- reset
- set terminal X
- set xrange [0:21]
- set xtics 4,4,20
- set yrange [0.0:1.25]
- set ytics 0,0.25,1.0
- set size 1,0.6
- set key right top
- set xlabel "Total Number of Flows"
- set ylabel "Throughput (RED, pkt)"
- set terminal postscript monochrome dashed 18
- set output ""
- plot "data0-2" using 1:4 title "Short RTT, large pkts " with lp, "data0-2" using 1:5 title "Short RTT, small pkts" with lp, "data0-2" using 1:6 title "Long RTT, large pkts" with lp, "data0-2" using 1:7 title "Long RTT, small pkts" with lp
- set ylabel "Throughput (RED-PD, pkt)"
- set output ""
- plot "data1-2" using 1:4 title "Short RTT, large pkts " with lp, "data1-2" using 1:5 title "Short RTT, small pkts" with lp, "data1-2" using 1:6 title "Long RTT, large pkts" with lp, "data1-2" using 1:7 title "Long RTT, small pkts" with lp
- set ylabel "Throughput (RED, byte)"
- set terminal postscript monochrome dashed 18
- set output ""
- plot "data0-1" using 1:4 title "Short RTT, large pkts " with lp, "data0-1" using 1:5 title "Short RTT, small pkts" with lp, "data0-1" using 1:6 title "Long RTT, large pkts" with lp, "data0-1" using 1:7 title "Long RTT, small pkts" with lp
- set ylabel "Throughput (RED-PD, byte)"
- set output ""
- plot "data1-1" using 1:4 title "Short RTT, large pkts " with lp, "data1-1" using 1:5 title "Short RTT, small pkts" with lp, "data1-1" using 1:6 title "Long RTT, large pkts" with lp, "data1-1" using 1:7 title "Long RTT, small pkts" with lp