- Requirements:
- 1. Make sure you have the following binaries in your PATH variable
- 1. ns
- 2. gnuplot
- 3. gv
- 4. awk
- 5. grep
- 6. sort
- 2. perl is installed in /usr/bin/perl
- 3. csh is installed in /bin/csh
- 4. If you are running from a remote machine, the DISPLAY variable should be set correctly (for popping up the graphs automatically).
- If any of the first 3 requirements are not met, you will have to modify the scripts in the right places.
- Instructions for running the simulations are relative to the version of the RED-PD paper at
- The working directory is assumed to be ~ns/tcl/ex/red-pd
- The commands shown below assume that all files ending in '.sh' and '.pl' are executable (can be made so using chmod +x <filename>). If that is not the case run '' and '' using 'csh' and 'perl' respectively.
- As a result of running the scripts, the graphs will be created as postscript files in the appropriate directories. They will also pop up automatically at the end of simulation.
- To run all the simualtions at one go
- %
- Figure 9 and 16 (probability of identification)
- % PIdent/
- Figure 10
- % allUDP/
- Figure 11
- % mix/
- Figure 12
- % response/
- Figure 13
- % varying/
- Figure 14
- % allTCP/
- Figure 15
- % singleVsMulti/
- Figure 16
- same as Figure 9 (above)
- Figure 17
- % testFRp/
- Figure 18
- % testFRp_tcp/
- Figure 19 and 20
- % web/
- Figure 21 and 22
- % tfrc/
- Figure 23
- % multi/
- Figure 24
- % pktsVsBytes/
- % pktsVsBytes/