- #
- # Copyright (c) 2000 International Computer Science Institute
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- # are met:
- # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
- # must display the following acknowledgement:
- # This product includes software developed by ACIRI, the AT&T
- # Center for Internet Research at ICSI (the International Computer
- # Science Institute).
- # 4. Neither the name of ACIRI nor of ICSI may be used
- # to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
- # specific prior written permission.
- #
- #
- set dir [pwd]
- catch "cd tcl/test"
- source misc_simple.tcl
- Agent/TCP set tcpTick_ 0.1
- # The default for tcpTick_ is being changed to reflect a changing reality.
- Agent/TCP set rfc2988_ false
- # The default for rfc2988_ is being changed to true.
- Agent/TCP set precisionReduce_ false ; # default changed on 2006/1/24.
- Agent/TCP set rtxcur_init_ 6.0 ; # Default changed on 2006/01/21
- Agent/TCP set updated_rttvar_ false ; # Variable added on 2006/1/21
- Agent/TCP set minrto_ 1
- # default changed on 10/14/2004.
- Queue/RED set bytes_ false
- # default changed on 10/11/2004.
- Queue/RED set queue_in_bytes_ false
- # default changed on 10/11/2004.
- Queue/RED set q_weight_ 0.002
- Queue/RED set thresh_ 5
- Queue/RED set maxthresh_ 15
- # The RED parameter defaults are being changed for automatic configuration.
- Agent/TCP set useHeaders_ false
- # The default is being changed to useHeaders_ true.
- Agent/TCP set windowInit_ 1
- # The default is being changed to 2.
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 0
- # The default is being changed to 1
- catch "cd $dir"
- Queue/RED set gentle_ true
- Agent/Pushback set verbose_ false
- #Agent/Pushback set verbose_ true
- Queue/RED/Pushback set rate_limiting_ 0
- Agent/Pushback set enable_pushback_ 0
- set flowfile fairflow.tr; # file where flow data is written
- set flowgraphfile fairflow.xgr; # file given to graph tool
- TestSuite instproc finish file {
- global quiet PERL
- $self instvar ns_ tchan_ testName_ tmpschan_ maxAggregates_
- # was: -s 2 -d 3
- #exec $PERL ../../bin/getrc -s 12 -d 13 all.tr |
- # $PERL ../../bin/raw2xg -a -s 0.01 -m 90 -t $file > temp2.rands
- #if {$quiet == "false"} {
- # exec xgraph -bb -tk -nl -m -x time -y packets temp2.rands &
- #}
- ## now use default graphing tool to make a data file
- ## if so desired
- if { [info exists tchan_] && $quiet == "false" } {
- #$self plotQueue $testName_
- }
- if { [info exists tmpschan_]} {
- $self finishflows $testName_ $maxAggregates_
- close $tmpschan_
- }
- $ns_ halt
- }
- # display graph of results
- #
- # temp.s:
- # time: 4.000 LinkUtilThisTime 1.002 totalLinkUtil: 1.000 totalOQPkts: 1250
- # fid: 1 Util: 0.124 OQdroprate: 0.320 OQpkts: 155 OQdrops: 73
- #
- TestSuite instproc finishflows {testname maxAggregate} {
- global quiet
- $self instvar tmpschan_ tmpqchan_ topo_ node_ ns_
- $self instvar packetsize_
- $topo_ instvar cbqlink_ bandwidth1_
- set graphfile temp.rands
- set maxbytes [expr $bandwidth1_ / 8.0]
- set maxpkts [expr 1.0 * $maxbytes / $packetsize_]
- set awkCode {
- {
- if ($1 == 0) {time=1; oldpkts=0;}
- if ($1 == "time:" && $3 == "LinkUtilThisTime") {
- time = $2
- }
- if ($1 == "fid:" && $2==flow) {
- newpkts = $8;
- pkts = newpkts - oldpkts;
- print time, pkts/maxpkts;
- oldpkts = newpkts
- }}
- }
- set awkCodeAll {
- {
- if ($1==0) {oldpkts=0}
- if ($1 == "time:" && $7 == "totalOQPkts:") {
- time = $2;
- newpkts = $8;
- pkts = newpkts - oldpkts;
- print time, pkts/maxpkts;
- oldpkts = newpkts
- }}
- }
- set awkCodeDrop {
- {
- if ($1==0) {oldpkts = 0; olddrops = 0; time=0;}
- if ($5~"totalOQDrops:"){
- time = $2;
- pkts = $4;
- drops = $6;
- newpkts = pkts - oldpkts;
- newdrops = drops - olddrops;
- print time, newdrops/newpkts;
- oldpkts = pkts; olddrops = drops;
- }}
- }
- if { [info exists tmpschan_] } {
- close $tmpschan_
- }
- set f [open $graphfile w]
- puts $f "TitleText: $testname"
- puts $f "Device: Postscript"
- exec rm -f temp.p
- exec touch temp.p
- for {set i 1} {$i < $maxAggregate + 1 } {incr i} {
- exec echo "n"flow $i" >> temp.p
- exec awk $awkCode flow=$i maxpkts=$maxpkts temp.s > flows$i
- exec cat flows$i >> temp.p
- exec echo " " >> temp.p
- }
- exec awk $awkCodeAll maxpkts=$maxpkts temp.s > all
- exec echo "n"all " >> temp.p
- exec cat all >> temp.p
- exec cat temp.p >@ $f
- close $f
- exec awk $awkCodeDrop temp.s > temp.droprate
- if {$quiet == "false"} {
- exec xgraph -bb -tk -ly 0,1 -x time -y bandwidth $graphfile &
- }
- # exec csh gnuplotE.com $testname
- # exec csh gnuplotF.com $testname
- exit 0
- }
- Class Topology
- Topology instproc node? num {
- $self instvar node_
- return $node_($num)
- }
- Class Topology/net2 -superclass Topology
- Topology/net2 instproc init ns {
- $self instvar node_ bandwidth_ bandwidth1_
- set bandwidth_ 0.5Mb
- set bandwidth1_ 500000
- #the destinations; declared first
- for {set i 0} {$i < 2} {incr i} {
- set node_(d$i) [$ns node]
- }
- #the routers
- for {set i 0} {$i < 4} {incr i} {
- set node_(r$i) [$ns node]
- #$node_(r$i) add-pushback-agent
- }
- $node_(r0) add-pushback-agent
- #the sources
- for {set i 0} {$i < 4} {incr i} {
- set node_(s$i) [$ns node]
- }
- $self next
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s0) $node_(r0) 10Mb 2ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s1) $node_(r0) 10Mb 3ms DropTail
- $ns pushback-simplex-link $node_(r0) $node_(r1) $bandwidth_ 10ms
- $ns simplex-link $node_(r1) $node_(r0) $bandwidth_ 10ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(d0) $node_(r1) 10Mb 2ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(d1) $node_(r1) 10Mb 2ms DropTail
- $ns queue-limit $node_(r0) $node_(r1) 100
- $ns queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(r0) 100
- }
- Class Topology/net3 -superclass Topology
- Topology/net3 instproc init ns {
- $self next
- $self instvar node_ bandwidth_ bandwidth1_
- set bandwidth_ 1.0Mb
- set bandwidth1_ 1000000
- #the destinations; declared first
- for {set i 0} {$i < 2} {incr i} {
- set node_(d$i) [$ns node]
- }
- #the routers
- for {set i 0} {$i < 4} {incr i} {
- set node_(r$i) [$ns node]
- $node_(r$i) add-pushback-agent
- }
- #the sources
- for {set i 0} {$i < 4} {incr i} {
- set node_(s$i) [$ns node]
- set pushback($i) [$node_(s$i) add-pushback-agent]
- }
- $ns pushback-duplex-link $node_(s0) $node_(r2) 10Mb 2ms
- #$ns duplex-link $node_(s0) $node_(r2) 10Mb 2ms DropTail
- $ns pushback-duplex-link $node_(s1) $node_(r2) 10Mb 3ms
- #$ns duplex-link $node_(s1) $node_(r3) 10Mb 3ms DropTail
- $ns pushback-duplex-link $node_(s2) $node_(r3) 10Mb 3ms
- $ns pushback-duplex-link $node_(s3) $node_(r3) 10Mb 3ms
- $ns pushback-duplex-link $node_(r0) $node_(r1) $bandwidth_ 10ms
- $ns pushback-duplex-link $node_(r2) $node_(r0) 10Mb 10ms
- $ns pushback-duplex-link $node_(r3) $node_(r0) 10Mb 10ms
- #
- $ns pushback-simplex-link $node_(r1) $node_(d0) 10Mb 2ms
- $ns simplex-link $node_(d0) $node_(r1) 10Mb 2ms DropTail
- #$ns duplex-link $node_(d0) $node_(r1) 10Mb 2ms DropTail
- #
- $ns pushback-simplex-link $node_(r1) $node_(d1) 10Mb 2ms
- $ns simplex-link $node_(d1) $node_(r1) 10Mb 2ms DropTail
- #$ns duplex-link $node_(d1) $node_(r1) 10Mb 2ms DropTail
- $ns queue-limit $node_(r0) $node_(r1) 100
- $ns queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(r0) 100
- }
- TestSuite instproc new-tcp {source dest size window fid startTime} {
- $self instvar ns_
- set tcp [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Sack1 $source TCPSink/Sack1 $dest $fid]
- $tcp set window_ $window
- $tcp set tcpTick_ 0.01
- if {$size > 0} {
- $tcp set packetSize_ $size
- }
- set ftp [$tcp attach-source FTP]
- #if {$maxPkts > 0} {$ftp set maxpkts_ $maxPkts}
- $ns_ at $startTime "$ftp start"
- }
- TestSuite instproc new-cbr {src dst pktSize rate fid startTime {stopTime -1}} {
- $self instvar ns_
- set udp [$ns_ create-connection UDP $src Null $dst $fid]
- set cbr [$udp attach-app Traffic/CBR]
- $cbr set packetSize_ $pktSize
- $cbr set rate_ $rate
- $cbr set random_ 1
- $ns_ at $startTime "$cbr start"
- if {$stopTime != -1} {
- $ns_ at $stopTime "$cbr set rate_ 1000"
- }
- return $cbr
- }
- #
- # Arrange for time to be printed every
- # $interval seconds of simulation time
- #
- TestSuite instproc statsDump { interval fmon packetsize oldpkts } {
- global quiet
- $self instvar dump_inst_ ns_ tmpschan_ f
- $self instvar maxAggregates_
- set dumpfile temp.s
- if ![info exists dump_inst_] {
- $self instvar tmpschan_ f
- set dump_inst_ 1
- set f [open $dumpfile w]
- set tmpschan_ $f
- $ns_ at 0.0 "$self statsDump $interval $fmon $packetsize $oldpkts"
- return
- }
- set time [$ns_ now]
- puts $f "$time"
- set newtime [expr [$ns_ now] + $interval]
- ## $quiet == "false"
- if { $time > 0} {
- set totalPkts [$fmon set pdepartures_]
- set totalArrivals [$fmon set parrivals_]
- set totalDrops [$fmon set pdrops_]
- set packets [expr $totalPkts - $oldpkts]
- set oldpkts $totalPkts
- set linkBps [ expr 500000/8 ]
- set recentUtil [expr (1.0*$packets*$packetsize)/($interval*$linkBps)]
- set totalLinkUtil [expr (1.0*$totalPkts*$packetsize)/($time*$linkBps)]
- set now [$ns_ now]
- puts $f "time: [format %.3f $now] totalOQArrivals: $totalArrivals totalOQDrops: $totalDrops"
- puts $f "time: [format %.3f $now] LinkUtilThisTime [format %.3f $recentUtil] totalLinkUtil: [format %.3f $totalLinkUtil] totalOQPkts: $totalPkts"
- set fcl [$fmon classifier];
- ## this
- for {set i 1} {$i < $maxAggregates_ + 1} {incr i} {
- set flow [$fcl lookup auto 0 0 $i]
- if {$flow != "" } {
- set flowpkts($flow) [$flow set pdepartures_]
- set flowutil [expr (1.0*$flowpkts($flow)*$packetsize)/($time*$linkBps)]
- set flowdrops($flow) [$flow set pdrops_]
- if {$flowpkts($flow) + $flowdrops($flow) > 0} {
- set flowdroprate [expr (1.0*$flowdrops($flow)/($flowpkts($flow) + $flowdrops($flow)))]
- } else { set flowdroprate 0 }
- puts $f "fid: $i Util: [format %.3f $flowutil] OQdroprate: [format %.3f $flowdroprate] OQpkts: [format %d $flowpkts($flow)] OQdrops: [format %d $flowdrops($flow)]"
- }
- }
- }
- $ns_ at $newtime "$self statsDump $interval $fmon $packetsize $oldpkts"
- }
- TestSuite instproc setup {} {
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ net_ topo_ cbr_ cbr2_ packetsize_
- $self instvar maxAggregates_
- set stoptime 100.0
- #set stoptime 5.0
- #set dumptime 5.0
- set dumptime 1.0
- set stoptime1 [expr $stoptime + 1.0]
- set packetsize_ 200
- Application/Traffic/CBR set random_ 0
- Application/Traffic/CBR set packetSize_ $packetsize_
- set slink [$ns_ link $node_(r0) $node_(r1)]; # link to collect stats on
- set fmon [$ns_ makeflowmon Fid]
- $ns_ attach-fmon $slink $fmon
- set udp1 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $node_(s0) Null $node_(d0) 1]
- set cbr1 [$udp1 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
- $cbr1 set rate_ 0.12Mb
- $cbr1 set random_ 0.005
- set udp2 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $node_(s1) Null $node_(d1) 2]
- set cbr2_ [$udp2 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
- $cbr2_ set rate_ 0.08Mb
- $cbr2_ set random_ 0.005
- # bad traffic
- set udp [$ns_ create-connection UDP $node_(s0) Null $node_(d1) 3]
- set cbr_ [$udp attach-app Traffic/CBR]
- $cbr_ set rate_ 0.5Mb
- $cbr_ set random_ 0.001
- $ns_ at 0.0 "$cbr_ start"
- set udp4 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $node_(s1) Null $node_(d0) 4]
- set cbr4 [$udp4 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
- $cbr4 set rate_ 0.07Mb
- $cbr4 set random_ 0.005
- set udp5 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $node_(s0) Null $node_(d0) 5]
- set cbr5 [$udp5 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
- $cbr5 set rate_ 0.06Mb
- $cbr5 set random_ 0.005
- set udp6 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $node_(s0) Null $node_(d0) 6]
- set cbr6 [$udp6 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
- $cbr6 set rate_ 0.05Mb
- $cbr6 set random_ 0.005
- set maxAggregates_ 6
- $ns_ at 0.2 "$cbr1 start"
- $ns_ at 0.1 "$cbr2_ start"
- $ns_ at 0.3 "$cbr4 start"
- $ns_ at 0.4 "$cbr5 start"
- $self statsDump $dumptime $fmon $packetsize_ 0
- # trace only the bottleneck link
- #$self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace $stoptime $testName_]
- $ns_ at $stoptime1 "$self cleanupAll $testName_"
- }
- #
- # one complete test with CBR flows only, no pushback and no ACC.
- #
- Class Test/cbrs -superclass TestSuite
- Test/cbrs instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_
- set net_ net2
- set test_ cbrs
- $self next noTraceFiles
- }
- Test/cbrs instproc run {} {
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ net_ topo_
- $self setTopo
- $self setup
- $ns_ run
- }
- #
- # one complete test with CBR flows only, with ACC.
- #
- Class Test/cbrs-acc -superclass TestSuite
- Test/cbrs-acc instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_
- set net_ net2
- set test_ cbrs-acc
- Queue/RED/Pushback set rate_limiting_ 1
- Test/cbrs-acc instproc run {} [Test/cbrs info instbody run]
- $self next noTraceFiles
- }
- #
- # one complete test with CBR flows only, with no ACC
- # CBR flows flows starting and stopping
- #
- Class Test/cbrs1 -superclass TestSuite
- Test/cbrs1 instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_
- set net_ net2
- set test_ cbrs1
- $self next noTraceFiles
- }
- Test/cbrs1 instproc run {} {
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ net_ topo_ cbr_ cbr2_
- $self setTopo
- $self setup
- $ns_ at 10.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.1Mb"
- $ns_ at 15.0 "$cbr2_ set rate_ 0.5Mb"
- $ns_ run
- }
- #
- # one complete test with CBR flows only, with ACC
- # CBR flows flows starting and stopping
- #
- Class Test/cbrs-acc1 -superclass TestSuite
- Test/cbrs-acc1 instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_
- set net_ net2
- set test_ cbrs-acc1
- Queue/RED/Pushback set rate_limiting_ 1
- Test/cbrs-acc1 instproc run {} [Test/cbrs1 info instbody run]
- $self next noTraceFiles
- }
- TestSuite instproc setup1 {} {
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ net_ topo_ cbr_ cbr2_ packetsize_
- $self instvar maxAggregates_
- set stoptime 50.0
- #set dumptime 5.0
- set dumptime 1.0
- #set stoptime 5.0
- set stoptime1 [expr $stoptime + 1.0]
- set packetsize_ 200
- Application/Traffic/CBR set random_ 0.001
- Application/Traffic/CBR set packetSize_ $packetsize_
- set slink [$ns_ link $node_(r0) $node_(r1)]; # link to collect stats on
- set fmon [$ns_ makeflowmon Fid]
- $ns_ attach-fmon $slink $fmon
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d0) $packetsize_ 0.12Mb 1 0.1
- $self new-cbr $node_(s1) $node_(d1) $packetsize_ 0.08Mb 2 0.2
- $self new-cbr $node_(s1) $node_(d1) $packetsize_ 0.07Mb 3 0.3
- $self new-cbr $node_(s1) $node_(d1) $packetsize_ 0.06Mb 4 0.4
- $self new-cbr $node_(s1) $node_(d1) $packetsize_ 0.04Mb 5 0.5
- # bad traffic
- set cbr_ [$self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) $packetsize_ 0.09Mb 5 0.0]
- set maxAggregates_ 5
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) $packetsize_ 0.1Mb 5 13.0 39.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) $packetsize_ 0.1Mb 5 14.0 38.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) $packetsize_ 0.05Mb 5 15.0 37.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) $packetsize_ 0.05Mb 5 16.0 36.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) $packetsize_ 0.05Mb 5 17.0 35.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) $packetsize_ 0.05Mb 5 18.0 34.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) $packetsize_ 0.05Mb 5 19.0 33.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) $packetsize_ 0.05Mb 5 20.0 32.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) $packetsize_ 0.05Mb 5 21.0 31.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) $packetsize_ 0.05Mb 5 22.0 30.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) $packetsize_ 0.05Mb 5 23.0 29.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) $packetsize_ 0.05Mb 5 24.0 28.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) $packetsize_ 0.05Mb 5 25.0 27.0
- $self statsDump $dumptime $fmon $packetsize_ 0
- # trace only the bottleneck link
- #$self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace $stoptime $testName_]
- $ns_ at $stoptime1 "$self cleanupAll $testName_"
- }
- #
- # one complete test with CBR flows only, no pushback and no ACC.
- # Slowly-growing bad CBR aggregate.
- #
- Class Test/slowgrow -superclass TestSuite
- Test/slowgrow instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_
- set net_ net2
- set test_ slowgrow
- $self next noTraceFiles
- }
- Test/slowgrow instproc run {} {
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ net_ topo_
- $self setTopo
- $self setup1
- $ns_ run
- }
- #
- # one complete test with CBR flows only, with ACC.
- # Slowly-growing bad CBR aggregate.
- #
- Class Test/slowgrow-acc -superclass TestSuite
- Test/slowgrow-acc instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_
- set net_ net2
- set test_ slowgrow-acc
- Queue/RED/Pushback set rate_limiting_ 1
- Test/slowgrow-acc instproc run {} [Test/slowgrow info instbody run]
- $self next noTraceFiles
- }
- ######################################################33
- TestSuite instproc setup6 {} {
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ net_ topo_ cbr_ cbr2_ packetsize_
- $self instvar maxAggregates_
- set stoptime 50.0
- #set dumptime 5.0
- set dumptime 1.0
- #set stoptime 5.0
- set stoptime1 [expr $stoptime + 1.0]
- set packetsize_ 500
- Application/Traffic/CBR set random_ 0
- Application/Traffic/CBR set packetSize_ $packetsize_
- set slink [$ns_ link $node_(r0) $node_(r1)]; # link to collect stats on
- set fmon [$ns_ makeflowmon Fid]
- $ns_ attach-fmon $slink $fmon
- Application/Traffic/CBR set random_ 0.001
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d0) 500 0.12Mb 1 0.1
- $self new-tcp $node_(s0) $node_(d0) 500 10 2 1.2
- $self new-tcp $node_(s1) $node_(d1) 500 10 3 2.3
- $self new-tcp $node_(s1) $node_(d1) 500 10 3 3.4
- $self new-tcp $node_(s0) $node_(d1) 500 10 4 5.6
- $self new-tcp $node_(s0) $node_(d1) 500 10 4 6.7
- $self new-tcp $node_(s1) $node_(d0) 500 20 4 7.7
- # bad traffic
- set cbr_ [$self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) 500 0.1Mb 5 0.0]
- $cbr_ set random_ 0.001
- set maxAggregates_ 6
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) 500 0.05Mb 5 13.0 39.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) 500 0.05Mb 5 14.0 38.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) 500 0.05Mb 5 15.0 37.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) 500 0.05Mb 5 16.0 36.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) 500 0.05Mb 5 17.0 35.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) 500 0.05Mb 5 18.0 34.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) 500 0.05Mb 5 19.0 33.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) 500 0.05Mb 5 20.0 32.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) 500 0.05Mb 5 21.0 31.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) 500 0.05Mb 5 22.0 30.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) 500 0.05Mb 5 23.0 29.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) 500 0.05Mb 5 24.0 28.0
- $self new-cbr $node_(s0) $node_(d1) 500 0.05Mb 5 25.0 27.0
- $self statsDump $dumptime $fmon $packetsize_ 0
- # trace only the bottleneck link
- #$self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace $stoptime $testName_]
- $ns_ at $stoptime1 "$self cleanupAll $testName_"
- }
- #
- # Slowly-growing bad CBR aggregate, competing TCP and CBR traffic, no ACC.
- #
- Class Test/demo -superclass TestSuite
- Test/demo instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_
- set net_ net2
- set test_ demo
- $self next noTraceFiles
- }
- Test/demo instproc run {} {
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ net_ topo_
- $self setTopo
- $self setup6
- $ns_ run
- }
- #
- # Slowly-growing bad CBR aggregate, competing TCP and CBR traffic, local ACC.
- #
- Class Test/demo-acc -superclass TestSuite
- Test/demo-acc instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_
- set net_ net2
- set test_ demo-acc
- Queue/RED/Pushback set rate_limiting_ 1
- Test/demo-acc instproc run {} [Test/demo info instbody run]
- $self next noTraceFiles
- }
- ######################################################33
- TestSuite instproc manytcps {starttime} {
- $self instvar ns_ node_
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Sack1 $node_(s0) TCPSink/Sack1 $node_(d0) 1 ]
- $tcp1 set window_ 10
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at $starttime.0 "$ftp1 start"
- set tcp2 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Sack1 $node_(s1) TCPSink/Sack1 $node_(d0) 2 ]
- $tcp2 set window_ 12
- set ftp2 [$tcp2 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at $starttime.1 "$ftp2 start"
- set tcp3 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Sack1 $node_(s0) TCPSink/Sack1 $node_(d1) 3 ]
- $tcp3 set window_ 15
- set ftp3 [$tcp3 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at $starttime.2 "$ftp3 start"
- set tcp4 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Sack1 $node_(s0) TCPSink/Sack1 $node_(d0) 4 ]
- $tcp4 set window_ 8
- set ftp4 [$tcp4 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at $starttime.3 "$ftp4 start"
- set tcp5 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Sack1 $node_(s0) TCPSink/Sack1 $node_(d1) 5 ]
- $tcp5 set window_ 4
- set ftp5 [$tcp5 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at $starttime.4 "$ftp5 start"
- }
- TestSuite instproc badtcps {} {
- $self instvar ns_ node_
- Agent/TCP set window_ 100
- # bad traffic
- set tcp [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Sack1 $node_(s1) TCPSink/Sack1 $node_(d0) 5 ]
- $tcp set window_ 1000
- set ftp [$tcp attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 11.0 "$ftp start"
- $ns_ at 50.0 "$ftp stop"
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Sack1 $node_(s1) TCPSink/Sack1 $node_(d0) 5 ]
- $tcp1 set window_ 1000
- set ftp1 [$tcp attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 12.0 "$ftp1 start"
- $ns_ at 49.0 "$ftp1 stop"
- set tcp2 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Sack1 $node_(s1) TCPSink/Sack1 $node_(d0) 5 ]
- $tcp2 set window_ 1000
- set ftp2 [$tcp attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 13.0 "$ftp2 start"
- $ns_ at 48.0 "$ftp2 stop"
- set tcp3 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Sack1 $node_(s1) TCPSink/Sack1 $node_(d0) 5 ]
- $tcp3 set window_ 1000
- set ftp3 [$tcp attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 14.0 "$ftp3 start"
- $ns_ at 47.0 "$ftp3 stop"
- set tcp4 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Sack1 $node_(s1) TCPSink/Sack1 $node_(d0) 5 ]
- $tcp4 set window_ 1000
- set ftp4 [$tcp attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 15.0 "$ftp4 start"
- $ns_ at 46.0 "$ftp4 stop"
- set tcp [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Sack1 $node_(s1) TCPSink/Sack1 $node_(d0) 5 ]
- set ftp [$tcp attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 16.0 "$ftp start"
- $ns_ at 45.0 "$ftp stop"
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Sack1 $node_(s1) TCPSink/Sack1 $node_(d0) 5 ]
- set ftp1 [$tcp attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 17.0 "$ftp1 start"
- $ns_ at 44.0 "$ftp1 stop"
- set tcp2 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Sack1 $node_(s1) TCPSink/Sack1 $node_(d0) 5 ]
- set ftp2 [$tcp attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 18.0 "$ftp2 start"
- $ns_ at 43.0 "$ftp2 stop"
- set tcp3 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Sack1 $node_(s1) TCPSink/Sack1 $node_(d0) 5 ]
- set ftp3 [$tcp attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 19.0 "$ftp3 start"
- $ns_ at 42.0 "$ftp3 stop"
- set tcp4 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Sack1 $node_(s1) TCPSink/Sack1 $node_(d0) 5 ]
- set ftp4 [$tcp attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 20.0 "$ftp4 start"
- $ns_ at 41.0 "$ftp4 stop"
- set tcp [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Sack1 $node_(s1) TCPSink/Sack1 $node_(d0) 5 ]
- $tcp set window_ 1000
- set ftp [$tcp attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 21.0 "$ftp start"
- $ns_ at 40.0 "$ftp stop"
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Sack1 $node_(s1) TCPSink/Sack1 $node_(d0) 5 ]
- $tcp1 set window_ 1000
- set ftp1 [$tcp attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 22.0 "$ftp1 start"
- $ns_ at 39.0 "$ftp1 stop"
- set tcp2 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Sack1 $node_(s1) TCPSink/Sack1 $node_(d0) 5 ]
- $tcp2 set window_ 1000
- set ftp2 [$tcp attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 23.0 "$ftp2 start"
- $ns_ at 38.0 "$ftp2 stop"
- set tcp3 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Sack1 $node_(s1) TCPSink/Sack1 $node_(d0) 5 ]
- $tcp3 set window_ 1000
- set ftp3 [$tcp attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 24.0 "$ftp3 start"
- $ns_ at 37.0 "$ftp3 stop"
- set tcp4 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Sack1 $node_(s1) TCPSink/Sack1 $node_(d0) 5 ]
- $tcp4 set window_ 1000
- set ftp4 [$tcp attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 25.0 "$ftp4 start"
- $ns_ at 36.0 "$ftp4 stop"
- }
- TestSuite instproc badcbr {} {
- $self instvar ns_ node_
- set udp [$ns_ create-connection UDP $node_(s0) Null $node_(d1) 5]
- set cbr_ [$udp attach-app Traffic/CBR]
- $cbr_ set rate_ 0.1Mb
- $cbr_ set random_ 0.001
- $ns_ at 0.0 "$cbr_ start"
- $ns_ at 11.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.15Mb"
- $ns_ at 12.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.2Mb"
- $ns_ at 13.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.25Mb"
- $ns_ at 14.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.3Mb"
- $ns_ at 15.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.35Mb"
- $ns_ at 16.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.4Mb"
- $ns_ at 17.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.45Mb"
- $ns_ at 18.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.5Mb"
- $ns_ at 19.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.55Mb"
- $ns_ at 20.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.6Mb"
- $ns_ at 21.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.65Mb"
- $ns_ at 22.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.7Mb"
- $ns_ at 23.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.75Mb"
- $ns_ at 24.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.8Mb"
- $ns_ at 25.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.855Mb"
- $ns_ at 37.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.8Mb"
- $ns_ at 37.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.75Mb"
- $ns_ at 38.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.7Mb"
- $ns_ at 39.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.65Mb"
- $ns_ at 40.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.6Mb"
- $ns_ at 41.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.55Mb"
- $ns_ at 42.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.5Mb"
- $ns_ at 43.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.45Mb"
- $ns_ at 44.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.4Mb"
- $ns_ at 45.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.35Mb"
- $ns_ at 46.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.3Mb"
- $ns_ at 47.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.25Mb"
- $ns_ at 48.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.2Mb"
- $ns_ at 49.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.15Mb"
- $ns_ at 50.0 "$cbr_ set rate_ 0.1Mb"
- }
- TestSuite instproc setup4 {} {
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ net_ topo_ cbr_ cbr2_ packetsize_
- $self instvar maxAggregates_
- set stoptime 60.0
- #set dumptime 5.0
- set dumptime 1.0
- #set stoptime 5.0
- set stoptime1 [expr $stoptime + 1.0]
- set packetsize_ 200
- Application/Traffic/CBR set random_ 0
- Application/Traffic/CBR set packetSize_ $packetsize_
- Agent/TCP set packetSize_ $packetsize_
- set slink [$ns_ link $node_(r0) $node_(r1)]; # link to collect stats on
- set fmon [$ns_ makeflowmon Fid]
- $ns_ attach-fmon $slink $fmon
- $self manytcps 0
- set maxAggregates_ 6
- $self badcbr
- $self statsDump $dumptime $fmon $packetsize_ 0
- # trace only the bottleneck link
- #$self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace $stoptime $testName_]
- $ns_ at $stoptime1 "$self cleanupAll $testName_"
- }
- #
- # Slowly-growing CBR aggregate competing against small TCP aggregates.
- # No ACC.
- #
- Class Test/tcp -superclass TestSuite
- Test/tcp instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_
- set net_ net2
- set test_ tcp
- $self next noTraceFiles
- }
- Test/tcp instproc run {} {
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ net_ topo_
- $self setTopo
- $self setup4
- $ns_ run
- }
- #
- # Slowly-growing CBR aggregate competing against small TCP aggregates.
- # No pushback, but with local ACC.
- #
- Class Test/tcp-acc -superclass TestSuite
- Test/tcp-acc instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_
- set net_ net2
- set test_ tcp-acc
- Queue/RED/Pushback set rate_limiting_ 1
- Test/tcp-acc instproc run {} [Test/tcp info instbody run]
- $self next noTraceFiles
- }
- TestSuite instproc setup4a {} {
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ net_ topo_ cbr_ cbr2_ packetsize_
- $self instvar maxAggregates_
- set stoptime 60.0
- #set dumptime 5.0
- set dumptime 1.0
- #set stoptime 5.0
- set stoptime1 [expr $stoptime + 1.0]
- set packetsize_ 200
- Application/Traffic/CBR set random_ 0
- Application/Traffic/CBR set packetSize_ $packetsize_
- Agent/TCP set packetSize_ $packetsize_
- set slink [$ns_ link $node_(r0) $node_(r1)]; # link to collect stats on
- set fmon [$ns_ makeflowmon Fid]
- $ns_ attach-fmon $slink $fmon
- $self manytcps 0
- $self manytcps 1
- $self manytcps 2
- $self manytcps 3
- $self manytcps 4
- $self manytcps 5
- set maxAggregates_ 6
- $self badcbr
- $self statsDump $dumptime $fmon $packetsize_ 0
- # trace only the bottleneck link
- #$self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace $stoptime $testName_]
- $ns_ at $stoptime1 "$self cleanupAll $testName_"
- }
- #
- # Slowly-growing CBR aggregate competing against large TCP aggregates.
- # No ACC.
- #
- Class Test/tcp1 -superclass TestSuite
- Test/tcp1 instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_
- set net_ net2
- set test_ tcp1
- $self next noTraceFiles
- }
- Test/tcp1 instproc run {} {
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ net_ topo_
- $self setTopo
- $self setup4a
- $ns_ run
- }
- #
- # Slowly-growing CBR aggregate competing against large TCP aggregates.
- # No pushback, but with local ACC.
- #
- Class Test/tcp1-acc -superclass TestSuite
- Test/tcp1-acc instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_
- set net_ net2
- set test_ tcp1-acc
- Queue/RED/Pushback set rate_limiting_ 1
- Test/tcp1-acc instproc run {} [Test/tcp1 info instbody run]
- $self next noTraceFiles
- }
- TestSuite instproc setup4b {} {
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ net_ topo_ cbr_ cbr2_ packetsize_
- $self instvar maxAggregates_
- set stoptime 60.0
- #set dumptime 5.0
- set dumptime 1.0
- #set stoptime 5.0
- set stoptime1 [expr $stoptime + 1.0]
- set packetsize_ 200
- Application/Traffic/CBR set random_ 0
- Application/Traffic/CBR set packetSize_ $packetsize_
- Agent/TCP set packetSize_ $packetsize_
- set slink [$ns_ link $node_(r0) $node_(r1)]; # link to collect stats on
- set fmon [$ns_ makeflowmon Fid]
- $ns_ attach-fmon $slink $fmon
- $self manytcps 0
- $self manytcps 1
- $self manytcps 2
- $self manytcps 3
- $self manytcps 4
- $self manytcps 5
- set maxAggregates_ 6
- $self badtcps
- $self badtcps
- $self badtcps
- $self badtcps
- $self badtcps
- $self badtcps
- $self badtcps
- $self badtcps
- $self badtcps
- $self badtcps
- $self badtcps
- $self statsDump $dumptime $fmon $packetsize_ 0
- # trace only the bottleneck link
- #$self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace $stoptime $testName_]
- $ns_ at $stoptime1 "$self cleanupAll $testName_"
- }
- #
- # Slowly-growing TCP aggregate competing against large TCP aggregates.
- # No ACC.
- #
- Class Test/tcp2 -superclass TestSuite
- Test/tcp2 instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_
- set net_ net2
- set test_ tcp2
- $self next noTraceFiles
- }
- Test/tcp2 instproc run {} {
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ net_ topo_
- $self setTopo
- $self setup4b
- $ns_ run
- }
- #
- # Slowly-growing TCP aggregate competing against large TCP aggregates.
- # No pushback, but with local ACC.
- #
- Class Test/tcp2-acc -superclass TestSuite
- Test/tcp2-acc instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_
- set net_ net2
- set test_ tcp2-acc
- Queue/RED/Pushback set rate_limiting_ 1
- Test/tcp2-acc instproc run {} [Test/tcp2 info instbody run]
- $self next noTraceFiles
- }
- ######################################################33
- ## TestSuite instproc setup5 {} {
- ## $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ net_ topo_ cbr_ cbr2_ packetsize_
- ## $self instvar maxAggregates_
- ##
- ## set stoptime 100.0
- ## #set stoptime 5.0
- ## #set dumptime 5.0
- ## set dumptime 1.0
- ## set stoptime1 [expr $stoptime + 1.0]
- ## set packetsize_ 200
- ## Application/Traffic/CBR set random_ 0
- ## Application/Traffic/CBR set packetSize_ $packetsize_
- ##
- ## set slink [$ns_ link $node_(r0) $node_(r1)]; # link to collect stats on
- ## set fmon [$ns_ makeflowmon Fid]
- ## $ns_ attach-fmon $slink $fmon
- ##
- ## set udp1 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $node_(s0) Null $node_(d0) 1]
- ## set cbr1 [$udp1 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
- ## $cbr1 set rate_ 0.12Mb
- ## $cbr1 set random_ 0.005
- ##
- ## set udp2 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $node_(s1) Null $node_(d1) 2]
- ## set cbr2 [$udp2 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
- ## $cbr2 set rate_ 0.08Mb
- ## $cbr2 set random_ 0.005
- ##
- ## # bad traffic
- ## set udp [$ns_ create-connection UDP $node_(s0) Null $node_(d1) 3]
- ## set cbr_ [$udp attach-app Traffic/CBR]
- ## $cbr_ set rate_ 0.5Mb
- ## $cbr_ set random_ 0.001
- ## $ns_ at 0.0 "$cbr_ start"
- ##
- ## set udp4 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $node_(s1) Null $node_(d0) 4]
- ## set cbr4 [$udp4 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
- ## $cbr4 set rate_ 0.07Mb
- ## $cbr4 set random_ 0.005
- ##
- ## set udp5 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $node_(s0) Null $node_(d0) 5]
- ## set cbr5 [$udp5 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
- ## $cbr5 set rate_ 0.06Mb
- ## $cbr5 set random_ 0.005
- ##
- ## set udp6 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $node_(s0) Null $node_(d0) 6]
- ## set cbr6 [$udp6 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
- ## $cbr6 set rate_ 0.05Mb
- ## $cbr6 set random_ 0.005
- ##
- ##
- ## set maxAggregates_ 6
- ##
- ## $ns_ at 0.2 "$cbr1 start"
- ## $ns_ at 0.1 "$cbr2 start"
- ## $ns_ at 0.3 "$cbr4 start"
- ## $ns_ at 0.4 "$cbr5 start"
- ##
- ## $self statsDump $dumptime $fmon $packetsize_ 0
- ## # trace only the bottleneck link
- ## #$self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace $stoptime $testName_]
- ## $ns_ at $stoptime1 "$self cleanupAll $testName_"
- ## }
- ##
- ## #
- ## #
- ## Class Test/onoff -superclass TestSuite
- ## Test/onoff instproc init {} {
- ## $self instvar net_ test_
- ## set net_ net2
- ## set test_ onoff
- ## $self next noTraceFiles
- ## }
- ## Test/onoff instproc run {} {
- ## $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ net_ topo_
- ## $self setTopo
- ## $self setup5
- ## $ns_ run
- ## }
- ##
- ## #
- ## #
- ## Class Test/onoff-acc -superclass TestSuite
- ## Test/onoff-acc instproc init {} {
- ## $self instvar net_ test_
- ## set net_ net2
- ## set test_ onoff-acc
- ## Queue/RED/Pushback set rate_limiting_ 1
- ## Test/onoff-acc instproc run {} [Test/onoff info instbody run]
- ## $self next noTraceFiles
- ## }
- ##
- ######################################################33
- TestSuite instproc setup2 {} {
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ net_ topo_ cbr_ cbr2_ packetsize_
- $self instvar maxAggregates_
- set stoptime 100.0
- set dumptime 1.0
- set stoptime1 [expr $stoptime + 1.0]
- set packetsize_ 200
- Application/Traffic/CBR set random_ 0
- Application/Traffic/CBR set packetSize_ $packetsize_
- set slink [$ns_ link $node_(r0) $node_(r1)]; # link to collect stats on
- set fmon [$ns_ makeflowmon Fid]
- $ns_ attach-fmon $slink $fmon
- set udp1 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $node_(s2) Null $node_(d0) 1]
- set cbr1 [$udp1 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
- $cbr1 set rate_ 0.2Mb
- $cbr1 set random_ 0.001
- set udp2 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $node_(s3) Null $node_(d0) 2]
- set cbr2_ [$udp2 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
- $cbr2_ set rate_ 0.2Mb
- $cbr2_ set random_ 0.001
- # bad traffic
- set udp [$ns_ create-connection UDP $node_(s0) Null $node_(d1) 3]
- set cbr_ [$udp attach-app Traffic/CBR]
- $cbr_ set rate_ 3.0Mb
- $cbr_ set random_ 0.001
- $ns_ at 0.0 "$cbr_ start"
- # poor traffic
- set udp6 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $node_(s1) Null $node_(d1) 3]
- set cbr6_ [$udp attach-app Traffic/CBR]
- $cbr6_ set rate_ 0.2Mb
- $cbr6_ set random_ 0.001
- $ns_ at 0.0 "$cbr6_ start"
- set maxAggregates_ 3
- $ns_ at 0.2 "$cbr1 start"
- $ns_ at 0.1 "$cbr2_ start"
- $self statsDump $dumptime $fmon $packetsize_ 0
- # trace only the bottleneck link
- #$self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace $stoptime $testName_]
- $ns_ at $stoptime1 "$self cleanupAll $testName_"
- }
- #
- # CBR flows only, no pushback and no local ACC
- #
- Class Test/A_noACC -superclass TestSuite
- Test/A_noACC instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_
- set net_ net3
- set test_ A_noACC
- $self next noTraceFiles
- }
- Test/A_noACC instproc run {} {
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_ net_ topo_
- $self setTopo
- $self setup2
- $ns_ run
- }
- #
- # CBR flows only, local ACC
- #
- Class Test/A_ACC -superclass TestSuite
- Test/A_ACC instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_
- set net_ net3
- set test_ A_ACC
- Queue/RED/Pushback set rate_limiting_ 1
- Agent/Pushback set enable_pushback_ 0
- Test/A_ACC instproc run {} [Test/A_noACC info instbody run]
- $self next noTraceFiles
- }
- #
- # CBR flows only, local and Pushback.
- #
- Class Test/A_Push -superclass TestSuite
- Test/A_Push instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_
- set net_ net3
- set test_ A_Push
- Queue/RED/Pushback set rate_limiting_ 1
- Agent/Pushback set enable_pushback_ 1
- Test/A_Push instproc run {} [Test/A_noACC info instbody run]
- $self next noTraceFiles
- }
- TestSuite runTest