- #
- # Copyright (c) 2004-2006 University of Southern California.
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- # provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- # duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising
- # materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use
- # acknowledge that the software was developed by the University of
- # Southern California, Information Sciences Institute. The name of the
- # University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- # this software without specific prior written permission.
- #
- #
- # To run all tests: test-all-xcp
- # to run individual test:
- # ns test-suite-xcp.tcl simple-xcp
- # ns test-suite-xcp.tcl simple-full-xcp
- # To view a list of available test to run with this script:
- # ns test-suite-xcp.tcl
- # This test-suite validate xcp congestion control scenarios along with
- # xcp-tcp mixed flows through routers.
- remove-all-packet-headers ; # removes all except common
- add-packet-header Flags IP TCP XCP ; # hdrs reqd for validation
- set fullxcp 1
- set halfxcp 1
- set validtests ""
- if {![TclObject is-class Agent/TCP/Reno/XCP]} {
- puts "xcp (half) module is not present; validation skipped"
- set halfxcp 0
- } else {
- set validtests "simple-xcp $validtests"
- }
- if {![TclObject is-class Agent/TCP/FullTcp/Newreno/XCP]} {
- puts "xcp (full) module is not present; validation skipped"
- set fullxcp 0
- if { $halfxcp == 0 } {
- exit 0; #will skip entire suite
- }
- } else {
- set validtests "$validtests simple-full-xcp"
- # The following tests aren't validated because
- # xcp-tcp isn't really testing anything useful and
- # parking-lot-topo utilization plot is useless
- #set validtests "$validtests xcp-tcp parking-lot-topo"
- }
- Class TestSuite
- proc usage {} {
- global argv0 validtests
- puts stderr "usage: ns $argv0 <tests> "
- puts "Valid Tests: $validtests"
- exit 1
- }
- TestSuite instproc init {} {
- $self instvar ns_ rtg_ tracefd_ qType_ qSize_ BW_ delay_
- tracedFlows_
- set ns_ [new Simulator]
- $ns_ use-scheduler Heap
- set rtg_ [new RNG]
- $rtg_ seed 472904
- }
- TestSuite instproc create-Bottleneck {} {
- global R0 R1 Bottleneck rBottleneck l rl all_links
- $self instvar ns_ qType_ qSize_ BW_ delay_
- # create bottleneck nodes
- set R0 [$ns_ node]
- set R1 [$ns_ node]
- $ns_ duplex-link $R0 $R1 [set BW_]Mb [set delay_]ms $qType_
- $ns_ queue-limit $R0 $R1 $qSize_
- $ns_ queue-limit $R1 $R0 $qSize_
- # Give a global handle to the Bottleneck Queue to allow
- # setting the RED paramters
- set Bottleneck [[$ns_ link $R0 $R1] queue]
- set rBottleneck [[$ns_ link $R1 $R0] queue]
- set l [$ns_ link $R0 $R1]
- set rl [$ns_ link $R1 $R0]
- set all_links "$l $rl "
- }
- TestSuite instproc create-sidelinks {numSideLinks deltaDelay} {
- global R0 R1 all_links n
- $self instvar ns_ BW_ delay_ qSize_ qType_
- set i 0
- while { $i < $numSideLinks } {
- set n($i) [$ns_ node]
- $ns_ duplex-link $n($i) $R0 [set BW_]Mb [expr $delay_ + $i * $deltaDelay]ms $qType_
- $ns_ queue-limit $n($i) $R0 $qSize_
- $ns_ queue-limit $R0 $n($i) $qSize_
- set q$i [[$ns_ link $n($i) $R0] queue]
- set rq$i [[$ns_ link $R0 $n($i)] queue]
- set l$i [$ns_ link $n($i) $R0]
- set rl$i [$ns_ link $R0 $n($i)]
- set all_links "$all_links [set l$i] [set rl$i] "
- incr i
- }
- }
- TestSuite instproc create-string-topology {numHops BW_list d_list qtype_list qsize_list } {
- $self instvar ns_
- global quiet n all_links
- set numNodes [expr $numHops + 1 ]
- # first sanity check
- if { [llength $BW_list] != [llength $d_list] || [llength $qtype_list] != [llength $qsize_list]} {
- error "Args sizes don't match with $numHops hops"
- if { [llength $BW_list] != $numHops || $numHops != [llength $qsize_list]} {
- puts "error in using proc create-string-topology"
- error "Args sizes don't match with $numHops hops"
- }
- }
- # compute the pipe assuming delays are in msec and BWs are in Mbits
- set i 0; set forwarddelay 0; global minBW; set minBW [lindex $BW_list 0];
- while { $i < $numHops } {
- set forwarddelay [expr $forwarddelay + [lindex $d_list $i]]
- if {$minBW > [lindex $BW_list $i] } { set $minBW [lindex $BW_list $i] }
- incr i
- }
- # pipe in bytes,assuming pktsize as 1000bytes,BW in Mbps,delay in ms
- set pipe [expr round([expr ($minBW * 2.0 * $forwarddelay)/8.0 ])]
- set i 0
- while { $i < $numNodes } {
- set n($i) [$ns_ node]
- incr i
- }
- set all_links ""
- set i 0
- while { $i < $numHops } {
- set qsize [lindex $qsize_list $i]
- set bw [lindex $BW_list $i]
- set delay [lindex $d_list $i]
- set qtype [lindex $qtype_list $i]
- if {$quiet == 0} {
- puts "$i bandwidth $bw"
- }
- if {$qsize == 0} { set qsize $pipe}
- $ns_ duplex-link [set n($i)] [set n([expr $i +1])] [set bw]Mb [set delay]ms $qtype
- $ns_ queue-limit [set n($i)] [set n([expr $i + 1])] $qsize
- $ns_ queue-limit [set n([expr $i + 1])] [set n($i)] $qsize
- # Give a global handle to the Queues to allow setting the RED paramters
- set l$i [$ns_ link [set n($i)] [set n([expr $i + 1])]]
- set rl$i [$ns_ link [set n([expr $i + 1])] [set n($i)]]
- set all_links "$all_links [set l$i] [set rl$i] "
- global q$i rq$i
- set q$i [[$ns_ link [set n($i)] [set n([expr $i + 1])]] queue]
- set rq$i [[$ns_ link [set n([expr $i + 1])] [set n($i)]] queue]
- incr i
- }
- }
- TestSuite instproc process-parking-lot-data {what name flows PlotTime} {
- global quiet
- set tracedFlows $flows
- exec rm -f temp.rands
- set f [open temp.rands w]
- foreach i $tracedFlows {
- exec rm -f temp.c temp.out
- exec touch temp.c temp.out
- set result [exec awk -v PlotTime=$PlotTime -v what=$what {
- {
- if (($1 == what) && ($2 > PlotTime)) {
- print $2, $3 >> "temp.c";
- }
- }
- } ft_red_q$i.tr ]
- exec awk -v L=$i
- {BEGIN {sum=0.0; f=0;} {sum=sum+$2;f=f+1}
- END {printf("%d %.2gn", L+1, sum/f);} }
- "temp.c" >> "temp.out"
- exec cat temp.out >@ $f
- flush $f
- }
- close $f
- if {$quiet == 0} {
- exec xgraph -m -x "link ID" -y $name temp.rands &
- }
- }
- TestSuite instproc post-process {what PlotTime} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar tracedFlows_ src_
- exec rm -f temp.rands
- set f [open temp.rands w]
- foreach i $tracedFlows_ {
- exec rm -f temp.c
- exec touch temp.c
- set result [exec awk -v PlotTime=$PlotTime -v what=$what {
- {
- if (($6 == what) && ($1 > PlotTime)) {
- if ((what == "throughput"))
- print $1, ($7 * 8) >> "temp.c";
- else
- print $1, $7 >> "temp.c";
- }
- }
- } xcp$i.tr ]
- puts $f "$what$i
- exec cat temp.c >@ $f
- puts $f "n"
- flush $f
- }
- close $f
- if {$quiet == 0} {
- exec xgraph -nl -m -x time -y $what temp.rands &
- }
- }
- TestSuite instproc finish {} {
- $self instvar ns_ tracefd_ tracedFlows_ src_ qtraces_
- if [info exists tracedFlows_] {
- foreach i $tracedFlows_ {
- set file [[set src_($i)] set tcpTrace_]
- if {[info exists file]} {
- flush $file
- close $file
- }
- }
- }
- if {[info exists tracefd_]} {
- flush $tracefd_
- close $tracefd_
- }
- if {[info exists qtraces_]} {
- foreach file $qtraces_ {
- if {[info exists file]} {
- flush $file
- close $file
- }
- }
- }
- $ns_ halt
- }
- Class GeneralSender -superclass Agent
- # otherparams are "startTime TCPclass .."
- GeneralSender instproc init { ns id srcnode dstnode otherparams } {
- global quiet
- $self next
- $self instvar tcp_ id_ ftp_ snode_ dnode_ tcp_rcvr_ tcp_type_
- set id_ $id
- if { [llength $otherparams] > 1 } {
- set TCP [lindex $otherparams 1]
- } else {
- puts stderr "undefined transport protocol type"
- exit 1
- }
- switch -exact $TCP {
- TCP/FullTcp/Newreno/XCP {
- set TCPSINK "TCP/FullTcp/Newreno/XCP"
- }
- TCP/FullTcp/Newreno {
- set TCPSINK "TCP/FullTcp/Newreno"
- }
- TCP/Reno/XCP {
- set TCPSINK "TCPSink/XCPSink"
- }
- TCP/Reno {
- set TCPSINK "TCPSink"
- }
- default {
- puts stderr "unsupported protocol $TCP"
- exit 1
- }
- }
- if { [llength $otherparams] > 2 } {
- set traffic_type [lindex $otherparams 2]
- } else {
- set traffic_type FTP
- }
- set tcp_type_ $TCP
- set tcp_ [new Agent/$TCP]
- set tcp_rcvr_ [new Agent/$TCPSINK]
- $tcp_ set packetSize_ 1000
- $tcp_ set segsize_ 1000
- $tcp_ set class_ $id
- switch -exact $traffic_type {
- FTP {
- set traf_ [new Application/FTP]
- $traf_ attach-agent $tcp_
- }
- EXP {
- set traf_ [new Application/Traffic/Exponential]
- $traf_ set packetSize_ 1000
- $traf_ set burst_time_ 250ms
- $traf_ set idle_time_ 250ms
- $traf_ set rate_ 10Mb
- $traf_ attach-agent $tcp_
- }
- default {
- puts "unsupported trafficn"
- exit 1
- }
- }
- $ns attach-agent $srcnode $tcp_
- $ns attach-agent $dstnode $tcp_rcvr_
- $ns connect $tcp_ $tcp_rcvr_
- $tcp_rcvr_ listen;
- set startTime [lindex $otherparams 0]
- $ns at $startTime "$traf_ start"
- if {$quiet == 0} {
- puts "initialized Sender $id_ at $startTime"
- }
- }
- GeneralSender instproc trace-xcp parameters {
- $self instvar tcp_ id_ tcpTrace_
- set ftracetcp$id_ [open xcp$id_.tr w]
- set tcpTrace_ [set ftracetcp$id_]
- $tcp_ attach-trace $tcpTrace_
- if { -1 < [lsearch $parameters cwnd] } { $tcp_ tracevar cwnd_ }
- if { -1 < [lsearch $parameters seqno] } { $tcp_ tracevar t_seqno_ }
- if { -1 < [lsearch $parameters ackno] } { $tcp_ tracevar ack_ }
- if { -1 < [lsearch $parameters rtt] } { $tcp_ tracevar rtt_ }
- if { -1 < [lsearch $parameters ssthresh] } { $tcp_ tracevar ssthresh_ }
- if { -1 < [lsearch $parameters throughput] } { $tcp_ tracevar throughput_ }
- }
- Class Test/simple-xcp -superclass TestSuite
- Test/simple-xcp instproc init {} {
- global halfxcp
- if { $halfxcp == 0 } { exit 0 }
- $self instvar ns_ testName_ qType_ qSize_ BW_ delay_ nXCPs_
- SimStopTime_ tracedFlows_
- set testName_ simple-xcp
- set qType_ XCP
- set BW_ 20; # in Mb/s
- set delay_ 10; # in ms
- set qSize_ [expr round([expr ($BW_ / 8.0) * 4 * $delay_])];#set buffer to the pipe size
- set SimStopTime_ 30
- set nXCPs_ 3
- set tracedFlows_ "0 1 2"
- $self next
- }
- Test/simple-xcp instproc get-tcpType {} {
- return "TCP/Reno/XCP"
- }
- Test/simple-xcp instproc run {} {
- global R1 n all_links Bottleneck quiet
- $self instvar ns_ SimStopTime_ nXCPs_ qSize_ delay_ rtg_
- tracedFlows_ src_ allchan_
- set numsidelinks 3
- set deltadelay 0.0
- $self create-Bottleneck
- $self create-sidelinks $numsidelinks $deltadelay
- foreach link $all_links {
- set queue [$link queue]
- if {[$queue info class] == "Queue/XCP"} {
- $queue set-link-capacity [[$link set link_] set bandwidth_];
- }
- }
- # added for troubleshooting purposes - Sally
- if {$quiet == "false"} {
- set allchan_ [open all.tr w]
- $ns_ trace-all $allchan_
- }
- # Create sources:
- set i 0
- while { $i < $nXCPs_ } {
- set StartTime [expr $i * 10]
- set src_($i) [new GeneralSender $ns_ $i [set n($i)] $R1 "$StartTime [$self get-tcpType]"]
- set pktSize_ 1000
- [[set src_($i)] set tcp_] set packetSize_ $pktSize_
- [[set src_($i)] set tcp_] set segsize_ $pktSize_
- [[set src_($i)] set tcp_] set window_ [expr $qSize_]
- incr i
- }
- # trace bottleneck queue, if needed
- #foreach queue_name "Bottleneck" {
- #set queue [set "$queue_name"]
- #if {[$queue info class] == "Queue/XCP"} {
- # $queue attach $tracefd_
- # }
- #}
- # trace sources
- foreach i $tracedFlows_ {
- #[set src_($i)] trace-xcp "cwnd"
- [set src_($i)] trace-xcp "throughput"
- }
- if {$quiet == "false"} {
- $ns_ at $SimStopTime_ "close $allchan_"
- }
- $ns_ at $SimStopTime_ "$self finish"
- $ns_ run
- #$self post-process cwnd_ 0.0
- $self post-process throughput 0.0
- }
- Class Test/simple-full-xcp -superclass Test/simple-xcp
- Test/simple-full-xcp instproc init {} {
- global fullxcp
- if { $fullxcp == 0 } { exit 0 }
- $self set testName_ simple-full-xcp
- $self next
- }
- Test/simple-full-xcp instproc get-tcpType {} {
- return "TCP/FullTcp/Newreno/XCP"
- }
- #disabled on 05/27/06
- Class Test/xcp-tcp -superclass TestSuite
- Test/xcp-tcp instproc init {} {
- global halfxcp
- if { $halfxcp == 0 } { exit 0 }
- $self instvar ns_ testName_ qType_ qSize_ BW_ delay_ nXCPs_
- SimStopTime_ tracedFlows_
- # set RED parameters for TCP queue
- Queue/RED set maxthresh_ [expr 0.8 * [Queue set limit_]]
- Queue/RED set thresh_ [expr 0.6 * [Queue set limit_]]
- Queue/RED set q_weight_ 0.001
- Queue/RED set linterm_ 10
- set testName_ xcp-tcp
- set qType_ XCP
- set BW_ 0; # in Mb/s
- set delay_ 10; # in ms
- set qSize_ [expr round([expr ($BW_ / 8.0) * 4 * $delay_])];#set buffer to the pipe size
- set SimStopTime_ 30
- set nXCPs_ 3
- set tracedFlows_ "0 1 2 3"
- $self next
- }
- Test/xcp-tcp instproc run {} {
- global R1 n all_links Bottleneck
- $self instvar ns_ tracefd_ SimStopTime_ nXCPs_ qSize_ delay_ rtg_
- tracedFlows_ src_
- Queue/XCP set tcp_xcp_on_ 1
- set numsidelinks 4
- set deltadelay 0.0
- $self create-Bottleneck
- $self create-sidelinks $numsidelinks $deltadelay
- foreach link $all_links {
- set queue [$link queue]
- if {[$queue info class] == "Queue/XCP"} {
- $queue set-link-capacity [[$link set link_] set bandwidth_];
- }
- }
- # Create sources:
- set i 0
- while { $i < $nXCPs_ } {
- set StartTime [expr [$rtg_ integer 1000] * 0.001 * (0.01 * $delay_) + $i * 0.0]
- set src_($i) [new GeneralSender $ns_ $i [set n($i)] $R1 "$StartTime TCP/Reno/XCP"]
- set pktSize_ 1000
- [[set src_($i)] set tcp_] set packetSize_ $pktSize_
- [[set src_($i)] set tcp_] set window_ [expr $qSize_ * 10]
- incr i
- }
- set StartTime [expr [$rtg_ integer 1000] * 0.001 * (0.01 * $delay_) + $i * 0.0]
- set src_($i) [new GeneralSender $ns_ $i [set n($i)] $R1 "$StartTime TCP/Reno"]
- set pktSize_ 1000
- [[set src_($i)] set tcp_] set packetSize_ $pktSize_
- [[set src_($i)] set tcp_] set window_ [expr $qSize_ * 10]
- # trace sources
- foreach i $tracedFlows_ {
- [set src_($i)] trace-xcp "cwnd"
- }
- $ns_ at $SimStopTime_ "$self finish"
- $ns_ run
- $self post-process cwnd_ 0.0
- }
- #disabled on 05/27/06
- Class Test/parking-lot-topo -superclass TestSuite
- # This is a downsized version of Dina's original test. We use around 30 flows
- # compared to 300 flows in the original version.
- Test/parking-lot-topo instproc init {} {
- global halfxcp
- if { $halfxcp == 0 } { exit 0 }
- $self instvar ns_ testName_ delay_ BW_list_ qType_list_ delay_list_ qSize_list_ nTCPsPerHop_list_ rTCPs_ nAllHopsTCPs_ qEffective_RTT_ numHops_ SimStopTime_ qSize_
- set testName_ parking-lot-topo
- set qType_ XCP
- set BW_ 30; #in Mb/s
- set BBW_ [expr $BW_ / 2.0] ; #BW of bottleneck
- set delay_ 10; #in ms
- set qSize_ [expr round([expr ($BW_ / 8.0) * 2.0 * $delay_ * 4.5])];
- set SimStopTime_ 20
- set qEffective_RTT_ [expr 20 * $delay_ * 0.001]
- set nAllHopsTCPs_ 10
- set numHops_ 9
- set BW_list_ " $BW_ $BW_ $BBW_ $BW_ $BW_ $BW_ $BW_ $BW_ $BW_"
- set qType_list_ " $qType_ $qType_ $qType_ $qType_ $qType_ $qType_ $qType_ $qType_ $qType_"
- set delay_list_ "$delay_ $delay_ $delay_ $delay_ $delay_ $delay_ $delay_ $delay_ $delay_"
- set qSize_list_ "$qSize_ $qSize_ $qSize_ $qSize_ $qSize_ $qSize_ $qSize_ $qSize_ $qSize_"
- set nTCPsPerHop_list_ "1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1"
- set rTCPs_ 1; #traverse all of the reverse path
- $self next
- }
- Test/parking-lot-topo instproc run {} {
- $self instvar ns_ rtg_ numHops_ BW_list_ qType_list_ delay_ delay_list_ qSize_list_ nTCPsPerHop_list_ rTCPs_ nAllHopsTCPs_ qtraces_ qEffective_RTT_ SimStopTime_ qSize_
- global n all_links
- #all except the first are lists
- $self create-string-topology $numHops_ $BW_list_ $delay_list_ $qType_list_ $qSize_list_;
- #set BW for xcp queue
- foreach link $all_links {
- set queue [$link queue]
- if {[$queue info class] == "Queue/XCP"} {
- $queue set-link-capacity [[$link set link_] set bandwidth_];
- }
- }
- #Create sources: 1) Long TCPs
- set i 0
- while { $i < $nAllHopsTCPs_ } {
- set StartTime [expr [$rtg_ integer 1000] * 0.001 * (0.01 * $numHops_ * $delay_)]
- set src_($i) [new GeneralSender $ns_ $i $n(0) [set n($numHops_)] "$StartTime TCP/Reno/XCP"]
- [[set src_($i)] set tcp_] set window_ [expr $qSize_ * 10]
- incr i
- }
- #2) jth Hop TCPs; start at j*1000
- set i 0;
- while {$i < $numHops_} {
- set j [expr (1000 * $i) + 1000 ];
- while { $j < [expr [lindex $nTCPsPerHop_list_ $i] + ($i + 1) * 1000] } {
- set StartTime [expr [$rtg_ integer 1000] * 0.001 * (0.01 * $numHops_ * $delay_)]
- set src_($j) [new GeneralSender $ns_ $j [set n($i)] [set n([expr $i+1])] "$StartTime TCP/Reno/XCP"]
- [[set src_($j)] set tcp_] set window_ [expr $qSize_ * 10]
- incr j
- }
- incr i }
- #3) reverse TCP; ids follow directly allhops TCPs
- set i 0
- while {$i < $numHops_} {
- set l 0
- while { $l < $rTCPs_} {
- set s [expr $l + $nAllHopsTCPs_ + ( $i * $rTCPs_ ) ]
- set StartTime [expr [$rtg_ integer 1000] * 0.001 * (0.01 * $numHops_ * $delay_)+ 0.0]
- set src_($s) [new GeneralSender $ns_ $s [set n([expr $i + 1])] [set n($i)] "$StartTime TCP/Reno/XCP"]
- [[set src_($s)] set tcp_] set window_ [expr $qSize_ * 10]
- incr l
- }
- incr i
- }
- #Trace Queues
- set i 0;
- while { $i < $numHops_ } {
- set qtype [lindex $qType_list_ $i]
- global q$i rq$i
- foreach queue_name "q$i rq$i" {
- set queue [set "$queue_name"]
- switch $qtype {
- "XCP" {
- set qtrace [open ft_red_[set queue_name].tr w]
- $queue attach $qtrace
- lappend qtraces_ $qtrace
- }
- }
- }
- #sample parameters at queue at a given time interval of qeffective_RTT
- foreach queue_name "q$i" {
- set queue [set "$queue_name"]
- $queue queue-sample-everyrtt $qEffective_RTT_
- }
- incr i
- }
- $ns_ at $SimStopTime_ "$self finish"
- $ns_ run
- set flows "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8"
- #use utilization as validation output
- $self process-parking-lot-data "u" "Utilization" $flows 0.0
- #$self process-parking-lot-data "q" "Average Queue" $flows 0.0
- }
- proc runtest {arg} {
- global quiet
- set quiet 0
- set b [llength $arg]
- if {$b == 1} {
- set test $arg
- } elseif {$b == 2} {
- set test [lindex $arg 0]
- if {[lindex $arg 1] == "QUIET"} {
- set quiet 1
- }
- } else {
- usage
- }
- set t [new Test/$test]
- $t run
- }
- global argv arg0
- runtest $argv