {
- resetTRX();
- taskSuccess('c');
- }
- }
- else if (txPkt == txBcnCmd2)
- {
- if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_scan_request)
- && ((taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanType == 0x01) //active scan
- ||(taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanType == 0x03)) //orphan scan
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_scan_request),frFunc) == 0))
- mlme_scan_request(taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanType,taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanChannels,taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanDuration,false,status);
- else if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_start_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_start_request),frFunc) == 0))
- mlme_start_request(taskP.mlme_start_request_PANId,taskP.mlme_start_request_LogicalChannel,taskP.mlme_start_request_BeaconOrder,taskP.mlme_start_request_SuperframeOrder,taskP.mlme_start_request_PANCoordinator,taskP.mlme_start_request_BatteryLifeExtension,0,taskP.mlme_start_request_SecurityEnable,false,status);
- else if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_associate_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_associate_request),frFunc) == 0))
- mlme_associate_request(0,0,0,0,0,taskP.mlme_associate_request_SecurityEnable,false,status);
- else if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_poll_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_poll_request),frFunc) == 0))
- mlme_poll_request(taskP.mlme_poll_request_CoordAddrMode,taskP.mlme_poll_request_CoordPANId,taskP.mlme_poll_request_CoordAddress,taskP.mlme_poll_request_SecurityEnable,taskP.mlme_poll_request_autoRequest,false,status);
- else //default handling
- {
- wph = HDR_LRWPAN(txBcnCmd2);
- ch = HDR_CMN(txBcnCmd2);
- frmCtrl.FrmCtrl = wph->MHR_FrmCtrl;
- frmCtrl.parse();
- if (frmCtrl.ackReq) //ack. required
- {
- //enable the receiver
- plme_set_trx_state_request(p_RX_ON);
- txT->start(mpib.macAckWaitDuration/phy->getRate('s'));
- waitBcnCmdAck2 = true;
- }
- else //assume success if ack. not required
- {
- resetTRX();
- taskSuccess('C');
- }
- }
- }
- else if (txPkt == txData)
- {
- assert((taskP.taskStatus(TP_mcps_data_request))
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mcps_data_request),frFunc) == 0));
- wph = HDR_LRWPAN(txData);
- ch = HDR_CMN(txData);
- frmCtrl.FrmCtrl = wph->MHR_FrmCtrl;
- frmCtrl.parse();
- if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mcps_data_request))
- {
- if (taskP.mcps_data_request_TxOptions & TxOp_GTS) //GTS transmission
- {
- ; //TBD
- }
- else if ((taskP.mcps_data_request_TxOptions & TxOp_Indirect) //indirect transmission
- && (capability.FFD&&(numberDeviceLink(&deviceLink1) > 0))) //I am a coordinator
- {
- if (!frmCtrl.ackReq) //ack. not required
- mcps_data_request(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,taskP.mcps_data_request_TxOptions,false,p_SUCCESS);
- else
- {
- strcpy(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mcps_data_request),"recvAck");
- //enable the receiver
- plme_set_trx_state_request(p_RX_ON);
- txT->start(mpib.macAckWaitDuration/phy->getRate('s'));
- waitDataAck = true;
- }
- }
- else //direct transmission: in this case, let mcps_data_request() take care of everything
- mcps_data_request(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,taskP.mcps_data_request_TxOptions,false,status);
- }
- else //default handling (seems impossible)
- {
- if (frmCtrl.ackReq) //ack. required
- {
- //enable the receiver
- plme_set_trx_state_request(p_RX_ON);
- txT->start(mpib.macAckWaitDuration/phy->getRate('s'));
- waitDataAck = true;
- }
- else //assume success if ack. not required
- {
- resetTRX();
- taskSuccess('d');
- }
- }
- }
- //else //may be purged from pending list
- }
- else if (strcmp(frFunc,"recvAck") == 0) //always check the task status if the dispatch comes from recvAck()
- {
- if (txPkt == txData)
- {
- if ((taskP.taskStatus(TP_mcps_data_request))
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mcps_data_request),frFunc) == 0))
- mcps_data_request(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,taskP.mcps_data_request_TxOptions,false,p_SUCCESS);
- else //default handling for <txData>
- {
- if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mcps_data_request)) //seems late ACK received
- taskP.taskStatus(TP_mcps_data_request) = false;
- resetTRX();
- taskSuccess('d');
- }
- }
- else if (txPkt == txBcnCmd2)
- {
- if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_associate_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_associate_request),frFunc) == 0))
- mlme_associate_request(0,0,0,0,0,taskP.mlme_associate_request_SecurityEnable,false,p_SUCCESS);
- else if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_poll_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_poll_request),frFunc) == 0))
- mlme_poll_request(taskP.mlme_poll_request_CoordAddrMode,taskP.mlme_poll_request_CoordPANId,taskP.mlme_poll_request_CoordAddress,taskP.mlme_poll_request_SecurityEnable,taskP.mlme_poll_request_autoRequest,false,p_SUCCESS);
- else //default handling for <txBcnCmd2>
- taskSuccess('C');
- }
- else if (txPkt == txBcnCmd) //default handling for <txBcnCmd>
- {
- wph = HDR_LRWPAN(txBcnCmd);
- frmCtrl.FrmCtrl = wph->MHR_FrmCtrl;
- frmCtrl.parse();
- if ((frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_MacCmd) //command packet
- && (wph->MSDU_CmdType == 0x02)) //association response packet
- mlme_associate_response(taskP.mlme_associate_response_DeviceAddress,0,m_SUCCESS,0,false,p_SUCCESS);
- else if ((frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_MacCmd) //command packet
- && (wph->MSDU_CmdType == 0x08)) //coordinator realignment response packet
- mlme_orphan_response(taskP.mlme_orphan_response_OrphanAddress,0,true,false,false);
- else
- taskSuccess('c');
- }
- //else //may be purged from pending list
- }
- else if (strcmp(frFunc,"txHandler") == 0) //always check the task status if the dispatch comes from a timer
- {
- if (txPkt == txData)
- {
- if ((!taskP.taskStatus(TP_mcps_data_request))
- || (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mcps_data_request),"recvAck") != 0))
- return;
- if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mcps_data_request))
- if (taskP.mcps_data_request_TxOptions & TxOp_GTS) //GTS transmission
- {
- ; //TBD
- }
- else if ((taskP.mcps_data_request_TxOptions & TxOp_Indirect) //indirect transmission
- && (capability.FFD&&(numberDeviceLink(&deviceLink1) > 0))) //I am a coordinator
- {
- /*
- //there is contradiction in the draft:
- //page 156, line 16: (for transaction, i.e., indirect transmission) "all subsequent retransmissions shall be transmitted using CSMA-CA"
- //page 158, line 14-16:
- // "if a single transmission attempt has failed and the transmission was indirect, the coordinator shall not
- // retransmit the data or MAC command frame. Instead, the frame shall remain in the transaction queue of the
- // coordinator."
- //the description on page 158 is more reasonable (though we already proceeded according to page 156)
- // now follow page 158
- numDataRetry++;
- if (numDataRetry <= aMaxFrameRetries)
- {
- //no need to check if the packet has been purged -- if purged, then taskFailed() should have set txData = 0
- wph = HDR_LRWPAN(txData);
- frmCtrl.FrmCtrl = wph->MHR_FrmCtrl;
- frmCtrl.parse();
- i = updateTransacLinkByPktOrHandle(tr_oper_est,&transacLink1,&transacLink2,txData);
- if (i != 0) //already purged from pending list
- {
- Packet::free(txData);
- txData = 0;
- return;
- }
- // -- don't end here, but afte 'else'
- waitDataAck = false;
- csmacaResume();
- }
- else
- */
- mcps_data_request(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,taskP.mcps_data_request_TxOptions,false,p_BUSY,m_NO_ACK);
- }
- else //direct transmission: in this case, let mcps_data_request() take care of everything
- mcps_data_request(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,taskP.mcps_data_request_TxOptions,false,p_BUSY); //status can be anything but p_SUCCESS
- }
- else if (txPkt == txBcnCmd2)
- {
- if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_associate_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_associate_request),"recvAck") == 0))
- mlme_associate_request(0,0,0,0,0,taskP.mlme_associate_request_SecurityEnable,false,p_BUSY); //status can anything but p_SUCCESS
- else if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_poll_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_poll_request),"recvAck") == 0))
- mlme_poll_request(taskP.mlme_poll_request_CoordAddrMode,taskP.mlme_poll_request_CoordPANId,taskP.mlme_poll_request_CoordAddress,taskP.mlme_poll_request_SecurityEnable,taskP.mlme_poll_request_autoRequest,false,p_BUSY); //status can anything but p_SUCCESS
- else //default handling for <txBcnCmd2>
- {
- numBcnCmdRetry2++;
- if (numBcnCmdRetry2 <= aMaxFrameRetries)
- waitBcnCmdAck2 = false;
- else
- {
- freePkt(txBcnCmd2);
- txBcnCmd2 = 0;
- }
- csmacaResume(); //other packets may be waiting
- }
- }
- else if (txPkt == txBcnCmd)
- {
- wph = HDR_LRWPAN(txBcnCmd);
- frmCtrl.FrmCtrl = wph->MHR_FrmCtrl;
- frmCtrl.parse();
- if ((frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_MacCmd) //command packet
- && (wph->MSDU_CmdType == 0x02)) //association response packet
- {
- //different from data packet, association response packet
- //should be retransmitted though it uses indirect transmission
- //(refer to page 67, line 28-32)
- numBcnCmdRetry++;
- if (numBcnCmdRetry <= aMaxFrameRetries)
- {
- /* no need to check if the packet has been purged -- if purged, then taskFailed() should have set txBcnCmd = 0
- if (wph->indirect) //indirect transmission
- {
- frmCtrl.FrmCtrl = wph->MHR_FrmCtrl;
- frmCtrl.parse();
- i = updateTransacLinkByPktOrHandle(tr_oper_est,&transacLink1,&transacLink2,txBcnCmd);
- if (i != 0) //already purged from pending list
- {
- Packet::free(txBcnCmd);
- txBcnCmd = 0;
- return;
- }
- }
- */
- strcpy(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_associate_response),"csmacaCallBack");
- waitBcnCmdAck = false;
- csmacaResume();
- }
- else
- mlme_associate_response(taskP.mlme_associate_response_DeviceAddress,0,m_NO_ACK,0,false,p_BUSY); //status returned in MACenum rather than in PHYenum
- }
- else if ((frmCtrl.frmType == defFrmCtrl_Type_MacCmd) //command packet
- && (wph->MSDU_CmdType == 0x08)) //coordinator realignment response packet
- {
- numBcnCmdRetry++;
- if (numBcnCmdRetry <= aMaxFrameRetries)
- {
- strcpy(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_orphan_response),"csmacaCallBack");
- waitBcnCmdAck = false;
- csmacaResume();
- }
- else
- mlme_orphan_response(taskP.mlme_orphan_response_OrphanAddress,0,true,false,p_BUSY);
- }
- else //default handling for <txBcnCmd>
- {
- freePkt(txBcnCmd);
- txBcnCmd = 0;
- csmacaResume(); //other packets may be waiting
- }
- }
- //else //may be purged from the pending list
- }
- else if (strcmp(frFunc,"PLME_SET_TRX_STATE_confirm") == 0)
- {
- //handle TRX_OFF
- if (req_state == p_TRX_OFF)
- if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_reset_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_reset_request),frFunc) == 0))
- mlme_reset_request(taskP.mlme_reset_request_SetDefaultPIB,false,status);
- //handle RX_ON
- if (req_state == p_RX_ON)
- if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_scan_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_scan_request),frFunc) == 0))
- mlme_scan_request(taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanType,taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanChannels,taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanDuration,false,status);
- else if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_rx_enable_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_rx_enable_request),frFunc) == 0))
- mlme_rx_enable_request(0,taskP.mlme_rx_enable_request_RxOnTime,taskP.mlme_rx_enable_request_RxOnDuration,false);
- }
- else if (strcmp(frFunc,"PLME_SET_confirm") == 0)
- {
- if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_scan_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_scan_request),frFunc) == 0))
- mlme_scan_request(taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanType,taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanChannels,taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanDuration,false,status);
- }
- else if (strcmp(frFunc,"PLME_ED_confirm") == 0)
- {
- if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_scan_request)
- && (taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanType == 0x00) //ED scan
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_scan_request),frFunc) == 0))
- mlme_scan_request(taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanType,taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanChannels,taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanDuration,false,status);
- }
- else if (strcmp(frFunc,"recvBeacon") == 0)
- {
- if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_scan_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_scan_request),frFunc) == 0))
- mlme_scan_request(taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanType,taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanChannels,taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanDuration,false,p_SUCCESS);
- else if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_rx_enable_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_rx_enable_request),frFunc) == 0))
- mlme_rx_enable_request(0,taskP.mlme_rx_enable_request_RxOnTime,taskP.mlme_rx_enable_request_RxOnDuration,false);
- else if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_sync_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_sync_request),frFunc) == 0))
- mlme_sync_request(0,taskP.mlme_sync_request_tracking,false,p_SUCCESS);
- }
- else if (strcmp(frFunc,"scanHandler") == 0) //always check the task status if the dispatch comes from a timer
- {
- if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_scan_request))
- mlme_scan_request(taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanType,taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanChannels,taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanDuration,false,p_BUSY);
- }
- else if (strcmp(frFunc,"extractHandler") == 0) //always check the task status if the dispatch comes from a timer
- {
- if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_associate_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_associate_request),frFunc) == 0))
- {
- mlme_associate_request(0,0,0,0,0,taskP.mlme_associate_request_SecurityEnable,false,p_BUSY); //status ignored in case 4, but should set to any value but p_SUCCESS in case 7 -- p_BUSY will be ok anyway
- }
- else if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_poll_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_poll_request),"IFSHandler") == 0))
- mlme_poll_request(taskP.mlme_poll_request_CoordAddrMode,taskP.mlme_poll_request_CoordPANId,taskP.mlme_poll_request_CoordAddress,taskP.mlme_poll_request_SecurityEnable,taskP.mlme_poll_request_autoRequest,false,p_BUSY);
- }
- else if (strcmp(frFunc,"assoRspWaitHandler") == 0) //always check the task status if the dispatch comes from a timer
- {
- if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_associate_response))
- {
- taskP.taskStep(TP_mlme_associate_response) = 2;
- mlme_associate_response(taskP.mlme_associate_response_DeviceAddress,0,m_SUCCESS,0,false,p_BUSY); //status ignored
- }
- }
- else if (strcmp(frFunc,"dataWaitHandler") == 0) //always check the task status if the dispatch comes from a timer
- {
- if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mcps_data_request))
- {
- taskP.taskStep(TP_mcps_data_request) = 2;
- mcps_data_request(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,taskP.mcps_data_request_TxOptions,false,p_BUSY); //status ignored
- }
- }
- else if (strcmp(frFunc,"IFSHandler") == 0) //always check the task status if the dispatch comes from a timer
- {
- if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_associate_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_associate_request),frFunc) == 0))
- mlme_associate_request(0,0,0,0,0,taskP.mlme_associate_request_SecurityEnable,false,p_SUCCESS,mStatus);
- else if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_poll_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_poll_request),frFunc) == 0))
- mlme_poll_request(taskP.mlme_poll_request_CoordAddrMode,taskP.mlme_poll_request_CoordPANId,taskP.mlme_poll_request_CoordAddress,taskP.mlme_poll_request_SecurityEnable,taskP.mlme_poll_request_autoRequest,false,p_SUCCESS);
- else if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_scan_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_scan_request),frFunc) == 0))
- mlme_scan_request(taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanType,taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanChannels,taskP.mlme_scan_request_ScanDuration,false,p_SUCCESS);
- }
- else if (strcmp(frFunc,"rxEnableHandler") == 0)
- {
- //if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_rx_enable_request)) //we don't check the task status (it may be reset)
- if (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_rx_enable_request),frFunc) == 0)
- mlme_rx_enable_request(0,taskP.mlme_rx_enable_request_RxOnTime,taskP.mlme_rx_enable_request_RxOnDuration,false);
- }
- else if (strcmp(frFunc,"beaconSearchHandler") == 0) //always check the task status if the dispatch comes from a timer
- {
- if (taskP.taskStatus(TP_mlme_sync_request)
- && (strcmp(taskP.taskFrFunc(TP_mlme_sync_request),"recvBeacon") == 0))
- mlme_sync_request(0,taskP.mlme_sync_request_tracking,false,p_BUSY); //status can anything but p_SUCCESS
- }
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::sendDown(Packet *p,Handler* h)
- {
- if (updateNFailLink(fl_oper_est,index_) == 0)
- {
- if (txBeacon)
- {
- beaconWaiting = false;
- Packet::free(txBeacon);
- txBeacon = 0;
- }
- return;
- }
- else if (updateLFailLink(fl_oper_est,index_,p802_15_4macDA(p)) == 0)
- {
- dispatch(p_UNDEFINED,"PD_DATA_confirm");
- return;
- }
- inTransmission = true;
- //double trx_time = phy->trxTime(p,false);
- /* Linux floating number compatibility
- txOverT->start(trx_time + 1/phy->getRate('s'));
- */
- //{
- //double tmpf;
- //tmpf = 1/phy->getRate('s');
- //txOverT->start(trx_time + tmpf);
- //}
- EnergyModel *em = netif_->node()->energy_model();
- if (em)
- if (em->energy() <= 0)
- {
- PD_DATA_confirm(p_UNDEFINED);
- return;
- }
- downtarget_->recv(p, h);
- }
- void Mac802_15_4::mcps_data_request(UINT_8 SrcAddrMode,UINT_16 SrcPANId,IE3ADDR SrcAddr,
- UINT_8 DstAddrMode,UINT_16 DstPANId,IE3ADDR DstAddr,
- UINT_8 msduLength,Packet *msdu,UINT_8 msduHandle,UINT_8 TxOptions,
- bool frUpper,PHYenum status,MACenum mStatus)
- {
- UINT_8 step,task;
- hdr_lrwpan *wph;
- hdr_cmn *ch;
- FrameCtrl frmCtrl;
- double kpTime;
- int i;
- EnergyModel *em = netif_->node()->energy_model();
- task = TP_mcps_data_request;
- if (frUpper) checkTaskOverflow(task);
- step = taskP.taskStep(task);
- if (step == 0)
- {
- //check if parameters valid or not
- ch = HDR_CMN(msdu);
- if (ch->ptype() == PT_MAC) //we only check for 802.15.4 packets (let other packets go through -- must be changed in implementation)
- if ((SrcAddrMode > 0x03)
- ||(DstAddrMode > 0x03)
- ||(msduLength > aMaxMACFrameSize)
- ||(TxOptions > 0x0f))
- {
- sscs->MCPS_DATA_confirm(msduHandle,m_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return;
- }
- taskP.taskStatus(task) = true;
- taskP.mcps_data_request_TxOptions = TxOptions;
- //---construct a MPDU packet (not really a new packet in simulation, but still <msdu>)---
- frmCtrl.FrmCtrl = 0;
- frmCtrl.setFrmType(defFrmCtrl_Type_Data); //data type
- if (TxOptions & TxOp_Acked)
- frmCtrl.setAckReq(true);
- if (SrcPANId == DstPANId)
- frmCtrl.setIntraPan(true); //Intra PAN
- frmCtrl.setDstAddrMode(DstAddrMode); //we reverse the bit order -- note to use the required order in implementation
- frmCtrl.setSrcAddrMode(SrcAddrMode); //we reverse the bit order -- note to use the required order in implementation
- wph = HDR_LRWPAN(msdu);
- wph->MHR_DstAddrInfo.panID = DstPANId;
- wph->MHR_DstAddrInfo.addr_64 = DstAddr; //it doesn't matter if this is actually a 16-bit address
- wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo.panID = SrcPANId;
- wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo.addr_64 = SrcAddr; //it doesn't matter if this is actually a 16-bit address
- //ignore FCS in simulation
- constructMPDU(msduLength,msdu,frmCtrl.FrmCtrl,mpib.macDSN++,wph->MHR_DstAddrInfo,wph->MHR_SrcAddrInfo,0,0,0);
- //for trace
- p802_15_4hdrDATA(msdu);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //perform security task if required (ignored in simulation)
- }
- if (TxOptions & TxOp_GTS) //GTS transmission
- {
- switch(step)
- {
- //other cases: TBD
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- else if ((TxOptions & TxOp_Indirect) //indirect transmission
- && (capability.FFD&&(numberDeviceLink(&deviceLink1) > 0))) //I am a coordinator
- {
- switch(step)
- {
- case 0:
- taskP.taskStep(task)++;
- taskP.mcps_data_request_pendPkt = msdu;
- if ((DstAddrMode == defFrmCtrl_AddrMode16) //16-bit address available
- || (DstAddrMode == defFrmCtrl_AddrMode64)) //64-bit address available
- {
- /* Linux floating number compatibility
- kpTime = mpib.macTransactionPersistenceTime * (aBaseSuperframeDuration * (1 << mpib.macBeaconOrder) / phy->getRate('s'));
- */
- {
- double tmpf;
- tmpf = (aBaseSuperframeDuration * (1 << mpib.macBeaconOrder) / phy->getRate('s'));
- kpTime = mpib.macTransactionPersistenceTime * tmpf;
- }
- chkAddTransacLink(&transacLink1,&transacLink2,DstAddrMode,DstAddr,msdu,msduHandle,kpTime);
- }
- strcpy(taskP.taskFrFunc(task),"csmacaCallBack");
- dataWaitT->start(kpTime);
- break;
- case 1:
- if (!taskP.taskStatus(task))
- break;
- if (status == p_SUCCESS) //data packet transmitted and, if required, ack. received
- {
- dataWaitT->stop();
- taskP.taskStatus(task) = false;
- resetTRX();
- taskSuccess('d');
- }
- else //data packet transmission failed
- {
- //leave the packet in the queue waiting for next polling
- strcpy(taskP.taskFrFunc(task),"csmacaCallBack"); //wait for next polling
- //status return in MACenum, either CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE or NO_ACK
- //taskP.taskStatus(task) = false;
- resetTRX();
- taskFailed('d',mStatus);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- if (!taskP.taskStatus(task))
- break;
- taskP.taskStatus(task) = false;
- //check if the transaction still pending -- actually no need to check (it must be pending if case 1 didn't happen), but no harm
- i = updateTransacLinkByPktOrHandle(tr_oper_est,&transacLink1,&transacLink2,taskP.mcps_data_request_pendPkt); //don't use <txData>, since assignment 'txData = msdu' only happens if a data request command received
- if (i == 0) //still pending
- {
- //get a copy of the packet for taskFailed()
- if (!txData)
- txData = taskP.mcps_data_request_pendPkt->copy();
- //delete the packet from the transaction list immediately -- prevent the packet from being transmitted at the last moment
- updateTransacLinkByPktOrHandle(tr_oper_del,&transacLink1,&transacLink2,taskP.mcps_data_request_pendPkt);
- resetTRX();
- taskFailed('d',m_TRANSACTION_EXPIRED);
- return;
- }
- else //being successfully extracted
- {
- resetTRX();
- taskFailed('d',m_SUCCESS);
- return;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- else //direct transmission
- {
- switch(step)
- {
- case 0:
- taskP.taskStep(task)++;
- strcpy(taskP.taskFrFunc(task),"csmacaCallBack");
- assert(!txData);
- txData = msdu;
- csmacaBegin('d');
- break;
- case 1:
- if (status == p_IDLE)
- {
- taskP.taskStep(task)++;
- strcpy(taskP.taskFrFunc(task),"PD_DATA_confirm");
- //enable the transmitter
- plme_set_trx_state_request(p_TX_ON);
- }
- else
- {
- wph = HDR_LRWPAN(txData);
- ch = HDR_CMN(txData);
- if (wph->msduHandle) //from SSCS
- {
- //let the upper layer handle the failure (no retry)
- taskP.taskStatus(task) = false;
- resetTRX();
- taskFailed('d',m_CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE);
- }
- else
- {
- // 2.31 change. An access failure needs to be reported here. Earlier csmacaResume() was being called indefinetely. This has been commented and the folowing 3 lines of code have been added within else.
- // csmacaResume();
- taskP.taskStatus(task) = false;
- resetTRX();
- taskFailed('d',m_CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE,0);
- #ifdef SHUTDOWN
- if ((em) && ((!capability.FFD)||(numberDeviceLink(&deviceLink1) == 0)) && (NOW>phy->T_sleep_)){ //I can sleep only if i am not a coordinator
- phy->putNodeToSleep();
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- wph = HDR_LRWPAN(txData);