- //This file outputs a ns file for a dumbell network to be used for
- //DDOS experiments.
- /*the input file is a script file which is read by the program to get
- the parameters of the network.
- A typical file example
- d (diameter of the network) H (hurtz parameter)
- n1 (no of incoming TCP nodes) rate (rate)
- n2 (no. of DDOS attackers in the subtree) master (0/1) rate (rate)
- */
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<stdlib.h>
- #include "dosdbell.h"
- void set_Topology(FILE *filer);
- void TCL_Write_Initial(FILE *);
- void TCL_Write_Nodes(FILE *);
- void TCL_Write_Connections(FILE*);
- void TCL_Write_Agents(FILE *);
- void TCL_Write_DDOS_Agent(FILE*);
- void TCL_Write_Final(FILE*);
- struct Topology topo;
- int diameter;
- double TCP_start_time;
- double DDOS_start_time;
- double finish_time;
- double bw;
- int pack_size;
- float bn_delay;
- float bn_bw ;
- main(int argc, char **argv){
- FILE *filer;
- if(argc !=3){
- printf("USAGE: %s parameter_filename tcloutput_filenamen",argv[0]);
- exit(0);
- }
- else{
- filer = fopen(argv[1],"r");
- set_Topology(filer);
- fclose(filer);
- filer = fopen(argv[2],"w");
- TCL_Write_Initial(filer);
- TCL_Write_Nodes(filer);
- TCL_Write_Connections(filer);
- TCL_Write_Agents(filer);
- TCL_Write_DDOS_Agent(filer);
- TCL_Write_Final(filer);
- fclose(filer);
- }
- }
- void set_Topology(FILE *filer){
- double perT, perFTP, perCBR, perV;
- int i;
- double H;
- double rnd;
- int attackNo,master;
- double DDOSRate;
- double hop;
- fscanf(filer,"%d %f %fn",&diameter,&bn_bw,&bn_delay);
- fscanf(filer,"%d %lf %lfn",&topo.TCPNodes.NoNodes,&bw,&TCP_start_time);
- topo.TCPNodes.TCPNode = (struct TCP_Node_Info *)malloc(topo.TCPNodes.NoNodes*sizeof(struct TCP_Node_Info));
- for(i=0;i<topo.TCPNodes.NoNodes;i++){
- /* Based on the topology, get the number of hops from the source to destination.
- Since a dumbbell has a minimum of three hops, the number of hops returned
- should be greater than 3
- */
- do{
- topo.TCPNodes.TCPNode[i].delayFrom = (double) Inet_default_no_hops(diameter);
- }while(topo.TCPNodes.TCPNode[i].delayFrom<=3);
- /* Calculate the delay in for both the links */
- topo.TCPNodes.TCPNode[i].delayTo = ceil(drand48()*(topo.TCPNodes.TCPNode[i].delayFrom-2));
- topo.TCPNodes.TCPNode[i].delayFrom -= topo.TCPNodes.TCPNode[i].delayTo;
- // Maximum delay between the start of all sources
- rnd = ((double)(drand48()*TCP_start_time));
- topo.TCPNodes.TCPNode[i].startTime = rnd;
- }
- fscanf(filer,"%d %lf %d %d %lfn",&topo.CBRTraffic.NoAttackers,&topo.CBRTraffic.DDOSRate,&pack_size,&master,&DDOS_start_time);
- CBRTrafficInet(diameter,topo.CBRTraffic.NoAttackers, master, topo.CBRTraffic.DDOSRate, &topo.CBRTraffic.DDOSTraffic);
- if(master==0)
- topo.CBRTraffic.master = NoMaster;
- else
- topo.CBRTraffic.master = Master;
- topo.CBRTraffic.MaxTime = topo.CBRTraffic.DDOSTraffic.Events[topo.CBRTraffic.DDOSTraffic.NoEvents-1].delay;
- fscanf(filer,"%lfn",&finish_time);
- printf("Topology Generated Using:n Diameter=%d BottleNeck: BW=%.3fMbps Delay=%.3fmsn
- Background Traffic: TCP Nodes=%d BW=%.3lfMbps Starttime=%.1lfsn
- Dos Traffic : Attacker= %d BW=%.3lfMbps Starttime=%.1lfsn
- PacketSize=%dB Master = %d Finishtime = %.1lfsn",
- diameter,bn_bw,bn_delay,topo.TCPNodes.NoNodes,bw,TCP_start_time,
- topo.CBRTraffic.NoAttackers,
- topo.CBRTraffic.DDOSRate, DDOS_start_time,pack_size,master,finish_time);
- }
- void TCL_Write_Initial(FILE *filew){
- fprintf(filew, "set ns [new Simulator]nnn");
- /* Incase we need nam support */
- //fprintf(filew, "set nf [open out.nam w]n");
- //fprintf(filew, "$ns namtrace-all $nfnnn");
- //fprintf(filew, "proc finish {} { n global ns nf n $ns flush-trace n close $nf n exec nam out.nam & n exit 0 n }nnn");
- /***till here***/
- fprintf(filew, "proc finish {} {n exit 0 n }nnn");
- }
- void TCL_Write_Nodes(FILE *filew){
- fprintf(filew, "for {set i 0} {$i < %d} {incr i} { n set TCPSend($i) [$ns node] n }nn",topo.TCPNodes.NoNodes);
- fprintf(filew, "for {set i 0} {$i < %d} {incr i} { n set TCPRecv($i) [$ns node] n }nn",topo.TCPNodes.NoNodes);
- fprintf(filew,"set BotLeft [$ns node] n");
- fprintf(filew,"set BotRight [$ns node] n");
- fprintf(filew,"set DDOSNode [$ns node] n");
- fprintf(filew,"set Victim [$ns node] n");
- fprintf(filew,"nn");
- }
- void TCL_Write_Connections(FILE *filew){
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<topo.TCPNodes.NoNodes;i++){
- fprintf(filew,"$ns duplex-link $TCPSend(%d) $BotLeft %.3lfMb %.3lfms DropTailn",i,bw,topo.TCPNodes.TCPNode[i].delayTo*bn_delay);
- fprintf(filew,"$ns duplex-link $TCPRecv(%d) $BotRight %.3lfMb %.3lfms DropTailn",i,bw,topo.TCPNodes.TCPNode[i].delayFrom*bn_delay);
- }
- fprintf(filew,"nn");
- fprintf(filew,"$ns duplex-link $BotLeft $BotRight %.3lfMb %.3lfms DropTailn",bn_bw,bn_delay);
- fprintf(filew,"$ns duplex-link $BotLeft $DDOSNode %.3lfMb %.3lfms DropTailn",10*bn_bw,bn_delay);
- fprintf(filew,"$ns duplex-link $BotRight $Victim %.3lfMb %.3lfms DropTailn",10*bn_bw,bn_delay);
- fprintf(filew,"nn");
- }
- void TCL_Write_Agents(FILE *filew){
- int i;
- double time;
- fprintf(filew, "for {set i 0} {$i < %d} {incr i} { n
- set TCPSendAg($i) [new Agent/TCP] n
- $ns attach-agent $TCPSend($i) $TCPSendAg($i) n
- set TCPSendTraffic($i) [new Application/FTP] n
- $TCPSendTraffic($i) attach-agent $TCPSendAg($i) n
- set TCPRecvAg($i) [new Agent/TCPSink] n
- $ns attach-agent $TCPRecv($i) $TCPRecvAg($i) n
- $ns connect $TCPSendAg($i) $TCPRecvAg($i) n
- $TCPSendAg($i) set class_ 1 n}nn",topo.TCPNodes.NoNodes);
- fprintf(filew,"nnn");
- for(i=0;i<topo.TCPNodes.NoNodes;i++){
- fprintf(filew,"$ns at %lf "$TCPSendTraffic(%d) start"n",topo.TCPNodes.TCPNode[i].startTime,i);
- }
- fprintf(filew,"nn");
- }
- void TCL_Write_DDOS_Agent(FILE* filew){
- int i;
- fprintf(filew,"nn");
- fprintf(filew,"set DDOSUDP [new Agent/UDP]n");
- fprintf(filew,"$ns attach-agent $DDOSNode $DDOSUDPn");
- fprintf(filew,"set DDOSTraffic [new Application/Traffic/CBR]n");
- fprintf(filew,"$DDOSTraffic attach-agent $DDOSUDPn");
- fprintf(filew,"set VictimAgent [new Agent/Null]n");
- fprintf(filew,"$ns attach-agent $Victim $VictimAgentn");
- fprintf(filew,"$ns connect $DDOSUDP $VictimAgentn");
- fprintf(filew,"$DDOSUDP set class_ 2n");
- fprintf(filew,"nnn");
- DDOS_start_time*=1000;
- fprintf(filew,"$ns at %lf "$DDOSTraffic set rate_ %lfMb "n",ceil(DDOS_start_time+topo.CBRTraffic.DDOSTraffic.Events[0].delay*bn_delay)/1000,
- topo.CBRTraffic.DDOSTraffic.Events[0].NetCBR);
- fprintf(filew,"$ns at %lf "$DDOSTraffic set packet_size_ %d "n",
- ceil(DDOS_start_time+topo.CBRTraffic.DDOSTraffic.Events[0].delay*bn_delay)/1000,pack_size);
- fprintf(filew,"$ns at %lf "$DDOSTraffic start"n",ceil(DDOS_start_time+topo.CBRTraffic.DDOSTraffic.Events[0].delay*bn_delay)/1000);
- for(i=1;i<topo.CBRTraffic.DDOSTraffic.NoEvents;i++){
- fprintf(filew,"$ns at %lf "$DDOSTraffic set rate_ %lfMb"n",
- ceil(DDOS_start_time+topo.CBRTraffic.DDOSTraffic.Events[i].delay*bn_delay)/1000,
- topo.CBRTraffic.DDOSTraffic.Events[i].NetCBR);
- }
- fprintf(filew,"nn");
- }
- void TCL_Write_Final(FILE *filew){
- fprintf(filew,"nn");
- fprintf(filew,"set outfile [open w]n$ns trace-queue $BotLeft $BotRight $outfilennn");
- fprintf(filew,"$ns at %lf "finish"n",finish_time);
- fprintf(filew, "$ns runn");
- }