- /*
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2001 by the University of Southern California
- * $Id:,v 1.8 2006/02/21 15:20:19 mahrenho Exp $
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
- * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- *
- * The copyright of this module includes the following
- * linking-with-specific-other-licenses addition:
- *
- * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of
- * this module give you permission to combine (via static or
- * dynamic linking) this module with free software programs or
- * libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL and with code
- * included in the standard release of ns-2 under the Apache 2.0
- * license or under otherwise-compatible licenses with advertising
- * requirements (or modified versions of such code, with unchanged
- * license). You may copy and distribute such a system following the
- * terms of the GNU GPL for this module and the licenses of the
- * other code concerned, provided that you include the source code of
- * that other code when and as the GNU GPL requires distribution of
- * source code.
- *
- * Note that people who make modified versions of this module
- * are not obligated to grant this special exception for their
- * modified versions; it is their choice whether to do so. The GNU
- * General Public License gives permission to release a modified
- * version without this exception; this exception also makes it
- * possible to release a modified version which carries forward this
- * exception.
- *
- */
- /*
- * Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM), Reliable Multicast
- *
- *
- *
- * This implements the Receiving PGM agent, "Agent/PGM/Receiver".
- *
- * Ryan S. Barnett, 2001
- *
- */
- #include "config.h"
- #ifdef HAVE_STL
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <map>
- #include "config.h"
- #include "tclcl.h"
- #include "agent.h"
- #include "packet.h"
- #include "ip.h"
- #include "random.h"
- #include "basetrace.h"
- #include "rcvbuf.h"
- #include "pgm.h"
- // ************************************************************
- // Define the PGM Receive Timer Class
- // ************************************************************
- class PgmReceiver;
- // Types of timers.
- enum {
- };
- class PgmReceiverTimer : public TimerHandler {
- public:
- PgmReceiverTimer(PgmReceiver *a, int type) : TimerHandler(), data_(NULL) {
- a_ = a;
- type_ = type;
- }
- void * & data() { return data_; }
- protected:
- virtual void expire(Event *e);
- PgmReceiver *a_;
- int type_;
- void *data_;
- };
- // ************************************************************
- // Define the NakItem Class
- // ************************************************************
- // The different states of a NakItem entry.
- enum {
- };
- class NakItem {
- public:
- NakItem(PgmReceiver *a, int seqno) : nak_state_(BACK_OFF_STATE),
- nak_sent_(false), seqno_(seqno), ncf_retry_count_(0),
- data_retry_count_(0), nak_timer_(a, NAK_TIMER) { }
- int & nak_state() { return nak_state_; }
- bool & nak_sent() { return nak_sent_; }
- int & seqno() { return seqno_; }
- int & ncf_retry_count() { return ncf_retry_count_; }
- int & data_retry_count() { return data_retry_count_; }
- PgmReceiverTimer & nak_timer() { return nak_timer_; }
- protected:
- // The current state of the NAK entry.
- int nak_state_;
- // Whether or not this NAK has been transmitted once or more.
- bool nak_sent_;
- // Sequence number of the missing NAK item.
- int seqno_;
- // Number of times we have sent out a NAK but timed out waiting for an NCF.
- int ncf_retry_count_;
- // Number of times we got an NCF but timed out waiting for RDATA/ODATA.
- int data_retry_count_;
- PgmReceiverTimer nak_timer_;
- };
- // ************************************************************
- // Define the PGM Receiver Class
- // ************************************************************
- static int pgm_rcv_uid_ = 0;
- struct Stats {
- // Number of naks that did NOT get sent because we received an NCF
- // before our timer went up.
- int naks_transmitted_;
- // Number of duplicate naks that were sent to the upstream node.
- int naks_duplicated_;
- };
- class PgmReceiver: public Agent {
- public:
- PgmReceiver();
- virtual void recv(Packet *, Handler *);
- virtual void timeout(int type, void *data);
- virtual int command(int argc, const char*const* argv);
- protected:
- void handle_spm(Packet *pkt);
- void handle_odata(Packet *pkt);
- void handle_rdata(Packet *pkt);
- void handle_nak(Packet *pkt);
- void handle_ncf(Packet *pkt);
- void generate_Nak(int seqno);
- void cancel_Nak(int seqno, NakItem *nitem = NULL);
- void timeout_nak(NakItem *data);
- void send_nak(int seqno);
- void print_stats();
- void display_packet(Packet *pkt); // For debugging.
- void trace_event(char *evType, double evTime);
- EventTrace * et_; //Trace Object for Custom Event Trace
- char uname_[16]; // Unique PGM receiver name, for debugging.
- // Various statistical information.
- Stats stats_;
- // Maximum number of times we can send out a NAK and time-out waiting for
- // an NCF reply. Once we hit this many times, we discard the NAK state
- // entirely and loose data.
- int max_nak_ncf_retries_;
- // Maximum number of times we can time-out waiting for RDATA after an
- // NCF confirmation for a NAK request. Once we hit this many times, we
- // discard the NAK state entirely and loose data.
- int max_nak_data_retries_;
- // A random amount of this time period will be selected to wait for an
- // NCF after detecting a gap in the data stream, before sending out a NAK.
- double nak_bo_ivl_;
- // The amount of time to wait for a NCF packet after sending out a NAK
- // packet to the upstream node.
- double nak_rpt_ivl_;
- // The amount of time to wait for RDATA after receiving an NCF confirmation
- // for a given NAK.
- double nak_rdata_ivl_;
- // Whether or not the tsi/upstream_node/upstream_face are valid, i.e. have
- // we received at least one SPM packet for the session.
- bool have_tsi_state_;
- int spm_seqno_; // Last largest received SPM sequence number.
- ns_addr_t tsi_; // Transport Session ID
- ns_addr_t upstream_node_; // Address of upstream PGM router.
- int upstream_iface_; // Interface of upstream PGM router.
- // Source and group of ODATA/RDATA packets. Used when sending NAK messages.
- ns_addr_t source_;
- ns_addr_t group_;
- // Keep track of received packets and collect various statistics.
- RcvBuffer rcvbuf_;
- // Collection of sequence numbers that we are waiting for RDATA/ODATA.
- map<int, NakItem> naks_;
- };
- static class PgmReceiverClass : public TclClass {
- public:
- PgmReceiverClass() : TclClass("Agent/PGM/Receiver") {}
- TclObject * create(int argc, const char * const * argv) {
- return (new PgmReceiver());
- }
- } class_pgm_receiver;
- void PgmReceiverTimer::expire(Event *e) {
- a_->timeout(type_, data_);
- }
- // Constructor.
- PgmReceiver::PgmReceiver() : Agent(PT_PGM), have_tsi_state_(false),
- spm_seqno_(-1)
- {
- stats_.naks_transmitted_ = 0;
- stats_.naks_duplicated_ = 0;
- sprintf (uname_, "pgmRecv-%d", pgm_rcv_uid_++);
- bind("max_nak_ncf_retries_", &max_nak_ncf_retries_);
- bind("max_nak_data_retries_", &max_nak_data_retries_);
- bind_time("nak_bo_ivl_", &nak_bo_ivl_);
- bind_time("nak_rpt_ivl_", &nak_rpt_ivl_);
- bind_time("nak_rdata_ivl_", &nak_rdata_ivl_);
- et_ = (EventTrace *) NULL;
- }
- // Code to execute when a packet is received.
- void PgmReceiver::recv(Packet *pkt, Handler *)
- {
- hdr_pgm *hp = HDR_PGM(pkt);
- hdr_cmn *hc = HDR_CMN(pkt);
- if (hc->ptype_ != PT_PGM) {
- printf("%s ERROR (PgmReceiver::recv): received non PGM pkt type %d, discarding.n", uname_, hc->ptype_);
- Packet::free(pkt);
- return;
- }
- #ifdef PGM_DEBUG
- display_packet(pkt);
- #endif
- switch(hp->type_) {
- case PGM_SPM:
- handle_spm(pkt);
- break;
- case PGM_ODATA:
- handle_odata(pkt);
- break;
- case PGM_RDATA:
- handle_rdata(pkt);
- break;
- case PGM_NAK:
- // We only receive a NAK if it is multicast from another receiver
- // who is not directly connected to a PGM router.
- handle_nak(pkt);
- break;
- case PGM_NCF:
- handle_ncf(pkt);
- break;
- default:
- printf("ERROR (PgmReceiver::recv): Received invalid PGM type %d.n",
- hp->type_);
- break;
- }
- Packet::free(pkt);
- }
- // Code to execute when a timeout occurs.
- void PgmReceiver::timeout(int type, void *data)
- {
- switch(type) {
- case NAK_TIMER:
- timeout_nak((NakItem *) data);
- break;
- default:
- printf("ERROR (PgmReceiver::timeout): Unknown timeout type %d.n", type);
- break;
- }
- }
- // Called when a TCL command is issued to the PGM Receiver object.
- int PgmReceiver::command(int argc, const char*const* argv)
- {
- // Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance();
- if (argc == 2) {
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "print-stats") == 0) {
- print_stats();
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- }
- else if (argc == 3) {
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "eventtrace") == 0) {
- et_ = (EventTrace *)TclObject::lookup(argv[2]);
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- }
- return (Agent::command(argc, argv));
- }
- void PgmReceiver::trace_event(char *evType, double evTime) {
- if (et_ == NULL) return;
- char *wrk = et_->buffer();
- char *nwrk = et_->nbuffer();
- if (wrk != NULL) {
- sprintf(wrk, "E "TIME_FORMAT" %d %d PGM %s "TIME_FORMAT,
- et_->round(Scheduler::instance().clock()),
- addr(),
- 0,
- evType,
- evTime);
- if (nwrk != 0)
- sprintf(nwrk,
- "E -t "TIME_FORMAT" -o PGM -e %s -s %d.%d -d %d.%d",
- et_->round(Scheduler::instance().clock()), // time
- evType, // event type
- addr(), // owner (src) node id
- port(), // owner (src) port id
- 0, // dst node id
- 0 // dst port id
- );
- et_->dump();
- }
- }
- void PgmReceiver::handle_spm(Packet *pkt)
- {
- hdr_cmn *hc = HDR_CMN(pkt);
- hdr_ip *hip = HDR_IP(pkt);
- hdr_pgm *hp = HDR_PGM(pkt);
- hdr_pgm_spm *hps = HDR_PGM_SPM(pkt);
- if (have_tsi_state_ == false) {
- // First SPM message.
- have_tsi_state_ = true;
- // Set the TSI.
- tsi_ = hp->tsi_;
- // Set the source and group addresses for this TSI.
- source_ = hip->src();
- group_ = hip->dst();
- }
- else {
- // Check that the TSI is correct.
- if (!(hp->tsi_.isEqual (tsi_))) {
- printf("%s Received SPM with incorrect TSI, discarding.n", uname_);
- return;
- }
- // Check that the sequence number is newer than a previous SPM message.
- if (hp->seqno_ <= spm_seqno_) {
- printf("%s received an old SPM seqno, discarding.n", uname_);
- return;
- }
- }
- // Set the initial sequence number.
- spm_seqno_ = hp->seqno_;
- // Set the upstream node.
- upstream_node_ = hps->spm_path_;
- // Set the upstream interface.
- upstream_iface_ = hc->iface();
- }
- void PgmReceiver::handle_odata(Packet *pkt)
- {
- hdr_pgm *hp = HDR_PGM(pkt);
- // Check that the TSI is correct.
- if ( (have_tsi_state_ == true) && !(hp->tsi_.isEqual (tsi_)) ) {
- printf("PGM Receiver received ODATA with incorrect TSI, discarding.n");
- return;
- }
- double clock = Scheduler::instance().clock();
- if (rcvbuf_.nextpkt_ < hp->seqno_) {
- int lo = rcvbuf_.nextpkt_;
- int hi = hp->seqno_ - 1;
- for (int i = lo; i <= hi; i++) {
- printf("%s detected loss of seq %dn", uname_, i);
- if (have_tsi_state_ == false) {
- printf("%s has no TSI/SPM state when lost packet was detected. This results in unrecoverable data loss.n", uname_);
- }
- else {
- generate_Nak(i);
- }
- }
- }
- rcvbuf_.add_pkt(hp->seqno_, clock);
- // Recept of ODATA that came in late could cancel a previously
- // generated NAK.
- cancel_Nak(hp->seqno_, NULL);
- }
- void PgmReceiver::handle_rdata(Packet *pkt)
- {
- hdr_pgm *hp = HDR_PGM(pkt);
- // Check that the TSI is correct.
- if ( (have_tsi_state_ == true) && !(hp->tsi_.isEqual (tsi_)) ) {
- printf("%s received RDATA with incorrect TSI, discarding.n", uname_);
- return;
- }
- if ( (rcvbuf_.nextpkt_ > hp->seqno_) && !rcvbuf_.exists_pkt(hp->seqno_) ) {
- // The receive state may or may not exist, depending on how late the
- // RDATA packet came back to this node.
- cancel_Nak(hp->seqno_, NULL);
- }
- double clock = Scheduler::instance().clock();
- rcvbuf_.add_pkt (hp->seqno_, clock);
- }
- // The receiver will receive a NAK only if it is sent as a multicast from
- // another receiver in the event that the other receiver is not directly
- // connected to a PGM router.
- void PgmReceiver::handle_nak(Packet *pkt)
- {
- hdr_pgm *hp = HDR_PGM(pkt);
- // Check that the TSI is correct.
- if ( (have_tsi_state_ == true) && !(hp->tsi_.isEqual (tsi_)) ) {
- printf("%s received NAK with incorrect TSI, discarding.n", uname_);
- return;
- }
- // Locate the nak state for the given multicast NAK.
- map<int, NakItem>::iterator result = naks_.find(hp->seqno_);
- if (result == naks_.end()) {
- // No state was found. Discard the NCF.
- printf("%s received multicast NAK but no NAK state found, discarding.n", uname_);
- return;
- }
- NakItem *nitem = &((*result).second);
- switch( nitem->nak_state() ) {
- // Move to WAIT_NCF_STATE.
- nitem->nak_state() = WAIT_NCF_STATE;
- // Reset the timer.
- nitem->nak_timer().resched(nak_rpt_ivl_);
- break;
- // Stay in the same state.
- // Reset the timer.
- nitem->nak_timer().resched(nak_rpt_ivl_);
- break;
- // Stay in the same state.
- // Reset the timer.
- nitem->nak_timer().resched(nak_rdata_ivl_);
- break;
- default:
- printf("ERROR (PgmReceiver::handle_nak): Unknown nak state %d.n", nitem->nak_state());
- break;
- }
- }
- void PgmReceiver::handle_ncf(Packet *pkt)
- {
- hdr_pgm *hp = HDR_PGM(pkt);
- // Check that the TSI is correct.
- if ( (have_tsi_state_ == true) && !(hp->tsi_.isEqual (tsi_)) ) {
- printf("%s received NCF with incorrect TSI, discarding.n", uname_);
- return;
- }
- // Check that the NCF came from our uplink interface.
- // Causes a problem because iface doesn't get relabeled. But this isn't
- // needed if every receiver also has a PGM/Agent running on the node.
- /*
- if (hc->iface() != upstream_iface_) {
- printf("%s received NCF from non-upstream interface, discarding. Upstream_iface = %dn", uname_, upstream_iface_);
- return;
- }
- */
- // Locate the nak state for the given NCF.
- map<int, NakItem>::iterator result = naks_.find(hp->seqno_);
- if (result == naks_.end()) {
- // No state was found. Discard the NCF.
- printf("%s received NCF but no NAK state found, discarding.n", uname_);
- return;
- }
- NakItem *nitem = &((*result).second);
- switch( nitem->nak_state() ) {
- // Move to WAIT_DATA_STATE.
- nitem->nak_state() = WAIT_DATA_STATE;
- // Reset the timer.
- nitem->nak_timer().resched(nak_rdata_ivl_);
- break;
- // Move to WAIT_DATA_STATE.
- nitem->nak_state() = WAIT_DATA_STATE;
- // Reset the timer.
- nitem->nak_timer().resched(nak_rdata_ivl_);
- break;
- // Stay in the same state.
- // Reset the timer.
- nitem->nak_timer().resched(nak_rdata_ivl_);
- break;
- default:
- printf("ERROR (PgmReceiver::handle_ncf): Unknown nak state %d.n", nitem->nak_state());
- return;
- }
- }
- void PgmReceiver::generate_Nak(int seqno)
- {
- #ifdef PGM_DEBUG
- double now = Scheduler::instance().clock();
- printf("at %f %s generating NAK state for seqno %d.n", now, uname_, seqno);
- #endif
- // Insert the given sequence number into the nak map.
- pair<map<int, NakItem>::iterator, bool> result;
- result = naks_.insert(pair<int, NakItem>(seqno, NakItem(this, seqno)));
- NakItem *nitem = &(result.first->second);
- if (result.second == true) {
- // New NAK entry was added. Select a backoff time period over nak_bo_ivl_.
- double backoff = Random::uniform(nak_bo_ivl_);
- // Set the data field of the nak timer.
- nitem->nak_timer().data() = nitem;
- // Set the NAK timer to expire in BACK_OFF_STATE with the selected time.
- nitem->nak_timer().resched(backoff);
- printf("backoff: %fn", backoff);
- trace_event("DETECT", backoff); //Detected Loss, will send NACK after backoff
- }
- else {
- printf("%s generate_Nak was called with NAK state already established, ignoring.n", uname_);
- }
- }
- void PgmReceiver::cancel_Nak(int seqno, NakItem *nitem)
- {
- if (nitem == NULL) {
- // Look up the sequence number in the nak map.
- map<int, NakItem>::iterator result = naks_.find(seqno);
- if (result == naks_.end()) {
- // The NAK state was not found. This is fine since the handle_odata()
- // function calls cancel_Nak on all packets in case
- return;
- }
- nitem = &((*result).second);
- }
- // Cancel the NAK timer.
- nitem->nak_timer().force_cancel();
- // Erase the item from the Nak map.
- if (!naks_.erase(seqno)) {
- printf("ERROR (PgmReceiver::cancel_Nak): Failed erasing seqno from nak map.n");
- }
- }
- void PgmReceiver::timeout_nak(NakItem *nitem)
- {
- double backoff;
- switch(nitem->nak_state()) {
- if (nitem->nak_sent() == false) {
- nitem->nak_sent() = true;
- }
- else {
- stats_.naks_duplicated_++;
- }
- // Move into WAIT_NCF_STATE.
- nitem->nak_state() = WAIT_NCF_STATE;
- // Set new timer to go off.
- nitem->nak_timer().resched(nak_rpt_ivl_);
- send_nak(nitem->seqno());
- break;
- // If we have exceeded the number of times we can retry this NAK,
- // then cancel.
- if (nitem->ncf_retry_count() > max_nak_ncf_retries_) {
- // Cancel this NAK generation. Remove all state associated with the
- // NAK, we have unrecoverable data loss.
- printf("%s reached max_nak_ncf_retries, stopping NAK generation.n", uname_);
- cancel_Nak(nitem->seqno(), nitem);
- return;
- }
- nitem->ncf_retry_count() += 1;
- // Move into BACK_OFF_STATE
- nitem->nak_state() = BACK_OFF_STATE;
- // Set timer to go off.
- backoff = Random::uniform(nak_bo_ivl_);
- // Set the NAK timer to expire in BACK_OFF_STATE with the selected time.
- nitem->nak_timer().resched(backoff);
- break;
- // Exceeded the number of times we wait for RDATA for this confirmed NAK?
- if (nitem->data_retry_count() > max_nak_data_retries_) {
- printf("%s reached max_nak_data_retries, stopping NAK generation.n", uname_);
- cancel_Nak(nitem->seqno(), nitem);
- return;
- }
- nitem->data_retry_count() += 1;
- // Move into BACK_OFF_STATE
- nitem->nak_state() = BACK_OFF_STATE;
- // Set timer to go off.
- backoff = Random::uniform(nak_bo_ivl_);
- // Set the NAK timer to expire in BACK_OFF_STATE with the selected time.
- nitem->nak_timer().resched(backoff);
- break;
- default:
- printf("ERROR (PgmReceiver::timeout_nak): Unknown NAK state %d.n", nitem->nak_state());
- break;
- }
- }
- void PgmReceiver::send_nak(int seqno)
- {
- printf("%s send_nak is called.n", uname_);
- Packet *nak_pkt = allocpkt();
- // Set the simulated size of the NAK packet.
- hdr_cmn *nak_hc = HDR_CMN(nak_pkt);
- nak_hc->size_ = sizeof(hdr_pgm) + sizeof(hdr_pgm_nak);
- nak_hc->ptype_ = PT_PGM;
- // Set the destination address to be our upstream node.
- hdr_ip *nak_hip = HDR_IP(nak_pkt);
- nak_hip->dst() = upstream_node_;
- // Set the color for NAK packets in nam.
- nak_hip->fid_ = 8;
- // Fill in the PGM header for the NAK packet.
- hdr_pgm *nak_hp = HDR_PGM(nak_pkt);
- nak_hp->type_ = PGM_NAK;
- nak_hp->tsi_ = tsi_;
- nak_hp->seqno_ = seqno;
- // Fill in the PGM NAK header for the NAK packet.
- hdr_pgm_nak *nak_hpn = HDR_PGM_NAK(nak_pkt);
- nak_hpn->source_ = source_;
- nak_hpn->group_ = group_;
- // Increment the statistical counter that keeps track of the number
- // of naks transmitted.
- stats_.naks_transmitted_++;
- // Send out the packet.
- send(nak_pkt, 0);
- // TBA: Send out the NAK packet to multicast with TTL 1 if the uplink
- // PGM router is not directly connected to this node.
- }
- void PgmReceiver::print_stats()
- {
- printf("%s:n", uname_);
- printf("tLast packet:tt%dn", rcvbuf_.nextpkt_-1);
- printf("tMax packet:tt%dn", rcvbuf_.maxpkt_);
- if (rcvbuf_.pkts_recovered_) {
- printf("tPackets recovered:t%dn", rcvbuf_.pkts_recovered_);
- printf("tLatency (min, max, avg):t%f, %f, %fn",
- rcvbuf_.min_delay_, rcvbuf_.max_delay_,
- rcvbuf_.delay_sum_ / rcvbuf_.pkts_recovered_);
- }
- if (rcvbuf_.duplicates_) {
- printf("tDuplicate RDATA:t%dn", rcvbuf_.duplicates_);
- }
- printf("tTotal NAKs sent:t%dn", stats_.naks_transmitted_);
- printf("tRetransmitted NAKs:t%dn", stats_.naks_duplicated_);
- }
- #ifdef PGM_DEBUG
- void PgmReceiver::display_packet(Packet *pkt)
- {
- double now = Scheduler::instance().clock();
- hdr_ip *hip = HDR_IP(pkt);
- hdr_cmn *hc = HDR_CMN(pkt);
- printf("at %f %s received packet type ", now, uname_);
- hdr_pgm *hp = HDR_PGM(pkt);
- hdr_pgm_spm *hps;
- hdr_pgm_nak *hpn;
- switch(hp->type_) {
- case PGM_SPM:
- hps = HDR_PGM_SPM(pkt);
- printf("SPM (TSI %d:%d) from %d:%d to %d:%d iface %d, size %d, seqno %d, spm_path %d:%dn", hp->tsi_.addr_, hp->tsi_.port_, hip->saddr(), hip->sport(), hip->daddr(), hip->dport(), hc->iface(), hc->size(), hp->seqno_, hps->spm_path_.addr_, hps->spm_path_.port_);
- break;
- case PGM_ODATA:
- printf("ODATA (TSI %d:%d) from %d:%d to %d:%d iface %d, size %d, seqno %dn", hp->tsi_.addr_, hp->tsi_.port_, hip->saddr(), hip->sport(), hip->daddr(), hip->dport(), hc->iface(), hc->size(), hp->seqno_);
- break;
- case PGM_RDATA:
- printf("RDATA (TSI %d:%d) from %d:%d to %d:%d iface %d, size %d, seqno %dn", hp->tsi_.addr_, hp->tsi_.port_, hip->saddr(), hip->sport(), hip->daddr(), hip->dport(), hc->iface(), hc->size(), hp->seqno_);
- break;
- case PGM_NAK:
- hpn = HDR_PGM_NAK(pkt);
- printf("NAK (TSI %d:%d) from %d:%d to %d:%d iface %d, size %d, seqno %d, source %d:%d, group %d:%dn", hp->tsi_.addr_, hp->tsi_.port_, hip->saddr(), hip->sport(), hip->daddr(), hip->dport(), hc->iface(), hc->size(), hp->seqno_, hpn->source_.addr_, hpn->source_.port_, hpn->group_.addr_, hpn->group_.port_);
- break;
- case PGM_NCF:
- printf("NCF (TSI %d:%d) from %d:%d to %d:%d iface %d, size %d, seqno %dn", hp->tsi_.addr_, hp->tsi_.port_, hip->saddr(), hip->sport(), hip->daddr(), hip->dport(), hc->iface(), hc->size(), hp->seqno_);
- break;
- default:
- printf("UNKNOWN (TSI %d:%d) from %d:%d to %d:%d iface %d, size %d, seqno %dn", hp->tsi_.addr_, hp->tsi_.port_, hip->saddr(), hip->sport(), hip->daddr(), hip->dport(), hc->iface(), hc->size(), hp->seqno_);
- break;
- }
- }
- #endif // PGM_DEBUG
- #endif //HAVE_STL