- #
- # Copyright (c) 1997 by the University of Southern California
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
- # version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- #
- # The copyright of this module includes the following
- # linking-with-specific-other-licenses addition:
- #
- # In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of
- # this module give you permission to combine (via static or
- # dynamic linking) this module with free software programs or
- # libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL and with code
- # included in the standard release of ns-2 under the Apache 2.0
- # license or under otherwise-compatible licenses with advertising
- # requirements (or modified versions of such code, with unchanged
- # license). You may copy and distribute such a system following the
- # terms of the GNU GPL for this module and the licenses of the
- # other code concerned, provided that you include the source code of
- # that other code when and as the GNU GPL requires distribution of
- # source code.
- #
- # Note that people who make modified versions of this module
- # are not obligated to grant this special exception for their
- # modified versions; it is their choice whether to do so. The GNU
- # General Public License gives permission to release a modified
- # version without this exception; this exception also makes it
- # possible to release a modified version which carries forward this
- # exception.
- # $Header: /cvsroot/nsnam/ns-2/tcl/rtglib/route-proto.tcl,v 1.31 2005/09/16 03:05:46 tomh Exp $
- #
- # Author: <> (this email address has deprecated.)
- #
- #
- # This file only contains the methods for dynamic routing.
- # Check ../lib/ns-route.tcl for the Simulator (static) routing support
- #
- set rtglibRNG [new RNG]
- $rtglibRNG seed 1
- Class rtObject
- rtObject set unreach_ -1
- rtObject set maxpref_ 255
- # This may not be called by all routing agents. For instance, DV calls
- # this one but static does not. As a result, static routing does not have
- # rtObject on any node.
- rtObject proc init-all args {
- foreach node $args {
- if { [$node rtObject?] == "" } {
- set rtobj($node) [new rtObject $node]
- }
- }
- foreach node $args { ;# XXX
- $rtobj($node) compute-routes
- }
- }
- rtObject instproc init node {
- $self next
- $self instvar ns_ nullAgent_
- $self instvar nextHop_ rtpref_ metric_ node_ rtVia_ rtProtos_
- set ns_ [Simulator instance]
- set nullAgent_ [$ns_ set nullAgent_]
- $node init-routing $self
- set node_ $node
- foreach dest [$ns_ all-nodes-list] {
- set nextHop_($dest) ""
- if {$node == $dest} {
- set rtpref_($dest) 0
- set metric_($dest) 0
- set rtVia_($dest) "Agent/rtProto/Local" ;# make dump happy
- } else {
- set rtpref_($dest) [$class set maxpref_]
- set metric_($dest) [$class set unreach_]
- set rtVia_($dest) ""
- $node add-route [$dest id] $nullAgent_
- }
- }
- $self add-proto Direct $node
- $rtProtos_(Direct) compute-routes
- }
- rtObject instproc add-proto {proto node} {
- $self instvar ns_ rtProtos_
- set rtProtos_($proto) [new Agent/rtProto/$proto $node]
- $ns_ attach-agent $node $rtProtos_($proto)
- set rtProtos_($proto)
- }
- rtObject instproc lookup dest {
- $self instvar nextHop_ node_
- if {![info exists nextHop_($dest)] || $nextHop_($dest) == ""} {
- return -1
- } else {
- return [[$nextHop_($dest) set toNode_] id]
- }
- }
- rtObject instproc compute-routes {} {
- # choose the best route to each destination from all protocols
- $self instvar ns_ node_ rtProtos_ nullAgent_
- $self instvar nextHop_ rtpref_ metric_ rtVia_
- set protos ""
- set changes 0
- foreach p [array names rtProtos_] {
- if [$rtProtos_($p) set rtsChanged_] {
- incr changes
- $rtProtos_($p) set rtsChanged_ 0
- }
- lappend protos $rtProtos_($p)
- }
- if !$changes return
- set changes 0
- foreach dst [$ns_ all-nodes-list] {
- if {$dst == $node_} continue
- set nh ""
- set pf [$class set maxpref_]
- set mt [$class set unreach_]
- set rv ""
- foreach p $protos {
- set pnh [$p set nextHop_($dst)]
- if { $pnh == "" } continue
- set ppf [$p set rtpref_($dst)]
- set pmt [$p set metric_($dst)]
- if {$ppf < $pf || ($ppf == $pf && $pmt < $mt) || $mt < 0} {
- set nh $pnh
- set pf $ppf
- set mt $pmt
- set rv $p
- }
- }
- if { $nh == "" } {
- # no route... delete any existing routes
- if { $nextHop_($dst) != "" } {
- $node_ delete-routes [$dst id] $nextHop_($dst) $nullAgent_
- set nextHop_($dst) $nh
- set rtpref_($dst) $pf
- set metric_($dst) $mt
- set rtVia_($dst) $rv
- incr changes
- }
- } else {
- if { $rv == $rtVia_($dst) } {
- # Current protocol still has best route.
- # See if changed
- if { $nh != $nextHop_($dst) } {
- $node_ delete-routes [$dst id] $nextHop_($dst) $nullAgent_
- set nextHop_($dst) $nh
- $node_ add-routes [$dst id] $nextHop_($dst)
- incr changes
- }
- if { $mt != $metric_($dst) } {
- set metric_($dst) $mt
- incr changes
- }
- if { $pf != $rtpref_($dst) } {
- set rtpref_($dst) $pf
- }
- } else {
- if { $rtVia_($dst) != "" } {
- set nextHop_($dst) [$rtVia_($dst) set nextHop_($dst)]
- set rtpref_($dst) [$rtVia_($dst) set rtpref_($dst)]
- set metric_($dst) [$rtVia_($dst) set metric_($dst)]
- }
- if {$rtpref_($dst) != $pf || $metric_($dst) != $mt} {
- # Then new prefs must be better, or
- # new prefs are equal, and new metrics are lower
- $node_ delete-routes [$dst id] $nextHop_($dst) $nullAgent_
- set nextHop_($dst) $nh
- set rtpref_($dst) $pf
- set metric_($dst) $mt
- set rtVia_($dst) $rv
- $node_ add-routes [$dst id] $nextHop_($dst)
- incr changes
- }
- }
- }
- }
- foreach proto [array names rtProtos_] {
- $rtProtos_($proto) send-updates $changes
- }
- #
- # XXX
- # detailed multicast routing hooks must come here.
- # My idea for the hook will be something like:
- # set mrtObject [$node_ mrtObject?]
- # if {$mrtObject != ""} {
- # $mrtObject recompute-mroutes $changes
- # }
- # $changes == 0 if only interfaces changed state. Look at how
- # Agent/rtProto/DV handles ifsUp_
- # $changes > 0 if new unicast routes were installed.
- #
- $self flag-multicast $changes
- }
- rtObject instproc flag-multicast changes {
- $self instvar node_
- $node_ notify-mcast $changes
- }
- rtObject instproc intf-changed {} {
- $self instvar ns_ node_ rtProtos_ rtVia_ nextHop_ rtpref_ metric_
- foreach p [array names rtProtos_] {
- $rtProtos_($p) intf-changed
- $rtProtos_($p) compute-routes
- }
- $self compute-routes
- }
- rtObject instproc dump-routes chan {
- $self instvar ns_ node_ nextHop_ rtpref_ metric_ rtVia_
- if {$ns_ != ""} {
- set time [$ns_ now]
- } else {
- set time 0.0
- }
- puts $chan [concat "Node:t${node_}([$node_ id])tat t ="
- [format "%4.2f" $time]]
- puts $chan " Desttt nextHoptPreftMetrictProto"
- #foreach dest [lsort -command SplitObjectCompare [$ns_ all-nodes-list]] {
- foreach dest [$ns_ all-nodes-list] {
- if {[llength $nextHop_($dest)] > 1} {
- set p [split [$rtVia_($dest) info class] /]
- set proto [lindex $p [expr [llength $p] - 1]]
- foreach rt $nextHop_($dest) {
- puts $chan [format "%-5s(%d)t%-5s(%d)t%3dt%4dt %s"
- $dest [$dest id] $rt [[$rt set toNode_] id]
- $rtpref_($dest) $metric_($dest) $proto]
- }
- } elseif {$nextHop_($dest) != ""} {
- set p [split [$rtVia_($dest) info class] /]
- set proto [lindex $p [expr [llength $p] - 1]]
- puts $chan [format "%-5s(%d)t%-5s(%d)t%3dt%4dt %s"
- $dest [$dest id]
- $nextHop_($dest) [[$nextHop_($dest) set toNode_] id]
- $rtpref_($dest) $metric_($dest) $proto]
- } elseif {$dest == $node_} {
- puts $chan [format "%-5s(%d)t%-5s(%d)t%03dt%4dt %s"
- $dest [$dest id] $dest [$dest id] 0 0 "Local"]
- } else {
- puts $chan [format "%-5s(%d)t%-5s(%s)t%03dt%4dt %s"
- $dest [$dest id] "" "-" 255 32 "Unknown"]
- }
- }
- }
- rtObject instproc rtProto? proto {
- $self instvar rtProtos_
- if [info exists rtProtos_($proto)] {
- return $rtProtos_($proto)
- } else {
- return ""
- }
- }
- rtObject instproc nextHop? dest {
- $self instvar nextHop_
- $self set nextHop_($dest)
- }
- rtObject instproc rtpref? dest {
- $self instvar rtpref_
- $self set rtpref_($dest)
- }
- rtObject instproc metric? dest {
- $self instvar metric_
- $self set metric_($dest)
- }
- #
- Class rtPeer
- rtPeer instproc init {addr port cls} {
- $self next
- $self instvar addr_ port_ metric_ rtpref_
- set addr_ $addr
- set port_ $port
- foreach dest [[Simulator instance] all-nodes-list] {
- set metric_($dest) [$cls set INFINITY]
- set rtpref_($dest) [$cls set preference_]
- }
- }
- rtPeer instproc addr? {} {
- $self instvar addr_
- return $addr_
- }
- rtPeer instproc port? {} {
- $self instvar port_
- return $port_
- }
- rtPeer instproc metric {dest val} {
- $self instvar metric_
- set metric_($dest) $val
- }
- rtPeer instproc metric? dest {
- $self instvar metric_
- return $metric_($dest)
- }
- rtPeer instproc preference {dest val} {
- $self instvar rtpref_
- set rtpref_($dest) $val
- }
- rtPeer instproc preference? dest {
- $self instvar rtpref_
- return $rtpref_($dest)
- }
- #
- #Class Agent/rtProto -superclass Agent
- Agent/rtProto proc pre-init-all args {
- # By default, do nothing when a person does $ns rtproto foo.
- }
- Agent/rtProto proc init-all args {
- error "No initialization defined"
- }
- Agent/rtProto instproc init node {
- $self next
- $self instvar ns_ node_ rtObject_ preference_ ifs_ ifstat_
- set ns_ [Simulator instance]
- catch "set preference_ [[$self info class] set preference_]" ret
- if { $ret == "" } {
- set preference_ [$class set preference_]
- }
- foreach nbr [$node set neighbor_] {
- set link [$ns_ link $node $nbr]
- set ifs_($nbr) $link
- set ifstat_($nbr) [$link up?]
- }
- set rtObject_ [$node rtObject?]
- }
- Agent/rtProto instproc compute-routes {} {
- error "No route computation defined"
- }
- Agent/rtProto instproc intf-changed {} {
- }
- Agent/rtProto instproc send-updates args {
- }
- Agent/rtProto proc compute-all {} {
- }
- #
- # Static routing, the default
- #
- Class Agent/rtProto/Static -superclass Agent/rtProto
- Agent/rtProto/Static proc init-all args {
- # The Simulator knows the entire topology.
- # Hence, the current compute-routes method in the Simulator class is
- # well suited. We use it as is.
- [Simulator instance] compute-routes
- }
- #
- # Session based unicast routing
- #
- Class Agent/rtProto/Session -superclass Agent/rtProto
- Agent/rtProto/Session proc init-all args {
- [Simulator instance] compute-routes
- }
- Agent/rtProto/Session proc compute-all {} {
- [Simulator instance] compute-routes
- }
- #
- #########################################################################
- #
- # Code below this line is experimental, and should be considered work
- # in progress. None of this code is used in production test-suites, or
- # in the release yet, and hence should not be a problem to anyone.
- #
- Class Agent/rtProto/Direct -superclass Agent/rtProto
- Agent/rtProto/Direct instproc init node {
- $self next $node
- $self instvar ns_ rtpref_ nextHop_ metric_ ifs_
- foreach node [$ns_ all-nodes-list] {
- set rtpref_($node) 255
- set nextHop_($node) ""
- set metric_($node) -1
- }
- foreach node [array names ifs_] {
- set rtpref_($node) [$class set preference_]
- }
- }
- Agent/rtProto/Direct instproc compute-routes {} {
- $self instvar ifs_ ifstat_ nextHop_ metric_ rtsChanged_
- set rtsChanged_ 0
- foreach nbr [array names ifs_] {
- if {$nextHop_($nbr) == "" && [$ifs_($nbr) up?] == "up"} {
- set ifstat_($nbr) 1
- set nextHop_($nbr) $ifs_($nbr)
- set metric_($nbr) [$ifs_($nbr) cost?]
- incr rtsChanged_
- } elseif {$nextHop_($nbr) != "" && [$ifs_($nbr) up?] != "up"} {
- set ifstat_($nbr) 0
- set nextHop_($nbr) ""
- set metric_($nbr) -1
- incr rtsChanged_
- }
- }
- }
- #
- # Distance Vector Route Computation
- #
- # Class Agent/rtProto/DV -superclass Agent/rtProto
- Agent/rtProto/DV set UNREACHABLE [rtObject set unreach_]
- Agent/rtProto/DV set mid_ 0
- Agent/rtProto/DV proc init-all args {
- if { [llength $args] == 0 } {
- set nodeslist [[Simulator instance] all-nodes-list]
- } else {
- eval "set nodeslist $args"
- }
- Agent set-maxttl Agent/rtProto/DV INFINITY
- eval rtObject init-all $nodeslist
- foreach node $nodeslist {
- set proto($node) [[$node rtObject?] add-proto DV $node]
- }
- foreach node $nodeslist {
- foreach nbr [$node neighbors] {
- set rtobj [$nbr rtObject?]
- if { $rtobj != "" } {
- set rtproto [$rtobj rtProto? DV]
- if { $rtproto != "" } {
- $proto($node) add-peer $nbr [$rtproto set agent_addr_] [$rtproto set agent_port_]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Agent/rtProto/DV instproc init node {
- global rtglibRNG
- $self next $node
- $self instvar ns_ rtObject_ ifsUp_
- $self instvar preference_ rtpref_ nextHop_ nextHopPeer_ metric_ multiPath_
- foreach dest [$ns_ all-nodes-list] {
- set rtpref_($dest) $preference_
- set nextHop_($dest) ""
- set nextHopPeer_($dest) ""
- set metric_($dest) $UNREACHABLE
- }
- set ifsUp_ ""
- set multiPath_ [[$rtObject_ set node_] set multiPath_]
- set updateTime [$rtglibRNG uniform 0.0 0.5]
- $ns_ at $updateTime "$self send-periodic-update"
- }
- Agent/rtProto/DV instproc add-peer {nbr agentAddr agentPort} {
- $self instvar peers_
- $self set peers_($nbr) [new rtPeer $agentAddr $agentPort $class]
- }
- Agent/rtProto/DV instproc send-periodic-update {} {
- global rtglibRNG
- $self instvar ns_
- $self send-updates 1 ;# Anything but 0
- set updateTime [expr [$ns_ now] +
- ([$class set advertInterval] * [$rtglibRNG uniform 0.9 1.1])]
- $ns_ at $updateTime "$self send-periodic-update"
- }
- Agent/rtProto/DV instproc compute-routes {} {
- $self instvar ns_ ifs_ rtpref_ metric_ nextHop_ nextHopPeer_
- $self instvar peers_ rtsChanged_ multiPath_
- set INFINITY [$class set INFINITY]
- set MAXPREF [rtObject set maxpref_]
- set UNREACH [rtObject set unreach_]
- set rtsChanged_ 0
- foreach dst [$ns_ all-nodes-list] {
- set p [lindex $nextHopPeer_($dst) 0]
- if {$p != ""} {
- set metric_($dst) [$p metric? $dst]
- set rtpref_($dst) [$p preference? $dst]
- }
- set pf $MAXPREF
- set mt $INFINITY
- set nh(0) 0
- foreach nbr [lsort -dictionary [array names peers_]] {
- set pmt [$peers_($nbr) metric? $dst]
- set ppf [$peers_($nbr) preference? $dst]
- # if peer metric not valid continue
- # if peer pref higher continue
- # if peer pref lower set to latest values
- # else peer pref equal
- # if peer metric higher continue
- # if peer metric lower set to latest values
- # else peer metrics equal append latest values
- if { $pmt < 0 || $pmt >= $INFINITY || $ppf > $pf || $pmt > $mt }
- continue
- if { $ppf < $pf || $pmt < $mt } {
- set pf $ppf
- set mt $pmt
- unset nh ;# because we must compute *new* next hops
- }
- set nh($ifs_($nbr)) $peers_($nbr)
- }
- catch "unset nh(0)"
- if { $pf == $MAXPREF && $mt == $INFINITY } continue
- if { $pf > $rtpref_($dst) ||
- ($metric_($dst) >= 0 && $mt > $metric_($dst)) }
- continue
- if {$mt >= $INFINITY} {
- set mt $UNREACH
- }
- incr rtsChanged_
- if { $pf < $rtpref_($dst) || $mt < $metric_($dst) } {
- set rtpref_($dst) $pf
- set metric_($dst) $mt
- set nextHop_($dst) ""
- set nextHopPeer_($dst) ""
- foreach n [array names nh] {
- lappend nextHop_($dst) $n
- lappend nextHopPeer_($dst) $nh($n)
- if !$multiPath_ break;
- }
- continue
- }
- set rtpref_($dst) $pf
- set metric_($dst) $mt
- set newNextHop ""
- set newNextHopPeer ""
- foreach rt $nextHop_($dst) {
- if [info exists nh($rt)] {
- lappend newNextHop $rt
- lappend newNextHopPeer $nh($rt)
- unset nh($rt)
- }
- }
- set nextHop_($dst) $newNextHop
- set nextHopPeer_($dst) $newNextHopPeer
- if { $multiPath_ || $nextHop_($dst) == "" } {
- foreach rt [array names nh] {
- lappend nextHop_($dst) $rt
- lappend nextHopPeer_($dst) $nh($rt)
- if !$multiPath_ break
- }
- }
- }
- set rtsChanged_
- }
- Agent/rtProto/DV instproc intf-changed {} {
- $self instvar ns_ peers_ ifs_ ifstat_ ifsUp_ nextHop_ nextHopPeer_ metric_
- set INFINITY [$class set INFINITY]
- set ifsUp_ ""
- foreach nbr [lsort -dictionary [array names peers_]] {
- set state [$ifs_($nbr) up?]
- if {$state != $ifstat_($nbr)} {
- set ifstat_($nbr) $state
- if {$state != "up"} {
- if ![info exists all-nodes] {
- set all-nodes [$ns_ all-nodes-list]
- }
- foreach dest ${all-nodes} {
- $peers_($nbr) metric $dest $INFINITY
- }
- } else {
- lappend ifsUp_ $nbr
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Agent/rtProto/DV proc get-next-mid {} {
- set ret [Agent/rtProto/DV set mid_]
- Agent/rtProto/DV set mid_ [expr $ret + 1]
- set ret
- }
- Agent/rtProto/DV proc retrieve-msg id {
- set ret [Agent/rtProto/DV set msg_($id)]
- Agent/rtProto/DV unset msg_($id)
- set ret
- }
- Agent/rtProto/DV instproc send-updates changes {
- $self instvar peers_ ifs_ ifsUp_
- if $changes {
- set to-send-to [lsort -dictionary [array names peers_]]
- } else {
- set to-send-to $ifsUp_
- }
- set ifsUp_ ""
- foreach nbr ${to-send-to} {
- if { [$ifs_($nbr) up?] == "up" } {
- $self send-to-peer $nbr
- }
- }
- }
- Agent/rtProto/DV instproc send-to-peer nbr {
- $self instvar ns_ rtObject_ ifs_ peers_
- set INFINITY [$class set INFINITY]
- foreach dest [$ns_ all-nodes-list] {
- set metric [$rtObject_ metric? $dest]
- if {$metric < 0} {
- set update($dest) $INFINITY
- } else {
- set update($dest) [$rtObject_ metric? $dest]
- foreach nh [$rtObject_ nextHop? $dest] {
- if {$nh == $ifs_($nbr)} {
- set update($dest) $INFINITY
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ### modifed by Liang Guo, 11/11/99, what if there's no peer on that end?
- ### needed when only part of the network nodes are using DV routing
- if { $peers_($nbr) == "" } {
- return
- }
- ##################### End ##########
- set id [$class get-next-mid]
- $class set msg_($id) [array get update]
- # XXX Note the singularity below...
- $self send-update [$peers_($nbr) addr?] [$peers_($nbr) port?] $id [array size update]
- }
- Agent/rtProto/DV instproc recv-update {peerAddr id} {
- $self instvar peers_ ifs_ nextHopPeer_ metric_
- $self instvar rtsChanged_ rtObject_
- set INFINITY [$class set INFINITY]
- set msg [$class retrieve-msg $id]
- array set metrics $msg
- foreach nbr [lsort -dictionary [array names peers_]] {
- if {[$peers_($nbr) addr?] == $peerAddr} {
- set peer $peers_($nbr)
- if { [array size metrics] > [Node set nn_] } {
- error "$class::$proc update $peerAddr:$msg:$count is larger than the simulation topology"
- }
- set metricsChanged 0
- foreach dest [array names metrics] {
- set metric [expr $metrics($dest) + [$ifs_($nbr) cost?]]
- if {$metric > $INFINITY} {
- set metric $INFINITY
- }
- if {$metric != [$peer metric? $dest]} {
- $peer metric $dest $metric
- incr metricsChanged
- }
- }
- if $metricsChanged {
- $self compute-routes
- incr rtsChanged_ $metricsChanged
- $rtObject_ compute-routes
- } else {
- # dynamicDM multicast hack.
- # If we get a message from a neighbour, then something
- # at that neighbour has changed. While this may not
- # cause any unicast changes on our end, dynamicDM
- # looks at neighbour's routing tables to compute
- # parent-child relationships, and has to do them
- # again.
- #
- $rtObject_ flag-multicast -1
- }
- return
- }
- }
- error "$class::$proc update $peerAddr:$msg:$count from unknown peer"
- }
- Agent/rtProto/DV proc compute-all {} {
- # Because proc methods are not inherited from the parent class.
- }
- #
- # Manual routing
- #
- Class Agent/rtProto/Manual -superclass Agent/rtProto
- Agent/rtProto/Manual proc pre-init-all args {
- Node enable-module Manual
- }
- Agent/rtProto/Manual proc init-all args {
- # The user will do all routing.
- }
- ### Local Variables:
- ### mode: tcl
- ### tcl-indent-level: 4
- ### tcl-default-application: ns
- ### End: