- #
- # A test of the emulation facility. Note that this script
- # must be run through "nse", the version of the simulator with
- # the emulation extensions. It listens on the SAP multicast
- # address for session announcements, forwards them over a
- # link with a large (1000ms) delay, while taking a trace.
- # The effect of the delay should be visible in the trace
- # file.
- #
- # If you run this on a non-multicast-capable LAN it will be
- # highly uninteresting.
- #
- set sap_addr
- set sap_port 9875
- set stoptime 20
- Class TestEmul
- TestEmul instproc init {} {
- $self instvar ns_
- set ns_ [new Simulator]
- $ns_ use-scheduler RealTime
- }
- TestEmul instproc makenet ntype {
- $self instvar net_ ta_
- set net_ [new Network/$ntype]
- $net_ open readonly
- set ta_ [new Agent/Tap]
- $ta_ network $net_
- }
- TestEmul instproc maketopo { tfname } {
- $self instvar ns_ ta_ tfchan_
- set n0 [$ns_ node]
- set n1 [$ns_ node]
- #$ns_ duplex-link $n0 $n1 8Mb 1000ms DropTail
- $self dlink $n0 $n1 8Mb 1000ms DropTail
- $ns_ attach-agent $n0 $ta_
- set na [$ns_ nullagent]
- set tfchan_ [open $tfname w]
- [$ns_ link $n0 $n1] trace $ns_ $tfchan_
- $ns_ attach-agent $n1 $na
- $ns_ connect $ta_ $na
- }
- TestEmul instproc run {} {
- global sap_addr sap_port stoptime
- $self instvar net_ ns_
- $self makenet IP/UDP
- $self maketopo emout.tr
- $net_ bind $sap_addr $sap_port
- puts "running..."
- $ns_ at $stoptime "$self finish"
- $ns_ run
- }
- TestEmul instproc finish {} {
- $self instvar tfchan_ ns_
- puts "emulation complete.., writing output file"
- $ns_ halt
- $ns_ dumpq
- close $tfchan_
- exit 0
- }
- TestEmul instproc dlink { n1 n2 bw delay type } {
- $self instvar ns_
- $ns_ simplex-link $n1 $n2 $bw $delay $type
- $ns_ simplex-link $n2 $n1 $bw $delay $type
- }
- TestEmul instance
- instance run