- # jobs-lossdel.tcl
- #
- # Tests that the delay/loss differentiation is working properly
- # Outputs a nam animation and tracefiles.
- #
- # Topology is as follows:
- #
- # source(1) -- /- sink(1)
- # source(2) --- core_node(1) -- core_node(2) /-- sink(2)
- # source(3) ---/ -- sink(3)
- # source(4) __/ _ sink(4)
- #
- # Links:
- # - : 10 Mbps, 1 ms
- #
- # Classes:
- # 1: ADC=5 ms, ALC=1 %, no ARC, no RDC, no RLC
- # 2: no ADC, no ALC, RDC = 4, RLC = 2
- # 3: no ADC, no ALC, RDC = 4, RLC = 2
- # 4: no ADC, no ALC, RDC = 4, RLC = 2
- #
- # Traffic is randomized CBR
- #
- # Auxiliary functions
- Simulator instproc get-link { node1 node2 } {
- $self instvar link_
- set id1 [$node1 id]
- set id2 [$node2 id]
- return $link_($id1:$id2)
- }
- Simulator instproc get-queue { node1 node2 } {
- global ns
- set l [$ns get-link $node1 $node2]
- set q [$l queue]
- return $q
- }
- # JoBS duplex link: rate in kbps, delay in ms, buff_sz in packets
- proc build-jobs-link {src dst rate delay buff_sz} {
- global ns
- $ns duplex-link $src $dst [expr $rate*1000.0] [expr $delay/1000.0] JoBS
- $ns queue-limit $src $dst $buff_sz
- $ns queue-limit $dst $src $buff_sz
- }
- # FCFS-marker duplex link: rate in kbps, delay in ms, buff_sz in packets
- proc build-marker-link {src dst rate delay buff_sz} {
- global ns
- $ns simplex-link $src $dst [expr $rate*1000.0] [expr $delay/1000.0] Marker
- $ns simplex-link $dst $src [expr $rate*1000.0] [expr $delay/1000.0] Demarker
- $ns queue-limit $src $dst $buff_sz
- $ns queue-limit $dst $src $buff_sz
- }
- # FCFS-demarker duplex link: rate in kbps, delay in ms, buff_sz in packets
- proc build-demarker-link {src dst rate delay buff_sz} {
- global ns
- $ns simplex-link $src $dst [expr $rate*1000.0] [expr $delay/1000.0] Demarker
- $ns simplex-link $dst $src [expr $rate*1000.0] [expr $delay/1000.0] Marker
- $ns queue-limit $src $dst $buff_sz
- $ns queue-limit $dst $src $buff_sz
- }
- # Basic procedure for connecting agents, etc.
- proc flow_setup {id src src_agent dst dst_agent app_flow pksize} {
- global ns
- $ns attach-agent $src $src_agent
- $ns attach-agent $dst $dst_agent
- $ns connect $src_agent $dst_agent
- $src_agent set packetSize_ $pksize
- $src_agent set fid_ $id
- $app_flow set flowid_ $id
- $app_flow attach-agent $src_agent
- return $src_agent
- }
- # CBR flow: Packet size:bytes, Rate: kbps, Start time:seconds
- proc build-cbr {id src src_agent dst dst_agent app_flow rate pksize start_tm} {
- global ns
- flow_setup $id $src $src_agent $dst $dst_agent $app_flow $pksize
- $app_flow set rate_ [expr $rate * 1000.0]
- $app_flow set random_ 1
- $ns at $start_tm "$app_flow start"
- puts [format "tCBR-$id starts at %.4fsec" $start_tm]
- }
- # main
- puts " "
- set ns [new Simulator]
- set rnd [new RNG]
- set seed 16
- puts "Random seed: $seed"
- $rnd seed $seed
- set nf [open jobs-lossdel/out.nam w]
- $ns namtrace-all $nf
- Queue/JoBS set drop_front_ false
- Queue/JoBS set trace_hop_ true
- Queue/JoBS set adc_resolution_type_ 0
- Queue/JoBS set shared_buffer_ 1
- Queue/JoBS set mean_pkt_size_ 4000
- Queue/Demarker set demarker_arrvs1_ 0
- Queue/Demarker set demarker_arrvs2_ 0
- Queue/Demarker set demarker_arrvs3_ 0
- Queue/Demarker set demarker_arrvs4_ 0
- Queue/Marker set marker_arrvs1_ 0
- Queue/Marker set marker_arrvs2_ 0
- Queue/Marker set marker_arrvs3_ 0
- Queue/Marker set marker_arrvs4_ 0
- #
- # Number of hops (=k)
- set hops 2
- puts "Number of hops: $hops"
- # Link latency (ms)
- set DELAY 1.0
- puts "Links latency: $DELAY (ms)"
- # links: bandwidth (kbps)
- set BW 10000.0
- puts "Links capacity: $BW (kbps)"
- # Buffer size in gateways (in packets)
- set GW_BUFF 50
- puts "Gateway Buffer Size: $GW_BUFF (packs)"
- # Packet Size (in bytes); assume common for all sources
- set PKTSZ 500
- set MAXWIN 50
- puts "Packet Size: $PKTSZ (bytes)"
- # Number of monitored flows (equal to # of classes)
- set N_CL 4
- puts "Number of classes: $N_CL"
- set N_USERS 4
- puts "Number of flows: $N_USERS"
- set START_TM 0.0
- puts "Monitored flows start at: $START_TM"
- set max_time 10.0
- puts "Max time: $max_time (sec)"
- # Statistics-related parameters
- set STATS_INTR 2; # interval between reporting statistics
- set START_STATS 0; # start-time for reporting statistics
- # Marker Types
- # Deterministic
- set DETERM 1
- # Demarker Types
- # Create a trace file for each class (for user traffic)
- set VERBOSE 1
- # Do not create trace files
- set QUIET 2
- proc print_time {interval} {
- global ns
- puts ""
- puts -nonewline stdout [format "%.2ft" [$ns now]]
- $ns at [expr [$ns now]+$interval] "print_time $interval"
- }
- # 1. Core nodes ($hops nodes)
- for {set i 1} {$i <= $hops} {incr i} {
- set core_node($i) [$ns node]
- $core_node($i) color "black"
- $core_node($i) shape "square"
- $core_node($i) label QoSbox
- }
- puts "Core nodes: OK"
- # 2. User traffic nodes and sinks (N_USERS sources and sinks)
- for {set i 1} {$i <= $N_USERS} {incr i} {
- set source($i) [$ns node]
- $source($i) color blue
- set sink($i) [$ns node]
- $sink($i) color blue
- set source_agent($i) [new Agent/UDP]
- set sink_agent($i) [new Agent/LossMonitor]
- }
- puts "Traffic nodes and sinks: OK"
- # 3. Core link (JoBS)
- build-jobs-link $core_node(1) $core_node(2) $BW $DELAY $GW_BUFF
- set q [$ns get-queue $core_node(1) $core_node(2)]
- set l [$ns get-link $core_node(1) $core_node(2)]
- $q copyright-info
- $q init-rdcs -1 4 4 4
- $q init-rlcs -1 2 2 2
- $q init-alcs 0.01 -1 -1 -1
- $q init-adcs 0.001 -1 -1 -1
- $q init-arcs -1 -1 -1 -1
- $q trace-file jobs-lossdel/hoptrace
- $q link [$l link]
- $q sampling-period 1
- $q id $i
- $q initialize
- # It's a duplex link
- # Even though data won't travel on the reverse path (UDP sources),
- # it is always a good idea to configure the JoBS queue on the reverse
- # path as well, in order to avoid unexpected results for TCP traffic.
- set q [$ns get-queue $core_node(2) $core_node(1)]
- set l [$ns get-link $core_node(2) $core_node(1)]
- $q init-rdcs -1 4 4 4
- $q init-rlcs -1 2 2 2
- $q init-alcs 0.01 -1 -1 -1
- $q init-adcs 0.001 -1 -1 -1
- $q init-arcs -1 -1 -1 -1
- $q trace-file null
- $q link [$l link]
- $q sampling-period 1
- $q id $i
- $q initialize
- puts "Core link: OK"
- # 6. Edge links (marker)
- for {set i 1} {$i <= $N_USERS} {incr i} {
- build-marker-link $source($i) $core_node(1) $BW $DELAY [expr $GW_BUFF*10]
- set q [$ns get-queue $source($i) $core_node(1)]
- $q marker_type $DETERM
- $q marker_class $i
- set q [$ns get-queue $core_node(1) $source($i)]
- # assign a bogus id
- $q id 99
- set l [$ns get-link $source($i) $core_node(1)]
- build-demarker-link $core_node($hops) $sink($i) $BW $DELAY [expr $GW_BUFF*10]
- set q [$ns get-queue $core_node($hops) $sink($i)]
- $q id 99
- set q [$ns get-queue $sink($i) $core_node($hops)]
- $q marker_type $DETERM
- $q marker_class $i
- }
- puts "Edge marker/demarker links: OK"
- #
- # Create traffic
- #
- # User traffic (UDP)
- for {set i 1} {$i <= $N_USERS} {incr i} {
- set flow($i) [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
- $flow($i) set random_ 1
- build-cbr $i $source($i) $source_agent($i) $sink($i) $sink_agent($i) $flow($i) 2600.0 $PKTSZ $START_TM
- }
- puts "Flows: OK"
- #
- # Queue Monitors
- #
- $ns at $STATS_INTR "print_time $STATS_INTR"
- $ns at [expr $max_time+.000000001] "puts "Finishing Simulation...""
- $ns at [expr $max_time+1] "finish"
- proc finish {} {
- global ns nf
- puts "nSimulation End"
- $ns flush-trace
- close $nf
- exec nam jobs-lossdel/out.nam &
- exit 0
- }
- # nam stuff
- $ns duplex-link-op $source(1) $core_node(1) orient 300deg
- $ns duplex-link-op $source(1) $core_node(1) color "blue"
- $ns duplex-link-op $source(2) $core_node(1) orient 330deg
- $ns duplex-link-op $source(2) $core_node(1) color "blue"
- $ns duplex-link-op $source(3) $core_node(1) orient 30deg
- $ns duplex-link-op $source(3) $core_node(1) color "blue"
- $ns duplex-link-op $source(4) $core_node(1) orient 60deg
- $ns duplex-link-op $source(4) $core_node(1) color "blue"
- $ns duplex-link-op $core_node(1) $core_node(2) orient right
- $ns duplex-link-op $core_node(1) $core_node(2) color black
- $ns duplex-link-op $core_node(1) $core_node(2) queuePos 0.5
- $ns duplex-link-op $core_node(2) $sink(1) orient 60deg
- $ns duplex-link-op $core_node(2) $sink(1) color "blue"
- $ns duplex-link-op $core_node(2) $sink(2) orient 30deg
- $ns duplex-link-op $core_node(2) $sink(2) color "blue"
- $ns duplex-link-op $core_node(2) $sink(3) orient 330deg
- $ns duplex-link-op $core_node(2) $sink(3) color "blue"
- $ns duplex-link-op $core_node(2) $sink(4) orient 300deg
- $ns duplex-link-op $core_node(2) $sink(4) color "blue"
- $ns color 1 red
- $ns color 2 green
- $ns color 3 blue
- $ns color 4 purple
- puts "ngo!n"
- $ns run