- # csh temp.rands temp1.rands temp2.rands testname
- set filename=$1
- set filename2=$2
- set filename4=$3
- set filename3=$4
- set first='"packets'
- set second='"skip-1'
- cp dummy ecn
- rm -f drops ecn packets acks
- awk '{if ($1~/'$first'/) yes=1; if ($1~/'$second'/) yes=0;
- if(yes==1&&NF==2){print $1, $2*100;}}' $filename > packets
- set first='"ecn_packets'
- awk '{if ($1~/'$first'/) yes=1;
- if(yes==1&&NF==2){print $1, $2*100;}}' $filename > ecn
- set first='"drops'
- awk '{if ($1~/'$first'/) yes=1;
- if(yes==1&&NF==2){print $1, $2*100;}}' $filename > drops
- #
- set first='"drops'
- awk '{if ($1~/'$first'/) yes=1;
- if(yes==1&&NF==2){print $1, $2*100;}}' $filename4 >> drops
- set first='"ecn_packets'
- awk '{if ($1~/'$first'/) yes=1;
- if(yes==1&&NF==2){print $1, $2*100;}}' $filename4 >> ecn
- #
- set first='"acks'
- set second='"drops'
- awk '{if ($1~/'$first'/) yes=1; if ($1~/'$second'/) yes=0;
- if(yes==1&&NF==2){print $1, $2*100;}}' $filename2 > acks
- #
- gnuplot << !
- ##set yrange [-1:8]
- ##set xrange [-0.2:3]
- set xrange [-0.2:5]
- set terminal postscript eps
- set xlabel "Time"
- set ylabel "Packet"
- set title "$filename3"
- set output "$"
- set key left
- # set size 0.6,0.8
- set size 1.0,0.8
- ##plot "packets" with points pt 5 ps 0.8, "drops" with points pt 2 ps 2, "acks" with points pt 1 ps 1, "ecn" with points pt 3 ps 2
- plot "packets" with points pt 5 ps 0.5, "acks" with points pt 1 ps 1
- !