- # defaults
- set ns_tcp(maxburst) 0
- set ns_tcp(maxcwnd) 0
- set ns_tcp(window) 20
- set ns_tcp(window-init) 1
- set ns_tcp(window-option) 1
- set ns_tcp(window-constant) 4
- set ns_tcp(window-thresh) 0.002
- set ns_tcp(overhead) 0
- set ns_tcp(ecn) 0
- set ns_tcp(packet-size) 1000
- set ns_tcp(bug-fix) true
- set ns_tcp(tcp-tick) 0.1
- # These parameters have all been verified: window, window-init,
- # packet-size, bug-fix (tcp, tcp-reno), overhead (tcp but not tcp-reno),
- # ecn (tcp, tcp-reno, tcp-sink, and tcp-sink-da).
- # The "overhead" option has not been implemented for tcp-reno.
- # The following parameters are for obscure options probably only of interest
- # to Sally, and have not been tested in the new simulator: window-option,
- # window-constant, window-thresh.
- set ns_red(bytes) false
- set ns_red(thresh) 5
- set ns_red(maxthresh) 15
- set ns_red(mean_pktsize) 500
- set ns_red(q_weight) 0.002
- set ns_red(wait) true
- set ns_red(linterm) 50
- set ns_red(setbit) false
- set ns_red(drop-tail) false
- set ns_red(doubleq) false
- set ns_red(dqthresh) 50
- set ns_red(subclasses) 1
- # These parameters have all been verified: thresh, maxthresh, q_weight,
- # linterm, setbit.
- # These parameters are for obscure options probably only of interest to
- # Sally, and have not been tested in the new simulator: doubleq, dqthresh.
- # These parameters have not been tested: bytes, mean_pktsize, wait, drop-tail.
- # These parameters below are only used for RED queues with RED subclasses.
- set ns_red(thresh1) 5
- set ns_red(maxthresh1) 15
- set ns_red(mean_pktsize1) 500
- set ns_cbq(algorithm) 0
- set ns_cbq(max-pktsize) 1024
- set ns_class(priority) 0
- set ns_class(depth) 0
- set ns_class(allotment) 0.0
- set ns_class(maxidle) 4ms
- set ns_class(minidle) -0.2ms
- set ns_class(extradelay) 0
- set ns_class(plot) false
- # These parameters have all been verified: priority, depth, allotment,
- # maxidle, minidle, extradelay.
- set ns_sink(packet-size) 40
- set ns_delsink(interval) 100ms
- set ns_sacksink(max-sack-blocks) 3
- set ns_cbr(interval) 3.75ms
- set ns_cbr(random) 0
- set ns_cbr(packet-size) 210
- set ns_rlm(interval) 3.75ms
- set ns_rlm(packet-size) 210
- set ns_source(maxpkts) 0
- set ns_telnet(interval) 1000ms
- set ns_bursty(interval) 0
- set ns_bursty(burst-size) 2
- set ns_message(packet-size) 40
- #XXX
- set ns_delay(bandwidth) 1.5Mb
- set ns_delay(delay) 100ms
- set ns_queue(limit) 50
- set ns_lossy_uniform(loss_prob) 0.00
- # These packets have all been verified: link(bandwidth), link(delay),
- # link(queue-limit), telnet(interval), delsink(interval).
- proc ns_connect { src sink } {
- $src connect [$sink addr] [$sink port]
- $sink connect [$src addr] [$src port]
- }
- proc ns_duplex { n1 n2 bw delay type } {
- set link0 [ns link $n1 $n2 $type]
- $link0 set bandwidth $bw
- $link0 set delay $delay
- set link1 [ns link $n2 $n1 $type]
- $link1 set bandwidth $bw
- $link1 set delay $delay
- return "$link0 $link1"
- }
- #
- # Create a source/sink connection pair and return the source agent.
- #
- proc ns_create_connection { srcType srcNode sinkType sinkNode class } {
- set src [ns agent $srcType $srcNode]
- set sink [ns agent $sinkType $sinkNode]
- $src set class $class
- $sink set class $class
- ns_connect $src $sink
- return $src
- }
- #
- # Create a Reno TCP connection with the source/sink pair.
- # Maximum window $window, start time $start, class $class.
- #
- proc ns_create_reno { tcpSrc tcpDst window start class} {
- set tcp [ns_create_connection tcp-reno $tcpSrc tcp-sink $tcpDst $class]
- $tcp set window $window
- set ftp [$tcp source ftp]
- ns at $start "$ftp start"
- return $tcp
- }
- #
- # Create a source/sink connection pair for a CBR connection, and return
- # the source agent.
- #
- proc ns_create_cbr { srcNode sinkNode pktSize interval class } {
- set src [ns agent cbr $srcNode]
- set sink [ns agent loss-monitor $sinkNode]
- $src set interval $interval
- $src set packet-size $pktSize
- $src set class $class
- ns_connect $src $sink
- return $src
- }
- #
- # Procedure for backward compatibility with old ns commands.
- # Preferred approach is to allocate objects with the "new" command.
- #
- proc ns { cmd args } {
- global ns_compat
- if { $cmd == "node" } {
- if ![info exists ns_compat(route-logic)] {
- set ns_compat(route-logic) [new route-logic]
- }
- set node [new node]
- $ns_compat(route-logic) insert $node
- return $node
- }
- if { $cmd == "link" } {
- if { [llength $args] == 3 } {
- set src [lindex $args 0]
- set dst [lindex $args 1]
- set type [lindex $args 2]
- set L [new link $type]
- $L install $src $dst
- set ns_compat(link:$src:$dst) $L
- return $L
- }
- if { [llength $args] == 2 } {
- set src [lindex $args 0]
- set dst [lindex $args 1]
- return $ns_compat(link:$src:$dst)
- }
- if { $args == "" } {
- set L ""
- foreach v [array names ns_compat] {
- if [string match link:* $v] {
- lappend L $ns_compat($v)
- }
- }
- return $L
- }
- }
- if { $cmd == "agent" } {
- if { [llength $args] == 2 } {
- set type [lindex $args 0]
- set node [lindex $args 1]
- set agent [new agent $type]
- $agent node $node
- return $agent
- }
- }
- if { $cmd == "trace" } {
- set trace [new trace]
- return $trace
- }
- if { $cmd == "at" } {
- eval ns-at $args
- return
- }
- if { $cmd == "now" } {
- return [ns-now]
- }
- if { $cmd == "random" } {
- return [eval ns-random $args]
- }
- if { $cmd == "run" } {
- $ns_compat(route-logic) compute-routes
- ns-run
- return
- }
- puts stderr "ns: backward compat doesn't handle 'ns $cmd $args'"
- exit 1
- }
- #
- # XXX hack: the Tcl class calls "tkerror" when it hits an
- # error evaluating a tcl stub (e.g., from an ns-at command).
- # Dump a stack trace and exit.
- #
- proc tkerror s {
- global errorInfo
- puts stderr "ns: tcl eval error"
- puts stderr $errorInfo
- exit 1
- }
- ##########################################################################
- # CBQ #
- ##########################################################################
- #
- # Create a CBQ (class-based queueing) class with the specified parameters.
- #
- proc ns_create_class { parent borrow allot maxIdle minIdle priority depth extraDelay} {
- set class [new class]
- set class1 [ns_class_params $class $parent $borrow $allot $maxIdle
- $minIdle $priority $depth $extraDelay 0]
- return $class1
- }
- # "Mbps" gives the link bandwidth in Mbps.
- proc ns_create_class1 { parent borrow allot maxIdle minIdle priority depth extraDelay Mbps} {
- set class [new class]
- set class1 [ns_class_params $class $parent $borrow $allot $maxIdle
- $minIdle $priority $depth $extraDelay $Mbps]
- return $class1
- }
- #
- # Assign the following parameters to the CBQ class.
- #
- proc ns_class_params { class parent borrow allot maxIdle minIdle priority depth extraDelay Mbps} {
- $class parent $parent
- $class borrow $borrow
- $class set allotment $allot
- $class set maxidle $maxIdle
- $class set minidle $minIdle
- $class set priority $priority
- $class set depth $depth
- $class set extradelay $extraDelay
- set class1 [ns_class_maxIdle $class $allot $maxIdle $priority $Mbps]
- set class2 [ns_class_minIdle $class $allot $minIdle $Mbps]
- return $class2
- }
- #
- # If $maxIdle is "auto", set maxIdle to Max[t(1/p-1)(1-g^n)/g^n, t(1-g)].
- # For p = allotment, t = packet transmission time, g = weight for EWMA.
- #
- proc ns_class_maxIdle { class allot maxIdle priority Mbps } {
- if { $maxIdle == "auto" } {
- set g 0.9375
- set n [expr 8 * $priority]
- set gTOn [expr pow($g, $n)]
- set first [expr ((1/$allot) - 1) * (1-$gTOn) / $gTOn ]
- set second [expr (1 - $g)]
- set t [expr (1000 * 8)/($Mbps * 1000000) ]
- if { $first > $second } {
- $class set maxidle [expr $t * $first]
- } else {
- $class set maxidle [expr $t * $second]
- }
- } else {
- $class set maxidle $maxIdle
- }
- return $class
- }
- #
- # If $minIdle is "auto", set minIdle to t(1/p-1).
- # For p = allotment, t = packet transmission time.
- #
- proc ns_class_minIdle { class allot minIdle Mbps } {
- if { $minIdle == "auto" } {
- set t [expr -(8000 * 8)/($Mbps * 1000000) ]
- $class set minidle [expr $t / $allot]
- } else {
- $class set minidle $minIdle
- }
- return $class
- }