- # Created May 98 by Ahmed Helmy; updated June 98
- # routing generator class
- Class RouteGen
- proc route-usage { } {
- puts {usage: routing [-<key 1> <value 1> ... -<key n> <value n>]
- example options:
- -outfile f -unicast DV -multicast detailedDM -expand_address off
- keys and corresponding values:
- -outfile [the output file that will contain the ns script
- describing the routing. This must be given.]
- -unicast
- possible values:
- Session (default) [centralized Dijkstra's SPF algorithm]
- DV [detailed/distributed Bellman-Ford algorithm]
- -multicast [by default multicast is turned off, unless this
- option is given]
- possible values:
- CtrMcast [centralized sparse multicast]
- detailedDM [detailed/distributed dense-mode multicast,
- based on PIM-DM]
- PIM [an early version of detailed/distributed sparse mode
- multicast, based on PIM-SM.]
- -expand_address
- possible values: on (default) , off
- }
- }
- proc routing { args } {
- set len [llength $args]
- if { $len } {
- set key [lindex $args 0]
- if {$key == "-?" || $key == "--help" || $key == "-help"
- || $key == "-h" } {
- route-usage
- return
- }
- }
- if { [expr $len % 2] } {
- # if number is odd => error !
- puts "fewer number of arguments than needed in "$args""
- route-usage
- return
- }
- # check if the routeGen type exists
- if { [catch {set rg [RouteGen info instances]}] } {
- puts "no class RouteGen"
- route-usage
- return
- }
- if { $rg == "" } {
- set rg [new RouteGen]
- }
- if { ![llength $args] } {
- $rg create
- } else {
- $rg create $args
- }
- }
- RouteGen instproc init { } {
- $self next
- }
- RouteGen instproc default_options { } {
- $self instvar opt_info
- set opt_info {
- # init file to -1, must be supplied by input
- outfile -1
- # unicast default is centralized (i.e. rtproto
- # Session)
- unicast Session
- # multicast default is detailedDM ! is this a
- # good choice ?! or better centralized (i.e.
- # mproto CtrMcast
- # multicast centralized
- # default is multicast is turned off !!
- multicast -1
- # where does address assignment (e.g. expand, and
- # hierarchical) fit ?! XXX
- # by default turn them on
- expand_address on
- # hierarchical addressing is decided at topology
- # generation time... not here !
- # hierarchical-addressing on
- }
- $self parse_opts
- }
- # are the parsing functions general enuf... ! chk
- RouteGen instproc parse_opts { } {
- $self instvar opts opt_info
- while { $opt_info != ""} {
- # parse line by line
- if {![regexp "^[^n]*n" $opt_info line]} {
- break
- }
- # remove the parsed line
- regsub "^[^n]*n" $opt_info {} opt_info
- # remove leading spaces and tabs using trim
- set line [string trim $line]
- # skip comment lines beginning with #
- if {[regexp "^[ t]*#" $line]} {
- continue
- }
- # skip empty lines
- if {$line == ""} {
- continue
- } elseif [regexp {^([^ ]+)[ ]+([^ ]+)$} $line dummy key value] {
- set opts($key) $value
- }
- }
- }
- RouteGen instproc parse_input { args } {
- # remove the list brackets from the args list
- set args [lindex $args 0]
- set len [llength $args]
- $self instvar opts
- for { set i 0 } { $i < $len } { incr i } {
- set key [lindex $args $i]
- regsub {^-} $key {} key
- if {![info exists opts($key)]} {
- puts stderr "unrecognized option $key"
- route-usage
- return -1
- }
- incr i
- # puts "changing $key from $opts($key) to [lindex $args $i]"
- set opts($key) [lindex $args $i]
- }
- # puts "end of parsing... "
- return 0
- }
- RouteGen instproc create { args } {
- # remove the list brackets from the args list
- set args [lindex $args 0]
- set len [llength $args]
- # puts "calling create with args $args, len $len"
- $self default_options
- if { $len } {
- if { [$self parse_input $args] == -1 } {
- return
- }
- }
- # check that the filename is provided
- $self instvar opts
- if { $opts(outfile) == -1 } {
- puts {you must provide outfile name. use "routing -h" for help}
- return
- }
- $self create-routing
- }
- RouteGen instproc create-routing { } {
- # XXX leave out the checks to ns later.. !
- # this would allow extensibility to include other kinds of
- # routing without having to modify the generator
- # if { [$self input-check] == -1 } {
- # puts "There's an input error !! aborting"
- # route-usage
- # return
- # }
- $self instvar opts
- set file $opts(outfile)
- set unicast $opts(unicast)
- set mcast $opts(multicast)
- set add $opts(expand_address)
- $self generate-code $file $unicast $mcast $add
- }
- # later may add other options.. for unicast multipath.. etc
- RouteGen instproc generate-code { file unicast mcast add } {
- set f [open $file w]
- # puts "generate-code with $file $unicast $mcast $add"
- set aa "n proc setup-mcastNaddr { sim } { n"
- set ab "t upvar $sim nsn"
- set ac ""; set ad ""; set bd ""; set ae ""
- # add other params here later.. multipath..etc
- if { $mcast != -1 } {
- set ac "t Simulator set EnableMcast_ 1n"
- set ad "t Simulator set NumberInterfaces_ 1n"
- # check if the following has to be done
- # only after the nodes are created !! XXX
- # get a handle to mcast that may be used later for
- # ex. to switch treetype... etc
- set bd "t set mrthandle [$ns mrtproto $mcast {}]n"
- }
- if { $add == "on" } {
- set ae "t Node expandaddrn"
- }
- set ba "n proc create-routing { sim } {n"
- set bb "t upvar $sim nsn"
- set bc "t $ns rtproto $unicast n"
- set c "} n"; # close the proc paren
- # XXX this is
- # ns artifact that mcast enable should come before
- # topology generation and assigning uni/mcast
- # should come after !!!
- # generate the first procedure ...
- set str1 "$aa $ab $ac $ad $ae $c"
- # generate the 2nd procedure
- set str2 "$ba $bb $bc $bd $c"
- puts $f "$str1 $str2"
- flush $f
- close $f
- }
- RouteGen instproc input-check { } {
- $self instvar check
- set check 1
- $self unicast-check
- $self multicast-check
- $self address-checks
- if { $check == -1 } {
- return -1
- }
- return 1
- }
- RouteGen instproc unicast-check { } {
- $self instvar opts
- # puts "unicast is $opts(unicast)"
- if { $opts(unicast) != "DV" && $opts(unicast) != "Session" } {
- puts "unknown unicast "$opts(unicast)", use DV or Session"
- $self instvar check
- set check -1
- }
- }
- RouteGen instproc multicast-check { } {
- $self instvar opts
- # puts "multicast is $opts(multicast)"
- if { $opts(multicast) == -1 } {
- puts "multicast will default to "off""
- } elseif { $opts(multicast) != "CtrMcast" &&
- $opts(multicast) != "detailedDM" && $opts(multicast) != "PIM" } {
- puts "unknown multicast "$opts(multicast)", use
- CtrMcast, detailedDM, or PIM"
- $self instvar check
- set check -1
- }
- }
- RouteGen instproc address-checks { } {
- $self instvar opts
- # puts "expand_address is $opts(expand_address)"
- if { $opts(expand_address) != "on" &&
- $opts(expand_address) != "off" } {
- puts "address option "$opts(expand_address)" unknown"
- $self instvar check
- set check -1
- }
- }