- # Copyright (c) Xerox Corporation 1998. All rights reserved.
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- # Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
- # option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- # 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- #
- # Linking this file statically or dynamically with other modules is making
- # a combined work based on this file. Thus, the terms and conditions of
- # the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
- #
- # In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this file
- # give you permission to combine this file with free software programs or
- # libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL and with code included in
- # the standard release of ns-2 under the Apache 2.0 license or under
- # otherwise-compatible licenses with advertising requirements (or modified
- # versions of such code, with unchanged license). You may copy and
- # distribute such a system following the terms of the GNU GPL for this
- # file and the licenses of the other code concerned, provided that you
- # include the source code of that other code when and as the GNU GPL
- # requires distribution of source code.
- #
- # Note that people who make modified versions of this file are not
- # obligated to grant this special exception for their modified versions;
- # it is their choice whether to do so. The GNU General Public License
- # gives permission to release a modified version without this exception;
- # this exception also makes it possible to release a modified version
- # which carries forward this exception.
- #
- # Implementation of an HTTP server
- #
- # $Header: /cvsroot/nsnam/ns-2/tcl/webcache/http-server.tcl,v 1.11 2005/08/26 05:05:30 tomh Exp $
- #
- # PagePool
- #
- # Generage a new page, including size, age, and flags. Do NOT generate
- # modification time. That's the job of web servers.
- PagePool instproc gen-page { pageid thismod } {
- set size [$self gen-size $pageid]
- # If $thismod == -1, we set age to -1, which means this page
- # never changes
- if {$thismod >= 0} {
- set age [expr [$self gen-modtime $pageid $thismod] - $thismod]
- } else {
- set age -1
- }
- return "size $size age $age modtime $thismod"
- }
- #
- # Compound pagepool with a non-cacheable main page
- #
- Class PagePool/CompMath/noc -superclass PagePool/CompMath
- PagePool/CompMath/noc instproc gen-page { pageid thismod } {
- set res [eval $self next $pageid $thismod]
- if {$pageid == 0} {
- return "$res noc 1"
- } else {
- return $res
- }
- }
- #
- # web server codes
- #
- Http/Server instproc init args {
- eval $self next $args
- $self instvar node_ stat_
- $node_ color "HotPink"
- array set stat_ [list hit-num 0 mod-num 0 barrival 0]
- }
- Http/Server instproc set-page-generator { pagepool } {
- $self instvar pgtr_
- set pgtr_ $pagepool
- }
- Http/Server instproc gen-init-modtime { id } {
- $self instvar pgtr_ ns_
- if [info exists pgtr_] {
- return [$pgtr_ gen-init-modtime $id]
- } else {
- return [$ns_ now]
- }
- }
- # XXX
- # This method to calculate staleness time isn't scalable!!! We have to have
- # a garbage collection method to release unused portion of modtimes_ and
- # modseq_. That's not implemented yet because it requires the server to know
- # the oldest version held by all other clients.
- Http/Server instproc stale-time { pageid modtime } {
- $self instvar modseq_ modtimes_ ns_
- for {set i $modseq_($pageid)} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} {
- if {$modtimes_($pageid:$i) <= $modtime} {
- break
- }
- }
- if {$i < 0} {
- error "Non-existent modtime $modtime for page $pageid"
- }
- set ii [expr $i + 1]
- set t1 [expr abs($modtimes_($pageid:$i) - $modtime)]
- set t2 [expr abs($modtimes_($pageid:$ii) - $modtime)]
- if {$t1 > $t2} {
- incr ii
- }
- return [expr [$ns_ now] - $modtimes_($pageid:$ii)]
- }
- Http/Server instproc modify-page { pageid } {
- # Set Last-Modified-Time to current time
- $self instvar ns_ id_ stat_ pgtr_
- incr stat_(mod-num)
- set id [lindex [split $pageid :] end]
- # Change modtime and lifetime only, do not change page size
- set modtime [$ns_ now]
- if [info exists pgtr_] {
- set pginfo [$pgtr_ gen-page $id $modtime]
- } else {
- set pginfo "size 2000 age 50 modtime $modtime"
- }
- array set data $pginfo
- set age $data(age)
- $self schedule-nextmod [expr [$ns_ now] + $age] $pageid
- eval $self enter-page $pageid $pginfo
- $ns_ trace-annotate "S $id_ INV $pageid"
- $self evTrace S MOD p $pageid m [$ns_ now] n [expr [$ns_ now] + $age]
- $self instvar modtimes_ modseq_
- incr modseq_($pageid)
- set modtimes_($pageid:$modseq_($pageid)) $modtime
- }
- Http/Server instproc schedule-nextmod { time pageid } {
- $self instvar ns_
- $ns_ at $time "$self modify-page $pageid"
- }
- Http/Server instproc gen-page { pageid } {
- set pginfo [$self gen-pageinfo $pageid]
- eval $self enter-page $pageid $pginfo
- return $pginfo
- }
- # XXX Assumes page doesn't exists before.
- Http/Server instproc gen-pageinfo { pageid } {
- $self instvar ns_ pgtr_
- if [$self exist-page $pageid] {
- error "$self: shouldn't use gen-page for existing pages"
- }
- set id [lindex [split $pageid :] end]
- # XXX If a page never changes, set modtime to -1 here!!
- set modtime [$self gen-init-modtime $id]
- if [info exists pgtr_] {
- set pginfo [$pgtr_ gen-page $id $modtime]
- } else {
- set pginfo "size 2000 age 50 modtime $modtime"
- }
- array set data $pginfo
- set age $data(age)
- if {$modtime >= 0} {
- $self schedule-nextmod [expr [$ns_ now] + $age] $pageid
- }
- $self evTrace S MOD p $pageid m [$ns_ now] n [expr [$ns_ now] + $age]
- $self instvar modtimes_ modseq_
- set modseq_($pageid) 0
- set modtimes_($pageid:0) $modtime
- return [join $pginfo]
- }
- Http/Server instproc disconnect { client } {
- $self instvar ns_ clist_ node_
- set pos [lsearch $clist_ $client]
- if {$pos >= 0} {
- lreplace $clist_ $pos $pos
- } else {
- error "Http/Server::disconnect: not connected to $server"
- }
- set tcp [[$self get-cnc $client] agent]
- $self cmd disconnect $client
- $tcp proc done {} "$ns_ detach-agent $node_ $tcp; delete $tcp"
- $tcp close
- #puts "server [$self id] disconnect"
- }
- Http/Server instproc alloc-connection { client fid } {
- Http instvar TRANSPORT_
- $self instvar ns_ clist_ node_ fid_
- lappend clist_ $client
- set snk [new Agent/TCP/$TRANSPORT_]
- $snk set fid_ $fid
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_ $snk
- $snk listen
- set wrapper [new Application/TcpApp $snk]
- $self cmd connect $client $wrapper
- return $wrapper
- }
- Http/Server instproc handle-request-GET { pageid args } {
- $self instvar ns_
- if [$self exist-page $pageid] {
- set pageinfo [$self get-page $pageid]
- } else {
- set pageinfo [$self gen-page $pageid]
- }
- lappend res [$self get-size $pageid]
- eval lappend res $pageinfo
- }
- Http/Server instproc handle-request-IMS { pageid args } {
- array set data $args
- set mt [$self get-modtime $pageid]
- if {$mt <= $data(modtime)} {
- # Send a not-modified since
- set size [$self get-invsize]
- # We don't need other information for a IMS of a
- # valid page
- set pageinfo
- "size $size modtime $mt time [$self get-cachetime $pageid]"
- $self evTrace S SND p $pageid m $mt z $size t IMS-NM
- } else {
- # Page modified, send the new one
- set size [$self get-size $pageid]
- set pageinfo [$self get-page $pageid]
- $self evTrace S SND p $pageid m $mt z $size t IMS-M
- }
- lappend res $size
- eval lappend res $pageinfo
- return $res
- }
- Http/Server instproc get-request { client type pageid args } {
- $self instvar ns_ id_ stat_
- incr stat_(hit-num)
- array set data $args
- incr stat_(barrival) $data(size)
- unset data
- # XXX Here maybe we want to wait for a random time to model
- # server response delay, it could be easily added in a derived class.
- set res [eval $self handle-request-$type $pageid $args]
- set size [lindex $res 0]
- set pageinfo [lrange $res 1 end]
- $self send $client $size
- "$client get-response-$type $self $pageid $pageinfo"
- }
- Http/Server instproc set-parent-cache { cache } {
- # Dummy proc
- }
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Http server modifying pages in the way as described in Pei Cao et al's
- # ICDCS'97 paper. Used to test the simulator
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Class Http/Server/epa -superclass Http/Server
- Http/Server/epa instproc start-update { interval } {
- $self instvar pm_itv_ ns_
- set pm_itv_ $interval
- $ns_ at [expr [$ns_ now] + $pm_itv_] "$self modify-page"
- }
- # Schedule next page modification using another way
- Http/Server/epa instproc schedule-nextmod { time pageid } {
- $self instvar ns_ pm_itv_
- $ns_ at [expr [$ns_ now]+$pm_itv_] "$self modify-page $pageid"
- }
- # Change the page id to be modified. The pageid given in argument makes
- # no sense at all.
- Http/Server/epa instproc modify-page args {
- $self instvar pgtr_
- set pageid $self:[$pgtr_ pick-pagemod]
- eval $self next $pageid
- }
- # Do not schedule modification during page generation.
- Http/Server/epa instproc gen-pageinfo { pageid } {
- $self instvar ns_ pgtr_
- if [$self exist-page $pageid] {
- error "$self: shouldn't use gen-page for existing pages"
- }
- set id [lindex [split $pageid :] end]
- set modtime [$self gen-init-modtime $id]
- if [info exists pgtr_] {
- set pginfo [$pgtr_ gen-page $id $modtime]
- } else {
- set pginfo "size 2000 age 50 modtime $modtime"
- }
- array set data $pginfo
- set age $data(age)
- $self instvar modtimes_ modseq_
- set modseq_($pageid) 0
- set modtimes_($pageid:0) $modtime
- return [join $pginfo]
- }
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Base Http invalidation server
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Http/Server/Inval instproc modify-page { pageid } {
- $self next $pageid
- $self instvar ns_ id_
- $self invalidate $pageid [$ns_ now]
- }
- Http/Server/Inval instproc handle-request-REF { pageid args } {
- return [eval $self handle-request-GET $pageid $args]
- }
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Old unicast invalidation Http server. For compatibility
- # Server with single unicast invalidation
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Class Http/Server/Inval/Ucast -superclass Http/Server/Inval
- # We need to maintain a list of all caches who have gotten a page from this
- # server.
- Http/Server/Inval/Ucast instproc get-request { client type pageid args } {
- eval $self next $client $type $pageid $args
- # XXX more efficient representation?
- $self instvar cacheList_
- if [info exists cacheList_($pageid)] {
- set pos [lsearch $cacheList_($pageid) $client]
- } else {
- set pos -1
- }
- # If it's a new cache, put it there
- # XXX we should eventually have a timer for each cache entry, so
- # we can get rid of old cache entries
- if {$pos < 0 && [regexp "Cache" [$client info class]]} {
- lappend cacheList_($pageid) $client
- }
- }
- Http/Server/Inval/Ucast instproc invalidate { pageid modtime } {
- $self instvar cacheList_
- if ![info exists cacheList_($pageid)] {
- return
- }
- foreach c $cacheList_($pageid) {
- # Send invalidation to every cache, assuming a connection
- # exists between the server and the cache
- set size [$self get-invsize]
- # Mark invalidation packet as another fid
- set agent [[$self get-cnc $c] agent]
- set fid [$agent set fid_]
- $agent_ set fid_ [Http set PINV_FID_]
- $self send $c $size
- "$c invalidate $pageid $modtime"
- $agent_ set fid_ $fid
- $self evTrace S INV p $pageid m $modtime z $size
- }
- }
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # (Y)et another (U)ni(C)ast invalidation server
- #
- # It has a single parent cache. Whenever a page is updated in this server
- # it informs the parent cache, which will in turn propagate the update
- # (or invalidation) to the whole cache hierarchy.
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Http/Server/Inval/Yuc instproc set-tlc { tlc } {
- $self instvar tlc_
- set tlc_ $tlc
- }
- Http/Server/Inval/Yuc instproc get-tlc { tlc } {
- $self instvar tlc_
- return $tlc_
- }
- Http/Server/Inval/Yuc instproc next-hb {} {
- Http/Server/Inval/Yuc instvar hb_interval_
- return [expr $hb_interval_ * [uniform 0.9 1.1]]
- }
- # XXX Must do this when the caching hierachy is ready
- Http/Server/Inval/Yuc instproc set-parent-cache { cache } {
- $self instvar pcache_
- set pcache_ $cache
- # Send JOIN
- #puts "[$self id] joins cache [$pcache_ id]"
- $self send $pcache_ [$self get-joinsize]
- "$pcache_ server-join $self $self"
- # Establish an invalidation connection using TCP
- Http instvar TRANSPORT_
- $self instvar ns_ node_
- set tcp [new Agent/TCP/$TRANSPORT_]
- $tcp set fid_ [Http set HB_FID_]
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_ $tcp
- set dst [$pcache_ setup-unicast-hb]
- set snk [$dst agent]
- $ns_ connect $tcp $snk
- #$tcp set dst_ [$snk set addr_]
- $tcp set window_ 100
- set wrapper [new Application/TcpApp/HttpInval $tcp]
- $wrapper connect $dst
- $wrapper set-app $self
- $self add-inval-sender $wrapper
- # Start heartbeat after some time, otherwise TCP connection may
- # not be well established...
- $self instvar ns_
- $ns_ at [expr [$ns_ now] + [$self next-hb]] "$self heartbeat"
- }
- Http/Server/Inval/Yuc instproc heartbeat {} {
- $self instvar pcache_ ns_
- $self cmd send-hb
- $ns_ at [expr [$ns_ now] + [$self next-hb]]
- "$self heartbeat"
- }
- Http/Server/Inval/Yuc instproc get-request { cl type pageid args } {
- eval $self next $cl $type $pageid $args
- if {($type == "GET") || ($type == "REF")} {
- $self count-request $pageid
- }
- }
- Http/Server/Inval/Yuc instproc invalidate { pageid modtime } {
- $self instvar pcache_ id_ enable_upd_
- if ![info exists pcache_] {
- error "Server $id_ doesn't have a parent cache!"
- }
- # One more invalidation
- $self count-inval $pageid
- if [$self is-pushable $pageid] {
- $self push-page $pageid $modtime
- return
- }
- # Send invalidation to every cache, assuming a connection
- # exists between the server and the cache
- # set size [$self get-invsize]
- # Mark invalidation packet as another fid
- # set agent [[$self get-cnc $pcache_] agent]
- # set fid [$agent set fid_]
- # $agent set fid_ [Http set PINV_FID_]
- # $self send $pcache_ $size "$pcache_ invalidate $pageid $modtime"
- # $agent set fid_ $fid
- $self cmd add-inv $pageid $modtime
- $self evTrace S INV p $pageid m $modtime
- }
- Http/Server/Inval/Yuc instproc push-page { pageid modtime } {
- $self instvar pcache_ id_
- if ![info exists pcache_] {
- error "Server $id_ doesn't have a parent cache!"
- }
- # Do not send invalidation, instead send the new page to
- # parent cache
- set size [$self get-size $pageid]
- set pageinfo [$self get-page $pageid]
- # Mark invalidation packet as another fid
- set agent [[$self get-cnc $pcache_] agent]
- set fid [$agent set fid_]
- $agent set fid_ [Http set PINV_FID_]
- $self send $pcache_ $size
- "$pcache_ push-update $pageid $pageinfo"
- $agent set fid_ $fid
- $self evTrace S UPD p $pageid m $modtime z $size
- }
- Http/Server/Inval/Yuc instproc get-req-notify { pageid } {
- $self count-request $pageid
- }
- Http/Server/Inval/Yuc instproc handle-request-TLC { pageid args } {
- $self instvar tlc_
- array set data $args
- lappend res $data(size) ;# Same size of queries
- lappend res $tlc_
- return $res
- }
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # server + support for compound pages.
- #
- # A compound page is considered to be a frequently changing main page
- # and several component pages which are usually big static images.
- #
- # XXX This is a naive implementation, which assumes single page and
- # fixed page size for all pages
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Class Http/Server/Compound -superclass Http/Server
- # Invalidation server for compound pages
- Class Http/Server/Inval/MYuc -superclass
- { Http/Server/Inval/Yuc Http/Server/Compound}