- #!/home/johnh/BIN/perl5
- #
- # dblib.pl
- # Copyright (C) 1991-1998 by John Heidemann <johnh@isi.edu>
- # $Id: dblib.pl,v 1.2 2005/09/16 04:41:55 tomh Exp $
- #
- # This program is distributed under terms of the GNU general
- # public license, version 2. See the file COPYING
- # in $dblibdir for details.
- #
- # The copyright of this module includes the following
- # linking-with-specific-other-licenses addition:
- #
- # In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of
- # this module give you permission to combine (via static or
- # dynamic linking) this module with free software programs or
- # libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL and with code
- # included in the standard release of ns-2 under the Apache 2.0
- # license or under otherwise-compatible licenses with advertising
- # requirements (or modified versions of such code, with unchanged
- # license). You may copy and distribute such a system following the
- # terms of the GNU GPL for this module and the licenses of the
- # other code concerned, provided that you include the source code of
- # that other code when and as the GNU GPL requires distribution of
- # source code.
- #
- # Note that people who make modified versions of this module
- # are not obligated to grant this special exception for their
- # modified versions; it is their choice whether to do so. The GNU
- # General Public License gives permission to release a modified
- # version without this exception; this exception also makes it
- # possible to release a modified version which carries forward this
- # exception.
- #
- $col_headertag = "#h";
- $list_headertag = "#L";
- $headertag_regexp = "#[hL]";
- $fs_code = 'D';
- $header_fsre = "[ tn]+";
- $fsre = "[ tn]+";
- $outfs = "t";
- $header_outfs = " ";
- $codify_code = "";
- $default_format = "%.5g";
- sub col_mapping {
- local ($key, $n) = @_;
- die("dblib col_mapping: column name ``$key'' cannot begin with underscore.n")
- if ($key =~ /^_/);
- die("dblib col_mapping: duplicate column name ``$key''n")
- if (defined($colnametonum{$key}));
- die ("dblib col_mapping: bad n.n") if (!defined($n));
- $colnames[$n] = $key;
- $colnametonum{$key} = $n;
- $colnametonum{"_$key"} = $n;
- $colnametonum{"$n"} = $n; # numeric synonyms
- }
- sub col_unmapping {
- local ($key) = @_;
- local ($n);
- $n = $colnametonum{$key};
- $colnames[$n] = undef if (defined($n));
- delete $colnametonum{$key};
- delete $colnametonum{"_$key"};
- }
- # Create a new column.
- # Insert it before column $desired_n.
- sub col_create {
- local ($key, $desired_n) = @_;
- local ($n, $i);
- die ("dblib col_create: called with duplicate column name ``$key''.n")
- if (defined($colnametonum{$key}));
- if (defined($desired_n)) {
- # Shift columns over as necessary.
- $n = $colnametonum{$desired_n};
- for ($i = $#colnames; $i >= $n; $i--) {
- $tmp_key = $colnames[$i];
- &col_unmapping($tmp_key);
- &col_mapping($tmp_key, $i+1);
- };
- } else {
- $n = $#colnames+1;
- };
- $colnames[$n] = $key;
- &col_mapping ($colnames[$n], $n);
- return $n;
- }
- sub fs_code_to_fsre_outfs {
- my($value) = @_;
- my($fsre, $outfs);
- if (!defined($value) || $value eq 'D') { # default
- $fsre = "[ tn]+";
- $outfs = "t";
- } elsif ($value eq 'S') { # double space
- $fsre = 'ss+';
- $outfs = " ";
- } elsif ($value eq 't') { # single tab
- $fsre = "t";
- $outfs = "t";
- } else { # anything else
- $value = eval "qq{$value}"; # handle backslash expansion
- $fsre = "[$value]+";
- $outfs = $value;
- }
- return ($fsre, $outfs);
- }
- sub process_header {
- my($line, $headertag) = @_;
- $regexp = (defined($headertag) ? $headertag : $headertag_regexp);
- die ("dblib process_header: undefined header.n")
- if (!defined($line));
- die ("dblib process_header: invalid header format: ``$line''.n")
- if ($line !~ /^$regexp/);
- @colnames = split(/$header_fsre/, $line);
- shift @colnames; # toss headertag
- @coloptions = ();
- #
- # handle options
- #
- while ($#colnames >= 0 && $colnames[0] =~ /^-(.)(.*)/) {
- push(@coloptions, shift @colnames);
- my($key, $value) = ($1, $2);
- if ($key eq 'F') {
- ($fsre, $outfs) = fs_code_to_fsre_outfs($value);
- $fs_code = $value;
- };
- };
- %colnametonum = ();
- foreach $i (0..$#colnames) {
- &col_mapping ($colnames[$i], $i);
- };
- }
- sub readprocess_header {
- my($headertag) = @_;
- my($line);
- $line = <STDIN>;
- &process_header($line, $headertag);
- }
- sub write_header {
- my(@cols) = @_;
- @cols = @colnames if ($#cols == -1);
- print "$col_headertag$header_outfs" .
- ($#coloptions != -1 ? join($header_outfs, @coloptions, '') : "") .
- join($header_outfs, @cols) .
- "n";
- }
- # listized
- sub write_list_header {
- local (@cols) = @_;
- @cols = @colnames if ($#cols == -1);
- print "$list_headertag $outfs" .
- join($outfs, @cols) .
- "n";
- }
- sub escape_blanks {
- my($line) = @_;
- $line =~ s/[ t]/_/g;
- return $line;
- }
- sub unescape_blanks {
- my($line) = @_;
- $line =~ s/_/ /g;
- return $line;
- }
- #
- # codify: convert db-code into perl code
- #
- # The conversion is a rename of all _foo's into
- # database fields.
- # For more perverse needs, _foo(N) means the Nth field after _foo.
- # To convert we eval $codify_code.
- #
- # NEEDSWORK: Should make some attempt to catch misspellings of column
- # names.
- #
- sub codify {
- if ($codify_code eq "") {
- foreach (@colnames) {
- $codify_code .= '$f =~ s/b_' . quotemeta($_) . '((.*))/$f[' . $colnametonum{$_} . '+$1]/g;' . "n";
- $codify_code .= '$f =~ s/b_' . quotemeta($_) . 'b/$f[' . $colnametonum{$_} . ']/g;' . "n";
- };
- };
- local($f) = join(";", @_);
- eval $codify_code;
- return $f;
- }
- #
- # code_prettify: Convert db-code into "pretty code".
- #
- sub code_prettify {
- local($prettycode) = join(";", @_);
- $prettycode =~ s/n/ /g; # newlines will break commenting
- return $prettycode;
- }
- sub is_comment {
- return ($_ =~ /^#/) || ($_ =~ /^s*$/);
- }
- sub pass_comments {
- if (&is_comment) {
- print $_;
- return 1;
- };
- return 0;
- }
- sub delayed_pass_comments {
- if (&is_comment) {
- $delayed_comments = (!defined($delayed_comments) ? '' : $delayed_comments) . $_;
- return 1;
- };
- return 0;
- }
- sub delayed_flush_comments {
- print $delayed_comments if (defined($delayed_comments));
- $delayed_comments = undef;
- }
- sub split_cols {
- chomp $_;
- @f = split(/$fsre/, $_);
- }
- sub write_cols {
- print join($outfs, @f), "n";
- };
- sub write_these_cols {
- print join($outfs, @_), "n";
- };
- #
- # output compare/entry code based on ARGV
- # first entry is a sub:
- # sub row_col_fn {
- # my($row, $colname, $n) = @_;
- # # row is either a or b which we're comparing, or i for entries
- # # colname is the user-given column name
- # # n is 0..N of the cols to be sorted
- # }
- # See the code in dbjoin and dbsort for implementations.
- #
- sub generate_compare_code {
- my($compare_function_name) = shift @_;
- my($row_col_fn) = shift @_;
- my(@args) = @_;
- my ($compare_code, $enter_code, $reverse, $numeric, $i);
- $compare_code = "sub $compare_function_name {n";
- $enter_code = "";
- $reverse = 0;
- $numeric = 0;
- $i = 0;
- foreach (@args) {
- if (/^-/) {
- s/^-//;
- my($options) = $_;
- while ($options ne '') {
- $options =~ s/(.)//;
- ($ch) = $1;
- if ($ch eq 'r') { $reverse = 1; }
- elsif ($ch eq 'R') { $reverse = 0; }
- elsif ($ch eq 'n') { $numeric = 1; }
- elsif ($ch eq 'N') { $numeric = 0; }
- else { die "dblib generate_compare_code: unknown option $ch.n"; };
- };
- next;
- };
- die ("dblib generate_compare_code: unknown column $_.n") if (!defined($colnametonum{$_}));
- if ($reverse) {
- $first = 'b'; $second = 'a';
- } else {
- $first = 'a'; $second = 'b';
- };
- $compare_code .= '$r = (' . &$row_col_fn($first, $_, $i) . ' ' .
- ($numeric ? "<=>" : "cmp") .
- ' ' . &$row_col_fn($second, $_, $i) . '); ' .
- 'return $r if ($r);' .
- " # $_" .
- ($reverse && $numeric ? " (reversed, numeric)" :
- $reverse ? " (reversed)" :
- $numeric ? " (numeric)" :
- "") .
- "n";
- $enter_code .= &$row_col_fn('i', $_, $i) .
- ' = $f[' . $colnametonum{$_} . '];' . "n";
- $i++;
- }
- $compare_code .= "return 0;n}";
- # Create the comparison function.
- eval $compare_code;
- $@ && die("dblib generate_compare_code: error ``$@ in'' eval of compare_code.n$compare_code");
- return ($compare_code, $enter_code, $i-1);
- }
- sub abs {
- return $_[0] > 0 ? $_[0] : -$_[0];
- }
- sub progname {
- my($prog) = ($0);
- $prog =~ s@^.*/@@g;
- return $prog;
- }
- sub force_numeric {
- my($value, $ignore_non_numeric) = @_;
- if ($value =~ /^[-+]?[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?(e[-+0-9]+)?$/) {
- return $value + 0.0; # force numeric
- } else {
- if ($ignore_non_numeric) {
- return undef;
- next;
- } else {
- return 0.0;
- };
- };
- }
- my($tmpfile_counter) = 0;
- my(@tmpfiles) = ();
- # call as tmpfile(FH)
- sub db_tmpfile {
- my($fh) = @_;
- my($i) = $tmpfile_counter++;
- my($fn) = &db_tmpdir . "/$$.$i";
- push(@tmpfiles, $fn);
- open($fh, "+>$fn") || die "$0: tmpfile open failed.n";
- chmod 0600, $fn || die "$0: tmpfile chmod failed.n";
- return $fn;
- }
- sub db_tmpdir {
- $ENV{'TMPDIR'} = '/tmp' if (!defined($ENV{'TMPDIR'}));
- return $ENV{'TMPDIR'};
- }
- my($dblib_date_inited) = undef;
- sub dblib_date_init {
- eval "use HTTP::Date; use POSIX";
- }
- sub date_to_epoch {
- my($date) = @_;
- &dblib_date_init if (!$dblib_date_inited);
- return str2time($date);
- }
- sub epoch_to_date {
- my($epoch) = @_;
- &dblib_date_init if (!$dblib_date_inited);
- my($d) = strftime("%d-%b-%y", gmtime($epoch));
- $d =~ s/^0//;
- return $d;
- }
- sub epoch_to_fractional_year {
- my($epoch) = @_;
- &dblib_date_init if (!$dblib_date_inited);
- my($year) = strftime("%Y", gmtime($epoch));
- my($year_beg_epoch) = date_to_epoch("${year}0101");
- my($year_end_epoch) = date_to_epoch(($year+1) . "0101");
- my($year_secs) = $year_end_epoch - $year_beg_epoch;
- my($fraction) = ($epoch - $year_beg_epoch) / (1.0 * $year_secs);
- $fraction =~ s/^0//;
- return "$year$fraction";
- }
- sub END {
- foreach (@tmpfiles) {
- unlink($_) if (-f $_);
- };
- }
- 1;