- # Created May 98 by Ahmed Helmy; updated June 98
- # topology generator class
- Class TG
proc usage { } {
puts stderr {usage: topology [options]
where options are given as: -key value
example options:
-outfile mytopo -type random -nodes 50 -method pure-random
"topology -h" help
# exit 1
proc detailed-usage { } {
puts {usage: topology [-<key 1> <value 1> -<key 2> <value 2> -<key n> <value n>]
example options:
-generator itm -outfile myfile -type random -nodes 20 -connection_prob 0.6
keys and corresponding values:
possible value: itm (default) [the georgia tech topology generator]
[note: you need to invoke itm and sgb2ns, e.g. by setting your path]
-outfile [the output file that will contain the ns script describing the
generated topology. This must be given.]
possible values: random (default), transit_stub
possible values: integer (default = random [uses ns-random])
-nodes [the number of nodes in the topology; used with `-type random']
possible values: integer (default = 50 with random, 100 with
-scale [used by itm to place nodes in topologies] (default = nodes)
-method [the node connection/linking method; used with `-type random']
possible values: waxman1, waxman2, pure-random, doar-leslie, exponential,
and locality (default = pure-random)
-connection_prob [the connection probability between nodes; used in
all methods] [this sometimes is called `alpha']
possible values: 0.0 <= connection_prob <= 1.0 (default = 0.5)
-beta [used only with waxman1, waxman2, doar-leslie and locality]
possible values: 0.0 <= beta (default = 0.5)
-gamma [used only with doar-leslie and locality]
possible values: 0.0 <= gamma (default = 0.5)
proc itm-random-help { } {
puts {Comment from ITM, on edge connection methods:
1. Edge is placed between two nodes by a probabilistic method, which
is determined by the "method" parameter. Edge is placed with
probability p, where p is calculated by one of the methods below,
alpha, beta, gamma: input parameters,
L is scale * sqrt(2.0): the max distance between two points,
d: the Euclidean distance between two nodes.
e: a random number uniformly distributed in [0,L]
Method 1: (Waxman's RG2, with alpha,beta)
p = alpha * exp(-e/L*beta)
Method 2: (Waxmans's RG1, with alpha,beta)
p = alpha * exp(-d/L*beta)
Method 3: (Pure random graph)
p = alpha
Method 4: ("EXP" - another distance varying function)
p = alpha * exp(-d/(L-d))
Method 5: (Doar-Leslie, with alpha,beta, gamma)
p = (gamma/n) * alpha * exp(-d/(L*beta))
Method 6: (Locality with two regions)
p = alpha if d <= L*gamma,
p = beta if d > L*gamma
2. Constraints
0.0 <= alpha <= 1.0 [alpha is a probability]
0.0 <= beta [beta is nonnegative]
0.0 <= gamma [gamma is nonnegative]
n < scale*scale [enough room for nodes]
proc itm-transit-stub-help { } {
puts {Parameters for transit_stub topology by itm:
-stubs_per_transit [number of stubs per transit node] (default = 3)
-ts_extra_edges [number of extra transit-stub edges] (default = 0)
-ss_extra_edges [number of extra stub-stub edges] (default = 0)
-transit_domains [number of transit domains] (default = 1)
-domains_scale [top level scale used by ITM] (default = 20)
* Connectivity of domains [similar to the random topology parameters]
-domains_method (default = pure-random)
-domains_connection_prob (default = 1.0) [fully connected]
-domains_beta (default = 0.5)
-domains_gamma (default = 0.5)
- * Connectivity of transit nodes:
- -transit_nodes (default = 4)
- -transit_scale (default = 20)
- -transit_method (default = pure-random)
- -transit_connection_prob (default = 0.6)
- -transit_beta (default = 0.5)
- -transit_gamma (default = 0.5)
- * Connectivity of stub nodes:
- -stub_nodes (default = 8)
- -stub_method (default = pure-random)
- -stub_connection_prob (default = 0.4)
- -stub_beta (default = 0.5)
- -stub_gamma (default = 0.5)
- * Total number of nodes is computed as follows:
- nodes=transit_domains * transit_nodes * (1 + stubs_per_transit * stub_nodes)
- for example, for the above default settings we get:
- 1 * 4 ( 1 + 3 * 8 ) = 100 nodes
- }
- }
- proc help-on-help { } {
- puts {Help available for random, transit stub, and edge connection method.
- Help usage "topology -h <i>"
- where:
- <i> = 1 for random, 2 for transit stub, and 3 for edge connection method.
- }
- }
- proc help { x } {
- switch $x {
- 1 { detailed-usage }
- 2 { itm-transit-stub-help }
- 3 { itm-random-help }
- default { puts "invalid help option"; help-on-help }
- }
- }
- proc topology { args } {
- set len [llength $args]
- if $len {
- set key [lindex $args 0]
- if {$key == "-?" || $key == "--help" || $key == "-help"
- || $key == "-h" } {
- if { [set arg2 [lindex $args 1]] == "" } {
- usage
- help-on-help
- } else {
- help $arg2
- }
- return
- }
- }
- if [expr $len % 2] {
- # if number is odd => error !
- puts "fewer number of arguments than needed in "$args""
- usage
- return
- }
- # default topology generator
- set generator itm
- if { $args != "" && [lindex $args 0] == "-generator" } {
- set generator [lindex $args 1]
- set args [lreplace $args 0 1]
- }
- # check if the generator type exists
- if [catch {set tg [TG/$generator info instances]}] {
- puts "unknown generator type $generator"
- usage
- return
- }
- if { $tg == "" } {
- set tg [new TG/$generator]
- }
- if ![llength $args] {
- $tg create
- } else {
- $tg create $args
- }
- ScenGen setTG $tg
- }
- Class TG/itm -superclass TG
- TG/itm instproc init { } {
- $self next
- }
- TG/itm instproc default_options { } {
- # default set may not be complete for now.. !XXX
- $self instvar opt_info
- set opt_info {
- # init file to -1, must be supplied by input
- outfile -1
- # number of graphs and seed
- # flat random
- type random
- # number should not be changed by input... should be left
- # as 1, and a tcl loop may create multiple graphs... left it as
- # place holder in case this may change later.. !
- number 1
- # seed is randomized later if not entered as input
- seed -1
- nodes 50
- # if not entered assign to nodes later
- scale -1
- method pure-random
- connection_prob 0.5
- beta 0.5
- gamma 0.5
- # defaults for transit stub
- # total number of nodes is:
- # transit_domains * transit_nodes * (1 + stubs_per_transit * stub_nodes)
- # 1 * 4 ( 1 + 3 * 8 ) = 100 nodes
- stubs_per_transit 3
- ts_extra_edges 0
- ss_extra_edges 0
- transit_domains 1
- domains_scale 20
- domains_method pure-random
- domains_connection_prob 1.0
- domains_beta 0.5
- domains_gamma 0.5
- transit_nodes 4
- transit_scale 20
- transit_method pure-random
- transit_connection_prob 0.6
- transit_beta 0.5
- transit_gamma 0.5
- stub_nodes 8
- # the stub scale is ignored by ITM, is computed as fraction
- # of the transit scale... see proc comment below !
- stub_scale 10
- stub_method pure-random
- stub_connection_prob 0.4
- stub_beta 0.5
- stub_gamma 0.5
- # for N level hierarchy
- # assume all levels use same vars
- levels 3
- level_nodes 10
- level_scale 10
- level_method waxman1
- level_connection_prob 0.7
- level_beta 0.2
- level_gamma 0.5
- }
- $self parse_opts
- }
- TG instproc parse_opts { } {
- $self instvar opts opt_info
- while { $opt_info != ""} {
- # parse line by line
- if {![regexp "^[^n]*n" $opt_info line]} {
- break
- }
- # remove the parsed line
- regsub "^[^n]*n" $opt_info {} opt_info
- # remove leading spaces and tabs using trim
- set line [string trim $line]
- # skip comment lines beginning with #
- if {[regexp "^[ t]*#" $line]} {
- continue
- }
- # skip empty lines
- if {$line == ""} {
- continue
- } elseif [regexp {^([^ ]+)[ ]+([^ ]+)$} $line dummy key value] {
- set opts($key) $value
- }
- }
- }
- TG instproc parse_input { args } {
- # remove the list brackets from the args list
- set args [lindex $args 0]
- set len [llength $args]
- $self instvar opts
- for { set i 0 } { $i < $len } { incr i } {
- set key [lindex $args $i]
- regsub {^-} $key {} key
- if {![info exists opts($key)]} {
- puts stderr "unrecognized option $key"
- usage
- return -1
- }
- incr i
- # puts "changing $key from $opts($key) to [lindex $args $i]"
- set opts($key) [lindex $args $i]
- }
- # puts "end of parsing... "
- return 0
- }
- TG instproc create { args } {
- # remove the list brackets from the args list
- set args [lindex $args 0]
- set len [llength $args]
- # puts "calling create with args $args, len $len"
- $self default_options
- if $len {
- if { [$self parse_input $args] == -1 } {
- return
- }
- }
- # check that the filename is provided
- $self instvar opts
- if { $opts(outfile) == -1 } {
- puts {you must provide the outfile name !!.. use "topology -h" for help}
- return
- }
- $self create-topology
- }
# XXX to be extended to include stubs... and other topo info
- TG instproc setNodes { type num } {
- $self instvar nodes
- set nodes($type) $num
# puts "nodes($type) = $nodes($type)"
# now we stor nodes(all) x
- # should be able to store nodes(stub1) x1-x2
- # keep track of the num of stubs... etc
- }
- TG instproc getNodes { type } {
- $self instvar nodes
- if { ![info exists nodes($type)]} {
puts "error: $type doesnot exist! Check srcstub/deststub arguments"
return $nodes($type)
- }
TG/itm instproc create-topology { } {
$self instvar opts
# initialize the seed if not given
- if { $opts(seed) == -1 } {
set opts(seed) [ns-random]
- }
puts "type $opts(type), seed $opts(seed)"
switch $opts(type) {
- "random" {
- # compose the filename
- set i 0
- while { 1 } {
- # avoid clashing with prev files, incr i
- set topo_filename rand-$opts(nodes)-$i
- if ![file exists $topo_filename] {
- break
- }
- incr i
- }
- set topo_file [open $topo_filename w]
- # write to a file in GA tech format
- # for now generate 1 graph,...
- # check the scale, if not give, assign # of nodes
- if { $opts(scale) == -1 } {
- set opts(scale) $opts(nodes)
- }
- $self setNodes all $opts(nodes)
- puts "nodes $opts(nodes), scale $opts(scale),
- method $opts(method)"
- puts "conn prob $opts(connection_prob), beta
- $opts(beta), gamma $opts(gamma)"
- puts $topo_file "geo $opts(number) $opts(seed)"
- set str [$self rand-line $opts(nodes) $opts(scale)
- $opts(method) $opts(connection_prob) $opts(beta)
- $opts(gamma)]
- puts $topo_file $str
- }
- "transit_stub" {
- # filename
- set i 0
- while { 1 } {
- # avoid clashing with prev files, incr i
- set topo_filename ts-$opts(transit_domains)-$opts(transit_nodes)-$i
- if ![file exists $topo_filename] {
- break
- }
- incr i
- }
- set topo_file [open $topo_filename w]
- # debugging stuff !!!
- puts "stubs per transit $opts(stubs_per_transit),
- ts extra $opts(ts_extra_edges), ss extra $opts(ss_extra_edges)"
- puts "transit domains $opts(transit_domains),
- domains_scale $opts(domains_scale), domains_method
- $opts(domains_method)"
- puts "domains_conn $opts(domains_connection_prob),
- beta $opts(domains_beta), gamma $opts(domains_gamma)"
- puts "transit_nodes $opts(transit_nodes),
- transit_scale $opts(transit_scale),
- transit_method $opts(transit_method)"
- puts "transit prob $opts(transit_connection_prob)
- transit_beta $opts(transit_beta),
- transit_gamma $opts(transit_gamma)"
- puts "stub_nodes $opts(stub_nodes),
- stub_method $opts(stub_method),
- stub_conn $opts(stub_connection_prob)
- stub_beta $opts(stub_beta)
- stub_gamma $opts(stub_gamma)"
- set total_nodes [expr $opts(transit_domains) *
- $opts(transit_nodes) * [expr 1 + $opts(stubs_per_transit)
- * $opts(stub_nodes)]]
- puts "Total nodes = $total_nodesn"
#check if number of nodes specified is diff from
# the total nodes after computation.
if {$opts(nodes) != $total_nodes} {
puts "n ERROR: Nodes specified = $opts(nodes) nActual number of total nodes = $total_nodes
nFor transit_stub type, specify value of "transit_domains", "transit_nodes", "stubs_per_transit" and "stub_nodes" to change the number of nodes in your topologyn"
exit 1
$self setNodes all $total_nodes
- puts $topo_file "ts $opts(number) $opts(seed)"
- puts $topo_file "$opts(stubs_per_transit)
- $opts(ts_extra_edges) $opts(ss_extra_edges)"
- set str [$self rand-line $opts(transit_domains)
- $opts(domains_scale) $opts(domains_method)
- $opts(domains_connection_prob) $opts(domains_beta)
- $opts(domains_gamma)]
- puts $topo_file $str
- set str [$self rand-line $opts(transit_nodes)
- $opts(transit_scale) $opts(transit_method)
- $opts(transit_connection_prob) $opts(transit_beta)
- $opts(transit_gamma)]
- puts $topo_file $str
- set str [$self rand-line $opts(stub_nodes)
- $opts(stub_scale) $opts(stub_method)
- $opts(stub_connection_prob) $opts(stub_beta)
- $opts(stub_gamma)]
- puts $topo_file $str
- }
- default {
- puts "invalid type "$opts(type)"!! use "topology -h" for help"
- return
- }
- }
- flush $topo_file
- close $topo_file
- $self generate-topo-gatech $topo_filename
- # cleanup if you want.. uncomment the next line !
- # exec rm $topo_filename
- # call the converter 'number' times
- # no need for this loop if number is always 1 .. XXX
- for { set i 0 } { $i < $opts(number) } { incr i } {
- # output file is appended by
- $self convert-to-ns $topo_filename-$ $opts(outfile) $opts(type)
- # clean up... not sure if the file is needed by hierarchical addressing
- # exec rm $
- TG/itm instproc rand-line { nodes scale method conn_prob beta gamma } {
- lappend str $nodes $scale
- switch $method {
- "waxman1" {
- # need alpha and beta
- lappend str 1 $conn_prob $beta
- }
- "waxman2" {
- lappend str 2 $conn_prob $beta
- }
- "pure-random" {
- # needs only alpha
- lappend str 3 $conn_prob
- }
- "doar-leslie" {
- # alpha, beta and gamma... X seems to use only alpha !
- lappend str 4 $conn_prob $beta $gamma
- }
- "exponential" {
- # alpha .. XXX doesn't work now !!
- lappend str 5 $conn_prob
- }
- "locality" {
- # alpha , beta and gamma
- lappend str 6 $conn_prob $beta $gamma
- }
- default {
- puts "unidentified method $method .. aborting !!"
- usage
- return
- }
- }
- # puts "str $str"
- return $str
- }
- TG/itm instproc generate-topo-gatech { fn } {
exec itm $fn
- TG/itm instproc convert-to-ns { fn outfile type} {
# to avoid generating false errors if sgb2ns is careless
- # about its return/exit value
# topofile generated by sgb2hierns program; has topology info used by
# topogen and agentgen
# So If type permits, read in topofile and cleanup.
if {$type == "transit_stub"} {
set topofile $outfile.topoinfo
catch { exec sgb2hierns $fn $outfile $topofile }
$self getTopoInfo $topofile
#exec rm $topofile
catch { exec sgb2ns $fn $outfile}
# Read in topology info from topo.$outfile
TG/itm instproc getTopoInfo topofile {
set input [open $topofile r]
foreach line [split [read $input] n] {
set stream [split $line]
switch [lindex $stream 0] {
"transits" {$self getLine $stream "transit"}
"total-stubs" {$self setNodes "total-stubs" [lindex $stream 1]}
"stubs" {$self getLine $line "stub"}
"nodes/stub" {$self getLine $line "nodes/stub"}
close $input
# Read each line and store away topoinfo
TG/itm instproc getLine {line type} {
$self instvar nodes
for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $line]} {incr i} {
if {$type == "nodes/stub"} {
set start $nodes(stub$i)
set range [lindex $line $i]
# puts "start=$start range=$range"
$self setNodes stub$i $start:[expr $start + $range - 1]
} else {
$self setNodes $type$i [lindex $line $i]
proc comment { } {
- puts {
- * itm.c -- Driver to create graphs using geo(), geo_hier(), and transtub().
- *
- * Each argument is a file containing ONE set of specs for graph generation.
- * Such a file has the following format:
- * <method keyword> <number of graphs> [<initial seed>]
- * <method-dependent parameter lines>
- * Supported method names are "geo", "hier", and "ts".
- * Method-dependent parameter lines are described by the following:
- * <geo_parms> ::=
- * <n> <scale> <edgeprobmethod> <alpha> [<beta>] [<gamma>]
- * <"geo" parms> ::= <geo_parms>
- * <"hier" parms> ::=
- * <number of levels> <edgeconnmethod> <threshold>
- * <geo_parms>+ {one per number of levels}
- * <"ts" parms> ::=
- * <# stubs/trans node> <#t-s edges> <#s-s edges>
- * <geo_parms> {top-level parameters}
- * <geo_parms> {transit domain parameters}
- * <geo_parms> {stub domain parameters}
- *
- * Note that the stub domain "scale" parameter is ignored; a fraction
- * of the transit scale range is used. This fraction is STUB_OFF_FACTOR,
- * defined in ts.c.
- *
- * From the foregoing, it follows that best results will be obtained with
- * -- a SMALL value for top-level scale parameter
- * -- a LARGE value for transit-level scale parameter
- * and then the value of stub-level scale parameter won't matter.
- *
- * The indicated number of graphs is produced using the given parameters.
- * If the initial seed is present, it is used; otherwise, DFLTSEED is used.
- *
- * The i'th graph created with the parameters from file "arg" is placed
- * in file "", where the first value of i is zero.
- }
- }
- ###############################################################
- ### the scenario generator keeps track of topology generator ##
- ### and can be queried to get this info ##
- ###############################################################
Class ScenGen
- ScenGen set TG ""
- ScenGen proc setTG { tg } {
- ScenGen set TG $tg
- }
- ScenGen proc getTG { } {
- return [ScenGen set TG]
- }