- # jobs-cn2002.tcl
- #
- # Topology is as follows:
- #
- # cross_source(1...10) cross_source(11...20) cross_source(21...30)
- # |/ |/ |/
- # user_source(1) ___ | | | __ user_sink(1)
- # user_source(2) --- core_node(1) ==== core_node(2) ==== core_node(3) ==== core_node(4) /-- user_sink(2)
- # user_source(3) ---/ | | | -- user_sink(3)
- # user_source(4) __/ /| /| /| _ user_sink(4)
- # cross_sink(1...10) cross_sink(11...20) cross_sink(21...30)
- #
- # Links:
- # = : 45 MBps, 3 ms
- # - : 100 MBps, 1 ms
- #
- # Classes:
- # 1: ADC=2 ms, ALC=0.5%, no ARC, no RDC, no RLC
- # 2, 3, 4: no ADC, no ALC, no ARC, RDC = 4, RLC = 2
- #
- # Traffic mix:
- # user_source(1) -> user_sink(1) : Class 1, TCP, greedy
- # user_source(2) -> user_sink(2) : Class 2, TCP, greedy
- # user_source(3) -> user_sink(3) : Class 3, TCP, greedy
- # user_source(4) -> user_sink(4) : Class 4, UDP, greedy
- # cross_sources: 6 TCP flows, 4 UDP flows, 10% class 1, 20% class 2, 30% class 3, 40% class 4
- #
- # This simulation is very similar to what was used in
- # "Rate Allocation and Buffer Management for Differentiated Services,"
- # by J. Liebeherr and N. Christin, Computer Networks, May 2002.
- #
- # Auxiliary functions
- # topology primitives
- Simulator instproc get-link { node1 node2 } {
- $self instvar link_
- set id1 [$node1 id]
- set id2 [$node2 id]
- return $link_($id1:$id2)
- }
- Simulator instproc get-queue { node1 node2 } {
- global ns
- set l [$ns get-link $node1 $node2]
- set q [$l queue]
- return $q
- }
- # JoBS duplex link: rate in kbps, delay in ms, buff_sz in packets
- proc build-jobs-link {src dst rate delay buff_sz} {
- global ns
- $ns duplex-link $src $dst [expr $rate*1000.0] [expr $delay/1000.0] JoBS
- $ns queue-limit $src $dst $buff_sz
- $ns queue-limit $dst $src $buff_sz
- }
- # FCFS-marker duplex link: rate in kbps, delay in ms, buff_sz in packets
- proc build-marker-link {src dst rate delay buff_sz} {
- global ns
- $ns simplex-link $src $dst [expr $rate*1000.0] [expr $delay/1000.0] Marker
- $ns simplex-link $dst $src [expr $rate*1000.0] [expr $delay/1000.0] Demarker
- $ns queue-limit $src $dst $buff_sz
- $ns queue-limit $dst $src $buff_sz
- }
- # FCFS-demarker duplex link: rate in kbps, delay in ms, buff_sz in packets
- proc build-demarker-link {src dst rate delay buff_sz} {
- global ns
- $ns simplex-link $src $dst [expr $rate*1000.0] [expr $delay/1000.0] Demarker
- $ns simplex-link $dst $src [expr $rate*1000.0] [expr $delay/1000.0] Marker
- $ns queue-limit $src $dst $buff_sz
- $ns queue-limit $dst $src $buff_sz
- }
- # Traffic models primitives
- # Basic procedure for connecting agents, etc.
- proc flow_setup {id src src_agent dst dst_agent app_flow pksize} {
- global ns
- $ns attach-agent $src $src_agent
- $ns attach-agent $dst $dst_agent
- $ns connect $src_agent $dst_agent
- $src_agent set packetSize_ $pksize
- $src_agent set fid_ $id
- $app_flow set flowid_ $id
- $app_flow attach-agent $src_agent
- return $src_agent
- }
- # TCP flows
- # Create "infinite-duration" FTP connection
- proc inf_ftp {id src src_agent dst dst_agent app_flow maxwin pksize starttm} {
- global ns
- flow_setup $id $src $src_agent $dst $dst_agent $app_flow $pksize
- $src_agent set window_ $maxwin
- $src_agent set ecn_ 1
- puts [format "tFTP-$id starts at %.4fsec" $starttm]
- $ns at $starttm "$app_flow start"
- return $src_agent
- }
- # Web-like flows: Create successive short transfers within single TCP connection
- proc init_mouse {id src src_agent dst dst_agent app_flow maxwin pksize starttm sleeptm minpkts maxpkts} {
- global ns
- flow_setup $id $src $src_agent $dst $dst_agent $app_flow $pksize
- $src_agent set window_ $maxwin
- $src_agent set ecn_ 1
- puts [format "tMouse-$id starts at %.4fs - avg-sleep-time %.3fs - packets %d to %d " $starttm $sleeptm $minpkts $maxpkts]
- $ns at $starttm "actv_mouse $src_agent $app_flow $id $sleeptm $minpkts $maxpkts"
- return $src_agent
- }
- proc actv_mouse {tcp ftp id sleeptm minpkts maxpkts} {
- global ns rnd
- set numpkts [expr round([$rnd uniform $minpkts $maxpkts+1])]
- set prd_time [expr [$rnd exponential] * $sleeptm + [$ns now]]
- $ns at $prd_time "$ftp producemore $numpkts"
- $ns at $prd_time "actv_mouse $tcp $ftp $id $sleeptm $minpkts $maxpkts"
- }
- # UDP flows
- # Build a Pareto On-Off source
- #
- # packet trains with both on and off durations being pareto distributed
- # Packet size: bytes, Burst and Idle time: ms, Peak rate: kbps, Start time: seconds
- proc build-pareto-on-off {id src src_agent dst dst_agent app_flow peak_rate pksize shape_par start_tm idle_tm burst_tm} {
- global ns
- flow_setup $id $src $src_agent $dst $dst_agent $app_flow $pksize
- $app_flow set burst-time_ [expr $burst_tm / 1000.]
- $app_flow set idle-time_ [expr $idle_tm / 1000.]
- $app_flow set rate_ [expr $peak_rate * 1000.0]
- $app_flow set shape_ $shape_par
- $ns at $start_tm "$app_flow start"
- puts [format "tPareto-$id starts at %.4fsec" $start_tm]
- }
- # statistics primitives
- # Dump the statistics of a (unidirectional) link periodically
- proc linkDump {link binteg pinteg qmon interval name} {
- global ns
- set now_time [$ns now]
- $ns at [expr $now_time + $interval] "linkDump $link $binteg $pinteg $qmon $interval $name"
- set bandw [[$link link] set bandwidth_]
- set queue_bd [$binteg set sum_]
- set abd_queue [expr $queue_bd/[expr 1.*$interval]]
- set queue_pd [$pinteg set sum_]
- set apd_queue [expr $queue_pd/[expr 1.*$interval]]
- set utilz [expr 8*[$qmon set bdepartures_]/[expr 1.*$interval*$bandw]]
- if {[$qmon set parrivals_] != 0} {
- set drprt [expr [$qmon set pdrops_]/[expr 1.*[$qmon set parrivals_]]]
- } else {
- set drprt 0
- }
- if {$utilz != 0} {
- set a_delay [expr ($abd_queue*8*1000)/($utilz*$bandw)]
- } else {
- set a_delay 0.
- }
- puts [format "Link %s: Util=%.3ftDrRt=%.3ftADel=%.1fmstAQuP=%.0ftAQuB=%.0f" $name $utilz $drprt $a_delay $apd_queue $abd_queue]
- puts -nonewline [format "%.3ft" $utilz]
- $binteg reset
- $pinteg reset
- $qmon reset
- }
- proc printFlow {f outfile fm interval} {
- global ns tot_drop tot_arv
- puts $outfile [format "%d %.2f %d %d %d %d %.0f %.3f" [$f set flowid_] [$ns now] [expr 8*[$f set barrivals_]] [$f set parrivals_] [expr 8*[$f set bdrops_]] [$f set pdrops_] [expr [$f set barrivals_]*8/($interval*1000.)] [expr [$f set bdrops_]/double([$f set barrivals_])] ]
- }
- proc flowDump {link fm file_p interval} {
- global ns tot_drop
- $ns at [expr [$ns now] + $interval] "flowDump $link $fm $file_p $interval"
- set theflows [$fm flows]
- if {[llength $theflows] == 0} {
- return
- } else {
- set total_arr [expr double([$fm set barrivals_])]
- if {$total_arr > 0} {
- foreach f $theflows {
- set arr [expr [expr double([$f set barrivals_])] / $total_arr]
- if {$arr >= 0.0001} {
- printFlow $f $file_p $fm $interval
- set z [$f set flowid_]
- if {$z <= 4} {
- set tot_drop($z) [expr $tot_drop([$f set flowid_])+[$f set pdrops_]]
- }
- }
- $f reset
- }
- $fm reset
- }
- }
- }
- proc totalDrops {id interval} {
- global ns total_drops_file tot_drop N_USERS user_source core_node
- set q [$ns get-queue $user_source(1) $core_node(1)]
- set tot_arv(1) [$q set marker_arrvs1_]
- set q [$ns get-queue $user_source(2) $core_node(1)]
- set tot_arv(2) [$q set marker_arrvs2_]
- set q [$ns get-queue $user_source(3) $core_node(1)]
- set tot_arv(3) [$q set marker_arrvs3_]
- set q [$ns get-queue $user_source(4) $core_node(1)]
- set tot_arv(4) [$q set marker_arrvs4_]
- if {$tot_arv($id) > 0} {
- puts $total_drops_file($id) [format "%.2f %.2f %d %d" [$ns now] [expr 100.*$tot_drop($id)/double($tot_arv($id))] $tot_drop($id) $tot_arv($id)]
- } else {
- puts $total_drops_file($id) [format "%.2f 0.00" [$ns now]]
- }
- set tot_arv($id) 0
- $ns at [expr [$ns now] + $interval] "totalDrops $id $interval"
- }
- proc record_cwnd {} {
- global ns N_CL N_USERS_TCP user_source_agent cwnd_file
- set time 0.5
- set now [$ns now]
- for {set i 1} {$i <= $N_USERS_TCP} {incr i} {
- set window($i) [$user_source_agent($i) set cwnd_]
- puts $cwnd_file($i) [format "%.2f %.2f" $now $window($i)]
- }
- $ns at [expr $now+$time] "record_cwnd"
- }
- proc record_thru {} {
- global ns N_CL user_sink_agent thru_file
- set time 0.5
- set tot_recv 0
- set now [$ns now]
- for {set i 1} {$i <= $N_CL} {incr i} {
- set recv($i) [$user_sink_agent($i) set bytes_]
- set tot_recv [expr $tot_recv + [$user_sink_agent($i) set bytes_]]
- puts $thru_file($i) [format "%.2f %.2f" $now [expr 8.*$recv($i)/$time]]
- $user_sink_agent($i) set bytes_ 0
- }
- puts $thru_file([expr $N_CL+1]) [format "%.2f %.2f" $now [expr 8.*$tot_recv/$time]]
- $ns at [expr $now+$time] "record_thru"
- }
- puts " "
- puts "JoBS multi-hop simulation."
- puts "(c) Multimedia Networks Group, University of Virginia, 2000-2"
- set ns [new Simulator]
- set rnd [new RNG]
- set seed 16
- puts "Random seed: $seed"
- $rnd seed $seed
- Queue/JoBS set drop_front_ false
- Queue/JoBS set trace_hop_ true
- Queue/JoBS set adc_resolution_type_ 0
- Queue/JoBS set shared_buffer_ 1
- Queue/JoBS set mean_pkt_size_ 4000
- Queue/Demarker set demarker_arrvs1_ 0
- Queue/Demarker set demarker_arrvs2_ 0
- Queue/Demarker set demarker_arrvs3_ 0
- Queue/Demarker set demarker_arrvs4_ 0
- Queue/Marker set marker_arrvs1_ 0
- Queue/Marker set marker_arrvs2_ 0
- Queue/Marker set marker_arrvs3_ 0
- Queue/Marker set marker_arrvs4_ 0
- # need to patch tcp-sink.h for this
- Agent/TCPSink/DelAck set bytes_ 0
- #
- # Number of hops (=k)
- set hops 4
- puts "Number of hops: $hops"
- # Link latency (ms)
- # note: an east coast-west coast
- # connection w/ 4 hops has a per-hop prop. del. roughly equal to 4.4ms
- set EDGE_DEL 1.0
- set CORE_DEL 3.0
- puts "Edge link latency: $EDGE_DEL (ms)"
- puts "Core link latency: $CORE_DEL (ms)"
- # links: bandwidth (kbps)
- set CORE_BW 45000.0
- set EDGE_BW 100000.0
- puts "Core bandwidth: $CORE_BW (kbps)"
- puts "Edge bandwidth: $EDGE_BW (kbps)"
- # Buffer size in gateways (in packets)
- set GW_BUFF 800
- puts "Gateway Buffer Size: $GW_BUFF (packs)"
- # Utilization factor for all core links
- set utilz 0.0005
- puts "Per source utilization (cross-traffic): $utilz"
- # Packet Size (in bytes); assume common for all sources
- set PKTSZ 500
- set MAXWIN 50
- puts "Packet Size: $PKTSZ (bytes)"
- # Number of monitored flows (equal to # of classes)
- set N_CL 4
- puts "Number of classes: $N_CL"
- set N_USERS_TCP 3
- set N_USERS 4
- puts "Number of flows: $N_USERS"
- # Number of cross-traffic sources
- set N_C_TCP 6
- set N_CT 10
- puts "Number of cross-traffic sources (per hop) $N_CT"
- # Peak Rate of a cross-traffic source (set to link bandwidth,
- # because a cross-traffic source models an incoming link's aggregate traffic)
- puts "Peak rate of cross-traffic sources: $PEAK_RT_C (kbps)"
- # Average Rate of a cross-traffic source (kbps); there is some algebra here
- set AVG_RT_C [expr $utilz * $EDGE_BW / ($N_CT*1.)]
- puts "Average cross-traffic rate (per source): $AVG_RT_C (kbps)"
- # Average idle duration for cross-traffic sources (msec)
- set IDLE_TM_C [expr ($PEAK_RT_C-$AVG_RT_C)/($PEAK_RT_C*$AVG_RT_C) * $PKTSZ*8]
- puts "Average cross-traffic idle time: $IDLE_TM_C (ms)"
- # Alpha parameter of the Pareto distribution for cross-traffic sources
- set PARETO_ALPHA_C 1.9
- puts "Alpha pareto parameter of cross-traffic sources: $PARETO_ALPHA_C"
- set START_TM 10.0
- puts "Monitored flows start at: $START_TM"
- set max_time 70.0
- puts "Max time: $max_time (sec)"
- # Statistics-related parameters
- set STATS_INTR 2; # interval between reporting statistics
- set START_STATS 0; # start-time for reporting statistics
- # Marker Types
- # Deterministic (for user traffic)
- set DETERM 1
- # Statistical (for cross-traffic)
- set STATIS 2
- # Demarker Types
- # Create a trace file for each class (for user traffic)
- set VERBOSE 1
- # Do not create trace files
- set QUIET 2
- # 1. Core nodes ($hops nodes)
- for {set i 1} {$i <= $hops} {incr i} {
- set core_node($i) [$ns node]
- }
- puts "Core nodes: OK"
- # 2. User traffic nodes and sinks (N_USERS sources and sinks)
- for {set i 1} {$i <= $N_USERS} {incr i} {
- set user_source($i) [$ns node]
- set user_sink($i) [$ns node]
- if {$i <= $N_USERS_TCP} {
- set user_source_agent($i) [new Agent/TCP/Newreno]
- set user_sink_agent($i) [new Agent/TCPSink/DelAck]
- } else {
- set user_source_agent($i) [new Agent/UDP]
- set user_sink_agent($i) [new Agent/LossMonitor]
- }
- }
- puts "User traffic nodes and sinks: OK"
- # 3. Cross traffic nodes and sinks ($hops-1 sources, $hops-1 sinks)
- for {set i 1} {$i < $hops} {incr i} {
- for {set j 1} {$j <= $N_CT} {incr j} {
- set cross_source([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j]) [$ns node]
- set cross_sink([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j]) [$ns node]
- if {$j > $N_C_TCP} {
- set cross_source_agent([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j]) [new Agent/UDP]
- set cross_sink_agent([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j]) [new Agent/LossMonitor]
- } else {
- set cross_source_agent([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j]) [new Agent/TCP/Newreno]
- set cross_sink_agent([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j]) [new Agent/TCPSink/DelAck]
- }
- puts "Creating cross_source/sink_agent [expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j] ($i,$j)"
- }
- }
- puts "Cross traffic nodes and sink: OK"
- # 4. Core links (JoBS)
- for {set i 1} {$i < $hops} {incr i} {
- build-jobs-link $core_node($i) $core_node([expr $i+1]) $CORE_BW $CORE_DEL $GW_BUFF
- set q [$ns get-queue $core_node($i) $core_node([expr $i+1])]
- set l [$ns get-link $core_node($i) $core_node([expr $i+1])]
- if {$i == 1} {
- $q copyright-info
- }
- $q init-rdcs -1 4 4 4
- $q init-rlcs 2 2 2 2
- $q init-alcs 0.005 -1 -1 -1
- $q init-adcs 0.002 -1 -1 -1
- $q trace-file jobs-cn2002/hoptrace.$i
- $q link [$l link]
- $q sampling-period 1
- $q id $i
- $q initialize
- # It's a duplex link
- set q [$ns get-queue $core_node([expr $i+1]) $core_node($i)]
- set l [$ns get-link $core_node([expr $i+1]) $core_node($i)]
- $q init-rdcs -1 4 4 4
- $q init-rlcs 2 2 2 2
- $q init-alcs 0.005 -1 -1 -1
- $q init-adcs 0.002 -1 -1 -1
- $q trace-file null
- $q link [$l link]
- $q sampling-period 1
- $q id [expr $i+$hops]
- $q initialize
- }
- puts "Core links: OK"
- # 5. Cross-traffic links (marker)
- for {set i 1} {$i < $hops} {incr i} {
- for {set j 1} {$j <= $N_CT} {incr j} {
- build-marker-link $cross_source([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j]) $core_node($i) [expr $EDGE_BW/(1.*$N_CT)] $EDGE_DEL [expr $GW_BUFF*100]
- set q [$ns get-queue $cross_source([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j]) $core_node($i)]
- if {$j == 1} {
- $q marker_type $DETERM
- $q marker_class 1
- } elseif {($j >=2) && ($j <= 3)} {
- $q marker_type $DETERM
- $q marker_class 2
- } elseif {($j >= 4) && ($j <= 6)} {
- $q marker_type $DETERM
- $q marker_class 3
- } else {
- $q marker_type $DETERM
- $q marker_class 4
- }
- set q [$ns get-queue $core_node($i) $cross_source([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j])]
- $q id 99
- $q trace-file null
- build-marker-link $cross_sink([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j]) $core_node([expr $i+1]) [expr $EDGE_BW/(1.*$N_CT)] $EDGE_DEL [expr $GW_BUFF*100]
- set q [$ns get-queue $cross_sink([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j]) $core_node([expr $i+1])]
- if {$j == 1} {
- $q marker_type $DETERM
- $q marker_class 1
- } elseif {($j >=2) && ($j <= 3)} {
- $q marker_type $DETERM
- $q marker_class 2
- } elseif {($j >= 4) && ($j <= 6)} {
- $q marker_type $DETERM
- $q marker_class 3
- } else {
- $q marker_type $DETERM
- $q marker_class 4
- }
- set q [$ns get-queue $core_node([expr $i+1]) $cross_sink([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j])]
- $q id 99
- $q trace-file null
- }
- }
- puts "Cross traffic links: OK"
- # 6. Edge links (marker)
- for {set i 1} {$i <= $N_USERS} {incr i} {
- build-marker-link $user_source($i) $core_node(1) $EDGE_BW $EDGE_DEL $GW_BUFF
- set q [$ns get-queue $user_source($i) $core_node(1)]
- $q marker_type $DETERM
- $q marker_class $i
- set q [$ns get-queue $core_node(1) $user_source($i)]
- # assign a bogus id
- $q id 99
- build-demarker-link $core_node($hops) $user_sink($i) $EDGE_BW $EDGE_DEL $GW_BUFF
- set q [$ns get-queue $core_node($hops) $user_sink($i)]
- $q id $i
- $q trace-file jobs-cn2002/e2edelay
- set q [$ns get-queue $user_sink($i) $core_node($hops)]
- $q marker_type $DETERM
- $q marker_class $i
- }
- puts "Edge marker/demarker links: OK"
- #
- # Create traffic
- #
- # Cross-traffic (UDP, on/off Pareto)
- for {set i 1} {$i < $hops} {incr i} {
- for {set j 1} {$j <= $N_CT} {incr j} {
- if {$j > $N_C_TCP} {
- set cross_flow([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j]) [new Application/Traffic/Pareto]
- build-pareto-on-off [expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j+$N_USERS] $cross_source([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j]) $cross_source_agent([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j]) $cross_sink([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j]) $cross_sink_agent([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j]) $cross_flow([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j]) 2200.0 $PKTSZ $PARETO_ALPHA_C 0.0 100.0 120.0
- } else {
- set cross_flow([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j]) [new Application/FTP]
- init_mouse [expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j+$N_USERS] $cross_source([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j]) $cross_source_agent([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j]) $cross_sink([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j]) $cross_sink_agent([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j]) $cross_flow([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j]) $MAXWIN $PKTSZ 0.0 0.2 300 1000
- }
- puts "Connecting cross_source/sink_agent [expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j] ($i,$j) - via flow [expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j+$N_USERS]"
- }
- }
- puts "Cross-traffic sources: OK"
- # User traffic (TCP/FTP and UDP)
- for {set i 1} {$i <= $N_USERS} {incr i} {
- if {$i <= $N_USERS_TCP} {
- set user_flow($i) [new Application/FTP]
- inf_ftp $i $user_source($i) $user_source_agent($i) $user_sink($i) $user_sink_agent($i) $user_flow($i) $MAXWIN $PKTSZ $START_TM
- } else {
- set user_flow($i) [new Application/Traffic/Pareto]
- build-pareto-on-off $i $user_source($i) $user_source_agent($i) $user_sink($i) $user_sink_agent($i) $user_flow($i) 5000.0 $PKTSZ $PARETO_ALPHA_C $START_TM 10.0 10.0
- }
- }
- puts "TCP flows: OK"
- for {set i 1} {$i <= $N_USERS} {incr i} {
- if {$i <= $N_USERS_TCP} {
- set cwnd_file($i) [open jobs-cn2002/cwnd$ w]
- }
- set thru_file($i) [open jobs-cn2002/thru$ w]
- }
- set thru_file([expr $N_USERS + 1]) [open jobs-cn2002/ w]
- #
- # Queue Monitors
- #
- for {set i 1} {$i < $hops} {incr i} {
- set qmon_xy($i) [$ns monitor-queue $core_node($i) $core_node([expr $i+1]) ""]
- $ns at $START_STATS "$qmon_xy($i) reset"
- set bing_xy($i) [$qmon_xy($i) get-bytes-integrator]
- set ping_xy($i) [$qmon_xy($i) get-pkts-integrator]
- $ns at $START_STATS "$bing_xy($i) reset"
- $ns at $START_STATS "$ping_xy($i) reset"
- $ns at [expr $START_STATS+$STATS_INTR] "linkDump [$ns link $core_node($i) $core_node([expr $i+1])] $bing_xy($i) $ping_xy($i) $qmon_xy($i) $STATS_INTR N($i)-N([expr $i+1])"
- }
- # Stats dump
- for {set i 1} {$i < $hops} {incr i} {
- set flow_file($i) [open jobs-cn2002/flows-hop$ w]
- set fm [$ns makeflowmon Fid]
- $ns attach-fmon [$ns get-link $core_node($i) $core_node([expr $i+1])] $fm
- $ns at $START_TM "flowDump [$ns get-link $core_node($i) $core_node([expr $i+1])] $fm $flow_file($i) 0.5"
- }
- for {set i 1} {$i <= $N_USERS} {incr i} {
- set tot_drop($i) 0
- set old_arv($i) 0
- set total_drops_file($i) [open jobs-cn2002/totaldrops-flow$ w]
- $ns at $START_TM "totalDrops $i 0.5"
- }
- $ns at $START_TM "record_thru"
- $ns at $START_TM "record_cwnd"
- $ns at $max_time "finish"
- proc finish {} {
- puts "nSimulation End"
- global N_CT N_USERS user_source core_node cross_source cross_sink user_sink ns hops
- puts "nMonitored Flows (send):"
- for {set i 1} {$i <= $N_USERS} {incr i} {
- set q [$ns get-queue $user_source($i) $core_node(1)]
- puts "$i: arrivals class-1 = [$q set marker_arrvs1_]"
- puts "$i: arrivals class-2 = [$q set marker_arrvs2_]"
- puts "$i: arrivals class-3 = [$q set marker_arrvs3_]"
- puts "$i: arrivals class-4 = [$q set marker_arrvs4_]"
- }
- puts "nMonitored Flows (receive):"
- for {set i 1} {$i <= $N_USERS} {incr i} {
- set q [$ns get-queue $core_node($hops) $user_sink($i)]
- puts "$i: arrivals class-1 = [$q set demarker_arrvs1_]"
- puts "$i: arrivals class-2 = [$q set demarker_arrvs2_]"
- puts "$i: arrivals class-3 = [$q set demarker_arrvs3_]"
- puts "$i: arrivals class-4 = [$q set demarker_arrvs4_]"
- }
- for {set i 1} {$i < $hops} {incr i} {
- for {set j 1} {$j <= $N_CT} {incr j} {
- set q [$ns get-queue $cross_source([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j]) $core_node($i)]
- puts "nCore Input Link ($i,$j):"
- puts " cross-arrivals class-1 = [$q set marker_arrvs1_]"
- puts " cross-arrivals class-2 = [$q set marker_arrvs2_]"
- puts " cross-arrivals class-3 = [$q set marker_arrvs3_]"
- puts " cross-arrivals class-4 = [$q set marker_arrvs4_]"
- set q [$ns get-queue $core_node([expr $i+1]) $cross_sink([expr ($i-1)*$N_CT+$j])]
- puts "nCore Output Link ($i,$j):"
- puts " cross-arrivals class-1 = [$q set demarker_arrvs1_]"
- puts " cross-arrivals class-2 = [$q set demarker_arrvs2_]"
- puts " cross-arrivals class-3 = [$q set demarker_arrvs3_]"
- puts " cross-arrivals class-4 = [$q set demarker_arrvs4_]"
- }
- }
- exit 0
- }
- puts "ngo!n"
- $ns run