- #!/bin/sh
- # Run all simulations for the technical report on modeling wireless links
- if [ -z $1 ]; then
- GP="off"; QUIET=1
- else
- if [ $1 = "gp" ]; then
- GP="on"; QUIET=1
- fi
- if [ $1 = "xgraph" ]; then
- GP="off"; QUIET=0
- fi
- if [ $1 = "quiet" ]; then
- GP="off"; QUIET=1
- fi
- fi
- NS=${NS:-../../../ns}
- # GPRS good
- $NS mtp.tcl -type gprs
- -allocLenDL 'U(0.16,0.19)'
- -allocHoldDL 'U(2,5)'
- -allocLenUL 'U(0.5,0.6)'
- -allocHoldUL 'U(0.01,0.4)' -quiet $QUIET
- ./timeseq.cmd tr-gprs-good
- if [ $GP = "on" ]; then gv tr-gprs-good.eps; fi
- # GPRS mediocre
- # delayInt and delayLen have to be on the same line, why?
- $NS mtp.tcl -type gprs
- -allocLenDL 'U(0.16,0.19)'
- -allocHoldDL 'U(2,5)'
- -allocLenUL 'U(0.5,0.6)'
- -allocHoldUL 'U(0.01,0.4)'
- -delayInt 'E(0.1)' -delayLen 'E(0.1)'
- -quiet $QUIET
- ./timeseq.cmd tr-gprs-medioc
- if [ $GP = "on" ]; then gv tr-gprs-medioc.eps; fi
- # GPRS poor
- $NS mtp.tcl -type gprs
- -allocLenDL 'U(0.16,0.19)'
- -allocHoldDL 'U(2,5)'
- -allocLenUL 'U(0.5,0.6)'
- -allocHoldUL 'U(0.01,0.4)'
- -delayInt 'E(0.3)' -delayLen 'E(0.3)'
- -errRateUL 0.01 -errBurstUL 0.3 -errSlotUL 3
- -errRateDL 0.01 -errBurstDL 0.3 -errSlotDL 3
- -quiet $QUIET
- ./timeseq.cmd tr-gprs-poor
- if [ $GP = "on" ]; then gv tr-gprs-poor.eps; fi
- # GPRS mobility
- $NS mtp.tcl -type gprs
- -allocLenDL 'U(0.16,0.19)'
- -allocHoldDL 'U(2,5)'
- -allocLenUL 'U(0.5,0.6)'
- -allocHoldUL 'U(0.01,0.4)'
- -vhoTarget gprs -vhoDelay 5
- -vhoLoss 0.5 -quiet $QUIET
- ./timeseq.cmd tr-gprs-mobile
- if [ $GP = "on" ]; then gv tr-gprs-mobile.eps; fi
- # UMTS
- $NS mtp.tcl -type umts
- -delayInt 'E(0.1)'
- -delayLen 'E(0.04)' -quiet $QUIET -stop 50
- ./timeseq.cmd tr-umts
- if [ $GP = "on" ]; then gv tr-umts.eps; fi
- # UMTS with bandwidth oscillation
- $NS mtp.tcl -type umts
- -delayInt 'E(0.1)'
- -delayLen 'E(0.04)'
- -bwLowLen 5
- -bwHighLen 1
- -bwScale 10
- -quiet $QUIET -stop 50
- ./timeseq.cmd tr-umts-oscil
- if [ $GP = "on" ]; then gv tr-umts-oscil.eps; fi
- # WLAN in good radio conditions
- $NS mtp.tcl -type wlan_complex -bwDL 1Mb -quiet $QUIET -stop 30
- ./timeseq.cmd tr-wlan
- if [ $GP = "on" ]; then gv tr-wlan.eps; fi
- # WLAN in mediocre conditions
- $NS mtp.tcl -type wlan_complex -nodeDist 250 -quiet $QUIET -stop 30
- ./timeseq.cmd tr-wlan-medioc
- if [ $GP = "on" ]; then gv tr-wlan-medioc.eps; fi
- # GEO in good radio conditions
- $NS mtp.tcl -type geo -quiet $QUIET -stop 30
- ./timeseq.cmd tr-geo
- if [ $GP = "on" ]; then gv tr-geo.eps; fi
- # GEO with reordering
- $NS mtp.tcl -type geo -reorderLen 0.5 -reorderRate 0.01
- -quiet $QUIET -stop 30
- ./timeseq.cmd tr-geo-reord
- if [ $GP = "on" ]; then gv tr-geo-reord.eps; fi