- /*
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2000 by the University of Southern California
- * $Id:,v 1.2 2005/08/25 18:58:05 johnh Exp $
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
- * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- *
- * The copyright of this module includes the following
- * linking-with-specific-other-licenses addition:
- *
- * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of
- * this module give you permission to combine (via static or
- * dynamic linking) this module with free software programs or
- * libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL and with code
- * included in the standard release of ns-2 under the Apache 2.0
- * license or under otherwise-compatible licenses with advertising
- * requirements (or modified versions of such code, with unchanged
- * license). You may copy and distribute such a system following the
- * terms of the GNU GPL for this module and the licenses of the
- * other code concerned, provided that you include the source code of
- * that other code when and as the GNU GPL requires distribution of
- * source code.
- *
- * Note that people who make modified versions of this module
- * are not obligated to grant this special exception for their
- * modified versions; it is their choice whether to do so. The GNU
- * General Public License gives permission to release a modified
- * version without this exception; this exception also makes it
- * possible to release a modified version which carries forward this
- * exception.
- *
- */
- //
- // Other copyrights might apply to parts of this software and are so
- // noted when applicable.
- //
- // Ported from CMU/Monarch's code, appropriate copyright applies.
- #include <god.h>
- #include "path.h"
- #include "routecache.h"
- #include <list.h>
- #include "cache_stats.h"
- #endif
- #define CURRENT_TIME Scheduler::instance().clock()
- #define MAX_SIMTIME 86400
- bool cache_ignore_hints = false; // ignore all hints?
- bool cache_use_overheard_routes = true;
- // Specifies whether or not to retain links after they go bad
- // I don't think this is implemented.
- static const bool lc_cache_negative_links = false;
- static const double lc_neg_cache_life = 1.0;
- // When inserting/deleting link A->B, also insert/delete B->A.
- static const bool lc_bidirectional_links = true;
- // Evict "unreachable" links from the cache.
- static const bool lc_evict_unreachable_links = false;
- // do we expire in realtime? or do we wait for use?
- // The maximum number of nodes supported by the cache.
- #define LC_MAX_NODES 200
- // General generational stuff...
- static const double lc_gen_use_bonus = 300;
- // Static stuff
- static const double lc_static_discover_life = 5.0;
- static const double lc_static_overhear_life = 5.0;
- // Table stuff
- static const double lc_table_init_val = 50.0;
- static const double lc_table_mult_by = 0.5;
- static const double lc_linear_alpha = 1.0/8.0;
- static const double lc_exp_add_amt = 2.0;
- static const double lc_exp_div_amt = 2.0;
- static const double lc_minlifetime = 2.0;
- // types of linkgens
- #define EXPPOLICY_EXP 3
- #endif
- static const int lc_exppolicy = EXPPOLICY_EXP;
- extern double *godavglife;
- #endif
- // statistics...
- #define IS_GOOD 0
- #define IS_BAD 1
- #define CALLED_GOOD 0
- #define CALLED_BAD 2
- static int expirestats[4];
- #endif
- static int verbose_debug = 0;
- // *****************************************************
- class Link {
- public:
- Link(nsaddr_t dst) {
- ln_dst = dst;
- ln_flags = ln_cost = 0;
- ln_timeout = 0.0;
- ln_insert = 0.0;
- ln_t = 0.0;
- ln_linktype = LT_NONE;
- ln_logstat = LS_UNLOGGED;
- }
- inline bool expired() {
- return (ln_timeout <= CURRENT_TIME);
- }
- LIST_ENTRY(Link) ln_link;
- nsaddr_t ln_dst;
- int ln_flags; // link status information
- #define LINK_FLAG_UP 0x01
- /*
- * Right now all links have the same cost (1). - josh
- */
- int ln_cost; // cost of using the link
- /*
- * the use of ln_timeout to expire links from the
- * cache has not yet been implemented. - josh
- * Implemented. - yihchun
- */
- double ln_timeout; // when the link expires
- double ln_insert; // when the link expires
- // mirror the values kept in class ID
- Time ln_t;
- Link_Type ln_linktype;
- Log_Status ln_logstat;
- };
- LIST_HEAD(dsrLinkHead, Link);
- class LinkCache : public RouteCache {
- friend class MobiHandler;
- public:
- LinkCache();
- void noticeDeadLink(const ID&from, const ID& to, Time t);
- // the link from->to isn't working anymore, purge routes containing
- // it from the cache
- void noticeRouteUsed(const Path& route, Time t,
- const ID& who_from);
- // tell the cache about a route we saw being used
- void addRoute(const Path& route, Time t, const ID& who_from);
- // add this route to the cache (presumably we did a route request
- // to find this route and don't want to lose it)
- bool findRoute(ID dest, Path& route, int for_me = 0);
- // if there is a cached path from us to dest returns true and fills in
- // the route accordingly. returns false otherwise
- // if for_use, then we assume that the node really wants to keep
- // the returned route so it will be promoted to primary storage
- // if not there already
- int command(int argc, const char*const* argv);
- protected:
- dsrLinkHead lcache[LC_MAX_NODES + 1];
- // note the zeroth index is not used
- int addLink(const ID& from, const ID& to,
- int flags, double timeout = LINK_TIMEOUT, int cost = 1);
- int delLink(const ID& from, const ID& to);
- Link* findLink(int from, int to);
- void purgeLink(void);
- void dumpLink(void);
- void Link_to_ID(Link* l, ID& id);
- void checkLink_logall(const ID& from, const ID& to, int action);
- void checkLink(const ID& from, const ID& to, int action);
- void periodic_checkCache();
- struct cache_stats stat;
- #endif
- private:
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Dijkstra's Algorithm
- double dirty; // the next time it gets dirty
- double dl[LC_MAX_NODES + 1];
- #endif
- u_int32_t d[LC_MAX_NODES + 1];
- u_int32_t pi[LC_MAX_NODES + 1];
- bool S[LC_MAX_NODES + 1];
- double exptable[LC_MAX_NODES + 1];
- #define INFINITY 0x7fffffff
- void init_single_source(int s);
- void relax(u_int32_t u, u_int32_t v, u_int32_t w, double);
- #else
- void relax(u_int32_t u, u_int32_t v, u_int32_t w);
- #endif
- int extract_min_q(void);
- void dijkstra(void);
- void dump_dijkstra(int dst);
- double find_timeout(ID a, ID b, bool discovered);
- };
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- double LinkCache::find_timeout(ID a, ID b, bool discovered) {
- double lifetime = 0.0;
- switch (lc_exppolicy) {
- #endif
- return MAX_SIMTIME;
- lifetime = exptable[a.addr] > exptable[b.addr] ?
- exptable[b.addr] : exptable[a.addr];
- lifetime *= lc_table_mult_by;
- break;
- lifetime = godavglife[a.addr] > godavglife[b.addr] ?
- godavglife[b.addr] : godavglife[a.addr];
- lifetime *= lc_table_mult_by;
- break;
- #endif
- lifetime = discovered ? lc_static_discover_life :
- lc_static_overhear_life;
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- if (lifetime < lc_minlifetime)
- lifetime = lc_minlifetime;
- return CURRENT_TIME + lifetime;
- }
- RouteCache *
- makeRouteCache()
- {
- return new LinkCache();
- }
- LinkCache::LinkCache() : RouteCache()
- {
- int i = 0;
- for(i = 0; i <= LC_MAX_NODES; i++) {
- LIST_INIT(&lcache[i]);
- exptable[i] = lc_table_init_val;
- }
- stat.reset();
- #endif
- dirty = -1;
- }
- int
- LinkCache::command(int argc, const char*const* argv)
- {
- if(argc == 2 && strcasecmp(argv[1], "startdsr") == 0)
- {
- if (ID(1,::IP) == net_id)
- trace("Sconfig %.5f using LINKCACHE %d", Scheduler::instance().clock(),
- lc_exppolicy);
- }
- if(argc == 3)
- {
- if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "ip-addr") == 0)
- {
- assert(atoi(argv[2]) <= LC_MAX_NODES);
- if (atoi(argv[2]) == 1)
- bzero(expirestats, sizeof(expirestats));
- #endif
- // don't return
- }
- }
- return RouteCache::command(argc, argv);
- }
- void
- LinkCache::noticeDeadLink(const ID& from, const ID& to, Time)
- {
- Link *l = findLink(from.addr, to.addr);
- if (l && (l->ln_flags & LINK_FLAG_UP) &&
- (lc_exppolicy == EXPPOLICY_LINEAR ||
- lc_exppolicy == EXPPOLICY_EXP)) {
- if (lc_exppolicy == EXPPOLICY_LINEAR) {
- exptable[from.addr]=lc_linear_alpha*exptable[from.addr]
- +(CURRENT_TIME-l->ln_insert)*(1-lc_linear_alpha);
- exptable[to.addr]=lc_linear_alpha*exptable[to.addr]
- +(CURRENT_TIME-l->ln_insert)*(1-lc_linear_alpha);
- } else {
- exptable[from.addr] /= lc_exp_div_amt;
- exptable[to.addr] /= lc_exp_div_amt;
- }
- }
- if(lc_cache_negative_links == true) {
- if(l) {
- l->ln_flags &= ~LINK_FLAG_UP;
- l->ln_insert = CURRENT_TIME;
- l->ln_timeout = CURRENT_TIME + lc_neg_cache_life;
- dirty = CURRENT_TIME;
- } else {
- addLink(from, to, 0, CURRENT_TIME + lc_neg_cache_life);
- }
- }
- else {
- if(l) {
- checkLink(from, to, ACTION_DEAD_LINK);
- #endif
- (void) delLink(from, to);
- }
- }
- }
- void
- LinkCache::noticeRouteUsed(const Path& p, Time t, const ID& who_from)
- {
- Path stub;
- int c;
- if(pre_noticeRouteUsed(p, stub, t, who_from) == 0)
- return;
- int link_notice_count = stat.link_notice_count;
- int link_notice_bad_count = stat.link_notice_bad_count;
- #endif
- /*
- * Add each link in the "path" to the route cache.
- */
- for(c = 0; c < stub.length() - 1; c++) {
- if(addLink(stub[c], stub[c+1], LINK_FLAG_UP,
- find_timeout(stub[c], stub[c+1], false))) {
- checkLink(stub[c], stub[c+1], ACTION_NOTICE_ROUTE);
- #endif
- }
- }
- if(stat.link_notice_count > link_notice_count)
- stat.route_notice_count++;
- if(stat.link_notice_bad_count > link_notice_bad_count)
- stat.route_notice_bad_count++;
- #endif
- }
- void
- LinkCache::addRoute(const Path& route, Time t, const ID& who_from)
- {
- Path rt;
- int c;
- if(pre_addRoute(route, rt, t, who_from) == 0)
- return;
- int link_add_count = stat.link_add_count;
- int link_add_bad_count = stat.link_add_bad_count;
- #endif
- for(c = 0; c < rt.length() - 1; c++) {
- if(addLink(rt[c], rt[c+1], LINK_FLAG_UP,
- find_timeout(rt[c], rt[c+1], true))) {
- checkLink(rt[c], rt[c+1], ACTION_ADD_ROUTE);
- #endif
- }
- }
- if(stat.link_add_count > link_add_count)
- stat.route_add_count++;
- if(stat.link_add_bad_count > link_add_bad_count)
- stat.route_add_bad_count++;
- #endif
- }
- bool
- LinkCache::findRoute(ID dest, Path& route, int for_me = 0)
- {
- u_int32_t v;
- int rpath[MAX_SR_LEN];
- u_int32_t roff = 0;
- if(verbose_debug) dumpLink();
- /*
- * Compute all of the shortest paths...
- */
- if(dirty <= CURRENT_TIME) {
- dijkstra();
- // remove all of the links for nodes that are unreachable
- if(lc_evict_unreachable_links == true) {
- purgeLink();
- }
- }
- if(verbose_debug) dump_dijkstra(dest.addr);
- /*
- * Trace backwards to figure out the path to DEST
- */
- for(v = dest.addr; d[v] < INFINITY; v = pi[v]) {
- //assert(v >= 1 && v <= LC_MAX_NODES);
- if (roff >= MAX_SR_LEN) {
- // path between us and dest is too long to be useful
- break;
- }
- rpath[roff] = v;
- roff++;
- if(v == net_id.addr)
- break;
- }
- if(roff < 2 || d[v] == INFINITY || roff >= MAX_SR_LEN) {
- stat.route_find_count += 1;
- if (for_me) stat.route_find_for_me += 1;
- stat.route_find_miss_count += 1;
- #endif
- return false; // no path
- }
- /* The logic for God's omniscient expiration policy:
- * if we expire in realtime, kill dead links immediately, and
- * goto top. XXX this could create unnecessary overhead.
- * if we expire on the fly, we set the timeout to an appropriate
- * value, depending on whether or not the link is valid.
- */
- if (lc_exppolicy == EXPPOLICY_GOD_OMNI) {
- int last = net_id.addr;
- for (v=1;v<roff;v++) {
- Link *l = findLink(last, rpath[roff-v-1]);
- if (God::instance()->hops(last, rpath[roff-v-1])!=1) {
- LIST_REMOVE(l, ln_link);
- delete l;
- dirty = CURRENT_TIME;
- return findRoute(dest, route, for_me);
- }
- #else
- if (God::instance()->hops(last, rpath[roff-v-1])!=1) {
- l->ln_timeout = CURRENT_TIME;
- } else {
- l->ln_timeout = MAX_SIMTIME;
- }
- #endif
- last = rpath[roff-v-1];
- }
- }
- #endif //GOD_STABILITY
- int last = net_id.addr;
- for (v=1;v<roff;v++) {
- Link *l = findLink(last, rpath[roff-v-1]);
- bool godsays = God::instance()->hops(last, rpath[roff-v-1])==1;
- last = rpath[roff-v-1];
- assert(l);
- if (l->expired()) {
- expirestats[CALLED_BAD + (godsays?IS_GOOD:IS_BAD)]++;
- LIST_REMOVE(l, ln_link);
- delete l;
- dirty = CURRENT_TIME;
- return findRoute(dest, route, for_me);
- } else {
- expirestats[CALLED_GOOD + (godsays?IS_GOOD:IS_BAD)]++;
- }
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Build the path that we need...
- */
- ID id;
- route.reset();
- id.addr = net_id.addr; // source route is rooted at "us"
- id.type = ::IP;
- id.link_type = LT_NONE;
- id.log_stat = LS_NONE;
- route.appendToPath(id);
- for(v = 1; v < roff ; v++) {
- assert((int) (roff - v - 1) >= 0 && (roff - v - 1) < MAX_SR_LEN);
- Link *l = findLink(route[v-1].addr, rpath[roff - v - 1]);
- assert(l && !l->expired());
- if (for_me)
- l->ln_timeout += lc_gen_use_bonus;
- if (lc_exppolicy == EXPPOLICY_EXP) {
- exptable[route[v-1].addr] += lc_exp_add_amt;
- exptable[rpath[roff - v - 1]] += lc_exp_add_amt;
- }
- id.addr = rpath[roff - v - 1];
- id.type = ::IP;
- id.link_type = LT_NONE;
- id.log_stat = LS_NONE;
- route.appendToPath(id);
- route[v-1].t = l->ln_t;
- route[v-1].link_type = l->ln_linktype;
- route[v-1].log_stat = l->ln_logstat;
- }
- int bad = checkRoute_logall(&route, ACTION_FIND_ROUTE, 0);
- stat.route_find_count += 1;
- if (for_me) stat.route_find_for_me += 1;
- stat.route_find_bad_count += bad ? 1 : 0;
- stat.link_find_count += route.length() - 1;
- stat.link_find_bad_count += bad;
- #endif
- return true;
- }
- void
- LinkCache::Link_to_ID(Link *l, ID& id)
- {
- id.addr = l->ln_dst;
- id.type = ::IP;
- id.t = l->ln_t;
- id.link_type = l->ln_linktype;
- id.log_stat = l->ln_logstat;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*
- * Dijkstra's algorithm taken from CLR.
- */
- void
- LinkCache::init_single_source(int s)
- {
- int v;
- for(v = 1; v <= LC_MAX_NODES; v++) {
- d[v] = INFINITY;
- dl[v] = 0; // dies immediately
- #endif
- pi[v] = 0; // invalid node ID
- S[v] = false;
- }
- d[s] = 0;
- dl[s] = MAX_SIMTIME;
- #endif
- }
- void
- LinkCache::relax(u_int32_t u, u_int32_t v, u_int32_t w, double timeout)
- #else
- LinkCache::relax(u_int32_t u, u_int32_t v, u_int32_t w)
- #endif
- {
- assert(d[u] < INFINITY);
- assert(w == 1); /* make sure everything's working how I expect */
- if(d[v] > d[u] + w
- || (d[v] == d[u] + w && dl[v] < dl[u] && dl[v] < timeout)
- #endif
- ) {
- d[v] = d[u] + w;
- dl[v] = (dl[u] > timeout) ? timeout : dl[u];
- #endif
- pi[v] = u;
- }
- }
- int
- LinkCache::extract_min_q()
- {
- int u;
- int min_u = 0;
- for(u = 1; u <= LC_MAX_NODES; u++) {
- if(S[u] == false && d[u] < INFINITY &&
- (min_u == 0 || d[u] < d[min_u]
- || (d[u] == d[min_u] && dl[u] > dl[min_u])
- #endif
- )) {
- min_u = u;
- }
- }
- return min_u; // (min_u == 0) ==> no valid link
- }
- void
- LinkCache::dijkstra()
- {
- int u;
- Link *v;
- dirty = MAX_SIMTIME; // all of the info is up-to-date
- for (u=1; u <= LC_MAX_NODES; u++) {
- v = lcache[u].lh_first;
- while (v) {
- if(v->ln_timeout <= CURRENT_TIME) {
- Link *tmp;
- tmp = v->ln_link.le_next;
- LIST_REMOVE(v, ln_link);
- delete v;
- v = tmp;
- } else {
- if (v->ln_timeout < dirty)
- dirty = v->ln_timeout;
- v = v->ln_link.le_next;
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- init_single_source(net_id.addr);
- while((u = extract_min_q()) != 0) {
- S[u] = true;
- v = lcache[u].lh_first;
- for( ; v; v = v->ln_link.le_next) {
- if(v->ln_flags & LINK_FLAG_UP) {
- relax(u, v->ln_dst, v->ln_cost, v->ln_timeout);
- #else
- relax(u, v->ln_dst, v->ln_cost);
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void
- LinkCache::dump_dijkstra(int dst)
- {
- static char tbuf[512];
- u_int32_t u, toff = 0;
- bzero(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf));
- sprintf(tbuf, "SRC %.9f _%s_ dijkstra *%d* ",
- CURRENT_TIME, net_id.dump(), dst);
- toff = strlen(tbuf);
- for(u = 1; u <= LC_MAX_NODES; u++) {
- if(d[u] < INFINITY) {
- sprintf(tbuf+toff, "%d,%d,%d ", u, d[u], pi[u]);
- toff = strlen(tbuf);
- assert(toff < sizeof(tbuf));
- }
- }
- trace("%s", tbuf);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int
- LinkCache::addLink(const ID& from, const ID& to,
- int flags, double timeout, int cost)
- {
- Link *l;
- int rc = 0;
- if((l = findLink(from.addr, to.addr)) == 0) {
- l = new Link(to.addr);
- assert(l);
- LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&lcache[from.addr], l, ln_link);
- dirty = CURRENT_TIME;
- l->ln_insert = CURRENT_TIME;
- rc = 1;
- } else if ((l->ln_flags & flags) != flags) {
- // we want to set flags
- dirty = CURRENT_TIME;
- l->ln_insert = CURRENT_TIME;
- }
- l->ln_t = CURRENT_TIME;
- l->ln_linktype = from.link_type;
- l->ln_flags |= flags;
- l->ln_cost = cost;
- l->ln_timeout = timeout;
- if(lc_bidirectional_links == false)
- return rc;
- /*
- * Add the "other" direction of the link...
- */
- if((l = findLink(to.addr, from.addr)) == 0) {
- l = new Link(from.addr);
- assert(l);
- l->ln_insert = CURRENT_TIME;
- LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&lcache[to.addr], l, ln_link);
- dirty = CURRENT_TIME;
- } else if ((l->ln_flags & flags) != flags) {
- // we want to set flags
- dirty = CURRENT_TIME;
- l->ln_insert = CURRENT_TIME;
- }
- l->ln_t = CURRENT_TIME;
- l->ln_linktype = from.link_type;
- l->ln_flags |= flags;
- l->ln_cost = cost;
- l->ln_timeout = timeout;
- return rc;
- }
- int
- LinkCache::delLink(const ID& from, const ID& to)
- {
- Link *l;
- int rc = 0;
- if((l = findLink(from.addr, to.addr))) {
- LIST_REMOVE(l, ln_link);
- delete l;
- dirty = CURRENT_TIME;
- rc = 1;
- }
- if(lc_bidirectional_links == false)
- return rc;
- /*
- * Remove the "other" direction of the link...
- */
- if((l = findLink(to.addr, from.addr))) {
- LIST_REMOVE(l, ln_link);
- delete l;
- dirty = CURRENT_TIME;
- }
- return rc;
- }
- Link*
- LinkCache::findLink(int from, int to)
- {
- Link *l;
- for(l = lcache[from].lh_first; l; l = l->ln_link.le_next) {
- if(l->ln_dst == to) {
- return l;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void
- LinkCache::purgeLink()
- {
- int u;
- Link *l;
- for(u = 1; u <= LC_MAX_NODES; u++) {
- if(d[u] == INFINITY) {
- ID from, to;
- from.addr = u;
- from.type = ::IP;
- from.link_type = LT_NONE;
- from.log_stat = LS_NONE;
- l = lcache[u].lh_first;
- for( ; l; l = l->ln_link.le_next) {
- Link_to_ID(l, to);
- checkLink_logall(from, to, ACTION_EVICT);
- #endif
- (void) delLink(from, to);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void
- LinkCache::dumpLink()
- {
- Link *l;
- int i;
- static char tbuf[512];
- u_int32_t toff = 0;
- bzero(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf));
- sprintf(tbuf, "SRC %.9f _%s_ dump-link ", CURRENT_TIME, net_id.dump());
- toff = strlen(tbuf);
- for(i = 1; i <= LC_MAX_NODES; i++) {
- for(l = lcache[i].lh_first; l; l = l->ln_link.le_next) {
- sprintf(tbuf+toff, "%d->%d, ", i, l->ln_dst);
- toff = strlen(tbuf);
- assert(toff < sizeof(tbuf));
- }
- }
- trace("%s", tbuf);
- }
- /*
- * Called only from "purgeLink"
- */
- void
- LinkCache::checkLink_logall(const ID& from, const ID& to, int action)
- {
- Link *l = findLink(from.addr, to.addr);
- assert(action == ACTION_EVICT);
- assert(l);
- if(God::instance()->hops(from.addr, to.addr) != 1) {
- trace("SRC %.9f _%s_ %s [%d %d] %s->%s dead %d %.9f",
- CURRENT_TIME, net_id.dump(),
- action_name[action], 0, 0,
- from.dump(), to.dump(),
- l->ln_linktype, l->ln_t);
- }
- }
- void
- LinkCache::checkLink(const ID& from, const ID& to, int action)
- {
- Link *l = findLink(from.addr, to.addr);
- int alive = 0;
- assert(l);
- if(God::instance()->hops(from.addr, to.addr) != 1) {
- if(l->ln_logstat == LS_UNLOGGED) {
- trace("SRC %.9f _%s_ %s [%d %d] %s->%s dead %d %.9f",
- CURRENT_TIME, net_id.dump(),
- action_name[action], 0, 0,
- from.dump(), to.dump(),
- l->ln_linktype, l->ln_t);
- l->ln_logstat = LS_LOGGED;
- }
- } else {
- alive = 1;
- if(l->ln_logstat == LS_LOGGED) {
- trace("SRC %.9f _%s_ resurrected-link [%d %d] %s->%s dead %d %.9f",
- CURRENT_TIME, net_id.dump(), 0, 0,
- from.dump(), to.dump(),
- l->ln_linktype, l->ln_t);
- l->ln_logstat = LS_UNLOGGED;
- }
- }
- switch(action) {
- stat.link_add_count += 1;
- if(alive == 0){
- stat.link_add_bad_count += 1;
- }
- if(l->ln_linktype == LT_TESTED)
- stat.link_add_tested += 1;
- break;
- stat.link_notice_count += 1;
- if(alive == 0){
- stat.link_notice_bad_count += 1;
- }
- if(l->ln_linktype == LT_TESTED)
- stat.link_notice_tested += 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- void
- LinkCache::periodic_checkCache()
- {
- int c;
- int link_count = 0;
- int link_bad_count = 0;
- double link_bad_time = 0.0;
- int link_bad_tested = 0;
- int link_good_tested = 0;
- if (ID(1,::IP) == net_id)
- trace("SRC %.9f _%s_ cache-expire-bits %d %d %d %d",
- CURRENT_TIME, net_id.dump(), expirestats[0], expirestats[1],
- expirestats[2], expirestats[3]);
- #endif
- for(c = 1; c <= LC_MAX_NODES; c++) {
- Link *v = lcache[c].lh_first;
- for( ; v; v = v->ln_link.le_next) {
- link_count += 1;
- if(God::instance()->hops(c, v->ln_dst) != 1) {
- link_bad_count += 1;
- link_bad_time += CURRENT_TIME - v->ln_t;
- if(v->ln_linktype == LT_TESTED)
- link_bad_tested += 1;
- } else {
- if(v->ln_linktype == LT_TESTED)
- link_good_tested += 1;
- }
- }
- }
- trace("SRC %.9f _%s_ cache-summary %d %d %d %d | %d %.9f %d %d | %d %d %d %d %d | %d %d %d %d %d | %d %d %d %d %d %d",
- CURRENT_TIME, net_id.dump(),
- 0, //route_count,
- 0, // route_bad_count,
- link_count, // subroute_count,
- 0, // subroute_bad_count,
- link_bad_count,
- link_bad_count ? link_bad_time/link_bad_count : 0.0,
- link_bad_tested,
- link_good_tested,
- stat.route_add_count, // always 0 -- not increment
- stat.route_add_bad_count, // always 0 -- not increment
- stat.link_add_count, // stat.subroute_add_count,
- stat.link_add_bad_count, // stat.subroute_add_bad_count,
- stat.link_add_tested,
- stat.route_notice_count,
- stat.route_notice_bad_count,
- stat.link_notice_count, // stat.subroute_notice_count,
- stat.link_notice_bad_count, // stat.subroute_notice_bad_count,
- stat.link_notice_tested,
- stat.route_find_count,
- stat.route_find_for_me,
- stat.route_find_bad_count,
- stat.route_find_miss_count,
- stat.subroute_find_count,
- stat.subroute_find_bad_count);
- stat.reset();
- }
- #endif
- #endif //DSR_LINKCACHE