- /* -*- Mode:C++; c-basic-offset:8; tab-width:8; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- */
- /*
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1997 by the University of Southern California
- * $Id:,v 1.11 2005/08/25 18:58:08 johnh Exp $
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
- * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- *
- * The copyright of this module includes the following
- * linking-with-specific-other-licenses addition:
- *
- * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of
- * this module give you permission to combine (via static or
- * dynamic linking) this module with free software programs or
- * libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL and with code
- * included in the standard release of ns-2 under the Apache 2.0
- * license or under otherwise-compatible licenses with advertising
- * requirements (or modified versions of such code, with unchanged
- * license). You may copy and distribute such a system following the
- * terms of the GNU GPL for this module and the licenses of the
- * other code concerned, provided that you include the source code of
- * that other code when and as the GNU GPL requires distribution of
- * source code.
- *
- * Note that people who make modified versions of this module
- * are not obligated to grant this special exception for their
- * modified versions; it is their choice whether to do so. The GNU
- * General Public License gives permission to release a modified
- * version without this exception; this exception also makes it
- * possible to release a modified version which carries forward this
- * exception.
- *
- */
- //
- // The code implements scalable session message. See
- //
- #ifndef lint
- static const char rcsid[] =
- "@(#) $Header: /cvsroot/nsnam/ns-2/mcast/,v 1.11 2005/08/25 18:58:08 johnh Exp $ (USC/ISI)";
- #endif
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "config.h"
- #include "tclcl.h"
- #include "agent.h"
- #include "packet.h"
- #include "ip.h"
- #include "srm.h"
- #include "srm-ssm.h"
- #include "trace.h"
- int hdr_srm_ext::offset_;
- static class SRMEXTHeaderClass : public PacketHeaderClass {
- public:
- SRMEXTHeaderClass() : PacketHeaderClass("PacketHeader/SRMEXT",
- sizeof(hdr_srm_ext)) {
- bind_offset(&hdr_srm_ext::offset_);
- }
- } class_srmexthdr;
- static class SSMSRMAgentClass : public TclClass {
- public:
- SSMSRMAgentClass() : TclClass("Agent/SRM/SSM") {}
- TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {
- return (new SSMSRMAgent());
- }
- } class_srm_ssm_agent;
- SSMSRMAgent::SSMSRMAgent()
- : SRMAgent(), glb_sessCtr_(-1), loc_sessCtr_(-1), rep_sessCtr_(-1)
- {
- bind("group_scope_",&groupScope_);
- bind("local_scope_",&localScope_);
- bind("scope_flag_",&scopeFlag_);
- bind("rep_id_", &repid_);
- }
- int SSMSRMAgent::command(int argc, const char*const* argv)
- {
- Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance();
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "send") == 0) {
- if (strcmp(argv[2], "session") == 0) {
- send_sess();
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- if (strcmp(argv[2], "request") == 0) {
- int round = atoi(argv[3]);
- int sender = atoi(argv[4]);
- int msgid = atoi(argv[5]);
- send_ctrl(SRM_RQST, round, sender, msgid, 0);
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- if (strcmp(argv[2], "repair") == 0) {
- int round = atoi(argv[3]);
- int sender = atoi(argv[4]);
- int msgid = atoi(argv[5]);
- send_ctrl(SRM_REPR, round, sender, msgid, packetSize_);
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- tcl.resultf("%s: invalid send request %s", name_, argv[2]);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- /*
- #if 0
- fprintf(stdout,"%s: send request %s passed to srm_agent",
- name_, argv[2]);
- #endif
- return SRMAgent::command(argc, argv);
- */
- }
- if (argc == 2) {
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "start") == 0) {
- sip_->sender_ = addr();
- sip_->distance_ = 0.0;
- /* sip_->repid_ = addr_;
- sip_->scopeFlag_ = SRM_GLOBAL;
- repid_ = addr_;
- scopeFlag_ = SRM_GLOBAL;
- */
- groupScope_ = 32;
- senderFlag_ = 0;
- printf("%s is %d and rep-status %dn", name_, addr(), scopeFlag_);
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "ch-rep") == 0) {
- if(scopeFlag_ == SRM_GLOBAL) {
- sip_->repid_ = repid_ = addr();
- sip_->scopeFlag_ = SRM_GLOBAL;
- } else {
- sip_->repid_ = repid_;
- sip_->scopeFlag_ = SRM_LOCAL;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "distances?") == 0) {
- if (sip_->sender_ < 0) { // i.e. this agent is not
- tcl.result(""); // yet active.
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- for (SRMinfo* sp = sip_; sp; sp = sp->next_) {
- if((sp->distanceFlag_ == REP_DISTANCE) ||
- (sp->distanceFlag_ == SELF_DISTANCE)) {
- tcl.resultf("%s %d %f", tcl.result(),
- sp->sender_, sp->distance_);
- } else { /* Return reps distance */
- SRMinfo* rsp = get_state(sp->repid_);
- tcl.resultf("%s %d %f", tcl.result(),
- sp->sender_, rsp->distance_);
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- }
- if (argc == 3) {
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "distance?") == 0) {
- int sender = atoi(argv[2]);
- SRMinfo* sp = get_state(sender);
- if((sp->distanceFlag_ == REP_DISTANCE) ||
- (sp->distanceFlag_ == SELF_DISTANCE)) {
- tcl.resultf("%f", sp->distance_);
- } else { /* Return reps distance */
- SRMinfo* rsp = get_state(sp->repid_);
- tcl.resultf("%f", rsp->distance_);
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- }
- return SRMAgent::command(argc, argv);
- }
- void SSMSRMAgent::recv(Packet* p, Handler* h)
- {
- hdr_ip* ih = hdr_ip::access(p);
- hdr_srm* sh = hdr_srm::access(p);
- hdr_srm_ext* seh = hdr_srm_ext::access(p);
- if (ih->daddr() == 0) {
- // Packet from local agent. Add srm headers, set dst, and fwd
- sh->type() = SRM_DATA;
- sh->sender() = addr();
- sh->seqnum() = ++dataCtr_;
- seh->repid() = repid_;
- ih->dst() = dst_;
- ih->src() = here_;
- target_->recv(p, h);
- } else {
- #if 0
- static char *foo[] = {"NONE", "DATA", "SESS", "RQST", "REPR"};
- fprintf(stdout, "%7.4f %s %d recvd SRM_%s <%d, %d> from %dn",
- Scheduler::instance().clock(), name_, addr_, foo[sh->type()],
- sh->sender(), sh->seqnum(), ih->src());
- fflush(stdout);
- #endif
- switch (sh->type()) {
- case SRM_DATA:
- recv_data(sh->sender(), sh->seqnum(), seh->repid(), p->accessdata());
- Packet::free(p);
- break;
- case SRM_RQST:
- recv_rqst(ih->saddr(), sh->round(), sh->sender(), sh->seqnum(),
- seh->repid());
- Packet::free(p);
- break;
- case SRM_REPR:
- recv_repr(sh->round(), sh->sender(), sh->seqnum(), p->accessdata());
- Packet::free(p);
- break;
- case SRM_SESS:
- // This seqnum() is the session sequence number,
- // not the data packet sequence numbers seen before.
- // Send the whole pkt for ttl etc..
- recv_sess(sh->seqnum(), (int*) p->accessdata(), p);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- void SSMSRMAgent::recv_data(int sender, int id, int repid, u_char* data)
- {
- SRMinfo* sp = get_state(sender);
- /* Just store the repid and call srmagent recv_data */
- sp->repid_ = repid;
- SRMAgent::recv_data(sender,id,data);
- }
- void SSMSRMAgent::send_ctrl(int type, int round, int sender, int msgid, int size)
- {
- Packet* p = Agent::allocpkt();
- hdr_srm* sh = hdr_srm::access(p);
- hdr_srm_ext* seh = hdr_srm_ext::access(p);
- sh->type() = type;
- sh->sender() = sender;
- sh->seqnum() = msgid;
- sh->round() = round;
- seh->repid() = repid_; /* For ctrl messages this is your own repid */
- hdr_cmn* ch = hdr_cmn::access(p);
- ch->size() = sizeof(hdr_srm) + size;
- target_->recv(p, (Handler*)NULL);
- }
- void SSMSRMAgent::recv_rqst(int requestor, int round, int sender,
- int msgid, int repid)
- {
- //Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance();
- SRMinfo* rsp = get_state(requestor);
- rsp->repid_ = repid;
- SRMAgent::recv_rqst(requestor,round, sender,msgid);
- }
- void SSMSRMAgent::send_sess()
- {
- if (scopeFlag_ == SRM_GLOBAL) {
- send_glb_sess();
- send_rep_sess();
- } else {
- send_loc_sess();
- }
- // timeout_info();
- }
- #define SESSINFO_SIZE 5
- #define SESS_CONST 2
- void SSMSRMAgent::send_glb_sess()
- {
- int size = (SESS_CONST + groupSize_ * SESSINFO_SIZE) * sizeof(int);
- /* Currently do extra allocation, later change */
- int num_entries;
- Packet* p = Agent::allocpkt(size);
- hdr_srm* sh = hdr_srm::access(p);
- hdr_srm_ext* seh = hdr_srm_ext::access(p);
- #if 0
- printf("sending global session messagen");
- #endif
- sh->type() = SRM_SESS;
- sh->sender() = addr();
- sh->seqnum() = ++glb_sessCtr_;
- seh->repid() = repid_;
- int* data = (int*) p->accessdata();
- *data++ = groupSize_;
- *data++ = SRM_GLOBAL;
- num_entries = 0;
- for (SRMinfo* sp = sip_; sp; sp = sp->next_) {
- /* Global Session Message has information about Senders/reps */
- if ((sp->senderFlag_ ||
- (sp->scopeFlag_ == SRM_GLOBAL) ||
- (sp->sender_ == addr()))
- && (is_active(sp))) {
- *data++ = sp->sender_;
- *data++ = sp->ldata_;
- *data++ = sp->recvTime_;
- *data++ = sp->sendTime_;
- *data++ = sp->repid_;
- num_entries++;
- }
- }
- data = (int*) p->accessdata();
- data[0] = num_entries;
- data[1] = SRM_GLOBAL;
- size = (SESS_CONST + num_entries * SESSINFO_SIZE) * sizeof(int);
- data[5] = (int) (Scheduler::instance().clock()*1000);
- hdr_cmn* ch = hdr_cmn::access(p);
- ch->size() += size+ sizeof(hdr_srm); /* Add size of srm_hdr_ext */
- hdr_ip* ih = hdr_ip::access(p);
- ih->ttl() = groupScope_;
- // Currently put this to distinguish various session messages
- ih->flowid() = SRM_GLOBAL;
- seh->ottl() = groupScope_;
- target_->recv(p, (Handler*)NULL);
- }
- void SSMSRMAgent::send_loc_sess()
- {
- int size = (SESS_CONST + groupSize_ * SESSINFO_SIZE) * sizeof(int);
- /* Currently do extra allocation, later change */
- int num_entries;
- Packet* p = Agent::allocpkt(size);
- hdr_srm* sh = hdr_srm::access(p);
- hdr_srm_ext* seh = hdr_srm_ext::access(p);
- sh->type() = SRM_SESS;
- sh->sender() = addr();
- sh->seqnum() = ++loc_sessCtr_;
- seh->repid() = repid_;
- #if 0
- printf("sending local session messagen");
- #endif
- int* data = (int*) p->accessdata();
- //int* tmp_data = (int*) p->accessdata();
- *data++ = groupSize_;
- *data++ = SRM_LOCAL;
- num_entries = 0;
- for (SRMinfo* sp = sip_; sp; sp = sp->next_) {
- /* Local Session Message has information
- about Senders/other locals */
- if ((sp->senderFlag_ ||
- (sp->scopeFlag_ == SRM_LOCAL) ||
- (sp->distanceFlag_ = SELF_DISTANCE) ||
- /* For the reps that I am hearing from */
- (sp->sender_ == addr()) ||
- // just in case, I have not set the flags properly,
- // one entry has to be there
- (repid_ == sp->sender_))
- && (is_active(sp))) {
- *data++ = sp->sender_;
- *data++ = sp->ldata_;
- *data++ = sp->recvTime_;
- *data++ = sp->sendTime_;
- *data++ = sp->repid_;
- num_entries++;
- }
- }
- data = (int*) p->accessdata();
- data[0] = num_entries;
- data[1] = SRM_LOCAL;
- size = (SESS_CONST + num_entries * SESSINFO_SIZE) * sizeof(int);
- data[5] = (int) (Scheduler::instance().clock()*1000);
- hdr_cmn* ch = hdr_cmn::access(p);
- ch->size() += size+ sizeof(hdr_srm);
- hdr_ip* ih = hdr_ip::access(p);
- ih->ttl() = localScope_;
- // Currently put this to distinguish various session messages
- ih->flowid() = SRM_LOCAL;
- seh->ottl() = localScope_;
- target_->recv(p, (Handler*)NULL);
- }
- void SSMSRMAgent::send_rep_sess()
- {
- int size = (SESS_CONST + groupSize_ * SESSINFO_SIZE) * sizeof(int);
- /* Currently do extra allocation, later change */
- int num_entries, num_local_members;
- Packet* p = Agent::allocpkt(size);
- hdr_srm* sh = hdr_srm::access(p);
- hdr_srm_ext* seh = hdr_srm_ext::access(p);
- sh->type() = SRM_SESS;
- sh->sender() = addr();
- sh->seqnum() = ++rep_sessCtr_;
- seh->repid() = repid_;
- #if 0
- printf("sending rep_info session messagen");
- #endif
- int* data = (int*) p->accessdata();
- *data++ = groupSize_;
- *data++ = SRM_RINFO;
- num_entries = 0;
- num_local_members = 0;
- for (SRMinfo* sp = sip_; sp; sp = sp->next_) {
- if (sp->activeFlag_ == ACTIVE) {
- /* Rep info has distance to others reps and
- timestamps for everyone */
- *data++ = sp->sender_;
- *data++ = sp->ldata_;
- if (sp->scopeFlag_ == SRM_GLOBAL) {
- *data++ = (int) (sp->distance_*1000);
- data++;
- } else {
- // Put a check here for only people I have heard from.??
- *data++ = sp->recvTime_;
- *data++ = sp->sendTime_;
- num_local_members++;
- }
- *data++ = sp->repid_;
- num_entries++;
- }
- }
- if (num_local_members <= 0) {
- Packet::free(p);
- return;
- }
- data = (int*) p->accessdata();
- data[0] = num_entries;
- data[1] = SRM_RINFO;
- size = (SESS_CONST + num_entries * SESSINFO_SIZE) * sizeof(int);
- data[5] = (int) (Scheduler::instance().clock()*1000);
- hdr_cmn* ch = hdr_cmn::access(p);
- ch->size() += size+ sizeof(hdr_srm);
- hdr_ip* ih = hdr_ip::access(p);
- ih->ttl() = localScope_;
- // Currently put this to distinguish various session messages
- ih->flowid() = SRM_RINFO;
- seh->ottl() = localScope_;
- target_->recv(p, (Handler*)NULL);
- }
- sender = *data++;
- dataCnt = *data++;
- rtime = *data++;
- stime = *data++;
- repid = *data++;
- // printf("s:%d, d:%d, rt:%d, st:%d, rep:%dn",sender,
- // dataCnt,rtime,stime,repid)
- void SSMSRMAgent::recv_sess(int sessCtr, int* data, Packet* p)
- {
- int type = data[1];
- switch (type) {
- case SRM_GLOBAL :
- recv_glb_sess(sessCtr,data,p);
- break;
- case SRM_LOCAL :
- recv_loc_sess(sessCtr,data,p);
- break;
- case SRM_RINFO :
- if (scopeFlag_ == SRM_GLOBAL) return;
- recv_rep_sess(sessCtr,data,p);
- break;
- }
- Packet::free(p);
- }
- void SSMSRMAgent::recv_glb_sess(int sessCtr, int* data, Packet* p)
- {
- Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance();
- SRMinfo* sp;
- int ttl;
- hdr_ip* ih = hdr_ip::access(p);
- hdr_srm_ext* seh = hdr_srm_ext::access(p);
- ttl = seh->ottl() - ih->ttl();
- int sender, dataCnt, rtime, stime,repid;
- int now, sentAt, sentBy;
- int cnt = *data++;
- //int type = *data++;
- int i;
- // data = data + SESS_CONST;
- /* As as included type of session message also */
- /* The first block contains the sender's own state */
- if (sender == addr())
- // sender's own session message
- return;
- if (seh->repid() != repid) {
- fprintf(stdout,"%f Recvd a glb-sess with diff header(%d) != inside(%d)n",
- Scheduler::instance().clock(),seh->repid(),repid);
- /* abort(); */
- return;
- }
- if (sender != repid) {
- fprintf(stdout,"%f Recvd a glb-sess with repid(%d) != address(%d)n",
- Scheduler::instance().clock(),repid,sender);
- /* abort(); */
- return;
- }
- sp = get_state(sender);
- if (sp->lglbsess_ > sessCtr) // older session message recd.
- return;
- #if 0
- fprintf(stdout,"%s recv-gsess from %dn",name_,sender);
- #endif
- tcl.evalf("%s recv-gsess %d %d", name_, sender, ttl);
- if (sp->scopeFlag_ != SRM_GLOBAL) {
- sp->scopeFlag_ = SRM_GLOBAL;
- }
- sp->repid_ = repid;
- now = (int) (Scheduler::instance().clock() * 1000);
- sentBy = sender; // to later compute rtt
- sentAt = stime;
- sp->lglbsess_ = sessCtr;
- sp->recvTime_ = now;
- sp->sendTime_ = stime;
- for (i = sp->ldata_ + 1; i <= dataCnt; i++)
- if (! sp->ifReceived(i))
- tcl.evalf("%s request %d %d", name_, sender, i, sp->repid_);
- if (sp->ldata_ < dataCnt)
- sp->ldata_ = dataCnt;
- for (i = 1; i < cnt; i++) {
- if (sender == addr() && now) {
- int rtt = (now - sentAt) + (rtime - stime);
- sp = get_state(sentBy);
- sp->distance_ = (double) rtt / 2 / 1000;
- sp->distanceFlag_ = SELF_DISTANCE;
- #if 0
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%7.4f %s compute distance to %d: %fn",
- Scheduler::instance().clock(), name_,
- sentBy, sp->distance_);
- #endif
- continue;
- }
- sp = get_state(sender);
- for (int j = sp->ldata_ + 1; j <= dataCnt; j++)
- if (! sp->ifReceived(j))
- tcl.evalf("%s request %d %d", name_, sender, j, sp->repid_);
- if (sp->ldata_ < dataCnt)
- sp->ldata_ = dataCnt;
- }
- }
- void SSMSRMAgent::recv_loc_sess(int sessCtr, int* data, Packet* p)
- {
- Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance();
- SRMinfo* sp;
- int ttl;
- hdr_ip* ih = hdr_ip::access(p);
- hdr_srm_ext* seh = hdr_srm_ext::access(p);
- ttl = seh->ottl() - ih->ttl();
- int sender, dataCnt, rtime, stime,repid;
- int now, sentAt, sentBy;
- int cnt = *data++;
- /*int type = * */data++;
- int i;
- // data = data + SESS_CONST;
- /* As as included type of session message also */
- /* The first block contains the sender's own state */
- if (sender == addr()) // sender's own session message
- return;
- sp = get_state(sender);
- if (sp->llocsess_ > sessCtr) // older session message recd.
- return;
- if (sp->scopeFlag_ != SRM_LOCAL) {
- sp->scopeFlag_ = SRM_LOCAL;
- // Also put a check if this is my child
- }
- sp->repid_ = repid;
- #if 0
- fprintf(stdout,"%s recv-lsess from %dn",name_,sender);
- #endif
- tcl.evalf("%s recv-lsess %d %d %d", name_, sender, repid, ttl);
- now = (int) (Scheduler::instance().clock() * 1000);
- sentBy = sender; // to later compute rtt
- sentAt = stime;
- sp->llocsess_ = sessCtr;
- sp->recvTime_ = now;
- sp->sendTime_ = stime;
- for (i = sp->ldata_ + 1; i <= dataCnt; i++)
- if (! sp->ifReceived(i))
- tcl.evalf("%s request %d %d", name_, sender, i, sp->repid_);
- if (sp->ldata_ < dataCnt)
- sp->ldata_ = dataCnt;
- for (i = 1; i < cnt; i++) {
- if (sender == addr() && now) {
- int rtt = (now - sentAt) + (rtime - stime);
- sp = get_state(sentBy);
- sp->distance_ = (double) rtt / 2 / 1000;
- sp->distanceFlag_ = SELF_DISTANCE;
- #if 0
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%7.4f %s compute distance to %d: %fn",
- Scheduler::instance().clock(), name_,
- sentBy, sp->distance_);
- #endif
- continue;
- }
- sp = get_state(sender);
- for (int j = sp->ldata_ + 1; j <= dataCnt; j++)
- if (! sp->ifReceived(j))
- tcl.evalf("%s request %d %d", name_, sender, j, sp->repid_);
- if (sp->ldata_ < dataCnt)
- sp->ldata_ = dataCnt;
- }
- }
- // For the global members the repid == addr
- void SSMSRMAgent::recv_rep_sess(int sessCtr, int* data, Packet*)
- {
- Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance();
- SRMinfo* sp;
- int sender, dataCnt, rtime, stime,repid;
- int now, sentAt, sentBy;
- int cnt = *data++;
- /*int type = **/data++;
- int i;
- //data = data + SESS_CONST;
- /* As as included type of session message also */
- /* The first block contains the sender's own state */
- if (sender == addr()) // sender's own session message
- return;
- if (sender != repid_) // not from my rep
- return;
- if (sender != repid) {
- fprintf(stdout,"Recvd a rep-sess with repid(%d) != address(%d)n",
- repid,sender);
- abort();
- }
- sp = get_state(sender);
- if (sp->lrepsess_ > sessCtr) // older session message recd.
- return;
- if (sp->scopeFlag_ != SRM_GLOBAL) // Should I change the repid also??
- sp->scopeFlag_ = SRM_GLOBAL;
- now = (int) (Scheduler::instance().clock() * 1000);
- sentBy = sender; // to later compute rtt
- sentAt = stime;
- sp->lrepsess_ = sessCtr;
- sp->recvTime_ = now;
- sp->sendTime_ = stime;
- for (i = sp->ldata_ + 1; i <= dataCnt; i++)
- if (! sp->ifReceived(i))
- tcl.evalf("%s request %d %d", name_, sender, i, sp->repid_);
- if (sp->ldata_ < dataCnt)
- sp->ldata_ = dataCnt;
- for (i = 1; i < cnt; i++) {
- if (sender == addr() && now) {
- int rtt = (now - sentAt) + (rtime - stime);
- sp = get_state(sentBy);
- sp->distance_ = (double) rtt / 2 / 1000;
- sp->distanceFlag_ = SELF_DISTANCE;
- #if 0
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%7.4f %s compute distance to %d: %fn",
- Scheduler::instance().clock(), name_,
- sentBy, sp->distance_);
- #endif
- continue;
- }
- if ((sender == repid) && (sender != sentBy)) {
- sp = get_state(sender);
- if (!(is_active(sp) && (sp->distanceFlag_ == SELF_DISTANCE))) {
- sp->distance_ = (double) rtime/1000;
- /* As for global members this is distance */
- sp->distanceFlag_ = REP_DISTANCE;
- /* ?? What if I am hearing from this guy already */
- }
- }
- sp = get_state(sender);
- for (int j = sp->ldata_ + 1; j <= dataCnt; j++)
- if (! sp->ifReceived(j))
- tcl.evalf("%s request %d %d", name_, sender, j, sp->repid_);
- if (sp->ldata_ < dataCnt)
- sp->ldata_ = dataCnt;
- }
- }
- #define sessionDelay 1000
- void SSMSRMAgent::timeout_info()
- {
- int now;
- now = (int) (Scheduler::instance().clock() * 1000);
- for (SRMinfo* sp = sip_->next_; sp; sp = sp->next_) {
- if ((now - sp->recvTime_) >= 3*sessionDelay) {
- sp->activeFlag_ = INACTIVE;
- groupSize_--;
- }
- }
- }
- int SSMSRMAgent::is_active(SRMinfo *sp)
- {
- int now;
- now = (int) (Scheduler::instance().clock() * 1000);
- if ((sp->sender_ != addr()) && ((now - sp->recvTime_) >= 3*sessionDelay)) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
- }