- // Define classes for routing table representation and lookup
- // George F. Riley, Georgia Tech, Winter 2000
- // Defines several variations on routing table representations
- // and a method to determine the most memory efficient.
- #include "config.h"
- #ifdef HAVE_STL
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <routealgo/rlookup.h>
- //#include <routealgo/rbitmap.h>
- // Static function for RLookup
- // Analyze a routing table, find best default, and first/last non-default
- void RLookup::Analyze( // Analyze the next hop table
- RoutingVec_t& r,
- RoutingVec_t& p, // Population counts (returned)
- nodeid_t& d, // default(returned)
- nodeid_t& n, // number of default entries (returned)
- nodeid_t o, // table's owner
- nodeid_t& f, // first non-default (returned)
- nodeid_t& l) // last non-default (returned)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- p.erase(p.begin(), p.end());
- p.reserve(r.size()); // This is how many entries we need
- for (i = 0; i < r.size(); i++) p.push_back(0);
- for (i = 0; i < r.size(); i++)
- {
- if (i != o)
- p[r[i]]++; // Count occurrences of each (except oaner)
- }
- // Find the best default
- nodeid_t largest = NODE_NONE;
- if(0)printf("Pop size %lun", (unsigned long)p.size());
- nodeid_t nonzero = 0; // Number of non-zero entries
- for (i = 0; i < p.size(); i++)
- {
- if(0)printf("Pop %d = %ldn", i, p[i]);
- if (p[i]) nonzero++; // Count non-zeros
- if (largest == NODE_NONE || p[i] > p[largest])
- largest = i;
- }
- d = largest; // Set the default
- if (nonzero == 0)
- d = NODE_NONE; // Pathological case, no routes at all
- n = p[largest]; // number of default
- f = NODE_NONE;
- l = NODE_NONE;
- if (nonzero == 1)
- { // Nothing but defaults, easy case
- return;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < r.size(); i++)
- {
- if (i != o)
- {
- if (r[i] != d && f == NODE_NONE) f = i;
- if (r[i] != d) l = i;
- }
- }
- }
- // RLookup constructor/destructor
- RLookup::RLookup() { }
- RLookup::~RLookup() { }
- // Function to output a routing table on an ostream
- void RLookup::Log( ostream& os)
- {
- os << "LOG called";
- }
- void RLookup::Populate( istream& is)
- {
- printf("Populate(istream) calledn");
- }
- #ifdef OLD_WAY
- ostream& operator<<(ostream& os , const RLookup& R ) // Output a routing table
- {
- int w = R.WhatType();
- os << w ; // Log the type for reconstruction
- switch( w ) {
- case RL_FIXED :
- os << *((FRLookup*)&R);
- break;
- case RL_BITMAP :
- os << *((BMLookup*)&R);
- break;
- case RL_HASH :
- os << *((HMLookup*)&R);
- break;
- case RL_NEXTHOP :
- os << "NHLog not coded";
- break;
- }
- return os;
- }
- #endif
- // Null Routing methods
- NOLookup::NOLookup()
- {
- if(0)printf("Created NOLookupn");
- }
- NOLookup::~NOLookup()
- {
- }
- void NOLookup::Populate(
- RoutingVec_t&, // NextHop table
- RoutingVec_t&, // Population counts
- nodeid_t, // Default route
- nodeid_t,
- nodeid_t,
- nodeid_t)
- {
- }
- RLookup_Types NOLookup::WhatType(void) const // Identifies the type of lookup
- {
- return RL_NULL;
- }
- nodeid_t NOLookup::Lookup(nodeid_t)
- {
- return(NODE_NONE);
- }
- size_t NOLookup::Size()
- {
- return(0);
- }
- void NOLookup::Log( ostream& os)
- {
- os << " " << (int)WhatType();
- }
- // Fixed Routing methods
- FRLookup::FRLookup() : m_Default(NODE_NONE)
- {
- if(0)printf("Created FRLookupn");
- }
- FRLookup::~FRLookup()
- {
- }
- void FRLookup::Populate(
- RoutingVec_t&, // NextHop table
- RoutingVec_t&, // Population counts
- nodeid_t d, // Default route
- nodeid_t,
- nodeid_t,
- nodeid_t)
- {
- m_Default = d;
- }
- RLookup_Types FRLookup::WhatType(void) const // Identifies the type of lookup
- {
- return RL_FIXED;
- }
- nodeid_t FRLookup::Lookup(nodeid_t)
- {
- return(m_Default);
- }
- size_t FRLookup::Size()
- {
- return sizeof(m_Default);
- }
- size_t FRLookup::EstimateSize(
- RoutingVec_t&, // NextHop table
- RoutingVec_t&, // Population counts
- nodeid_t, // Default route
- nodeid_t, // Number default
- nodeid_t,
- nodeid_t,
- nodeid_t)
- {
- return sizeof(u_long);
- }
- void FRLookup::Log( ostream& os)
- {
- os << " " << (int)WhatType();
- os << " " << Default();
- }
- class BitMap;
- // Bitmap routing methods
- BMLookup::BMLookup() : m_Default(NODE_NONE), m_FirstNonDefault(NODE_NONE),
- m_LastNonDefault(NODE_NONE), m_pBitMap(0)
- {
- if(0)printf("Created BMLookupn");
- }
- BMLookup::~BMLookup()
- {
- if (m_pBitMap) delete m_pBitMap;
- }
- RLookup_Types BMLookup::WhatType(void) const // Identifies the type of lookup
- {
- return RL_BITMAP;
- }
- void BMLookup::Populate(
- RoutingVec_t& r, // NextHop table
- RoutingVec_t& p, // Population counts
- nodeid_t d, // Default route
- nodeid_t o,
- nodeid_t f,
- nodeid_t l)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- m_Default = d; // Set the default route
- // Now for each non-zero NH neighbor, create an entry in the NVec
- for (i = 0; i < p.size(); i++)
- {
- if (p[i])
- {
- m_NVec.push_back((nodeid_t)i);
- if(0)printf("Creating nix entry %dn", i);
- }
- }
- u_long c = l - f + 1; // How many entries we need
- if(0)printf("BMLookup::Populate..found %lu NHNn", (unsigned long)m_NVec.size());
- m_pBitMap = new BitMap(c, BitMap::FindBPE(m_NVec.size()));
- // And populate the bitmap
- for(u_long k = 0; k < c; k++)
- {
- u_long ind;
- for (ind = 0; ind < m_NVec.size(); ind++)
- {
- if (m_NVec[ind] == r[f+k]) break;
- }
- //RoutingVec_it v = find(m_NVec.begin(), m_NVec.end(), r[f + k]);
- m_pBitMap->Set(k, ind);
- }
- m_FirstNonDefault = f;
- m_LastNonDefault = l;
- }
- nodeid_t BMLookup::Lookup(nodeid_t t)
- {
- nodeid_t r;
- if (t < m_FirstNonDefault) return(m_Default);
- if (t > m_LastNonDefault ) return(m_Default);
- if (!m_pBitMap) return(NODE_NONE);
- u_long i = m_pBitMap->Get(t - m_FirstNonDefault); // Lookup neighbor index
- r = m_NVec[i];
- if(0)printf("BLookup lookedup entry %ld ind %ld, found %ldn",
- t - m_FirstNonDefault, i, r);
- return(r);
- }
- size_t BMLookup::Size()
- {
- return sizeof(nodeid_t) + //m_Default
- sizeof(nodeid_t) + // m_FirstNonDefault
- sizeof(nodeid_t) + // m_LastNonDefault)
- sizeof(BitMap*) + // m_pBitMap)
- m_pBitMap->Size() +
- sizeof(RoutingVec_t) + // m_NVec)
- sizeof(nodeid_t)*m_NVec.size(); // items in m_NVec
- }
- size_t BMLookup::NumberEntries()
- {
- return(m_LastNonDefault - m_FirstNonDefault -1 );
- }
- size_t BMLookup::EstimateSize(
- RoutingVec_t& r, // NextHop table
- RoutingVec_t& p, // Population counts
- nodeid_t d, // Default route
- nodeid_t n, // Number default
- nodeid_t o,
- nodeid_t f,
- nodeid_t l)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- unsigned int k = 0;
- // Count non-zero entries in pop vector
- for (i = 0; i < p.size(); i++)
- if (p[i]) k++;
- u_long c = l - f + 1; // How many entries we need
- return sizeof(nodeid_t) + //m_Default
- sizeof(nodeid_t) + // m_FirstNonDefault
- sizeof(nodeid_t) + // m_LastNonDefault)
- sizeof(BitMap*) + // m_pBitMap)
- BitMap::EstimateSize(c, BitMap::FindBPE(k)) +
- sizeof(RoutingVec_t) + // m_NVec)
- sizeof(nodeid_t)*k; // items in m_NVec
- }
- void BMLookup::Log( ostream& os)
- {
- RoutingVec_it i;
- os << " " << (int)WhatType();
- os << " " << m_Default;
- os << " " << m_FirstNonDefault;
- os << " " << m_LastNonDefault;
- os << " " << m_NVec.size();
- for (i = m_NVec.begin(); i != m_NVec.end(); i++)
- {
- os << " " << *i;
- }
- m_pBitMap->Log(os);
- }
- // Hashmap routing methods
- HMLookup::HMLookup() : m_Default(NODE_NONE)
- {
- if(0)printf("Created HMLookupn");
- }
- HMLookup::~HMLookup()
- {
- }
- RLookup_Types HMLookup::WhatType(void) const // Identifies the type of lookup
- {
- return RL_HASH;
- }
- void HMLookup::Populate(
- RoutingVec_t& r, // NextHop table
- RoutingVec_t&, // Population counts
- nodeid_t d, // Default route
- nodeid_t,
- nodeid_t,
- nodeid_t)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- m_Default = d; // Set the default route
- for (i = 0; i < r.size(); i++)
- {
- if (r[i] != d && r[i] != NODE_NONE)
- { // Not the default, create a HT entry
- RoutePair_t* p = new RoutePair_t(i, r[i]);
- m_RouteMap.insert(*p);
- #else
- RoutePair_t p = RoutePair_t(i, r[i]);
- m_RouteMap.insert(p);
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- nodeid_t HMLookup::Lookup(nodeid_t t)
- {
- RouteMap_it i;
- i = m_RouteMap.find(t);
- if (i == m_RouteMap.end()) return(m_Default);
- return((*i).second);
- }
- size_t HMLookup::Size( void )
- {
- return sizeof(u_long) + // m_Default
- sizeof(RouteMap_t) + // m_RouteMap
- m_RouteMap.size() * sizeof(nodeid_t); // entries in hash table
- }
- size_t HMLookup::NumberEntries()
- {
- return(m_RouteMap.size());
- }
- size_t HMLookup::EstimateSize(
- RoutingVec_t& r, // NextHop table
- RoutingVec_t& p, // Population counts
- nodeid_t d, // Default route
- nodeid_t n, // Number default
- nodeid_t,
- nodeid_t,
- nodeid_t)
- {
- return sizeof(u_long) + // m_Default
- sizeof(RouteMap_t) + // m_RouteMap
- (r.size() - d) * sizeof(nodeid_t); // entries in hash table
- }
- void HMLookup::Log( ostream& os)
- {
- RouteMap_it i;
- os << " " << (int)WhatType();
- os << " " << m_Default;
- for (i = m_RouteMap.begin(); i != m_RouteMap.end(); i++)
- {
- os << " " << (*i).first << " " << (*i).second;
- }
- }
- // NextHop (inefficient) routing methods
- NHLookup::NHLookup()
- {
- if(0)printf("Created NHLookupn");
- }
- NHLookup::~NHLookup()
- {
- }
- RLookup_Types NHLookup::WhatType(void) const // Identifies the type of lookup
- {
- return RL_NEXTHOP;
- }
- void NHLookup::Populate(
- RoutingVec_t& r, // NextHop table
- RoutingVec_t&, // Population counts
- nodeid_t d, // Default route
- nodeid_t,
- nodeid_t,
- nodeid_t)
- {
- unsigned int i;
- // Just copy the routing vector
- for (i = 0; i < r.size(); i++)
- {
- m_RouteTable.push_back(r[i]);
- }
- }
- void NHLookup::Populate(istream& is)
- { // Populate from log flie
- int count;
- is >> count;
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- int j;
- is >> j;
- nodeid_t n;
- n = (j < 0) ? NODE_NONE : (nodeid_t)j;
- m_RouteTable.push_back(n);
- }
- }
- nodeid_t NHLookup::Lookup(nodeid_t t)
- {
- if (t >= m_RouteTable.size()) return(NODE_NONE);
- return(m_RouteTable[t]); // Just a table lookup
- }
- size_t NHLookup::Size( void )
- {
- return sizeof(u_long) * m_RouteTable.size();
- }
- size_t NHLookup::NumberEntries()
- {
- return(m_RouteTable.size());
- }
- void NHLookup::Log( ostream& os)
- {
- RoutingVec_it i;
- os << " " << (int)WhatType();
- os << " " << m_RouteTable.size();
- for (i = m_RouteTable.begin(); i != m_RouteTable.end(); i++)
- {
- if (*i == NODE_NONE)
- os << " " << -1; // The NODE_NONE representation is hard to read
- else
- os << " " << *i;
- }
- }
- size_t NHLookup::EstimateSize(
- RoutingVec_t& r, // NextHop table
- RoutingVec_t&, // Population counts
- nodeid_t d, // Default route
- nodeid_t,
- nodeid_t,
- nodeid_t,
- nodeid_t)
- {
- return sizeof(u_long) * r.size();
- }
- #endif /* STL */