- #!/bin/sh
- # To remove temporary files in tcl/test.
- # To run: "./" or "sh".
- # For the first command, you might have to first make this file executable.
- #
- rm -f temp* *.ps *core
- rm -f t?.tcl ? ecn all packets out drops acks
- rm -f *.tr *.tr1 *.nam *.xgr
- rm -f all.* *.png
- rm -f fairflow.* srr_out.txt
- rm -f t t? t.*
- rm -f chart?
- rm -f flow? flows?
- rm -rf line?
- rm -rf Host_A Host_B queue
- for i in simple tcp full monitor red sack schedule cbq red-v1 cbq-v1 sack-v1
- v1
- vegas-v1 rbp tcp-init-win tcpVariants ecn manual-routing hier-routing
- intserv webcache mcast newreno srm session mixmode algo-routing vc
- simultaneous lan wireless-lan ecn-ack mip energy wireless-gridkeeper mcache
- satellite wireless-lan-newnode wireless-lan-aodv WLtutorial aimd greis
- rfc793edu friendly rfc2581 links wireless-tdma rio testReno LimTransmit
- pushback diffserv tcp-init-win-full ecn ecn-full simple-full
- red-pd tcpReset LimTransmit pi adaptive-red gk rem vq sack-full
- testReno-full testReno-bayfull source-routing snoop diffusion3 broken
- tcpHighspeed smac quiescent example examples quickstart tcpOptions t
- tagged-trace misc message jobs webtraf sctp xcp smac-multihop
- rng wpan packmime delaybox oddBehaviors
- do
- echo test-output-$i
- rm -f test-output-$i/*.test
- rm -f test-output-$i/*[a-y,A-R,T-Z,0-9]
- done
- # Don't remove *.gz, CVS.