- # Copyright (c) Xerox Corporation 1998. All rights reserved.
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- # Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
- # option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- # 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- #
- # Linking this file statically or dynamically with other modules is making
- # a combined work based on this file. Thus, the terms and conditions of
- # the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
- #
- # In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this file
- # give you permission to combine this file with free software programs or
- # libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL and with code included in
- # the standard release of ns-2 under the Apache 2.0 license or under
- # otherwise-compatible licenses with advertising requirements (or modified
- # versions of such code, with unchanged license). You may copy and
- # distribute such a system following the terms of the GNU GPL for this
- # file and the licenses of the other code concerned, provided that you
- # include the source code of that other code when and as the GNU GPL
- # requires distribution of source code.
- #
- # Note that people who make modified versions of this file are not
- # obligated to grant this special exception for their modified versions;
- # it is their choice whether to do so. The GNU General Public License
- # gives permission to release a modified version without this exception;
- # this exception also makes it possible to release a modified version
- # which carries forward this exception.
- #
- # Implementation of web cache
- #
- # $Header: /cvsroot/nsnam/ns-2/tcl/webcache/http-cache.tcl,v 1.14 2005/08/26 05:05:30 tomh Exp $
- Http/Cache instproc init args {
- eval $self next $args
- $self instvar node_ stat_
- $node_ color "yellow" ;# no page
- array set stat_ [list hit-num 0 barrival 0 ims-num 0]
- }
- Http instproc set-cachesize { size } {
- $self instvar pool_
- $pool_ set max_size_ $size
- }
- Http instproc get-cachesize {} {
- $self instvar pool_
- return [$pool_ set max_size_]
- }
- # It's the user's responsibility to connect clients to caches, and caches to
- # servers. Note that a cache may connect to many other caches and servers,
- # but it has only one parent cache
- Http/Cache instproc connect { server } {
- $self next $server
- }
- Http/Cache instproc disconnect { http } {
- $self instvar slist_ clist_
- if [$http info class Http/Cache] {
- error "Cannot disconnect a cache from another cache"
- }
- if {[lsearch $slist_ $http] >= 0} {
- $self disconnect-server $http
- } else {
- $self disconnect-client $http
- }
- }
- # XXX Should add pending_ handling into disconnect
- Http/Cache instproc disconnect-server { server } {
- $self instvar ns_ slist_ node_
- set pos [lsearch $slist_ $server]
- if {$pos >= 0} {
- lreplace $slist_ $pos $pos
- } else {
- error "Http::disconnect: not connected to $server"
- }
- set tcp [[$self get-cnc $server] agent]
- $self cmd disconnect $server
- $server disconnect $self
- $tcp proc done {} "$ns_ detach-agent $node_ $tcp; delete $tcp"
- $tcp close
- #puts "cache [$self id] disconnect from server [$server id]"
- # Clear all states related to the server.
- # XXX Assume the server isn't a cache!
- $self instvar pending_
- foreach p [array names pending_] {
- if {$server == [lindex [split $p :] 0]} {
- unset pending_($p)
- }
- }
- }
- # XXX Should clean up client request states
- Http/Cache instproc disconnect-client { client } {
- $self instvar ns_ clist_ node_
- set pos [lsearch $clist_ $client]
- if {$pos >= 0} {
- lreplace $clist_ $pos $pos
- } else {
- error "Http/Cache::disconnect: not connected to $server"
- }
- set tcp [[$self get-cnc $client] agent]
- $self cmd disconnect $client
- $tcp proc done {} "$ns_ detach-agent $node_ $tcp; delete $tcp"
- $tcp close
- #puts "cache [$self id] disconnect from client [$client id]"
- # Clear all pending requests associated with the client
- $self instvar creq_
- foreach p [array names creq_] {
- set res {}
- for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $creq_($p)]} {incr i} {
- set clt [lindex $creq_($p) $i]
- if {$client != [lindex [split clt /] 0]} {
- lappend res $clt
- }
- }
- if {[llength $res] == 0} {
- unset creq_($p)
- } else {
- set creq_($p) $res
- }
- }
- }
- # Use this function to construct a cache hierarchy
- Http/Cache instproc set-parent { server } {
- $self instvar parent_
- set parent_ $server
- }
- # Copied from Http/Server
- # Let the client side to do the actual connection ($ns connect)
- Http/Cache instproc alloc-connection { client fid } {
- Http instvar TRANSPORT_
- $self instvar ns_ clist_ node_ id_ fid_
- lappend clist_ $client
- set snk [new Agent/TCP/$TRANSPORT_]
- $snk set fid_ $fid
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_ $snk
- $snk listen
- set wrapper [new Application/TcpApp $snk]
- $self cmd connect $client $wrapper
- #puts "Cache $id_ connected to client [$client id]"
- return $wrapper
- }
- # Parameters different from Http/Client::send-request. This one needs
- # size of the request because it may need to forward a client's request to
- # a server.
- Http/Cache instproc send-request { server type pageid size args } {
- $self instvar ns_ pending_ ;# pending requests, includes those
- ;# from itself
- # Don't bother sending a request to a not-connected server
- if ![$self is-connected $server] {
- return
- }
- set pending_($pageid) [$ns_ now]
- $self send $server $size
- "$server get-request $self $type $pageid size $size [join $args]"
- }
- # By constructing page id as tuple (server name, page id) we build in
- # support for multiple web servers
- Http/Cache instproc get-request { cl type pageid args } {
- $self instvar slist_ clist_ ns_ id_ pending_ stat_
- incr stat_(hit-num)
- array set data $args
- if ![info exists data(size)] {
- error "Http/Cache $id_: client [$cl id] must include request size in its request"
- }
- if [$self exist-page $pageid] {
- $self cache-hit $cl $type $pageid
- } else {
- $self cache-miss $cl $type $pageid
- }
- }
- # Cache miss, get it from the server
- Http/Cache instproc cache-miss { cl type pageid } {
- $self instvar parent_ pending_
- creq_ ;# pending client requests
- # Another client requests for the page
- lappend creq_($pageid) $cl/$type
- # XXX If there's a previous requests going on we won't send another
- # request for the same page.
- if [info exists pending_($pageid)] {
- return
- }
- # Page not found, contact parent and get the page. If parent_ == 0,
- # which means this is a root cache, directly contact the server
- set server [lindex [split $pageid :] 0]
- if [info exists parent_] {
- set server $parent_
- }
- set size [$self get-reqsize]
- $self evTrace E MISS p $pageid c [$cl id] s [$server id] z $size
- $self send-request $server $type $pageid $size
- }
- # Check if page $pageid is consistent. If not, refetch the page from server.
- Http/Cache instproc is-consistent { cl type pageid } {
- return 1
- }
- Http/Cache instproc refetch-pending { cl type pageid } {
- return 0
- }
- Http/Cache instproc refetch args {
- # Do nothing
- }
- Http/Cache instproc cache-hit { cl type pageid } {
- # page found in cache, return it to client
- if ![$self is-consistent $cl $type $pageid] {
- # Page expired and is being refetched, waiting...
- if ![$self refetch-pending $cl $type $pageid] {
- $self refetch $cl $type $pageid
- }
- return
- }
- set server [lindex [split $pageid :] 0]
- $self evTrace E HIT p $pageid c [$cl id] s [$server id]
- # XXX don't send any response here. Classify responses according
- # to request type.
- eval $self answer-request-$type $cl $pageid [$self get-page $pageid]
- }
- # A response may come from:
- # (1) a missed client request,
- Http/Cache instproc get-response-GET { server pageid args } {
- array set data $args
- if ![info exists data(noc)] {
- # Cacheable page, continue...
- if ![$self exist-page $pageid] {
- # Cache the page if it's not in the pool
- eval $self enter-page $pageid $args
- $self evTrace E ENT p $pageid m $data(modtime)
- z $data(size) s [$server id]
- } else {
- $self instvar id_ ns_
- # A pushed page may come before a response!
- puts stderr "At [$ns_ now], cache $id_ has requested a page which it already has."
- }
- }
- # If non-cacheable page, don't cache the page. However, still need to
- # answer all pending requests
- eval $self answer-pending-requests $pageid $args
- $self instvar stat_
- incr stat_(barrival) $data(size)
- $self instvar node_
- $node_ color "blue" ;# valid page
- }
- Http/Cache instproc answer-pending-requests { pageid args } {
- $self instvar creq_ pending_
- array set data $args
- if [info exists creq_($pageid)] {
- # Forward the new page to every client that has requested it
- foreach clt $creq_($pageid) {
- set tmp [split $clt /]
- set cl [lindex $tmp 0]
- set type [lindex $tmp 1]
- eval $self answer-request-$type $cl $pageid $args
- }
- unset creq_($pageid)
- unset pending_($pageid)
- } else {
- unset pending_($pageid)
- }
- }
- Http/Cache instproc answer-request-GET { cl pageid args } {
- # In response to a GET, we should always return
- # our copy of the page.
- array set data $args
- $self send $cl $data(size)
- "$cl get-response-GET $self $pageid $args"
- $self evTrace E SND c [$cl id] p $pageid z $data(size)
- }
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Cache with consistency protocol based on TTL
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Class Http/Cache/TTL -superclass Http/Cache
- Http/Cache/TTL set updateThreshold_ 0.1
- Http/Cache/TTL instproc init args {
- eval $self next $args
- # Default value
- $self instvar thresh_
- set thresh_ [Http/Cache/TTL set updateThreshold_]
- }
- Http/Cache/TTL instproc set-thresh { th } {
- $self instvar thresh_
- set thresh_ $th
- }
- # XXX we should store modtime of IMS requests somewhere. Then we can check
- # if that modtime matches this cache's newest modtime when it gets an IMS
- # response back from the server
- Http/Cache/TTL instproc answer-request-IMS { client pageid args } {
- if ![$self exist-page $pageid] {
- error "At [$ns_ now], cache [$self id] gets an IMS of a non-cacheable page."
- }
- set mt [$self get-modtime $pageid]
- if ![$client exist-page $pageid] {
- error "client [$client id] IMS a page which it doesn't have"
- }
- if {$mt < [$client get-modtime $pageid]} {
- error "client [$client id] IMS a newer page"
- }
- if {$mt > [$client get-modtime $pageid]} {
- # We should send back the new page, even if we got a
- # "not-modified-since"
- set pginfo [$self get-page $pageid]
- set size [$self get-size $pageid]
- } else {
- set size [$self get-invsize]
- set pginfo "size $size modtime $mt time [$self get-cachetime $pageid]"
- }
- $self evTrace E SND c [$client id] t IMS z $size
- $self send $client $size
- "$client get-response-IMS $self $pageid $pginfo"
- }
- Http/Cache/TTL instproc get-response-IMS { server pageid args } {
- $self instvar ns_
- # Alex cache
- # Invalidate when:(CurTime-LastCheckTime) > Thresh*(CurTime-CreateTime)
- array set data $args
- if {$data(modtime) > [$self get-modtime $pageid]} {
- # Newer page, cache it
- eval $self enter-page $pageid $args
- $self evTrace E ENT p $pageid m [$self get-modtime $pageid]
- z [$self get-size $pageid] s [$server id]
- # XXX Set cache entry time to server's entry time so that
- # we would have the same expiration time
- $self set-cachetime $pageid $data(time)
- } else {
- # Update entry last validation time
- $self set-cachetime $pageid [$ns_ now]
- }
- eval $self answer-pending-requests $pageid [$self get-page $pageid]
- # Compute total bytes arrived
- $self instvar stat_
- incr stat_(barrival) $data(size)
- }
- Http/Cache/TTL instproc is-expired { pageid } {
- $self instvar thresh_ ns_
- set cktime [expr [$ns_ now] - [$self get-cachetime $pageid]]
- set age [expr ([$ns_ now] - [$self get-modtime $pageid]) * $thresh_]
- if {$cktime <= $age} {
- # Not expired
- return 0
- }
- return 1
- }
- Http/Cache/TTL instproc is-consistent { cl type pageid } {
- return ![$self is-expired $pageid]
- }
- Http/Cache/TTL instproc refetch-pending { cl type pageid } {
- # Page expired, validate it
- $self instvar creq_
- if [info exists creq_($pageid)] {
- if [regexp $cl:* $creq_($pageid)] {
- # This page already requestsed by this client
- return 1
- }
- # This page is already requested by other clients. Add
- # the new client to the requester list, do not request it again
- lappend creq_($pageid) $cl/$type
- return 1
- }
- # Set up a refetch pending state
- lappend creq_($pageid) $cl/$type
- return 0
- }
- Http/Cache/TTL instproc refetch { cl type pageid } {
- $self instvar parent_
- # Send an If-Modified-Since
- set server [lindex [split $pageid :] 0]
- set size [$self get-imssize]
- if [info exists parent_] {
- set server $parent_
- }
- # Compute how many IMSs have been sent so far
- $self instvar stat_
- incr stat_(ims-num)
- $self evTrace E IMS p $pageid c [$cl id] s [$server id] z $size
- t [$self get-cachetime $pageid] m [$self get-modtime $pageid]
- $self send-request $server IMS $pageid $size
- modtime [$self get-modtime $pageid]
- return 0
- }
- # Old style TTL, using a single fixed threshold
- Class Http/Cache/TTL/Plain -superclass Http/Cache/TTL
- Http/Cache/TTL/Plain set updateThreshold_ 100
- Http/Cache/TTL/Plain instproc init { args } {
- eval $self next $args
- $self instvar thresh_
- set thresh_ [[$self info class] set updateThreshold_]
- }
- Http/Cache/TTL/Plain instproc is-expired { pageid } {
- $self instvar ns_ thresh_
- set cktime [expr [$ns_ now] - [$self get-cachetime $pageid]]
- if {$cktime < $thresh_} {
- return 0
- }
- return 1
- }
- Class Http/Cache/TTL/Omniscient -superclass Http/Cache/TTL
- # Assume every cache has exact knowledge of when a page will change
- Http/Cache/TTL/Omniscient instproc is-expired { pageid } {
- $self instvar ns_
- set nmt [expr [$self get-modtime $pageid] + [$self get-age $pageid]]
- if {[$ns_ now] >= $nmt} {
- return 1
- }
- return 0
- }
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Http cache with invalidation -- Base Class
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Http/Cache/Inval instproc mark-invalid {} {
- $self instvar node_
- $node_ color "red"
- }
- Http/Cache/Inval instproc mark-valid {} {
- $self instvar node_
- $node_ color "blue"
- }
- Http/Cache/Inval instproc mark-leave {} {
- $self instvar node_
- $node_ add-mark down "cyan"
- }
- Http/Cache/Inval instproc mark-rejoin {} {
- $self instvar node_
- $node_ delete-mark down
- }
- Http/Cache/Inval instproc answer-request-REF { cl pageid args } {
- if ![$self exist-page $pageid] {
- error "At [$ns_ now], cache [$self id] gets a REF of a non-cacheable page."
- }
- # Send my new page back
- set pginfo [$self get-page $pageid]
- set size [$self get-size $pageid]
- $self evTrace E SND c [$cl id] t REF p $pageid z $size
- $self send $cl $size
- "$cl get-response-REF $self $pageid $pginfo"
- }
- Http/Cache/Inval instproc get-response-GET { server pageid args } {
- # Check sstate
- set sid [[lindex [split $pageid :] 0] id]
- set cid [$server id]
- $self check-sstate $sid $cid
- eval $self next $server $pageid $args
- }
- # Only get the new page cached, do nothing else
- Http/Cache/Inval instproc get-response-REF { server pageid args } {
- $self instvar creq_ id_
- # Check sstate
- set sid [[lindex [split $pageid :] 0] id]
- set cid [$server id]
- $self check-sstate $sid $cid
- array set data $args
- if {[$self get-modtime $pageid] > $data(modtime)} {
- # XXX We may get an old page because we are doing full TCP
- # and an update is sent *during* a regular refetch, which is
- # sent through several smaller packets.
- #$self instvar ns_
- #error "At [$ns_ now], cache $self ($id_) refetched an old page
- #$pageid ($data(modtime), new time [$self get-modtime $pageid])
- #from [$server id]"
- puts stderr "At [$ns_ now], cache $self ($id_) refetched an old page
- $pageid ($data(modtime), new time [$self get-modtime $pageid])
- from [$server id]"
- # Do nothing; send back the newer page
- } else {
- # The page is re-validated by replacing the old entry
- eval $self enter-page $pageid $args
- $self evTrace E UPD p $pageid m [$self get-modtime $pageid]
- z [$self get-size $pageid] s [$server id]
- }
- eval $self answer-pending-requests $pageid [$self get-page $pageid]
- $self instvar node_ marks_ ns_
- set mk [lindex $marks_($pageid) 0]
- $node_ delete-mark $mk
- set marks_($pageid) [lreplace $marks_($pageid) 0 0]
- $node_ color "blue"
- }
- # Always consistent?
- Http/Cache/Inval instproc is-consistent { cl type pageid } {
- return [$self is-valid $pageid]
- }
- Http/Cache/Inval instproc refetch-pending { cl type pageid } {
- # Invalid page, prepare a refetch.
- $self instvar creq_
- if [info exists creq_($pageid)] {
- if [regexp $cl:* $creq_($pageid)] {
- # This page already requestsed by this client
- return 1
- }
- # This page already requested by other clients, add ourselves
- # to the returning list and return
- lappend creq_($pageid) $cl/$type
- return 1
- }
- # Setup a refetch pending state
- lappend creq_($pageid) $cl/$type
- return 0
- }
- # Send a refetch. Forward the request to our parent
- Http/Cache/Inval instproc refetch { cl type pageid } {
- $self instvar parent_
- set size [$self get-refsize]
- set server [lindex [split $pageid :] 0]
- if [info exists parent_] {
- set par $parent_
- } else {
- # We are the root cache (TLC), directly contact the
- # web server
- set par $server
- }
- $self evTrace E REF p $pageid s [$server id] z $size
- $self send-request $par REF $pageid $size
- $self instvar node_ marks_ ns_
- lappend marks_($pageid) $pageid:[$ns_ now]
- $node_ add-mark $pageid:[$ns_ now] "brown"
- }
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Invalidation cache with multicast heartbeat invalidation
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc init args {
- eval $self next $args
- $self add-to-map
- }
- # When we enter a new page into cache, we'll have to register the server
- # in case we haven't know anything about it. The right place to do it
- # is in get-response-GET, because a cache will only enter a new page
- # after a cache miss, where it issues a GET.
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc get-response-GET { server pageid args } {
- eval $self next $server $pageid $args
- # XXX Assume once server-neighbor cache relationship is fixed, they
- # never change.
- # debug 1
- set sid [[lindex [split $pageid :] 0] id]
- set cid [$server id]
- $self register-server $cid $sid
- }
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc set-parent { parent } {
- $self next $parent
- # Establish a cache entry in state table
- $self cmd set-parent $parent
- }
- # I'm a listener (child)
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc join-inval-group { group } {
- $self instvar invalListener_ invListenGroup_ ns_ node_
- if [info exists invalListener_] {
- return
- }
- set invalListener_ [new Agent/HttpInval]
- set invListenGroup_ $group
- $invalListener_ set dst_addr_ $group
- $invalListener_ set dst_port_ 0
- $self add-inval-listener $invalListener_
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_ $invalListener_
- # XXX assuming simulator already started
- $node_ join-group $invalListener_ $group
- }
- # I'm a sender (parent)
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc init-inval-group { group } {
- $self instvar invalSender_ invSndGroup_ ns_ node_
- if [info exists invalSender_] {
- return
- }
- set invalSender_ [new Agent/HttpInval]
- set invSndGroup_ $group
- $invalSender_ set dst_addr_ $group
- $invalSender_ set dst_port_ 0
- $self add-inval-sender $invalSender_
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_ $invalSender_
- $node_ join-group $invalSender_ $group
- # XXX We should put this somewhere else... But where???
- $self start-hbtimer
- }
- # Another "breakdown" version of parent-cache() is in cache-miss()
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc parent-cache { server } {
- $self instvar parent_
- set par [$self cmd parent-cache [$server id]]
- if {$par == ""} {
- # (par == "") means parent cache in the virtual distribution
- # tree is the default, which is parent_
- if [info exists parent_] {
- set par $parent_
- } else {
- # We are the root cache (TLC), directly contact the
- # web server
- set par $server
- }
- }
- return $par
- }
- # Send a refetch.
- #
- # We should ask our parent in the virtual distribution tree
- # of the corresponding web server, instead of our parent in the
- # cache hierarchy.
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc refetch { cl type pageid } {
- set size [$self get-refsize]
- set server [lindex [split $pageid :] 0]
- set par [$self parent-cache $server]
- $self evTrace E REF p $pageid s [$server id] z $size
- $self send-request $par REF $pageid $size
- $self instvar node_ marks_ ns_
- lappend marks_($pageid) $pageid:[$ns_ now]
- $node_ add-mark $pageid:[$ns_ now] "brown"
- }
- # Cache miss, get it from our parent cache in the virtual distribution
- # tree of the web server
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc cache-miss { cl type pageid } {
- $self instvar parent_ pending_ creq_ ;# pending client requests
- lappend creq_($pageid) $cl/$type
- # XXX If there's a previous requests going on we won't send another
- # request for the same page.
- if [info exists pending_($pageid)] {
- return
- }
- # Page not found, contact parent and get the page.
- set size [$self get-reqsize]
- set server [lindex [split $pageid :] 0]
- $self evTrace E MISS p $pageid c [$cl id] s [$server id] z $size
- # We directly query the server map without using TCL's version
- # of parent-cache() to mask details...
- set par [$self cmd parent-cache [$server id]]
- if {$par == ""} {
- if [info exists parent_] {
- # Use default server map, i.e., parent cache
- set par $parent_
- } else {
- # This is a TLC, and the request is for another server
- # in another hierarchy (because we don't have it in our
- # server map, nor do we have a parent cache). Now we
- # need to find out what's the corresponding TLC of
- # the web server so as to setup invalidation path.
- #
- # Send a direct request to server to ask about TLC
- $self instvar ns_ id_
- #puts "[$ns_ now]: $id_ send TLC"
- $self send-request $server TLC $pageid $size
- # We'll send another request to the TLC after we get
- # its addr
- return
- }
- }
- $self send-request $par $type $pageid $size
- }
- # This allows a server passes invalidation to any cache via unicast
- # XXX Whenever a node only wants to do an invalidation, call "cmd recv-inv"
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc invalidate { pageid modtime } {
- if [$self recv-inv $pageid $modtime] {
- # Unicast invalidation to parent.
- $self instvar parent_
- if ![info exists parent_] {
- # This must be a root cache, should we do anything?
- return
- }
- set size [$self get-invsize]
- $self evTrace E SND t INV c [$parent_ id] p $pageid z $size
- # Mark invalidation packet as another fid
- set agent [[$self get-cnc $parent_] agent]
- set fid [$agent set fid_]
- $agent set fid_ [Http set PINV_FID_]
- $self send $parent_ $size
- "$parent_ invalidate $pageid $modtime"
- $agent set fid_ $fid
- }
- }
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc get-request { cl type pageid args } {
- eval $self next $cl $type $pageid $args
- if {(($type == "GET") || ($type == "REF")) &&
- [$self exist-page $pageid]} {
- $self count-request $pageid
- if [$self is-unread $pageid] {
- $self send-req-notify $pageid
- $self set-read $pageid
- }
- }
- }
- # Do the same thing as if getting a request
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc get-req-notify { pageid } {
- $self count-request $pageid
- if [$self is-unread $pageid] {
- # Continue to forward the request only if our page is
- # also unread
- $self set-read $pageid
- $self send-req-notify $pageid
- }
- }
- # Request notification goes along a single path in the virtual distribution
- # tree towards the web server. It's not multicast to anybody else
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc send-req-notify { pageid } {
- set server [lindex [split $pageid :] 0]
- set par [$self parent-cache $server]
- $self send $par [$self get-ntfsize] "$par get-req-notify $pageid"
- }
- # (1) setup an invalidation record is set to invalidate my children;
- # (2) Unicast the new page to my parent;
- # (3) Update my own page records
- # (4) Setting up a repair group to send out the new page (once and for all)
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc push-update { pageid args } {
- # Update page, possibly push the page to children
- if [eval $self recv-push $pageid $args] {
- # XXX We should probably check if we have pending request for
- # this page. If so, we should use this pushed page to answer
- # those pending requests, and then mark this page as read.
- # unicast push to parent
- $self instvar parent_
- if [info exists parent_] {
- # If we are root, don't forward the data packet to
- # anybody. Otherwise unicast the new page to my parent
- set pginfo [$self get-page $pageid]
- set size [$self get-size $pageid]
- $self evTrace E UPD c [$parent_ id] p $pageid z $size
- $self send $parent_ $size
- "$parent_ push-update $pageid $pginfo"
- }
- $self push-children $pageid
- }
- }
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc init-update-group { group } {
- $self instvar ns_ node_ updSender_ updSendGroup_
- # Allow a cache to have multiple update groups.
- set snd [new Agent/HttpInval]
- $snd set dst_addr_ $group
- $snd set dst_port_ 0
- $self add-upd-sender $snd
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_ $snd
- $node_ join-group $snd $group
- }
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc join-update-group { group } {
- $self instvar updListener_ updListenGroup_ ns_ node_
- set updListenGroup_ $group
- # One cache can only receive from one update group at a time
- if ![info exists updListener_] {
- set updListener_ [new Agent/HttpInval]
- $self add-upd-listener $updListener_
- $updListener_ set dst_addr_ $updListenGroup_
- $updListener_ set dst_port_ 0
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_ $updListener_
- }
- $node_ join-group $updListener_ $updListenGroup_
- # $node_ add-mark "Updating" "Orange"
- }
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc leave-update-group {} {
- $self instvar updListener_ updListenGroup_ ns_ node_
- if ![info exists updListener_] {
- return
- }
- $node_ leave-group $updListener_ $updListenGroup_
- $node_ delete-mark "Updating"
- }
- # Set up a unicast heartbeat connection
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc setup-unicast-hb {} {
- Http instvar TRANSPORT_
- $self instvar node_ ns_
- set snk [new Agent/TCP/$TRANSPORT_]
- $snk set fid_ [Http set HB_FID_]
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_ $snk
- $snk listen
- set wrapper [new Application/TcpApp/HttpInval $snk]
- $wrapper set-app $self
- return $wrapper
- }
- # Establish state for server. Propagate until Top-Level Cache is reached
- # Set up heartbeat connection along the way
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc server-join { server cache } {
- $self cmd join [$server id] $cache
- #puts "Server [$server id] joins cache [$self id]"
- $self instvar parent_
- if ![info exists parent_] {
- return
- }
- $self send $parent_ [$self get-joinsize]
- "$parent_ server-join $server $self"
- # Establishing a tcp connection.
- Http instvar TRANSPORT_
- $self instvar ns_ node_
- set tcp [new Agent/TCP/$TRANSPORT_]
- $tcp set fid_ [Http set HB_FID_]
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_ $tcp
- set dst [$parent_ setup-unicast-hb]
- set snk [$dst agent]
- $ns_ connect $tcp $snk
- #$tcp set dst_ [$snk set addr_]
- $tcp set window_ 100
- set wrapper [new Application/TcpApp/HttpInval $tcp]
- $wrapper connect $dst
- $wrapper set-app $self
- $self set-pinv-agent $wrapper
- # If we haven't started it yet, start it.
- $self start-hbtimer
- }
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc request-mpush { page } {
- $self instvar mpush_refresh_ ns_ hb_interval_
- if [info exists mpush_refresh_($page)] {
- # The page is already set as mandatory push, ignore it
- return
- }
- $self set-mandatory-push $page
- set server [lindex [split $page :] 0]
- set cache [$self parent-cache $server]
- set mpush_refresh_($page) [$ns_ at [expr [$ns_ now] + $hb_interval_]
- "$self send-refresh-mpush $cache $page"]
- # Forward the push request towards the web server
- $self send $cache [$self get-mpusize] "$cache request-mpush $page"
- }
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc refresh-mpush { page } {
- $self cmd set-mandatory-push $page
- }
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc send-refresh-mpush { cache page } {
- $self instvar mpush_refresh_ ns_ hb_interval_
- $self send $cache [$self get-mpusize] "$cache refresh-mpush $page"
- set mpush_refresh_($page) [$ns_ at [expr [$ns_ now] + $hb_interval_]
- "$self send-refresh-mpush $cache $page"]
- }
- # XXX This is used when a mpush is timed out, where we don't need to
- # send explicit teardown, etc.
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc cancel-mpush-refresh { page } {
- $self instvar mpush_refresh_ ns_
- if [info exists mpush_refresh_($page)] {
- $ns_ cancel $mpush_refresh_($page)
- #puts "[$ns_ now]: Cache [$self id] stops mpush"
- } else {
- error "Cache [$self id]: No mpush to stop!"
- }
- }
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc stop-mpush { page } {
- # Cancel refresh messages
- $self cancel-mpush-refresh $page
- # Clear page push status
- $self cmd stop-mpush $page
- # Send explicit message to stop mpush
- set server [lindex [split $page :] 0]
- set cache [$self parent-cache $server]
- $self send $cache [$self get-mpusize] "$cache stop-mpush $page"
- }
- #
- # Support for multiple hierarchies
- #
- # Top-Level Caches (TLCs) need to exchange invalidations with each other,
- # so they are both sender and receiver in this multicast group.
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc join-tlc-group { group } {
- $self instvar tlcAgent_ tlcGroup_ ns_ node_
- if [info exists tlcAgent_] {
- return
- }
- set tlcAgent_ [new Agent/HttpInval]
- set tlcGroup_ $group
- $tlcAgent_ set dst_addr_ $group
- $tlcAgent_ set dst_port_ 0
- $self add-inval-sender $tlcAgent_
- $self add-inval-listener $tlcAgent_
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_ $tlcAgent_
- $node_ join-group $tlcAgent_ $group
- }
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast instproc get-response-TLC { server pageid tlc } {
- # Continue query...
- # debug 1
- $self register-server [$tlc id] [$server id]
- $self instvar ns_ id_
- # puts "[$ns_ now]: Cache $id_ knows server [$server id] -> tlc [$tlc id]"
- $self send-request $tlc GET $pageid [$self get-reqsize]
- }
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast/Perc
- #
- # Multicast invalidation + two way liveness message + invalidation
- # filtering. Must be used with Http/Server/Inval/Ucast/Perc
- #
- # Requires C++ support. This is why we have this long name. :(
- #
- # Procedures:
- # - Server's new page: the server injects it into the cache hierarchy by
- # sending it to its parent cache, which in turn forwards it up the tree.
- # - Every cache keeps a cost for each cached page.
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # XXX Do not check-sstate{} when getting a response. Because we are doing
- # direct request, those responses will always come from the server
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast/Perc instproc check-sstate {sid cid} {
- $self instvar direct_request_
- if !$direct_request_ {
- # If not using direct request, check sstate
- $self cmd check-sstate $sid $cid
- }
- }
- # Because we are doing direct request, we'll get a lot of responses
- # directly from the server, and we'll have cid == sid. We don't want to
- # register this into our server map, because the server map is used
- # for forwarding pro formas. Therefore, we wrap up register-server to
- # direct requests to all our *UNKNOWN* servers to our parent.
- #
- # Note this won't disrupt server entries via JOIN, because they are
- # established before any request is sent.
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast/Perc instproc register-server {cid sid} {
- $self instvar parent_ direct_request_
- # debug 1
- if {$direct_request_ && [info exists parent_]} {
- $self cmd register-server [$parent_ id] $sid
- }
- }
- # Allows direct request
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast/Perc instproc cache-miss { cl type pageid } {
- $self instvar direct_request_
- if !$direct_request_ {
- # If not use direct request, fall back to previous method
- $self next $cl $type $pageid
- return
- }
- # If use direct request, send a request to the web server to ask
- # for the page, and then send a pro forma when get the request
- $self instvar parent_ pending_ creq_ ;# pending client requests
- $self instvar dreq_ ;# pending direct requests
- lappend creq_($pageid) $cl/$type
- # XXX If there's a previous requests going on we won't send another
- # request for the same page.
- if [info exists pending_($pageid)] {
- return
- }
- $self instvar dreq_
- set dreq_($pageid) 1
- # Page not found, directly contact the server and get the page.
- set server [lindex [split $pageid :] 0]
- set size [$self get-reqsize]
- $self evTrace E MISS p $pageid c [$cl id] s [$server id] z $size
- $self send-request $server $type $pageid $size
- }
- # Allows direct request
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast/Perc instproc refetch { cl type pageid } {
- $self instvar direct_request_
- if !$direct_request_ {
- $self next $cl $type $pageid
- return
- }
- $self instvar dreq_
- set dreq_($pageid) 1
- set size [$self get-refsize]
- set server [lindex [split $pageid :] 0]
- $self evTrace E REF p $pageid s [$server id] z $size
- $self send-request $server REF $pageid $size
- $self instvar node_ marks_ ns_
- lappend marks_($pageid) $pageid:[$ns_ now]
- $node_ add-mark $pageid:[$ns_ now] "brown"
- }
- # Whenever get a request, send a pro forma up
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast/Perc instproc get-response-GET { server pageid args } {
- # First, answer children's requests, etc.
- eval $self next $server $pageid $args
- # Then send a pro forma if it's a direct request
- $self instvar dreq_
- if [info exists dreq_($pageid)] {
- # If this page is result of a direct request, send a pro forma
- eval $self send-proforma $pageid $args
- unset dreq_($pageid)
- }
- }
- # Same treatment as get-response-GET
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast/Perc instproc get-response-REF { server pageid args } {
- eval $self next $server $pageid $args
- $self instvar dreq_
- if [info exists dreq_($pageid)] {
- eval $self send-proforma $pageid $args
- unset dreq_($pageid)
- }
- }
- # XXX We need special handling for multiple hierarchies. If we cannot find
- # the server in our server map, we directly call the server's routine to
- # find out its TLC. This doesn't make the simulation artificial, though,
- # because in our previous direct response from the server, we could have
- # easily gotten its TLC.
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast/Perc instproc send-proforma { pageid args } {
- set server [lindex [split $pageid :] 0]
- set par [$self parent-cache $server]
- if {$par == $server} {
- # If we are the primary cache, don't send anything
- return
- } elseif {$par == ""} {
- # XXX
- # We are the TLC, and we don't have a server entry. This
- # means that the server resides in another hierarchy.
- # Query the global server-to-TLC map to unicast this
- # pro forma to that TLC...
- set par [$server get-tlc]
- #puts "TLC [$self id] learned about server [$server id] by pro forma"
- }
- $self send $par [$self get-pfsize]
- "$par recv-proforma $self $pageid [join $args]"
- $self evTrace E SPF p $pageid c [$par id]
- }
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast/Perc instproc get-response-IMS { server pageid args } {
- $self instvar ns_
- array set data $args
- if {$data(modtime) <= [$self get-modtime $pageid]} {
- # The page we got from the pro forma is indeed most up-to-date
- return
- }
- # The server has changed the page since the pro forma is sent
- # We need to send invalidations to invalidate the page
- $self invalidate $pageid
- eval $self enter-page $pageid $args
- $self mark-valid
- }
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast/Perc instproc mark-valid-hdr {} {
- $self instvar node_
- $node_ color "orange"
- }
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast/Perc instproc recv-proforma { cache pageid args } {
- $self instvar stat_
- # count pro forma as one TLC hit
- incr stat_(hit-num)
- $self evTrace E RPF p $pageid c [$cache id]
- array set data $args
- if ![$self exist-page $pageid] {
- # Page doesn't exists. Create an entry for page header, and
- # forward it towards the web server
- eval $self enter-metadata $pageid $args
- $self mark-valid-hdr
- set server [lindex [split $pageid :] 0]
- set par [$self parent-cache $server]
- if {$par == $server} {
- # If we are the primary cache, validate this
- # pro forma by sending an IMS
- $self send-request $par IMS $pageid
- [$self get-imssize] modtime $data(modtime)
- } else {
- eval $self send-proforma $pageid $args
- }
- } elseif [$self is-valid $pageid] {
- # Valid page, check if this is a newer one
- set mt [$self get-modtime $pageid]
- if {$data(modtime) < $mt} {
- # If the pro forma is older, should invalidate our
- # children so that they'll invalidate their stuff
- $self recv-inv $pageid $data(modtime)
- return
- } elseif {$data(modtime) > $mt} {
- # If the pro forma is about a newer page,
- # first invalidate our page, so that we have an
- # invalidation record to let our children know the
- # page is invalid. Then enter the page metadata.
- #
- # XXX Should check for existence of page content
- $self recv-inv $pageid $data(modtime)
- eval $self enter-metadata $pageid $args
- $self mark-valid-hdr
- eval $self send-proforma $pageid $args
- }
- # Drop the pro forma if it's the same as our page.
- # XXX count the pro forma as a request to this page, and
- # send a request notification towards the web server.
- # Mark the page as read if it's originally unread.
- $self count-request $pageid
- if [$self is-unread $pageid] {
- $self set-read $pageid
- }
- } else {
- # Invalid page, check if we should set a valid page header
- # so that invalidations will be forwarded.
- array set data $args
- set mt [$self get-modtime $pageid]
- if {$data(modtime) < $mt} {
- # We already have the most up-to-date page, so are
- # our parents. Do nothing
- return
- }
- # The pro forma is newer, put in the new meta-data and
- # set the page as valid_header but not valid_page
- # Note if a page is invalid, its modtime is that of the
- # newest page.
- #
- # XXX Should test for the existence of page content by
- # looking at the size of the pro forma.
- eval $self enter-metadata $pageid $args
- $self mark-valid-hdr
- eval $self send-proforma $pageid $args
- }
- }