- #!/usr/bin/perl
- $stem = shift; # the base name of the trace files to use, right now its 'high-speed'
- print "$stem";
- $source = shift || 0;
- $numsources = $source;
- $source = "$source.0" unless $source =~ /./;
- ($type = $stem ) =~ s/^(.)/U$1u/; # hackery to label graphs
- #number of cross-traffic sources
- $numcsources = shift;
- print "numcsrouces = $numcsources";
- # protocol being used
- $tcp_type = shift;
- # These are the temporary files that will be generated to be read by gnuplot.
- # These files can all be deleted at the end of the script.
- # To delete use the unlink command at the end.
- $queue_data = "qd";
- $drop_data = "drop";
- $cwnd_data = "cwnd";
- $seqno_data = "seqno";
- $fairness_data = "fairness";
- $fair_alloc = "fairalloc";
- $util_data = "util";
- # Used to plot the link utilization graph
- $time_int = 1.0000;
- $bandwidth = 10000000;
- $pktsize = 1040;
- #for gnuplot
- $graphtype = "($numsources $tcp_type sources, with $numcsources crosstraffic flows )";
- # Open the queue trace for reading and traces for writing queue length,
- # sequence number dequeued and dropped seqnos. N. B. any of these failing will
- # terminate the script with an error message.
- #open(QT, "$stem.queue1") || die "Can't open $stem.queue1: $!n";
- #open(QD, ">$queue_data") || die "can't open $queue_data :$!n";
- #open(DD, ">$drop_data") || die "can't open $drop_data :$!n";
- #open(UT, ">$util_data") || die "cant open $util_data";
- # parse the trace file. The regexp comments the names of the fields, which are
- # described in the document.
- #while (<QT>) {
- # chomp;
- # /(.)s+ # operation
- # ([\.d]+)s+ # time
- # (d+)s+ # from node
- # (d+)s+ # to node
- # (w+)s+ # protocol
- # (d+)s+ # size
- # ([w+-]+)s+ # flags
- # (d+)s+ # flow id
- # (d+.d+)s+ # from addr (src.port)
- # (d+.d+)s+ # to addr (src.port)
- # (d+)s+ # seqno
- # (d+) # ns id
- # /x && do {
- # ($op, $t, $n1, $n2, $p, $sz, $fl, $fid, $src, $dst, $seqno, $nsid) =
- # ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6 ,$7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12);
- # this keeps a running queue length in $q. That length is output to
- # the $queue_data file on every dequeue or drop - note that this may
- # show drops occurring before undropped packets are dequeued.
- #
- # If the dequeue/drop is from source 0, a record is output to either
- # the sequence number or drop file.
- # if ($op eq '+' ) { $q ++; }
- # elsif ($op eq '-' ) {
- # $q--;
- # print QD "$t $qn";
- # #print SD "$t $seqnon" if $src eq $source;
- # }
- # elsif ($op eq 'd' ) {
- # $q--;
- # print QD "$t $qn";
- # #print(DD "$t $seqnon") && $sawdrop++ if $src eq $source;
- # print (DD "$t $seqnon") && $sawdrop++;
- # }
- #checks for packets send out. Used to calculate link utilization.
- # if ($op eq '-') {
- # if($t <= $time_int) {
- # $packets_seen++;
- # }
- # else {
- # $temp = ($packets_seen) / ( ($bandwidth/(8*$pktsize)) );
- # $temp = $temp * 100;
- # print UT "$time_int $tempn";
- # $temp = 0;
- # $packets_seen = 1;
- # $time_int = $time_int + 1.0;
- # }
- # }
- # next;
- # };
- # if the trace is corrupt or there's a valid value that the regexp doesn't
- # catch, this error message will come out.
- # printf STDERR "unmatched in line $.: $_n";
- #}
- # put a dummy drop out if no drops have been seen or gnuplot will fail.
- #print DD "0 0n" unless $sawdrop;
- # Close up these files.
- #close(QL);
- #close(QD);
- #close(DD);
- #close(UT);
- # CWND processing. Same ideas, different file.
- print "Calculating cwnd and seqno for each sourcen";
- for ($i=1; $i <= $numsources ; $i++) {
- printf "Opening: $stem.tcp_trace.$in";
- open(CWND, "$stem.tcp_trace.$i") || die "Can't open $stem.tcp_trace.$i: $!n";
- printf "Opening: $cwnd_data$in";
- open(CD, ">$cwnd_data$i") || die "can't open $cwnd_data$i :$!n";
- printf "Opening: $seqno_data$in";
- open(SD, ">$seqno_data$i") || die "can't open $seqno_data$i :$!n";
- # This loop is more straightforward. I ignore everything but the time and cwnd
- # and print them.
- while (<CWND>) {
- chomp;
- /(d*.d+)s+ # time
- (d+)s+ # dontcare
- (d+)s+ # dontcare
- (d+)s+ # dontcare
- (d+)s+ # dontcare
- (w+)s+ # variable we are tracing (cwnd or seqno)
- (d+) # value
- /x && do {
- ($t, $n1, $n2, $p, $sz, $var, $value) =
- ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);
- if ($var eq 'cwnd_' ) {
- print CD "$t $valuen";
- }
- if ($var eq 't_seqno_' ) {
- print SD "$t $valuen";
- }
- }
- }
- close(CWND);
- close(SD);
- close(CD);
- }
- # This says after what time should the calculation for Fairness should start
- $startTime = shift;
- print "starttime = $startTime n";
- # All seqno info is stored in files starting with seqno
- $seqno_data = "seqno";
- # This will have the number of packets send out in a perticular interval
- # by a perticular flow
- $seqnoStart[0]=0;
- $seqnoEnd[0]=0;
- $noPackets[0]=0;
- $eachShare[0]=0;
- open(FR,">fairness");
- open(FA,">fairalloc");
- use IO::File;
- $i=1;
- while($i <= $numsources) {
- $filehandle[$i] = IO::File->new("$seqno_data$i") || die "cannot open";
- $i += 1;
- }
- # this for loop brings all file pointers to the same start position
- # with respect to time
- for($tmp=1; $tmp <= $numsources ; $tmp++) {
- $line = $filehandle[$tmp]->getline();
- chomp($line);
- ($t, $seqno) = split(/ /,$line);
- while($t<$startTime) {
- $line = $filehandle[$tmp]->getline();
- chomp($line);
- ($t, $seqno) = split(/ /, $line);
- }
- print "$t:$seqno:n";
- }
- for( $j = $startTime ; $exitFlag < 1 ; $j++){
- for( $k=1 ; $k <= $numsources ; $k++) {
- $noPackets[$k]=0;
- $line = $filehandle[$k]->getline();
- $noPackets[$k]++;
- chomp($line);
- ($t, $seqno) = split(/ /, $line);
- $seqnoStart[$k]=$seqno;
- while($t < ($j+1)){
- $line = $filehandle[$k]->getline();
- if ($line eq "") {
- if ($k == $numsources) {
- $exitFlag=1;
- last;
- }
- else {
- last;
- }
- }
- $noPackets[$k]++;
- chomp($line);
- ($t, $seqno) = split(/ /, $line);
- if($t >= ($j+1)) {
- $seqnoEnd[$k]=$seqno;
- last;
- }
- }
- print "startseqno = $seqnoStart[$k] endSeqno = $seqnoEnd[$k] packets= $noPackets[$k]n";
- }
- $totalPackets=0;
- for( $l=1 ; $l <= $numsources; $l++){
- $totalPackets += $noPackets[$l];
- open(FAa, ">>$fair_alloc$l") || die "can't open $fair_alloc$i :$!n";
- print FAa "$j $noPackets[$l]n";
- close(FAa);
- }
- print "totalpackets for $j = $totalPackets n";
- $fairallocation = $totalPackets / $numsources;
- print FA "$j $fairallocationn";
- $denominator = 0;
- $numerator =0;
- for($l=1 ; $l <=$numsources; $l++) {
- $eachShare[$l] = ($noPackets[$l] / $fairallocation);
- print "each share $l = $eachShare[$l] n";
- $denominator += ($eachShare[$l] ** 2);
- $numerator += $eachShare[$l];
- }
- $numerator = $numerator ** 2;
- $denominator = $denominator * $numsources;
- $fair = $numerator / $denominator;
- print FR "$j $fairn";
- print "Fairness = $j $fairnn";
- }
- close(FR);
- close(FA);
- ####################### End Fairness Plot
- # Generate required strings for gnuplot. This shows my illetracy in Perl and gnuplot :(
- $numsourcesplusone = $numsources + 1;
- for($i=1; $i<=$numsources ; $i++){
- $plotstring_seqno = $plotstring_seqno . " "$seqno_data$i" title "flow$i" with points $i";
- if ($i != $numsources){
- $plotstring_seqno = $plotstring_seqno . ",";
- }
- }
- $plotstring_seqno = $plotstring_seqno . ", "$drop_data" title "dropped" with points $numsourcesplusone";
- print $plotstring_seqno;
- for($i=1; $i<=$numsources ; $i++){
- $plotstring_cwnd = $plotstring_cwnd . " "$cwnd_data$i" title "flow$i" with points $i";
- if ($i != $numsources){
- $plotstring_cwnd = $plotstring_cwnd . ",";
- }
- }
- print $plotstring_cwnd;
- $plotstring_fairalloc = " "$fair_alloc" title "Fair_throughput",";
- for($i=1,$j=2; $i<=$numsources ; $i++,$j++){
- $plotstring_fairalloc = $plotstring_fairalloc . " "$fair_alloc$i" title "flow$i" ";
- if ($i != $numsources){
- $plotstring_fairalloc = $plotstring_fairalloc . ",";
- }
- }
- print $plotstring_fairalloc;
- # Start up a gnuplot process and send the commands up until the END marker to
- # it. This puts out the plots. To figure out what the commands do, the best
- # plan is to use gnuplots help command. E.g. "help set terminal postscript"
- # from the gnuplot command line.
- open(GNUPLOT, "|gnuplot") || die "Can't exec gnuplot: $!n";
- print GNUPLOT <<END;
- set terminal postscript landscape color
- set output "$"
- set key
- set data style points
- set title "Sequence number vs. time $graphtype"
- set xlabel "Time (s)"
- set ylabel "Sequence number (packets)"
- #plot "$seqno_data" title "forwarded" with points 1, "$drop_data" title "dropped" with points 2
- #plot "$seqno_data1" title "flow1" with points 1, "$seqno_data2" title "flow2" with points 2
- plot $plotstring_seqno
- set xrange[*:*]
- set data style points
- set title "Congestion Window vs. time $graphtype"
- set xlabel "Time (s)"
- set ylabel "Congestion Window (packets)"
- #plot "$cwnd_data1" title "flow1" with points 1, "$cwnd_data2" title "flow2" with points 2
- set key
- plot $plotstring_cwnd
- set data style points
- set title "Queue Length vs. time $graphtype"
- set xlabel "Time (s)"
- set ylabel "Queue length (packets)"
- set nokey
- plot "$queue_data"
- set data style lines
- set title "Bottleneck link utilization vs. time $graphtype"
- set xlabel "Time (s)"
- set ylabel "Link Utilization (%)"
- plot "$util_data"
- set data style points
- set title "Jain's Fairness Index Vs Time $graphtype"
- set xlabel "Time (s)"
- set ylabel "Jain's Fairness Index / Second"
- plot "$fairness_data"
- set data style lines
- set title "Throughput Fairness Vs Time $graphtype"
- set xlabel "Time (s)"
- set ylabel "Throughput (packets/second)"
- set key
- plot $plotstring_fairalloc
- quit
- close(GNUPLOT);
- # To Clean up temp files, Uncomment the unlink command
- #unlink($queue_data, $seqno_data, $drop_data, $cwnd_data);