- # -*- Mode:tcl; tcl-indent-level:8; tab-width:8; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
- #
- # Time-stamp: <2000-09-13 18:22:04 haoboy>
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2000 by the University of Southern California
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
- # version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- #
- # The copyright of this module includes the following
- # linking-with-specific-other-licenses addition:
- #
- # In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of
- # this module give you permission to combine (via static or
- # dynamic linking) this module with free software programs or
- # libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL and with code
- # included in the standard release of ns-2 under the Apache 2.0
- # license or under otherwise-compatible licenses with advertising
- # requirements (or modified versions of such code, with unchanged
- # license). You may copy and distribute such a system following the
- # terms of the GNU GPL for this module and the licenses of the
- # other code concerned, provided that you include the source code of
- # that other code when and as the GNU GPL requires distribution of
- # source code.
- #
- # Note that people who make modified versions of this module
- # are not obligated to grant this special exception for their
- # modified versions; it is their choice whether to do so. The GNU
- # General Public License gives permission to release a modified
- # version without this exception; this exception also makes it
- # possible to release a modified version which carries forward this
- # exception.
- #
- # $Header: /cvsroot/nsnam/ns-2/tcl/lib/ns-rtmodule.tcl,v 1.13 2005/09/16 03:05:43 tomh Exp $
- #
- # OTcl interface definition for the base routing module. They provide
- # linkage to Node, hence all derived classes should inherit these interfaces
- # and fill in their specific handling code.
- RtModule instproc register { node } {
- # Attach to node and register routing notifications
- $self attach-node $node
- $node route-notify $self
- $node port-notify $self
- }
- RtModule instproc init {} {
- $self next
- $self instvar classifier_ next_rtm_
- set next_rtm_ ""
- set classifier_ ""
- }
- # Only called when the default classifier of this module is REPLACED.
- RtModule instproc unregister {} {
- $self instvar classifier_
- delete $classifier_
- [$self node] unreg-route-notify $self
- [$self node] unreg-port-notify $self
- }
- RtModule instproc route-notify { module } {
- $self instvar next_rtm_
- if {$next_rtm_ == ""} {
- set next_rtm_ $module
- } else {
- $next_rtm_ route-notify $module
- }
- }
- RtModule instproc unreg-route-notify { module } {
- $self instvar next_rtm_
- if {$next_rtm_ != ""} {
- if {$next_rtm_ == $module} {
- set next_rtm_ [$next_rtm_ set next_rtm_]
- } else {
- $next_rtm_ unreg-route-notify $module
- }
- }
- }
- RtModule instproc add-route { dst target } {
- $self instvar next_rtm_
- [$self set classifier_] install $dst $target
- if {$next_rtm_ != ""} {
- $next_rtm_ add-route $dst $target
- }
- }
- RtModule instproc delete-route { dst nullagent} {
- $self instvar next_rtm_
- [$self set classifier_] install $dst $nullagent
- if {$next_rtm_ != ""} {
- $next_rtm_ delete-route $dst $nullagent
- }
- }
- RtModule instproc attach { agent port } {
- # Send target
- $agent target [[$self node] entry]
- # Recv target
- [[$self node] demux] install $port $agent
- }
- RtModule instproc detach { agent nullagent } {
- # Empty by default
- }
- RtModule instproc reset {} {
- # Empty by default
- }
- #
- # Base routing module
- #
- # Use standard naming although this is a pure OTcl class
- #
- # In fact, all functionalities of Base are already implemented in RtModule.
- # We add this class only to provide a uniform interface to the RtModule
- # creation process, where a single line [new RtModule/$name] is used.
- #
- # Defined in ~ns/rtmodule.{h,cc}
- RtModule/Base instproc register { node } {
- $self next $node
- $self instvar classifier_
- set classifier_ [new Classifier/Hash/Dest 32]
- $classifier_ set mask_ [AddrParams NodeMask 1]
- $classifier_ set shift_ [AddrParams NodeShift 1]
- # XXX Base should ALWAYS be the first module to be installed.
- $node install-entry $self $classifier_
- }
- #
- # Illustrates usage of insert-entry{}. However:
- #
- # XXX Ugly hack: We should keep all variables local to this particular
- # module. However, given all existing multicast code assumes that
- # switch_ and multiclassifier_ are inside Node, we have to make this
- # compromise if we do not want to modify all existing code. :(
- #
- RtModule/Mcast instproc register { node } {
- $self next $node
- $self instvar classifier_
- # Keep old classifier so we can use RtModule::add-route{}.
- $self set classifier_ [$node entry]
- #if {[$classifier_ info class] != "Classifier/Virtual"} {
- # donot want to add-route if virtual classifier
- #$self attach-classifier $classifier_
- #}
- $node set switch_ [new Classifier/Addr]
- # Set up switch to route unicast packet to slot 0 and
- # multicast packets to slot 1
- [$node set switch_] set mask_ [AddrParams McastMask]
- [$node set switch_] set shift_ [AddrParams McastShift]
- # Create a classifier for multicast routing
- $node set multiclassifier_ [new Classifier/Multicast/Replicator]
- [$node set multiclassifier_] set node_ $node
- $node set mrtObject_ [new mrtObject $node]
- # Install existing classifier at slot 0, new classifier at slot 1
- $node insert-entry $self [$node set switch_] 0
- [$node set switch_] install 1 [$node set multiclassifier_]
- }
- #
- # Hierarchical routing module.
- #
- RtModule/Hier instproc register { node } {
- $self next $node
- $self instvar classifier_
- set classifier_ [new Classifier/Hier]
- $node install-entry $self $classifier_
- }
- RtModule/Hier instproc delete-route args {
- eval [$self set classifier_] clear $args
- }
- Classifier/Hier instproc init {} {
- $self next
- for {set n 1} {$n <= [AddrParams hlevel]} {incr n} {
- set classifier [new Classifier/Addr]
- $classifier set mask_ [AddrParams NodeMask $n]
- $classifier set shift_ [AddrParams NodeShift $n]
- $self cmd add-classifier $n $classifier
- }
- }
- Classifier/Hier instproc destroy {} {
- for {set n 1} {$n <= [AddrParams hlevel]} {incr n} {
- delete [$self cmd classifier $n]
- }
- $self next
- }
- Classifier/Hier instproc clear args {
- set l [llength $args]
- [$self cmd classifier $l] clear [lindex $args [expr $l-1]]
- }
- Classifier/Hier instproc install { dst target } {
- set al [AddrParams split-addrstr $dst]
- set l [llength $al]
- for {set i 1} {$i < $l} {incr i} {
- set d [lindex $al [expr $i-1]]
- [$self cmd classifier $i] install $d
- [$self cmd classifier [expr $i+1]]
- }
- [$self cmd classifier $l] install [lindex $al [expr $l-1]] $target
- }
- #
- # Manual Routing Nodes:
- # like normal nodes, but with a hash classifier.
- #
- RtModule/Manual instproc register { node } {
- $self next $node
- $self instvar classifier_
- # Note the very small hash size---
- # you're supposed to resize it if you want more.
- set classifier_ [new Classifier/Hash/Dest 2]
- $classifier_ set mask_ [AddrParams NodeMask 1]
- $classifier_ set shift_ [AddrParams NodeShift 1]
- $node install-entry $self $classifier_
- }
- RtModule/Manual instproc add-route {dst_address target} {
- $self instvar classifier_
- set slot [$classifier_ installNext $target]
- if {$dst_address == "default"} {
- $classifier_ set default_ $slot
- } else {
- # don't encode the address here, set-hash bypasses that for us
- set encoded_dst_address [expr $dst_address << [AddrParams NodeShift 1]]
- $classifier_ set-hash auto 0 $encoded_dst_address 0 $slot
- }
- }
- RtModule/Manual instproc add-route-to-adj-node { args } {
- $self instvar classifier_
- set dst ""
- if {[lindex $args 0] == "-default"} {
- set dst default
- set args [lrange $args 1 end]
- }
- if {[llength $args] != 1} {
- error "ManualRtNode::add-route-to-adj-node [-default] node"
- }
- set target_node $args
- if {$dst == ""} {
- set dst [$target_node set address_]
- }
- set ns [Simulator instance]
- set link [$ns link [$self node] $target_node]
- set target [$link head]
- return [$self add-route $dst $target]
- }
- #
- # Source Routing Nodes.
- #
- RtModule/Source instproc register { node } {
- $self next $node
- $self instvar classifier_
- # Keep old classifier so we can use RtModule::add-route{}.
- $self set classifier_ [$node entry]
- # Set up switch to route unicast packet to slot 0 and
- # multicast packets to slot 1
- #[$node set switch_] set mask_ [AddrParams McastMask]
- #[$node set switch_] set shift_ [AddrParams McastShift]
- # Create a classifier for multicast routing
- $node set src_classifier_ [new Classifier/SR]
- $node set src_agent_ [new Agent/SRAgent]
- $node set switch_ [$node set src_classifier_]
- # $node set multiclassifier_ [new Classifier/Multicast/Replicator]
- # [$node set multiclassifier_] set node_ $node
- # $node set mrtObject_ [new mrtObject $node]
- # Install existing classifier at slot 0, new classifier at slot 1
- $node insert-entry $self [$node set switch_] 1
- [$node set switch_] install 0 [$node set src_agent_]
- $node attach [$node set src_agent_]
- # $self set src_rt 1
- }
- #
- # Virtual Classifier Nodes:
- # like normal nodes, but with a virtual unicast classifier.
- #
- RtModule/VC instproc register { node } {
- # We do not do route-notify. Only port-notify will suffice.
- $self instvar classifier_
- $self attach-node $node
- $node port-notify $self
- set classifier_ [new Classifier/Virtual]
- $classifier_ set node_ $node
- $classifier_ set mask_ [AddrParams NodeMask 1]
- $classifier_ set shift_ [AddrParams NodeShift 1]
- $classifier_ nodeaddr [$node node-addr]
- $node install-entry $self $classifier_
- }
- RtModule/VC instproc add-route { dst target } {
- }
- Classifier/Virtual instproc find dst {
- $self instvar node_
- if {[$node_ id] == $dst} {
- return [$node_ set dmux_]
- } else {
- return [[[Simulator instance] link $node_
- [[Simulator instance] set Node_($dst)]] head]
- }
- }
- Classifier/Virtual instproc install {dst target} {
- }