- ##
- ## simple example demonstrating use of the RandomVariable class from tcl
- ## (this doesn't perform any simulation).
- ##
- set count 10
- set r1 [new RandomVariable/Pareto]
- $r1 set avg_ 10.0
- $r1 set shape_ 1.2
- puts stdout "Testing Pareto Distribution, avg = [$r1 set avg_] shape = [$r1 set shape_]"
- $r1 test $count
- set r2 [new RandomVariable/Constant]
- $r2 set avg_ 5.0
- puts stdout "Testing Constant Distribution, avg = [$r2 set avg_]"
- $r2 test $count
- set r3 [new RandomVariable/Uniform]
- $r3 set min_ 0.0
- $r3 set max_ 10.0
- puts stdout "Testing Uniform Distribution, min = [$r3 set min_] max = [$r3 set max_]"
- $r3 test $count
- set r4 [new RandomVariable/Exponential]
- $r4 set avg_ 10
- puts stdout "Testing Exponential Distribution, avg = [$r4 set avg_]"
- $r4 test $count
- set r5 [new RandomVariable/HyperExponential]
- $r5 set avg_ 1.0
- $r5 set cov_ 4.0
- puts stdout "Testing HyperExponential Distribution, avg = [$r5 set avg_] cov = [$r5 set cov_]"
- $r5 test $count