- /* -*- Mode:C++; c-basic-offset:8; tab-width:8; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- */
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 1997 Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
- * must display the following acknowledgement:
- * This product includes software developed by the Daedalus Research
- * Group at the University of California Berkeley.
- * 4. Neither the name of the University nor of the Laboratory may be used
- * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
- * specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Contributed by the Daedalus Research Group,
- */
- #include <sat-hdlc.h>
- #include <mac.h>
- // setting this allows HDLC to reset once it reaches the max-retries.
- #define RESET_HDLC 1
- int HDLC::uidcnt_;
- // int hdr_hdlc::offset_;
- // static class HDLCHeaderClass : public PacketHeaderClass {
- // public:
- // HDLCHeaderClass() : PacketHeaderClass("PacketHeader/HDLC",
- // sizeof(hdr_hdlc)) {
- // bind_offset(&hdr_hdlc::offset_);
- // }
- // } class_hdr_hdlc;
- static class HDLCClass : public TclClass {
- public:
- HDLCClass() : TclClass("LL/Sat/HDLC") {}
- TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {
- return (new HDLC);
- }
- } class_hdlc;
- void HdlcTimer::expire(Event *)
- {
- (*agent_.*callback_)(a_);
- }
- HDLC::HDLC() : SatLL(), list_head_(0)
- {
- bind("window_size_", &wnd_);
- bind("queue_size_", &queueSize_);
- bind_time("timeout_", &timeout_);
- bind("max_timeouts_", &maxTimeouts_);
- bind("selRepeat_", &selRepeat_);
- bind("delAck_", &delAck_);
- bind("delAckVal_", &delAckVal_);
- wndmask_ = HDLC_MWM;
- }
- void HDLC::recv(Packet* p, Handler* h)
- {
- hdr_cmn *ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- /*
- * Sanity Check
- */
- assert(initialized());
- // If direction = UP, then HDLC is recv'ing pkt from the network
- // Otherwise, set direction to DOWN and pass it down the stack
- if (ch->direction() == hdr_cmn::UP) {
- if (ch->ptype_ == PT_ARP)
- arptable_->arpinput(p, this);
- else
- recvIncoming(p);
- return;
- }
- ch->direction() = hdr_cmn::DOWN;
- recvOutgoing(p);
- }
- // Functions for sending packets out to network
- void HDLC::recvOutgoing(Packet* p)
- {
- ARQstate *a;
- int next_hop = getRoute(p);
- //if (disconnect_) {
- // if (!sentDISC_) {
- // sendUA(p, DISC);
- // sentDISC_ = 1;
- // set_rtx_timer();
- // drop(p);
- // return;
- // }
- // drop(p);
- // return;
- // }
- a = checkState(next_hop);
- if (a == 0)
- a = createState(next_hop);
- if (!(a->SABME_req_) && a->t_seqno_ == 0) {
- // this is the first pkt being sent
- // send out SABME request to start connection
- sendUA(p, SABME);
- // set SABME request flag to 1
- // have sent request, not yet confirmed
- a->SABME_req_ = 1;
- // set some timer for SABME?
- set_rtx_timer(a);
- }
- // place pkt in outgoing queue
- inSendBuffer(p, a);
- // send data pkts only after recving UA
- // in reply to SABME request
- if (a->SABME_req_ == 2)
- sendMuch(a);
- }
- void HDLC::inSendBuffer(Packet *p, ARQstate *a)
- {
- // check for HDLC buffer overflow
- if (a->sendBuf_.length() >= queueSize_) {
- drop(p, "HDLC queue full");
- return;
- }
- hdr_cmn *ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- hdr_ip *ih = HDR_IP(p);
- hdr_hdlc *hh = HDR_HDLC(p);
- struct I_frame* ifr = (struct I_frame *)&(hh->hdlc_fc_);
- nsaddr_t src = (nsaddr_t)Address::instance().get_nodeaddr(ih->saddr());
- nsaddr_t dst = (nsaddr_t)Address::instance().get_nodeaddr(ih->daddr());
- hh->fc_type_ = HDLC_I_frame;
- hh->saddr_ = src;
- hh->daddr_ = dst;
- ifr->send_seqno = a->seqno_++;
- ch->size() += HDLC_HDR_LEN;
- a->sendBuf_.enque(p);
- }
- Packet *HDLC::dataToSend(ARQstate *a)
- {
- Packet *dp;
- // if have any data to send
- if (a->t_seqno_ <= a->highest_ack_ + wnd_ &&
- (dp = getPkt(a->sendBuf_, a->t_seqno_)) != 0) {
- // XXcheck if the destinations match for data and RR??
- Packet *np = dp->copy();
- return np;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- // try to send as much as possible if have any pkts to send
- void HDLC::sendMuch(ARQstate *a)
- {
- // sanity check for a connection
- assert(a->SABME_req_ == 2);
- Packet *p;
- while (a->t_seqno_ <= a->highest_ack_ + wnd_ && (p = getPkt(a->sendBuf_, a->t_seqno_)) != 0) {
- Packet *dp = p->copy();
- output(dp, a, a->t_seqno_);
- a->t_seqno_++;
- }
- }
- void HDLC::output(Packet *p, ARQstate *a, int seqno)
- {
- int force_set_rtx_timer = 0;
- hdr_hdlc* hh = HDR_HDLC(p);
- struct I_frame* ifr = (struct I_frame *)&(hh->hdlc_fc_);
- // piggyback the last seqno recvd
- if (selRepeat_)
- ifr->recv_seqno = a->nextpkt_;
- else
- ifr->recv_seqno = a->recv_seqno_;
- // cancel the delay timer if pending
- if (a->delay_timer_->status() == TIMER_PENDING)
- cancel_delay_timer(a);
- if (a->save_ != NULL) {
- Packet::free(a->save_);
- a->save_ = NULL;
- }
- sendDown(p);
- // if no outstanding data set rtx timer again
- if (a->highest_ack_ == a->maxseq_)
- force_set_rtx_timer = 1;
- if (seqno > a->maxseq_)
- a->maxseq_ = seqno;
- else if (seqno < a->maxseq_)
- ++(a->nrexmit_);
- if (!(a->rtx_timer_->status() == TIMER_PENDING) || force_set_rtx_timer)
- // No timer pending. Schedule one.
- set_rtx_timer(a);
- }
- void HDLC::sendUA(Packet *p, COMMAND_t cmd)
- {
- Packet *np = Packet::alloc();
- hdr_cmn *ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- hdr_cmn *nch = HDR_CMN(np);
- hdr_ip *ih = HDR_IP(p);
- hdr_ip *nih = HDR_IP(np);
- struct hdr_hdlc* nhh = HDR_HDLC(np);
- struct U_frame* uf = (struct U_frame *)&(nhh->hdlc_fc_);
- nsaddr_t src = (nsaddr_t)Address::instance().get_nodeaddr(ih->saddr());
- nsaddr_t dst = (nsaddr_t)Address::instance().get_nodeaddr(ih->daddr());
- // setup common hdr
- nch->addr_type() = ch->addr_type();
- nch->uid() = uidcnt_++;
- nch->ptype() = PT_HDLC;
- nch->size() = HDLC_HDR_LEN;
- nch->error() = 0;
- nch->iface() = -2;
- //nih->daddr() = ih->daddr();
- nhh->fc_type_ = HDLC_U_frame;
- switch(cmd) {
- case SABME:
- case DISC:
- // use same dst and src address
- nih->daddr() = ih->daddr();
- nih->saddr() = ih->saddr();
- nhh->daddr_ = dst;
- nhh->saddr_ = src;
- break;
- case UA:
- // use reply mode; src and dst get reversed
- nih->daddr() = ih->saddr();
- nih->saddr() = ih->daddr();
- nhh->daddr_ = src;
- nhh->saddr_ = dst;
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "Unknown type of U framen");
- exit(1);
- }
- uf->utype = cmd;
- sendDown(np);
- //return (np);
- }
- void HDLC::sendDISC(Packet *p)
- {
- sendUA(p, DISC);
- }
- void HDLC::delayTimeout(ARQstate *state)
- {
- // The delay timer expired so we ACK the last pkt seen
- if (state->save_ != NULL) {
- Packet* pkt = state->save_;
- ack(pkt);
- state->save_ = NULL;
- Packet::free(pkt);
- }
- }
- void HDLC::ack(Packet *p)
- {
- hdr_cmn *ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- int last_hop = ch->last_hop_;
- ARQstate *a = checkState(last_hop);
- // sanity check; but should not come here.
- if (a == 0) {
- printf("ack(): No state found for %dn",last_hop);
- return;
- }
- Packet *dp;
- if (a->t_seqno_ > 0 && (dp = dataToSend(a)) != NULL) {
- output(dp, a, a->t_seqno_);
- a->t_seqno_++;
- } else {
- sendRR(p,a);
- }
- }
- void HDLC::sendRR(Packet *p, ARQstate *a)
- {
- Packet *np = Packet::alloc();
- hdr_cmn *ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- hdr_ip *ih = HDR_IP(p);
- struct hdr_hdlc *hh = HDR_HDLC(p);
- hdr_cmn *nch = HDR_CMN(np);
- hdr_ip *nih = HDR_IP(np);
- struct hdr_hdlc *nhh = HDR_HDLC(np);
- struct S_frame *sf = (struct S_frame*)&(nhh->hdlc_fc_);
- // common hdr
- nch->addr_type() = ch->addr_type();
- nch->uid() = uidcnt_++;
- nch->ptype() = PT_HDLC;
- nch->size() = HDLC_HDR_LEN;
- nch->error() = 0;
- nch->iface() = -2;
- nih->daddr() = ih->saddr();
- nih->saddr() = ih->daddr();
- nhh->fc_type_ = HDLC_S_frame;
- if (selRepeat_)
- sf->recv_seqno = a->nextpkt_;
- else
- sf->recv_seqno = a->recv_seqno_;
- sf->stype = RR;
- nhh->saddr_ = hh->daddr();
- nhh->daddr_ = hh->saddr();
- sendDown(np);
- }
- void HDLC::sendRNR(Packet *p)
- {}
- void HDLC::sendREJ(Packet *p, ARQstate *a)
- {
- Packet *np = Packet::alloc();
- hdr_cmn *ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- hdr_ip *ih = HDR_IP(p);
- struct hdr_hdlc *hh = HDR_HDLC(p);
- hdr_cmn *nch = HDR_CMN(np);
- hdr_ip *nih = HDR_IP(np);
- struct hdr_hdlc *nhh = HDR_HDLC(np);
- struct S_frame *sf = (struct S_frame *)&(nhh->hdlc_fc_);
- // common hdr
- nch->addr_type() = ch->addr_type();
- nch->uid() = uidcnt_++;
- nch->ptype() = PT_HDLC;
- nch->size() = HDLC_HDR_LEN;
- nch->error() = 0;
- nch->iface() = -2;
- nih->daddr() = ih->saddr();
- nih->saddr() = ih->daddr();
- nhh->fc_type_ = HDLC_S_frame;
- sf->recv_seqno = a->recv_seqno_;
- sf->stype = REJ;
- nhh->saddr_ = hh->daddr();
- nhh->daddr_ = hh->saddr();
- sendDown(np);
- }
- void HDLC::sendSREJ(Packet *p, int seq)
- {
- Packet *np = Packet::alloc();
- hdr_cmn *ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- hdr_ip *ih = HDR_IP(p);
- struct hdr_hdlc *hh = HDR_HDLC(p);
- hdr_cmn *nch = HDR_CMN(np);
- hdr_ip *nih = HDR_IP(np);
- struct hdr_hdlc *nhh = HDR_HDLC(np);
- struct S_frame *sf = (struct S_frame *)&(nhh->hdlc_fc_);
- // common hdr
- nch->addr_type() = ch->addr_type();
- nch->uid() = uidcnt_++;
- nch->ptype() = PT_HDLC;
- nch->size() = HDLC_HDR_LEN;
- nch->error() = 0;
- nch->iface() = -2;
- nih->daddr() = ih->saddr();
- nih->saddr() = ih->daddr();
- nhh->fc_type_ = HDLC_S_frame;
- sf->recv_seqno = seq;
- sf->stype = SREJ;
- nhh->saddr_ = hh->daddr();
- nhh->daddr_ = hh->saddr();
- sendDown(np);
- }
- void HDLC::sendDown(Packet* p)
- {
- hdr_cmn *ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- char *mh = (char*)p->access(hdr_mac::offset_);
- int peer_mac_;
- SatChannel* satchannel_;
- getRoute(p);
- // Set mac src, type, and dst
- mac_->hdr_src(mh, mac_->addr());
- mac_->hdr_type(mh, ETHERTYPE_IP); // We'll just use ETHERTYPE_IP
- nsaddr_t dst = ch->next_hop();
- // a value of -1 is IP_BROADCAST
- if (dst < -1) {
- printf("Error: next_hop_ field not set by routing agentn");
- exit(1);
- }
- switch(ch->addr_type()) {
- case NS_AF_INET:
- case NS_AF_NONE:
- if (IP_BROADCAST == (u_int32_t) dst)
- {
- mac_->hdr_dst((char*) HDR_MAC(p), MAC_BROADCAST);
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Here is where arp would normally occur. In the satellite
- * case, we don't arp (for now). Instead, use destination
- * address to find the mac address corresponding to the
- * peer connected to this channel. If someone wants to
- * add arp, look at how the wireless code does it.
- */
- // Cache latest value used
- if (dst == arpcachedst_) {
- mac_->hdr_dst((char*) HDR_MAC(p), arpcache_);
- break;
- }
- // Search for peer's mac address (this is the pseudo-ARP)
- satchannel_ = (SatChannel*) channel();
- peer_mac_ = satchannel_->find_peer_mac_addr(dst);
- if (peer_mac_ < 0 ) {
- printf("Error: couldn't find dest mac on channel ");
- printf("for src/dst %d %d at NOW %fn",
- ch->last_hop_, dst, NOW);
- exit(1);
- } else {
- mac_->hdr_dst((char*) HDR_MAC(p), peer_mac_);
- arpcachedst_ = dst;
- arpcache_ = peer_mac_;
- break;
- }
- default:
- printf("Error: addr_type not set to NS_AF_INET or NS_AF_NONEn");
- exit(1);
- }
- // let mac decide when to take a new packet from the queue.
- Scheduler& s = Scheduler::instance();
- s.schedule(downtarget_, p, delay_);
- }
- // functions for receiving pkts from the network
- void HDLC::recvIncoming(Packet* p)
- {
- // This pkt is coming from the network
- // check if pkt has error
- if (hdr_cmn::access(p)->error() > 0)
- drop(p);
- else {
- hdr_hdlc* hh = HDR_HDLC(p);
- switch (hh->fc_type_) {
- case HDLC_I_frame:
- recvIframe(p);
- break;
- case HDLC_S_frame:
- recvSframe(p);
- break;
- case HDLC_U_frame:
- recvUframe(p);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "Invalid HDLC control typen");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- }
- // recv data pkt
- void HDLC::recvIframe(Packet *p)
- {
- struct I_frame* ifr = (struct I_frame *)&(HDR_HDLC(p)->hdlc_fc_);
- int rseq = ((struct I_frame*)&(HDR_HDLC(p)->hdlc_fc_))->recv_seqno;
- // check if any ack is piggybacking
- // and update highest_ack_
- int last_hop = HDR_CMN(p)->last_hop_;
- ARQstate *a = checkState(last_hop);
- // if state doesn't exist, or connection not setup yet
- // drop data pkt
- if (a == 0 || a->SABME_req_ == 1) {
- printf("recvIframe(): No state/connection found for %dn",last_hop);
- return;
- }
- // if this is the first data pkt we recv, set the
- // SABME flag, as this is the third leg of the 3 way handshake
- // for connection setup for HDLC
- if (a->recv_seqno_ == -1 && a->SABME_req_ == 0)
- a->SABME_req_ = 2;
- if (rseq > -1) // valid ack
- handlePiggyAck(p,a);
- // recvd first data pkt
- if (ifr->send_seqno == 0 && a->recv_seqno_ == -1)
- a->recv_seqno_ = 0;
- if (selRepeat_) // do selective repeat
- selectiveRepeatMode(p);
- else
- // default to go back N
- goBackNMode(p);
- // if we had got a valid piggy ack
- // see if we can send more
- if (rseq > -1)
- sendMuch(a);
- }
- void HDLC::recvSframe(Packet* p)
- {
- hdr_hdlc* hh = HDR_HDLC(p);
- struct S_frame *sf = (struct S_frame*)&(hh->hdlc_fc_);
- switch(sf->stype)
- {
- case RR:
- handleRR(p);
- break;
- case REJ:
- handleREJ(p);
- break;
- case RNR:
- handleRNR(p);
- break;
- case SREJ:
- handleSREJ(p);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "Unknown type of S framen");
- exit(0);
- }
- }
- void HDLC::recvUframe(Packet* p)
- {
- // U frames supported for now are ABME/UA/DISC
- hdr_hdlc* hh = HDR_HDLC(p);
- struct U_frame *uf = (struct U_frame*)&(hh->hdlc_fc_);
- switch(uf->utype)
- {
- case SABME:
- handleSABMErequest(p);
- break;
- case UA:
- handleUA(p);
- break;
- case DISC:
- handleDISC(p);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "Unknown type of U framen");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- void HDLC::handleSABMErequest(Packet *p)
- {
- hdr_cmn *ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- int last_hop = ch->last_hop_;
- ARQstate *a = checkState(last_hop);
- #ifdef RESET_HDLC
- if (a != 0) {
- // For HDLC resetting option, we might recv a SABME req since the sender got reset but the recvr didn't. In that case the recvr should reset in order to synchronise with sender.
- printf("Got SABME req for existing connection; resettingn");
- reset(a);
- }
- // create new state
- a = createState(last_hop);
- #else
- // create state only if one is not present already
- if (a == 0)
- a = createState(last_hop);
- #endif
- // got a request to either open a connection
- // or reset an old connection as sender may have reset due to timeout
- // ack back an UA
- //if (a->recv_seqno_ == -1) {
- sendUA(p, UA);
- //closed_ = 0;
- //}
- Packet::free(p);
- }
- void HDLC::handleDISC(Packet *p)
- {
- hdr_cmn *ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- int last_hop = ch->last_hop_;
- ARQstate *a = checkState(last_hop);
- // got request for disconnect
- // send UA
- reset(a);
- sendUA(p, UA);
- Packet::free(p);
- }
- void HDLC::handleUA(Packet *p)
- {
- hdr_cmn *ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- int last_hop = ch->last_hop_;
- ARQstate *a = checkState(last_hop);
- if (a == 0) {
- printf("handleUA: No state found for %dn", last_hop);
- return;
- }
- // recv ok for connection
- // if waiting to send, start sending
- // ?? shouldn't I match the addresses here??
- if (a->t_seqno_ == 0 && a->SABME_req_ == 1) {
- // set SABME request flag to 2
- // indicating a confirmed connection
- a->SABME_req_ = 2;
- // cancel the SABME timers
- cancel_rtx_timer(a);
- sendMuch(a);
- //closed_ = 0;
- } else { // have I sent a DISCONNECT?
- if (a->disconnect_) {
- // recvd confirmation on disconnect
- reset(a);
- }
- }
- Packet::free(p);
- }
- void HDLC::handlePiggyAck(Packet *p, ARQstate *a)
- {
- hdr_hdlc* hh = HDR_HDLC(p);
- struct I_frame *ifr = (struct I_frame*)&(hh->hdlc_fc_);
- int seqno = ifr->recv_seqno - 1;
- if (seqno > a->highest_ack_) { // recvd a new ack
- Packet *datapkt = getPkt(a->sendBuf_, seqno);
- a->sendBuf_.remove(datapkt);
- Packet::free(datapkt);
- // update highest_ack_
- a->highest_ack_ = seqno;
- // set retx_timer
- if (a->t_seqno_ > seqno || seqno < a->maxseq_)
- set_rtx_timer(a);
- else
- cancel_rtx_timer(a);
- } else { // got duplicate acks
- // do nothing as piggyback ack
- }
- // if had timeouts, should reset it now
- a->ntimeouts_ = 0;
- }
- // receiver ready - ack for a pkt successfully recvd by receiver, send next pkt pl
- void HDLC::handleRR(Packet *p)
- {
- // recvd an ack for a pkt
- // remove data pkt from outgoing buffer, if applicable
- struct S_frame *sf = (struct S_frame *)&(HDR_HDLC(p)->hdlc_fc_);
- int seqno = sf->recv_seqno - 1;
- int last_hop = HDR_CMN(p)->last_hop_;
- ARQstate *a = checkState(last_hop);
- if (a == 0 || a->SABME_req_ != 2){
- printf("handleRR: No state/connection found for %dn", last_hop);
- return;
- }
- if (seqno > a->highest_ack_) { // recvd a new ack
- Packet *datapkt = getPkt(a->sendBuf_, seqno);
- if (datapkt != NULL) {
- a->sendBuf_.remove(datapkt);
- Packet::free(datapkt);
- // update highest_ack_
- a->highest_ack_ = seqno;
- }
- // set retx_timer
- if ((a->t_seqno_-1) > seqno || seqno < a->maxseq_ )
- set_rtx_timer(a);
- else
- cancel_rtx_timer(a);
- } else { // got duplicate acks
- drop(p);
- }
- // if had timeouts, should reset it now
- a->ntimeouts_ = 0;
- // try to send more
- Packet::free(p);
- sendMuch(a);
- }
- Packet *HDLC::getPkt(PacketQueue buffer, int seqno)
- {
- Packet *p;
- buffer.resetIterator();
- for (p = buffer.getNext(); p != 0; p = buffer.getNext()) {
- if (((struct I_frame *)&(HDR_HDLC(p)->hdlc_fc_))->send_seqno == seqno)
- return p;
- }
- return(NULL);
- }
- // receiver not ready
- void HDLC::handleRNR(Packet *p)
- {
- // stop sending pkts and wait until RR is recved.
- // wait for how long?
- }
- // handle reject or a go-back-N request from receiver
- void HDLC::handleREJ(Packet *rejp)
- {
- // set seqno_ = seqno in REJ
- // and start sending
- struct S_frame *sf = (struct S_frame *)&(HDR_HDLC(rejp)->hdlc_fc_);
- int seqno = sf->recv_seqno;
- int last_hop = HDR_CMN(rejp)->last_hop_;
- ARQstate *a = checkState(last_hop);
- if (a == 0 || a->SABME_req_ != 2) {
- printf("handleREJ: No state/connection found for %dn", last_hop);
- return;
- }
- a->t_seqno_ = seqno;
- sendMuch(a);
- Packet::free(rejp);
- }
- // selective reject or a NACK for a data pkt not recvd from the receiver
- void HDLC::handleSREJ(Packet *rejp)
- {
- struct S_frame *sf = (struct S_frame *)&(HDR_HDLC(rejp)->hdlc_fc_);
- int seqno = sf->recv_seqno;
- int last_hop = HDR_CMN(rejp)->last_hop_;
- ARQstate *a = checkState(last_hop);
- if (a == 0 || a->SABME_req_ != 2) {
- printf("handleSREJ: No state/connection found for %dn", last_hop);
- return;
- }
- // resend only the pkt that was requested
- Packet *p = getPkt(a->sendBuf_, seqno);
- Packet *dp = p->copy();
- output(dp, a, seqno);
- Packet::free(rejp);
- }
- void HDLC::reset(ARQstate *a)
- {
- Packet *p;
- int n;
- // cancel all pending timeouts
- if (a->rtx_timer_->status() == TIMER_PENDING)
- cancel_rtx_timer(a);
- if (a->reset_timer_->status() == TIMER_PENDING)
- cancel_reset_timer(a);
- if (a->delay_timer_->status() == TIMER_PENDING)
- cancel_delay_timer(a);
- // now delete timers
- delete a->rtx_timer_;
- delete a->reset_timer_;
- delete a->delay_timer_;
- // purge send buffer, if any
- n = a->highest_ack_ + 1;
- while ((p = getPkt(a->sendBuf_, n)) != NULL)
- {
- a->sendBuf_.remove(p);
- Packet::free(p);
- n++;
- }
- // purge recv buffer, if any
- if (selRepeat_)
- {
- // purge recv side buffer
- // to send up out-of-order pkts
- // should we drop these pkts instead ??
- for (n=0; n <= HDLC_MWM; n++) {
- Packet *p = a->seen_[n];
- if (p != 0) {
- uptarget_ ? sendUp(p) : drop(p);
- a->seen_[n] = 0;
- }
- }
- delete a->seen_;
- }
- if (a->save_)
- delete a->save_;
- removeState(a->nh_);
- }
- // void HDLC::reset_recvr(ARQstate *a)
- // {
- // int n = 0;
- // if (selRepeat_)
- // {
- // // purge recv side buffer
- // // to send up out-of-order pkts
- // // should we drop these pkts instead ??
- // while (a->seen_[n] != NULL){
- // Packet *p = a->seen_[n];
- // a->seen_[n] = 0;
- // uptarget_ ? sendUp(p) : drop(p);
- // ++n;
- // }
- // delete a->seen_;
- // delete a->save_;
- // }
- // delete rtx_timer_;
- // delete reset_timer_;
- // delete delay_timer_;
- // removeState(a);
- // }
- // void HDLC::reset_sender(ARQstate *a)
- // {
- // Packet *p;
- // int n = a->highest_ack_ + 1;
- // // purge pkts in sendBuf
- // while ((p = getPkt(a->sendBuf_, n)) != NULL)
- // {
- // a->sendBuf_.remove(p);
- // Packet::free(p);
- // n++;
- // }
- // // delete timers
- // }
- // void HDLC::set_ack_timer()
- // {
- // ack_timer_.sched(DELAY_ACK_VAL);
- // }
- void HDLC::reset_rtx_timer(ARQstate *a, int backoff)
- {
- if (backoff)
- rtt_backoff();
- set_rtx_timer(a);
- a->t_seqno_ = a->highest_ack_ + 1;
- }
- void HDLC::set_rtx_timer(ARQstate *a)
- {
- a->rtx_timer_->resched(rtt_timeout());
- }
- void HDLC::set_reset_timer(ARQstate *a)
- {
- a->reset_timer_->resched(reset_timeout());
- }
- void HDLC::timeout(ARQstate *a)
- {
- //char buf[SMALL_LEN];
- //if (disconnect_) {
- //sentDISC_ = 0;
- //return;
- //}
- double now = Scheduler::instance().clock();
- a->ntimeouts_++;
- printf("hdlc TIMEOUT:%f, nh=%d, nto=%dn", now, a->nh_,a->ntimeouts_);
- //trace_event(buf);
- if (a->ntimeouts_ > maxTimeouts_) {
- //disconnect_ = 1;
- //sendDISC();
- #ifdef RESET_HDLC
- reset(a);
- #endif
- return;
- }
- // SABME timeout
- if (a->SABME_req_ && a->t_seqno_ == 0 ) {
- if (a->ntimeouts_ <= maxTimeouts_) {
- Packet *p = getPkt(a->sendBuf_, 0);
- sendUA(p, SABME);
- set_rtx_timer(a);
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr,"SABME timeout: No connectionn");
- #ifdef RESET_HDLC
- // flush all pkts
- reset(a);
- #endif
- }
- return;
- }
- if (a->highest_ack_ == a->maxseq_) {
- // no outstanding data
- // then don't do anything
- reset_rtx_timer(a,0);
- } else {
- a->t_seqno_ = a->highest_ack_ + 1;
- sendMuch(a);
- }
- }
- double HDLC::rtt_timeout()
- {
- return timeout_;
- }
- double HDLC::reset_timeout()
- {
- if (maxTimeouts_ < 1)
- maxTimeouts_ = 1;
- return (timeout_ * maxTimeouts_);
- }
- void HDLC::rtt_backoff()
- {
- // no backoff for now
- }
- // doing GoBAckN error recovery
- void HDLC::goBackNMode(Packet *p)
- {
- hdr_cmn *ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- hdr_hdlc* hh = HDR_HDLC(p);
- struct I_frame* ifr = (struct I_frame *)&(hh->hdlc_fc_);
- int last_hop = ch->last_hop_;
- ARQstate *a = checkState(last_hop);
- // recv data in order
- if (ifr->send_seqno == a->recv_seqno_) {
- if (a->sentREJ_)
- a->sentREJ_ = 0;
- a->recv_seqno_++;
- // strip off hdlc hdr
- ch->size() -= HDLC_HDR_LEN;
- // send ack back
- // start a timer to delay the ack so that
- // we can try and piggyback the ack in some data pkt
- if (delAck_) {
- if (a->delay_timer_->status() != TIMER_PENDING) {
- assert(a->save_ == NULL);
- a->save_ = p->copy();
- a->delay_timer_->sched(delAckVal_);
- }
- } else {
- ack(p);
- }
- uptarget_ ? sendUp(p) : drop(p);
- } else if (ifr->send_seqno > a->recv_seqno_) {
- if (!a->sentREJ_) {
- a->sentREJ_ = 1;
- // since GoBackN send REJ for the first
- // out of order pkt
- sendREJ(p,a);
- // set a timer for resetting recvr on timeout
- // waiting for in order pkt
- #ifdef RESET_HDLC
- set_reset_timer(a);
- #endif
- }
- drop(p, "Pkt out of order");
- } else {
- // send_seqno < recv_seqno; duplicate data pkts
- // send ack back as previous RR maybe lost
- ack(p);
- //ack();
- drop(p, "Duplicate pkt");
- }
- }
- // Selective Repeat mode of error recovery
- // in case of a missing pkt, send SREJ for that pkt only
- void HDLC::selectiveRepeatMode(Packet* p)
- {
- hdr_cmn *ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- int seq = ((struct I_frame *)&(HDR_HDLC(p)->hdlc_fc_))->send_seqno;
- bool just_marked_as_seen = FALSE;
- int last_hop = ch->last_hop_;
- ARQstate *a = checkState(last_hop);
- // resize buffers
- // while (seq + 1 - next >= wndmask_) {
- // resize_buffers((wndmask_+1)*2);
- // }
- // strip off hdlc hdr
- ch->size() -= HDLC_HDR_LEN;
- if (seq > a->maxseen_) {
- // the packet is the highest we've seen so far
- int i;
- for (i = a->maxseen_ + 1; i < seq; i++) {
- sendSREJ(p, i);
- }
- // we record the packets between the old maximum and
- // the new max as being "unseen" i.e. 0
- a->maxseen_ = seq;
- // place pkt in buffer
- a->seen_[a->maxseen_ & wndmask_] = p;
- // necessary so this packet isn't confused as being a duplicate
- just_marked_as_seen = TRUE;
- }
- if (seq < a->nextpkt_) {
- // Duplicate packet case 1: the packet is to the left edge of
- // the receive window; therefore we must have seen it
- // before
- #ifdef DEBUGHDLC
- printf("%ft Received duplicate packet %dn",Scheduler::instance().clock(),seq);
- #endif
- ack(p);
- drop(p);
- return;
- }
- int next = a->nextpkt_;
- if (seq >= a->nextpkt_ && seq <= a->maxseen_) {
- // next is the left edge of the recv window; maxseen_
- // is the right edge; execute this block if there are
- // missing packets in the recv window AND if current
- // packet falls within those gaps
- if (a->seen_[seq & wndmask_] && !just_marked_as_seen) {
- // Duplicate case 2: the segment has already been
- // recorded as being received (AND not because we just
- // marked it as such)
- #ifdef DEBUGHDLC
- printf("%ft Received duplicate packet %dn",Scheduler::instance().clock(),seq);
- #endif
- ack(p);
- drop(p);
- return;
- }
- // record the packet as being seen
- a->seen_[seq & wndmask_] = p;
- while ( a->seen_[next & wndmask_] != NULL ) {
- // this loop first gets executed if seq==next;
- // i.e., this is the next packet in order that
- // we've been waiting for. the loop sets how
- // many pkt we can now deliver to the
- // application, due to this packet arriving
- // (and the prior arrival of any pkts
- // immediately to the right)
- Packet* rpkt = a->seen_[next & wndmask_];
- a->seen_[next & wndmask_] = 0;
- uptarget_ ? sendUp(rpkt) : drop(rpkt);
- ++next;
- }
- // store the new left edge of the window
- a->nextpkt_ = next;
- // send ack
- ack(p);
- }
- }
- ARQstate *HDLC::newEntry(int next_hop)
- {
- ARQstate *a = new ARQstate;
- a->nh_ = next_hop;
- a->t_seqno_ = 0;
- a->seqno_ = 0;
- a->maxseq_ = 0;
- a->highest_ack_ = -1;
- a->recv_seqno_ = -1;
- a->nrexmit_ = 0;
- a->ntimeouts_ = 0;
- a->closed_ = 0;
- a->disconnect_ = 0;
- a->sentDISC_ = 0;
- a->SABME_req_ = 0;
- a->sentREJ_ = 0;
- a->save_ = NULL;
- a->rtx_timer_ = new HdlcTimer(this, a, &HDLC::timeout);
- a->reset_timer_ = new HdlcTimer(this, a, &HDLC::reset);
- a->delay_timer_ = new HdlcTimer(this, a, &HDLC::delayTimeout);
- a->nextpkt_ = 0;
- a->next_ = 0;
- if (selRepeat_) {
- a->seen_ = new Packet*[(HDLC_MWM+1)];
- memset(a->seen_, 0, (sizeof(Packet *) * (HDLC_MWM+1)));
- }
- return a;
- }
- ARQstate *HDLC::createState(int next_hop)
- {
- ARQstate *a = list_head_;
- if (list_head_ == 0 ) {
- list_head_ = newEntry(next_hop);
- return list_head_;
- } else {
- while (a->next_)
- a = a->next_;
- a->next_ = newEntry(next_hop);
- return (a->next_);
- }
- }
- ARQstate *HDLC::checkState(int next_hop)
- {
- ARQstate *a;
- if (list_head_ == 0)
- return 0;
- for(a=list_head_; a != 0; a=a->next_) {
- if (a->nh_ == next_hop)
- return a;
- }
- // no existing state
- return 0;
- }
- void HDLC::removeState(int next_hop)
- {
- ARQstate *a, *p;
- for(p=0, a=list_head_; a != 0; p=a, a=a->next_) {
- if (a->nh_ == next_hop) {
- if (a == list_head_) {
- if (a->next_ == 0)
- list_head_ = 0;
- else
- list_head_ = a->next_;
- delete a;
- return;
- } else {
- p->next_ = a->next_;
- delete a;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "HDLC:removeState() couldn't find staten");
- }