- %!
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- %%Title: tclobject-hier
- %%CreationDate: Fri Sep 12 15:33:10 1997
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- newpath
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- closepath 1 setgray fill
- 0.373 0.620 0.627 setrgbcolor
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- newpath
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- stroke
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- stroke
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- stroke
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- stroke
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- stroke
- 1 setlinewidth
- grestore
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- grestore
- gsave
- newpath
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- gsave
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- 1 setlinewidth
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- closepath 1 setgray fill
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- newpath
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- grestore
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- newpath
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- newpath
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- newpath
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- newpath
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- gsave
- 1.415 setmiterlimit
- 2 setlinewidth
- newpath
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- grestore
- 0 setgray
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- newpath
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- gsave
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