- #
- # Copyright (c) 1995 The Regents of the University of California.
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- # are met:
- # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
- # must display the following acknowledgement:
- # This product includes software developed by the Computer Systems
- # Engineering Group at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
- # 4. Neither the name of the University nor of the Laboratory may be used
- # to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
- # specific prior written permission.
- #
- #
- # @(#) $Header: /cvsroot/nsnam/ns-2/tcl/test/test-suite-simple.tcl,v 1.44 2006/01/25 22:02:05 sallyfloyd Exp $
- #
- #
- # This test suite reproduces most of the tests from the following note:
- # Floyd, S., Simulator Tests. July 1995.
- # URL ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/papers/simtests.ps.Z.
- #
- # To run all tests: test-all
- #
- # To run individual tests:
- # ns test-suite.tcl tahoe1
- # ns test-suite.tcl tahoe2
- # ...
- #
- # To view a list of available tests to run with this script:
- # ns test-suite.tcl
- #
- # Much more extensive test scripts are available in tcl/test
- # This script is a simplified version of tcl/test/test-suite-routed.tcl
- # ns-random 0
- #source misc_simple.tcl
- #source support.tcl
- remove-all-packet-headers ; # removes all except common
- add-packet-header Flags IP TCP TFRC TFRC_ACK ; # hdrs reqd for TCP
- Agent/TCP set rtxcur_init_ 6.0 ; # Default changed on 2006/01/21
- Agent/TCP set updated_rttvar_ false ; # Variable added on 2006/1/21
- Agent/TFRC set ss_changes_ 1 ; # Added on 10/21/2004
- Agent/TFRC set slow_increase_ 1 ; # Added on 10/20/2004
- Agent/TFRC set rate_init_ 2 ; # Added on 10/20/2004
- Agent/TFRC set rate_init_option_ 2 ; # Added on 10/20/2004
- Agent/TFRC set useHeaders_ false ; # Added on 6/24/2004, default of true
- Agent/TFRC set headersize_ 40 ; # Changed on 6/24/2004 to 32.
- Agent/TCP set minrto_ 1
- # default changed on 10/14/2004.
- Queue/RED set bytes_ false
- # default changed on 10/11/2004.
- Queue/RED set queue_in_bytes_ false
- # default changed on 10/11/2004.
- Queue/RED set q_weight_ 0.002
- Queue/RED set thresh_ 5
- Queue/RED set maxthresh_ 15
- # The RED parameter defaults are being changed for automatic configuration.
- Agent/TCP set useHeaders_ false
- # The default is being changed to useHeaders_ true.
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 0
- # The default is being changed to 1
- set tcpTick_ 0.1
- Agent/TCP set tcpTick_ $tcpTick_
- # The default for tcpTick_ is being changed to reflect a changing reality.
- Agent/TCP set rfc2988_ false
- # The default for rfc2988_ is being changed to true.
- Class TestSuite
- TestSuite instproc init {} {
- $self instvar ns_ net_ defNet_ test_ topo_ node_ testName_
- set ns_ [new Simulator]
- # trace-all is only used in more extensive test suites
- # $ns_ trace-all [open all.tr w]
- if {$net_ == ""} {
- set net_ $defNet_
- }
- if ![Topology/$defNet_ info subclass Topology/$net_] {
- global argv0
- puts "$argv0: cannot run test $test_ over topology $net_"
- exit 1
- }
- set topo_ [new Topology/$net_ $ns_]
- foreach i [$topo_ array names node_] {
- # This would be cool, but lets try to be compatible
- # with test-suite.tcl as far as possible.
- #
- # $self instvar $i
- # set $i [$topo_ node? $i]
- #
- set node_($i) [$topo_ node? $i]
- }
- if {$net_ == $defNet_} {
- set testName_ "$test_"
- } else {
- set testName_ "$test_:$net_"
- }
- # XXX
- if [info exists node_(k1)] {
- set blink [$ns_ link $node_(r1) $node_(k1)]
- } else {
- set blink [$ns_ link $node_(r1) $node_(r2)]
- }
- $blink trace-dynamics $ns_ stdout
- }
- TestSuite instproc finish file {
- global env quiet PERL
- #
- # we don't bother checking for the link we're interested in
- # since we know only such events are in our trace file
- #
- set perlCode {
- sub BEGIN { $c = 0; @p = @a = @d = @lu = @ld = (); }
- /^[+-] / && do {
- if ($F[4] eq 'tcp' || $F[4] eq 'tcpFriend') {
- push(@p, $F[1], ' ',
- $F[7] + ($F[10] % 90) * 0.01, "n");
- } elsif ($F[4] eq 'ack' || $F[4] eq 'tcpFriendCtl') {
- push(@a, $F[1], ' ',
- $F[7] + ($F[10] % 90) * 0.01, "n");
- }
- $c = $F[7] if ($c < $F[7]);
- next;
- };
- /^d / && do {
- push(@d, $F[1], ' ',
- $F[7] + ($F[10] % 90) * 0.01, "n");
- next;
- };
- /link-down/ && push(@ld, $F[1]);
- /link-up/ && push(@lu, $F[1]);
- sub END {
- print ""packetsn", @p, "n";
- # insert dummy data sets
- # so we get X's for marks in data-set 4
- print ""skip-1n0 1nn"skip-2n0 1nn";
- #
- # Repeat the first line twice in the drops file because
- # often we have only one drop and xgraph won't print
- # marks for data sets with only one point.
- #
- print "n", '"drops', "n", @d[0..3], @d;
- # To plot acks, uncomment the following line
- # print "n", '"acks', "n", @a;
- $c++;
- foreach $i (@ld) {
- print "n"link-downn$i 0n$i $cn";
- }
- foreach $i (@lu) {
- print "n"link-upn$i 0n$i $cn";
- }
- }
- }
- set f [open temp.rands w]
- puts $f "TitleText: $file"
- puts $f "Device: Postscript"
- exec $PERL -ane $perlCode out.tr >@ $f
- close $f
- if {$quiet == "false"} {
- if {[info exists env(DISPLAY)] && ![info exists env(NOXGRAPH)]} {
- exec xgraph -display $env(DISPLAY) -bb -tk -nl -m -x time -y packet temp.rands &
- } else {
- puts stderr "output trace is in temp.rands"
- }
- }
- exit 0
- }
- #
- # Arrange for tcp source stats to be dumped for $tcpSrc every
- # $interval seconds of simulation time
- #
- TestSuite instproc tcpDump { tcpSrc interval } {
- global quiet
- $self instvar dump_inst_ ns_
- if ![info exists dump_inst_($tcpSrc)] {
- set dump_inst_($tcpSrc) 1
- $ns_ at 0.0 "$self tcpDump $tcpSrc $interval"
- return
- }
- $ns_ at [expr [$ns_ now] + $interval] "$self tcpDump $tcpSrc $interval"
- set report [$ns_ now]/cwnd=[format "%.4f" [$tcpSrc set cwnd_]]/ssthresh=[$tcpSrc set ssthresh_]/ack=[$tcpSrc set ack_]
- if {$quiet == "false"} {
- puts $report
- }
- }
- TestSuite instproc tcpDumpAll { tcpSrc interval label } {
- $self instvar dump_inst_ ns_
- if ![info exists dump_inst_($tcpSrc)] {
- set dump_inst_($tcpSrc) 1
- puts $label/window=[$tcpSrc set window_]/packetSize=[$tcpSrc set packetSize_]/bugFix=[$tcpSrc set bugFix_]
- $ns_ at 0.0 "$self tcpDumpAll $tcpSrc $interval $label"
- return
- }
- $ns_ at [expr [$ns_ now] + $interval] "$self tcpDumpAll $tcpSrc $interval $label"
- puts $label/time=[$ns_ now]/cwnd=[format "%.4f" [$tcpSrc set cwnd_]]/ssthresh=[$tcpSrc set ssthresh_]/ack=[$tcpSrc set ack_]/rtt=[$tcpSrc set rtt_]
- }
- TestSuite instproc openTrace { stopTime testName } {
- $self instvar ns_
- exec rm -f out.tr temp.rands
- set traceFile [open out.tr w]
- puts $traceFile "v testName $testName"
- $ns_ at $stopTime
- "close $traceFile ; $self finish $testName"
- return $traceFile
- }
- TestSuite instproc traceQueues { node traceFile } {
- $self instvar ns_
- foreach nbr [$node neighbors] {
- $ns_ trace-queue $node $nbr $traceFile
- [$ns_ link $node $nbr] trace-dynamics $ns_ $traceFile
- }
- }
- proc usage {} {
- global argv0
- puts stderr "usage: ns $argv0 <tests> [<topologies>]"
- puts stderr "Valid tests are:t[get-subclasses TestSuite Test/]"
- puts stderr "Valid Topologies are:t[get-subclasses SkelTopology Topology/]"
- exit 1
- }
- proc isProc? {cls prc} {
- if [catch "Object info subclass $cls/$prc" r] {
- global argv0
- puts stderr "$argv0: no such $cls: $prc"
- usage
- }
- }
- proc get-subclasses {cls pfx} {
- set ret ""
- set l [string length $pfx]
- set c $cls
- while {[llength $c] > 0} {
- set t [lindex $c 0]
- set c [lrange $c 1 end]
- if [string match ${pfx}* $t] {
- lappend ret [string range $t $l end]
- }
- eval lappend c [$t info subclass]
- }
- set ret
- }
- TestSuite proc runTest {} {
- global argc argv quiet
- set quiet false
- switch $argc {
- 1 {
- set test $argv
- isProc? Test $test
- set topo ""
- }
- 2 {
- set test [lindex $argv 0]
- isProc? Test $test
- set topo [lindex $argv 1]
- if {$topo == "QUIET"} {
- set quiet true
- set topo ""
- } else {
- isProc? Topology $topo
- }
- }
- 3 {
- set test [lindex $argv 0]
- isProc? Test $test
- set topo [lindex $argv 1]
- isProc? Topology $topo
- set extra [lindex $argv 2]
- if {$extra == "QUIET"} {
- set quiet true
- }
- }
- default {
- usage
- }
- }
- set t [new Test/$test $topo]
- $t run
- }
- # Skeleton topology base class
- Class SkelTopology
- SkelTopology instproc init {} {
- $self next
- }
- SkelTopology instproc node? n {
- $self instvar node_
- if [info exists node_($n)] {
- set ret $node_($n)
- } else {
- set ret ""
- }
- set ret
- }
- SkelTopology instproc add-fallback-links {ns nodelist bw delay qtype args} {
- $self instvar node_
- set n1 [lindex $nodelist 0]
- foreach n2 [lrange $nodelist 1 end] {
- if ![info exists node_($n2)] {
- set node_($n2) [$ns node]
- }
- $ns duplex-link $node_($n1) $node_($n2) $bw $delay $qtype
- foreach opt $args {
- set cmd [lindex $opt 0]
- set val [lindex $opt 1]
- if {[llength $opt] > 2} {
- set x1 [lindex $opt 2]
- set x2 [lindex $opt 3]
- } else {
- set x1 $n1
- set x2 $n2
- }
- $ns $cmd $node_($x1) $node_($x2) $val
- $ns $cmd $node_($x2) $node_($x1) $val
- }
- set n1 $n2
- }
- }
- Class NodeTopology/4nodes -superclass SkelTopology
- # Create a simple four node topology:
- #
- # s1
- #
- # 8Mb,5ms 0.8Mb,100ms
- # r1 --------- k1
- # 8Mb,5ms /
- # /
- # s2
- NodeTopology/4nodes instproc init ns {
- $self next
- $self instvar node_
- set node_(s1) [$ns node]
- set node_(s2) [$ns node]
- set node_(r1) [$ns node]
- set node_(k1) [$ns node]
- }
- #
- # Links1 uses 8Mb, 5ms feeders, and a 800Kb 100ms bottleneck.
- # Queue-limit on bottleneck is 6 packets.
- #
- Class Topology/net0 -superclass NodeTopology/4nodes
- Topology/net0 instproc init ns {
- $self next $ns
- $self instvar node_
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s1) $node_(r1) 8Mb 5ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s2) $node_(r1) 8Mb 5ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 800Kb 100ms DropTail
- $ns queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 6
- $ns queue-limit $node_(k1) $node_(r1) 6
- if {[$class info instprocs config] != ""} {
- $self config $ns
- }
- }
- #
- # The net0a topology with RED at the bottleneck should be functionally
- # equivalent to the net0 topology above.
- # The queue-limit on bottleneck is 5 instead of 6 packets, to account
- # for a difference in measuring the queue between RED and DT.
- # However, there are stilll performance differences between net0 and net0a.
- #
- Class Topology/net0a -superclass NodeTopology/4nodes
- Topology/net0a instproc init ns {
- $self next $ns
- $self instvar node_
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s1) $node_(r1) 8Mb 5ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s2) $node_(r1) 8Mb 5ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 800Kb 100ms RED
- $ns queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 5
- $ns queue-limit $node_(k1) $node_(r1) 5
- Queue/RED set thresh_ 1000
- Queue/RED set maxthresh_ 1000
- if {[$class info instprocs config] != ""} {
- $self config $ns
- }
- }
- #
- # Links1 uses 10Mb, 5ms feeders, and a 1.5Mb 100ms bottleneck.
- # Queue-limit on bottleneck is 23 packets.
- #
- Class Topology/net1 -superclass NodeTopology/4nodes
- Topology/net1 instproc init ns {
- $self next $ns
- $self instvar node_
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s1) $node_(r1) 10Mb 5ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s2) $node_(r1) 10Mb 5ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 1.5Mb 100ms DropTail
- $ns queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 23
- $ns queue-limit $node_(k1) $node_(r1) 23
- if {[$class info instprocs config] != ""} {
- $self config $ns
- }
- }
- Class NodeTopology/6nodes -superclass SkelTopology
- #
- # Create a simple six node topology:
- #
- # s1 s3
- # /
- # 10Mb,2ms 1.5Mb,20ms / 10Mb,4ms
- # r1 --------- r2
- # 10Mb,3ms / 10Mb,5ms
- # /
- # s2 s4
- #
- NodeTopology/6nodes instproc init ns {
- $self next
- $self instvar node_
- set node_(s1) [$ns node]
- set node_(s2) [$ns node]
- set node_(r1) [$ns node]
- set node_(r2) [$ns node]
- set node_(s3) [$ns node]
- set node_(s4) [$ns node]
- }
- Class Topology/net2 -superclass NodeTopology/6nodes
- Topology/net2 instproc init ns {
- $self next $ns
- $self instvar node_
- Queue/RED set drop_rand_ true
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s1) $node_(r1) 10Mb 2ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s2) $node_(r1) 10Mb 3ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(r1) $node_(r2) 1.5Mb 20ms RED
- $ns queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(r2) 25
- $ns queue-limit $node_(r2) $node_(r1) 25
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s3) $node_(r2) 10Mb 4ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s4) $node_(r2) 10Mb 5ms DropTail
- if {[$class info instprocs config] != ""} {
- $self config $ns
- }
- }
- Class Topology/net3 -superclass NodeTopology/6nodes
- Topology/net3 instproc init ns {
- $self next $ns
- $self instvar node_
- Queue/RED set drop_rand_ true
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s1) $node_(r1) 100Mb 1ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s2) $node_(r1) 100Mb 30ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(r1) $node_(r2) 10Mb 10ms RED
- $ns queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(r2) 25
- $ns queue-limit $node_(r2) $node_(r1) 25
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s3) $node_(r2) 100Mb 1ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s4) $node_(r2) 100Mb 5ms DropTail
- if {[$class info instprocs config] != ""} {
- $self config $ns
- }
- }
- # Definition of test-suite tests
- Class Test/tahoe1 -superclass TestSuite
- Test/tahoe1 instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0
- set test_ tahoe
- set guide_
- "Tahoe TCP with multiple packets dropped from a window of data."
- Queue/DropTail set summarystats_ true
- $self next
- }
- Test/tahoe1 instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- # Set up TCP connection
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(k1) 0]
- $tcp1 set window_ 50
- # Set up FTP source
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 0.0 "$ftp1 start"
- $self tcpDump $tcp1 1.0
- set link1 [$ns_ link $node_(r1) $node_(k1)]
- set queue1 [$link1 queue]
- $ns_ at 5.0 "$queue1 printstats"
- # Trace only the bottleneck link
- #
- # Actually, we now trace all activity at the node around the
- # bottleneck link. This allows us to track acks, as well
- # packets taking any alternate paths around the bottleneck
- # link.
- #
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace 5.0 $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/tahoe1Bytes -superclass TestSuite
- Test/tahoe1Bytes instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0
- set test_ tahoe1Bytes
- set guide_ "DropTail queue in bytes instead of packets."
- Queue/DropTail set queue_in_bytes_ true
- Queue/DropTail set mean_pktsize_ 1000
- Queue/DropTail set summarystats_ true
- Test/tahoe1Bytes instproc run {} [Test/tahoe1 info instbody run ]
- $self next
- }
- # Tahoe1 with RED
- Class Test/tahoe1RED -superclass TestSuite
- Test/tahoe1RED instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0a
- set test_ tahoe1RED
- set guide_
- "RED queue, configured for 5 packets instead of DropTail's 6 packets."
- Queue/RED set summarystats_ true
- Test/tahoe1RED instproc run {} [Test/tahoe1 info instbody run ]
- $self next
- }
- # Tahoe1 with RED
- Class Test/tahoe1REDbytes -superclass TestSuite
- Test/tahoe1REDbytes instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0a
- set test_ tahoe1REDbytes
- set guide_ "RED queue in bytes."
- Queue/RED set queue_in_bytes_ true
- Queue/RED set mean_pktsize_ 1000
- Queue/RED set summarystats_ true
- Test/tahoe1REDbytes instproc run {} [Test/tahoe1 info instbody run ]
- $self next
- }
- Class Test/tahoe2 -superclass TestSuite
- Test/tahoe2 instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0
- set test_ tahoe2
- set guide_ "Tahoe TCP with one packet dropped."
- $self next
- }
- Test/tahoe2 instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(k1) 0]
- $tcp1 set window_ 14
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp1 start"
- $self tcpDump $tcp1 1.0
- # Trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace 5.0 $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/tahoe3 -superclass TestSuite
- Test/tahoe3 instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0
- set test_ tahoe3
- set guide_
- "Tahoe TCP, two packets dropped from a congestion window of 5 packets."
- $self next
- }
- Test/tahoe3 instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 8
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(k1) $node_(r1) 8
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(k1) 0]
- $tcp1 set window_ 100
- set tcp2 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s2) TCPSink $node_(k1) 1]
- $tcp2 set window_ 16
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- set ftp2 [$tcp2 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp1 start"
- $ns_ at 0.5 "$ftp2 start"
- $self tcpDump $tcp1 1.0
- # Trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace 8.0 $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- # Tahoe3 with RED.
- Class Test/tahoe3RED -superclass TestSuite
- Test/tahoe3RED instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0a
- set test_ tahoe3RED
- set guide_
- "Tahoe TCP, two packets dropped, RED queue configured for 5 packets."
- Test/tahoe3RED instproc run {} [Test/tahoe3 info instbody run ]
- $self next
- }
- Class Test/tahoe4 -superclass TestSuite
- Test/tahoe4 instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0
- set test_ tahoe4
- set guide_
- "Tahoe TCP, two connections with different round-trip times."
- $self next
- }
- Test/tahoe4 instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $ns_ delay $node_(s2) $node_(r1) 200ms
- $ns_ delay $node_(r1) $node_(s2) 200ms
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 11
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(k1) $node_(r1) 11
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(k1) 0]
- $tcp1 set window_ 30
- set tcp2 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s2) TCPSink $node_(k1) 1]
- $tcp2 set window_ 30
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- set ftp2 [$tcp2 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 0.0 "$ftp1 start"
- $ns_ at 0.0 "$ftp2 start"
- $self tcpDump $tcp1 5.0
- # Trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace 25.0 $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/no_bug -superclass TestSuite
- Test/no_bug instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net1
- set test_ no_bug
- set guide_ "Tahoe TCP with TCP/bugFix_ set to true."
- $self next
- }
- Test/no_bug instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $ns_ delay $node_(s1) $node_(r1) 3ms
- $ns_ delay $node_(r1) $node_(s1) 3ms
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(k1) 0]
- $tcp1 set window_ 50
- set tcp2 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s2) TCPSink $node_(k1) 1]
- $tcp2 set window_ 50
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- set ftp2 [$tcp2 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp1 start"
- $ns_ at 1.75 "$ftp2 produce 99"
- $self tcpDump $tcp1 1.0
- # Trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace 6.0 $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/bug -superclass TestSuite
- Test/bug instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net1
- set test_ bug
- set guide_ "Tahoe TCP with TCP/bugFix_ set to false."
- $self next
- }
- Test/bug instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $ns_ delay $node_(s1) $node_(r1) 3ms
- $ns_ delay $node_(r1) $node_(s1) 3ms
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(k1) 0]
- $tcp1 set window_ 50
- $tcp1 set bugFix_ false
- set tcp2 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s2) TCPSink $node_(k1) 1]
- $tcp2 set window_ 50
- $tcp2 set bugFix_ false
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- set ftp2 [$tcp2 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp1 start"
- $ns_ at 1.75 "$ftp2 produce 100"
- $self tcpDump $tcp1 1.0
- # Trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace 6.0 $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/reno1 -superclass TestSuite
- Test/reno1 instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0
- set test_ reno1
- set guide_
- "Reno TCP, one packet dropped, Fast Recovery and Fast Retransmit"
- $self next
- }
- Test/reno1 instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Reno $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(k1) 0]
- $tcp1 set window_ 14
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp1 start"
- $self tcpDump $tcp1 1.0
- # trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace 5.0 $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/reno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/reno instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0
- set test_ reno
- set guide_
- "Reno TCP, limited by maximum congestion window maxcwnd_."
- $self next
- }
- Test/reno instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Reno $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(k1) 0]
- $tcp1 set window_ 28
- $tcp1 set maxcwnd_ 14
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp1 start"
- $self tcpDump $tcp1 1.0
- # trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace 5.0 $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/renoA -superclass TestSuite
- Test/renoA instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0
- set test_ renoA
- set guide_
- "Reno TCP, one packet dropped, Fast Recovery and Fast Retransmit"
- $self next
- }
- Test/renoA instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 8
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Reno $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(k1) 0]
- $tcp1 set window_ 28
- set tcp2 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Reno $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(k1) 1]
- $tcp2 set window_ 4
- set tcp3 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Reno $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(k1) 2]
- $tcp3 set window_ 4
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp1 start"
- set ftp2 [$tcp2 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 1.2 "$ftp2 produce 6"
- set ftp3 [$tcp3 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 1.2 "$ftp3 produce 6"
- $self tcpDump $tcp1 1.0
- $self tcpDump $tcp2 1.0
- $self tcpDump $tcp3 1.0
- # Trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace 5.0 $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/reno2 -superclass TestSuite
- Test/reno2 instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0
- set test_ reno2
- set guide_
- "Reno TCP, multiple packets dropped, Retransmit Timeout."
- $self next
- }
- Test/reno2 instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 9
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Reno $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(k1) 0]
- $tcp1 set window_ 50
- set tcp2 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Reno $node_(s2) TCPSink $node_(k1) 1]
- $tcp2 set window_ 20
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- set ftp2 [$tcp2 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp1 start"
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp2 start"
- $self tcpDump $tcp1 1.0
- # Trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace 10.0 $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/reno3 -superclass TestSuite
- Test/reno3 instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0
- set test_ reno3
- set guide_
- "Reno TCP, two packets dropped from a congestion window of 5 packets."
- $self next
- }
- Test/reno3 instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 8
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(k1) $node_(r1) 8
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Reno $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(k1) 0]
- $tcp1 set window_ 100
- set tcp2 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Reno $node_(s2) TCPSink $node_(k1) 1]
- $tcp2 set window_ 16
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- set ftp2 [$tcp2 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp1 start"
- $ns_ at 0.5 "$ftp2 start"
- $self tcpDump $tcp1 1.0
- # Trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace 8.0 $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/reno4 -superclass TestSuite
- Test/reno4 instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net2
- set test_ reno4
- set guide_
- "Reno TCP, two packets dropped, no Retransmit Timeout"
- $self next
- }
- Test/reno4 instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(r2) 29
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Reno $node_(s1) TCPSink/DelAck $node_(r2) 0]
- $tcp1 set window_ 80
- $tcp1 set maxcwnd_ 40
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 0.0 "$ftp1 start"
- $self tcpDump $tcp1 1.0
- # Trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(s1) [$self openTrace 2.0 $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/reno4a -superclass TestSuite
- Test/reno4a instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net2
- set test_ reno4a
- set guide_
- "Reno TCP, two packets dropped, Retransmit Timeout"
- $self next
- }
- Test/reno4a instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(r2) 29
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Reno $node_(s1) TCPSink/DelAck $node_(r2) 0]
- $tcp1 set window_ 40
- $tcp1 set maxcwnd_ 40
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 0.0 "$ftp1 start"
- $self tcpDump $tcp1 1.0
- # Trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(s1) [$self openTrace 4.0 $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/reno5 -superclass TestSuite
- Test/reno5 instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0
- set test_ reno5
- set guide_
- "Reno TCP, TCP/bugFix_ set to false."
- Agent/TCP set bugFix_ false
- $self next
- }
- Test/reno5 instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 9
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Reno $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(k1) 0]
- $tcp1 set window_ 50
- set tcp2 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Reno $node_(s2) TCPSink $node_(k1) 1]
- $tcp2 set window_ 20
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- set ftp2 [$tcp2 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp1 start"
- $ns_ at 1.1 "$ftp2 start"
- $self tcpDump $tcp1 1.0
- # Trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace 10.0 $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/reno5_nobug -superclass TestSuite
- Test/reno5_nobug instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0
- set test_ reno5_nobug
- set guide_
- "Reno TCP, TCP/bugFix_ set to true."
- Agent/TCP set bugFix_ true
- Test/reno5_nobug instproc run {} [Test/reno5 info instbody run ]
- $self next
- }
- Class Test/telnet -superclass TestSuite
- Test/telnet instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0
- set test_ telnet
- set guide_
- "Telnet connections with two different packet generation processes."
- Agent/TCP set timerfix_ false
- # The default is being changed to true.
- $self next
- }
- Test/telnet instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 8
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(k1) $node_(r1) 8
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Reno $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(k1) 0]
- set tcp2 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Reno $node_(s2) TCPSink $node_(k1) 1]
- set tcp3 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Reno $node_(s2) TCPSink $node_(k1) 2]
- set telnet1 [$tcp1 attach-app Telnet]; $telnet1 set interval_ 1
- set telnet2 [$tcp2 attach-app Telnet]; $telnet2 set interval_ 0
- # Interval 0 designates the tcplib telnet interarrival distribution
- set telnet3 [$tcp3 attach-app Telnet]; $telnet3 set interval_ 0
- $ns_ at 0.0 "$telnet1 start"
- $ns_ at 0.0 "$telnet2 start"
- $ns_ at 0.0 "$telnet3 start"
- $self tcpDump $tcp1 5.0
- # Trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace 50.0 $testName_]
- # use a different seed each time
- #puts seed=[$ns_ random 0]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/delayed -superclass TestSuite
- Test/delayed instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0
- set test_ delayed
- set guide_
- "TCP receiver with delayed acknowledgements."
- $self next
- }
- Test/delayed instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s1) TCPSink/DelAck $node_(k1) 0]
- $tcp1 set window_ 50
- # lookup up the sink and set it's delay interval
- [$node_(k1) agent [$tcp1 dst-port]] set interval 100ms
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP];
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp1 start"
- $self tcpDump $tcp1 1.0
- # Trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace 4.0 $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/phase -superclass TestSuite
- Test/phase instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0
- set test_ phase
- set guide_ "Phase effects: connection 0 wins."
- $self next
- }
- Test/phase instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $ns_ delay $node_(s2) $node_(r1) 3ms
- $ns_ delay $node_(r1) $node_(s2) 3ms
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 16
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(k1) $node_(r1) 100
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(k1) 0]
- $tcp1 set window_ 32
- set tcp2 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s2) TCPSink $node_(k1) 1]
- $tcp2 set window_ 32
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- set ftp2 [$tcp2 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 5.0 "$ftp1 start"
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp2 start"
- $self tcpDump $tcp1 5.0
- # Trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace 25.0 $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/phase1 -superclass TestSuite
- Test/phase1 instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0
- set test_ phase1
- set guide_ "Phase effects: connection 1 wins."
- $self next
- }
- Test/phase1 instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $ns_ delay $node_(s2) $node_(r1) 9.5ms
- $ns_ delay $node_(r1) $node_(s2) 9.5ms
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 16
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(k1) $node_(r1) 100
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(k1) 0]
- $tcp1 set window_ 32
- set tcp2 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s2) TCPSink $node_(k1) 1]
- $tcp2 set window_ 32
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- set ftp2 [$tcp2 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 5.0 "$ftp1 start"
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp2 start"
- $self tcpDump $tcp1 5.0
- # Trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace 25.0 $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/phase2 -superclass TestSuite
- Test/phase2 instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0
- set test_ phase2
- set guide_
- "Phase effects: TCP/overhead_ is used, and neither connection loses."
- $self next
- }
- Test/phase2 instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $ns_ delay $node_(s2) $node_(r1) 3ms
- $ns_ delay $node_(r1) $node_(s2) 3ms
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 16
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(k1) $node_(r1) 100
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(k1) 0]
- $tcp1 set window_ 32
- $tcp1 set overhead_ 0.01
- set tcp2 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s2) TCPSink $node_(k1) 1]
- $tcp2 set window_ 32
- # $tcp2 set overhead_ 0.01
- # The random overhead_ was increased slightly to illustrate fairness
- # for this scenario.
- $tcp2 set overhead_ 0.015
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- set ftp2 [$tcp2 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 5.0 "$ftp1 start"
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp2 start"
- $self tcpDump $tcp1 5.0
- # Trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace 25.0 $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/timers -superclass TestSuite
- Test/timers instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0
- set test_ timers
- set guide_ "TCP retransmit timers."
- Agent/TCP set timerfix_ false
- # The default is being changed to true.
- $self next
- }
- Test/timers instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 2
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(k1) $node_(r1) 100
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s1) TCPSink/DelAck $node_(k1) 0]
- $tcp1 set window_ 4
- # look up the sink and set its delay interval
- [$node_(k1) agent [$tcp1 dst-port]] set interval_ 100ms
- set tcp2 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s2) TCPSink/DelAck $node_(k1) 1]
- $tcp2 set window_ 4
- # look up the sink and set its delay interval
- [$node_(k1) agent [$tcp2 dst-port]] set interval_ 100ms
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- set ftp2 [$tcp2 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp1 start"
- $ns_ at 1.3225 "$ftp2 start"
- $self tcpDump $tcp1 5.0
- # Trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace 10.0 $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- # Many small TCP flows.
- Class Test/manyflows -superclass TestSuite
- Test/manyflows instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0
- set test_ manyflows
- set guide_ "Using FTP commands to create many small flows."
- $self next
- }
- Test/manyflows instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- # Set up TCP connections
- set rng_ [new RNG]
- ## $rng_ seed [ns random 0]
- set stoptime 5
- set randomflows 10
- for {set i 0} {$i < $randomflows} {incr i} {
- set tcp [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(k1) 1]
- set ftp [[set tcp] attach-app FTP]
- set numpkts [$rng_ uniform 0 10]
- set starttime [$rng_ uniform 0 $stoptime]
- $ns_ at $starttime "[set ftp] produce $numpkts"
- $ns_ at $stoptime "[set ftp] stop"
- }
- # Trace only the bottleneck link
- #
- # Actually, we now trace all activity at the node around the
- # bottleneck link. This allows us to track acks, as well
- # packets taking any alternate paths around the bottleneck
- # link.
- #
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace $stoptime $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- TestSuite instproc printpkts { label tcp } {
- global tcpTick_
- puts "tcp $label highest_seqment_acked [$tcp set ack_]"
- puts "tcp $label data_bytes_sent [$tcp set ndatabytes_]"
- set numRtts [$tcp set rtt_]
- set tick $tcpTick_
- set rtt [expr $numRtts * $tcpTick_]
- puts "tcp $label most_recent_rtt [format "%5.3f" $rtt]"
- }
- TestSuite instproc printpktsTFRC { label tfrc } {
- global tcpTick_
- puts "tfrc $label data_pkts_sent [$tfrc set ndatapack_]"
- }
- TestSuite instproc printdrops { fid fmon } {
- set fcl [$fmon classifier]; # flow classifier
- #
- # look up the flow using the classifier. Because we are
- # using a Fid classifier, the src/dst fields are not compared,
- # and can thus be just zero, as illustrated here. The "auto"
- # indicates we don't already know which bucket in the classifier's
- # hash table to find the flow we're looking for.
- #
- set flow [$fcl lookup auto 0 0 $fid]
- puts "fid: $fid per-link total_drops [$flow set pdrops_]"
- puts "fid: $fid per-link total_marks [$flow set pmarks_]"
- puts "fid: $fid per-link total_packets [$flow set pdepartures_]"
- puts "fid: $fid per-link total_bytes [$flow set bdepartures_]"
- #
- # note there is much more date available in $flow and $fmon
- # that isn't being printed here.
- #
- }
- TestSuite instproc printstop { stoptime } {
- puts "stop-time $stoptime"
- }
- TestSuite instproc printall { fmon } {
- puts "aggregate per-link total_drops [$fmon set pdrops_]"
- puts "aggregate per-link total_marks [$fmon set pmarks_]"
- puts "aggregate per-link total_packets [$fmon set pdepartures_]"
- }
- TestSuite instproc printPeakRates { fmon time } {
- $self instvar pastbytes
- set allflows [$fmon flows]
- foreach f $allflows {
- set fid [$f set flowid_]
- #set src [$f set src_]
- #set dst [$f set dst_]
- set bytes [$f set bdepartures_]
- if [info exists pastbytes($f)] {
- set newbytes [expr $bytes - $pastbytes($f)]
- } else {
- set newbytes $bytes
- }
- if {$newbytes > 0} {
- #src: $src d st: $dst
- puts "time: [format "%3.2f" $time] fid: $fid new_bytes $newbytes"
- set pastbytes($f) $bytes
- }
- }
- }
- TestSuite instproc printPeakRate { fmon time interval } {
- $self instvar ns_
- set newTime [expr [$ns_ now] + $interval]
- $ns_ at $time "$self printPeakRates $fmon $time"
- $ns_ at $newTime "$self printPeakRate $fmon $newTime $interval"
- }
- Class Test/stats -superclass TestSuite
- Test/stats instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0
- set test_ stats
- set guide_
- "TCP statistics, and per-flow and aggregate link statistics."
- $self next
- }
- Test/stats instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $ns_ delay $node_(s2) $node_(r1) 200ms
- $ns_ delay $node_(r1) $node_(s2) 200ms
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 10
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(k1) $node_(r1) 10
- set slink [$ns_ link $node_(r1) $node_(k1)]; # link to collect stats on
- set fmon [$ns_ makeflowmon Fid]
- $ns_ attach-fmon $slink $fmon
- set stoptime 10.1
- set tcp0 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(k1) 0]
- $tcp0 set window_ 30
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s2) TCPSink $node_(k1) 1]
- $tcp1 set window_ 30
- set ftp0 [$tcp0 attach-app FTP]
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp0 start"
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp1 start"
- $self tcpDumpAll $tcp0 5.0 tcp0
- $self tcpDumpAll $tcp1 5.00001 tcp1
- set almosttime [expr $stoptime - 0.001]
- $ns_ at $almosttime "$self printpkts 0 $tcp0"
- $ns_ at $almosttime "$self printpkts 1 $tcp1"
- $ns_ at $stoptime "$self printdrops 0 $fmon; $self printdrops 1 $fmon"
- $ns_ at $stoptime "$self printall $fmon"
- # trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace $stoptime $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/statsECN -superclass TestSuite
- Test/statsECN instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0a
- set test_ statsECN
- Queue/RED set setbit_ true
- Queue/RED set thresh_ 1
- Queue/RED set maxthresh_ 0
- Agent/TCP set ecn_ 1
- set guide_
- "Flow monitor statistics with ECN."
- $self next
- }
- Test/statsECN instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $ns_ delay $node_(s2) $node_(r1) 200ms
- $ns_ delay $node_(r1) $node_(s2) 200ms
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 100
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(k1) $node_(r1) 100
- set slink [$ns_ link $node_(r1) $node_(k1)]; # link to collect stats on
- set fmon [$ns_ makeflowmon Fid]
- $ns_ attach-fmon $slink $fmon
- set stoptime 10.1
- set tcp0 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(k1) 0]
- $tcp0 set window_ 30
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s2) TCPSink $node_(k1) 1]
- $tcp1 set window_ 30
- set ftp0 [$tcp0 attach-app FTP]
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp0 start"
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp1 start"
- set almosttime [expr $stoptime - 0.001]
- $ns_ at $stoptime "$self printdrops 0 $fmon; $self printdrops 1 $fmon"
- $ns_ at $stoptime "$self printall $fmon"
- # trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace $stoptime $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/stats1 -superclass TestSuite
- Test/stats1 instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0
- Queue/DropTail set summarystats_ true
- set test_ stats1
- set guide_
- "FTP statistics on bytes produced, and queue statistics.
- Should be: fid: 0 per-link total_bytes 940."
- $self next
- }
- Test/stats1 instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $ns_ delay $node_(s2) $node_(r1) 200ms
- $ns_ delay $node_(r1) $node_(s2) 200ms
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 10
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(k1) $node_(r1) 10
- set packetSize_ 100
- Agent/TCP set packetSize_ $packetSize_
- puts "TCP packetSize [Agent/TCP set packetSize_]"
- set slink [$ns_ link $node_(r1) $node_(k1)]; # link to collect stats on
- set fmon [$ns_ makeflowmon Fid]
- $ns_ attach-fmon $slink $fmon
- set stoptime 10.1
- set tcp0 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(k1) 0]
- $tcp0 set window_ 30
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s2) TCPSink $node_(k1) 1]
- $tcp1 set window_ 30
- set ftp0 [$tcp0 attach-app FTP]
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- set packets_ftp 9
- set bytes_ftp [expr $packets_ftp * $packetSize_]
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp0 produce $packets_ftp"
- puts "ftp 0 segments_produced $packets_ftp (using `FTP produce pktcnt')"
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp1 send $bytes_ftp"
- puts "ftp 1 bytes_produced $bytes_ftp (using `FTP send nbytes')"
- set link1 [$ns_ link $node_(r1) $node_(k1)]
- set queue1 [$link1 queue]
- $ns_ at 10.0 "$queue1 printstats"
- set almosttime [expr $stoptime - 0.001]
- $ns_ at $almosttime "$self printpkts 0 $tcp0"
- $ns_ at $almosttime "$self printpkts 1 $tcp1"
- $ns_ at $stoptime "$self printdrops 0 $fmon; $self printdrops 1 $fmon"
- $ns_ at $stoptime "$self printall $fmon"
- # trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace $stoptime $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/stats1Bytes -superclass TestSuite
- Test/stats1Bytes instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0
- Queue/DropTail set summarystats_ true
- Queue/DropTail set queue_in_bytes_ true
- set test_ stats1Bytes
- set guide_ "Queue statistics for a queue in bytes.
- Should be: True average queue: 0.439 (in bytes)"
- Test/stats1Bytes instproc run {} [Test/stats1 info instbody run]
- $self next
- }
- Class Test/stats1a -superclass TestSuite
- Test/stats1a instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0a
- Queue/RED set summarystats_ true
- set test_ stats1a
- set guide_ "Queue statistics for a RED queue.
- Should be: True average queue: 0.004"
- Test/stats1a instproc run {} [Test/stats1 info instbody run]
- $self next
- }
- Class Test/stats1aBytes -superclass TestSuite
- Test/stats1aBytes instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0a
- Queue/RED set summarystats_ true
- Queue/RED set queue_in_bytes_ true
- set test_ stats1aBytes
- set guide_ "Queue statistics for a RED queue in bytes.
- Should be: True average queue: 0.439 (in bytes)"
- Test/stats1aBytes instproc run {} [Test/stats1 info instbody run]
- $self next
- }
- Class Test/statsHeaders -superclass TestSuite
- Test/statsHeaders instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0a
- Queue/RED set summarystats_ true
- Agent/TCP set useHeaders_ true
- set test_ statsHeaders
- set guide_
- "FTP and packet statistics for TCP with correct accounting for headers.
- Should be: fid: 0 per-link total_bytes 1300"
- Test/statsHeaders instproc run {} [Test/stats1 info instbody run]
- $self next
- }
- Class Test/stats2 -superclass TestSuite
- Test/stats2 instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net2
- Queue/RED set summarystats_ true
- set test_ stats2
- set guide_
- "Queue statistics for the true average queue size.
- Should be: True average queue: 8.632"
- $self next
- }
- Test/stats2 instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- set stoptime 10.1
- set tcp0 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(s3) 0]
- $tcp0 set window_ 1000
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s2) TCPSink $node_(s3) 1]
- $tcp1 set window_ 1000
- set ftp0 [$tcp0 attach-app FTP]
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 0.0 "$ftp0 start"
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp1 start"
- set link1 [$ns_ link $node_(r1) $node_(r2)]
- set queue1 [$link1 queue]
- $ns_ at 10.0 "$queue1 printstats"
- # trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace $stoptime $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/stats3 -superclass TestSuite
- Test/stats3 instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net3
- set test_ stats3
- QueueMonitor set keepRTTstats_ 1
- QueueMonitor set maxRTT_ 1
- QueueMonitor set binsPerSec_ 100
- QueueMonitor set keepSeqnoStats_ 1
- QueueMonitor set maxSeqno_ 2000
- QueueMonitor set SeqnoBinSize_ 100
- Agent/TCP set tcpTick_ 0.01
- set guide_ "Printing RTT and Seqno statistics."
- $self next
- }
- Test/stats3 instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- set stoptime 1.1
- set slink [$ns_ link $node_(r1) $node_(r2)];
- set fmon [new QueueMonitor]
- #set outfile [open temp.stats w]
- set outfile stdout
- $fmon traceDist $outfile
- $ns_ attach-fmon $slink $fmon
- set tcp0 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(s3) 0]
- $tcp0 set window_ 10
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s2) TCPSink $node_(s3) 1]
- $tcp1 set window_ 10
- set ftp0 [$tcp0 attach-app FTP]
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 0.0 "$ftp0 start"
- $ns_ at 0.1 "$ftp1 start"
- set link1 [$ns_ link $node_(r1) $node_(r2)]
- set queue1 [$link1 queue]
- $ns_ at $stoptime "$fmon printRTTs"
- #
- ## to plot RTTs:
- ## ./test-all-simple stats3 > out %
- ## awk -f rtts.awk out > data
- ## xgraph -bb -tk -x rtt -y frac_of_pkts data &
- #
- $ns_ at $stoptime "$fmon printSeqnos"
- #
- ## to plot seqnos:
- ## ./test-all-simple stats3 > out &
- ## awk -f seqnos.awk out > data
- ## xgraph -bb -tk -x seqno_bin -y frac_of_pkts data &
- #
- # trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace $stoptime $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/stats4 -superclass TestSuite
- Test/stats4 instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net3
- set test_ stats4
- Agent/TCP set tcpTick_ 0.01
- set guide_ "Printing peak rate statistics."
- $self next
- }
- Test/stats4 instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- set stoptime 1.1
- set PeakRateInterval 0.1
- set slink [$ns_ link $node_(r1) $node_(r2)];
- #set fmon [$ns_ makeflowmon SrcDestFid]
- set fmon [$ns_ makeflowmon Fid]
- set outfile stdout
- $fmon traceDist $outfile
- $ns_ attach-fmon $slink $fmon
- set tcp0 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(s3) 0]
- $tcp0 set window_ 10
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s2) TCPSink $node_(s3) 1]
- $tcp1 set window_ 10
- set ftp0 [$tcp0 attach-app FTP]
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 0.0 "$ftp0 start"
- $ns_ at 0.1 "$ftp1 start"
- set link1 [$ns_ link $node_(r1) $node_(r2)]
- set queue1 [$link1 queue]
- $ns_ at 0.5 "$self printPeakRate $fmon 0.5 $PeakRateInterval"
- # trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace $stoptime $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- Class Test/statsTFRC -superclass TestSuite
- Test/statsTFRC instproc init topo {
- $self instvar net_ defNet_ test_ guide_
- set net_ $topo
- set defNet_ net0
- set test_ statsTFRC
- set guide_
- "TFRC statistics, and per-flow and aggregate link statistics."
- $self next
- }
- Test/statsTFRC instproc run {} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ guide_ test_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $ns_ delay $node_(s2) $node_(r1) 200ms
- $ns_ delay $node_(r1) $node_(s2) 200ms
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 10
- $ns_ queue-limit $node_(k1) $node_(r1) 10
- set slink [$ns_ link $node_(r1) $node_(k1)]; # link to collect stats on
- set fmon [$ns_ makeflowmon Fid]
- $ns_ attach-fmon $slink $fmon
- set stoptime 5.1
- set tf0 [$ns_ create-connection TFRC $node_(s1) TFRCSink $node_(k1) 0]
- #$tf0 set window_ 30
- set tf1 [$ns_ create-connection TFRC $node_(s2) TFRCSink $node_(k1) 1]
- #$tf1 set window_ 30
- set ftp0 [new Application/FTP]; $ftp0 attach-agent $tf0
- set ftp1 [new Application/FTP]; $ftp1 attach-agent $tf1
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp0 start"
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp1 start"
- #$self tcpDumpAll $tf0 5.0 tf0
- #$self tcpDumpAll $tf1 5.00001 tf1
- set almosttime [expr $stoptime - 0.001]
- $ns_ at $almosttime "$self printpktsTFRC 0 $tf0"
- $ns_ at $almosttime "$self printpktsTFRC 1 $tf1"
- $ns_ at $stoptime "$self printdrops 0 $fmon; $self printdrops 1 $fmon"
- $ns_ at $stoptime "$self printall $fmon"
- # trace only the bottleneck link
- $self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace $stoptime $testName_]
- $ns_ run
- }
- # Add a test to printTimestamps.
- # tcp-sink.cc, p. 337.
- TestSuite runTest
- ### Local Variables:
- ### mode: tcl
- ### tcl-indent-level: 8
- ### tcl-default-application: ns
- ### End: