- #
- # Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Regents of the University of California.
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- # are met:
- # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
- # must display the following acknowledgement:
- # This product includes software developed by the MASH Research
- # Group at the University of California Berkeley.
- # 4. Neither the name of the University nor of the Research Group may be
- # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
- # specific prior written permission.
- #
- # Created May 98 by Ahmed Helmy; updated June 98
- # agent generator class
- Class AgentGen
- proc agent-usage { } {
- puts stderr {usage: agents [options]
- where options are given as: -key value
- example options:
- -outfile f -transport TCP/Reno -num 20 -src FTP -sink TCPSink
- -start 1-3 -stop 6-8
- "agents -h" for help
- }
- return
- }
- proc detailed-usage { } {
- puts {usage: agents [-<key 1> <value 1> -<key n> <value n>]
- example1:
- agents -outfile f -transport TCP -num 20 -src FTP -sink TCPSink -srcstub 4-7,12
- -deststub 8-11,15
- example2:
- agents -outfile f -transport SRM -num 50 -src Telnet -srcstub 1,3 -deststub 2,4-20
- -srcnum 10%
- Keys:
- -outfile: the filename to which the generated script will be
- written.
- -transport: [now supports only TCP and SRM and their variants]
- values:
- tcp types:
- TCP [TCP Tahoe], TCP/Reno, TCP/NewReno, TCP/Sack1,
- TCP/Vegas, TCP/Fack
- srm types:
- SRM, SRM/Deterministic , SRM/Probabilistic, SRM/Adaptive
- details:
- SRM: C1 = C2 = 2 (request param), D1 = D2 = 1 (repair param)
- Deterministic: C2 = 0, D2 = 0
- Probabilistic: C1 = D1 = 0
- -src: FTP [default with TCPs], Telnet, CBR, CBR/UDP.
- CBR is a constant bit rate source,
- CBR/UDP same as CBR but with ability to use traffic
- models [such as pareto and exponential, described next]
- -traffic: [the traffic model, may be used with CBR/UDP]
- Expoo: Exponential on/off model
- Pareto: Pareto on/off model
- -sink: [now used for sinks of tcp connections]
- values:
- TCPSink,TCPSink/DelAck,TCPSink/Sack1,TCPSink/Sack1/DelAck,FullTcp
- details:
- one way rxvg agents: TCPSink (1 ack per packet) ,
- TCPSink/DelAck (w/ delay per ack), TCPSink/Sack1 (selective ack
- sink rcf2018), TCPSink/Sack1/DelAck (sack1 with DelAck)
- 2 way "FullTcp": Reno sender
- -num: number of tcp connections or total srm agents.
- Given as either absolute value indicating number of
- nodes, or as percentage of the total number of nodes in
- the topology (e.g. 60%).
- [for srm the default is all nodes are agents]
- -srcstub: the stubs from the sources are going to originate. stubs can be
- defined as a number, percentage or as a range. Nodes in the stub are selected
- randomly.
- e.g -srcstub <10> (indicates simply stub 10) or
- -srcstub <1-6,8,10-15> (meaning all stubs between 1 to 6 and 10 to 15 and stub 8
- shall have n (as defined) number of source nodes or
- -srcstub <1-6> , includes all stubs only from 1 to 6.
- Stubs are used to determine membership/flow distribution for a given topology
- and can be used to control dense or sparse mode simulation.
- Defaults to all stubs in topology.
- -deststub: Stubs from which the destination nodes are going to originate. deststubs are
- also defined as absolute numbers, percentages or as range.
- e.g -deststub <10> or
- -deststub <1-5,8-10> or
- -destnode <1-6>.
- Defaults to all stubs in topology.
- -srcnum: the number of srm agents that are also sources
- [defaults to 10% of total nodes]
- -start: starting time of the tcp connections, or srm sources. May
- be given as a range x1-x2, in which different random
- starting times from the range will be assigned to
- different agents, or may be given as value x at which
- all agents start (default is 0)
- -stop: (format similar to start) stop the sources
- -join: (format similar to start) when srm agents join the group
- -leave: (format similar to start) when srm agents leave
- [not support by srm yet!]
- -totalnodes: the number of nodes to be used by the agent
- generator as the total # nodes in the topology.
- [if left out, the agent generator asks the
- topology generator for this info.]
- }
- }
- proc agents { args } {
- set len [llength $args]
- if { $len } {
- set key [lindex $args 0]
- if {$key == "-?" || $key == "--help" || $key == "-help"
- || $key == "-h" } {
- detailed-usage
- return
- }
- }
- if { !$len || [expr $len % 2] } {
- # if number is odd => error !
- puts "fewer number of arguments than needed in "$args""
- agent-usage
- return
- }
- if { [catch {set ag [AgentGen info instances]}] } {
- puts "can't create AgentGen ..!!"
- agent-usage
- return
- }
- if { $ag == "" } {
- set ag [new AgentGen]
- }
- $ag create $args
- }
- AgentGen instproc init { } {
- $self next
- }
- AgentGen instproc default_options { } {
- $self instvar opt_info
- set opt_info {
- # init file to -1, must be supplied by input
- outfile -1
- transport -1
- src -1
- sink -1
- num -1
- srcstub -1
- deststub -1
- # may add location same_stub/other_stub later
- # start range either a number x or range x1-x2
- start 0
- stop 0
- # srm srcnum
- srcnum 10%
- traffic -1
- join 0
- leave 0
- totalnodes 0
- }
- $self parse_opts
- }
- AgentGen instproc parse_opts { } {
- $self instvar opts opt_info
- while { $opt_info != ""} {
- # parse line by line
- if {![regexp "^[^n]*n" $opt_info line]} {
- break
- }
- # remove the parsed line
- regsub "^[^n]*n" $opt_info {} opt_info
- # remove leading spaces and tabs using trim
- set line [string trim $line]
- # skip comment lines beginning with #
- if {[regexp "^[ t]*#" $line]} {
- continue
- }
- # skip empty lines
- if {$line == ""} {
- continue
- } elseif {[regexp {^([^ ]+)[ ]+([^ ]+)$} $line dummy key value]} {
- set opts($key) $value
- }
- }
- }
- AgentGen instproc parse_input { args } {
- # remove the list brackets from the args list
- set args [lindex $args 0]
- set len [llength $args]
- $self instvar opts
- for { set i 0 } { $i < $len } { incr i } {
- set key [lindex $args $i]
- regsub {^-} $key {} key
- if {![info exists opts($key)]} {
- puts stderr "unrecognized option $key"
- agent-usage
- return -1
- }
- incr i
- puts "changing $key from $opts($key) to [lindex $args $i]"
- set opts($key) [lindex $args $i]
- }
- # puts "end of parsing... "
- return 0
- }
- AgentGen instproc create { args } {
- # remove the list brackets from the args list
- set args [lindex $args 0]
- set len [llength $args]
- # puts "calling create with args $args, len $len"
- $self default_options
- if { $len } {
- if { [$self parse_input $args] == -1 } {
- return
- }
- }
- # check that the filename is provided
- $self instvar opts
- if { $opts(outfile) == -1 } {
- puts {you must provide outfile. Use "agents -h" for help}
- return
- }
- $self save-command $opts(outfile) $args
- $self create-agents
- }
- # we save the commands to append them to the end of the file
- AgentGen instproc save-command { file command } {
- global AllCommandLines
- # XXX clear the commands if this is a new file
- if { ![file exists $file] } {
- set f [open $file w]
- # XXX complete
- # puts $f "header info... "
- puts $f "n proc generate-agents { sim nodes } { n"
- puts $f "t upvar $nodes n; upvar $sim ns n"
- # initialize the fid to 0
- puts $f "t set fid 0nn"
- flush $f; close $f
- set AllCommandLines ""
- }
- $self instvar commandLine
- set commandLine "agents $command"
- lappend AllCommandLines $commandLine
- }
- AgentGen instproc create-agents { } {
- $self instvar opts
- # puts "transport $opts(transport)"
- set transport -1
- regexp {^([a-zA-Z]+)} $opts(transport) all transport
- switch $transport {
- "TCP" {
- if { [$self check-tcp $opts(transport)] == -1 ||
- [$self check-tcp-sink $opts(sink)] == -1 } {
- puts "invalid or unsupported tcp or sink option"
- return -1
- }
- set tcp $opts(transport)
- set sink $opts(sink)
- set src $opts(src)
- if { $src == -1 } {
- puts "you left out the source..!! using FTP"
- set src FTP
- }
- # check location of stubs (src and dest)
- $self check-TCP-location
- set num [$self calc-num $opts(num)]
- # we open the file in append mode since we allow
- # multiple agents commands in one script...
- set f [open $opts(outfile) a]
- set str [$self preamble-tcp]
- puts $f "$str"
- # may add topological semantics for src,dst
- # placemnt .. later.. for now use all (i.e.
- # randomize over all nodes)
- # set str [$self generate-tcp-agents $tcp $src
- # $sink $num all]
- set str [$self generate-tcp-agents $tcp $src $sink $num]
- puts $f "$str"
- set start $opts(start)
- set stop $opts(stop)
- set str [$self generate-src-start $start $stop $num]
- puts $f "$str"
- flush $f
- close $f
- }
- # can merge the checks in check-$type proc..later
- "SRM" {
- # may want to add a check on multicast and
- # either assign default mrouting, or flag an
- # error if mrouting is not enabled
- # if left out, use SRM default
- if { [$self check-srm $opts(transport)] == -1 } {
- puts "invalid or unsupported srm option"
- return -1
- }
- set srm $opts(transport)
- set num [$self calc-num $opts(num)]
- set srcnum [$self calc-num $opts(srcnum)]
- $self check-SRM-location
- set f [open $opts(outfile) a]
- set str [$self preamble-srm]
- puts $f "$str"
- set src $opts(src)
- set traffic $opts(traffic)
- #set str [$self generate-srm-agents $srm $num $srcnum $src $traffic all]
- set str [$self generate-srm-agents $srm $num
- $srcnum $src $traffic]
- puts $f "$str"
- # may want to check on these values.. later X
- set join $opts(join)
- set leave $opts(leave)
- set start $opts(start)
- set stop $opts(stop)
- set str [$self generate-srm-patterns $join
- $leave $num $start $stop $srcnum]
- puts $f "$str"
- flush $f
- close $f
- }
- "-1" {
- puts "transport was not specified !!"
- # should we return for now
- return -1
- }
- default {
- puts "unknown or unsupported transport "$opts(transport)""
- return -1
- }
- }
- }
- AgentGen instproc check-tcp { type } {
- set tcps { "" /Reno /NewReno /Sack1 /Vegas /Fack /FullTcp }
- foreach tcp $tcps {
- if { $type == "TCP$tcp" } {
- return 1
- }
- }
- return -1
- }
- AgentGen instproc check-tcp-sink { sink } {
- set sinks { TCPSink TCPSink/DelAck TCPSink/Sack1
- TCP/Sink/Sack1/DelAck FullTcp }
- foreach snk $sinks {
- if { $snk == $sink } {
- return 1
- }
- }
- return -1
- }
- AgentGen instproc create-stub-location { type } {
- $self instvar opts
- set loc $opts($type)
- if {$loc == -1} {
- puts "nLocation not specified: using randomized distribution for $typen"
- } else {
- foreach L [split $loc ,] {
- set S [split $L -]
- if {[llength $S] == 2} {
- for {set x [lindex $S 0]} {$x <= [lindex $S 1]} {incr x} {
- lappend opts($type-list) $x
- }
- } else {
- lappend opts($type-list) [lindex $S 0]
- }
- }
- #puts "list of $type - [list $opts($type-list)]"
- }
- }
- AgentGen instproc check-TCP-location { } {
- $self instvar opts
- $self create-stub-location srcstub
- $self create-stub-location deststub
- if {$opts(srcstub) != $opts(deststub)} {
- if {[llength $opts(srcstub-list)] != [llength $opts(deststub-list)]} {
- puts "Error: #srcstubs donot match with #deststubs - all stubs are now being considered"
- set opts(srcstub) -1
- set opts(deststub) -1
- }
- }
- }
- AgentGen instproc check-srm { type } {
- set types { "" /Deterministic /Probabilistic /Adaptive }
- foreach srmtype $types {
- if { $type == "SRM$srmtype" } {
- return 1
- }
- }
- return -1
- }
- AgentGen instproc check-SRM-location { } {
- $self instvar opts
- $self create-stub-location srcstub
- $self create-stub-location deststub
- }
- # XXX testing hack
- # Class TG
- # TG proc get-total-nodes { } {
- # return 25
- # }
- AgentGen instproc getNodes { range } {
- $self instvar opts
- if { $range == "all" && $opts(totalnodes)} {
- # total nodes provided at cmd line
- return $opts(totalnodes)
- } else {
- #
- # total nodes was not provided at cmd line so ask
- # topology generator. and for all other topology
- # semantics query topology generator as follows:
- # all (all nodes), total-stubs (total # stubs),
- # transit<num> (node number for that transit, e.g transit4 will return
- # 3) , stub<num> (range of nodes in the stub, e.g stub2 returns the range
- # 11-18).
- #
- if {[catch {set tg [ScenGen getTG]}]} {
- puts stderr {Can't find topology generator..quiting!
- Either run the topology generator first, or provide the total
- number of nodes using the "totalnodes" option.
- Use "agents -h" for more help.}
- exit
- }
- return [$tg getNodes $range]
- }
- }
- # should there be an SRMGen class (and TCPGen class..etc) !
- AgentGen instproc calc-num { num } {
- set totalNodes [$self getNodes all]
- if { $num == -1 } {
- # if num is left out, assign a number
- # equal to the number of nodes
- set number $totalNodes
- } elseif { [regexp {^([0-9]+)(%)$} $num all num per] } {
- #
- # check for percentage
- #
- set number [expr $totalNodes * $num / 100]
- } else { set number $num }
- #puts "num $number"
- return $number
- }
- AgentGen instproc get-tcp-stubs { num } {
- $self instvar opts
- set pairs ""
- for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $opts(srcstub-list)]} {incr i} {
- set p [lindex $opts(srcstub-list) $i]
- set sr [split [$self getNodes stub$p] :]
- set q [lindex $opts(deststub-list) $i]
- set dr [split [$self getNodes stub$q] :]
- set temp [$self randomize-agent-pairs [lindex $sr 0]
- [lindex $sr 1] [lindex $dr 0] [lindex $dr 1] $num]
- set pairs [ concat $pairs $temp]
- }
- puts "pairs = $pairs"
- return $pairs
- }
- AgentGen instproc get-srm-stubs { num srcnum } {
- $self instvar opts
- set srcnodes ""
- set destnodes ""
- for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $opts(srcstub-list)]} {incr i} {
- set p [lindex $opts(srcstub-list) $i]
- set sr [split [$self getNodes stub$p] :]
- set src [$self randomize-agents [lindex $sr 0] [lindex $sr 1]
- $srcnum]
- set srcnodes [concat $scrnodes $src]
- }
- for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $opts(deststub-list)]} {incr i} {
- set q [lindex $opts(deststub-list) $i]
- set dr [split [$self getNodes stub$q] :]
- set dest [$self randomize-agents [lindex $dr 0]
- [lindex $dr 1] [expr $num - $srcnum]]
- set destnodes [concat $destnodes $dest]
- }
- set opts(srcstub-list) $srcnodes
- set opts(deststub-list) $destnodes
- }
- # should have SRMGen/TCPGen/'transport'Gen generate-agents...etc.
- AgentGen instproc generate-srm-agents { srm num srcnum src traffic } {
- $self instvar opts
- # puts "generate srm agents $srm $num $srcnum $src $traffic"
- set totalNodes [$self getNodes all]
- if { $opts(srcstub) == -1 || $opts(deststub) == -1} {
- # we assume that num is less that totalNodes..X
- # and incase totalNodes < num, more than one srm src/recvr agent shall
- # be attached to nodes.
- set nodes [$self randomize-agents 0 $totalNodes $num]
- set srcNodes [lrange $nodes 0 [expr $srcnum -1]]
- set rcvrNodes [lrange $nodes $srcnum end]
- } else {
- $self get-srm-stubs $num $srcnum
- set srcNodes $opts(srcstub-list)
- set rcvrNodes $opts(deststub-list)
- }
- set a_5 "n # generate $num $srm agents, $srcnum of which are n"
- set a_4 "# srcs $src/$traffic. Distribute randomly. n"
- set a_1 "n set group [Node allocaddr] n"
- # create agents assume 1 srm agent per node
- # if we are going to use array names and array size, then
- # use unset to remove any left over arrays from previous commands
- # check that we don't need those arrays again
- # e.g. unset srm, unset srmsrc, unset s, unset src... etc XXX
- # may create one loop for both srmsrc and srm .. later X
- set a "foreach i {$rcvrNodes} { n"
- set b "t set srm($i) [new Agent/$srm] n"
- # set the group ... and other params.. XXX
- set c "t $srm($i) set dst_addr_ $group n"
- set d "t $ns attach-agent $n($i) $srm($i) n } n"
- set str1 "$a_5 $a_4 $a_1 $a $b $c $d"
- set ba "foreach i {$srcNodes} { n"
- set bb "t set srmsrc($i) [new Agent/$srm] n"
- # set the group ... and other params.. XXX
- set bc "t $srmsrc($i) set dst_addr_ $group n"
- set bd "t $ns attach-agent $n($i) $srmsrc($i) n"
- # assign the srcs
- set f "t set s($i) [new Agent/$src] n"
- # traffic is only used with CBR UDP
- if { $src == "CBR/UDP" } {
- set g "t set traffic($i) [new Traffic/$traffic] n"
- # assign the trfc params. later... burst, idle, rate..XXX
- set h "t $s($i) attach-traffic $traffic($i) n"
- } else { set g ""; set h ""; }
- set i "t $srmsrc($i) traffic-source $s($i) n } n"
- set str2 "$ba $bb $bc $bd $f $g $h $i"
- set str "$str1 $str2"
- # puts "generate srm done"
- return $str
- }
- AgentGen instproc commandLine { } {
- $self instvar commandLine
- return $commandLine
- }
- AgentGen instproc preamble-tcp { } {
- set separator {#################}
- set a "n $separator n"
- set ab "# The command line generating this part of the script is: n"
- set ac "# [$self commandLine]"
- set ae "nn #XXX cuz we use [array names src], we unset it first.n"
- set b "catch {unset src} n"
- return "$a $ab $ac $a $ae $b"
- }
- AgentGen instproc preamble-srm { } {
- set separator "#################"
- set a "n $separator n"
- set ab "# The command line generating this part of the script is: n"
- set ac "# [$self commandLine]"
- #set ad $a
- set ae "nn # XXX cuz we use array names of srm and srmsrc, we unset.n"
- set b "catch {unset srmsrc} n"
- set c "catch {unset srm} n"
- return "$a $ab $ac $a $ae $b $c"
- }
- # node-ranges to be extended to capture topological semantics
- AgentGen instproc generate-tcp-agents { tcp src sink num } {
- $self instvar opts
- #
- # puts "generate tcp $tcp $src $sink $num $node_ranges"
- #
- set totalNodes [$self getNodes all]
- #
- # assume there's an API to get the total num of nodes in
- # the topology simulated, also we may need an API to
- # get ranges of topological significance (like stub
- # ranges..etc), topology type.. so on..
- #
- if { $opts(srcstub) == -1 || $opts(deststub) == -1 } {
- #
- # no specific stub given for src/dest location.
- #
- set pairs [$self randomize-agent-pairs 0 $totalNodes
- 0 $totalNodes $num]
- } else {
- #
- # may use topology info (e.g. stubs) to get
- # the pairs
- #
- set pairs [$self get-tcp-stubs $num]
- #puts "tcp pairs = [list $pairs]"
- }
- set a_5 "n # generate $num connections of $tcp, using $sink n"
- set a_4 "# sink types, and $src sources. Distribute randomly. n"
- set a_1 "n set i 0 n"
- set a "foreach pair {$pairs} { n"
- set b "t set sorc [lindex $pair 0] n"
- set c "t set dst [lindex $pair 1] n"
- # set the fid
- set d_1 "t incr fid n"
- set d "t set tcp($i) [$ns create-connection $tcp $n($sorc) $sink $n($dst) $fid] n"
- set e "t set src($i) [$tcp($i) attach-source $src] n"
- set f "t incr i n }"
- set str "$a_5 $a_4 $a_1 $a $b $c $d_1 $d $e $f"
- return $str
- }
- # check for commonalities bet this and generate-src-start.. X
- AgentGen instproc generate-srm-patterns { join leave num
- start stop srcnum } {
- #puts "generate srm patterns $join $leave $num $start
- # $stop $srcnum"
- # for now ignore the leave and stop until I know if
- # if they apply to srm agents or not !! XXX
- set ex {regexp {^([0-9]+)[-]([0-9]+)$}}
- set strstart "" ;
- set done(start) 0;
- set ext "-source"
- foreach event { start } {
- if { [eval "$ex [set $event] all begin end"] } {
- set str [$self randomize-time $begin $end $srcnum]
- set a_5 "n # randomize $event times in the [$begin,$end] rangen"
- set a_4 "# for $srcnum srm sources. n"
- set a "n set i 0 n"
- set ab "set times {$str} n"
- set b "foreach j [array names srmsrc] { n"
- set bb "t set time [lindex $times $i] n"
- set c "t $ns at $time "$srmsrc($j) $event$ext" n"
- set d "t incr i n } n"
- set str$event "$a_5 $a_4 $a $ab $b $bb $c $d"
- set done($event) 1
- }
- }
- if { !$done(start) } {
- set a_1 " # start all $srcnum srm sources at $start. n"
- set a "foreach i [array names srmsrc] { n"
- set b "t $ns at $start "$srmsrc($i) start-source" n } n"
- set strstart "$a_1 $a $b"
- }
- if { [eval "$ex $join all begin end"] } {
- set str [$self randomize-time $begin $end $num]
- set srcNodes [lrange $str 0
- [expr [array size srmsrc] -1]]
- set rcvrNodes [lrange $str [array size srmsrc] end]
- set a_1 "n # randomize the join times for $num srm agents inn"
- set a_2 "# the range [$begin,$end] n"
- set a "n set i 0 n"
- set ab "set times {$str} n"
- set b "foreach j [array names srmsrc] { n"
- set bb "t set time [lindex $times $i] n"
- set c "t $ns at $time "$srmsrc($j) start" n"
- set d "t incr i n } n"
- set e "foreach j [array names srm] { n"
- set f "t set time [lindex $times $i] n"
- set g "t $ns at $time "$srm($j) start" n"
- set h "t incr i n } n"
- set strjoin "$a_1 $a_2 $a $ab $b $bb $c $d $e $f $g $h"
- } else {
- set a_1 "# srm agents join at $joinn"
- set a "foreach j [array names srm] { n"
- set b "t $ns at $join "$srm($j) start" n } n"
- set c "foreach j [array names srmsrc] { n"
- set d "t $ns at $join "$srmsrc($j) start" n } n"
- set strjoin "$a_1 $a $b $c $d"
- }
- return "$strstart $strjoin"
- }
- AgentGen instproc generate-src-start { start stop num } {
- # puts "generate src $start $stop $num"
- set ex {regexp {^([0-9]+)[-]([0-9]+)$}}
- set strstart "" ; set strstop ""
- set done(start) 0; set done(stop) 0
- # assume the start and stop intervals don't overlap,
- # we do not check if start is before stop for an agent XXX
- foreach event { start stop } {
- if { [eval "$ex [set $event] all begin end"] } {
- set str [$self randomize-time $begin $end $num]
- set a_2 "n # randomize the $event time for the $num sources inn"
- set a_1 "# the range [$begin,$end]n"
- set a "n set i 0 n"
- set b "foreach time {$str} { n"
- set c "t $ns at $time "$src($i) $event" n"
- set d "t incr i n } n"
- set str$event "$a_2 $a_1 $a $b $c $d"
- set done($event) 1
- }
- }
- if { $done(start) && ($done(stop) || !$stop) } {
- return "$strstart $strstop"
- }
- # may want to clear up the src array before this run of
- # code generation... to avoid left overs.. XXX
- set a "foreach i [array names src] { n"
- set a_1 ""; set a_2 ""
- if { !$done(start) } {
- set a_2 "# start the sources at $start n"
- set b "t $ns at $start "$src($i) start" n"
- } else { set b "" }
- if { !$done(stop) && $stop } {
- set a_1 "# stop the sources at $stop n"
- set c "t $ns at $stop "$src($i) stop" n"
- } else { set c "" }
- set d "}"
- set str "$a_2 $a_1 $a $b $c $d"
- return "$strstart $strstop $str"
- }
- # the following takes as input the interval (first, last) from
- # which distinct 'number' of ints are randomly chosen and returned.
- # It is assumed that number <= interval
- AgentGen instproc randomize-agents { first last number } {
- set interval [expr $last - $first]
- set result ""
- #
- # code below that checked for duplication of nodes
- # resulted in infinite loops where "interval" was much smaller than
- # "number". Hence will generate a warning instead, changing "number"
- # to value of "interval". -Padma (July 15, '98).
- #
- if {$number > [expr $interval * 2]} {
- puts "tinterval = $interval is much larger than number = $number
- Changing number from $number to $interval"
- set number $interval
- }
- set maxrval [expr pow(2,31)]
- set intrval [expr $interval/$maxrval]
- for { set i 0 } { $i < $number } { incr i } {
- set randval [expr [ns-random] * $intrval]
- set randNode [expr int($randval) + $first]
- if { [info exists done($randNode)] } {
- set i [expr $i - 1]
- #puts "do again, $randNode exists -> i = $i"
- } else {
- set done($randNode) 1
- lappend result $randNode
- #puts "result = $result"
- }
- }
- #puts "result = $result"
- return $result
- }
- #### may need to check if 'number' of connections exceed the interval range.
- # takes in src and dst ranges (first,last) from which 'number' of
- # distinct [i.e. src != dst] src,dst pairs are chosen
- # the result is a list of pairs
- AgentGen instproc randomize-agent-pairs { srcfirst srclast
- dstfirst dstlast number } {
- set srcinterval [expr $srclast - $srcfirst]
- set dstinterval [expr $dstlast - $dstfirst]
- set result ""
- set maxrval [expr pow(2,31)]
- set srcintrval [expr $srcinterval/$maxrval]
- set dstintrval [expr $dstinterval/$maxrval]
- for { set i 0 } { $i < $number } { incr i } {
- set srcrandval [expr [ns-random] * $srcintrval]
- set srcrandNode [expr int($srcrandval) + $srcfirst]
- while { 1 } {
- set dstrandval [expr [ns-random] * $dstintrval]
- set dstrandNode [expr int($dstrandval) + $dstfirst]
- if { $srcrandNode != $dstrandNode } {
- break
- }
- }
- lappend result [list $srcrandNode $dstrandNode]
- }
- return $result
- }
- AgentGen instproc randomize-time { first last number } {
- set times ""
- set interval [expr $last - $first]
- set maxrval [expr pow(2,31)]
- set intrval [expr $interval/$maxrval]
- for { set i 0 } { $i < $number } { incr i } {
- set randtime [expr ([ns-random] * $intrval) + $first]
- # XXX include only 6 decimals (i.e. usec)
- lappend times [format "%.6f" $randtime]
- }
- return $times
- }
- proc mark-end { file } {
- global AllCommandLines
- # puts "mark end of file $file"
- if { [catch {set f [open $file a]}] } {
- puts "can't append to file $file"
- }
- set a_1 " n } ; # ending the generate-agents proc.nn"
- set a "############## End of file marker ##########n"
- set b "# Following are the command lines used:"
- puts $f "$a_1 $a $b"
- foreach cmdLine $AllCommandLines {
- puts $f " # $cmdLine"
- }
- flush $f
- close $f
- }