- Four new tests illustrate and validate the new "gentle_"
- parameter added to RED. These tests can be run with the
- following commands:
- ../../ns test-suite-red.tcl ungentle
- ../../ns test-suite-red.tcl gentle
- ../../ns test-suite-red.tcl ungentleBadParams
- ../../ns test-suite-red.tcl gentleBadParams
- The "gentle_" parameter implements a suggestion from
- an October 1997 email on "Optimum functions for computing the drop
- probability" available from "http://www.aciri.org/floyd/REDfunc.txt".
- From the ns man page on "gentle_":
- Set to true to increase the packet drop rate slowly from max_p to
- 1 as the average queue size ranges from maxthresh to twice maxthresh.
- The default is set to false, and max_p increases abruptly from
- max_p to 1 when the average queue size exceeds maxthresh.
- The first two tests compare the behavior of RED with "gentle_"
- set to false, and to true, with the default RED parameters.
- There is very little difference between the two tests.
- The next two tests compare the behavior of RED with "gentle_"
- set to false, and to true, with a less-optimal setting of
- the RED parameters. (E.g., with "max_p" set to 0.02 instead of
- to 0.1.) These two tests show that with "gentle_" set to true,
- RED gives more robust performance with less-optimal settings of
- the RED parameters.
- I will try to add other proposed RED modifications to the
- NS distribution as my spare time permits...