- # $Header: /cvsroot/nsnam/ns-2/indep-utils/webtrace-conv/README,v 1.2 2002/03/13 00:20:42 haoboy Exp $
- 1. Traces
- ---------
- This directory contains parsers to convert 4 types of proxy traces to input
- files as required by PagePool/ProxyTrace.
- ucb/: UCB Home-IP trace, available at
- The code is partially taken from Steven Gribble's
- original trace parser.
- dec/: DEC proxy trace, available at
- The code is
- partially taken from Alex Rousskov's trace parser (available at
- epa/: EPA server trace, available at
- nlanr/: NLANR proxy trace, refreshed daily and available at:
- 2. Usage
- --------
- In any of these directories, doing a make will produce an executable
- 'tr-stat'. It assigns a unique integer ID to every client, server, and page
- appeared in the trace, and generates two output files which can be used to
- drive PagePool/ProxyTrace. It reads from standard input. Its usage is:
- tr-stat MaxReqNum [Duration StartTime] < trace_file
- MaxReqNum: the maximum number of requests in a trace file
- Duration: the length of the trace to be converted.
- Its default value is the entire trace.
- StartTime: the starting time of the trace where to start conversion.
- Its default value is the starting time of the first
- record in the trace.
- Note that the paths and libraries in these makefiles are set ad hoc. For
- different installations, users have to change the paths and libraries.
- The output of 'tr-stat' consists of two files: reqlog, and pglog. 'reqlog'
- contains the request stream extracted from the trace, its format is:
- {<time> <clientID> <serverID> <URL_ID>}
- i <Duration> <Number_of_unique_URLs>
- The format of pglog is
- <serverID> <URL_ID> <PageSize> <AccessCount>
- For an example as how to use these files with PagePool/ProxyTrace, please
- look at ~ns/tcl/ex/simple-webcache-trace.tcl.