Visual C++
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1995 The Regents of the University of California.
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- # are met:
- # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
- # must display the following acknowledgement:
- # This product includes software developed by the Computer Systems
- # Engineering Group at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
- # 4. Neither the name of the University nor of the Laboratory may be used
- # to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
- # specific prior written permission.
- #
- #
- # @(#) $Header: /cvsroot/nsnam/ns-2/tcl/test/test-suite-tcpVariants.tcl,v 1.32 2007/09/25 04:29:56 sallyfloyd Exp $
- #
- # To view a list of available tests to run with this script:
- # ns test-suite-tcpVariants.tcl
- #
- source misc_simple.tcl
- remove-all-packet-headers ; # removes all except common
- add-packet-header Flags IP TCP ; # hdrs reqd for TCP
- Agent/TCP set precisionReduce_ false ; # default changed on 2006/1/24.
- Agent/TCP set rtxcur_init_ 6.0 ; # Default changed on 2006/01/21
- Agent/TCP set updated_rttvar_ false ; # Variable added on 2006/1/21
- Agent/TCP set minrto_ 1
- # default changed on 10/14/2004.
- Agent/TCP/Newreno set newreno_changes1_ 0
- # The default is being changed to 1 on 5/5/03, to reflect RFC 2582.
- Agent/TCP/Newreno set partial_window_deflation_ 0
- # The default is being changed to 1 on 5/5/03, to reflect RFC 2582.
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 0
- # The default has been changed to 1
- Trace set show_tcphdr_ 1
- set wrap 90
- set wrap1 [expr $wrap * 512 + 40]
- Class Topology
- Topology instproc node? num {
- $self instvar node_
- return $node_($num)
- }
- #
- # Links1 uses 8Mb, 5ms feeders, and a 800Kb 10ms bottleneck.
- # Queue-limit on bottleneck is 2 packets.
- #
- Class Topology/net4 -superclass Topology
- Topology/net4 instproc init ns {
- $self instvar node_
- set node_(s1) [$ns node]
- set node_(s2) [$ns node]
- set node_(r1) [$ns node]
- set node_(k1) [$ns node]
- $self next
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s1) $node_(r1) 8Mb 0ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(s2) $node_(r1) 8Mb 0ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 800Kb 100ms DropTail
- $ns queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 8
- $ns queue-limit $node_(k1) $node_(r1) 8
- $self instvar lossylink_
- set lossylink_ [$ns link $node_(r1) $node_(k1)]
- set em [new ErrorModule Fid]
- set errmodel [new ErrorModel/Periodic]
- $errmodel unit pkt
- $lossylink_ errormodule $em
- }
- TestSuite instproc finish file {
- global quiet wrap wrap1 PERL
- set space 512
- if [string match {*full*} $file] {
- exec $PERL ../../bin/getrc -s 2 -d 3 all.tr |
- $PERL ../../bin/raw2xg -c -n $space -s 0.01 -m $wrap1 -t $file > temp.rands
- exec $PERL ../../bin/getrc -s 3 -d 2 all.tr |
- $PERL ../../bin/raw2xg -a -c -f -p -y -n $space -s 0.01 -m $wrap1 -t $file >> temp.rands
- } else {
- exec $PERL ../../bin/getrc -s 2 -d 3 all.tr |
- $PERL ../../bin/raw2xg -s 0.01 -m $wrap -t $file > temp.rands
- exec $PERL ../../bin/getrc -s 3 -d 2 all.tr |
- $PERL ../../bin/raw2xg -a -c -p -y -s 0.01 -m $wrap -t $file
- >> temp.rands
- }
- #exec $PERL ../../bin/set_flow_id -s all.tr |
- # $PERL ../../bin/getrc -s 2 -d 3 |
- # $PERL ../../bin/raw2xg -s 0.01 -m $wrap -t $file > temp.rands
- if {$quiet == "false"} {
- exec xgraph -bb -tk -nl -m -x time -y packets temp.rands &
- }
- ## now use default graphing tool to make a data file
- ## if so desired
- # exec csh gnuplotC2.com temp.rands temp.rands $file
- ##
- exit 0
- }
- TestSuite instproc printtimers { tcp time} {
- global quiet
- if {$quiet == "false"} {
- puts "time: $time sRTT(in ticks): [$tcp set srtt_]/8 RTTvar(in ticks): [$tcp set rttvar_]/4 backoff: [$tcp set backoff_]"
- }
- }
- TestSuite instproc printtimersAll { tcp time interval } {
- $self instvar dump_inst_ ns_
- if ![info exists dump_inst_($tcp)] {
- set dump_inst_($tcp) 1
- $ns_ at $time "$self printtimersAll $tcp $time $interval"
- return
- }
- set newTime [expr [$ns_ now] + $interval]
- $ns_ at $time "$self printtimers $tcp $time"
- $ns_ at $newTime "$self printtimersAll $tcp $newTime $interval"
- }
- TestSuite instproc emod {} {
- $self instvar topo_
- $topo_ instvar lossylink_
- set errmodule [$lossylink_ errormodule]
- return $errmodule
- }
- TestSuite instproc drop_pkts pkts {
- $self instvar ns_
- set emod [$self emod]
- set errmodel1 [new ErrorModel/List]
- $errmodel1 droplist $pkts
- $emod insert $errmodel1
- $emod bind $errmodel1 1
- }
- TestSuite instproc setup {tcptype list} {
- global wrap wrap1
- $self instvar ns_ node_ testName_
- $self setTopo
- ###Agent/TCP set bugFix_ false
- set fid 1
- # Set up TCP connection
- if {$tcptype == "Tahoe"} {
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP $node_(s1)
- TCPSink $node_(k1) $fid]
- } elseif {$tcptype == "Sack1"} {
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Sack1 $node_(s1)
- TCPSink/Sack1 $node_(k1) $fid]
- } elseif {$tcptype == "Fack"} {
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/Fack $node_(s1)
- TCPSink/Sack1 $node_(k1) $fid]
- } elseif {$tcptype == "SackRH"} {
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/SackRH $node_(s1)
- TCPSink/Sack1 $node_(k1) $fid]
- } elseif {$tcptype == "FullTcp"} {
- set wrap $wrap1
- set tcp1 [new Agent/TCP/FullTcp]
- set sink [new Agent/TCP/FullTcp]
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_(s1) $tcp1
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_(k1) $sink
- $tcp1 set fid_ $fid
- $sink set fid_ $fid
- $ns_ connect $tcp1 $sink
- # set up TCP-level connections
- $sink listen ; # will figure out who its peer is
- } elseif {$tcptype == "FullTcpTahoe"} {
- set wrap $wrap1
- set tcp1 [new Agent/TCP/FullTcp/Tahoe]
- set sink [new Agent/TCP/FullTcp/Tahoe]
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_(s1) $tcp1
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_(k1) $sink
- $tcp1 set fid_ $fid
- $sink set fid_ $fid
- $ns_ connect $tcp1 $sink
- # set up TCP-level connections
- $sink listen ; # will figure out who its peer is
- } elseif {$tcptype == "FullTcpNewreno"} {
- set wrap $wrap1
- set tcp1 [new Agent/TCP/FullTcp/Newreno]
- set sink [new Agent/TCP/FullTcp/Newreno]
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_(s1) $tcp1
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_(k1) $sink
- $tcp1 set fid_ $fid
- $sink set fid_ $fid
- $ns_ connect $tcp1 $sink
- # set up TCP-level connections
- $sink listen ; # will figure out who its peer is
- } elseif {$tcptype == "FullTcpSack1"} {
- set wrap $wrap1
- set tcp1 [new Agent/TCP/FullTcp/Sack]
- set sink [new Agent/TCP/FullTcp/Sack]
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_(s1) $tcp1
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_(k1) $sink
- $tcp1 set fid_ $fid
- $sink set fid_ $fid
- $ns_ connect $tcp1 $sink
- # set up TCP-level connections
- $sink listen ; # will figure out who its peer is
- } else {
- set tcp1 [$ns_ create-connection TCP/$tcptype $node_(s1)
- TCPSink $node_(k1) $fid]
- }
- $tcp1 set window_ 28
- set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-app FTP]
- $ns_ at 1.0 "$ftp1 start"
- $self tcpDump $tcp1 5.0
- $self drop_pkts $list
- #$self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self openTrace 6.0 $testName_]
- $ns_ at 6.0 "$self cleanupAll $testName_"
- $ns_ run
- }
- # Definition of test-suite tests
- ###################################################
- ## One drop
- ###################################################
- Class Test/onedrop_tahoe -superclass TestSuite
- Test/onedrop_tahoe instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ onedrop_tahoe
- set guide_ "Tahoe TCP, one drop."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/onedrop_tahoe instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Tahoe {14}
- }
- Class Test/onedrop_SA_tahoe -superclass TestSuite
- Test/onedrop_SA_tahoe instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ onedrop_SA_tahoe
- set guide_ "Tahoe TCP with Limited Transmit, one drop."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/onedrop_SA_tahoe instproc run {} [Test/onedrop_tahoe info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Class Test/onedrop_tahoe_full -superclass TestSuite
- Test/onedrop_tahoe_full instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ onedrop_tahoe_full
- set guide_ "Tahoe, Full TCP, one drop."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/onedrop_tahoe_full instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup FullTcpTahoe {16}
- }
- Class Test/onedrop_reno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/onedrop_reno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ onedrop_reno
- set guide_ "Reno TCP, one drop."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/onedrop_reno instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Reno {14}
- }
- Class Test/onedrop_SA_reno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/onedrop_SA_reno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ onedrop_SA_reno
- set guide_ "Reno TCP with Limited Transmit, one drop."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/onedrop_SA_reno instproc run {} [Test/onedrop_reno info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Class Test/onedrop_reno_full -superclass TestSuite
- Test/onedrop_reno_full instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ onedrop_reno_full
- set guide_ "Reno, Full TCP, one drop."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/onedrop_reno_full instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup FullTcp {16}
- }
- Class Test/onedrop_newreno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/onedrop_newreno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ onedrop_newreno
- set guide_ "NewReno TCP, one drop."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/onedrop_newreno instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Newreno {14}
- }
- Class Test/onedrop_SA_newreno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/onedrop_SA_newreno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ onedrop_SA_newreno
- set guide_ "NewReno TCP with Limited Transmit, one drop."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/onedrop_SA_newreno instproc run {} [Test/onedrop_newreno info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Class Test/onedrop_newreno_full -superclass TestSuite
- Test/onedrop_newreno_full instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ onedrop_newreno_full
- set guide_ "NewReno TCP, one drop."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/onedrop_newreno_full instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup FullTcpNewreno {16}
- }
- Class Test/onedrop_sack -superclass TestSuite
- Test/onedrop_sack instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ onedrop_sack
- set guide_ "Sack TCP, one drop."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/onedrop_sack instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Sack1 {14}
- }
- Class Test/onedrop_SA_sack -superclass TestSuite
- Test/onedrop_SA_sack instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ onedrop_SA_sack
- set guide_ "Sack TCP with Limited Transmit, one drop."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/onedrop_SA_sack instproc run {} [Test/onedrop_sack info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Class Test/onedrop_sack_full -superclass TestSuite
- Test/onedrop_sack_full instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ onedrop_sack_full
- set guide_ "Sack, Full TCP, one drop."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/onedrop_sack_full instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup FullTcpSack1 {16}
- }
- Class Test/onedrop_fack -superclass TestSuite
- Test/onedrop_fack instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ onedrop_fack
- set guide_ "Fack TCP, one drop."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/onedrop_fack instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Fack {14}
- }
- Class Test/onedrop_sackRH -superclass TestSuite
- Test/onedrop_sackRH instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ onedrop_sackRH
- set guide_ "Sack TCP with Rate Halving, one drop."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/onedrop_sackRH instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup SackRH {14}
- }
- ###################################################
- ## Two drops
- ###################################################
- Class Test/twodrops_tahoe -superclass TestSuite
- Test/twodrops_tahoe instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ twodrops_tahoe
- set guide_ "Tahoe TCP, two drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/twodrops_tahoe instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Tahoe {14 28}
- }
- Class Test/twodrops_SA_tahoe -superclass TestSuite
- Test/twodrops_SA_tahoe instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ twodrops_SA_tahoe
- set guide_ "Tahoe TCP with Fast Retransmit, two drops."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/twodrops_SA_tahoe instproc run {} [Test/twodrops_tahoe info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Class Test/twodrops_tahoe_full -superclass TestSuite
- Test/twodrops_tahoe_full instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ twodrops_tahoe_full
- set guide_ "Tahoe Full TCP, two drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/twodrops_tahoe_full instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup FullTcpTahoe {16 30}
- }
- Class Test/twodrops_reno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/twodrops_reno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ twodrops_reno
- set guide_ "Reno TCP, two drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/twodrops_reno instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Reno {14 28}
- }
- Class Test/twodrops_SA_reno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/twodrops_SA_reno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ twodrops_SA_reno
- set guide_ "Reno TCP with Limited Transmit, two drops."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/twodrops_SA_reno instproc run {} [Test/twodrops_reno info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Class Test/twodrops_reno_full -superclass TestSuite
- Test/twodrops_reno_full instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ twodrops_reno_full
- set guide_ "Reno, Full TCP, two drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/twodrops_reno_full instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup FullTcp {16 30}
- }
- Class Test/twodrops_newreno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/twodrops_newreno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ twodrops_newreno
- set guide_ "NewReno TCP, two drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/twodrops_newreno instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Newreno {14 28}
- }
- Class Test/twodrops_SA_newreno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/twodrops_SA_newreno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ twodrops_SA_newreno
- set guide_ "NewReno TCP with Limited Transmit, two drops."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/twodrops_SA_newreno instproc run {} [Test/twodrops_newreno info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Class Test/twodrops_newreno_full -superclass TestSuite
- Test/twodrops_newreno_full instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ twodrops_newreno_full
- set guide_ "NewReno, Full TCP, two drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/twodrops_newreno_full instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup FullTcpNewreno {16 30}
- }
- Class Test/twodrops_sack -superclass TestSuite
- Test/twodrops_sack instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ twodrops_sack
- set guide_ "Sack TCP, two drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/twodrops_sack instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Sack1 {14 28}
- }
- Class Test/twodrops_SA_sack -superclass TestSuite
- Test/twodrops_SA_sack instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ twodrops_SA_sack
- set guide_ "Sack TCP with Limited Transmit, two drops."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/twodrops_SA_sack instproc run {} [Test/twodrops_sack info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Class Test/twodrops_sack_full -superclass TestSuite
- Test/twodrops_sack_full instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ twodrops_sack_full
- set guide_ "Sack, Full TCP, two drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/twodrops_sack_full instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup FullTcpSack1 {16 30}
- }
- Class Test/twodrops_fack -superclass TestSuite
- Test/twodrops_fack instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ twodrops_fack
- set guide_ "Fack TCP, two drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/twodrops_fack instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Fack {14 28}
- }
- Class Test/twodrops_sackRH -superclass TestSuite
- Test/twodrops_sackRH instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ twodrops_sackRH
- set guide_ "Sack TCP with Rate Halving, two drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/twodrops_sackRH instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup SackRH {14 28}
- }
- ###################################################
- ## Three drops
- ###################################################
- Class Test/threedrops_tahoe -superclass TestSuite
- Test/threedrops_tahoe instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ threedrops_tahoe
- set guide_ "Tahoe TCP, three drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/threedrops_tahoe instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Tahoe {14 26 28}
- }
- Class Test/threedrops_SA_tahoe -superclass TestSuite
- Test/threedrops_SA_tahoe instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ threedrops_SA_tahoe
- set guide_ "Tahoe TCP with Limited Transmit, three drops."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/threedrops_SA_tahoe instproc run {} [Test/threedrops_tahoe info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Class Test/threedrops_tahoe_full -superclass TestSuite
- Test/threedrops_tahoe_full instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ threedrops_tahoe_full
- set guide_ "Tahoe, Full TCP, three drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/threedrops_tahoe_full instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup FullTcpTahoe {16 28 30}
- }
- Class Test/threedrops_reno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/threedrops_reno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ threedrops_reno
- set guide_ "Reno TCP, three drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/threedrops_reno instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Reno {14 26 28}
- }
- Class Test/threedrops_SA_reno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/threedrops_SA_reno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ threedrops_SA_reno
- set guide_ "Reno TCP with Limited Transmit, three drops."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/threedrops_SA_reno instproc run {} [Test/threedrops_reno info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Class Test/threedrops_reno_full -superclass TestSuite
- Test/threedrops_reno_full instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ threedrops_reno_full
- set guide_ "Reno, Full TCP, three drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/threedrops_reno_full instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup FullTcp {16 28 30}
- }
- Class Test/threedrops_newreno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/threedrops_newreno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ threedrops_newreno
- set guide_ "NewReno TCP, three drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/threedrops_newreno instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Newreno {14 26 28}
- }
- Class Test/threedrops_SA_newreno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/threedrops_SA_newreno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ threedrops_SA_newreno
- set guide_ "NewReno TCP with Limited Transmit, three drops."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/threedrops_SA_newreno instproc run {} [Test/threedrops_newreno info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Class Test/threedrops_newreno_full -superclass TestSuite
- Test/threedrops_newreno_full instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ threedrops_newreno_full
- set guide_ "NewReno, Full TCP, three drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/threedrops_newreno_full instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup FullTcpNewreno {16 28 30}
- }
- Class Test/threedrops_sack -superclass TestSuite
- Test/threedrops_sack instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ threedrops_sack
- set guide_ "Sack TCP, three drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/threedrops_sack instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Sack1 {14 26 28}
- }
- Class Test/threedrops_SA_sack -superclass TestSuite
- Test/threedrops_SA_sack instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ threedrops_SA_sack
- set guide_ "Sack TCP with Limited Transmit, three drops."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/threedrops_SA_sack instproc run {} [Test/threedrops_sack info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Class Test/threedrops_sack_full -superclass TestSuite
- Test/threedrops_sack_full instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ threedrops_sack_full
- set guide_ "Sack, Full TCP, three drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/threedrops_sack_full instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup FullTcpSack1 {16 28 30}
- }
- Class Test/threedrops_fack -superclass TestSuite
- Test/threedrops_fack instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ threedrops_fack
- set guide_ "Fack TCP, three drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/threedrops_fack instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Fack {14 26 28}
- }
- Class Test/threedrops_sackRH -superclass TestSuite
- Test/threedrops_sackRH instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ threedrops_sackRH
- set guide_ "Sack TCP with Rate Halving, three drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/threedrops_sackRH instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup SackRH {14 26 28}
- }
- ###################################################
- ## Four drops
- ###################################################
- Class Test/fourdrops_tahoe -superclass TestSuite
- Test/fourdrops_tahoe instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ fourdrops_tahoe
- set guide_ "Tahoe TCP, four drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/fourdrops_tahoe instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Tahoe {14 24 26 28}
- }
- Class Test/fourdrops_SA_tahoe -superclass TestSuite
- Test/fourdrops_SA_tahoe instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ fourdrops_SA_tahoe
- set guide_ "Tahoe TCP with Limited Transmit, four drops."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/fourdrops_SA_tahoe instproc run {} [Test/fourdrops_tahoe info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Class Test/fourdrops_tahoe_full -superclass TestSuite
- Test/fourdrops_tahoe_full instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ fourdrops_tahoe_full
- set guide_ "Tahoe, Full TCP, four drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/fourdrops_tahoe_full instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup FullTcpTahoe {16 26 28 30}
- }
- Class Test/fourdrops_reno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/fourdrops_reno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ fourdrops_reno
- set guide_ "Reno TCP, four drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/fourdrops_reno instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Reno {14 24 26 28}
- }
- Class Test/fourdrops_SA_reno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/fourdrops_SA_reno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ fourdrops_SA_reno
- set guide_ "Reno TCP with Limited Transmit, four drops."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/fourdrops_SA_reno instproc run {} [Test/fourdrops_reno info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Class Test/fourdrops_reno_full -superclass TestSuite
- Test/fourdrops_reno_full instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ fourdrops_reno_full
- set guide_ "Reno, Full TCP, four drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/fourdrops_reno_full instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup FullTcp {16 26 28 30}
- }
- Class Test/fourdrops_newreno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/fourdrops_newreno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ fourdrops_newreno
- set guide_ "NewReno TCP, four drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/fourdrops_newreno instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Newreno {14 24 26 28}
- }
- Class Test/fourdrops_SA_newreno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/fourdrops_SA_newreno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ fourdrops_SA_newreno
- set guide_ "NewReno TCP with Limited Transmit, four drops."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/fourdrops_SA_newreno instproc run {} [Test/fourdrops_newreno info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Class Test/fourdrops_newreno_full -superclass TestSuite
- Test/fourdrops_newreno_full instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ fourdrops_newreno_full
- set guide_ "NewReno, Full TCP, four drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/fourdrops_newreno_full instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup FullTcpNewreno {16 26 28 30}
- }
- Class Test/fourdrops_sack -superclass TestSuite
- Test/fourdrops_sack instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ fourdrops_sack
- set guide_ "Sack TCP, four drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/fourdrops_sack instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Sack1 {14 24 26 28}
- }
- Class Test/fourdrops_SA_sack -superclass TestSuite
- Test/fourdrops_SA_sack instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ fourdrops_SA_sack
- set guide_ "Sack TCP with Limited Transmit, four drops."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/fourdrops_SA_sack instproc run {} [Test/fourdrops_sack info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Class Test/fourdrops_sack_full -superclass TestSuite
- Test/fourdrops_sack_full instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ fourdrops_sack_full
- set guide_ "Sack, Full TCP, four drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/fourdrops_sack_full instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup FullTcpSack1 {16 26 28 30}
- }
- Class Test/fourdrops_fack -superclass TestSuite
- Test/fourdrops_fack instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ fourdrops_fack
- set guide_ "Fack TCP, four drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/fourdrops_fack instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Fack {14 24 26 28}
- }
- Class Test/fourdrops_sackRH -superclass TestSuite
- Test/fourdrops_sackRH instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ fourdrops_sackRH
- set guide_ "Sack TCP with Rate Halving, four drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/fourdrops_sackRH instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup SackRH {14 24 26 28}
- }
- ###################################################
- ## Multiple drops
- ###################################################
- Class Test/multiple_tahoe -superclass TestSuite
- Test/multiple_tahoe instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ multiple_tahoe
- set guide_ "Tahoe TCP, eight drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/multiple_tahoe instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Tahoe {11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 }
- }
- ## This can result in an unnecessary packet transmission, unless the
- ## Limited Transmit option checks not to send packets less than maxseq_,
- ## the highest sequence number sent to far.
- Class Test/multiple_SA_tahoe -superclass TestSuite
- Test/multiple_SA_tahoe instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ multiple_SA_tahoe
- set guide_ "Tahoe TCP with Limited Transmit, eight drops."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/multiple_SA_tahoe instproc run {} [Test/multiple_tahoe info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Class Test/multiple_reno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/multiple_reno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ multiple_reno
- set guide_ "Reno TCP, eight drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/multiple_reno instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Reno {11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 }
- }
- Class Test/multiple_SA_reno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/multiple_SA_reno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ multiple_SA_reno
- set guide_ "Reno TCP with Limited Transmit, eight drops."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/multiple_SA_reno instproc run {} [Test/multiple_reno info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Class Test/multiple_newreno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/multiple_newreno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ multiple_newreno
- set guide_ "NewReno TCP, eight drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/multiple_newreno instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Newreno {11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 }
- }
- Class Test/multiple_SA_newreno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/multiple_SA_newreno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ multiple_SA_newreno
- set guide_ "NewReno TCP with Limited Transmit, eight drops."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/multiple_SA_newreno instproc run {} [Test/multiple_newreno info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Class Test/multiple_sack -superclass TestSuite
- Test/multiple_sack instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ multiple_sack
- set guide_ "Sack TCP, eight drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/multiple_sack instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Sack1 {11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 }
- }
- # Limited Transmit
- Class Test/multiple_SA_sack -superclass TestSuite
- Test/multiple_SA_sack instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ multiple_SA_sack
- set guide_ "Sack TCP with Limited Transmit, eight drops."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/multiple_SA_sack instproc run {} [Test/multiple_sack info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- # Partial_ack
- Class Test/multiple_partial_ack_sack -superclass TestSuite
- Test/multiple_partial_ack_sack instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ multiple_partial_ack_sack
- set guide_ "Sack TCP with an ensured response to a partial ack, eight drops."
- Agent/TCP set partial_ack_ 1
- Test/multiple_partial_ack_sack instproc run {} [Test/multiple_sack info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- ###################################################
- ## Multiple drops, scenario #2
- ###################################################
- Class Test/multiple2_tahoe -superclass TestSuite
- Test/multiple2_tahoe instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ multiple2_tahoe
- set guide_ "Tahoe TCP, five drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/multiple2_tahoe instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Tahoe {11 12 13 14 16 }
- # $self setup Tahoe {11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 }
- }
- ## This can result in an unnecessary packet transmission, unless the
- ## Limited Transmit option checks not to send packets less than maxseq_,
- ## the highest sequence number sent to far.
- Class Test/multiple2_SA_tahoe -superclass TestSuite
- Test/multiple2_SA_tahoe instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ multiple2_SA_tahoe
- set guide_ "Tahoe TCP with Limited Transmit, five drops."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/multiple2_SA_tahoe instproc run {} [Test/multiple2_tahoe info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Class Test/multiple2_reno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/multiple2_reno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ multiple2_reno
- set guide_ "Reno TCP, five drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/multiple2_reno instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Reno {11 12 13 14 16 }
- }
- Class Test/multiple2_SA_reno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/multiple2_SA_reno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ multiple2_SA_reno
- set guide_ "Reno TCP with Limited Transmit, five drops."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/multiple2_SA_reno instproc run {} [Test/multiple2_reno info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Class Test/multiple2_newreno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/multiple2_newreno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ multiple2_newreno
- set guide_ "NewReno TCP, five drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/multiple2_newreno instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Newreno {11 12 13 14 16 }
- }
- Class Test/multiple2_SA_newreno -superclass TestSuite
- Test/multiple2_SA_newreno instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ multiple2_SA_newreno
- set guide_ "NewReno TCP with Limited Transmit, five drops."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/multiple2_SA_newreno instproc run {} [Test/multiple2_newreno info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Class Test/multiple2_sack -superclass TestSuite
- Test/multiple2_sack instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ multiple2_sack
- set guide_ "Sack TCP, five drops."
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- Test/multiple2_sack instproc run {} {
- $self instvar guide_
- puts "Guide: $guide_"
- $self setup Sack1 {11 12 13 14 16 }
- }
- # Limited Transmit
- Class Test/multiple2_SA_sack -superclass TestSuite
- Test/multiple2_SA_sack instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ multiple2_SA_sack
- set guide_ "Sack TCP with Limited Transmit, five drops."
- Agent/TCP set singledup_ 1
- Test/multiple2_SA_sack instproc run {} [Test/multiple2_sack info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- # Partial_ack
- # Because partial_ack is used, there is an unnecessary packet retransmission.
- # Partial_ack needs to be made smarter, not to retransmit a packet that
- # has just been sent?
- Class Test/multiple2_partial_ack_sack -superclass TestSuite
- Test/multiple2_partial_ack_sack instproc init {} {
- $self instvar net_ test_ guide_
- set net_ net4
- set test_ multiple2_partial_ack_sack
- set guide_ "Sack TCP with an ensured response to a partial ack, five drops."
- Agent/TCP set partial_ack_ 1
- Test/multiple2_partial_ack_sack instproc run {} [Test/multiple2_sack info instbody run ]
- $self next pktTraceFile
- }
- TestSuite runTest