Visual C++
- # This test suite is for validating scheduler simultaneous event ordering in ns
- #
- # To run all tests: test-all-scheduler
- #
- # To run individual tests:
- # ns test-suite-scheduler.tcl List
- # ns test-suite-scheduler.tcl Calendar
- # ns test-suite scheduler.tcl Heap
- #
- # To view a list of available tests to run with this script:
- # ns test-suite-scheduler.tcl
- #
- remove-all-packet-headers ; # removes all except common
- add-packet-header Flags IP TCP ; # hdrs reqd for validation test
- # What does this simple test do?
- # - it schedules $TIMES batches of events. Each batch contains $SIMUL events,
- # all of which will occur at the same time. All events are permuted and
- # scheduled in a random order. The output should be a list of integers
- # from 1 to ($TIMES*$SIMUL) in increasing order.
- # - if the output differs it exits with status 1, otherwise it exits with status 0.
- proc comp {a b} {
- set a1 [lindex $a 0]
- set b1 [lindex $b 0]
- if {$a1 > $b1} {
- return 1
- }
- return 0
- }
- Class TestSuite
- TestSuite instproc init { quiet } {
- $self instvar ns_ rng_ N_ quiet_
- set ns_ [new Simulator]
- set rng_ [new RNG]
- set N_ 0
- set quiet_ $quiet
- }
- TestSuite instproc run { scheduler } {
- $self instvar ns_ rng_ N_
- if { [catch "$ns_ use-scheduler $scheduler"] } {
- puts "*** WARNING: scheduler Scheduler/$scheduler is not supported, test was not run"
- exit 0
- }
- set TIMES 20 ;# $TIMES different times for events
- set SIMUL 50 ;# each occurs $SIMUL times
- set TIMEMIN 0 ;# random events are taken from [TIMEMIN, TIMEMAX]
- set TIMEMAX 5
- # generate random event timings and put them in increasing order by time to occur
- for {set i 0 } { $i < $TIMES } { incr i } {
- lappend timings [list [$rng_ uniform $TIMEMIN $TIMEMAX] $i $SIMUL]
- }
- set stimings [lsort -command "comp" $timings]
- for {set i 0 } { $i < $TIMES } { incr i } {
- set e [lindex $stimings $i]
- set idx [lsearch $timings $e]
- set timings [lreplace $timings $idx $idx [lappend e $i]]
- }
- while 1 {
- # pull out timings in random order
- set i [expr int([$rng_ uniform 0 [llength $timings]])]
- set e [lindex $timings $i]
- set order [lindex $e 3]
- set left [lindex $e 2]
- set label [expr $SIMUL - $left + 1 + $order*$SIMUL]
- $ns_ at [lindex $e 0] "$self assert $label"
- incr left -1
- if {$left==0} {
- set timings [lreplace $timings $i $i]
- if {$timings == ""} break
- } else {
- set e [lreplace $e 2 2 $left]
- set timings [lreplace $timings $i $i $e]
- }
- }
- $ns_ run
- exit 0
- }
- TestSuite instproc assert { n } {
- $self instvar N_ quiet_
- if { $quiet_ != "QUIET" } {
- puts $n
- }
- if [expr $n != $N_ + 1 ] {
- exit 1
- }
- set N_ $n
- }
- TestSuite proc usage {} {
- global argv0
- puts stderr "usage: ns $argv0 <scheduler> [quiet]"
- exit 1
- }
- global argc argv
- set quiet ""
- if { $argc == 2 } {
- set quiet [lindex $argv 1]
- if { $quiet != "QUIET" && $quiet != "quiet" } {
- TestSuite usage
- }
- set quiet "QUIET"
- }
- if { $argc > 0 && $argc < 3 } {
- set scheduler [lindex $argv 0]
- } else {
- TestSuite usage
- }
- set test [new TestSuite $quiet]
- $test run $scheduler