- /*
- * dumb-agent.cc
- * Copyright (C) 2000 by the University of Southern California
- * $Id: dumb-agent.cc,v 1.3 2006/02/22 13:32:23 mahrenho Exp $
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
- * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- *
- * The copyright of this module includes the following
- * linking-with-specific-other-licenses addition:
- *
- * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of
- * this module give you permission to combine (via static or
- * dynamic linking) this module with free software programs or
- * libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL and with code
- * included in the standard release of ns-2 under the Apache 2.0
- * license or under otherwise-compatible licenses with advertising
- * requirements (or modified versions of such code, with unchanged
- * license). You may copy and distribute such a system following the
- * terms of the GNU GPL for this module and the licenses of the
- * other code concerned, provided that you include the source code of
- * that other code when and as the GNU GPL requires distribution of
- * source code.
- *
- * Note that people who make modified versions of this module
- * are not obligated to grant this special exception for their
- * modified versions; it is their choice whether to do so. The GNU
- * General Public License gives permission to release a modified
- * version without this exception; this exception also makes it
- * possible to release a modified version which carries forward this
- * exception.
- *
- */
- // dumb-agent.cc
- #include "dumb-agent.h"
- static class DumbAgentClass : public TclClass {
- public:
- DumbAgentClass() : TclClass("Agent/DumbAgent") {}
- TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {
- return (new DumbAgent());
- }
- } class_DumbAgent;
- DumbAgent::DumbAgent() : Agent(PT_PING) {}
- int DumbAgent::command(int argc, const char*const* argv)
- {
- if (argc == 3) {
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "port-dmux") == 0) {
- dmux_ = (PortClassifier *)TclObject::lookup (argv[2]);
- if (dmux_ == 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s lookup of %s failedn", __FILE__, argv[1],
- argv[2]);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[1], "tracetarget") == 0) {
- tracetarget_ = (Trace *)TclObject::lookup (argv[2]);
- if (tracetarget_ == 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s lookup of %s failedn", __FILE__, argv[1],
- argv[2]);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- }
- return Agent::command(argc, argv);
- }
- void DumbAgent::recv(Packet *p, Handler *h=0)
- {
- hdr_cmn *ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- hdr_ip *iph = HDR_IP(p);
- if (ch->direction() == hdr_cmn::UP) { // in-coming pkt
- if ((u_int32_t)iph->daddr() == IP_BROADCAST) {
- // printf("Recvd brdcast pktn");
- dmux_->recv(p, 0);
- } else {
- // this agent recvs pkts destined to it only
- // doesnot support multi-hop scenarios
- assert(iph->daddr() == here_.addr_);
- // printf("Recvd unicast pktn");
- dmux_->recv(p, 0);
- }
- } else { // out-going pkt
- target_->recv(p, (Handler*)0);
- }
- }
- void DumbAgent::trace(char *fmt, ...)
- {
- va_list ap;
- if (!tracetarget_)
- return;
- va_start (ap, fmt);
- vsprintf (tracetarget_->pt_->buffer (), fmt, ap);
- tracetarget_->pt_->dump ();
- va_end (ap);
- }