- // Define a "routing capable" node
- // Insures functionality to run routing algorithms
- #ifndef __RNODE_H__
- #define __RNODE_H__
- #include "nix/nixvec.h"
- #include <set>
- #include <map>
- #include <vector>
- #include <deque>
- #include <algorithm>
- #ifdef USE_HASH
- #include <hash_set>
- #endif
- typedef unsigned long nodeid_t; // Node identifier
- typedef unsigned long dist_t; // Distance
- typedef unsigned int weight_t; // Weight
- typedef pair<nodeid_t, weight_t> NodeWeight_t; // Node/Distance Pair
- const dist_t INF = 0xffffffff;
- const nodeid_t NODE_NONE = 0xffffffff;
- class RNode {
- public :
- RNode( );
- RNode( nodeid_t id);
- RNode( const RNode& n);
- virtual ~RNode();
- virtual void AddAdj(nodeid_t a, int w = 1);
- // Get next adjacent node..pass in NODE_NONE to get first
- virtual const NodeWeight_t NextAdj( const NodeWeight_t&);
- virtual NixPair_t GetNix(nodeid_t); // Get neighbor index/length
- virtual Nixl_t GetNixl(); // Get bits needed for nix entry
- virtual nodeid_t GetNeighbor(Nix_t);// Get neighbor from nix
- //int const operator= (const dist_t& n) { return n == m_id;}
- //int const operator!= (const dist_t& n) { return n != m_id;}
- public :
- nodeid_t m_id; // This node identifier
- };
- // Declare the equal and not= operators
- //int operator== (const RNode& N, const dist_t& n) { return N.m_id == n;}
- //int operator!= (const RNode& N, const dist_t& n) { return N.m_id != n;}
- //int operator== (RNode& N, const dist_t& n) { return N.m_id == n;}
- //int operator!= (RNode& N, const dist_t& n) { return N.m_id != n;}
- // Define the vector for nodes
- typedef vector<RNode*> RNodeVec_t;
- typedef RNodeVec_t::iterator RNodeVec_it;
- // Define the deque for nodes
- typedef deque<RNode*> RNodeDeq_t;
- typedef RNodeDeq_t::iterator RNodeDeq_it;
- // Define the vector for next hop neighbors
- typedef vector<nodeid_t> RoutingVec_t;
- typedef RoutingVec_t::iterator RoutingVec_it;
- // Define the distance vector
- typedef vector<dist_t> DistVec_t;
- typedef DistVec_t::iterator DistVec_it;
- #endif