- /*
- * Copyright (c) Xerox Corporation 1998. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
- * option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Linking this file statically or dynamically with other modules is making
- * a combined work based on this file. Thus, the terms and conditions of
- * the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
- *
- * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this file
- * give you permission to combine this file with free software programs or
- * libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL and with code included in
- * the standard release of ns-2 under the Apache 2.0 license or under
- * otherwise-compatible licenses with advertising requirements (or modified
- * versions of such code, with unchanged license). You may copy and
- * distribute such a system following the terms of the GNU GPL for this
- * file and the licenses of the other code concerned, provided that you
- * include the source code of that other code when and as the GNU GPL
- * requires distribution of source code.
- *
- * Note that people who make modified versions of this file are not
- * obligated to grant this special exception for their modified versions;
- * it is their choice whether to do so. The GNU General Public License
- * gives permission to release a modified version without this exception;
- * this exception also makes it possible to release a modified version
- * which carries forward this exception.
- *
- * $Header: /cvsroot/nsnam/ns-2/webcache/http-aux.h,v 1.17 2005/08/26 05:05:31 tomh Exp $
- */
- //
- // Auxiliary classes for HTTP multicast invalidation proxy cache
- //
- #ifndef ns_http_aux_h
- #define ns_http_aux_h
- #include <tclcl.h>
- #include "random.h"
- #include "ns-process.h"
- #include "pagepool.h"
- #include "timer-handler.h"
- const int HTTP_HBEXPIRE_COUNT = 5; // How many lost HBs mean disconnection?
- const int HTTP_HBINTERVAL = 60;// Heartbeat intervals (seconds)
- const int HTTP_UPDATEINTERVAL = 5; // Delays to push/v1 (seconds)
- class HttpMInvalCache;
- // Used for caches to keep track of invalidations
- class InvalidationRec {
- public:
- InvalidationRec(const char *pid, double mtime, char updating = 0) {
- pg_ = new char[strlen(pid) + 1];
- strcpy(pg_, pid);
- mtime_ = mtime;
- updating_ = updating;
- next_ = 0, prev_ = 0;
- }
- virtual ~InvalidationRec() {
- delete []pg_;
- }
- const char* pg() const { return pg_; }
- double mtime() const { return mtime_; }
- char updating() const { return updating_; }
- int scount() const { return scount_; }
- InvalidationRec* next() { return next_; }
- void reset(double mtime) {
- mtime_ = mtime;
- }
- int dec_scount() { return --scount_; }
- void set_updating() { updating_ = 1; }
- void clear_updating() { updating_ = 0; }
- void insert(InvalidationRec **head) {
- next_ = *head;
- if (next_ != 0)
- next_->prev_ = &next_;
- prev_ = head;
- *head = this;
- }
- void detach() {
- if (prev_ != 0)
- *prev_ = next_;
- if (next_ != 0)
- next_->prev_ = prev_;
- }
- friend class HttpMInvalCache;
- protected:
- char *pg_;
- double mtime_;
- char updating_; // 1 if an update is going to be sent soon
- int scount_; // Times that an invalidation needs to be multicast
- InvalidationRec *next_;
- InvalidationRec **prev_;
- };
- class HBTimer : public TimerHandler {
- public:
- HBTimer(HttpMInvalCache *a, double interval) : TimerHandler() {
- a_ = a, interval_ = interval;
- }
- void set_interval(double interval) { interval_ = interval; }
- double get_interval() const { return interval_; }
- double next_interval() {
- return interval_ * (1 + Random::uniform(-0.1,0.1));
- }
- void sched() { TimerHandler::sched(interval_); }
- void resched() {
- TimerHandler::resched(next_interval());
- }
- protected:
- virtual void expire(Event *e);
- virtual void handle(Event *e) {
- TimerHandler::handle(e);
- resched();
- }
- HttpMInvalCache *a_;
- double interval_;
- };
- class PushTimer : public TimerHandler {
- public:
- PushTimer(HttpMInvalCache *a, double itv) :
- TimerHandler(), a_(a), interval_(itv) {}
- void set_interval(double itv) { interval_ = itv; }
- double get_interval() const { return interval_; }
- void sched() {
- TimerHandler::sched(interval_);
- }
- protected:
- virtual void expire(Event *e);
- HttpMInvalCache *a_;
- double interval_;
- };
- class LivenessTimer : public TimerHandler {
- public:
- LivenessTimer(HttpMInvalCache *a, double itv, int nbr) :
- TimerHandler(), a_(a), nbr_(nbr), interval_(itv) {}
- void sched() { TimerHandler::sched(interval_); }
- void resched() { TimerHandler::resched(interval_); }
- protected:
- virtual void expire(Event *e);
- HttpMInvalCache *a_; // The cache to be alerted
- int nbr_; // Neighbor cache id
- double interval_;
- };
- // XXX ADU defined in app-connector.h
- const int HTTPDATA_COST = 8;
- // User-level packets
- class HttpData : public AppData {
- private:
- int id_; // ID of the sender
- public:
- HttpData() : AppData(HTTP_DATA) {}
- HttpData(AppDataType t, int d) : AppData(t) { id_ = d; }
- HttpData(HttpData& d) : AppData(d) { id_ = d.id_; }
- inline int& id() { return id_; }
- virtual int size() const { return sizeof(HttpData); }
- virtual int cost() const { return HTTPDATA_COST; }
- virtual AppData* copy() { return (new HttpData(*this)); }
- };
- // HTTP data during normal request and response: containing a tcl command
- class HttpNormalData : public HttpData {
- private:
- char *str_;
- int strlen_;
- int cost_;
- public:
- // XXX Whoever sends data should allocate memory to store the string.
- // Whoever receives this object should delete it to free the string.
- HttpNormalData(int id, int cost, const char *str) :
- HttpData(HTTP_NORMAL, id) {
- if ((str == NULL) || (*str == 0))
- strlen_ = 0;
- else
- strlen_ = strlen(str) + 1;
- if (strlen_ > 0) {
- str_ = new char[strlen_];
- strcpy(str_, str);
- } else
- str_ = NULL;
- cost_ = cost;
- }
- HttpNormalData(HttpNormalData& d) : HttpData(d) {
- cost_ = d.cost_;
- strlen_ = d.strlen_;
- if (strlen_ > 0) {
- str_ = new char[strlen_];
- strcpy(str_, d.str_);
- } else
- str_ = NULL;
- }
- virtual ~HttpNormalData() {
- if (str_ != NULL)
- delete []str_;
- }
- virtual int size() const {
- // Intentially use sizeof(int) instead of 2*sizeof(int)
- return (sizeof(HttpData)+sizeof(int)+strlen_);
- }
- virtual int cost() const { return cost_; }
- char* str() const { return str_; }
- virtual AppData* copy() {
- return (new HttpNormalData(*this));
- }
- };
- // XXX assign cost to a constant so as to be more portable
- const int HTTPHBDATA_COST = 32;
- const int HTTP_MAXURLLEN = 20;
- // Struct used to pack invalidation records into packets
- class HttpHbData : public HttpData {
- protected:
- struct InvalRec {
- char pg_[HTTP_MAXURLLEN]; // Maximum page id length
- double mtime_;
- // Used only to mark that this page will be send in the
- // next multicast update. The updating field in this agent
- // will only be set after it gets the real update.
- int updating_;
- void copy(InvalidationRec *v) {
- strcpy(pg_, v->pg());
- mtime_ = v->mtime();
- updating_ = v->updating();
- }
- InvalidationRec* copyto() {
- return (new InvalidationRec(pg_, mtime_, updating_));
- }
- };
- private:
- int num_inv_;
- InvalRec* inv_rec_;
- inline InvalRec* inv_rec() { return inv_rec_; }
- public:
- HttpHbData(int id, int n) :
- HttpData(HTTP_INVALIDATION, id), num_inv_(n) {
- if (num_inv_ > 0)
- inv_rec_ = new InvalRec[num_inv_];
- else
- inv_rec_ = NULL;
- }
- HttpHbData(HttpHbData& d) : HttpData(d) {
- num_inv_ = d.num_inv_;
- if (num_inv_ > 0) {
- inv_rec_ = new InvalRec[num_inv_];
- memcpy(inv_rec_, d.inv_rec_,num_inv_*sizeof(InvalRec));
- } else
- inv_rec_ = NULL;
- }
- virtual ~HttpHbData() {
- if (inv_rec_ != NULL)
- delete []inv_rec_;
- }
- virtual int size() const {
- return HttpData::size() + num_inv_*sizeof(InvalRec);
- }
- // XXX byte cost to appear in trace file
- virtual int cost() const {
- // Minimum size 1 so that TCP will send a packet
- return (num_inv_ == 0) ? 1 : (num_inv_*HTTPHBDATA_COST);
- }
- virtual AppData* copy() {
- return (new HttpHbData(*this));
- }
- inline int& num_inv() { return num_inv_; }
- inline void add(int i, InvalidationRec *r) {
- inv_rec()[i].copy(r);
- }
- inline char* rec_pg(int i) { return inv_rec()[i].pg_; }
- inline double& rec_mtime(int i) { return inv_rec()[i].mtime_; }
- void extract(InvalidationRec*& ivlist);
- };
- class HttpUpdateData : public HttpData {
- protected:
- // Pack page updates to be pushed to caches
- struct PageRec {
- char pg_[HTTP_MAXURLLEN];
- double mtime_;
- double age_;
- int size_;
- void copy(ClientPage *p) {
- p->name(pg_);
- mtime_ = p->mtime();
- age_ = p->age();
- size_ = p->size();
- }
- };
- private:
- int num_;
- int pgsize_;
- PageRec *rec_;
- inline PageRec* rec() { return rec_; }
- public:
- HttpUpdateData(int id, int n) : HttpData(HTTP_UPDATE, id) {
- num_ = n;
- pgsize_ = 0;
- if (num_ > 0)
- rec_ = new PageRec[num_];
- else
- rec_ = NULL;
- }
- HttpUpdateData(HttpUpdateData& d) : HttpData(d) {
- num_ = d.num_;
- pgsize_ = d.pgsize_;
- if (num_ > 0) {
- rec_ = new PageRec[num_];
- memcpy(rec_, d.rec_, num_*sizeof(PageRec));
- } else
- rec_ = NULL;
- }
- virtual ~HttpUpdateData() {
- if (rec_ != NULL)
- delete []rec_;
- }
- virtual int size() const {
- return HttpData::size() + 2*sizeof(int)+num_*sizeof(PageRec);
- }
- virtual int cost() const { return pgsize_; }
- virtual AppData* copy() {
- return (new HttpUpdateData(*this));
- }
- inline int num() const { return num_; }
- inline int pgsize() const { return pgsize_; }
- inline void set_pgsize(int s) { pgsize_ = s; }
- inline void add(int i, ClientPage *p) {
- rec()[i].copy(p);
- pgsize_ += p->size();
- }
- inline char* rec_page(int i) { return rec()[i].pg_; }
- inline int& rec_size(int i) { return rec()[i].size_; }
- inline double& rec_age(int i) { return rec()[i].age_; }
- inline double& rec_mtime(int i) { return rec()[i].mtime_; }
- };
- const int HTTPLEAVE_COST = 4;
- // Message: server leave
- class HttpLeaveData : public HttpData {
- private:
- int num_;
- int* rec_; // array of server ids which are out of contact
- inline int* rec() { return rec_; }
- public:
- HttpLeaveData(int id, int n) : HttpData(HTTP_LEAVE, id) {
- num_ = n;
- if (num_ > 0)
- rec_ = new int[num_];
- else
- rec_ = NULL;
- }
- HttpLeaveData(HttpLeaveData& d) : HttpData(d) {
- num_ = d.num_;
- if (num_ > 0) {
- rec_ = new int[num_];
- memcpy(rec_, d.rec_, num_*sizeof(int));
- } else
- rec_ = NULL;
- }
- virtual ~HttpLeaveData() {
- if (rec_ != NULL)
- delete []rec_;
- }
- virtual int size() const {
- return HttpData::size() + (num_+1)*sizeof(int);
- }
- virtual int cost() const { return num_*HTTPLEAVE_COST; }
- virtual AppData* copy() {
- return (new HttpLeaveData(*this));
- }
- inline int num() const { return num_; }
- inline void add(int i, int id) {
- rec()[i] = id;
- }
- inline int rec_id(int i) { return rec()[i]; }
- };
- // Auxliary class
- class NeighborCache {
- public:
- NeighborCache(HttpMInvalCache*c, double t, LivenessTimer *timer) :
- cache_(c), time_(t), down_(0), timer_(timer) {}
- ~NeighborCache();
- double time() { return time_; }
- void reset_timer(double time) {
- time_ = time, timer_->resched();
- }
- int is_down() { return down_; }
- void down() { down_ = 1; }
- void up() { down_ = 0; }
- int num() const { return sl_.num(); }
- HttpMInvalCache* cache() { return cache_; }
- void pack_leave(HttpLeaveData&);
- int is_server_down(int sid);
- void server_down(int sid);
- void server_up(int sid);
- void invalidate(HttpMInvalCache *c);
- void add_server(int sid);
- // Maintaining neighbor cache timeout entries
- struct ServerEntry {
- ServerEntry(int sid) : server_(sid), next_(NULL), down_(0) {}
- int server() { return server_; }
- ServerEntry* next() { return next_; }
- int is_down() { return down_; }
- void down() { down_ = 1; }
- void up() { down_ = 0; }
- int server_;
- ServerEntry *next_;
- int down_;
- };
- // We cannot use template. :(((
- struct ServerList {
- ServerList() : head_(NULL), num_(0) {}
- void insert(ServerEntry *s) {
- s->next_ = head_;
- head_ = s;
- num_++;
- }
- // We don't need a detach()
- ServerEntry* gethead() { return head_; } // For iterations
- int num() const { return num_; }
- ServerEntry *head_;
- int num_;
- };
- protected:
- HttpMInvalCache* cache_;
- double time_;
- int down_;
- ServerList sl_;
- LivenessTimer *timer_;
- };
- #endif // ns_http_aux_h