- # -*- Mode:tcl; tcl-indent-level:8; tab-width:8; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
- #
- # Time-stamp: <2000-09-11 15:10:21 haoboy>
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
- # version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- #
- # The copyright of this module includes the following
- # linking-with-specific-other-licenses addition:
- #
- # In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of
- # this module give you permission to combine (via static or
- # dynamic linking) this module with free software programs or
- # libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL and with code
- # included in the standard release of ns-2 under the Apache 2.0
- # license or under otherwise-compatible licenses with advertising
- # requirements (or modified versions of such code, with unchanged
- # license). You may copy and distribute such a system following the
- # terms of the GNU GPL for this module and the licenses of the
- # other code concerned, provided that you include the source code of
- # that other code when and as the GNU GPL requires distribution of
- # source code.
- #
- # Note that people who make modified versions of this module
- # are not obligated to grant this special exception for their
- # modified versions; it is their choice whether to do so. The GNU
- # General Public License gives permission to release a modified
- # version without this exception; this exception also makes it
- # possible to release a modified version which carries forward this
- # exception.
- #
- # Original source contributed by Gaeil Ahn. See below.
- #
- # $Header: /cvsroot/nsnam/ns-2/tcl/mpls/ns-mpls-node.tcl,v 1.5 2005/09/16 03:05:45 tomh Exp $
- ###########################################################################
- # Copyright (c) 2000 by Gaeil Ahn #
- # Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute this software. #
- # Please send mail to fog1@ce.cnu.ac.kr when you modify or distribute #
- # this sources. #
- ###########################################################################
- #
- # XXX MPLS is NOT compatible with hierarchical routing, because:
- #
- # 1) MPLS classifier is explicitly coupled with unicast address classifier,
- # which does not support hierarchical routing. The reason is MPLS needs
- # to check whether a route update is an update, a new entry, or a
- # "no change". This is not as straightforward and efficient when the
- # MPLS classifier is decoupled from the unicast address classifier, because
- # through add-route{} interface, Node can only tell this module that a new
- # route is added, but not whether this is an update, a new entry, or
- # a "no change". I don't have a clean solution yet. - haoboy
- #
- RtModule/MPLS instproc register { node } {
- $self instvar classifier_
- $self attach-node $node
- $node route-notify $self
- $node port-notify $self
- set classifier_ [new Classifier/Addr/MPLS]
- $classifier_ set-node $node $self
- $node install-entry $self $classifier_ 0
- $self attach-classifier $classifier_
- }
- #RtModule/MPLS instproc route-notify { module } { }
- # Done common routing module interfaces. Now is our own processing.
- RtModule/MPLS instproc enable-data-driven {} {
- [$self set classifier_] cmd enable-data-driven
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc enable-control-driven {} {
- [$self set classifier_] cmd enable-control-driven
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc make-ldp {} {
- set ldp [new Agent/LDP]
- $self cmd attach-ldp $ldp
- $ldp set-mpls-module $self
- [$self node] attach $ldp
- return $ldp
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc exist-fec {fec phb} {
- return [[$self set classifier_] exist-fec $fec $phb]
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc get-incoming-iface {fec lspid} {
- return [[$self set classifier_] GetInIface $fec $lspid]
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc get-incoming-label {fec lspid} {
- return [[$self set classifier_] GetInLabel $fec $lspid]
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc get-outgoing-label {fec lspid} {
- return [[$self set classifier_] GetOutLabel $fec $lspid]
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc get-outgoing-iface {fec lspid} {
- return [[$self set classifier_] GetOutIface $fec $lspid]
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc get-fec-for-lspid {lspid} {
- return [[$self set classifier_] get-fec-for-lspid $lspid]
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc in-label-install {fec lspid iface label} {
- set dontcare [Classifier/Addr/MPLS dont-care]
- $self label-install $fec $lspid $iface $label $dontcare $dontcare
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc out-label-install {fec lspid iface label} {
- set dontcare [Classifier/Addr/MPLS dont-care]
- $self label-install $fec $lspid $dontcare $dontcare $iface $label
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc in-label-clear {fec lspid} {
- set dontcare [Classifier/Addr/MPLS dont-care]
- $self label-clear $fec $lspid -1 -1 $dontcare $dontcare
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc out-label-clear {fec lspid} {
- set dontcare [Classifier/Addr/MPLS dont-care]
- $self label-clear $fec $lspid $dontcare $dontcare -1 -1
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc label-install {fec lspid iif ilbl oif olbl} {
- [$self set classifier_] LSPsetup $fec $lspid $iif $ilbl $oif $olbl
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc label-clear {fec lspid iif ilbl oif olbl} {
- [$self set classifier_] LSPrelease $fec $lspid $iif $ilbl $oif $olbl
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc flow-erlsp-install {fec phb lspid} {
- [$self set classifier_] ErLspBinding $fec $phb $lspid
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc erlsp-stacking {erlspid tunnelid} {
- [$self set classifier_] ErLspStacking -1 $erlspid -1 $tunnelid
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc flow-aggregation {fineFec finePhb coarseFec coarsePhb} {
- [$self set classifier_] FlowAggregation $fineFec $finePhb $coarseFec
- $coarsePhb
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc enable-reroute {option} {
- $self instvar classifier_
- $classifier_ set enable_reroute_ 1
- if {$option == "drop"} {
- $classifier_ set reroute_option_ 0
- } elseif {$option == "L3"} {
- $classifier_ set reroute_option_ 1
- } elseif {$option == "new"} {
- $classifier_ set reroute_option_ 2
- } else {
- $classifier_ set reroute_option_ 0
- }
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc reroute-binding {fec phb lspid} {
- [$self set classifier_] aPathBinding $fec $phb -1 $lspid
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc lookup-nexthop {node fec} {
- set ns [Simulator instance]
- set routingtable [$ns get-routelogic]
- set nexthop [$routingtable lookup $node $fec]
- return $nexthop
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc get-nexthop {fec} {
- # find a next hop for fec
- set nodeid [[$self node] id]
- set nexthop [$self lookup-nexthop $nodeid $fec]
- return $nexthop
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc get-link-status {hop} {
- if {$hop < 0} {
- return "down"
- }
- set nexthop [$self get-nexthop $hop]
- if {$nexthop == $hop} {
- set status "up"
- } else {
- set status "down"
- }
- return $status
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc is-egress-lsr { fec } {
- # Determine whether I am a egress-lsr for fec.
- if { [[$self node] id] == $fec } {
- return "1"
- }
- set nexthopid [$self get-nexthop $fec]
- if { $nexthopid < 0 } {
- return "-1"
- }
- set nexthop [[Simulator instance] get-node-by-id $nexthopid]
- if { [$nexthop get-module "MPLS"] == "" } {
- return "1"
- } else {
- return "-1"
- }
- }
- # distribute labels based on routing protocol
- RtModule/MPLS instproc ldp-trigger-by-routing-table {} {
- if { [[$self set classifier_] cmd control-driven?] != 1 } {
- return
- }
- set ns [Simulator instance]
- for {set i 0} {$i < [$ns get-number-of-nodes]} {incr i} {
- # select a node
- set host [$ns get-node-by-id $i]
- if { [$self is-egress-lsr [$host id]] == 1 } {
- # distribute label
- $self ldp-trigger-by-control [$host id] *
- }
- }
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc ldp-trigger-by-control {fec pathvec} {
- lappend pathvec [[$self node] id]
- set inlabel [$self get-incoming-label $fec -1]
- set nexthop [$self get-nexthop $fec]
- set ldpagents [lsort [$self get-ldp-agents]]
- for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $ldpagents]} {incr i 1} {
- set ldpagent [lindex $ldpagents $i]
- if { [$ldpagent peer-ldpnode] == $nexthop } {
- continue
- }
- if { $inlabel == -1 } {
- if { [$self is-egress-lsr $fec] == 1 } {
- # This is egress LSR
- set inlabel 0
- } else {
- set inlabel [$self new-incoming-label]
- $self in-label-install $fec -1 -1 $inlabel
- }
- }
- $ldpagent new-msgid
- $ldpagent send-mapping-msg $fec $inlabel $pathvec -1
- }
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc ldp-trigger-by-data {reqmsgid src fec pathvec} {
- if { [$self is-egress-lsr $fec] == 1 } {
- # This is a egress node
- return
- }
- set outlabel [$self get-outgoing-label $fec -1]
- if { $outlabel > -1 } {
- # reroute check !! to establish altanative path
- set outiface [$self get-outgoing-iface $fec -1]
- if { [$self get-link-status $outiface] == "up" } {
- # LSP was already setup
- return
- }
- }
- lappend pathvec [[$self node] id]
- set nexthop [$self get-nexthop $fec]
- set ldpagent [$self get-ldp-agent $nexthop]
- if { $ldpagent == "" } {
- return
- }
- if {$reqmsgid > -1} {
- # on-demand mode
- set working [$ldpagent msgtbl-get-msgid $fec -1 $src]
- if { $working < 0 } {
- # have to make new request-msg
- set newmsgid [$ldpagent new-msgid]
- $ldpagent msgtbl-install $newmsgid $fec -1
- $src $reqmsgid
- $ldpagent send-request-msg $fec $pathvec
- } else {
- # $self is already tring to setup a LSP
- # So, need not to send a request-msg
- }
- } else {
- # not on-demand mode
- if {$fec == $nexthop} {
- # This is a penultimate hop
- set outlabel 0
- } else {
- set outlabel [$self new-outgoing-label]
- }
- $self out-label-install $fec -1 $nexthop $outlabel
- $ldpagent new-msgid
- $ldpagent send-mapping-msg $fec $outlabel $pathvec -1
- }
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc make-explicit-route {fec er lspid rc} {
- $self ldp-trigger-by-explicit-route -1 [[$self node] id] $fec "*"
- $er $lspid $rc
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc ldp-trigger-by-explicit-route {reqmsgid src fec
- pathvec er lspid rc} {
- $self instvar classifier_
- set outlabel [$self get-outgoing-label $fec $lspid]
- if { $outlabel > -1 } {
- # LSP was already setup
- return
- }
- if { [[$self node] id] != $src && [[$self node] id] == $fec } {
- # This is a egress node
- set ldpagent [$self get-ldp-agent $src]
- if { $ldpagent != "" } {
- $ldpagent new-msgid
- $ldpagent send-cr-mapping-msg $fec 0 $lspid $reqmsgid
- }
- return
- }
- lappend pathvec [[$self node] id]
- set er [split $er "_"]
- set erlen [llength $er]
- for {set i 0} {$i <= $erlen} {incr i 1} {
- if { $i != $erlen } {
- set erhop [lindex $er $i]
- } else {
- set erhop $fec
- }
- set stackERhop -1
- if { $erhop >= [Classifier/Addr/MPLS minimum-lspid] } {
- # This is the ER-Hop and LSPid (ER-LSP)
- set lspidFEC [$self get-fec-for-lspid $erhop]
- set inlabel [$self get-incoming-label -1 $erhop]
- set outlabel [$self get-outgoing-label -1 $erhop]
- if { $lspidFEC == $fec } {
- # splice two LSPs
- if { $outlabel <= -1 } {
- continue
- }
- if { $inlabel < 0 } {
- set inlabel [$self new-incoming-label]
- $self in-label-install -1 $erhop
- $src $inlabel
- }
- set ldpagent [$self get-ldp-agent $src]
- $ldpagent new-msgid
- $ldpagent send-cr-mapping-msg $fec $inlabel
- $lspid $reqmsgid
- return
- }
- # $lspidFEC != $fec
- # do stack operation
- set existExplicitPeer [$self exist-ldp-agent $lspidFEC]
- if { $outlabel > -1 && $existExplicitPeer == "1" } {
- set stackERhop $erhop
- set erhop $lspidFEC
- } elseif { $outlabel > -1 && $existExplicitPeer == "0" } {
- set nexthop [$self get-outgoing-iface -1
- $erhop]
- set iiface [$self get-incoming-iface -1
- $erhop]
- set ldpagent [$self get-ldp-agent $nexthop]
- set working [$ldpagent msgtbl-get-msgid $fec
- $lspid $src]
- if { $working < 0 } {
- # have to make new request-msg
- set newmsgid [$ldpagent new-msgid]
- $ldpagent msgtbl-install $newmsgid
- $fec $lspid $src $reqmsgid
- # determine whether labelpass or
- # labelstack
- if {($iiface == $src) &&
- ($inlabel > -1) } {
- $ldpagent msgtbl-set-labelpass $newmsgid
- } else {
- $ldpagent msgtbl-set-labelstack $newmsgid $erhop
- }
- $ldpagent send-cr-request-msg $fec
- $pathvec $er $lspid $rc
- }
- return
- } else {
- continue
- }
- }
- if { [lsearch $pathvec $erhop] < 0 } {
- set nexthop [$self get-nexthop $erhop]
- if { [$self is-egress-lsr $nexthop] == 1 } {
- # not exist MPLS-node to process a required
- # er-LSP
- set ldpagent [$self get-ldp-agent $src]
- if { $erhop == $fec } {
- # This is a final node
- $ldpagent new-msgid
- $ldpagent send-cr-mapping-msg $fec 0
- $lspid $reqmsgid
- } else {
- # be a wrong er list
- $ldpagent new-msgid
- $ldpagent send-notification-msg
- "NoRoute" $lspid
- }
- } else {
- set ldpagent [$self get-ldp-agent $nexthop]
- set working [$ldpagent msgtbl-get-msgid $fec
- $lspid $src]
- if { $working < 0 } {
- # have to make new request-msg
- set newmsgid [$ldpagent new-msgid]
- set id [$ldpagent msgtbl-install
- $newmsgid $fec
- $lspid $src $reqmsgid]
- ## for label stack
- if { $stackERhop > -1 } {
- $ldpagent msgtbl-set-labelstack $newmsgid $stackERhop
- }
- $ldpagent send-cr-request-msg $fec $pathvec $er $lspid $rc
- }
- }
- return
- }
- }
- set ldpagent [$self get-ldp-agent $src]
- if { $ldpagent != "" } {
- $ldpagent new-msgid
- $ldpagent send-notification-msg "NoRoute" $lspid
- }
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc ldp-trigger-by-withdraw {fec lspid} {
- set inlabel [$self get-incoming-label $fec $lspid]
- set iniface [$self get-incoming-iface $fec $lspid]
- $self in-label-clear $fec $lspid
- if {$iniface > -1} {
- set ldpagent [$self get-ldp-agent $iniface]
- if { $ldpagent != "" } {
- $ldpagent new-msgid
- $ldpagent send-withdraw-msg $fec $lspid
- }
- } else {
- # several upstream nodes may share a label.
- # so inform all upstream nodes to withdraw the label
- set nexthop [$self get-nexthop $fec]
- set ldpagents [lsort [$self get-ldp-agents]]
- for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $ldpagents]} {incr i 1} {
- set ldpagent [lindex $ldpagents $i]
- if { [$ldpagent peer-ldpnode] == $nexthop } {
- continue
- }
- $ldpagent new-msgid
- $ldpagent send-withdraw-msg $fec $lspid
- }
- }
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc ldp-trigger-by-release {fec lspid} {
- set outlabel [$self get-outgoing-label $fec $lspid]
- if {$outlabel < 0} {
- return
- }
- set nexthop [$self get-outgoing-iface $fec $lspid]
- $self out-label-clear $fec $lspid
- set ldpagent [$self get-ldp-agent $nexthop]
- if { $ldpagent != "" } {
- $ldpagent new-msgid
- $ldpagent send-release-msg $fec $lspid
- }
- }
- # Debugging
- RtModule/MPLS instproc trace-mpls {} {
- [$self set classifier_] set trace_mpls_ 1
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc pft-dump {} {
- # dump the records within Partial Forwarding Table(PFT)
- set nodeid [[$self node] id]
- [$self set classifier_] PFTdump $nodeid
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc erb-dump {} {
- # dump the records within Explicit Route information Base(ERB)
- set nodeid [[$self node] id]
- [$self set classifier_] ERBdump $nodeid
- }
- RtModule/MPLS instproc lib-dump {} {
- # dump the records within Label Information Base(LIB)
- set nodeid [[$self node] id]
- [$self set classifier_] LIBdump $nodeid
- }