- ##
- ## simple example to demonstrate use of traffic generation modules
- ##
- ## topology consists of 6 nodes. 4 traffic sources are attached
- ## to each of 4 'access' nodes. These nodes have links to a single
- ## 'concentrator' node, which is connected by the bottleneck link
- ## to the destination node.
- ##
- ## there are 4 source agents that generate packets
- ## 1 generates traffic based on an Exponential On/Off distribution
- ## 1 generates traffic based on a Pareto On/Off distribution
- ## 2 generate traffic using the trace file 'example-trace'.
- ##
- set stoptime 10.0
- set plottime 11.0
- set ns [new Simulator]
- set n0 [$ns node]
- set n1 [$ns node]
- set n2 [$ns node]
- set n3 [$ns node]
- set n4 [$ns node]
- set n5 [$ns node]
- set f [open w]
- $ns trace-all $f
- set nf [open out.nam w]
- $ns namtrace-all $nf
- $ns duplex-link $n0 $n1 1.5Mb 10ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $n0 $n2 10Mb 5ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $n0 $n3 10Mb 5ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $n0 $n4 10Mb 5ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link $n0 $n5 10Mb 5ms DropTail
- $ns duplex-link-op $n0 $n1 orient right
- $ns duplex-link-op $n0 $n2 orient left-up
- $ns duplex-link-op $n0 $n3 orient left
- $ns duplex-link-op $n0 $n4 orient left-down
- $ns duplex-link-op $n0 $n5 orient down
- $ns duplex-link-op $n0 $n1 queuePos 0.5
- #$ns trace-queue $n0 $n1 $f
- ## set up the exponential on/off source, parameterized by packet size,
- ## ave on time, ave off time and peak rate
- set s1 [new Agent/UDP]
- $ns attach-agent $n2 $s1
- set null1 [new Agent/Null]
- $ns attach-agent $n1 $null1
- $ns connect $s1 $null1
- set exp1 [new Application/Traffic/Exponential]
- $exp1 set packetSize_ 210
- $exp1 set burst_time_ 500ms
- $exp1 set idle_time_ 500ms
- $exp1 set rate_ 100k
- $exp1 attach-agent $s1
- ## set up the pareto on/off source, parameterized by packet size,
- ## ave on time, ave off time, peak rate and pareto shape parameter
- set s2 [new Agent/UDP]
- $ns attach-agent $n3 $s2
- set null2 [new Agent/Null]
- $ns attach-agent $n1 $null2
- $ns connect $s2 $null2
- set pareto2 [new Application/Traffic/Pareto]
- $pareto2 set packetSize_ 210
- $pareto2 set burst_time_ 500ms
- $pareto2 set idle_time_ 500ms
- $pareto2 set rate_ 200k
- $pareto2 set shape_ 1.5
- $pareto2 attach-agent $s2
- ## initialize a trace file
- set tfile [new Tracefile]
- $tfile filename example-trace
- ## set up a source that uses the trace file
- set s3 [new Agent/UDP]
- $ns attach-agent $n4 $s3
- set null3 [new Agent/Null]
- $ns attach-agent $n1 $null3
- $ns connect $s3 $null3
- set tfile [new Tracefile]
- #$tfile filename /tmp/example-trace
- $tfile filename example-trace
- set trace3 [new Application/Traffic/Trace]
- $trace3 attach-tracefile $tfile
- $trace3 attach-agent $s3
- ## attach a 2nd source to the same trace file
- set s4 [new Agent/UDP]
- $ns attach-agent $n5 $s4
- set null4 [new Agent/Null]
- $ns attach-agent $n1 $null4
- $ns connect $s4 $null4
- set trace4 [new Application/Traffic/Trace]
- $trace4 attach-tracefile $tfile
- $trace4 attach-agent $s4
- $ns at 1.0 "$exp1 start"
- $ns at 1.0 "$pareto2 start"
- $ns at 1.0 "$trace3 start"
- $ns at 1.0 "$trace4 start"
- $ns at $stoptime "$exp1 stop"
- $ns at $stoptime "$pareto2 stop"
- $ns at $stoptime "$trace3 stop"
- $ns at $stoptime "$trace4 stop"
- $ns at $plottime "close $f"
- $ns at $plottime "finish tg"
- proc finish file {
- set f [open temp.rands w]
- puts $f "TitleText: $file"
- puts $f "Device: Postscript"
- exec rm -f temp.p1 temp.p2 temp.p3 temp.p4
- exec touch temp.p1 temp.p2 temp.p3 temp.p4
- #
- #
- exec awk {
- {
- if (($1 == "+") && ($3 != 0) && ($9 == 2.0))
- print $2, 2
- }
- } > temp.p1
- exec awk {
- {
- if (($1 == "+") && ($3 != 0) && ($9 == 3.0))
- print $2, 3
- }
- } > temp.p2
- exec awk {
- {
- if (($1 == "+") && ($3 != 0) && ($9 == 4.0))
- print $2, 4
- }
- } > temp.p3
- exec awk {
- {
- if (($1 == "+") && ($3 != 0) && ($9 == 5.0))
- print $2, 5
- }
- } > temp.p4
- puts $f [format "n"ExpOnOff"]
- flush $f
- exec cat temp.p1 >@ $f
- flush $f
- puts $f [format "n"ParetoOnOff"]
- flush $f
- exec cat temp.p2 >@ $f
- flush $f
- puts $f [format "n"Trace1"]
- flush $f
- exec cat temp.p3 >@ $f
- flush $f
- puts $f [format "n"Trace2"]
- flush $f
- exec cat temp.p4 >@ $f
- flush $f
- close $f
- exec rm -f temp.p1 temp.p2 temp.p3 temp.p4
- exec xgraph -bb -tk -nl -m -x time -y "source node" temp.rands &
- puts "running nam..."
- exec nam out.nam &
- exec rm -f
- }
- $ns run
- exit 0