- # Copyright (c) Xerox Corporation 1998. All rights reserved.
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- # Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
- # option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- # 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- #
- # Linking this file statically or dynamically with other modules is making
- # a combined work based on this file. Thus, the terms and conditions of
- # the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
- #
- # In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of this file
- # give you permission to combine this file with free software programs or
- # libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL and with code included in
- # the standard release of ns-2 under the Apache 2.0 license or under
- # otherwise-compatible licenses with advertising requirements (or modified
- # versions of such code, with unchanged license). You may copy and
- # distribute such a system following the terms of the GNU GPL for this
- # file and the licenses of the other code concerned, provided that you
- # include the source code of that other code when and as the GNU GPL
- # requires distribution of source code.
- #
- # Note that people who make modified versions of this file are not
- # obligated to grant this special exception for their modified versions;
- # it is their choice whether to do so. The GNU General Public License
- # gives permission to release a modified version without this exception;
- # this exception also makes it possible to release a modified version
- # which carries forward this exception.
- #
- # HTTP agents: server, client, cache
- #
- # $Header: /cvsroot/nsnam/ns-2/tcl/webcache/http-agent.tcl,v 1.11 2005/08/26 05:05:30 tomh Exp $
- Http set id_ 0 ;# required by TclCL
- # Type of Tcp agent. Can be SimpleTcp or FullTcp
- # Default should be set to FullTcp, in case for inadvertent bites. :(
- Http set TRANSPORT_ FullTcp
- Http set HB_FID_ 40
- Http set PINV_FID_ 41
- # XXX invalidation message size should be proportional to the number of
- # invalidations inside the message
- Http set INVSize_ 43 ;# unicast invalidation
- Http set REQSize_ 43 ;# Request
- Http set REFSize_ 50 ;# Refetch request
- Http set IMSSize_ 50 ;# If-Modified-Since
- Http set JOINSize_ 10 ;# Server join/leave
- Http set HBSize_ 1 ;# Used by Http/Server/Inval only
- Http set PFSize_ 1 ;# Pro forma
- Http set NTFSize_ 10 ;# Request Notification
- Http set MPUSize_ 10 ;# Mandatory push request
- Http/Server set id_ 0
- Http/Server/Inval set id_ 0
- Http/Server/Inval/Yuc set hb_interval_ 60
- Http/Server/Inval/Yuc set enable_upd_ 0
- Http/Server/Inval/Yuc set Ca_ 1
- Http/Server/Inval/Yuc set Cb_ 4
- Http/Server/Inval/Yuc set push_thresh_ 4
- Http/Server/Inval/Yuc set push_low_bound_ 0
- Http/Server/Inval/Yuc set push_high_bound_ 8
- Http/Cache set id_ 0
- Http/Cache/Inval set id_ 0
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast set hb_interval_ 60
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast set upd_interval_ 5
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast set enable_upd_ 0
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast set Ca_ 1
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast set Cb_ 4
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast set push_thresh_ 4
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast set push_low_bound_ 0
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast set push_high_bound_ 8
- Http/Cache/Inval/Mcast/Perc set direct_request_ 0
- PagePool/CompMath set num_pages_ 1
- PagePool/CompMath set main_size_ 1024
- PagePool/CompMath set comp_size_ 10240
- # Transport protocol used for multimedia connections
- # Application-level handler for multimedia connections.
- # Currently there are two available:
- # - MediaApp: simply extract data from packets and pass it to cache
- # - QA: do quality adaptation
- Http set MEDIA_APP_ MediaApp
- # 1K per multimedia segment
- Application/MediaApp set segmentSize_ 1024
- Application/MediaApp set MAX_LAYER_ 10
- # Constants related to quality adaptation
- Application/MediaApp/QA set LAYERBW_ 2500 ;# Byte per-second
- Application/MediaApp/QA set MAXACTIVELAYERS_ 10
- Application/MediaApp/QA set SRTTWEIGHT_ 0.95
- Application/MediaApp/QA set SMOOTHFACTOR_ 4
- Application/MediaApp/QA set MAXBKOFF_ 100
- Application/MediaApp/QA set debug_output_ 0
- # Prefetching lookahead SRTT 200ms
- Application/MediaApp/QA set pref_srtt_ 0.6
- # 100M buffer size at cache/server/client
- PagePool/Client/Media set max_size_ 104857600
- Http instproc init { ns node } {
- $self next
- $self instvar ns_ node_ id_ pool_
- set ns_ $ns
- set node_ $node
- $self set id_ [$node_ id]
- set pool_ [$self create-pagepool]
- }
- Http instproc create-pagepool {} {
- set pool [new PagePool/Client]
- $self set-pagepool $pool
- return $pool
- }
- Http instproc addr {} {
- $self instvar node_
- return [$node_ node-addr]
- }
- Http set fid_ -1
- Http instproc getfid {} {
- $self instvar fid_
- set fid_ [Http set fid_]
- Http set fid_ [incr fid_]
- }
- Http instproc get-mpusize {} {
- return [Http set MPUSize_]
- }
- Http instproc get-ntfsize {} {
- return [Http set NTFSize_]
- }
- Http instproc get-pfsize {} {
- return [Http set PFSize_]
- }
- Http instproc get-hbsize {} {
- return [Http set HBSize_]
- }
- Http instproc get-imssize {} {
- return [Http set IMSSize_]
- }
- Http instproc get-invsize {} {
- return [Http set INVSize_]
- }
- # Generate request packet size. Should be constant because it's small
- Http instproc get-reqsize {} {
- return [Http set REQSize_]
- }
- Http instproc get-refsize {} {
- return [Http set REFSize_]
- }
- Http instproc get-joinsize {} {
- return [Http set JOINSize_]
- }
- # At startup, connect to a server, the server may be a cache
- Http instproc connect { server } {
- Http instvar TRANSPORT_
- $self instvar ns_ slist_ node_ fid_ id_
- lappend slist_ $server
- set tcp [new Agent/TCP/$TRANSPORT_]
- $tcp set fid_ [$self getfid]
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_ $tcp
- set ret [$server alloc-connection $self $fid_]
- set snk [$ret agent]
- $ns_ connect $tcp $snk
- #$tcp set dst_ [$snk set addr_]
- $tcp set window_ 100
- # Use a wrapper to implement application data transfer
- set wrapper [new Application/TcpApp $tcp]
- $self cmd connect $server $wrapper
- $wrapper connect $ret
- #puts "HttpApp $id_ connected to server [$server id]"
- }
- Http instproc stat { name } {
- $self instvar stat_
- return $stat_($name)
- }
- # Used for mandatory push refreshments
- Http/Client set hb_interval_ 60
- Http/Client instproc init args {
- eval $self next $args
- $self instvar node_ stat_
- $node_ color "SteelBlue"
- array set stat_ [list req-num 0 stale-num 0 stale-time 0 rep-time 0
- rt-min 987654321 rt-max 0 st-min 987654321 st-max 0]
- }
- # XXX Assume that it's always client disconnects from server, not vice versa
- Http/Client instproc disconnect { server } {
- $self instvar ns_ slist_
- set pos [lsearch $slist_ $server]
- if {$pos >= 0} {
- lreplace $slist_ $pos $pos
- } else {
- error "Http::disconnect: not connected to $server"
- }
- # Cleanup of all pending requests and states
- $self instvar ns_ node_ cache_
- $self stop-session $server
- # XXX Is this the right behavior? Should we wait for FIN etc.?
- set tcp [[$self get-cnc $server] agent]
- $self cmd disconnect $server
- $server disconnect $self
- $tcp proc done {} "$ns_ detach-agent $node_ $tcp; delete $tcp"
- $tcp close
- }
- # Meta-data to be sent in a request
- # XXX pageid should always be given from the users, because client may
- # connect to a cache, hence it doesn't know the server name.
- Http/Client instproc send-request { server type pageid args } {
- $self instvar ns_ pending_ ;# unansewered requests
- # XXX Do not set pending states for an non-existent connection
- if ![$self cmd is-connected $server] {
- return
- }
- if ![info exists pending_($pageid)] {
- # XXX Actually we should use set, because only one request
- # is allowed for a page simultaneously
- lappend pending_($pageid) [$ns_ now]
- } else {
- # If the page is being requested, do not send another request
- return
- }
- set size [$self get-reqsize]
- $self send $server $size
- "$server get-request $self $type $pageid size $size [join $args]"
- $self evTrace C GET p $pageid s [$server id] z $size
- $self instvar stat_ simStartTime_
- if [info exists simStartTime_] {
- incr stat_(req-num)
- }
- $self mark-request $pageid
- }
- Http/Client instproc mark-request { pageid } {
- # Nam state coloring
- $self instvar node_ marks_ ns_
- $node_ add-mark $pageid:[$ns_ now] "purple"
- lappend marks_($pageid) $pageid:[$ns_ now]
- }
- # The reason that "type" is here is for Http/Cache to work. Client doesn't
- # check the reason of the response
- Http/Client instproc get-response-GET { server pageid args } {
- $self instvar pending_ id_ ns_ stat_ simStartTime_
- if ![info exists pending_($pageid)] {
- error "Client $id_: Unrequested response page $pageid from server [$server id]"
- }
- array set data $args
- # Check stale hits
- set origsvr [lindex [split $pageid :] 0]
- set modtime [$origsvr get-modtime $pageid]
- set reqtime [lindex $pending_($pageid) 0]
- set reqrtt [expr [$ns_ now] - $reqtime]
- #
- # XXX If a stale hit occurs because a page is modified during the RTT
- # of the request, we should *NOT* consider it a stale hit. We
- # implement it by ignoring all stale hits whose modification time is
- # larger than the request time.
- #
- if {$modtime > $data(modtime)} {
- # Staleness is the time from now to the time it's last modified
- set tmp [$origsvr stale-time $pageid $data(modtime)]
- if {$tmp > $reqrtt/2} {
- # We have a real stale hit
- $self evTrace C STA p $pageid s [$origsvr id] l $tmp
- if [info exists simStartTime_] {
- incr stat_(stale-num)
- set stat_(stale-time) [expr
- $stat_(stale-time) + $tmp]
- if {$stat_(st-min) > $tmp} {
- set stat_(st-min) $tmp
- }
- if {$stat_(st-max) < $tmp} {
- set stat_(st-max) $tmp
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # Assume this response is for the very first request we've sent.
- # Because we'll average the response time at the end, which
- # request this response actually corresponds to doesn't matter.
- $self evTrace C RCV p $pageid s [$server id] l $reqrtt z $data(size)
- if [info exists simStartTime_] {
- set stat_(rep-time) [expr $stat_(rep-time) + $reqrtt]
- if {$stat_(rt-min) > $reqrtt} {
- set stat_(rt-min) $reqrtt
- }
- if {$stat_(rt-max) < $reqrtt} {
- set stat_(rt-max) $reqrtt
- }
- }
- set pending_($pageid) [lreplace $pending_($pageid) 0 0]
- if {[llength $pending_($pageid)] == 0} {
- unset pending_($pageid)
- }
- $self mark-response $pageid
- }
- Http/Client instproc mark-response { pageid } {
- $self instvar node_ marks_ ns_
- set mk [lindex $marks_($pageid) 0]
- $node_ delete-mark $mk
- set marks_($pageid) [lreplace $marks_($pageid) 0 0]
- }
- Http/Client instproc get-response-REF { server pageid args } {
- eval $self get-response-GET $server $pageid $args
- }
- Http/Client instproc get-response-IMS { server pageid args } {
- eval $self get-response-GET $server $pageid $args
- }
- # Generate the time when next request will occur
- # It's either a TracePagePool or a MathPagePool
- #
- # XXX both TracePagePool and MathPagePool should share the same C++
- # interface and OTcl interface
- Http/Client instproc set-page-generator { pagepool } {
- $self instvar pgtr_ ;# Page generator
- set pgtr_ $pagepool
- }
- Http/Client instproc set-interval-generator { ranvar } {
- $self instvar rvInterPage_
- set rvInterPage_ $ranvar
- }
- # XXX PagePool::gen-pageid{} *MUST* precede gen-req-itvl{}, because the
- # former may responsible for loading a new page from the trace file if
- # PagePool/ProxyTrace is used
- Http/Client instproc gen-request {} {
- $self instvar pgtr_ rvInterPage_ id_
- if ![info exists pgtr_] {
- error "Http/Client requires a page generator (pgtr_)!"
- }
- # XXX
- # rvInterPage_ should only be set when PagePool/ProxyTrace is
- # *NOT* used
- if [info exists rvInterPage_] {
- return [list [$rvInterPage_ value] [$pgtr_ gen-pageid $id_]]
- } else {
- return [$pgtr_ gen-request $id_]
- }
- }
- Http/Client instproc next-request { server pageid } {
- $self instvar ns_ cache_ nextreq_
- if [info exists cache_] {
- $self send-request $cache_ GET $pageid
- } else {
- $self send-request $server GET $pageid
- }
- # Prepare for the next request
- set req [$self gen-request]
- set pageid $server:[lindex $req 1]
- set itvl [lindex $req 0]
- if {$itvl >= 0} {
- set nextreq_([$server id]) [$ns_ at [expr [$ns_ now] + $itvl]
- "$self next-request $server $pageid"]
- } ;# otherwise it's the end of the request stream
- }
- Http/Client instproc set-cache { cache } {
- $self instvar cache_
- set cache_ $cache
- }
- # Assuming everything is setup, this function starts sending requests
- # Sending a request to $cache, the original page should come from $server
- #
- # Populate a cache with all available pages
- # XXX how would we distribute pages spatially when we have a hierarchy
- # of caches? Or, how would we distribute client requests spatially?
- # It should be used in single client, single cache and single server case
- # *ONLY*.
- Http/Client instproc start-session { cache server } {
- $self instvar ns_ cache_ simStartTime_
- $self instvar simStartTime_ pgtr_
- set simStartTime_ [$ns_ now]
- if [info exists pgtr_] {
- if {[$pgtr_ get-start-time] > $simStartTime_} {
- $pgtr_ set-start-time $simStartTime_
- }
- }
- #puts "Client [$self id] starts request session at [$ns_ now]"
- set cache_ $cache
- # The first time invocation we don't send out a request
- # immediately. Instead, we find out when will the first
- # request happen, then schedule it using next-request{}
- # Then every time next-request{} is called later, it
- # sends out a request and schedule the next.
- set req [$self gen-request]
- set pageid $server:[lindex $req 1]
- set itvl [lindex $req 0]
- if {$itvl >= 0} {
- $ns_ at [expr [$ns_ now] + $itvl]
- "$self next-request $server $pageid"
- } ;# otherwise it's the end of the request stream
- }
- # Stop sending further requests, and clean all pending requests
- Http/Client instproc stop-session { server } {
- $self instvar ns_ nextreq_ pending_ cache_
- set sid [$server id]
- # Clean up all pending requests
- if [info exists nextreq_($sid)] {
- $ns_ cancel $nextreq_($sid)
- }
- if {![info exists pending_]} {
- return
- }
- # XXX If a client either connects to a *SINGLE* cache
- # or a *SINGLE* server, then we remove all pending requests
- # when we are disconnected.
- if {[info exists cache_] && ($server == $cache_)} {
- unset pending_
- } else {
- # Only remove pending requests related to $server
- foreach p [array names pending_] {
- if {$server == [lindex [split $p :] 0]} {
- unset pending_($p)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Http/Client instproc populate { cache server } {
- $self instvar pgtr_ curpage_ status_ ns_
- if ![info exists status_] {
- set status_ "POPULATE"
- set curpage_ 0
- }
- if [info exists pgtr_] {
- # Populate cache with all pages incrementally
- if {$curpage_ < [$pgtr_ get-poolsize]} {
- $self send-request $cache GET $server:$curpage_
- incr curpage_
- $ns_ at [expr [$ns_ now] + 1]
- "$self populate $cache $server"
- # if {$curpage_ % 1000 == 0} {
- # puts "Client [$self id] populated $curpage_"
- # }
- return
- }
- }
- # Start sending requests
- $ns_ at [expr [$ns_ now] + 10] "$self start-session $cache $server"
- }
- Http/Client instproc start { cache server } {
- $self instvar cache_
- set cache_ $cache
- $self populate $cache $server
- }
- Http/Client instproc request-mpush { page } {
- $self instvar mpush_refresh_ ns_ cache_
- $self send $cache_ [$self get-mpusize]
- "$cache_ request-mpush $page"
- Http/Client instvar hb_interval_
- set mpush_refresh_($page) [$ns_ at [expr [$ns_ now] + $hb_interval_]
- "$self send-refresh-mpush $page"]
- }
- Http/Client instproc send-refresh-mpush { page } {
- $self instvar mpush_refresh_ ns_ cache_
- $self send $cache_ [$self get-mpusize] "$cache_ refresh-mpush $page"
- #puts "[$ns_ now]: Client [$self id] send mpush refresh"
- Http/Client instvar hb_interval_
- set mpush_refresh_($page) [$ns_ at [expr [$ns_ now] + $hb_interval_]
- "$self send-refresh-mpush $page"]
- }
- # XXX We use explicit teardown.
- Http/Client instproc stop-mpush { page } {
- $self instvar mpush_refresh_ ns_ cache_
- if [info exists mpush_refresh_($page)] {
- # Stop sending the periodic refreshment
- $ns_ cancel $mpush_refresh_($page)
- #puts "[$ns_ now]: Client [$self id] stops mpush"
- } else {
- error "no mpush to cancel!"
- }
- # Send explicit message up to tear down
- $self send $cache_ [$self get-mpusize] "$cache_ stop-mpush $page"
- }
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Client which is capable of handling compound pages
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Class Http/Client/Compound -superclass Http/Client
- Http/Client/Compound instproc set-interobj-generator { ranvar } {
- $self instvar rvInterObj_
- set rvInterObj_ $ranvar
- }
- # Generate next page request and the number of embedded objects for
- # this page.
- # Use rvInterPage_ to generate interval between pages (inactive OFF), and
- # use rvInterObj_ to generate interval between embedded objects (active OFF)
- Http/Client/Compound instproc next-request { server pageid } {
- # First schedule next page request
- eval $self next $server $pageid
- }
- # Request the next embedded object(s)
- Http/Client/Compound instproc next-obj { server args } {
- $self instvar pgtr_ cache_ req_objs_ ns_ rvInterObj_
- if ![llength $args] {
- # No requests to make
- return
- }
- if [info exists cache_] {
- set dest $cache_
- } else {
- set dest $server
- }
- set pageid [lindex $args 0]
- set mpgid [$pgtr_ get-mainpage $pageid] ;# main page id
- set max 0
- set origsvr [lindex [split $pageid :] 0]
- foreach pageid $args {
- set id [lindex [split $pageid :] 1]
- if {$max < $id} {
- set max $id
- }
- incr req_objs_($mpgid) -1
- $self send-request $dest GET $pageid
- }
- if {$req_objs_($mpgid) <= 0} {
- # We have requested all objects for this page, done.
- return
- }
- # Schedule next requests. Assuming we get embedded objects according
- # to the ascending order of their page id
- set objid [join [$pgtr_ get-next-objs $origsvr:$max]]
- puts "At [$ns_ now], client [$self id] get objs $objid"
- if [info exists rvInterObj_] {
- $ns_ at [expr [$ns_ now] + [$rvInterObj_ value]]
- "$self next-obj $server $objid"
- } else {
- $self next-obj $server $objid
- }
- }
- # XXX We need to override get-response-GET because we need to recompute
- # the RCV time, and the STA time, etc.
- # XXX Allow only *ONE* compound page.
- Http/Client/Compound instproc get-response-GET { server pageid args } {
- $self instvar pending_ id_ ns_ recv_objs_ max_stale_ stat_
- simStartTime_ pgtr_
- if ![info exists pending_($pageid)] {
- error "Client $id_: Unrequested response page $pageid from server/cache [$server id]"
- }
- # Check if this is the main page
- if [$pgtr_ is-mainpage $pageid] {
- set mpgid $pageid
- # Get all the embedded objects, do "active OFF" delay
- # if available
- $self instvar req_objs_ recv_objs_ rvInterObj_
- # Objects that are to be received
- set recv_objs_($pageid) [$pgtr_ get-obj-num $pageid]
- # Objects that have been requested
- set req_objs_($pageid) $recv_objs_($pageid)
- set objid [join [$pgtr_ get-next-objs $pageid]]
- if [info exists rvInterObj_] {
- $ns_ at [expr [$ns_ now] + [$rvInterObj_ value]]
- "$self next-obj $server $objid"
- } else {
- eval $self next-obj $server $objid
- }
- } else {
- # Main page id
- set mpgid [$pgtr_ get-mainpage $pageid]
- }
- array set data $args
- # Check stale hits and record maximum stale hit time
- set origsvr [lindex [split $pageid :] 0]
- set modtime [$origsvr get-modtime $pageid]
- set reqtime [lindex $pending_($pageid) 0]
- set reqrtt [expr [$ns_ now] - $reqtime]
- # XXX If a stale hit occurs because a page is modified during the RTT
- # of the request, we should *NOT* consider it a stale hit. We
- # implement it by ignoring all stale hits whose modification time is
- # larger than the request time.
- #
- # See Http/Client::get-response-GET{}
- if {$modtime > $data(modtime)} {
- $self instvar ns_
- # Staleness is the time from now to the time it's last modified
- set tmp [$origsvr stale-time $pageid $data(modtime)]
- if {$tmp > $reqrtt/2} {
- if ![info exists max_stale_($mpgid)] {
- set max_stale_($mpgid) $tmp
- } elseif {$max_stale_($mpgid) < $tmp} {
- set max_stale_($mpgid) $tmp
- }
- }
- }
- # Wait for the embedded objects if this is a main page
- if [$pgtr_ is-mainpage $pageid] {
- return
- }
- # Delete pending record of all embedded objects, but not the main page;
- # we need it later to compute the response time, etc.
- # XXX assuming only one request per object
- $self evTrace C RCV p $pageid s [$server id] l $reqrtt z $data(size)
- unset pending_($pageid)
- # Check if we have any pending embedded objects
- incr recv_objs_($mpgid) -1
- if {$recv_objs_($mpgid) > 0} {
- # We are waiting for more objects to come
- return
- }
- # Now we've received all objects
- $self instvar pgtr_
- # Record response time for the entire compound page
- set reqtime [lindex $pending_($mpgid) 0]
- $self evTrace C RCV p $mpgid s [$origsvr id] l
- [expr [$ns_ now] - $reqtime] z $data(size)
- # We are done with this page
- unset pending_($mpgid)
- if [info exists simStartTime_] {
- set tmp [expr [$ns_ now] - $reqtime]
- set stat_(rep-time) [expr $stat_(rep-time) + $tmp]
- if {$stat_(rt-min) > $tmp} {
- set stat_(rt-min) $tmp
- }
- if {$stat_(rt-max) < $tmp} {
- set stat_(rt-max) $tmp
- }
- unset tmp
- }
- if [info exists max_stale_($mpgid)] {
- $self evTrace C STA p $mpgid s [$origsvr id]
- l $max_stale_($mpgid)
- if [info exists simStartTime_] {
- incr stat_(stale-num)
- set stat_(stale-time) [expr
- $stat_(stale-time) + $max_stale_($mpgid)]
- if {$stat_(st-min) > $max_stale_($mpgid)} {
- set stat_(st-min) $max_stale_($mpgid)
- }
- if {$stat_(st-max) < $max_stale_($mpgid)} {
- set stat_(st-max) $max_stale_($mpgid)
- }
- }
- unset max_stale_($mpgid)
- }
- $self mark-response $mpgid
- }
- Http/Client/Compound instproc mark-request { pageid } {
- set id [lindex [split $pageid :] end]
- if {$id == 0} {
- $self next $pageid
- }
- }