- source misc_simple.tcl
- remove-all-packet-headers ; # removes all except common
- add-packet-header Flags IP TCP ; # hdrs reqd for TCP
- Agent/TCP set precisionReduce_ false ; # default changed on 2006/1/24.
- Agent/TCP set rtxcur_init_ 6.0 ; # Default changed on 2006/01/21
- Agent/TCP set updated_rttvar_ false ; # Variable added on 2006/1/21
- Agent/TCP set tcpTick_ 0.1
- # The default for tcpTick_ is being changed to reflect a changing reality.
- Agent/TCP set minrto_ 1
- # default changed on 10/14/2004.
- Agent/TCP set useHeaders_ false
- # The default is being changed to useHeaders_ true.
- Agent/TCP set syn_ false
- Agent/TCP set delay_growth_ false
- # In preparation for changing the default values for syn_ and delay_growth_.
- Agent/TCP set rfc2988_ false
- Agent/TCP set windowInit_ 1
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 0
- Agent/TCP set minrto_ 0
- Trace set show_tcphdr_ 1
- set wrap 90
- set wrap1 [expr 90 * 512 + 40]
- Class Topology
- Topology instproc node? num {
- $self instvar node_
- return $node_($num)
- }
- Class Topology/net8 -superclass Topology
- Topology/net8 instproc init ns {
- $self instvar node_
- set node_(s1) [$ns node]
- set node_(r1) [$ns node]
- set node_(k1) [$ns node]
- set node_(k2) [$ns node]
- set node_(k3) [$ns node]
- set node_(k4) [$ns node]
- set node_(k5) [$ns node]
- set node_(k6) [$ns node]
- set node_(r2) [$ns node]
- set node_(d1) [$ns node]
- $self next
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s1) $node_(r1) 10Mb 2ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 256Kb 10ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(k1) $node_(k2) 256Kb 10ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(k2) $node_(k3) 256Kb 10ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(k3) $node_(k4) 256Kb 10ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(k4) $node_(k5) 256Kb 10ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(k5) $node_(k6) 256Kb 10ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(k6) $node_(r2) 256Kb 10ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(r2) $node_(d1) 10Mb 2ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link-op $node_(r1) $node_(k1) queuePos 0.5
- $ns queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 30
- set qmon [$ns monitor-queue $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 1 2]
- }
- Class Topology/net7 -superclass Topology
- Topology/net7 instproc init ns {
- $self instvar node_
- set node_(s1) [$ns node]
- set node_(r1) [$ns node]
- set node_(k1) [$ns node]
- $self next
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s1) $node_(r1) 1Mb 10s DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 0.9Mb 100ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link-op $node_(s1) $node_(r1) orient right-down
- $ns duplex-link-op $node_(r1) $node_(k1) orient right
- $ns duplex-link-op $node_(r1) $node_(k1) queuePos 0.5
- $ns queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 4000
- set qmon [$ns monitor-queue $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 1 2]
- }
- Class Topology/net6 -superclass Topology
- Topology/net6 instproc init ns {
- $self instvar node_
- set node_(s1) [$ns node]
- set node_(r1) [$ns node]
- set node_(k1) [$ns node]
- $self next
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s1) $node_(r1) 1Mb 100ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 10Mb 10ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link-op $node_(s1) $node_(r1) orient left-right
- $ns duplex-link-op $node_(r1) $node_(k1) orient right
- $ns duplex-link-op $node_(r1) $node_(k1) queuePos 0.5
- $ns queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 4000
- set qmon [$ns monitor-queue $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 1 2]
- lappend drops 60
- set loss_module [new ErrorModel/List]
- $loss_module droplist $drops
- $loss_module drop-target [new Agent/Null]
- $ns lossmodel $loss_module $node_(r1) $node_(k1)
- }
- Class Topology/net5 -superclass Topology
- Topology/net5 instproc init ns {
- $self instvar node_
- set node_(s1) [$ns node]
- set node_(s2) [$ns node]
- set node_(r1) [$ns node]
- set node_(k1) [$ns node]
- set node_(s3) [$ns node]
- $self next
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s1) $node_(r1) 1Mb 100ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s2) $node_(r1) 1Mb 100ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s3) $node_(r1) 1Mb 100ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 0.5Mb 100ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link-op $node_(s1) $node_(r1) orient right-down
- $ns duplex-link-op $node_(s2) $node_(r1) orient right
- $ns duplex-link-op $node_(s3) $node_(r1) orient right-up
- $ns duplex-link-op $node_(r1) $node_(k1) orient right
- $ns duplex-link-op $node_(r1) $node_(k1) queuePos 0.5
- $ns queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 200
- set qmon [$ns monitor-queue $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 1 2]
- }
- TestSuite instproc finish testname {
- global quiet wrap PERL
- $self instvar trace_
- if {$testname == "rtt-rfc793" || $testname == "rtt-jacobson"} {
- close $trace_(rto)
- close $trace_(rtt)
- exec cp rtt.tr temp.rands
- if {$quiet == "false"} {
- exec xgraph -x time -y "rtt,rto values" rtt.tr rto.tr &
- }
- }
- if {$testname == "rto-karn" || $testname == "rto-nokarn"} {
- close $trace_(srtt)
- exec cp srtt.tr temp.rands
- if {$quiet == "false"} {
- exec xgraph -x time -y "Estimated RTT" srtt.tr &
- }
- }
- if {$testname == "seqno-fastrtx" || $testname == "seqno-nofastrtx" || $testname == "rto-karn" || $testname == "rto-nokarn"} {
- exec $PERL ../../bin/getrc -s 1 -d 2 all.tr |
- $PERL ../../bin/raw2xg -a -e -s 0.01 -m 10000000 -t $testname > temp.rands
- if {$quiet == "false"} {
- exec xgraph -bb -tk -nl -m -x time -y packets temp.rands &
- }
- }
- if {$testname == "jacobson88-noss" || $testname ==
- "jacobson88-ss"} {
- exec awk {
- {
- if (($1 == "+") && ($5 == "tcp") &&
- ($3 == "0") && ($4 == "1"))
- print $2, $11
- }
- } all.tr > out.seq
- exec cp out.seq temp.rands
- if {$quiet == "false"} {
- exec xgraph -P out.seq &
- }
- }
- if {$quiet == "false"} {
- exec nam all.nam &
- }
- exit 0
- }
- TestSuite instproc printtimers { tcp time} {
- global quiet
- if {$quiet == "false"} {
- puts "time: $time sRTT(in ticks): [$tcp set srtt_]/8 RTTvar(in ticks): [$tcp set rttvar_]/4 backoff: [$tcp set backoff_]"
- }
- }
- TestSuite instproc printtimersAll { tcp time interval } {
- $self instvar dump_inst_ ns_
- if ![info exists dump_inst_($tcp)] {
- set dump_inst_($tcp) 1
- $ns_ at $time "$self printtimersAll $tcp $time $interval"
- return
- }
- set newTime [expr [$ns_ now] + $interval]
- $ns_ at $time "$self printtimers $tcp $time"
- $ns_ at $newTime "$self printtimersAll $tcp $newTime $interval"
- }
- ##
- TestSuite instproc setup {tcptype list} {
- global wrap wrap1 quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- $self setTopo
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $ns_ color 1 Red
- $ns_ color 2 Green
- $ns_ color 3 Blue
- $ns_ color 4 Yellow
- set fid 1
- # Set up TCP connection
- if {$tcptype == "rtt-jacobson" || $tcptype == "rtt-rfc793"} {
- $self instvar trace_
- set trace_(rtt) [open "rtt.tr" w]
- set trace_(rto) [open "rto.tr" w]
- if {$quiet == "false"} {
- puts ""
- puts " RTT Test."
- puts "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- puts " s1 1Mb"
- puts " \ - s1 implements RFC793 estimation or Jacobson's"
- puts " 1MB \ 0.5Mb - s1 tx to k; at 1.5 both s2 and s3 tx big pkts for 1sec;"
- puts " s2--r-------k - nobody performs slowstart."
- puts " / - The queue in r grows fast and so does the RTT seen by s1."
- puts " /1Mb RFC793 RTO estimation can't adapt to the variance peak."
- puts " s3 When the situation becomes normal again, RFC793 estimates"
- puts " RTO too pessimistically."
- }
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/RFC793edu $node_(s1)
- TCPSink $node_(k1) 1]
- set tcp2 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/RFC793edu $node_(s2)
- TCPSink $node_(k1) 2]
- set tcp3 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/RFC793edu $node_(s3)
- TCPSink $node_(k1) 3]
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- set ftp2 [$tcp2 attach-app FTP]
- set ftp3 [$tcp3 attach-app FTP]
- $tcp1 set window_ 50
- $tcp2 set packetSize_ 2000
- $tcp3 set packetSize_ 2000
- if {$tcptype == "rtt-jacobson"} {
- $tcp1 set add793jacobsonrtt_ true
- }
- $ns_ at 0.0 "$self plotrto $tcp1 0.25"
- $ns_ at 0.5 "$ftp1 start"
- $ns_ at 1.5 "$ftp2 start"
- $ns_ at 1.5 "$ftp3 start"
- $ns_ at 2.5 "$ftp2 stop"
- $ns_ at 2.5 "$ftp3 stop"
- ##$self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace 20.0 $testName_]
- $ns_ at 20.0 "$self cleanupAll $testName_"
- }
- ################################## seqno-{fastrtx, nofastrtx}
- if {$tcptype == "seqno-fastrtx" || $tcptype == "seqno-nofastrtx" } {
- if {$quiet == "false"} {
- puts ""
- puts " Fast Retransmit"
- puts "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- puts " 10Mb - r1: Tahoe with/without fastrtx"
- puts " s1----r1----k1 - r1 tx to k1"
- puts " 10ms - pkt 60 is dropped"
- puts ""
- puts "Without fast rtx., the source runs out of window and has to wait for a"
- puts "timeout to force the retransmission of the lost packet and the associated"
- puts "acknowledgement to open the window again."
- }
- $self instvar trace_
- set trace_(seqn) [open "seqn.tr" w]
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/RFC793edu $node_(r1)
- TCPSink $node_(k1) 1]
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- #$tcp1 set window_ 40
- if {$tcptype == "seqno-fastrtx"} {$tcp1 set add793fastrtx_ true}
- $tcp1 set add793expbackoff_ true
- $tcp1 set add793karnrtt_ true
- $tcp1 set add793jacobsonrtt_ true
- $tcp1 set add793slowstart_ true
- $ns_ at 0.5 "$ftp1 produce 100000"
- #$self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace 1.25 $testName_]
- $ns_ at 1.25 "$self cleanupAll $testName_"
- }
- ################################## rto-{karn, nokarn}
- if {$tcptype == "rto-karn" || $tcptype == "rto-nokarn" } {
- $self instvar trace_
- set trace_(srtt) [open "srtt.tr" w]
- if {$quiet == "false"} {
- puts ""
- puts "Karn Algorithm --- (Karn's RTT sampling + RTO Exponential Binary Backoff)"
- puts "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- puts " 1Mb 0.9Mb - s1 is a Tahoe source, (nokarn: without Karn's A.)"
- puts " s1----r1----k1 - s1 tx; ack does not arrive, so s1 rtx;"
- puts " ^^ if using karn, it will space exponentially"
- puts " delay 10s!! the retx"
- puts " - a packet will be rtx around t=18s; ack for the"
- puts " first pkt sent arrives at t=20s; if Karn's"
- puts " is not used, then we the RTT estimation is 2s!!"
- }
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/RFC793edu $node_(s1)
- TCPSink $node_(k1) 1]
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- $tcp1 set window_ 28
- if {$tcptype == "rto-karn"} {
- $tcp1 set add793karnrtt_ true
- $tcp1 set add793expbackoff_ true
- } else {
- $tcp1 set add793karnrtt_ false
- $tcp1 set add793expbackoff_ false
- }
- $tcp1 set add793fastrtx_ true
- $tcp1 set add793jacobsonrtt_ false
- $tcp1 set add793slowstart_ true
- $ns_ at 0.0 "$self plotsrtt $tcp1 0.25"
- $ns_ at 0.5 "$ftp1 produce 100000"
- #$self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace 50.0 $testName_]
- $ns_ at 50.0 "$self cleanupAll $testName_"
- }
- ################################## jacobson88-noss
- if {$tcptype == "jacobson88-noss" || $tcptype == "jacobson88-ss" } {
- if {$quiet == "false"} {
- puts ""
- puts "Congestion avoidance and control"
- puts "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- puts ""
- puts " s1---r1---n1---n2---n3---n4---n5---n6---n7---n8---r2---d1"
- puts " ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^"
- puts " (10Mb,2ms) (256Kb,10ms) all these links (10Mb,2ms)"
- puts ""
- puts "Experiment based on Jacobson's SIGCOMM'88 paper:"
- puts "- s1 uses a 32 pkt's tx. window and Karn's algorithm"
- puts "- s1 performs slow-start (ss) or not (noss)"
- puts "- r1 has capacity for 30 packets only"
- puts "- the 8 hops have capacity for a complete window, but r1 not"
- puts ""
- }
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/RFC793edu $node_(s1)
- TCPSink $node_(d1) 1]
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- $tcp1 set window_ 32
- $tcp1 set packetSize_ 512
- $tcp1 set add793karnrtt_ true
- $tcp1 set add793expbackoff_ true
- if {$tcptype == "jacobson88-ss"} {
- $tcp1 set add793slowstart_ true
- }
- $ns_ at 0.0 "$ftp1 start"
- #$self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace 10.0 $testName_]
- $ns_ at 10.0 "$self cleanupAll $testName_"
- }
- #$self tcpDump $tcp1 1.0
- $ns_ run
- }
- TestSuite instproc plotseqn { tcp interval} {
- $self instvar trace_ ns_
- set now [$ns_ now]
- puts $trace_(seqn) "$now [$tcp set seqno_]"
- $ns_ at [expr $now+$interval] "$self plotseqn $tcp $interval"
- }
- TestSuite instproc plotrto { tcp interval} {
- $self instvar trace_ ns_
- set now [$ns_ now]
- puts $trace_(rto) "$now [expr [$tcp set tcpTick_] *[$tcp set rto_]]"
- puts $trace_(rtt) "$now [expr [$tcp set tcpTick_] *[$tcp set rtt_]]"
- $ns_ at [expr $now+$interval] "$self plotrto $tcp $interval"
- }
- TestSuite instproc plotsrtt { tcp interval} {
- $self instvar trace_ ns_
- set now [$ns_ now]
- puts $trace_(srtt) "$now [expr [$tcp set tcpTick_] * ( [$tcp set srtt_] >> [$tcp set T_SRTT_BITS])]"
- $ns_ at [expr $now+$interval] "$self plotsrtt $tcp $interval"
- }
- # Definition of test-suite tests
- ########## Jacobson/RFC793 RTT
- Class Test/rtt-jacobson -superclass TestSuite
- Test/rtt-jacobson instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net5
- set test_ rtt-jacobson
- set guide_ "Van Jacobson RTO estimation."
- $self next
- }
- Test/rtt-jacobson instproc run {} {
- $self setup rtt-jacobson {}
- }
- Class Test/rtt-rfc793 -superclass TestSuite
- Test/rtt-rfc793 instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net5
- set test_ rtt-rfc793
- set guide_ "RFC 793 RTO estimation."
- $self next
- }
- Test/rtt-rfc793 instproc run {} {
- $self setup rtt-rfc793 {}
- }
- ########## Arrival rate with/without fast rtx
- Class Test/seqno-nofastrtx -superclass TestSuite
- Test/seqno-nofastrtx instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net6
- set test_ seqno-nofastrtx
- set guide_ "Without Fast Retransmit."
- $self next
- }
- Test/seqno-nofastrtx instproc run {} {
- $self setup seqno-nofastrtx {}
- }
- Class Test/seqno-fastrtx -superclass TestSuite
- Test/seqno-fastrtx instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net6
- set test_ seqno-fastrtx
- set guide_ "With Fast Retransmit."
- $self next
- }
- Test/seqno-fastrtx instproc run {} {
- $self setup seqno-fastrtx {}
- }
- #### Karn Algorithm (RTT sampling + exp. backoff)
- Class Test/rto-karn -superclass TestSuite
- Test/rto-karn instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net7
- set test_ rto-karn
- set guide_ "With Karn's RTT Sampling and Exponential Backoff."
- $self next
- }
- Test/rto-karn instproc run {} {
- $self setup rto-karn {}
- }
- Class Test/rto-nokarn -superclass TestSuite
- Test/rto-nokarn instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net7
- set test_ rto-nokarn
- set guide_ "Without Karn's RTT Sampling and Exponential Backoff."
- Agent/TCP set bugfix_ss_ 0
- $self next
- }
- Test/rto-nokarn instproc run {} {
- $self setup rto-nokarn {}
- }
- ########## Jacobson's SIGCOMM' 88
- Class Test/jacobson88-noss -superclass TestSuite
- Test/jacobson88-noss instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net8
- set test_ jacobson88-noss
- set guide_ "Without Slow-Start."
- $self next
- }
- Test/jacobson88-noss instproc run {} {
- $self setup jacobson88-noss {}
- }
- Class Test/jacobson88-ss -superclass TestSuite
- Test/jacobson88-ss instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net8
- set test_ jacobson88-ss
- set guide_ "With Slow-Start."
- $self next
- }
- Test/jacobson88-ss instproc run {} {
- $self setup jacobson88-ss {}
- }
- ###
- TestSuite runTest