- # $Header: /cvsroot/nsnam/ns-2/indep-utils/cmu-scen-gen/setdest/README,v 1.4 2003/12/15 23:30:42 haldar Exp $
- ********** README for using CMU's node-movement **************
- ************** file generators ************
- A.scenario or node-movement file generator
- ---------------------------
- Directory:
- ~ns/indep-utils/cmu-scen-gen/setdest
- Files:
- Makefile
- setdest.h
- make-scen.csh
- Steps for creating scenario files for mobility simulations :
- 1. Go to ns directory and run "configure" (you probably have done that
- already while building ns). This creates a makefile for setdest.
- 2.Go to indep-utils/cmu-scen-gen/setdest. Run "make" , which first creates
- a stand-alone object file for ~ns/ (the stand-alone version doesnot
- use Tclcl libs) and then creates the executable setdest.
- 3. Run setdest with arguments as shown below: ./setdest [-v version of setdest; 1 for original 1999 CMU version or 2 for modified 2003 U.Michigan version ] [-n num_of_nodes] [-p pausetime] [-s maxspeed] [-t simtime] [-x maxx] [-y maxy] > [outdir/movement-file]
- Example: ./setdest -v 1 -n 20 -p 2.0 -s 10.0 -t 200 -x 500 -y 500 >
- scen-20-test
- and the output will be written in a file called scen-20-test.
- 4a. OR run make-scen.csh to generate multiple scenario files.